Terra 94-124-184 - InstallationManual

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Installation manual

Terra 94/124/184

© Copyright ABB. All rights reserved


All rights to copyrights, registered trademarks, and trademarks reside with their respective
Copyright ® ABB EV Infrastructure. All rights reserved.

2 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001


1 About this document.......................................................................... 6

1.1 Function of this document...................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Target group...............................................................................................................................6
1.3 Revision history..........................................................................................................................6
1.4 Language.....................................................................................................................................6
1.5 Illustrations.................................................................................................................................6
1.6 Units of measurement..............................................................................................................6
1.7 Typographical conventions..................................................................................................... 6
1.8 How to use this document...................................................................................................... 6
1.9 General symbols and signal words.........................................................................................7
1.10 Special symbols for warnings and dangers......................................................................... 8
1.11 Related documents................................................................................................................... 8
1.12 Manufacturer and contact data..............................................................................................8
1.13 Abbreviations............................................................................................................................. 9
1.14 Terminology................................................................................................................................9
1.15 Orientation agreements.........................................................................................................10

2 Description......................................................................................... 11
2.1 Type plate.................................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Intended use..............................................................................................................................11
2.3 Working principles................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.1 Terra 94, 124 and 184 CC and CJ...........................................................................12
2.3.2 Terra 94, 124 and 184 C.......................................................................................... 13
2.4 Overview.................................................................................................................................... 14
2.4.1 Overview of the system......................................................................................... 14
2.4.2 Overview of the EVSE, outside..............................................................................15
2.4.3 Overview of the EVSE, inside................................................................................ 16
2.5 Options.......................................................................................................................................17
2.5.1 EV charge cable, Combo 2......................................................................................17
2.5.2 EV charge cable, CHAdeMO................................................................................... 17
2.5.3 Integrated payment terminal - CCV..................................................................... 17
2.6 External residual-current device........................................................................................... 18

3 Safety.................................................................................................. 19
3.1 Liability.......................................................................................................................................19
3.2 General safety instructions....................................................................................................19
3.3 Required qualifications for the installation engineer.......................................................19
3.4 Personal protective equipment............................................................................................ 20
3.5 Safety instructions during installation............................................................................... 20

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3.6 Safety instructions during transport...................................................................................21

3.7 Safety instructions for earthing............................................................................................21
3.8 Signs on the EVSE.................................................................................................................... 21
3.9 Discard parts or the EVSE...................................................................................................... 22

4 Transport............................................................................................ 23
4.1 Transport the EVSE to the site..............................................................................................23
4.2 Transport the EVSE on the site.............................................................................................23
4.2.1 Hoist the cabinet.....................................................................................................23
4.2.2 Move the cabinet with a forklift truck................................................................ 24

5 Installation......................................................................................... 25
5.1 General installation procedure............................................................................................. 25
5.2 Site preparation....................................................................................................................... 25
5.2.1 Prepare the site....................................................................................................... 25
5.2.2 Control the space and airflow around the cabinet.......................................... 26
5.3 Prepare the foundation.......................................................................................................... 26
5.3.1 Prepare the foundation - general procedure.....................................................26
5.3.2 Prepare a standard prefab foundation...............................................................26
5.3.3 Prepare a custom foundation...............................................................................27
5.4 Unpacking................................................................................................................................. 27
5.4.1 Unpacking procedure............................................................................................. 27
5.4.2 Do a check on the transport sensors.................................................................. 27
5.4.3 Remove the cabinet from the pallet....................................................................28
5.5 Mechanical installation...........................................................................................................28
5.5.1 Mechanical installation procedure...................................................................... 28
5.5.2 Open the cable inlet and remove the cable gland............................................ 28
5.5.3 Guide the cables through the opening in the cable guide plate................... 29
5.5.4 Install the cabinet on the foundation................................................................. 29
5.6 Electrical installation.............................................................................................................. 30
5.6.1 Electrical installation procedure..........................................................................30
5.6.2 Connect the wires of the AC input cable............................................................30
5.6.3 Connect the PE wire................................................................................................31
5.6.4 Connect the Ethernet cable.................................................................................. 32
5.7 Prepare for commissioning................................................................................................... 32

6 Access to parts.................................................................................. 34
6.1 Open the doors........................................................................................................................ 34
6.2 Close the doors........................................................................................................................ 34
6.3 Remove the border covers.....................................................................................................35
6.4 Install the border covers........................................................................................................ 35

4 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001

7 Troubleshooting................................................................................ 37
7.1 Troubleshooting procedure...................................................................................................37

8 Technical data....................................................................................38
8.1 EVSE type.................................................................................................................................. 38
8.2 Parts included in the delivery................................................................................................ 38
8.3 General specifications............................................................................................................ 39
8.4 Required tools for installation.............................................................................................. 39
8.5 Torque specifications............................................................................................................ 40
8.6 Ambient conditions................................................................................................................ 40
8.7 Mass and center of gravity....................................................................................................40
8.8 Noise level.................................................................................................................................40
8.9 Transport specifications........................................................................................................ 41
8.10 Dimensions............................................................................................................................... 41
8.10.1 General dimensions................................................................................................ 41
8.10.2 Cable slack................................................................................................................ 41
8.10.3 Floor space requirements..................................................................................... 42
8.10.4 Prefab foundation...................................................................................................43
8.10.5 Custom foundation................................................................................................ 44
8.11 Logic interface specifications.............................................................................................. 44
8.12 AC input specifications.......................................................................................................... 45
8.12.1 General AC input specifications...........................................................................45
8.12.2 AC input cable..........................................................................................................45
8.12.3 Terra 94.....................................................................................................................45
8.12.4 Terra 124................................................................................................................... 46
8.12.5 Terra 184...................................................................................................................46
8.13 DC output specifications.......................................................................................................46
8.13.1 General specifications........................................................................................... 46
8.13.2 Terra 94.....................................................................................................................46
8.13.3 Terra 124................................................................................................................... 48
8.13.4 Terra 184...................................................................................................................50
8.14 Power consumption................................................................................................................ 51
8.14.1 General specifications............................................................................................51
8.14.2 Terra 94..................................................................................................................... 51
8.14.3 Terra 124....................................................................................................................51
8.14.4 Terra 184................................................................................................................... 52
8.15 Current peaks during the start of a charge cycle..............................................................52

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 5
About this document

1 About this document

1.1 Function of this document

The document is only applicable for this EVSE (Terra x4), including the variants and
options listed in section 8.1.
The document gives the information that is necessary to install the EVSE.

1.2 Target group

The document is intended for qualified installation engineers.
For a description of the required qualifications, refer to section 3.3.

1.3 Revision history

Version Date Description

001 Initial version

1.4 Language
The original instructions of this document are in English (EN-US). All other language
versions are translations of the original instructions.

1.5 Illustrations
It is not always possible to show the configuration of your EVSE. The illustrations in
this document show a typical setup. They are for instruction and description only.

1.6 Units of measurement

SI units of measurement (metric system) are used. If necessary, the document
shows other units between parentheses () or in separate columns in tables.

1.7 Typographical conventions

The lists and steps in procedures have numbers (123) or letters (abc) if the sequence
is important.

1.8 How to use this document

1. Make sure that you know the structure and contents of this document.
2. Read the safety chapter and make sure that you know all the instructions.
3. Do the steps in the procedures fully and in the correct sequence.
4. Keep the document in a safe location that you can easily access. This document
is a part of the EVSE.

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About this document

1.9 General symbols and signal words

Signal word Description Symbol

Danger If you do not obey the instruction, this Refer to section

can cause injury or death. 1.10.
Warning If you do not obey the instruction, this Refer to section
can cause injury. 1.10.
Caution If you do not obey the instruction, this
can cause damage to the EVSE or to

Note A note gives more data, to make it easier

to do the steps, for example.

- Information about the condition of the

EVSE before you start the procedure.

- Requirements for personnel for a proce-


- General safety instructions for a proce-


- Information about spare parts that are

necessary for a procedure.

- Information about support equipment

that is necessary for a procedure.

- Information about supplies (consuma-

bles) that are necessary for a procedure.

- Make sure that the power supply to the

EVSE is disconnected.

- Electrotechnical expertise is required,

according to the local rules.

Note: It is possible that not all symbols or signal words are present in
this document.

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About this document

1.10 Special symbols for warnings and dangers

Symbol Risk type

General risk

Hazardous voltage that gives risk of electrocution

Risk of pinching or crushing of body parts

Rotating parts that can cause a risk of entrapment

Note: It is possible that not all symbols are present in this document.

1.11 Related documents

Document name Target group

Product data sheet All target groups

Installation manual Qualified installation engineer
User manual Owner
Service manual Qualified service engineer
Declaration of conformity (CE) All target groups

1.12 Manufacturer and contact data

ABB EV Infrastructure
Heertjeslaan 6
2629 JG Delft
The Netherlands

Contact data
The local representative of the manufacturer can give you support on the EVSE. You
can find the contact data here: https://new.abb.com/

8 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001
About this document

1.13 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Definition

AC Alternating current
CAN Controller area network
CPU Central processing unit
DC Direct current
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EV Electric vehicle
EVSE Electric vehicle supply equipment
MiD Measuring Instruments Directive
NFC Near field communication
NoBo Notified body
OCPP Open charge point protocol
PE Protective earth
PPE Personal protective equipment
RFID Radio-frequency identification

Note: It is possible that not all abbreviations are present in this


1.14 Terminology
Term Definition

Network operating center Facility of the manufacturer to do a remote check on

of the manufacturer the correct operation of the EVSE
Cabinet Enclosure of the EVSE, including the components on
the inside
CHAdeMO Japanese DC fast charging method for electric vehicles
Contractor Third party that the owner or site operator hires to do
engineering, civil and electrical installation work
Grid provider Company that is responsible for the transport and dis-
tribution of electricity
Local rules All rules that apply to the EVSE during the entire lifecy-
cle of the EVSE. The local rules also include the national
laws and regulations.
Open charge point proto- Open standard for communication with charge sta-
col tions
Owner Legal owner of the EVSE

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 9
About this document

Term Definition

Site operator Entity that is responsible for the day-to-day control of

the EVSE. The site operator does not have to be the
User Owner of an EV, who uses the EVSE to charge the EV

Note: It is possible that not all terms are present in this document.

1.15 Orientation agreements




A Front side: face forward to the X X-direction (positive is to the right)

EVSE during normal use Y Y-direction (positive is rearward)
B Left side Z Z-direction (positive is upward)
C Right side
D Rear side

10 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001

2 Description

2.1 Type plate

Part number XXXXXXXXXX
G Input xxxV x+PE- Max x.xkW/xxHz
H DC Input xxx-xxxV Max xxxA
DC Output 1 CCS2 xxx-xxxV Max xxxA DC AUX xxV xA M
DC Output 2 CHAdeMO xxx-xxxV Max xxxA

I George Hintzenweg 81,

3068 AX Rotterdam, IP54
The Nederlands
MADE IN ITALY www.abb.com

A Manufacturer H EVSE rating

B Serial number I Address of the manufacturer
C Part number of the EVSE J CE mark
D Production date K Barcode with the serial number of
E Internal product code (for the the EVSE
manufacturer) L Barcode with the part number of
F Full EVSE type the EVSE
G EVSE mass M Additional EVSE rating data
Note: Find the type plate on your EVSE to see the applicable data. Refer
to section 2.4.2.

2.2 Intended use

The EVSE is intended for the DC charging of EVs. The EVSE is intended for indoor or
outdoor use.
The properties of the electrical grid, the ambient conditions and the EV must
comply with the technical data of the EVSE. Refer to chapter 8.
Only use the EVSE with accessories that the manufacturer provides and that obey
the local rules.

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General risk
• If you use the EVSE in any other way than described in the related
documents, you can cause death, injury and damage.
• Use the EVSE only as intended.

2.3 Working principles

2.3.1 Terra 94, 124 and 184 CC and CJ


G 1 J



A AC input cable N Insulation management interface
B Manual switch O Charge protocol interface
C EMC filter P Surge-protection device
D AC contactor Q Residual-current device
E Residual-current device and R Heater
breaker S Auxiliary power supply
F Power module matrix T Cabinet controller board
G Power module U Power bridge
H DC filter V Touchscreen
I DC contactor W Cooling fan
J DC fuse X LED for the illumination of the
K Overcorrect protection device exterior of the EVSE
L Charge cable 1 CAN bus signal 1
M Interlink contactor 2 CAN bus signal 2
• Black and bold lines: power connection
• Black and thin lines: auxiliary power connection
• Green lines: CAN bus
• Purple lines: control signal or monitoring signal

12 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001

Note: For Terra 94, the second array of three power modules is empty.

2.3.2 Terra 94, 124 and 184 C


G 1



A AC input cable N Charge protocol interface
B Manual switch O Surge-protection device
C EMC filter P Residual-current device
D AC contactor Q Heater
E Residual-current device and R Auxiliary power supply
breaker S Cabinet controller board
F Power module matrix T Power bridge
G Power module U Touchscreen
H DC filter V Cooling fan
I DC contactor W LED for the illumination of the
J DC fuse exterior of the EVSE
K Overcurrent protection device 1 CAN bus signal 1
L Charge cable 2 CAN bus signal 2
M Insulation management interface
• Black and bold lines: power connection
• Black and thin lines: auxiliary power connection
• Green lines: CAN bus
• Purple lines: control signal or monitoring signal
Note: For Terra 94, the second array of three power modules is empty.

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 13

2.4 Overview
2.4.1 Overview of the system


A EV D AC input cable
B Parking space E Power distribution board
C EVSE F EV charge cable

Part Function

EV The EV of which the batteries need to be charged

EVSE Refer to section 2.4.2.
Parking space Location for the EV during the charge session
AC input cable To supply the electrical energy to the EVSE
Power distribution board To connect the EVSE to the AC grid input
EV charge cable To conduct the charge from the EVSE to the EV

14 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001

2.4.2 Overview of the EVSE, outside




A Left door H Emergency stop button
B Type plate I Touchscreen
C Air inlet J Front door
D Cover on the air outlet K Enclosure
E Border cover L Antenna
F EV charge cable outlet and holder M Right door
(1x or 2x) N Air outlet
G Plate over the RFID reader and the
integrated payment terminal

Part Function

Front, left and right door To give authorized personnel access to the inside of
the EVSE
Type plate To show the identification data of the EVSE. Refer to
section 2.1.
Air inlet and outlet To let cooling air in and out. The airflow makes sure
that the parts on the inside of the EVSE do not become
too hot.
Cover on the air outlet To prevent a blockage of the air outlet
Border cover To cover the lower part of the EVSE
EV charge cable outlet and To connect and hold the EV charge cable. Refer to sec-
holder tion 2.5.
RFID reader To read the information from an RFID card
Payment terminal To pay for the charge session
Emergency stop button To stop the EVSE when there is an emergency
Touchscreen To control and monitor the charge session

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Part Function

Enclosure To reduce the accessibility of unqualified persons to

the inside of the EVSE
Antenna To send and receive wireless 2G, 3G and 4G signals

2.4.3 Overview of the EVSE, inside



A Main breaker 2 E Ethernet connection

B Main breaker 1 F Cable guide plate
C PE busbar G Manual switch
D Surge protection device switch H Auxiliary power supply breaker

Part Function

Main breaker 2 To connect or disconnect the power modules group 2

Main breaker 1 To connect or disconnect the power modules group 1
PE busbar To connect the PE cable
Surge protection device Breaker to protect the surge protection device, always
switch in the on position
Ethernet connection Connection for the Ethernet cable
Cable guide plate Plate with openings for the AC input cable and the
Ethernet cable
Manual switch To connect or disconnect the AC power input
Auxiliary power supply To connect or disconnect the AC power input to or
breaker from the auxiliary power for the control circuit

16 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001

2.5 Options
2.5.1 EV charge cable, Combo 2

A EV charge cable

2.5.2 EV charge cable, CHAdeMO

A EV charge cable

2.5.3 Integrated payment terminal - CCV

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 17

2.6 External residual-current device

The manufacturer does not supply an external residual-current device. If an external
residual-current device is required because of local rules, this section helps you to
select the correct device.

Situation: the local rules require an immunity for short current peaks over PE
during the EV charging process
At the start of the EV charge cycle, a relay switches and engages the AC input power
to the power modules. Incidental current peaks can occur. For the specifications of
the current peaks, refer to section 8.15.
A combination of these factors is the source of these current peaks:
• Asynchronous engagement of the phases in the relay
• The electrical capacity of the AC input power part of the EVSE
The amplitude of the current peaks can change. These factors are the source of the
• The location of the EVSE
• The power grid
• The earth impedance

18 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001

3 Safety

3.1 Liability
The manufacturer is not liable to the purchaser of the EVSE or to third parties for
damages, losses, costs or expenses incurred by the purchaser or third parties if any
target group mentioned in the related documents does not obey the rules below:
• Obey the instructions in the related documents. Refer to section 1.11.
• Do not misuse or abuse the EVSE.
• Only make changes to the EVSE, if the manufacturer approves in writing of the
This EVSE is designed to be connected to and to communicate information and
data via a network interface. It is the sole responsibility of the owner to provide and
continuously ensure a secure connection between the EVSE and the network of the
owner or any other network.
The owner shall establish and maintain any appropriate measures (such as - but not
limited to - the installation of firewalls, application of authentication measures,
encryption of data and installation of anti-virus programs) to protect the EVSE, the
network, its system and the interface against any kind of security breaches,
unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or
The manufacturer is not liable for damages and/or losses related to such security
breaches, any unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of
data or information.

3.2 General safety instructions

• This document, the related documents and the warnings included do not
replace your responsibility to use your common sense when you do work on the
• Only do the procedures that the related documents show and that you are
qualified for.
• Obey the local rules and the instructions in this manual. If the local rules
contradict the instructions in this manual, the local rules will apply.
If and to the extent permitted by law, in case of inconsistency or contradiction,
between any requirements or procedure contained in this document and any
such local rules, obey the stricter between the requirements and procedures
specified in this document and the local rules.

3.3 Required qualifications for the installation engineer

• The qualified installation engineer fully knows the EVSE and its safe installation.
• The installation engineer is qualified to work on high-voltage and high-current
electrical installations.

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 19

• The qualified installation engineer obeys all local rules and the instructions in
the installation manual.
• It is the responsibility of the owner of the EVSE to make sure that all qualified
installation engineers obey the local rules, the installation instructions, and the
specifications of the EVSE.

3.4 Personal protective equipment

Symbol Description

Protective clothing

Safety gloves

Safety shoes

Safety glasses

3.5 Safety instructions during installation

Preliminary requirements

1. •

• Do not use adaptors or conversion adapters.

• Do not use cord extension sets.
• Make sure that there is no voltage on the AC input cables during the complete
installation procedure.
• Keep unqualified personnel at a safe distance during installation.
• Only use electrical wires of sufficient gauge and insulation to handle the rated
current and voltage demand.
• Make sure that the load capacity of the grid is in accordance with the EVSE.
• Earth the EVSE correctly. Refer to section 3.7.
• Make sure that the wiring inside the EVSE is protected from damage and cannot
get trapped when you open or close the cabinet.
• Make sure that water cannot enter the cabinet.
• Protect the EVSE with safety devices that the local rules specify.

20 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001

• If it is necessary to remove safety devices, immediately install the safety devices

after the work.
• Put on the correct personal protective equipment. Refer to section 3.4.

3.6 Safety instructions during transport

Preliminary requirements

• Make sure that the hoisting equipment or forklift truck can lift the EVSE safely.
Take into account the mass and the center of gravity of the EVSE.
• Obey the safety instructions that apply to the hoisting equipment or the forklift
• Put on the correct personal protective equipment. Refer to section 3.4.

3.7 Safety instructions for earthing

Preliminary requirements

• Make sure that the EVSE is connected to an earthed, metal, permanent electrical
system. Alternatively, install an equipment-earthing conductor with circuit
conductors. Connect this earthing conductor to an equipment-earthing terminal
or lead on battery charger.
• Make sure that the connections to the EVSE comply with all applicable local

3.8 Signs on the EVSE

Symbol Risk type

General risk

Hazardous voltage that gives risk of electrocution

Risk of pinching or crushing of body parts

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 21

Symbol Risk type

Rotating parts cat can cause a risk of entrapment


Sign that means that you must read the manual before
you install the EVSE

Waste from electrical and electronic equipment

Note: It is possible that not all symbols are present on the EVSE.

3.9 Discard parts or the EVSE

• Obey the local rules to discard parts, packaging material or the EVSE.

22 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001

4 Transport

4.1 Transport the EVSE to the site

A transport company delivers the EVSE close to the site. The movement of the EVSE
to its final location is your responsibility.
• If you need to store the EVSE before installation, obey the ambient conditions
for storage. Refer to section 8.6.

4.2 Transport the EVSE on the site

4.2.1 Hoist the cabinet
Preliminary requirements

1. The cabinet is unpacked. • Hoisting equipment,

Refer to section 5.4.1. including cables, swivel eye
bolts or bolts with lifting
loops. Refer to section 8.4.

Risk of pinching or crushing, the cabinet is heavy
• Make sure that the hoisting equipment can lift the cabinet safely.
Obey the safety instructions that apply to the hoisting equipment.
Take into account the dimensions, the mass and the center of gravity
of the EVSE. Refer to chapter 8.
• Do not drop the cabinet.
• Do not tilt the cabinet more than allowed. Refer to section 8.9.

1. Install the swivel eye bolts or bolts
with lifting loops (A).
2. Connect the cables (B) of the hoisting B
equipment to the swivel eye bolts or
bolts with lifting loops.
3. Move the cabinet to the correct

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 23

4.2.2 Move the cabinet with a forklift truck

Preliminary requirements

1. The cabinet is unpacked. • Forklift truck. Refer to

Refer to section 5.4.1. section 8.4.

Risk of pinching or crushing, the cabinet is heavy
• Make sure that the forklift truck can lift the cabinet safely. Obey the
safety instructions that apply to the forklift truck. Take into account
the mass, the dimensions and the center of gravity of the EVSE. Refer
to chapter 8.
• Do not drop the cabinet.
• Do not tilt the cabinet more than allowed. Refer to section 8.9.

1. Move the forks (A) of the forklift truck
in the gaps at the side of the cabinet.
2. Move the cabinet to the correct

24 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001

5 Installation

5.1 General installation procedure

Preliminary requirements

1. All required permits to • There is no voltage on the

agree with the local rules, AC input cable during the
are granted. complete installation
2. The AC input cable is procedure.

• Tools for installation. Refer

to section 8.4.

1. Prepare the site. Refer to section 5.2.1.
2. Unpack the EVSE. Refer to section 5.4.1.
3. Move the cabinet above the correct location. Refer to section 4.2.
Note: Make sure that there is some distance between the foundation
and the cabinet to guide the cables into the EVSE.

4. Do the mechanical installation. Refer to section 5.5.1.

5. Do the electrical installation. Refer to section 5.6.1.
6. Prepare for commissioning. Refer to section 5.7.

5.2 Site preparation

5.2.1 Prepare the site
1. Make sure that the space and the airflow around the cabinet is sufficient. Refer
to section 5.2.2.
2. If the local rules require the installation of an external residual-current device,
install an external residual-current device. Refer to section 2.6.
3. Design the site so that the charge cables can get to the inlet for the charge
cables on the EVs. For the length of the charge cables, refer to section 8.10.1.
4. Prepare the cables:
• AC input cable. Refer to section 8.12.2.
• PE wire. The diameter depends on the length, method of installation and
other factors. Make sure that the PE wire agrees with the safety instructions.
Refer to section 3.7.
• Ethernet cable, if no wireless 2G/3G/4G signal is available. Refer to section
8.11. Contact the manufacturer if you require a specific configuration. Refer
to section 1.12.
• The cables enter the cabinet from the bottom.
• Take into account the maximum opening of the cable inlet when
you prepare the cables. Refer to section 8.10.1.

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 25

5. If you use an Ethernet cable, make sure that the internet connection is available
for an approved service engineer and the network operating center of the
6. Make sure that the cable slack is sufficient to guide the cables in the cabinet.
Refer to section 8.10.2.
7. Prepare the foundation for the cabinet. Refer to section 5.3.1.

5.2.2 Control the space and airflow around the cabinet

1. Make sure that the floor space agrees with the requirements. Refer to section
2. Make sure that the air flow inlet and outlet cannot get blocked. Think of snow or

5.3 Prepare the foundation

5.3.1 Prepare the foundation - general procedure
1. Select the correct foundation, based on the surface you install the cabinet on.
2. Embed the cables in the ground with or without a cable duct. Refer to the local

5.3.2 Prepare a standard prefab foundation

Preliminary requirements

• Prefab foundation. Refer to section 8.10.4.

1. Make the foundation (A). Do one of
these steps:
• Contact the manufacturer to order A
the foundation for your EVSE.
Refer to section 1.12.
• Make the foundation according to
the specifications.

2. Dig the hole for the foundation (B). For

the specifications, refer to section B
Caution: Make sure that the
top surface of the C
foundation is above the
ground level, to prevent
intrusion of water.

3. Guide the cables to the locations (C).

4. Install the foundation in the hole.
5. Put the cables through the openings (D) in the foundation. Apply the full cable
6. Fill the foundation with gravel or another substance to prevent rodents to enter
the cabinet.

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5.3.3 Prepare a custom foundation

Preliminary requirements

• Custom foundation. Refer to section 8.10.5.

1. Make the custom foundation.
2. Route the cables through the opening in the foundation. Apply the full cable

5.4 Unpacking
5.4.1 Unpacking procedure
1. Do a check on the transport sensors. Refer to section 5.4.2.
2. Remove the packaging material.
3. Discard the packaging material. Refer to section 3.9.
4. Do a visual check for damage on the outside and inside of the EVSE.
5. Make sure that all parts are delivered according to the order. Refer to the order
and section 8.2.
6. If you find damage or the parts are not according to the order, contact the local
representative of the manufacturer.
7. Remove the border covers. Refer to section 6.3.
8. Remove the cabinet from the pallet. Refer to section 5.4.3.

5.4.2 Do a check on the transport sensors

1. Do a check on the sensors (A) that A B
record the shocks during transport. TiltWatch PLUS
2. Do a check on the sensors (B) that
record the maximum tilt during
3. If the sensors (A) show a red ShockWatch
indication or the sensors (B) show a
tilt that is too high, do these steps:
TiltWatch PLUS
For the transport specifications, refer
to section 8.9.
a. Refuse the delivery of the EVSE.
b. Make a note on the delivery ShockWatch
receipt. A B
c. Within three days of the delivery,
ask the transport company for an inspection.
d. If you see damage on the cabinet, through the packaging material, do not
unpack the EVSE.
e. Contact the manufacturer and give details of the delivery problems. Refer to
section 1.12.

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 27

5.4.3 Remove the cabinet from the pallet

Preliminary requirements

• Open spanner

1. Remove the fasteners (A).
2. Discard the fasteners and the pallet.
Refer to section 3.9.

5.5 Mechanical installation

5.5.1 Mechanical installation procedure
Preliminary requirements

1. The cabinet is above the foundation.

1. Open the cable inlet and remove the cable gland. Refer to section 5.5.2.
2. Guide the cables through the openings in the cable guide plate. Refer to section
3. Install these parts:
1. Cabinet on the foundation. Refer to section 5.5.4.
2. Border covers. Refer to section 6.4.

5.5.2 Open the cable inlet and remove the cable gland
Preliminary requirements

• Open spanner

28 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001

1. Open the front and right doors. Refer
to section 6.1. C
2. Loosen the fasteners (A).
3. Move the sliding plate (B) to open the
cable inlet.
4. If it is necessary, remove the cable
gland (C) for the Ethernet cable.
Caution: If the cable gland
for the Ethernet cable is not
used, make sure that the
cable gland is closed and

5.5.3 Guide the cables through the opening in the cable guide plate
Preliminary requirements

1. The front and right doors are open.

2. The cable inlet is open.

1. If it is necessary, install the cable
gland (A) over the Ethernet cable (B).
2. Guide the wires (C) of the AC input
cable and the PE wire through the
cable inlet. A
3. Pull the wires and cable through the
gland plate and the cable inlet. Apply
the full cable slack.
4. Close the sliding plate (D). E
5. Tighten the fasteners (E).
6. Close the doors. Refer to section 6.2.


5.5.4 Install the cabinet on the foundation

Preliminary requirements

• Open spanner • Fasteners M10 (bolts and

washers), 8x

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 29

1. Carefully lower the cabinet on the
foundation. Refer to section 4.2. Make
sure that the holes in the cabinet (A)
and the foundation (B) are aligned.
Caution: Make sure that
there is no kink in the

2. Install the fasteners (C).

3. Tighten the fasteners.

5.6 Electrical installation

5.6.1 Electrical installation procedure
Preliminary requirements

1. Open the front and right doors. Refer to section 6.1.
2. Connect the wires of the AC input cable. Refer to section 5.6.2.
3. Connect the PE wire. Refer to section 5.6.3.
4. If it is necessary, connect the Ethernet cable. Refer to section 5.6.4.
5. Close the doors. Refer to section 6.2.

5.6.2 Connect the wires of the AC input cable

Preliminary requirements

1. The front and right doors • Wire end rings M11

are open. • Fasteners M11

• Wire stripper pliers •

• Wire end ring tool
• Torque socket wrench

30 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001

1. Prepare the wires: G
a. Cut the wires (A) to (D) so they can
reach the connectors on the E
manual switch (E).
b. Strip the insulation from the end F
or the wires. Make sure that the K
strip length agrees with the wire J
end rings. I
c. Attach the wire end rings (F) to the H
end of the wires. Use the wire end
ring tool.
2. Attach the wires to the connectors: D
• Brown L1 wire (A) to the connector A B
• Black L2 wire (B) to the connector (I)
• Gray L3 wire (C) to the connector (J)
• Blue neutral wire (D) to the connector (K)
Use the fasteners (G).
3. Tighten the fasteners to the correct torque. For the specification, refer to
section 8.5.

5.6.3 Connect the PE wire

Preliminary requirements

1. The front and right doors • Wire end ring M11

are open. • Fasteners M11

• Wire stripper pliers •

• Wire end ring tool
• Torque socket wrench

1. Prepare the wire: D
a. Cut the PE wire (A) so that it can
reach the PE busbar (B).
b. Strip the insulation from the end
or the wire. Make sure that the C
strip length agrees with the wire
end ring. B
c. Attach the wire end ring (C) to the
end of the wire. Use the wire end
ring tool.
2. Attach the PE wire to the PE busbar.
Use the fasteners (D).
3. Tighten the fasteners to the correct
torque. For the specification, refer to
section 8.5.

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 31

5.6.4 Connect the Ethernet cable

Preliminary requirements

1. The front and right doors are open.

1. Connect the Ethernet cable (A) to the
Ethernet RJ45 socket (B).


5.7 Prepare for commissioning

Hazardous voltage
• Do not commission the EVSE. Only a service engineer of the
manufacturer is qualified to commission the EVSE.

32 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001

1. Tell the owner that the EVSE is ready for commissioning.

2. Make sure that the site agrees with these requirements:
• The EVSE is installed.
• AC input power is available from the grid provider.
• You are present during the commissioning, for assistance and to energize
the power to the EVSE on the power distribution board.
• Internet access is available, through 2G/3G/4G or through a wired Ethernet
• An EV must be available with a compatible connection. If the EVSE has more
than one connection type, an EV of each type must be available.
• The site operator or owner is available to receive instructions from the
service engineer of the manufacturer.

3. Make sure that these data are available:

• Contact data of the contact person on site
• Address of the EVSE
• Site name
• Exact location of the EVSE: longitude and latitude. If there are more EVSEs
on one location, make sure that the coordinates are slightly different (at
least 0.0001 degree) so that the EVSEs are not at the same location on the
• Specification of the external fuse at the power distribution board
• Date that the installation is done
• Special remarks, for example to decline the authorization for the service
engineer of the manufacturer to take photos
• Photo of the surroundings of the EVSE

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 33
Access to parts

6 Access to parts

6.1 Open the doors

Preliminary requirements

• Door key

Note: There is one unique door key for each cabinet.

1. Unlock the lock (A) of the front door
(B). Use the door key. C
2. Open the front door.
3. If necessary, open the left or right
doors (C) through the opening of the B
front door. C

6.2 Close the doors

Preliminary requirements

• Door key

Hazardous voltage
• Make sure that only qualified persons have access to the door key.

Note: There is one unique door key for each cabinet.

34 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001
Access to parts

1. If the left or right doors (A) are open,
close the doors through the opening A
of the front door.
2. Close the front door (B).
3. Lock the lock (C) of the front door. Use B
the door key. A

6.3 Remove the border covers

Preliminary requirements

• Set of hex keys

1. Remove these parts: A
1. Fasteners (A)
2. Border covers (B)


6.4 Install the border covers

Preliminary requirements

• Set of hex keys

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 35
Access to parts

1. Install these parts: B
1. Border covers (A)
2. Fasteners (B)


36 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001

7 Troubleshooting

7.1 Troubleshooting procedure

1. Try to find a solution for the problem with the aid of the information in this
2. If you cannot find a solution for the problem, contact your local representative
of the manufacturer. Refer to section 1.12.

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 37
Technical data

8 Technical data

8.1 EVSE type

The EVSE type is a code.
The code is made out of 4 parts: T UV W

Code part Description Value Meaning of the val-


T Brand Terra -
U Power rating 9 90 kW
12 120 kW
18 180 kW
V Design generation 4 Fourth generation
W EV charge cable C One CCS connec-
connection tion
CC Two CCS connec-
CJ One CCS connec-
tion and one Cha-
deMo connection

Terra 94 C:
• T = Terra, Brand = Terra
• U = 9, Power rating = 90 kW
• V = 4, Design generation = fourth generation
• W = C, EV charge cable connection = one CCS connection

8.2 Parts included in the delivery

Parameter Specification

EVSE Refer to the type plate. Refer to section

Door key Door key for for the cabinet

Note: It is possible that more parts are required in the delivery. Refer to
the order.

38 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001
Technical data

8.3 General specifications

Parameter Specification

Compliance and safety CE

CHAdeMO 1.2
IP rating The type plate shows the specification.
Refer to section 2.1.
IK rating according to IEC 62262: enclo- IK10
IK rating according to IEC 62262: IK08
EMC rating Class B

8.4 Required tools for installation

Parameter Specification

Philips screwdriver Size: PH2

Slot screwdriver Size: 4.5 and 2.5 mm
Hex keys Size: 5, 5.5 and 6 mm
Torx screwdriver Size: 15, 20 and 25
Torx angled or bit with ratchet Size: 20
Open spanner Size: M5 (8mm), M6 (10 mm), M10 (15
mm), M12 (19 mm) and M16 (24 mm)
Torque socket wrench 5 to 20 Nm, size M8 (13 mm) and M6 (10
Ratchet spanner with socket and exten- Size: M5 (8 mm) and M6 (10 mm)
Tie-wraps Standard
Voltage tester To switch 200 mA of test current (exam-
ple: Duspol)
Digital multimeter Standard
Hoisting equipment or forklift truck Capable to lift the EVSE safely. Take into
account the dimensions, the mass, the
center of gravity and the maximum tilt
angle. Refer to different sections in this
Swivel eye bolts or bolts with lifting Thread M10
loops (to use with hoisting equipment)
Wire stripper pliers To strip the wires of the AC input cable
Wire end ring tool Size: M11

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 39
Technical data

8.5 Torque specifications

Parameter Specification [Nm]

Fasteners for the PE wire Between 33 and 44

Fasteners for the L1, L2, L3 and neutral Between 33 and 44

8.6 Ambient conditions

Parameter Specification

Environment, general Indoor and outdoor

Storage temperature -40°C to +70°C
Temperature during use -35°C to +50°C
Maximum altitude above sea level 2500 m
Temperature derating 40°C

8.7 Mass and center of gravity


Mass Specification

Cabinet The type plate shows the specification.

Refer to section 2.1.

Center of gravity

Location of center of gravity Specification [mm]

X 207
Y 385
Z 1049

Note: The coordinates correspond with the agreements in section 1.15.

0,0,0 is the left bottom front side of the EVSE.

8.8 Noise level

Noise level Specification

Maximum noise level < 62 dB(A)

40 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001
Technical data

8.9 Transport specifications

Parameter Specification

Maximum tilt angle during transport 30°

8.10 Dimensions
8.10.1 General dimensions
Parameter Specification [mm]

Width of the cabinet (X-dimension) 565

Depth of the cabinet (Y-dimension 880
Height of the cabinet (Z-dimension) 1900
Length of the charge cable 6000
8000 (optional)
Maximum opening size of the cable inlet 206 x 30

8.10.2 Cable slack

Parameter Specification [mm]

Required cable slack for the Ethernet ca- 1000

ble (measured from the top of the foun-
Required cable slack for the AC input ca- 1000
ble (measured from the top of the foun-

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 41
Technical data

8.10.3 Floor space requirements


X2 X2



A Cabinet Y1 Total depth

X1 Total width Y2 Space to open the front door
X2 Space for air inlet and to open the Y3 Space for air outlet
left and right doors

Parameter Specification [mm]

X1 1550
X2 510
Y1 1460
Y2 600
Y3 100

42 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001
Technical data

8.10.4 Prefab foundation






A Foundation X2 Width of the hole

B Hole for the foundation Y2 Depth of the hole
X1 Width of the foundation Z2 Height of the hole
Y1 Depth of the foundation Z3 Distance of the foundation above
Z1 Height of the foundation the ground level

Parameter Specification [mm]

X1 579
Y1 814
Z1 600
X2 600
Y2 850
Z2 585
Z3 15

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 43
Technical data

8.10.5 Custom foundation

Y3 X1

X2 Y2

A Holes to install the fasteners of the B Hole for the cables


Parameter Specification [mm]

A M10, depth 60
B 100 x 100
X1 50
X2 378
X3 189
Y1 648
Y2 125
Y3 324

8.11 Logic interface specifications

General specifications

Parameter Specification

RFID standard ISO 14443 A+ B to part 4 and ISO/IEC

RFID-supported applications Mifare, NFC, Calypso, Ultralight, Pay-
Pass, HID and other
Network connection 3G/4G modem 10/100 Base-T Ethernet

44 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001
Technical data

Ethernet cable

Parameter Specification

Ethernet type RJ45

Cable type 8P + PE, shielded
Example of a cable for distance of 75 m HELUKAT 600E
or less
Bandwidth, upload Minimum 128 kbit/s
Bandwidth, download Minimum 4 Mbit/s
Availability 99.9%

8.12 AC input specifications

8.12.1 General AC input specifications
Parameter Specification

Input AC power connection 3P + N + PE

Earthing systems TN-S
Input voltage range 400 VAC +/- 10% (50 Hz or 60 Hz)
Power factor at full load > 0.96
Efficiency > 94% at nominal output power
Total harmonic distortion (current) < 5%

8.12.2 AC input cable

Parameter Specification

Cable shielding (optional) If the local rules require shielded cables,

the cable shielding must be connected
to the PE rail at both ends of the cable.
Diameter of the phase conductors Refer to the local rules.
Diameter of the PE conductor The same as the diameter of the phase
Surface minimum 150 mm²
Diameter, including shielding 34 to 45 mm

8.12.3 Terra 94
Parameter Specification [A]

Maximum rated input current 140

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 45
Technical data

Note: There are power limiting options available. Ask the manufacturer.

8.12.4 Terra 124

Parameter Specification [A]

Maximum rated input current 185

Note: There are power limiting options available. Ask the manufacturer.

8.12.5 Terra 184

Parameter Specification [A]

Maximum rated input current 280

Note: There are power limiting options available. Ask the manufacturer.

8.13 DC output specifications

8.13.1 General specifications
Parameter Specification

DC output voltage range, CCS 150-920 V DC

DC output voltage range, CHAdeMO 150-500 V DC
Minimum DC output current 15 A
Connection standard CHAdeMO 1.2

8.13.2 Terra 94
Parameter Specification

DC output power, mode 1, continuously Maximum 90 kW

on one EV charge cable
Simultaneous DC on two outlets No. One DC output operates at a time.
Maximum DC output current, CCS or 200 A

46 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001
Technical data

• You can upgrade the EVSE to deliver 120 kW or 180 kW and enable
parallel charging on two EVs.
• You can install a different EV charge cable to increase the output

Output current in function of output voltage






100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

A Output current [A] B Output voltage [V]

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 47
Technical data

Output power in function of output voltage

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

A Output power [kW] B Output voltage [V]

8.13.3 Terra 124

Parameter Specification

DC output power, mode 1, continuously Maximum 120 kW

on one EV charge cable
DC output power, mode 2, continuously Maximum 60 kW
on two EV charge cables
Simultaneous DC on two outlets Yes. Two DC outputs operate in parallel.
Maximum DC output current 200 A
Maximum DC output current 300 A
Cooled cable (option)

• The user can select mode 1 or 2.
• You can install a cooled cable on a standard EVSE.

48 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001
Technical data

Output current in function of output voltage






100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

A Output current [A] B Output voltage [V]

Output power in function of output voltage

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

A Output power [kW] B Output voltage [V]

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 49
Technical data

8.13.4 Terra 184

Parameter Specification

DC output power, mode 1, continuously Maximum 180 kW

on one EV charge cable
DC output power, mode 2, continuously Maximum 90 kW
on two EV charge cables
Simultaneous DC on 2 outlets Yes. Two DC outputs operate in parallel.
Maximum DC output current 200 A
Maximum DC output current 300 A
Cooled cable (option)

• The user can select mode 1 or 2.
• You can install a cooled cable on a standard EVSE.

Output current in function of output voltage






100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

A Output current [A] B Output voltage [V]

50 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001
Technical data

Output power in function of output voltage

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

A Output power [kW] B Output voltage [V]

8.14 Power consumption

8.14.1 General specifications
Parameter Specification

Standby power 80 W, excluding the heater

Note: The heater will operate daily when the outside air reaches the dew
point, to avoid condensation inside the cabinet. When the heater
operaters, the heater will use most of the required standby power.

8.14.2 Terra 94
Parameter Specification [kVA)

Power consumption during normal oper- 5.4


8.14.3 Terra 124

Parameter Specification [kVA)

Power consumption during normal oper- 7.2


BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 51
Technical data

8.14.4 Terra 184

Parameter Specification (kVA)

Power consumption during normal oper- 10.8


8.15 Current peaks during the start of a charge cycle

Parameter Specification

Duration of the current peaks 25 µs

Maximum current peak 60 A

52 BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001
Technical data

BCM.S1102.0-EN | 001 53

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