Grade 8 Diagnostic Test

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Department of Education

Region VIII
Tacloban City Division
District Learning Center I
Cabalawan, Tacloban City
S.Y. 2022-2023


Grade & Sec: ________________________________ Teacher:_________________________________
DIRECTION: Read and understand the sentence, choose the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. Complete the statement; x 2−100=¿ (___)(___).

A. (x+10) (x+10) C. (x-10) (x+10)

B. (x-10) (x-10) D. (x2+10) (x2+10)
2. The longest side of the triangle is 4 more than the shortest side. The middle side is two more than
the shortest side. What are the length of the sides of the triangle?
A. 3, 4, 5 B. 6, 8, 10 C. 6, 7, 8 D. 4, 5, 6
3. A rational expression is a/an____________.
A. Fraction
B. Ratio of two polynomials with denominators not equal to zero
C. Fraction whose numerator and denominator contain fractions.
D. Expression involving fractions.
28 a+21 b+7
4. The rational expression is equal to ____________.
A. 4a + 3b + 1 C. 4a – 3b + 1
B. 4a + 3b D. 4a – 3b – 1
3 1
5. The simplest form of + 2 is ____________.
2 a−4 a −4
3 a+ 8 3a 8 3 a+8
A. B. C. 2 D. 2
2(a¿¿ 2−4)¿ 2 a −4 a −4
6. Lee Ann added two rational algebraic expressions and her solution is presented below.
4 x +3 3 x−4 4 x+3+ 3 x −4 7 x +1
+ = =
2 3 2+3 5
Is her something wrong in her solution?
A. Yes, solve first the GCF before adding the rational algebraic expressions.
B. Yes, cross multiply the numerator of the first expression to the denominator of the second
C. Yes. She must express first the expression as similar fractions.
D. Yes, 4x-4 is equal to x.
7. It is formed by two number lines, one horizontal and one vertical, that intersects at their origins.
A. Cartesian Coordinate System C. Quadrants
B. Ordered Pairs D. x and y intercepts
8. It is the standard form of a linear equation.
A. Ax + By = C C. y = mx + b
y 2−¿ y
B. m =
¿ D. y – y1 = m (x – x1)
x2−¿ x ¿

9. It refers to the steepness of the line.

A. Domain C. Range
B. Slope D. y-intercept
10. Find the slope of the line passing through (3, 4) and (8, -1).
A. -1 C.
B. D. 1
11. Rewrite the equation 2x + 5y = 10 in the slope intercept form.
−2 −2
A. y= x+ 2 C. y = x +10
5 5
2 2
B. y = x +2 D. y = x +10
5 5
12. Examine the given graph below, which of the following is the
equation of the given graph.

2 2
A. y = - x–2 C. y = x+2
3 3
2 2
B. y = - x +2 D. y = x−2
3 3
13. Construct the graph of the given equation with the slope -3 and a y-intercept 1.
A. C.

B. D.
14. Which of the following is the equation of a line with a slope of 0 and passing through the point ( 4,
A. x = -6 C. x = 4
B. x = -4 D. x = 6

15. Which of the following is a system of linear equations in two variables?

A. 2x – 7y = 8 C. x + 9y = 2
B. 3x + 5y = -2 2x – 3y > 12
x – 4y = 9 D. 4x + 1 = 8
16. Which of the following shows the graph of the system 2x + y < 2 x – 4y > 9 ?
A. C.

B. D.

17. Which system of equations has a graph that shows intersecting lines?
A. 2x + 4y = 14 C. 4x + 8y = 7
x + 2y = 7 x + 2y = 3
B. -3x + y = 5 D. 3x + y = 10
6x – 2y = 1 3x – y =5

18. Mr. Agpalo paid Php 260 for 4 adult’s tickets and 6 children’s tickets. Suppose the total
cost of an adult's ticket and a children’s ticket is Php 55. How much does an adult's ticket
A. Php 20 B. Php 35 C. Php 80 D. Php 120

19. The Senior Citizens' Club of a certain municipality is raising funds by selling used clothes
and shoes. Mrs. Labrador, a member of the club, was assigned to determine how many
used clothes and shoes were sold after knowing the important information needed. She
was asked further to present to the club how she came up with the result using a graph.
Which of the following graphs could Mrs. Labrador present?
A. C.

B. D.

20. Edna and Grace had their meal at a pizza house. They ordered the same kind of pizza and
drinks. Edna paid Php 140 for 2 slices of pizza and a drink. Grace paid Php 225 for 3 slices
of pizza and 2 drinks. How much did they pay for the total number of slices of pizza?
A. Php 55 C. Php 165
B. Php 110 D. Php 275
21. A mathematical expression similar to linear equation that makes use of inequality symbol such as
>, <, ≥, ≤ and ≠ instead of = .
A. Graph C. Linear Inequality
B. Linear Equation D. Solution Set
22. Which of the following is not a linear inequality in two variables?
A. 3x ≤ 16 C. 7c + 4 < 12
B. 4a – 3b = 5 D. 11 + 2t ≥ 3s
23. Which of the graphs best suits the inequality x – y > -1 ?
A. C.
B. D.

24. The difference between the scores of Lennie and Minnie in the test is not more than 6 points.
Suppose Lennie’s score is 32 points, what could possibly be the score of Minnie?
A. 26 and below C. 26 and 38
B. 26 and 28 D. 38 and below
25. Which of the following ordered pairs satisfy both 2x + 7y > 5 and 3x – y ≤ 2 ?
A. (-2, -8) C. (0, 0)
B. (-4, 6) D. (10, -1)
26. Melanie is using two mobile networks to make phone calls. One networks charges her Php. 6.50 for
every minute of call to other networks. The other network charges her Php 5 for every minute of
call to other networks. In a month, she spends more than Php 400 for these calls. Suppose she
wants to model the total costs of her mobile calls to other networks using a mathematical
statement. Which of the following mathematical statement could it be?
A. 6.50x + 5y ≤ 400 C. 6.50x + 5y > 400
B. 6.50x + 5y = 400 D. 6.50x + 5y ≥ 400
27. Which of the following is NOT a function?

28. Which of the following sets of ordered pairs defines a function?

A. { (1, 2), (2, 6), (3, -2), (4, -6) } C. { (3, 2), (-3, 6), (3, -2), (-3, -6) }
B. { (2, 2), (2, 6), (3, -2), (4, -6) } D. { (4, 4), (-3, 4), (4, -4), ( -3, -4) }
29. I consider the weight of the chicken as a/an ________ variable because it __________ the cost of the
A. Dependent, controls C. Independent, controls
B. Dependent, depends D. Independents, depend
30. Which of the following set is the range?
A = { (2, 4), (3, 6), (4, 8), ( 5, 10) }
A. { 2, 3, 4, 5 } C. { 4, 6, 8,10 }
B. { 2, 3, 4, 6 } D. { 4, 8, 5, 10 }
31. Which of the following graphs illustrate a function?

32. Which line in the figure at the right has a slope of zero?
A. line l C. line n
B. line m D. line p

33. The SSG President told Jose that the dimensions of the tarpaulin are 5 feet by 4 feet. How many
square feet is the tarpaulin? How much should Jose pay for the printing ad?
A. 9 square feet; Php 208 C. 20 square feet; Php 340
B. 9 square feet; Php 320 D. 20 square feet; Php 420
34. Which of the following equations best represents the total cost y with x number of square feet
including lay outing fee?
A. y = 12x – 100 C. y = 100x – 12
B. y = 12x + 100 D. y = 100x + 12
35. In the statement “ If a figure is quadrilateral, then it has four sides.” What is the
A. A figure is quadrilateral. C. It has four sides
B. If a figure is quadrilateral D. Then it has four sides
36. Rewrite a statement “ A quadrilateral is a figure with four sides” in the If-Then form.
A. A figure has four sides if and only if it is quadrilateral.
B. A figure is a quadrilateral if and only if it has four sides.
C. If a figure has four sides, then it is a quadrilateral.
D. If a figure is a quadrilateral, then it has four sides.
37. What is the converse of the statement “ If two angles form a linear pair, then they are
A. If two angles are not supplementary, then they do not form a linear pair.
B. If two angles are supplementary, then they form a linear pair.
C. If two angles do not form a linear pair, then they are not supplementary.
D. If two angles form supplementary, then they form a linear pair.

38. “ If a polygon is equilateral, then the polygon is regular”. What is the converse statement?
A. If a polygon is not regular, then it equilateral.
B. If a polygon is not regular, then it is not equilateral.
C. If a polygon is regular, then it is equilateral.
D. If a polygon is regular, then it is not equilateral.
39. Filipinos are peace loving people, Julia is a Filipino. Therefore, ____________.
A. Julia is a peace loving people
B. Julia is not a peace loving people.
C. Julia is not a Filipino.
D. Julia is not a peace loving people.

40. Supply the missing statement in the following proof.

A. m∠1 ≅m∠2 C. m∠2 ≅m∠2
B. m∠1 ≅m∠3 D. m∠2 ≅m∠3

Prepared by:

MATH Teacher



1. C 21. C 41. A
2. B 22. B 42. D
3. B 23. A 43. D
4. A 24. A 44. C
5. A 25. B 45. C
6. C 26. C 46. B
7. A 27. C 47. B
8. A 28. A 48. D
9. B 29. C 49. D
10. D 30. C 50. D
11. A 31. B 51. D
12. B 32. B
13. B 33. B
14. D 34. C
15. C 35. C
16. B 36. D
17. D 37. B
18. B 38. C
19. C 39. A
20. B 40. C

Prepared by:

MATH Teacher

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