Xanadu Compressed
Xanadu Compressed
Xanadu Compressed
7 9
4 8
10 11
2 14
1 3
s 15
16 19
s 32
1 SQUARE = 5 F T
Vasili Kaliman
Dyson Logos
A W E I R D - F A N TA S Y R O L E P L A Y I N G A D V E N T U R E
Send fan mail to: [email protected]
Instagram: @vasilikaliman and @osrrpg
Published by Singing Flame, New York.
© 2020 Vasili Kaliman and Singing Flame.
This is a short, weird-fantasy adventure REFEREE ADVICE
that takes place in the cult temple of ◼◼ Read through this adventure at least
Xanadu. The temple could be of interest once. It’s very easy to run.
to adventurers in a variety of ways. The ◼◼ The party should be comprised of
next few pages include a story back- a number of classes. They will need
ground, hooks, and rumors as to why the fighters, thieves, and casters.
party may wish to visit.
◼◼ There is a mixture of puzzles, traps,
and encounters. Some characters
WHAT YOU NEED TO PLAY probably won’t survive.
◼◼ Requires Old-School Essentials Core
◼◼ This adventure does not include
random encounters or events. The
◼◼ 4 to 8 players and a referee. Character referee can add their own, or use some
levels 2 to 3 are suggested. of the creatures within, especially if the
◼◼ Pencil, paper, dice, and imagination. players are spending too much time in
one area.
WHERE THIS TAKES PLACE ◼◼ The adventure does not include
◼◼ Place the temple in the region of randomly placed minor valuables
Ostaria (see Aquilus Issue 2, a zine also such as gold coins. The referee should
published by Singing Flame). distribute these when and where
◼◼ Or place this in your ongoing appropriate, such as to reward player
campaign as a side quest. ingenuity, combat victories, solving
clues, disarming traps, and imaginative
◼◼ Or play this as a one-shot, old-school,
dungeon crawl.
◼◼ For all monster stats, AC 9 is treated as
◼◼ Choose one of the Adventure Hooks
(page 7), or develop your own.
◼◼ Roll a Cult Name and provide the
party with a few Rumors (page 8).
◼◼ Give each PC a curious item from
Starter Arcana (page 9).
◼◼ The cult opened a portal to another ◼◼ The Phase Daughter. Carving in wall
dimension. It was activated by that animates. Child of The Seamstress
adjusting the hands of three pendulum and The Filth. She is in area 14.
clocks in a particular sequence. ◼◼ Molar Minions. Summoned creatures
◼◼ Once the veil of reality was ruptured which kill for teeth.
between this world and another, The ◼◼ The Seamstress. Married to The Filth.
Tooth Fairy stepped through. She She is hiding in the communal pool in
originates from a dimension made of area 27.
sweet stuff. ◼◼ The Tooth Fairy. The major encounter
◼◼ The Tooth Fairy slaughtered everyone in this temple. She can be summoned
in the temple for their teeth, which she by a ritual in area 26.
extracted and ate like candy. ◼◼ The Filth. Clock-maker, discovered
◼◼ The Tooth Fairy spared The Filth, the how to open the portal, married to The
temple‘s clockmaker who invented Seamstress. He is lurking in area 33.
the pendulum clocks, and spared his
wife The Seamstress, the temple’s WHAT THE PARTY CAN DO
◼◼ Explore for treasure and magic items.
◼◼ The Tooth Fairy also spared their child,
◼◼ Solve how to complete a ritual that
which she imprisoned in a stone wall
summons The Tooth Fairy.
as The Phase Daughter.
◼◼ Discover unusual books and maps,
◼◼ In exchange for the promise of
useful as hooks for further adventures.
eventually returning their daughter’s
form to flesh, The Tooth Fairy forced ◼◼ Determine how to deactivate the
the couple to magically seal the temple portals so they can escape.
entrance, so that any explorers or
adventurers entering would never KEY THEMES & IMAGERY
be able to leave. This would ensure a ◼◼ Body horror
steady supply of teeth for the fairy. ◼◼ Tooth extraction
◼◼ The Seamstress and The Filth are ◼◼ Sugar
still inside the temple, they have ◼◼ Summoning
become totally insane, adrift in their
◼◼ Pregnancy
own worlds.
◼◼ Butterflies
◼◼ The Tooth Fairy is currently in her
dimension, her appetite is ravenous, ◼◼ Couture
she is waiting to be summoned again. ◼◼ Portals
Rewards and riches may await those ◼◼ Doppelgängers
who dare to perform the ritual...
◼◼ Party passes through a village. ◼◼ Party member returns to their
◼◼ Distraught residents report numerous childhood village.
villagers have been slain in the past ◼◼ They discover their home is devoid of
few weeks, their bodies permeated residents.
with tiny bite-marks, all had their teeth ◼◼ The sole remaining occupant is an
brutally removed. aging cleric. He tells that families were
◼◼ They suspect it is the workings of the driven out by a horde of small entities.
nearby cult temple of Xanadu. The ◼◼ The cleric is too weak to fight, but he
village sent mercenaries to investigate, has tracked the entities back to their
but they have not returned. source, the nearby cult temple of
◼◼ They will pay a handsome reward if the Xanadu…
party investigates…
PREVENTION ◼◼ A cult has contacted the party through
◼◼ Party meets a former cult member who a patron.
escaped from the nearby temple of ◼◼ A rival cult at the temple of Xanadu
Xanadu. has stolen a magical mask belonging to
◼◼ They are traumatized and speak their leader.
in unintelligible fragments. They ◼◼ They will provide a map of the cult’s
talk of fairies, dimensional portals, location and pay a significant reward if
summonings, and tiny creatures. the mask is returned…
◼◼ They insist the temple will bring about
the end of the world. They must be MISSING PERSON
stopped… ◼◼ A half-crazed caster sends a note to the
party for help.
TREASURE HUNT ◼◼ The caster has a sister who is a
◼◼ An ancient map has come into a party renowned couturier and cult member
member’s possession. at the temple of Xanadu. He has not
◼◼ It reveals the location of the cult heard from her in months.
temple of Xanadu. ◼◼ He will pay a reward if the party
◼◼ You have been told the temple is empty investigates and returns with
or abandoned, glorious treasure and information…
magic items are within…
1. Sect of Insight. They are arcane 1. They are controlled by a dysfunctional
scholars. family that tortures each other. Leader
2. Chosen Hands of Lost Wisdom. collects human teeth.
They are philanthropists. 2. They preserve corpses indefinitely.
3. Oracles of Piety. They are a mob. Leader lives in their own filth.
4. Voices of the New Reality. They are 3. They are addicted to sugar. Leader
explorers of states of consciousness. wears an outfit made of human skin.
5. Children of Twilight. They are night 4. They require obscure materials
people. for summoning rituals. Leader is
6. Gatherers of Secrets. They are in league with inter-dimensional
terrorists. entities.
7. Society of Joy. They are couriers. 5. They are creating a plague to ruin
the economy and destroy the world’s
8. Spartans of Radiance. They are
wealth. Leader can walk through walls.
6. The temple has been contaminated
9. Searchers of Illumination. They are
from an experiment gone wrong.
singers and entertainers.
Leader is flamboyant, addicted to
10. Foundation of the Four Gods. They opulence.
are artists.
7. Visitors to the temple have visions
11. Martyrs of Paradise. They are and never recover. Leader collects
apocalyptarians. ephemera from the past.
12. People of the White Sign. They are 8. They are engaging in cloning
not from this world. experiments. Leader worships a fairy.
13. Wanderers of Radiance. They are 9. They created a recipe for immortality.
misfits and outcasts. Leader is a master of ritualistic pain.
14. Avengers of the Sun. They are 10. Exiles find refuge here. Leader has
information brokers. been destroyed by greed, betrayed a
15. Congregation of Reparations. They family member to their death.
are price fixers.
16. Order of Eternal Rebirth. They
reject science, and believe in feeling
and instinct.
ONE FOR EACH PLAYER (D20) 12. Flower. Anyone sleeping in the same
1. Oil. When rubbed onto an object, it room as this flower suffers horrible
comes to life for the next hour as a nightmares. When they wake, they
faithful servant. One dose. bring back something minor from
their nightmare. Does not affect the
2. Silk handkerchief. Repairs any
object it is draped over for an hour.
The object must be small enough to 13. Clay blob. Takes on mysterious
be covered. shapes when left alone.
3. Small stone. When placed under the 14. Key. When placed in a keyhole,
tongue, causes harmless green vapor utterly annihilates door. 1–in–6
to spill from your mouth. chance of annihilating itself too,
causing 2d10 damage to anyone
4. Bag. Always has fifteen marbles
within 10’. One use.
inside, no matter how many are
removed. 15. Jar. A small jar of black paint that
refills itself each day.
5. Tumor. Visible growth absorbs the
next harmful effect to enter your 16. Charcoal. Small stick, magically
body, whether poison, parasite, curse translates what you write into your
or otherwise, before dropping off. language. 2 uses.
6. Mirror. Shows anything reflected in 17. Book. Tiny leather-bound journal,
it, but something is always missing. contains one piece of writing such
as a story, a poem, or a recipe. Each
7. Pebble. Transforms into whatever
day, a new piece of writing magically
inorganic substance it last touched.
replaces the previous one.
Currently the leather of your pouch.
18. Pellets. A bag full of tiny stones
8. Bottle. Contains liquid that releases
that explode into miniature sparks
bubbles that glow in the dark.
on impact. No damage but create a
9. Ball. Hollow metal ball that rolls popping noise as they explode.
behind you and never stops trying to
19. Whistle. Creates noise from a
follow you. Can pop open to store a
random animal when blown into.
12’ diameter-sized object or smaller.
20. Skull. If you die, body disintegrates
10. Floating orb. Removes all odors from
into ash and immediately regenerates
the air in a few minutes.
into something not human, but
11. Bug. Metal replica of a beetle that can retaining all your memories.
perform simple tasks.
Swirling plasma, like thick syrup, 2. Saliva is lethal to any who bites you,
moving in circular motion, covering save vs poison or die.
entrance from ground to ceiling. 3. Immune system collapses, you no
Smells electrical, like after a thun- longer have save vs disease.
derstorm. Sounds like grinding, large 4. Gain thermal vision up to 30’.
circular slabs of stone rubbing together. 5. Minor magic items within 10’ glow.
If someone approaches it: welcoming, 6. Drip a viscous, sweet, sugary slime
peaceful, like having a near-death experi- trail, everywhere you go. cha -1.
ence when there is a light which compels 7. Grow to 7’ in height. str +1, int -1.
you to enter. 8. Can smell blood, wounds, within 30’.
If something is thrown into it: items 9. Can read any written language.
disappear into a sucking sound, can be 10. Become slightly magnetic.
found on the ground outside the other 11. Can eat something small and cause
portal in area 21 (Portal). someone else to vomit it up.
If the PCs walk through it: they appear 12. Body radiates light 10’, 1 hour per day.
directly on the other side in area 2, 13. Third eye grows on back of your head.
covered in what looks like syrup. It’s gross 14. Eyes go milky white. cha -2.
but sweet, edible, smells like fairy floss.
15. Can implant a false memory by touch
They are disorientated, nauseous, feels
into the mind of a target, once per day.
like seasickness.
16. Permanently lose sense of smell.
Side effects of walking through: 17. Age rapidly, 2d10 years. str -1, wis +1.
1 mundane item each PC carries disap-
18. Urinate vial of holy water once a day.
pears forever, determine randomly. Each
PC also rolls on the table to the right for a 19. Permanently lose ability to see colors,
Random Effect. everything is shades of gray.
20. Turn transparent, hideous. cha -6.
If PCs attempt to walk back through
21. Can absorb recent memories by touch
portal once in area 2: they can’t. If they
from mind of target once per day.
walk back out, they simply end back in
area 2 again. 22. Can taste lies on someone’s breath as
they speak, must be within 3’.
How to deactivate the portal: can only 23. Vulnerable to wood, suffer double
be accomplished by adjusting the hands damage from wooden weapons.
of three pendulum clocks in the correct
24. Explode on arrival, instant death.
sequence in area 29 (The Clocks).
Ambient light, green, soft. Floor and
walls, stone, coated in moss. Glowing GLOWING LANTERNS
lanterns, 1d20+10 of them, floating, scat- Number 1d20+10, AC 9 [10], HD ½
tered randomly throughout, at least 30’ hp 1, Att 1 x tendrils (10’ range, 1d4)
away, advancing towards party. Sounds or spit (20’ range, 1d4 + 10% chance of
like clunking, grinding gears, emanating insemination), THACO 19 [0]
deep underground, mild vibrations MV 30’ (10’), SV D12 W13 P14 B10 S14
arising through floor. ML 6, AL N, XP 15
Spit: discharges smelly, creamy
substance, aimed at victim’s face, acts
Organic, like an exposed brain, 3’ in diam- like poison on skin.
eter, levitating, several 4’ long tendrils
hanging down, sharp thorns at the end. Insemination: if victim is hit by
spit, there is 10% chance it entered
Translucent sac as body, swollen, filled victim’s mouth, in which case they
with swirling green gas, emits radiance become impregnated; in 1d4 months,
equal to a dim candle, a sight to behold. a baby lantern will travel up from the
If PCs just observe them: they gradu- victim’s stomach and exit from the
ally advance towards the party, hungry, mouth, killing them by suffocation;
craving the syrup covering the PCs. pregnancy can be terminated by
magical means.
Explosive: if lantern is hit by edged
weapon or fire, gas that gives creature
buoyancy explodes, doing 1d4 fire
damage to all victims within a
10’ range.
If creatures are destroyed: any
lantern within 5’ of lantern that
combusted has 50% chance of
exploding, continuing chain reac-
tion of explosions; victims within 5’
radius of exploding creatures take 1d4
damage, save vs breath to avoid.
Wooden door, carved relief, image shows EVERLASTING LIGHT
humanoid creature stepping out of
Pillars, running down center. Wall
shape like a slit or rupture, opens easily.
paintings throughout. Candles, high
Mosaic, composed of tiles, embedded
up on walls, regular intervals, piercing
into floor. Secret door to area 15 (Silent
blue flame. Dead bodies, 2d4 of them,
randomly distributed around room.
What is odd here: light sources dim Smells fragrant, like fresh air.
when entering, even magical ones flicker.
MOSAIC Full-body portraits of multiple races,
Minuscule, colored tiles. 10’ wide circle, including beings not of this world, all
numerous circular, square, hexagonal, wearing red robes, emblazoned with the
and triangular shapes within, hypnotic cult symbol.
pattern, all connecting with lines. Looks
like a flow chart, suggesting if one thing CANDLES
is done, then it will lead to another, and If a detect spell is cast: candles are
so on. Becomes intricate in the center. magical, burn for 2d6 months each
Appears instructional, magical. outside the temple, and forever within,
If a read spell is cast: suggests how casting a soft light at 10’ (worth 50 gp
clocks can be used to open dimensional each).
portals, but without precise instructions How to remove them from the room:
on how to accomplish it. 4d4 candles in total, 20’ above ground,
What this really is: a clue that moving someone like a thief will have to climb
hands of clocks in area 29 (The Clocks) the wall.
will open and close the portals in the Glowing Lanterns: will not enter this
temple (area 1 and area 21). area, the candles repel them.
Stone stairs, leading up to small vaulted Shelves and cupboards, wooden,
chamber. Statue, 12’ high, standing in the numerous. Smells like rotting food.
STATUE Shelves, drawers and cupboards line
Female, she is grand, smiling, joyous, this room. Spoiled food inside pantry.
body is chipped in placed. One arm Drawers contain basic cutlery.
extended holding a bowl. Gems
If carefully searched, you find:
embedded in eyes, red garnets (worth
700 gp each). Small wings growing from ◼◼ Recipe book. Gourmet food (worth 50
her shoulders. gp to the right chef).
◼◼ Drugs. Addictive, in exotic resin
If the bowl is examined: it is empty. blocks.
If something is placed in the bowl: ◼◼ Abacus. Pocket-size, beads made from
nothing happens. Only one item can be pure silver. Mathematical inscriptions
placed in here that will have some kind on base (worth 125 gp).
of effect (see below on how to disarm the ◼◼ Wooden necklace. Beaded, distorts
trap). the voice of the owner when worn,
If search for traps is made: gems in giving them an alien, buzzing speech
eyes are trapped. pattern.
◼◼ Spinning top. Wooden, colorfully
If attempts are made to remove gems painted, spins indefinitely until
from the eyes without disarming the stopped (worth 50 gp).
trap: a disintegration ray will shoot out at
the PC touching the gem, save vs death or
be obliterated.
How to disarm the trap: a human tooth
must be placed in the bowl. It will melt
into a sugary syrup, the syrup will disap-
pear from the bowl and secrete from her
mouth, parts of the chipped statue will
begin to heal, the eyes will glow red for
1d6 rounds, at which time the gems can
be safely removed.
What this really is: statue is carved
entirely from polished, compressed
human teeth, chips heal if teeth are
places in the bowl.
Small corridor, leads to dead end.
Dark, illumination required. Floor,
very slippery. Stench, wafts throughout,
potent, reeks like a toilet.
What this really is:
an open toilet, sewer
under temple is
blocked, the human
waste has fermented
to flammable gas.
If anyone approaches
with an exposed
flame: gas has 40%
chance per round to ignite
if someone within 5’ of drain
is holding a flame.
On ignition, anyone within 5’
makes save vs breath or suffer
2d6 fireball damage (half on save).
Anyone between 5’ to 15’ of the
drain makes save vs breath or suffer
2d4 damage (half on save).
Furthermore, victims within 5’ who take
damage on the first round and attempt to
flee, must make dex save the following
round (due to the slippery floor), or take
a further 1d6 damage.
Locked doors from areas 6 and
area 7, wooden, need to be picked or
smashed upon. Communal table, long,
wooden, benches on either side. Empty
bottles, strewn about the floor. Nothing
of real interest is here.
Door, sandstone, arcane locked, painted 1. Instructions on exotic poisons.
with cult symbol. Stone pillars, flanking 2. History of The Temple.
door, each carved with a representation 3. Methods of smuggling, extortion and
of female creatures with wings, similar various other activities this cult is
to statue in area 5. Bookshelves, filled involved in.
with tomes, various bindings, sizes. 4. Treatise of personal sins.
Smells like wax, stale incense.
5. Names and notations that look like a
collection of financial debts.
6. Journals of notes from failed
If door is touched: it is magically experiments.
trapped. Touching the door causes
7. Guidebook to invisibility.
(roll 1d20):
8. Interviews with the undead.
◼◼ Result of 1–18: a fireball for 2d4
9. Handbook of cannibalistic recipes.
damage to everyone within 10’ of the
door (save vs breath for half), 10. Opus on tales of astral seas.
◼◼ Result of 19–20: a lightning bolt to 11. Travel directory to other planets.
explode for 2d20 damage to everyone 12. Formulas to perform the summoning
within 10’ of the door (save vs breath ritual in area 26 (The Tooth Fairy).
for 1d20 damage). 13. Almanac listing locations of the
birthplace of all monsters.
How to disarm the door: trap is deacti-
vated by pressing a release button behind 14. List of undiscovered cities.
one of the stone pillars next to door. A 15. Ancient torture methods.
thief can find this by investigating for 16. Picture-book of decadent fashion.
traps. 17. Volume of love poetry.
18. Reference work on arcane dentistry.
19. Guide to ancient meditation
Books of various shapes, sizes and colors. techniques.
Some are ancient, some modern. Volumes
20. Manual of unpopular magical
of esoterica, occult, directories, alma-
nacs, local histories, etc. There is nothing
magical here.
Books found here: roll on the right for
every turn spent searching. Each book
is worth 2d20 gp to an antiquarian book
Metal doors, securely locked from both Wooden door, rotting, gives way easily
area 2 (Glowing Lanterns) and area 13 effortlessly. Spartan room, basic,
(Music of the Spheres). Floors and walls, humble. Shelves, lining walls, a few casks
constructed from smooth opalescent and crates. Mirror, full-length, mundane.
substance, like interior of clamshells. Chessboard, sitting on small table,
Two workbenches, one covered in halfway through game. Ring of keys,
equipment, the other has two small flasks dangle beside door.
resting on top.
WORKBENCHES If someone makes a move and
If the first bench is inspected: equip- continues the game: other chess piece
ment used in chemical experiments, will move on it's own in response.
glass containers, charcoal burners,
If someone steals a piece from the
ceramics, platter of powders, peculiar
boards: it is impossible to remove piece
ingredients (collectively worth 50 gp to
from this room. It will fly from their
an alchemist).
hands, tear through armor, to be back on
If the other bench is inspected: two the board.
small glass flasks sitting on top, both
If someone knocks down the pieces:
sealed with corks.
they stand again on their own.
TWO GLASS FLASKS If someone continues the game and
If flasks are inspected: one flask is wins: it will reassemble itself to begin
labeled Immortality, contains liquid, another game. Congratulations!
gradually changes from one color to the
entire spectrum of a rainbow. The other KEYS
flask is labeled Lightning, half-filled Opens door to area 25 (Acid Bladders).
with liquid and yellow sparks, furiously
jumping around. SEARCH THE ROOM
If liquid from Immortality is ingested: Shelves mostly empty, casks empty, crate
considerably old and has diminished in contents have spilled on the floor.
strength. Roll save vs poison, on failed Amongst the crate contents, you find:
save, drinker takes 1d20 damage. If save is
◼◼ Coiled whips. Used for self
made, drinker gains 1d100 temporary hp,
punishment. They have seen use.
which decrease by 1d100 per hour, until
drinker reaches hp prior to ingestion. ◼◼ Small velvet pouch. Contains teeth
and parchment with list of dates. Next
If liquid from Lightning is ingested: to each date is short anecdote about
potion explodes in drinker’s mouth, how the tooth was lost.
discharging electrical energy, 10’ diam- ◼◼ Ransom note. Details of kidnapped
eter. Drinker suffers 2d10 damage with cult member.
no save. Victims caught in explosion
◼◼ Metal coin. Very heavy, but floats on
suffer 1d6 damage, save vs spells for half
water (worth 20 gp).
Doors, both open. Stone stairs, going SPHERES
down. Table, marble, against wall.
Mist, luminescent, provides ambient
Shelves, above marble table, lined with
light, swirls with every breath. White
bottles, jars. Acrid smell, saturates air,
marble floor, veined with black and
bitter, stings eyes.
gold. Music, emanating from within,
soft, sounds like religious choral music.
TABLE Metal spheres, numerous, floating, chest
Slab of marble: various implements scat- height.
tered on top, suggesting elaborate burial
preparations. METAL SPHERES
Jar: contains 4d20 human teeth, dental A few inches in diameter, the spheres
tools next to jar used to strip teeth from bounce very slowly in the air. They are
subjects’ mouths. the source of music. Each is radiating the
sound of a different instrument. When
Referee advice: these teeth can be heard together, it’s glorious, mesmerizing.
utilized in the summoning ritual in
area 26 (The Tooth Fairy). If a divine caster listens to this music:
make a successful wis check,
SEARCH THE ROOM can recover one low-level
If the shelves are inspected: rare oils spell (can only be done once).
and spices in jars (2d10 jars, worth Their deity is extremely
25 gp each), embalming liquids. pleased they have exposed
themselves to such majesty.
You also find:
◼◼ A silver ring. Unpleasant to handle,
afflicts owner with unnerving dreams.
Wearer must make con check each
morning to memorize spells or benefit
from natural healing. Can only be
removed by magical means once
placed on a finger (worth 125 gp).
◼◼ Vial of blue dust. When snorted,
user is filled with feeling of euphoria
and gains +1 to hit in melee, and +2d6
temporary HP for 1 hour. At the end of
the hour, user is exhausted and falls
asleep for 3d8 hours. A result of 3 or
24 means they will never wake up,
except by magical means.
1d3 doses.
Secret door, can be detected by a thief, THE PHASE DAUGHTER
opens by pushing a brick in the wall in What she really is: the daughter of
area 16. Table against one wall, marble, The Seamstress (area 27) and The Filth
various objects on top. Two chests, (area 33). Was formerly human, now
sitting on floor, locked. Wall carving, imprisoned in this wall by The Tooth
within stonework, depicts a female, Fairy (area 26).
Covered with green cloth, bearing a THE PHASE DAUGHTER
statuette (worth 100 gp), incense burner, AC 4 [15], HD 5, hp 22, Att 1 x strike
chalice, scrap of cloth, and hand-written (1d6 + drag into stone), THACO 15 [+4],
book on the history of illusionist magic MV 60’ (20’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14,
(worth 150 gp to a antiquarian book ML 4, AL N, XP 300
Special: victims surprised on 1–4;
immune to spells; if she steps out of
wall, she must remain in contact with
If they are examined: folded robes earth or stone or lose 1 hp per round;
inside, emblazoned with the cult symbol. +6 to save vs petrification.
Secret door from area 3 (Inner Chamber). DELUSION
Workbenches, tools scattered on top,
Stone walls, polished stone, illuminated
messy. Wooden shelves, lined with
from within. Metal altar, against wall at
glass jars. Map, pinned to the wall.
south end of room, gleaning gold object
Writing desk, large book resting on top,
on top, surrounded by halo of golden
pile of scrolls and parchment overlay
sparks. This room is cursed.
one another, skull perched on top like a
paperweight If someone looks into room from the
entrance: impossible to determine the
MAP room’s size, length or shape. Something is
Cloth map, different colored pins odd here.
protruding from it. Map represents what- If altar is approached: anyone within
ever world the campaign is set in. Pins 20’ of the altar must make save vs
designate locations, which could be other spells or become temporally misplaced,
adventure sites. vanishing for 2d10 minutes and reap-
pears at the entrance of the room. A roll
WRITING DESK of 20 means they vanish forever.
If carefully examined, you find:
Anyone making successful save and
◼◼ Parchments. Contain maps and reaching within 3’ of the altar, realizes the
notations on nearby temples. object is an illusion. They are also cursed!
◼◼ Coin. Inscribed with a female face on Roll d10 below.
one side, similar to the statue in area
5. Owner develops the urge to hold and CURSE (D10):
stroke this at all times (worth 100 gp to 1. Shrink to 1’ high for 1d6 days. Half hit
a coin collector or dealer). points, half str and con, dex +1.
◼◼ Spell-book. Contains one 2nd or 2. Armor turns to water.
3rd level arcane spell of the referee’s
3. Metal items carried turn to sand.
4. Fumble during combat, with –4 to
◼◼ Marriage certificate. Bride and
attacks for 1d4 days.
groom are the temple’s couturier (who
is now The Seamstress in area 27) and 5. Weapon of choice changes to the next
the temple’s clockmaker (who is now material they touch.
The Filth in area 33). 6. Suffer twice the amount of damage
◼◼ Armor oil. Wondrous metal cleaner. for 1d4 days.
One dose of polishing any armor for 7. All spells are lost for the day if they
one hour will gain +1 ac (maximum are a caster.
possible is +2), this effect lasts for 1 day. 8. Becomes a pacifist and will not attack
Three doses (worth 50 gp a dose). a living thing for 1d4 days.
◼◼ Large book. Describes fairies from 9. Weapons used have 1–in–6 chance to
other dimensions, book is open on break during combat. Lasts 1d6 days.
illustration of figure stepping through 10. Next item they grabs is bound to their
a wall, This is an important clue for skin for 1d6 days.
area 26 (The Tooth Fairy).
Carved statue, 8’ tall, white stone, nude, Secret door, can be opened by ringing
pregnant female, one hand holding gong in area 19 (Bronze Gong). Pitch
her belly, other hand extended black within, unearthly, illumina-
and pointing finger. Two pillars, tion required. Cold feeling, bleak,
holding up ceiling. Butterflies, bitter, without hope.
circling statue, assortment of colors.
If someone tries to speak in here:
Floor, smooth, black slate.
they can't, under effect of a perma-
nent silence spell to mute screams
STATUE by victims.
Drains magic. For each 10 minutes
an arcane or divine caster spends ILLUMINATING THE AREA
here, they must roll save vs spells.
Sawdust, covers floor, blood
Failed roll indicates they forget a
soaked. Small wooden chest,
random spell, the statue absorbs
sitting on floor. Large tapestry,
this spell and immediately turns it
hanging on wall, instructional
against the party. The spell manifests
scenes of gruesome dismem-
from her pointed finger.
berment. Large book, lying on
If the statue is attacked: can be ground, leather-bound with latch,
hit automatically, pushed over and closed.
damaged. Does not animate or
fight back. Can withstand 20 hp in WOODEN CHEST
damage before being destroyed. Locked, must be picked. Trapped
Once statue is pushed over, belly will with poison dart, needs to
rupture. disarmed, save vs poison or 2d8
If the belly is ruptured: it contains damage, half on save.
1d4 arcane and divine 1st and 2nd If chest is opened: assortment of
level spells (determine randomly), jewels stolen from torture victims
captured from casters in the (worth 2d10 x 100 gp).
past, and stored inside her. Spells
combust in phlogistanic magical
energy which fills the room, and
are all cast against the party If book is examined: written
simultaneously. Each PC must information extracted from
roll save vs spells for each one those put to the question.
to avoid any negative conse- Most pages feature scrawled,
quence. illegible signature at the
Lists those tortured here,
including names, origins, date
of torture, what they confessed,
and ultimate fate, harrowing
(worth 200 gp to a collector of
sadistic ephemera).
Swollen door, due to moisture, stuck MOLAR MINIONS
closed. Bronze gong, hanging from Extra-dimensional beings who can be
ceiling with chain. Ringing mallet on summoned. They polymorph into a
floor, ornamented (worth 100 gp). miniature version of the PC that rang the
gong. 1’ tall, cheeky, glimmer of evil in
BRONZE GONG their eyes.
8’ in diameter, hangs from ceiling with
What they really want: to kill the PCs
brass chain (chain worth 75 gp).
and extract their teeth. The teeth are for
If someone rings the gong: deep- The Tooth Fairy (area 31). These creatures
toned sound, echoes for a minute or so. are her groupies and devotees.
Secret door opens to area 19. Within
1d4+1 rounds, 4d10 Molar Minions are
summoned from the portal in MOLAR MINIONS
area 21 (Portal) and rush towards this Number 4d10, AC 6 [13], HD 2, hp 6,
room. PCs hear sound of running foot- Att 1 x by weapon (miniature version
steps on approach. of summoner’s weapon, doing half
damage), THACO 18 [+1], MV 180’ (60’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 6, AL C,
XP 30
Special: +1 initiative due to speed;
if PCs use ringing mallet to attack,
creatures are instantly destroyed on
successful hit; undead traits, can be
If they are turned or destroyed:
disappear into puff of smoke, leaving
a small pile of fairy floss behind.
Edible, tasty, and nutritious, eating a
handful heals 1 hp, once per day.
If the mask is inspected: black onyx,
Stone walls, coated in frost. Glass
engraved with musical notations around
sarcophagus, center of room, sitting
the edge, smiling mouth, holes for eyes,
on stone base. Glass cases, 10 of them,
cheerful visage (worth 2500 gp).
human sized, similar to sarcophagus,
empty, stacked on south wall. Torch If someone puts the mask on: it is
sconces, empty, fastened to walls. magical, The Serenader’s Vizor. It adapts
Butterflies, circling sarcophagus, variety and fuses permanently onto the wearer’s
of colors. Sounds like clunking, grinding face. Unlikely to be removed, either by
gears, emanating deep underground, natural or magical means. Mask can only
minor vibrations coming through floor. be removed if the user dies and it is cut
from their skull.
What happens to the wearer when the
3d4 in total, line walls of room, equally mask is put over their face: their flesh
spaced. Made of polished bronze (worth and internal organs become transparent
20 gp each). over time, yet they still remain alive.
Swirling plasma, like thick syrup, Bottles, aged wine, stacked on wooden
moving in circular motion, covering shelves around room. Wooden barrels,
wall from ground to ceiling, similar to filled with ale. Large table, wooden,
entrance at area 1 (Entrance). Butterflies, center of room. Chairs, six of them,
circling at opening, variety of colors. surrounding table. Nothing else of
interest is here.
What is ominous here: any creature
within 10’ of the portal casts no shadow.
If something is thrown into it: the
items disappear into a sucking sound and 24. TEMPLE MUSEUM
reappear up in area 2.
Jumbled mess, tables, vials, beakers,
If the PCs walk through it: they reap- powders, hoses, shelves, mechanical
pear in area 2, contraptions. Wooden cabinet, lined
with shelves, glass front. Two tapestries,
one on each wall flanking doorways.
Floor, black tiles, covered in etched map,
22. HAUTE COUTURE show another location nearby
Workbenches, wooden, scraps of fabric Shelf contains dozens of shrunken heads,
scattered on top. Clothing, lavish outfits, all look like the same person, lips are
mostly half-finished. Wooden cabinet, sewn shut (each worth 25 gp to a collector
open doors. Sewing equipment, metal of such things).
and wooden. Smells musty.
What these actually are: heads of
What this room really is: the former extra-dimensional beings called Molar
clothing workshop of The Seamstress Minions (area 18)
(area 27)
If the lips are cut free: they will talk
SEARCH THE ROOM endlessly, telling jokes with corny punch-
lines, irritating after a while.
Cutting tools which may be used as
weapons, or sold for very little.
You also find: On the left: scene of several humans,
◼◼ Poison potion. Powerful, save vs dressed in cult robes, seemingly walking
death or suffer 2d10 damage. on air, looking to the right, serene expres-
◼◼ Leather-bound book. The Glorious sions, smiling.
Tome of Extraordinary Explanation,
On the right: scene of fire-filled pit,
blank, magical, will answer 4 simple
several humans, naked, horrific expres-
questions in total, once per week, with
sions on faces, tormented, looking to
a few words of text appearing on blank
the group at the left as they tumble into
pages with answer. Does not work
in the temple. Disintegrates once 4
questions are asked.
25. ACID
Door from hall near area 27, locked,
can be opened with keys from area 11 ACID BLADDERS
(Servants Quarters), or needs to be picked. Number 1d6+4, AC 9 [10], HD 2
Sitting statue, female, carved of marble, hp 6, Att 1 x acid (1d6 + special)
cross legged, holding crimson ruby THACO 18 [+1], MV 3’ (1’), SV D12 W13
(worth 300 gp). Amber haze, dense, very P14 B15 S16, ML 10, AL C, XP 25
opaque, hovering beneath ceiling.
Special: if triggered, strikes victim
on a roll of 10+ regardless of AC, doing
1d6 damage to flesh, save vs breath for
Lurking above amber haze are 1d6+4 Acid half; exposed metal items caught in
Bladders, randomly throughout room. acid deluge must save vs breath, metal
PCs will trigger hanging filaments on 4– armor reduces AC by 2 on failed save,
in–6 each round spent moving in here, metal weapons destroyed on failed
referee should roll for the PCs. save; wooden, cloth and glass unaf-
If creatures are destroyed: striking
Translucent sacs: loaded with acid
engorged bladder with weapon results
which affects flesh and metal, resembles
in creature exploding in spray of acid
milk, slowly inflating, swelling, throbbing
causing 1d6 damage to victims in a
10’ radius, save vs breath for half.
Attached to ceiling: held in place with
suctions cups (like an octopus) attached
to ceilings and walls, filaments hanging
to the ground, which acts as triggers.
When triggered, they produce loud snap,
bladder bursts, pouring stored contents
over victim.
Statues, one in each corner, miniature SUMMONING RITUAL
versions of statue in area 5. Silver bowl, Inscriptions on silver bowl provide
resting on floor center of room (worth 150 comprehensive instructions on how to
gp). Tapestry, lush (worth 300 gp). South summon The Tooth Fairy.
wall, dark stain, 6’ high, human impres-
sion and shape. Floor, gives off mild Referee should determine if a read spell is
static discharge when walked over. Feels required to comprehend inscriptions, or
unearthly, cold. Smells of burnt sugar. if they are simply written in the common
What this room actually is: a location
where The Tooth Fairy is summoned How to perform the summoning:
through a ritual. 1. Extracted human teeth must be
placed in the silver bowl.
TAPESTRY 2. Each tooth placed in the bowl will give
If the tapestry is examined: scene looks the ritual a 1% chance of succeeding
like this room. A bowl is on the floor, and (so 40 teeth = 40% chance of success).
a female with wings is stepping out of a 3. Inscriptions on the bowl must be read
wall. She looks like the statue in area 5. out aloud.
4. Roll the dice…
If the summoning is successful: within
If the bowl is examined: inscriptions a few minutes, the aroma of burnt sugar
around the outer edge and interior. Tiny permeates the room.
fragments of bone inside, int check to
realize they are teeth. The stain on the wall begins to glow, then
rupture. The Tooth Fairy emerges from
If a detect spell is cast: radiates the wall, descending into the room.
extremely powerful, extra-planer magic.
She will be famished, kneel down, and
immediately devour the teeth in the
bowl. The party are transfixed (probably
under a spell), powerless to act until she is
If the summoning fails: teeth in the
bowl melt into sweet syrup. They are
useless. Perhaps try again.
Sunken eyes, lean, emaciated, leathery
wings on shoulders, made of stretched AC 2 [17], HD 10, hp 45 + absorption
skin. Feeds on human teeth, takes satis- Att x 3 slam/claw/bite (1d10/2d6/1d10)
faction in cries of agony as she rips bone THACO 11 [+8], MV 160’ (40’),
from mouths. Moves swiftly, leaving trail SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10, ML 4
of fairy floss. It’s delicious! AL C, XP 3200
Who she really is: an entity from Absorption: all damage rolled against
another plane, a dimension made of victims adds to creature’s hp total.
sweet stuff.
Special: +2 initiative due to speed;
What she will do if summoned: imme- can use attacks independently on 3
diately go to the bowl and eat the teeth. different targets in melee range; first
She needs 1d100+10 teeth to satiate her attack on victim is always at +2;
hunger. +3 to save vs mental attacks; +2 to
save vs fire attacks.
What she will do if satisfied: she will
regurgitate 2d20 diamonds (worth 250 gp If she is seriously threatened: she
each), and reward the summoner. retreats back into opening on the wall,
back to her dimension; portal will stay
What she will do if still hungry: if open for 1d6 rounds after she departs.
there are insufficient teeth, she will attack
the party and attempt to extract theirs. If the PCs follow her into the wall
She will not attack the summoner. rupture, here are some options:
◼◼ they are transported to another
What she really wants: faithful
plane made of sugar.
servants who provide her with the
crunchy foodstuffs that she craves. She is ◼◼ they leave this room and end up in
not fundamentally evil, just an addict. area 2.
◼◼ they transform into bloody pulp
and are ejected back into the room
REFEREE ADVICE ◼◼ it’s gateway to another OSR
Encourage the party into this room adventure!
to activate this major encounter. Give
If she is destroyed: teeth she has
them clues. Here are some tips:
consumed during summoning
◼◼ human teeth can be found in jars have all transformed to glittering
in area 12 (Embalming Room) and diamonds. They are within her belly
area 32 (Grand Suite) . (worth 250 gp each).
◼◼ teeth from The Seamstress (area
27) can be removed if she is killed.
◼◼ a book in the study in area 15
(Silent Sanctum) shows drawing of
a figure stepping through a wall. If
the PCs have inspected this book,
have them roll an int check to
make the connection to this room.
27. THE
Communal bath, overflowing water, THE SEAMSTRESS
looks like pulpy scum. Small urn, clay, Facial features: sagging mouth, extra
next to pool. Smells putrid, nauseating. teeth around lips, puncturing through
Frost, covering surrounding walls. Stone skin.
floor, multiple scratches in area.
Patchwork skin: riot of hues, cut from
victims, stitched into her skin, worn like a
POOL full-length dress.
If anyone approaches the bath: chaotic
characters feel physically ill when within Living heads: three of them, sewn into
10’. Lawful characters feel attracted, those her stomach, partly alive, several wrig-
who come within 5’ must make wis save gling tongues sewn onto her neck.
or leap in! Stench: sewn flesh is decaying, putrid.
Is someone inspects or disturbs the What she really is: celebrated clothing
bath: opaque, froth and foam on surface. designer. Her workshop is in area 27
A creature is hiding within called The (Haute Couture Atelier). She is married
Seamstress. She rises and attacks the to The Filth (area 33), and mother of The
party when they are within 5’. If a lawful Phase Daughter (area 14).
character has leapt in, she gets a free
If victim is in pool: must make dex
AC 5 [14], HD 6+2, hp 30, Att 1 x fabric
check to climb out, must also save vs
shears (1d8) or 2 x claw (1d4/1d4) or
poison each round, or suffer 1d6 damage
special, THACO 13 [+6], MV 90’ (30’),
due to immersion in sludge and grime.
SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S16 ML 5, AL C,
XP 750
If inside of urn is searched: Special: once per day, she can use the
following spell-like abilities: darkness
◼◼ Bootle of perfume. Exotic, very rare
15’ radius, hold person, and shield.
(worth 125 gp).
◼◼ Sewing needles. Covered in dried If she is destroyed: parts of other
blood. humans sewn onto her, like heads and
◼◼ Necklace. Silver pearls (worth 150 gp) tongues, are still alive and in agony,
but can’t attack.
◼◼ Magic item. Ring of protection +1.
Indoor garden, variety of plants,
covering walls and floor. Butterflies, YELLOW CREEPERS
thousands, fill the air, predominantly Number 1d6+4, AC 7 [12], HD 3, hp 12,
blue and yellow in color. Walls, encrusted Att 4 x buds (special) THACO 17 [+2]
with mud. Altar, end of room, against MV 10’ (3’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16
wall. Smells delightful, dreamy atmo- ML 6, AL L, XP 70
sphere. Sounds like clunking, grinding
gears, emanating deep underground, Buds: each creeper has 4 buds which
slight vibrations coming through floor. extend up to 20’; when approached
Floors, inexplicably warm to the touch. within 10’, creeper will attack, flowers
swaying in hypnotic dance before face
If spells are cast here: swarm of butter- of victim. Creeper can make 4 attacks
flies attracted to magic will flock to caster per round.
immediately, enveloping and blinding
them for 1d6+2 rounds, dex check each If buds hit a victim: flower has
round to shake them off. Caster will not puffed dust into victim’s face, victim
be able to cast if blinded, attacks at -4. must save vs spells or be enraptured
and walk into mass of plant, resisting
any attempt to restrain them; once
victim is in heart of plant, roots attach
Abundance of plants covering ground, to victim’s skull, brain is devoured at
fungi, succulents. Yellow Creepers rate of 1–4 int points per round and
covering walls at the end of the room. 1d4 damage per round; any hit on root
of plant will cause it to release.
INT loss: int loss is temporary and
Large, climbing plants, bulbous root on
can be regained at rate of 1 point per
ground, flowers like those of an orchid
day of rest; heal spell will restore
covering walls, bright yellow in color,
int at 2 extra points per day; victim
splashes of purple.
becomes permanently insane if int
What they do: surround and protect the reaches zero.
altar, all need to be destroyed if PCs want
How to destroy creature: cutting
to examine this area.
flowers causes no damage, only way to
ALTAR kill creeper is to destroy root.
Carved 1’ idol sitting on top, made of rare If roots of the creeper are searched:
alexandrite, image of faceless female, soil on root covers various personal
pregnant, but belly ruptured. Newborn belongings of previous victims buried
emerging out of stomach possesses wings underneath.
(worth 2500 gp).
29. THE
No doors, two open entrances. Colored RISKS OF EACH ATTEMPT
floor, mosaic patterns, gold, white, red, Roll 1d6 each time the party attempts to
and black. Pendulum clocks, three of solve the clock. A roll of 1 results in 1d20
them, standing against one wall. Molar Minions being summoned from
the portal at area 21, who rush into this
CLOCKS room to hinder the PCs. Increase this
If clocks are inspected: the hands of by 1 each time, so on a second attempt,
each tell a different time. there is a 2–in–6 chance of 2d20 Minions
arriving, on a third attempt there is a
What these clocks really are: used to 3–in–6 chance of 3d20 Minions arriving,
activate and deactivate the portals in and so on.
area 1 (Entrance) and area 21 (Portal).
Clock hands must be manually adjusted
UH OH! (D10)
into a correct sequence.
1. Solver’s stomach bursts open. Death!
Referee advice: there is a clue about 2. Solver’s hands and arms obliterated.
clocks in floor mosaic in area 3 (Inner
3. Soul of solver is extracted and travels
Sanctum). Convey how unusual and
to The Tooth Fairy’s plane. Party can
uncanny these clocks are, perhaps get PCs
enter portal in area 21 to retrieve it.
to make int checks.
4. Thousands of Molar Minions descend
into room and attack solver.
5. Veil of reality tears open briefly. 1d4 of
1. Go go the flowchart on next page.
the party are sucked into nothingness.
2. One PC per attempt. Start at the top
6. Solver’s stats permanently reduced
and roll 1d10.
by 1d8 each, zero on any stat means
3. Keep rolling until you get a final result death.
4. You may end up at the START again, 7. Cursed. Solver suffers -4 on every roll
SOLVED, or finish at UH OH!, which until removed my magical means.
means something has gone wrong, in
8. Extra-planar feedback. Everyone in
which case, roll on table to the right.
the room takes 1d20 damage.
5. If clock is SOLVED, it turns off portals
9. Lucky. No effect.
and the players can escape. The portal
in area 1 turns into an open entrance, 10. Non-organic matter (except the clocks,
the portal in area 21 turns into a walls and room) within 20’ of the
solid wall. solver turns to water. Clothing, food,
weapons, armor, etc. Everything!
1-4 0
0 6-
8- 7
7 6
8- 1-5
Stone floor, walls. Blue moss, erratic Locked door, key inside bedside drawer
patches on floor, damp, smells sweet. in area 32 (Grand Suite). Painting, sitting
Double doors, south wall, two sets, on easel, work in progress. Side table, pile
carved wood, highly ornate. of drawings, small wooden box, potion
bottle resting on top.
Stepping on the moss: anyone exploring PAINTING
this area has 1–in–6 chance per round of Scene of people walking through a
stepping on moss. magical portal, their left arms raised.
Moss steals memories from magical If drawings are inspected: mostly
classes, and combat bonuses from all mundane, but one charcoal sketch of map
other classes (such as to-hit, damage, or to nearby location with treasure marked.
ac bonuses due to str, dex, character
Small potion bottle: contains minuscule
level, etc).
stars and nebulae, like a bottled universe.
Casters roll save vs spells or lose 1 random Any liquid poured in bottle takes on this
spell prepared in last 24 hours. Other quality (worth 200 gp to an astronomer).
classes roll save vs spells or lose combat
If wooden box is inspected: locked,
bonuses for 1d4 hours.
needs to be picked or smashed open,
If someone eats the moss: roll save vs magical Ring of Influence inside.
poison or be sick for 2d10 minutes, unable
to act, suffer 1d6 damage. PCs who make
successful save gain memories currently RING OF INFLUENCE
stored in moss. Ring of human appeal, forged of white
Eater can gain temporary combat gold, set with a sapphire of highest
bonuses, or temporary spell knowledge. quality. Worth 3000 gp.
Eater can even be a non-caster (such as Effect: when worn, allows wearer to
a fighter, thief, etc), and cast a low-level have influence over other humans as
spell stolen from the memory of another if their cha score were 19.
Duration: 10 minutes (consecutively)
Non-casters employing magic is perilous. per day for increased cha, fails if
Referee should randomly determine a 1st concentration is broken.
or 2nd level arcane or divine spell, and
adjudicate any attempt to cast. Referee Spell abilities: allows wearer to cast
should also determine any tempo- charm spell at their level, once per day.
rary combat bonuses obtained from Range: 10’.
consuming moss. Memories last 1d4
hours. Complication: normal animals (such
as riding mounts) despise the object
How the moss is killed: fire and cold and will not remain in its presence.
instantly kills a single patch.
You also find:
Bed, carved, moldy mattress. Opulent
surroundings, floor strewn with rugs, ◼◼ Small bone tray. Carved with set of
glorious tapestries cover walls (worth gold rings intended for each toe
1500 gp, although very heavy). Furni- (worth 150 gp).
ture, bedside table, drawers, writing desk, ◼◼ Jar. Filled with 1d100+100 human
chair. Pendulum clock, standing in one teeth, several still have roots attached.
corner. Several garments, hanging on ◼◼ Deck of playing cards. All are blank.
wall, one remarkable red cloak ◼◼ Wooden object. Carved in the shape
(worth 250 gp). Wooden floor, covered in of a hand, kills any minor life forms
scratches and claw marks. (insects, small plants, etc) that come
If someone puts on the cloak: magical, within 10 inches of it (worth 200 gp).
grants wearer a +2 bonus to any saving ◼◼ Elixir of healing. Cures any ailment
throw vs magic, but -2 to save vs breath. including deafness, blindness, rot,
infection, poisoning, insanity or
FURNITURE infestation, does not heal hit point
If writing table is examined: books on damage. 2 doses.
powers of the mind, such as clairvoyance, ◼◼ Plate mail armor. Human size, made
telepathy, and telekinesis. Dedicated of bronze, with cult symbol on back.
study over an extended duration of time ◼◼ Book. An unfinished autobiography.
may provide a reader with basic abilities. ◼◼ Yellow topaz gem. Hardens the
If the bedside drawer is examined: key holder’s heart, preventing them from
to area 31 (Art Studio) inside. feeling empathy (worth 250 gp to a
Secret door, noticeable in crack on wall.
Humanoid statue, 8’ high, yellow topaz THE FILTH
gems for eyes, easily removed (worth 1500 AC 3 [16], HD 6, hp 24, Att 1 x claw (1d8)
gp). A creature called The Filth is lurking or tongue (disease), THACO 15 [+5]
behind statue, will attack if anyone MV 150’ (50’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14
enters. Smells horrendous, the worst ML 3, AL C, XP 650
odor the party has ever encountered.
Tongue: victims struck by tongue
must save vs poison or suffer
THE FILTH cramping, penalty -2 to attacks, melee
Tall, gaunt, muscular, once human, but damage, and initiative for 1d6 rounds;
now sickening. Looks like dried faeces, struck victims have 25% to contract
parasites, impurities cover this creature disease which will cause death in
like a crusted skin. 1d6 months, disease can only be
Facial features: two openings for eyes, removed by magical means; victims
mouth is a circular opening with tongue also become horribly disfigured if
hanging out. Makes constant high- they contract disease, losing 1d6 cha
pitched shrill, as if in extreme pain. within hours, which can never be
increased again, even if the disease is
Oozing sores: covered in pus and foul healed.
goop, streaming from open sores on its
body. Drops a thick, viscous ooze which Special: immune to disease, poison,
trails behind it. mind-affecting spells; +2 to save vs
death; +2 to save vs wands.
Who he really is: a skilled clockmaker,
married to The Seamstress (area 27) , and If he is destroyed: will shriek for
father of The Phase Daughter (area 14). the last time and explode, covering
everyone in a 10’ diameter in
wretched, horrendous filth. Victims in
range roll save vs poison or catch the
disease as described above, death in
1d6 months!
◼◼ Missing cult members. Are they MOVIES
dead, did they flee? Did they step into ◼◼ Alien (1979). Directed by Ridley Scott.
the portal in area 21? ◼◼ Poltergeist (1982). Directed by Tobe
◼◼ The Bronze Gong. Why does the Hooper.
gong summon Molar Minions? Can it ◼◼ Gremlins (1984). Directed by Joe Dante.
summon other entities?
◼◼ From Beyond (1986). Directed by Stuart
◼◼ The Phase Daughter. Why did she Gordon.
become imprisoned in the wall? Can
◼◼ Leatherface, the main villain in The
she be turned back into a human
Texas Chainsaw Massacre series of
horror films.
◼◼ Sarcophagus. Who is preserved here?
◼◼ The Gimp, a leather-clad character
Why are they still wearing a death
from Pulp Fiction (1994). Directed by
mask, considering this item is so
Quentin Tarantino.
◼◼ The Seamstress. How did she acquire
a taste for wearing outfits made of
human flesh? ◼◼ Signals I-III (2014) by Sabled Sun.
Released by Cryo Chamber.
◼◼ The Clocks. What happens if these
clocks are taken out of the temple? Will
they still work? What else can they do? RPGS
◼◼ The Tooth Fairy. What does she do ◼◼ The D&D B/X module In Search of
in her dimension? What other entities the Unknown (1979) by Mike Carr.
reside there? Published by TSR.
◼◼ The Filth. How did he create the ◼◼ Technology Items and Artifact Use
pendulum clocks in area 29? Why is flowcharts from Gamma World 1e
covered in such putridity? (1978) by James M. Ward and Gary
Jaquet, and Expedition to the Barrier
◼◼ Sounds under the temple. What are
Peaks (1980) by Gary Gygax. Published
these sounds heard in areas 2, 20 and
by TSR.
28? Is something under the temple,
such as another level, an underworld, ◼◼ The Book of Ebon Bindings (1978).
or some kind of machine? A handbook of Tsolyánu demonology
in the world of Tékumel, for use in
Empire of the Petal Throne, by M. A. R.
The names “The Seamstress”, “The Filth”, “Phase Daughter” You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must
are product identity. “Trade dress” (fonts, layout, identifying add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's
marks, cover logo) are reserved as Product Identity. name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game
Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product
All text and tables not declared as product identity are Open Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except
Game Content. as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement
OPEN GAME LICENSE VERSION 1.0A with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You
agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with
and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly
All Rights Reserved. licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any
trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Con- Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute
tent; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material in- a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The
cluding derivative works and translations (including into other owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content
computer languages), notation, modification, correction, shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product
addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, Identity.
abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You
recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to re- must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are
produce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, distributing are Open Game Content.
transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content"
means the game mechanic and includes the methods, proce- 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents
dures, processes and routines to the extent such content does may publish updated versions of this License. You may use
not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and
the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed
Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work under any version of this License.10. Copy of this License:
covered by this License, including translations and derivative You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of
works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product the Open Game Content You Distribute.
Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product
line names, logos and identifying marks including trade 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or ad-
dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, vertise the Open Game Content using the name of any
plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, Contributor unless You have written permission from the
artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, Contributor to do so.
poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply
other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or
of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order,
personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open
environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural Game Material so affected.
abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and
any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identi- 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if
fied as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such
and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach.
(f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, All sub-licenses shall survive the termination of this License.
designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or
its products or the associated products contributed to the 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the
"Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, extent necessary to make it enforceable.
translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
of this agreement. Coast, Inc.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Con- System Rules Document Copyright 2000 Wizards of the
tent that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and
You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content Dave Arneson.
that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from
this License except as described by the License itself. No Old-School Essentials Core Rules © 2018 Gavin Norman.
other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Author Gavin Norman.
Content distributed using this License.
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Genre Rules © 2018
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content Gavin Norman. Author Gavin Norman.
You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Rules Tome © 2019
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing Gavin Norman. Author Gavin Norman.
to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual,
worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact Xanadu © 2020 Vasili Kaliman. Author Vasili Kaliman
terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. END OF LICENSE
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are Xanadu, Published by Singing Flame, New York, 2020.
contributing original material as Open Game Content, You
represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation FIRST PRINTING
and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed
by this License.
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPY-
RIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact