Unreal Past Teaching

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Lesson Plan

Date: 2024.02.29.

School: Eszterházy Károly Katolikus Egyetem Gyakorló Általános Iskola, Gimnázium, Alapfokú Művészeti
Iskola és Technikum, Eger, Barkóczy u. 5.

Teacher: Varga Petra

Class: 11.C/2

Level: B2

Age: 17-18

Topic: Unreal past

Aims: The students learn the new grammatical structure, understand it, and are able to use it in the
appropriate contexts.

Assumed knowledge: Conditional grammar structures

Anticipated problems:

Aids: Power Point Presentation, pictures

Stage Activity Aim Time Interaction Aids Procedure

Refresh the 3 mins T-S The teacher asks a few questions, e.g.: What would you do if
students’ you won the lottery? What would you do if you found a kitten
knowledge of on the road? What would you do if your friend went to
What would you do if? conditionals. Hawaii? What would you do if you were in London? etc.

Teach the new 10 T-S PowerPoint The teacher shows the presentation, asking questions to
grammatical mins Presentation involve the students in the learning process. What kind of
structure Slides 1 - 5 tenses are used; what emotions are expressed? What time do
the sentences refer to? etc.
Presentation Appendix 1
New grammar’s
teaching, notetaking

Making sure the 4mins S–T Student’s The students read out the sentences and put them in the new
students book 98/B grammatical structure. This happens while reading them out to
understand the Appendix 2 the whole class.
grammar and
Sentence formation can use it.
gap filling Learning to 4 mins S, S Workbook pg. The students are asked to do the exercise alone, which is a gap-
learn 66/ D filling exercise. Then the class checks the answers together.
Sentence reformation Appendix 3

The students will work in pairs. The pairs will be made

4 mins S–S Workbook pg according to their seating arrangements in this exercise. They
66/E have to discuss and fill out the workbook exercise. Then the
Appendix 4 class checks them together.

The students get pictures in which there are people. The

Sentence formation Creativity 3 mins S, S Pictures students have to write, then present their sentences about what
Appendix 5 they think the people in the picture wish for. (e.g.: The mother
wishes she had owned a dog when she was a child.)

Creativity, S, S piece of paper The students get 1 piece of paper onto which they have to
Reflection on your writing skills, 5 mins write down one thing they expected of the school when they
school environmental came here with the new grammar, and what they wish. (e.g.: I
Production wish the school was easier to navigate) After they are done the
teacher will collect the papers and read them out. The students
have to guess who wrote the sentence.

Social, Cards to form

communicative pairs
skills, The students form pairs based on cards that have pictures of
development of Appendix 6 items that have pairs e.g.: shoes, socks.
Roleplay speaking skills 7 mins S–S The students work in pairs where they roleplay different
Cards with scenarios. E.g.: they are on vacation and have regrets,
scenarios complaints about their hotel, etc.

Appendix 7
Creative usage 4 mins T–S The students reflect on their lives using the learnt structure.
of the learnt e.g.: I wish I hadn’t eaten the last cake. My stomach hurts.
Reflect on your life grammar
structure about
Cool-down their own life
Motivation, 1 min T-S Teacher evaluates students’ work, gives class assessment.

Appendix 1:
Appendix 2:
Appendix 3:
Appendix 4:
Appendix 5:
https://media.publit.io/file/BLOG/GENERAL/WAYSOFLOOKING/observe-ways-of-looking.jpg, https://www.mindwell-leeds.org.uk/wp-
2.jpg, https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:900/1*CP4vyEmZeR7-GtRf31sqcQ.jpeg,
https://as2.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/02/95/12/11/1000_F_295121192_0VlcwMj3a1toICEVq3QuvK01XvD3m5Nd.jpg, https://imgur.com/nhFwOcT,

Appendix 6:
https://hu.pinterest.com/pin/658932989223911235/, https://easydrawingguides.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Tennis-Racket-and-Ball-Step-
08.png, https://img.freepik.com/premium-vector/hand-drawn-earrings-tassels-jewelry-icon-premium-quality-graphic-design-ink-hand-drawn-
picture_658931-271.jpg, https://content.mycutegraphics.com/graphics/clothing/blue-sock-clip-art.png,
https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a4/67/26/a4672646b088416c170e222b3780b7e7.jpg, https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Vector-drawing-

Appendix 7:

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