Astanga Yoga PDF

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Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Course Content
• Basic
• Yama, Niyama
• Asana, Pranayama
• Pratyahara
• Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi- Sanyam
• Mental Health Care through Yoga and

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

• Advance:
• Therapeutic Yoga
• Nadi Shuddhikarna Pranayama

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

• Role Play for practice of Yama and
Niyama by the Participants

• Diseases Specific Asana Practicles

• Pranayama therapeutic aspect

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

• Astanga Yoga
• Raja Yoga
• Yoga Sutras are 196 aphorisms
• Samadhi Pada – Chintan Adhyyaya: Results of
yoga practice;
• Sadhana Pada – Abhyasa Adhaya- discipline
• Vibhuti Pada – Dhan and Shakti Adhaya Super-
normal effects the practice can have;
• Kaivalya Pada - Shashwata Mukti Adhyaya
Process of liberation of the ego.

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Samadhi Pada
• Chintan
• Sadachara
• Guides about true path
• Elaborates about the

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Sadhana Pada
• Defines the Yogik Dharma
• Elaborates about Astanga of Yoga
• Reason of Miseries and way to get rid
• Brings the Sthirta and Spastata in all facets
of health
• Asta Siddhis
• 3 stages – Tapa, Adhyaya and Ishwar
Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
• Tapa: Yama, Niyama, Asana and Pranayama
• Swa-adhya- Pratyahara and Dharana
• Ishwara Pranidhana -Dhyana and Samadhi

• Yama and Niyama – Sharirika Visuddhi

• Asana, Pranayama and Pratyahara- Jnana
• Dhyana, Dharana and Samadhi- Bhakti Yoga

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Vibhooti Pada
• Adhyatmika Jnana Prapti – through D,D & S
• Aloukik , Asasharana and Divya Shakti
• Asta Siddhi
• Elaborates or guides to remain away from
these siddhi which entangles the practitioner
in the Sukha – later produces the dukha – so
focus on main aim of - mumuksha

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Kaivalya Pada
• Elaborates about the difference between
the Samadhi and Kaivaly
• Free from the sukha and dukha (profit/
loss), I ness (Kriy and Pratikriya)

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Astanga Yoga
• यमिनयमासन ाणायाम ाहार धारणा ान
• समाधयोऽाविन।।2/29।।

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

1. यम :

• अिहंसासाेय चचाप िरहा यमा:।। (यो. स.ू


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Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

(a) अिहंसा (Non Violence)
• अिहंसा ितायां तिधौ वैराग:।। (पा. यो. स.ू 2/35)

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

 तू षे ु सवद ा।
 ा वाच सवभ
• मनसा कमण

अे शजननं ोमिहंसेन योिगिभ:।।

• त अिहंसा सवथ ा सवद ा सवभ

 त
ू ानामनिभोह:

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Courage Groundedness
Smiling Creativity
Appreciation Humility
Caring Reverence
Believing Gratitude
Self forgiveness
Contemplation Inspiration

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

(b) स (Varsity)
् (यो. स.ू
• सितायां ियाफलायम।।

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Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

ू ात ियं य
• सं य ू ात समियम।्
ू ात मा य
् धम: सनातन:।। मन
ू ात एवं
• ियं च नानृत ं बय ु िृ त।।

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

• 1. Be truthful to yourself.
• 2. Understand what makes you want to lie.
• 3. Be yourself.
• 4. Own up to your mistakes.
• 5. Be tactful. (think twice, maybe even
three times before you tell the person a
risky truth.)

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

अेय (Non Stealing)
Samagandi, NIA, Jaipur

् (यो. स.ू
• अेय ितायां सवर ोपानाम।।
Dr Kashinath Samagandi

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

 ा परेष ु िनृह:।
• मनसा वाचा कमण
Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
• अेयिमित संो: ऋिषिभदिशि भ:।।
(यविृ त)

• Try and correct mistakes at an early stage:

• Explain the concept of possession:

• Explain the consequences:

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

चय  (Sexual Continence /Celibacy :)

• चय  ितायां वीयाल

 ाभ:।। (पा. यो. स.ू साधवपाद/7)

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

अपिरह (Non hoarding)

अपिरह ैय जकथासोध:।। (पा. यो. स.ू साधनपाद 9/39)

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

• Let It Go.
• Breathe.
• Practice Self-Care.
• Be Positive.
• Forgive.
• Practice.
• Be generous. E

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

2. िनयमा (Personal Disciplines)

शौचसोषतपाायेरिणधानािन िनयमा:।।
(यो. स.ू साधन पाद।2/32)

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

(a) शौचा (Purity)
ु परैरसंसग: ।
• शौचाांगजगु ा
• सशिु सौमनै काेियजादशन योयािन च।। (पा. या.
स.ू साधनवाद 40-41)

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

(b) सोष (Contentment)

• सोषादनम: ु
सखलाभ:। (पा. यो. स.ू साधनया।।2/49)

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

(c) ताप (Endurance)

• कायेियिसिरशिु यापस:।। (पा. यो. स.ू । साधनपाद ्


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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

• Vadiya ताप:।।
Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
(d) ााया (Self study)

ाायािद देवतासंयोग:।। (पा. यो. स.ू ।। साधनपाद)

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

ााय णवािद पिवाणां जपो मो शाायनं।।

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
ईर िणधान (Dedication)
् (पा. यो. स.ू 2/45)
• समािधिसिरीर िणधानात।।

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

• ईर िणधानं सवि यायां परमगरावप ु 

• तलसंासो वा।।Vadiya
(पा. यो. स.ू साधनवाद 2/1 पर ास भा)
Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
3. आसन

• िरसखमासनम ्

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Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

• यशिै थानसमापिम ॥४७॥

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

• ततो ानिभघातः ॥४८॥

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur


तिन सित ासाोगि तिवेदः ाणायामः ॥४९॥

ततः ीयते काशावरणम ॥५२॥
धारणास ु च योयता मनसः ॥५३॥

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

• बाारभवृिदशकालसंािभ: |
 
• पिरो दीघस ू : ॥ २.५०

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

• बाारिवषयाेपी चतथु : ॥ २.५१

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Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

• तत:ीयते काशावरणम ॥२.५२

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

• धारणास ु च योयता मनस : ॥ २.५३

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur


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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

• देशबः िच धारणा ॥१॥

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

• त यक ् २॥
ै तानता ानम ॥

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur


• तदेवाथमािनभास ं पश
ू िमवसमािधः ॥३॥
• Types of Samadhi
• There are 2 types of Samadhi:
• 1. Samprajnata Samadhi (Savikalpa)
2. Asamprajnata Samadhi (Nirvikalpa)

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for1701.23,CME@ Nashik

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

• Samprajnata Samadhi (Savikalpa)
• Samprajnata Samadhi (or Savikalpa) is a meditative
state of peace and quiet. The practitioner temporarily
experiences the union of the mind, body and soul only
in meditation. Ordinary consciousness and decision-
making takes over once the person leaves the
meditative state.
• There are 4 stages of Samprajnata Samadhi:
• 1. Sarvitarka Samadhi
• In this stage, the mind focuses on every aspect of the
object of meditation, such as a flame.
• 2. Savichara Samadhi
• Once the object’s physical aspects are understood, the
mind moves to understanding the more subtle aspects
of the object, suchVadiya
asDrbeauty, love,Jaipuraura, etc.
Kashinath Samagandi,NIA
• 3. Sa-ananda Samadhi
• In this stage, the mind focuses on the joy and
peace felt by one’s power of perceiving every
aspect of the object of meditation by leaving
behind the object and concentrating on the mind
• 4. Sa-Asmita Samadhi
• In this stage, only the satvic (pure) ego remains.
The mind is now fully aware of the divine
consciousness, and it’s connection with the
higher SupremeVadiyapower.
Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
• Asamprajnata Samadhi (Nirvikalpa)
• In Sanskrit, a vikalpa is a thought-
construct. Nirvikalpa translates to ‘without thought
constructs’. In Nirvikalpa Samadhi, the ego is now
dissolved, and only pure and empty consciousness
remains. The mind transcends into a state of blissful self-
awareness, leaving behind all attachments to the
material world.
• There are 3 stages of Asamprajnata Samadhi:
• 1. Nirvitarka Samadhi
• This is the stage in which the mind has a complete
understanding of the true nature of consciousness by
leaving behind all material aspects. The mind is focused
on the artha, or form, and disregards the fact that it is the
knower. There is a greater control over the mind, its
ideas and knowledge.
Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
• 2. Nirvichara Samadhi
• In this stage, the mind is free of all the
thoughts that are not relevant, and
concentration is almost laser-focused. The
concepts of space and time lose their
meaning in Nirvichara Samadhi.
• 3. Kaivalya Samadhi
• This is the final stage of eternal union with
the Supreme.
Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
Mental Health Care through Yoga and
• Selection of specific School of Yoga
• Literacy
• Belief in God
• Physical endurance, strength, level of
• Level of mental agitation
• Support of friends and family
Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
Ayurveda and Mental Health

• Agni - Yuktivyapashraya
• Nidra - Yuktivyapashraya
• Satva - Daivavyapashraya
• Artha - Yuktivyapashraya

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Therapeutic Yoga

• Kind of Ailments – NCD, CD, Psych,


• Associated Complaints

• Physical stature

• Time and space available

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

• DM : Forward, Lateral, Back-ward, Sitting,
Twisting, Supine and Prone Asanas,
Shodhan P, Ushna P, Soothing P
• HTN: Twisting, Lateral, Backward,
Supine, and Shodhana P, Shita P, Soothing
• Thyroiditis – Inverted, Backward, Prone,
Supine, Shodhan, Ushna P, Soothing P
• PCOS – Standing, Sitting, Shodhana P,
Ushna P, Sothing P
• Stress – Loosening, Inverted, Pranayama
Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
Nadi Shuddhikara Pranayama

• Shodhana Pranayama

• Ushna Pranayama

• Sheeta Pranayama

• Mardhana Pranayama

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Asana – Physical Postures

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
Sukshma Vyayama

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Bhastrika Pranayama

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
Kapala Bhati

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
Anuloma Viloma

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
Pranava Pranayama

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur
Vadiya Dr Kashinath Samagandi,NIA Jaipur

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