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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies
for Sustainable Agriculture
th rd
14 October to 3 November, 2015

B.S. Dwivedi
G.D. Sharma
F.C. Amule
A.K. Dwivedi
N.G. Mitra

Organized by
Centre of Advanced Faculty Training
Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry
Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur 482 004 (M.P.)

"Healthy Soils for a Healthy Life"

Laboratory Manual on Soil and Plant Analysis. 2015 (pp 50)
National Training on Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for
Sustainable Agriculture
Centre of Advanced Faculty Training
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur 482 004 (M.P.)
th rd
held during - 14 October to 3 November, 2015

© 2015, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur 482004 (M.P.), India

Published by
Centre of Advanced Faculty Training
Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry
Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya
Jabalpur 482 004 (M.P.), India

Compiled and Edited by

Dr. B.S. Dwivedi
Dr. G.D. Sharma
Mr. F.C. Amule
Mr. G.S. Tagore
Dr. A.K. Dwivedi
Dr. N.G. Mitra

Printed at
Fortune Graphics & Scanning Centre
Jabalpur 482 002 (M.P.), Ph.: 0761-4069025
Laboratory Manual on Soil and Plant Analysis

National Training

Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for
Sustainable Agriculture
(14th October to 3rd November, 2015)

B. S. Dwivedi
G.D. Sharma
F.C. Amule
G.S. Tagore
A.K. Dwivedi
N.G. Mitra

Sponsored by
Indian Council of Agricultural Research

Organized by
Centre of Advanced Faculty Training
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya
Jabalpur–482004 (M.P.)

S.No. Title Page No.

1. Method of Collection of Soil and Plant Samples for Their Testing 1-4

2. Profile Studies of Deep Black Soils (Vertisols) 5-8

3. Creation of spatial variability maps of soil nutrient using geo-statistical tool 9-10

4. Determination of pH and Electrical Conductivity in Soil Samples 11-12

5. Determination of Organic Carbon Content in Soil 13

6. Determination of Available Nitrogen in Soil 14-15

7. Determination of Total Nitrogen in Soil and Plant Samples 16-17

8. Determination of Phosphorous in Soil and Plant Samples 18-19

9. Determination of Potassium in Soil and Plant Samples 20-21

10. Determination of Sulphur Content in Soil and Plant 22-23

11. Determination of Micronutrients in Soil and Plant Samples by Atomic 24-26

Absorption Spectrophotometer

12. Estimation of Boron in Soils, Plants and Water 27-28

13. Estimation of Microbial Biomass Carbon in Soil 29

14. Gamma Irradiation and its Importance for Food Preservation 30-34

15. Determination of Soil Aggregates 35-36

16. Determination of Bulk Density of Soil by Core Method 37

17. Estimation of Ascorbic Acid in Vegetables and Fruits 38

18. Estimation of Chlorophylls in Vegetables and Fruits 39

19. Estimation of Total Carotenoids in Vegetables and Fruits 40

20. Definitions 41

21. Preparation of Glassware 42

22. Appendix I to VI 43-50

Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

Method of Collection of Soil and Plant Samples for Their Testing

B.S. Dwivedi
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

The information obtained from plant and soil

Subsequently giving recommendation for
their correction (Lime/Gypsum requirement
testing which reflect soil and plant health
respectively is used for the exploitation of soil and
(iv) To predict the probability of getting
potential for obtaining maximum yield. Assessment
maximum response of crops to fertilizers.
of a soils fertility status involves an estimation of
Objectives of soil testing:
its available nutrient status i.e. the portion or
 To study/ maintain fertility status of a field.
amount of nutrient directly available in soil for
 To predict the probability of obtaining a
subsequent uptake by crop plant. The causes of
profitable response of lime & fertilizers.
success or failure of this testing are varied usually
 To provide basis for recommendation of
related to the quality and amount of research data
available for calibration, interpretation and
 Toevaluatefertilitystatusofsoilofanarea/state/
recommendations. With reference to this, testing
refers to any physical or chemical measurement
made on soil/plant. The meaning may be restricted
 To study the acidity, alkalinity and salinity
in the sense that it implies rapid chemical analysis
used to assess the (available) nutrient status of
 To determine the suitability of the soil for
soil/plant or the meaning may be broader due to use
laying gardens.
in evaluation interpretation and recommendations.
 Lime problems.
Acceptance of this testing is strongly dependent
 Soil survey.
upon the accuracy with which these tests can be
used in solving the localized problems related to
Apparatus and materials:
crop response and fertilizer use.
 Khurpi  Spade  Augers
Nutrient status of soil and plant acts as a
 Plastic bowl  Scale  Rack
barometer of their health. This can be evaluated in
 Wooden roller  Mortar-pestle  Sieve
several different ways each having its pros and
 Polythene/paper/cloth bags  Labels
cons. But the accepted methods include soil testing
 Card board cartons  Aluminium boxes
and plant testing.
Why soil testing ?
• Soils fertility status assessment involves an
estimation of its available nutrient status
• It gives the amount of nutrient directly
available in soil for subsequent uptake by crop
• Guides to arrive at optimum fertilizer
application ratio.
• It is a method of evaluating nutrient status Screw Auger
(physico-chemical properties) of the soil i.e.
the assessment of the fertility of the soil to
determine nutrient deficiencies.
• It is also concerned with environmental quality
for the community hazards.
(i) To evaluate soil fertility and its productivity
by the estimation of level of nutrient (Low,
Medium, High).
(ii) Grouping of soil for their classification
(iii) To determine the specific soil problem such Tube Auger
as an acidity, alkalinity and sodicity if exist.

Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur – 482004 (M.P.) “Healthy Soils for a Healthy Life” 1
Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

To meet objective of soil testing is divided into 4 recorded. Under intensified cultivation sampling
phases: should be done every year at the same time. For
1. Collection of soil samples sampling of soft and moist soil, the tube auger,
2. Extraction and determination of the available spades, or khurpi is quite satisfactory for sampling.
nutrients A screw type auger is more convenient on hard/dry
3. Interpretation of analytical results soil while, post whole auger is useful for sampling
4. Providing recommendation excessive wet or rice field. If spade or khurpi is
5. Follow up of results and evaluation of the used a V shaped cut may first be made up to the
recommendations made plough layer. A uniform 15 cm thick slice taken
Procedure for soil testing out. Auger are generally useful for deep profile
The procedure for testing the soil to meet sampling.
these objectives are divided into the following How to take representative soil sample
phases: 1. Divide the field into separate units depending
(i) Collection of soil samples and its on variation in slope, colour, texture, crop
preparation growth and management.
(ii) Extraction and determination of nutrients 2. Remove the debris, rocks, gravels etc from the
and physico-chemical properties of the soil. surface before collecting soil sample.
(iii) Interpretation of analytical results 3. Make a V shape cut into the soil to a depth of
(iv) Recommendation and follow up of results sampling (0-15 cm) and obtain 2 to 3 cm thick
and evaluation of recommendations. vertical slices along the depth.
Collection of soil samples 4. Collect 10-15 samples randomly in zig-zag
Since soil is a very heterogeneous mass manner from each field.
and the greatest source of error is usually soil 5. Mix samples by quartering method and
samples itself hence, the soil sample collected approximate 500 g of sample is retained.
should be representative of the area sampled and 6. The sample must be kept in a clear cloth or
should also be uniform. Variations in slope, polythene bag.
texture, colour, crops grown, and management 7. Label it with suitable description and
levels must be taken in to account. Recently identification marks.
fertilized plot, bunds and channel, spot near tree, 8. Send the soil samples to soil testing laboratory
wells, compost pits and other non-representative along with the information sheet.
locations must be avoided while sampling. When
crops are planted in rows, samples can be drawn in Information sheet : The soil sample thus collected
between the lines. The sample should be taken in a must be furnished important information like –
zig-zag manner. A representative composite soil 1. Sample number
samples can be composed of 8 to 20 sub samples 2. Name and address of the farmers.
from a uniform field (Jones 1988). A common error 3. Details of the field and site. Local name
in soil sampling occurs when the top few cm of soil field,Khasra no etc.
are dry and are not included in the normal sample. 4. Date of sampling
Hence, the value of soil test depends on how well 5. Name of crop and variety to be sown
the sample represents a field. 6. Source of irrigation
A variety of factors such as depth of 7. Whether the crop in the subsequent season will
sampling, number of cores of composite sample, be irrigated or un-irrigated.
season, crop etc. influence the collection of soil 8. Name of crops and fertilizer used in previous
samples. For field crops a sampling depth upto 15- years.
30 is desired while, 10 cm depth is normally 9. Date of harvest of the previous crop.
sufficient for sampling for the pasture crops (Rao, 10. Any other problem observed in the field.
1995). For deep rooted crops, horticultural crops or
under dry farming conditions sample from various
depths may be preferred. For immobile nutrient,
testing of sample to tillage depth may give
satisfactory results but for testing of mobile
nutrients (NO+3-, Cl-, SO4-- etc.) sample should be
taken to a depth of 60 cm. In saline alkali soils, salt
crust (visible) on the top soil surface should be
taken separately along with the depth of sampling

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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

Plant sampling
The particular method to be used will depend upon
the kinds of plants to be sampled determinations to
be made and over all objectives.
i) Take enough individual plant or plant parts to
overcome the factor of plant variability.
ii) If correlation with soils are to be made make
sampling distribution representative of a given
soil area.
iii) Collected samples should be cleared to avoid
Preparation of soil sample for testing contamination from fumes or decomposition.
1. Spread sample for drying on clean cloth, iv) Suitable methods should be employed for
plastic or brown paper sheet. grinding.
2. Remove the stone pieces, roots, leaves & other If testing is to be done for conforming
un-decomposed organic residues from the deficiency/ toxicity as displayed by visual
samples. symptoms then 100 to 200 leaves showing
3. Large lumps of moist soils should be broken. particular visual symptoms should be collected.
4. After air drying the samples should be crushed If the testing is to be used for continued
gently and sieved through a 2 mm sieve. fertilizer guidance then sampling should be done by
5. About 250 g of sieved sample should be kept dividing the whole area into units and then
in properly labeled sample bag for testing. collecting the samples from each unit. Units may
Appropriate time for soil sampling be selected on the basis of slope, texture, depth and
An ideal time for soil sampling is just after colour of soil etc. in case of orchards at least 20%
harvest of the rabi crops, of the trees should be sampled. Seven to 10 months
Precautions to be taken during collection of soil old spring cycle leaves be selected. Those leaves
sampling should be so selected so that they represent average
1. Remove all debris from surface before foliar condition.
collection of soil sample. In fact plant sampling can be modified
2. Avoid taking sample from upland and low land depending upon the purpose for which the sample
areas in the same field. is required. In studying the influence of factors as
3. Take separate sample from the areas of the stage of growth, cultural practices, manurial
different appearances. treatment or grazing on mineral composition of a
4. In row crop take sample in between rows. crop of pasture whole above ground part of the
5. Keep the sample in a clean bag. plant from selected areas will be required. When
6. A sample should not be taken from large area composition of different species of plants growing
(more than 1-2 ha). on various soil types is needed, the material sample
7. Sample for micronutrient analysis must be should be restricted to pure species at comparable
collected by steel or rust free khurpi/auger and stage of growth. To study the effect on nutrient
kept in clean polythene bag. uptake the desired investigations of soil types plant
Plant analysis should be taken from a small area typical of the soil
Plant analysis is used as a diagnostic type and a composite soil sample should also be
technique to determine the nutritional status of collected to represent the same area.
plants and fertilizer needs. Mineral composition of
plant is influenced by many factors which are also Interpretation of the results
to be considered. Fundamental advances in Results of foliar diagnosis must be
quantitative studies at relationship between nutrient confirmed by plant analysis and concentration of
and crop yield have been attempted. In older nutrient in the soil. It will give general relationship
methods of analysis the quantities of minerals in between growth and quantity of the nutrient
the manure plant were determined but under the absorbed.
newer concept of analysis only functionally Percentage of an element in the plant
assimilating portion of plant is analyzed. Hence, alone cannot be taken as the basis of judging the
sampling of the assimilatory portion of the plant is deficiency/sufficiency of the element. However, if
important. it is used then physiological age of the leaf must be

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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

taken into consideration. Sometimes the percentage References

of an element in the plant is to be judged vis-à-vis • Cate, R.J. and Nelson, L.A. (1965).Int. Soil
the percentage of other elements i.e. ratios of the testing series Tech. Bull.No. 1 North Carolina
elements are used. State Univ. USA.
However, the information about the • Chapman, H.D. and Pratt, P.F. (1961).Methods
percentage of nutrient in the plant based on of analysis for soils, plants and waters. Univ.
considerable amount of experimentation can be of California, 56-65.
used to define the critical level (Cate and Nelson,
• Moller, N.J. (1987). Recent advances in plant
1965) i.e. percentage of an element in the plant
nutrient. Vol.I Am. Soc. Agron. Madison
below which the application of the element in
Wisconsin, 63-73.
mineral fertilizer form is likely to increase the
yield. Moller (1970) have suggested the diagnosis • Walsh, L.M. and Beaton, J.D. (1973).Soil
and control of the nutritional disorders increase testing and plant analysis. Soil Sci. Soc. Am.
based on inorganic tissue tests. Proc. 3-23.
• Jones, J.B., (1988). Soil Testing and Plant
Analysis.Procedure and use. Tech. Bull. 109.
Food &Fert. Tech. Centre, Taipci city, pp. 14.
• Rao, S. (1995).Analysis of soil for available
major nutrients methods of anlaysis of soil,
plant water and fertilizers. Ed. HLS Tondon,
Fert. Dev. Cons. Org. : 13-35.

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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

Profile Studies of Deep Black Soils (Vertisols)

G.P. Gupta
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

Vertisoils or deep black soils occur globally under They clayey soils that shrink and swell
various parent materials and environmental extensively upon changing soil moisture
conditions (Table 1). conditions. Vertisols exhibit unique morphological
Table 1. Distribution of Vertisols and associated properties such as the presence of slickensides,
soils wedge-shaped aggregates, diapir (mukara), and
Juris- Location Area % of gilgai. Shrink-swell phenomena are the dominant
Diction (m ha) Gross pedogenic processes in Vertisols and are attributed
Black to changes in interparticle and intraparticle
porosity with changes in moisture content.
Continent Africa 105.0 38.7
Definition of Vertisols :
Asia & far East 70.3 25.9
(Mainly India) Taxonomically for defining Vertisols,
there must be
Australia 48.8 17.7
1. A layer 25 cm or more thick with an upper
Latin America 27.0 9.9
boundary within 100 cm of the mineral soil
North America 10.0 3.7
surface, that has either SLICKENSIDES or
Near & Middle East 5.7 2.1
WEDGE SHAPED PEDS that have their long
Europe 5.4 2.0
axes tilted 10 to 60o from the horizontal; and
TOTAL 271.4 100 2. A weighted average of 30 % or more clay in
Country India 70.3 25.9 fine earth fraction either between the mineral
Australia 48.8 17.7 soil surface and a depth of 18 cm or in Ap
Sudan 43.4 16.6 horizon, whichever is thicker and
USA 18.1 6.7 3. 30 % or more clay in fine earth fraction of all
CHAD 15.5 5.7 horizons between a depth of 18 cm and either
China 11.6 4.3 a depth of 50 cm or a densic, lithic or
Others 64.5 23.7 paralithic contact, a duripan, or a petrocalcic
( in parts) horizon if shallower and
TOTAL 271.4 100 4. Cracks that open and close periodically.
India MS 24.2 34.4 Vertisols are significant global resources
MP 21.2 30.1 that serve as the lifeline in subsistence agriculture
GUJ. 4.9 7.0 due to their high productivity.
AP 9.4 13.4 Efforts towards comprehension and
KTK. 5.8 8.2 successful utilization are imperative for continued
TN 2.6 3.7 productivity and long term sustainability of these
RAJ. 1.1 1.6 resources for current and future civilizations.
UP 1.1 1.6 Morphology of a soil is best evaluated from the in
TOTAL 70.3 100 situ examination of the soil profile. A recently dug
MP Vertisols 8.0 37.7 pit large enough for observation of a pedon is
Inceptisols 8.6 40.6 desirable. Old exposures such as road banks and
Entisols 4.2 19.8
ditches are acceptable only for preliminary studies
because morphological features often become
Alfisols 0.4 1.9
altered after prolong exposure.
TOTAL 21.2 100

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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

Normally the size of profile pit is kept 1.8 Pedogenesis of Vertisols :

m long, 1.2 m wide and 1.8 m deep but for the study 1. Separation of blocks : Deep wide cracks
of black soils, the width of pit varies from place to separate the soil into strong and massive prism
place depending on its cyclic wave length of puffs like blocks in the upper part of the pedon that
and shelves. It should be kept in mind that at least break into angular blocky peds of hard and firm
half wave length covering both, puff and shelve is consistence.
considered while exposing profile pit in order to (a) Cracking of soil : During dry season, the soil
study the pattern of cracks and slickensides cracks to the surface due to shrinkage of 2:1
perfectly. expanding clays that may extend to a depth of
The profile examination begins with a first 1 metre or more.
approximation and marking of soil horizon (b) Falling of surface soil material : While
boundaries on the profile. Each horizon is then cracks are open, surface soil material falls
carefully observed and described. Horizon into them by several mechanisms such as
boundaries are relocated as required by the detailed animal activity, wind or at the onset of rainy
study (Buol et al. 1998). Th description sheet season by water.
containing the columns of site and soil 2. Hydration of clays : The clay hydrate and due
characteristics is filled up by the profile study group to their high coefficient of expansion and
during pedon studies. contraction, expand 3 dimensionally on wetting.
Vertisols are relatively homogneous in (a) Expansion of clays : Cracks close on the
their morphology. Although horizonation is not surface but because of the extra material now
distinct yet a few horizons above the parent material present in the lower part of the profile, a
may be identified as self mulching surface (Ap), greater volume is attained and the expanding
blocky subsurface (A12), slickensided horizon and material presses and slides the aggregates
wedge shaped subsoil (Bss). against each other, developing a "lentil"
The depth of these soils may vary from angular blocky structure with slickenside
shallow to very deep. Previously the black soils features on the pad surfaces.
were grouped as shallow (<30 cm) medium (30-100 (b) Shear stress development: The slipping
cm) and deep (>100 cm) but later on Sehgal (2008) occurs where shear strength is surpassed by
modified the depth of shallow soil as less than 50 shear stress acting upon a soil mass. The shear
cm. stress is a major force caused by swelling and
Requirement of Vertisols : develops when volume expansion results
Main requirements of Vertisols are the during the wet cycle.
presence of high content of clay (>30 %) and (c) Formation of slickensides: The slickensides,
predominance of montmorillonite (2:1 expanding intersecting or close enough to intersect, also
clay). Other important parameters for the result in wedge shaped structural aggregates,
development of Vertisols are: the most characteristics feature of Vertisols
(i) Parent material having basalt, argillaceous which develop with their longitudinal axes
limestone, marine clays and shale inclined at 30 to 60° from horizontal (Sehgal
(ii) Weathering period must be extensive for the and Bhattacharjee, 1988).
development of solum with 2:1 expanding (d) Buckeling of land space: This expansion
clays buckles the land scape, forming the micro
(iii) Weathering environment should be such that relief called gilgai. The micro basins contain
no further weathering of 2:1 expanding clays more organic matter than the micro ridges and
takes place. Even no inter-layering exists to the probably it results from admixtures of
extent the properties are destroyed subsurface material into micro ridge area and
(iv) Sequence of events should continue like slight erosion of organic rich fines from the
churning/mixing, development of argilli- ridges to the basins.
pedoturbation, development of slickensides and 3. Incomplete leaching : In most shrink swell
formation of wedge shaped structures soils, the temperature being high, the potential

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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

evapotranspiration suggesting incomplete 4. Thickness of horizon : Thickness of A1 in

leaching and inducing the process of Vertisols varies with the linear frequencies of
calcification in these soils. puffs and shelves of gilgai micro relief.
Cyclic movement of soil material : 5. Horizon boundary (Amplitude): It is the
Amongst several processes acting in the difference between vertical distance from the
formation of Vertisols, the predominant process surface of pedon to the lower boundary of crest
seems to be haploidization i.e. mixing by argilli of cycle and the lowest point of trough of cycle
pedoturbation. The specific features of such soils in same pedon. The amplitudes are grouped as
are : low, medium of high according to the vertical
1. Gilgai micro relief : The term gilgai is an distance as below 25, 25 to 75 or above 75 cm,
Australian aboriginal term meaning small water respectively. Shape of apparent topography of
hole. the intermittent horizon is also graded as
Pedogenic micro topographical features tongued (vertical extent > horizontal distance),
like puffs (microknolls) and shelves (micro basins) wavy (vertical extent approximating the
develop that remain intimately associated with one horizontal distance) and smooth (vertical
another (Bhattacharjee et al. 1977), Columbe et al. extent < horizontal distances) as suggested by
(1996) introduced a term "diapir" meaning a Bartelli (1971).
protusion of subjacent soil material which Age of Vertisols :
penetrates to the overlying horizons and approaches It is difficult to assign the Vertisols a
or reaches the surface. If diapir and gilgai occur, the place in the genetic scheme of soil
mound in gilgai is always developed over the diapir. classification as there are greater differences of
Hallsworth and Beckman (1969) classified gilgai opinion whether they are old, young or remain
into 6 types i.e. normal or round, melon hole, in equilibrium with the environment.
Lattice, Linear or wavy, tank or stony but later on 1. Views as Vertisols are old : The end product
Paton (1974) suggested only two types of gilgai i.e. of a development sequence involves the soils
linear and circular (Nuram or Pockmarked) each of whose B horizon has become so clayey that
which were grouped into 4 types. shrink-swell cycles developed and eventually
α type - Mound and depression equally developed
"swallowed" the A horizon. It is possible
(No shelf present) because high content of fine clay and high
β type - Mound of much greater extent than
fc/cc ratio may be produced by lessivage on a
depression (No shelf present) large scale.
γ type - Depression of much greater extent than
2. Views as Vertisols are young : The fate of
mound (No shelf present) Vertisol may be to undergo alteration of 2:1
δ type - Mound, shelf and depression all present
clays to non expanding type of clay. The
2. Size of cyclic pedons : Half cycle linear distance profile would then cease to churn and
(HCLD) measures the lateral dimension of a eluviation process would dominate. This
cyclic pedon. It may be small, medium or large interpretation suggests that Vertisols are
i.e. below 1, 1 to 2 or above 2 to 3.5 meter, relatively young soils.
respectively. 3. View as Vertisols are in equilibrium :
3. Horizon sequence : In Vertisols, the horizon Vertisols remain in equilibrium with their
sequence has been suggested to be A1-Bss-BC- environment and that the 2:1 expanding lattice
C where "ss" indicates about the presence of clays are stable and will persist, barring a
slickensides. climate change. Vertisols then can be
considered diagnostic of environments in

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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

which the parent material is basic and gives rise under the influence of wet dry climate.
to the formation of 2:1 expanding lattice silicates

Table 2 : Range in characteristics of Vertisols and Vertic Inceptisols

Horizon Soil colour Texture Structure Special features Width of
(10 YR) cracks (cm)
A. Typic Haplustert (10 YR - 2.5 YR)
Ap/A11 4/2, 3/3, 3/2, 3/1 C 1f/1m sbk 1c/2c pr-3c pr 2-5
A12 3/3, 3/2, 3/1 C 2m/2c abk 2c pr - 3c pr 2-5
Bss 3/3, 3,2, 3/1, 2/1 C 2m/3c abk Intersecting lickensides* 1-2
BC 4/4, 3/4 C 2m/2c abk ----do---- 0.5-1
C 5/4, 4/4, 4/3 c-gc 2msbk/ massive - -
B. Vertic Haplustept (10 YR - 7.5 YR)
Ap/A 5/2, 4/3, 4/2, 3/2 Cl gr/1m sbk 1c pr-2c pr 2-2.5
AB 4/3, 3/3 cl-c 1m/2m sbk ----do---- 2-2.5
B21 4/3, 3/3, 3/2 cl-c 2m sbk-3m/3c 2c pr - 3c pr or pressure 1.5
faces/abk slickensides
B22 6/3, 5/3, 4/4, 4/3 gscl-cl ----do---- - -
C 7/6, 6/3, 5/3, 4/4 gsl-gscl 1f sbk/ massive - -
*or parallelepipeds with long axes tilted from 35° to 55° from horizontal

References: • Paton, T.R. (1974). Origin and terminology for

• Bartelli, L.J. (1971). Soil taxonomy, correlation gilgai in Australia. Geoderma. 11 : 221-242.
and Interpretation. Proceedings of Workshop • Sehgal, J. (2008) Pedology – concepts and
organized by All India Soil and Land Use application, 2nd edition Kalyani Publication,
Survey, New Delhi. Ludhiana P. 416.
• Bhattacharjee, J.C., Landey, R.J. and Kalbande, • Sehgal, J., and Bhattacharjee, J.C. (1988).
A.R. (1977). A new approach in the study of Typical Vertisol of India and Iraq-their
Vertisol morphology. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 25 characterization and classification. Pedologie.
: 221-232. 38 : 67-95.
• Buol, S.W., Hole, F.D., McCracken, R.J. and • Sehgal, J., Saxena, R.K. and Vadivelu, S.
Southard R.J. (1998). Soil Genesis and (1987). Field Manual for Soil Resource
classification. Panima Publication Corporation, Mapping of different states. NBSS & LUP,
New Delhi. Nagpur, pp. 73.
• Coulombe, C.E., Wilding, L.P. and Dixon, J.B. • Soil Survey Staff (1999). Keys to Soil
(1996). An Overview of Vertisols: Taxonomy. 9th Ed. CSC, SMSS, United States
Characteristics and Impact on Society. Adv. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Agron. 57 : 289-375. Washington, D.C.

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Creation of spatial variability maps of soil nutrient using geo-statistical tool

G. S. Tagore
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

Soil fertility, a dynamic natural property, fluctuates was collected, processed and analyzed for soil
nutrients in the laboratory.
throughout the growing season of each year due to
alteration in the quantity and availability of nutrients Geo-statistical analysis using GIS
by the addition of fertilizers, manure and compost. In the 1970s a new technique called
Due to the bulkiness, weight and lack of “Kriging” and its variants were widely recognized as
technologies to apply manure, it is restricted to an important spatial interpolation technique in land
fields near the settlements. This always causes over- resource inventories (Hengl et al., 2004). It is a fact
or under application of the required plant nutrients that soil properties vary from place to place even
and therefore, creates a nutrient gradient across the within the same field. As a result, the spatial
cultivated lands and leads to other undesirable structure can vary at scales that differ by several
environmental impacts. The resulting spatial orders of magnitude from a few meters to hundred
variability of soil fertility poses great challenge to kilometers. Such variation with distance can be
land management and reflects in variable yields over described well with the help of geo-statistics (Simon
farmlands. Some earlier studies showed that the et al., 2013). Because “Kriging” assumes the normal
effect of variability of soil properties on crop distribution for each estimated variable, it is
performance could be detrimental, especially when necessary to check whether the nutrient contents in
the fields were patchy. Ideally, application rates soils are approximately normally distributed or not.
should be adjusted based on estimates of the A normal distribution was estimated based on
requirements for optimum production at each skewness values and the variable datasets having a
location because there is high spatial variability of skewness ranged between -1 to 1 were considered
N, P, and K within individual fields. From the normally distributed (Ortiz et al., 2010). The spatial
literature point of view, it is revealed that high costs dependency of selected soil parameters was
spent in classical methods for collecting soil samples analyzed using semi-variogram analyses with
and the results have been restricted to only mean normalized data. Semi-variogram is computed as
values of specific classes. In the old studies latitude half the average squared difference between the soil
and longitude of sampling sites are missing. Keeping properties of data pairs and semi variance is
this in mind, the present investigation was focused estimated using equation
on generation of spatial variability maps of soil
nutrients using geo-statistical tool in Arc GIS
environment and the use of GPS receivers to map as:
the exact location of sampling sites, which can be Where N(h) is the number of data pairs within a
used as input data in GIS and run the queries to given class of distance and direction, z(xi) is the
know various properties of soil. value of the variable at the location xi and z(xi + h)
Methodology is the value of the variable at a lag of h from the
The sampling sites decided randomly location xi.
distributed over agricultural land of the study area
can be perfectly located by considering land use and
soil association maps, topography and heterogeneity
of the soil type. Field data collection and soil
sampling were carried out by using GPS by
navigating those points during off season from the
agricultural land to avoid the effect of fertilization
during crop cultivation. For each main sampling
point, 1.0 kg of representative composite soil sample Fig. 1 Semi-variogarm parameters

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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

Then, this was generally fitted with a which could have been derived from using the
theoretical model, such as Exponential, Spherical sample mean alone(Agterberg, 1984),
and Gaussian models (Goovarts, 1999). Choice of
the best-fitted model was based on the lowest
residual sum of square (RSS) and the largest
where z is the sample mean. If G = 100, it indicates
perfect prediction, while negative values indicate
that the predictions are less reliable than using
sample mean as the predictors (Schloeder et al.,
Case study
From Hoshangabad district, 305 soil
samples were collected using GPS and analysed for
soil properties. Then spatial variability maps of pH,
OC Zn and B using geo-statistical tool in GIS
environment was generated.
coefficient of determination (R2). Nugget is the References:
variance at distance zero, sill is the semi- variance
value at which the semi-variogram reaches the upper • Agterberg, FP 1984. Trend surface analysis. In
bound after its initial increase, and range is a value Spatial Statistics and Models (eds Gaile, G. L.
(x axis) at which one variable becomes spatially and Willmott, C. J.), Reidel, Dordrecht, The
independent. Netherlands:147–171.
The nugget to sill ratio was used to define • Cambardella CA, Moorman TB, Novak JM,
different classes of spatial dependence for the soil Parkin TB, Karlen DL, Turco RF and Konopka
properties. According to Cambardella et al., (1994) AE. 1994. Field scale variability of soil
nugget/sill ratio of 25%, 25-75% and >75% were properties in Central Iowa soils. Soil Sci. Soc.
classified as having strong, moderate and weak of Am. J.58:1501–1511.
spatial dependence, respectively.
• Goovaerts, P.1999. Geo-statistics in soil
Accuracy of the prediction was evaluated
science: state-of-the-art and perspectives.
through cross-validation approach
Geoderma 89:1-45.
Mean absolute error (MAE), and mean squared error
(MSE), measure the accuracy of prediction, whereas • Hengl T, Heuvelink GBM and Stein A. 2004. A
goodness of prediction (G) measures the generic framework for spatial prediction of soil
effectiveness of prediction criteria (Santra et al., variables based on regression-kriging.
2008). MAE is a measure of the sum of the residuals Geoderma. 120:75–93.
(e.g. predicted minus observed) as stated by Voltz
• Santra P.,Chopra UK. and Chakraborty D. 2008.
and Webster (1990).
Spatial variability of soil properties and its
application in predicting surface map of
hydraulic parameters in an agricultural farm.
where zˆ(xi ) is the predicted value at location i. Curr.Sci. 95,(7).
small MAE values indicate few errors. The MAE • Voltz M and Webster R.1990. A comparison of
measure, however, does not reveal the magnitude of kriging, cubic splines and classification for
error that might occur at any point and hence MSE predicting soil properties from sample
was calculated, information. J. Soil Sci. 41: 473–490.

Squaring the difference at any point gives

an indication of the magnitude, e.g. small MSE
values indicate more accurate estimation, point-by-
point. The G measure gives an indication of how
effective a prediction might be, relative to that

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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

Determination of pH and Electrical Conductivity in Soil Samples

B.S. Dwivedi and S.S. Baghel
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

Determination of pH is actually a measurement Procedure :

of hydrogen ions activity in soil – water system. It
(a) Soil to water ratio of 1:2 (pH2)
is defined as negative logarithm of the hydrogen
Take 20 g soil in 100 ml beaker and add 40
ion activity. Mathematically, it is expressed as:
ml. of distilled water to it. The suspension is
pH = - log a H+
stirred at a regular interval for 30 minutes.
Determine the pH by immersing electrodes in
The pH value of a soil is an indication of
suspension. For soils containing high salts, the pH
soil reaction i.e. acidic, neutral or alkaline. The
should be determined by using 0.01M calcium
nutrient availability is governed by soil reaction. It
chloride solution. (Dissolve 0.110 g of CaCl2 in
is maximum at neutral pH and decreases with
water and dilute to 1 litre).
increase in acidity or alkalinity. Thus, pH value
gives an idea about the availability of nutrients to (b) Saturates soil paste (pHs)
plants. Add small amount of distilled water to
Principle : 250g of air dried soil. Stir the mixture with a
spatula. At saturation, the soil paste glistens and
The pH is usually measured by pH meter,
flows slightly when the container is tapped it
in which the potential of hydrogen ion indicating
slides freely and ensures cleanly off the spatula.
electrode (glass electrode) is measured
After mixing, allow the sample to stand for an
potentiometrically against calomel saturated
hour. If the paste has stiffened markedly or lost its
reference electrode which also serves as salt
glistening, add more water or if free water has
bridge. Now a day, most of the pH meters have
collected on the surface of the paste, add an
single combined electrode. Before measuring the
additional weighed quantity of dry soil and mix it
pH of the soil, the instrument has to be calibrated
again. Then insert the electrode carefully in the
with standard buffer solution of known pH. Since,
paste and measure the pH.
the pH is also affected by the temperature, hence,
the pH meter should be adjusted to the (c) Saturation extract (pHe)
temperature of the solution by temperature The soil is extracted using vacuum
correction knob. extractor and the pH is measured in the saturation
Reagents : extract.

Standard buffer solutions: These may be Categories of soil pH values :

of pH 4.0, 7.0 or 9.2 and are prepared by Soil pH : Interpretation
dissolving one standard buffer tablet in 100 ml
distilled water, It is necessary to prepare fresh < 5.0 : Strongly Acidic
buffer solution after few days. In absence of buffer 5.1 – 6-5 : Slightly Acidic
tablet, a 0.05 M potassium hydrogen phthalate
6.6 – 7.5 : Neutral
solution can be used which gives a pH of 4.0
(Dissolve 10.21 g. of A.R. grade potassium 7.6 – 8.0 : Mild Alkaline
hydrogen phthalate in distilled water and dilute to
> 8.0 : Strongly Alkaline
1 litre. Add 1 ml of chloroform or a crystal of
thymol per litre as a preservative).

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Electrical Conductivity :
Amount of soluble salts in a sample is pH Meter :-
expressed in terms of the electrical conductivity
(EC) and measured by a conductivity meter. The
instrument consists of an AC solubridge or
electrical resistance bridge and conductivity cell
having electrodes coated with platinum black. The
Instrument is also available as an already
calibrated assembly (Solubridge) for representing
the conductivity of solutions in dSm-1 (deci
Siemen per meter) at 250C.

A simple wheatstone bride circuit is used
to measure EC by null method. The bridge
consists of two known and fixed resistance r1, r2,
one variable-standard resistance r4 and the
unknown r3. The variable resistance r4 is adjusted
until a minimum or zero current flows through the
AC galvanometer. At equilibrium.

r1 r3 r1
r2 = r4 or = r3 r2 X r4

Since conductivity is reciprocal of receptivity, it is

measured with the help of r3. Electrical Conductivity Meter :-

Reagents :
Potassium chloride: Dissolve 0.7456g dry
potassium chloride (AR) in distilled water and
make up the volume to one litre.
Procedure :
Take 20 g of soil in 100 ml beaker, add
40 ml of distilled water and shake intermittently
for 30 minutes. Determine the conductivity of the
supernatant liquid with the help of conductivity
meter. The electrical conductivity of saturation
extract (E.C.) is also determined for salinity

EC Effect (dS m-1)

<1 - No deleterious effect on crop
1-2 - Critical for salt sensitive crops
2-3 - Critical for salt tolerant crops
>3 - Injurious to most crops

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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

Determination of Organic Carbon Content in Soil

B.S. Dwivedi and S.S. Baghel
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

The majority of mineral surface soils range from Apparatus and Reagents :
1.2 to 3.5% organic carbon. Since soil organic 1. 500 ml conical flasks.
matter averages about 58% carbon, it follows that 2. Pipette
soils generally range from about 2 to 6 % organic 3. Burette
matter (% O.M. = %C x 1,724. The factor 1.724 = 4. Phosphoric acid 85%.
100/58). There is also a close relationship between 5. Sodium fluoride 2%.
carbon and nitrogen in soils. Most organic matter 6. Sulphuric acid 96 % containing 1.25 %
average about 5% nitrogen so that the N : C ratio Ag2SO4.
is 1:11.6. Therefore by multiplying the soil 7. Standard 1N K2Cr2O7 – 49.04 g/liter.
organic matter percentage by 0.05 an approximate 8. Standard 0.5 N Fe (NH4)2 (SO4)2. 6H2O 196 g
value for the soil nitrogen, percentage is obtained. in 800 ml water containing 20 cc H2SO4 and
In soil the chief source of some of the diluted to1 litre.
nutrients essential for plant growth is organic 9. Diphenylamine – 0.5g in 20cc water and add
matter, such nutrients are N, S and boron is also 100 ml conc. H2SO4.
largely derived from organic matter.
Procedure :
1. Weigh 1g soil sample in 500 ml conical flask.
Principle :
Add 10 ml of 1 N K2Cr2O7 and 20 ml conc.
A suitable quantity of the soil is digested
H2SO4 (containing Ag2SO4). Mix thoroughly
with chromic acid and sulphuric acid making the
and allow reaction to proceed for 30 minutes.
use of heat of dilution of sulphuric acid soil is
2. Dilute the reaction mixture with 200 ml water
digested and organic matter of the soil is oxidized.
and 10 H3PO4 add 10 ml of NaF solution and
Excess of chromic acid left over unreduced by the
2 ml of diphenylamine.
organic matter of the soil is determined by a
3. Titrate the solution with standard FAS to a
titration with standard Ferrous Ammonium
brilliant green colour. A blank without soil
sulphate solution using diphenylamine as
should be run simultaneously.
In this exercise, chromic acid in the
Observations & Results :
presence of excess H2SO4 is to be used as an
Weight of sample - 1g
oxidizing agent for oxidizable organic matter of
Normality of K2Cr2O7 used - 1N
the soil. The heat of dilution of H2SO4 works as a
Vol. of K2Cr2O7 - 10 ml
standardized ferrous sulphate solution.
Normality of FAS - 0.5 N
10 0.003 x 100
4 Cr6+ + 3C 4Cr+++ + 3C4+ OC (%) = (Blank - Reading) X
2H2Cr2O7+ 2Cr2(SO4)3+ Blank Wt. of soil

3C+6H2SO4 3CO2+8H2O Limits :

K2Cr2O7 + 4 H2SO4 K2SO4+2Cr2(SO4)3+ Low : < 5.0 g OC kg-1
H2O+3O Medium : 5.0 to 7.5 g OC kg-1
2FeSO4 + H2SO4+O Fe2 (SO4)3 + H2O High : > 7.5 g OC kg-1

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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

Determination of Available Nitrogen in Soil

F.C. Amule
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

modes (auto and manual) are available for

Available Nitrogen in Soil (Alkaline Permanganate
distillation reagents addition.
Method) :
• Refrigerated Water Cooling System for
Principle : Condenser (Model Kel Freeze): It is
refrigerated water cooling system for
A known weight of the soil is mixed with
distillation and condensing system with
alkaline potassium permanganate (KMnO4)
inbuilt compressor and re-circulate pump.
solution and distilled. The organic matter present
2. Electronic balance
in soil is oxidized by the nascent oxygen, liberated
3. Burette
by potassium permanganate, in the presence of
4. Conical flask
sodium hydroxide and the released ammonia is
5. Distilled water
condensed and absorbed in known volume of a
boric acid with mix indicator to form ammonium Reagents :
borate, the excess of which is titrated with a
1. 0.32 % potassium permanganate (KMnO4)
standard sulphuric acid.
Reactions involved: 2. 2.5 % sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
3. 2 % boric acid solution containing 20 - 25 ml
of mixed indicator / liter.
I. Distillation :
4. Mixed indicator: 0.066g methyl red + 0.099g
2 KMnO4 + H2O 2 MnO4 + 2KOH + 3O-
bromocresol green dissolve in 100 ml of 95
medium % alcohol.
(Nascent oxygen) 5. 0.02 N sulphuric acid (H2SO4).
Oxidation Procedure :
R.CO.COOH + NH3 • Weigh 5 g of prepared soil sample and
Organic-N fraction (Ammonia) transfer it to the digestion tube.
• Load the tube in distillation unit and other
Distillation sides of hose keep 20 ml of 2 % boric acid
NH3 + H2O NH4OH with mixed indicator in 250 ml conical flask.
• 25 ml each of potassium permanganate (0.32
%) and sodium hydroxide (2.5 %) solution is
3NH4OH + H3BO3 (NH4)3BO3 + 3H2O automatically added by distillation unit
(Green colour) programme.
• The sample is heated by passing steam at a
II. Titration steady rate and the liberated ammonia
2(NH4)3BO3 + 3H2SO4 absorbed in 20 ml of 2 % boric acid
2(NH4)3SO4 + 2 H3BO3 containing mixed indicator solution kept in a
(Pink colour and original) 250 ml conical flask.
Equipment and apparatus : • With the absorption of ammonia, the pinkish
1. KEL PLUS Automatic Nitrogen colour turns to green.
Estimation System • Nearly 150 ml of distillate is collected in
The said instrument is used for determination about 10 minutes.
of available nitrogen in soil. It consists of the • The green colour distillate is titrating with
following: 0.02N sulphuric acid and the colour changes
• Automatic Distillation System (Model to original shade (pinkish color).
Classic DX): It is fully automatic distillation • Simultaneously, blank sample (without soil)
system with programmable auto run digital is to be run.
features, with automatic dilution and addition • Note the blank & sample titer reading (ml)
of boric acid, NaOH and KMnO4. Both and calculate the available nitrogen in soil.

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Calculations :
R (Titer reading - Blank reading) × Normality of acid
-1 × Atomic weight of nitrogen × Weight of one hectare of soil
Available N (kg ha ) =
Sample weight (g) x 1000
R × 0.02 × 14 × 2.24 × 106
5 x 1000
Factor = R x 125.44
Interpretation of results :
Available N (kg ha-1) Soil rating
< 280 : Low
280-560 : Medium
> 560 : High

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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

Determination of Total Nitrogen in Soil and Plant Samples

F.C. Amule
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

soil, plant, water, pesticides, fertilizers, food

Total nitrogen is estimated by the micro-Kjeldahl and feed samples. It is microprocessor based
method as per procedure suggested by AOAC automatic twelve place macro block digestion
(1995). system with temperature controller fitted with
Preparation of plant and soil samples : sensor break protection (Microprocessor based)
feature and temperature range from 50-450 0C.
The plant analysis has been considered as
• Acid Neutralizer Scrubber (Model KEL
a superior diagnostic technique for mineral
VAC): It is used to neutralize the acid fumes,
content. Whole plant is dried in open air for few
which are absorbed in 15% sodium hydroxide
days after that it was further dried in hot air oven
and dissolved in water stored in the system tank.
at about 60 ± 2o C for eight to ten hours per day to
After every 2 cycles of digestion, the 15%
achieve complete drying. After drying, whole
sodium hydroxide solution is replaced and after
plant is powdered with the help of a grinder,
3 cycles of digestion, acid fumes dissolved in
passed through 2 mm stainless steel sieve and used
water tank is drained off and refilled with fresh
for chemical assay. The soil sample from definite
water in the system tank.
depth was randomly collected from the field with
• Automatic Distillation System (Model Classic
the help of screw auger. All the possible technical
DX): It is fully automatic distillation system
precautions as prescribed for standard soil
with programmable auto run digital features,
sampling were also taken. Samples were brought
with automatic dilution and addition of boric
to the laboratory, air-dried in the shade and
acid and NaOH. Both modes (auto and manual)
grounded by wooden roller, thereafter sieved
are available for distillation reagents addition.
through 2 mm stainless steel sieve and stored in
polythene bags and used for chemical assay. • Refrigerated Water Cooling System for
Condenser (Model Kel Freeze): It is
Principle : refrigerated water cooling system for distillation
and condensing system with inbuilt compressor
Nitrogen in samples like plant and soil
and re-circulator pump.
exists in a very complicated bonding structure.
1. Electronic balance
During digestion, a known weight of the plant/soil
2. Burette
samples in the presence of sulphuric acid with
3. Pipette
catalyst mixture under high temperature is
4. Conical flask
digested where complicated structures are broken
5. Measuring cylinder
to simple structure, thereby releasing nitrogen in
6. Distilled water
the form of ammonium radical (NH4+). During
distillation in presence of sodium hydroxide, the Reagents :
released ammonia is condensed and absorbed in 1. Concentrated sulphuric acid (H2SO4).
known volume of a boric acid with mix indicator 2. Catalyst mixture: Mix with 250 g potassium
to form ammonium borate, the excess of which is sulphate (K2SO4), 50 g cupric sulphate
titrated with a standard sulphuric acid. (CuSO4. 5 H2O) and 5 g metallic selenium
The micro-Kjeldahl method consists of the three powder in the ratio of 50:10:1.
steps; 3. 40 % sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
1. Digestion 4. 4 % boric acid containing 20 - 25 ml mixed
2. Distillation and indicator /liter.
3. Titration. 5. Mixed indicator: 0.066 g methyl red + 0.099
Equipment and apparatus : g bromocresol green dissolve in 100 ml of 95
1. KEL PLUS Automatic Nitrogen Estimation % alcohol.
System : 6. 0.02N sulphuric acid (H2SO4).
Procedure :
The said instrument is used for
I. Digestion :
determination of nitrogen. It consists of the
following : • Weigh 0.5 g of prepared plant sample or 1 g
of soil sample and transfer it to the digestion
• Macro Block Digestion System (Model
KES 12L): This digestion system is suitable for

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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

• Add 10 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid Crude protein content :

and 5 g of catalyst mixture to the sample. The total nitrogen is estimated by micro-
• Load the digestion tubes in to the digester Kjeldahl method as per procedure suggested by
and heat the digestion block. AOAC (1995) and the crude protein is calculated
• Switch on the digestion unit and set the by the following formula:
initial temperature 100 0C till frothing is Crude protein content (%) = micro-Kjeldahl
over. nitrogen content (%) x 6.25 (based on the
• Then block temperature is raised to 400 0C. assumptions that nitrogen constitutes 16 % of
The effective digestion starts only at 360 0C protein).
and beyond 410 0C.
• The sample turns light green colour or References :
colorless at the end of the digestion process. Subbiah, B.V. and Asija, G. L. (1956). A rapid
II. Distillation : procedure for the estimation of nitrogen
in soils. Curr. Sci., 25: 259-260.
• After cooling the digestion tube, load the
tube in distillation unit and other side of hose AOAC, (1995). Official Methods of Analysis. 16th
keep 20 ml of 4 % boric acid with mixed edn. Association of Official Analytical
indicator in 250 ml conical flask. Chemists, Washington, DC.
• 40 ml NaOH (40 %) is automatically added
by distillation unit programme.
• The digested sample is heated by passing
steam at a steady rate and the liberated
ammonia absorbed in 20 ml of 4 % boric
acid containing mixed indicator solution kept
in a 250 ml conical flask.
• With the absorption of ammonia, the pinkish
colour turns to green.
• Nearly 150 ml of distillate is collected in
about 8 minutes.
• Simultaneously, blank sample (without
plant/soil) is to be run.
III. Titration :
• The green colour distillate is titrating with
0.02N sulphuric acid and the colour changes
to original shade (pinkish color).
• Note the blank & sample titer reading (ml)
and calculate the total nitrogen content
present in plant/soil samples.
Calculations :

R (sample titer-blank titer) x Normality of acid x Atomic weight of

Nitrogen content in plant (%) = nitrogen x 100
Sample weight (g) x 1000
R x 0.1 x 14 x 100
0.5 x 1000
Factor = R x 0.28

R (sample titer-blank titer) x Normality of acid x Atomic weight of

nitrogen x 100
Nitrogen content in soil (%) =
Sample weight (g) x 1000

R x 0.1 x 14 x 100
= 1 x 1000

Factor = R x 0.14

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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

Determination of Phosphorous in Soil and Plant Samples

R.K. Thakur* and B.S. Dwivedi
*Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, Waraseoni

6. Standard phosphate solution: Weigh

The phosphorus is an essential plant nutrient and 0.4393 g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate
it occurs in many different forms. Therefore, a (KH2PO4) into one litre volumetric flask.
reliable procedure for measuring the amount both Add 500 ml of distilled water and shake the
in soil as well as in plant is needed. There are contents until the salt dissolves. Dilute the
many methods available for the determination, solution to one litre with distilled water to
however, colorimetric measurement is presented get 100 ppm P solution. Dilute 20 ml of 100
here: ppm P solution to one litre to get form-
Principle : working solution of 2 ppm.
Phosphorus is extracted from the soil Preparation of standard curve :
with 0.5 m NaHCO3 at a nearly constant pH of 8.5.  Take different concentration of P (0, 1, 2, 3,
The phosphate ion in solution treated with 4, 5, etc ml of 2 ppm standard P Solution) in
ascorbic acid in an acidic medium provides a blue 25 ml volumetric flasks.
colour complex. Measurement of the quantitative
determination of phosphorous in soil (Olsen’s et  Add 5 ml of the 0.5M NaHCO3 extracting
al., 1954) solution to each flask, and acidify with 5N
H2SO4 drop by drop.
Reagents :
 Add about 10 ml distilled water and 4 ml of
1. 0.5 M Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) reagent ‘B’, then shake the solution.
solution: Dissolve 42 g of NaHCO3 in  Make the volume 25 ml by distilled water.
distilled water to get one litre solution and
adjust the pH of the solution to 8.5 by small  The intensity of blue colour is read on
quantity of NaOH. spectrophotometer at 660 nm wavelengths
after 10 minutes.
2. Activated Charcoal: Darco G-60 (P- Free)
 Plot the curve by taking P concentration on
3. 5 N Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) Solution: Add X axis and colorimeter reading on Y axis.
141 ml of con. H2SO4 to 800 ml of distilled Repeat the process till you get straight line
water. Cool the solution and dilute to one relationship.
litre with distilled water.
 Calculate the factor i.e. 1 colorimeter reading
4. Reagent A: is equal to how much ppm of phosphorus?
 Dissolve 12.00 g of ammonium Procedure :
paramolybdate in 250 ml of distilled
water.  Take 2.5 g of soil sample in 150 ml conical
flask and 0.5 g Darco G-60 activated
 Dissolve 0.2908 g of potassium antimony charcoal.
tartrate (KSbO.C4H4O6) in 100 ml
distilled water.  Then add 50 ml of 0.5 M NaHCO3 solution
and shake the solution for 30 minute in a
 Above both solution mix thoroughly and shaker. Similar processes run for a blank
made one litre in volumetric flask with without soil.
the help of distilled water.
 Filter the suspension through the Whatman
 Add these dissolved reagents to one litre no. 40 paper.
of 5N H2SO4.
 Take 5 ml aliquot of the extract in a 25 ml
5. Ascorbic acid working solution (Reagent volumetric flask, and acidify with 5N H2SO4.
B): Dissolve 1.056 g of ascorbic acid in 200
ml of reagent A and mix. This ascorbic acid  Add small quantity of distilled water, and
(reagent B) should be prepared as required then add 4 ml of reagent B.
because it does not keep more than 24 hours.

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 The intensity of blue colour is read on ♦ Read the transmittance/absorbance at 420 mµ

spectrophotometer at 660 nm wavelengths (blue filter).
after 10 minutes.
♦ Plot the reading against µg P and calculate the
Observations : factor (F).
1. Weight of soil sample : 2.5 g Digestion of plant material :
2. Volume of extractant used : 50 ml Take one gram of plant material in
3. Volume of filtrate used : 5 ml digestion flask. Add 10-15 ml of Diacid (3:1:
4. Absorbency : R Nitric acid : Perchloric acid) mixture and swirl the
5. Absorbency from standard curve : A content in 150 ml volumetric flask. Place the
6. Concentration of P for absorbency A : B ppm content on hot plate till the digestion is over. Filter
Calculation : the solution in 100 ml conical flask, wash the
R x F x 50 x 2.24 residue on filter paper several times with the hot
water. Make up the volume with distilled water,
Available P (kg ha-1) = store the solution in air tight container.
5 x 2.5
Estimation :
Where, F (factor) = B / A
♦ Transfer 10 ml dilute in 50 ml volumetric
Limits of available P in soil : flask.
Very low : Less than 5 P kg ha-1 ♦ Add 10 ml ammonium molybdate vanadate
Low : 5-10 P kg ha-1 solution shake the content.
Medium : 10-20 P kg ha-1 ♦ Make up the volume and record the reading as
High : 20-40 P kg ha-1 per the procedure under preparation of
standard curve.
Very high : More than 40 P kg ha-1
Calculation :
Determination of total phosphorus in plant :
50 µg = R
Principle : Vanadate molybdate and 1R = 50/R µg (Factor)
orthophosphates react to give a yellow colour
complex in acidic medium. The intensity of colour Factor (F) x Reading x 100x100
provides the basis of quantitative measurement of Total (%) sample
total P in plant (Koenig and Johnson, 1942). P = ------------------------------------------
Apparatus and reagents : 10000 x 1000 x 10 x 1
Reference :
♦ Colourimeter/spectrophotometer
• Koenig, R.A. and Johnson, C.R. (1942).
♦ 50 ml volumetric flask Colorimetric determination of biological
♦ ammonium molybdate ammonium vanadate materials Ind. Eng. Chem. Analyt. Edn. 14 :
(in NHO3) solution : Dissolve 2.5 g (NH4)6 155-156.
Mo7O2.4 4H2O in 400 ml distilled water. • Olsen, S.R., Cole, C.V., Watanabe, F.S. and
Dissolve 1.25 g of ammonium vanadate in Dean, L.A. (1954). Estimation of available
300 ml boiling water. Add the ammonium phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium
vanadate solution to the ammonium bicarbonate. Circ. U.S. Dept. Agric. 939 : 1-
molybdate solution and cool to room 19.
temperature. Add 250 ml conc. NHO3 and
dilute to 1 lit.
♦ Phosphate standard solution : Dissolve 0.2195
g KH2PO4 and dilute to 12%. This solution
contains 50µg P/ml.
Procedure :
Preparation of standard curve : Spectrophotometer
♦ Transfer 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ml of 50 ppm P
solution to 50 ml volumetric flasks in order to
get 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 µg P.
♦ Add 10 ml vanadomolybdate reagent make up
the volume and mix the content thoroughly.

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Determination of Potassium in Soil and Plant Samples

S.S. Baghel
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

The available potassium i.e. exchangeable and NH4OAc Soln. Adjust the flame photometer
water soluble potassium is determined by reading at zero with blank (zero K) solution and at
extracting soil with neutral normal ammonium 100 for 40 mg kg-1 K solution. Take the flame
acetate solution. The estimation of potassium is photometer readings for every dilution. Plot the
carried out by flame photometer. standard curve on graph paper by taking K
concentration on X axis and flame photometer
1. Principle : reading an y axis. This will give a factor (F) of 1
flame photometer reading = 0.4 mg kg-1 K.
The principle underlying this is that a
large number of elements when excited in a flame,
5. Procedure :
emit radiation of characteristic wave length. The
excitation cause one of the outer electron of Take 5g soil in 100 ml conical flask and
neutral atoms to move to an outer orbit of higher add 25 ml of 1N NH4OAc Soln. Shake the content
energy level or the atoms may be excited for 5 minutes and then filter through Whatman
sufficiently to lose an electron completely from No.1 filter paper. Potassium extract is measured
the attractive force of the nucleus where excited by flame photometer after calibration.
atom return to lower energy level, light at
characteristic wave length is emitted. Excited 6. Calculation :
atoms or ions give line radiation at very definite RxFx25x100x20x1.121
wave length and thus K gives at 404.4 and 767 Available K (kg ha-1) =
mµ. The flame photometer employees a relatively 5 x 1000
low temperature excitation and measures with a = R x F x 11.217.
photocell the emission intensity which is
proportional and to concentration in selected wave Limits of available K in soil :
length (767 mµ) and for this red filter is used. : Less than 200 K kg ha-1
Very low
2. Apparatus and reagents: Low : 200 – 250 K kg ha-1
a) Flame photometer with red filter, Medium : 250 – 400 K kg ha-1
b) Pipette, volumetric flasks and conical flask High : 400 – 600 K kg ha-1
(100 ml). Very high : More than 600 k kg ha-1
3. Reagents : 8. Precaution :
(a) Neutral Normal Ammonium Acetate :
Add 58 ml of glacial acetic acid to about a) These should not be any turbidity or
600 ml H2O and then add 70 ml of concentrated suspended particles in extract, it will chock
ammonia (sp. gr 0.90) Dilute the solution to one the capillary feeding tube .
litre. Then adjust pH of solution at 7.0 with the b) The gas and air pressure should be constant.
help of ammonia or acetic Acid or this can be c) If sample reading goes beyond 100 then
prepared by dissolving ammo. Acetate dilute the extract.
(CH3COONH4) (77.08 eq.wt.) directly in H2O and
volume to be made one litre and then adjust the 9. Determination of k in plant sample :
pH 7.0 . (a) Wet digestion :
(b) Standard Potassium Solution : Place 1-2g of ground plant sample in
Dissolve 1.9066 g of dried KCl (AR) in 100ml digestion flask. Add 20-25 ml of acid
distilled water and dilute to one litre. This is 1000 mixture Acid mixture 750 ml conc. HNO3 + 150
mg kg-1 K solution. 100 ml of this solution diluted ml conc H2SO4 + 300 ml of HClO4 and mix the
to 1 lit. to make 100 ppm K solution. contents of the flask by swirling well. Heat the
4. Preparation of the standard curve : flask at a low temp and then slowly increase the
Take 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 ml flame or temp. of hot plate. Completion of
of 100 mg kg-1 K solution in different 25 ml digestion is confirmed when liquid is colorless.
volumetric flasks. Make up the volume with 1N After cooling, add 20-25 ml H2O and filter

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through whatman No.40 into a 100 ml/250 ml

volume flask and make up the volume.
(b) Determination of K : Flame Photometer :-
Take the aliquot and get the reading of K
through flame photometer using red filter and
calculate the amount of K in the plant sample on
the oven dry matter basis.

K (%) in plant sample = X x 4 x 10-3

References :
Black, C.A. (1965) Methods of soil analysis Part I
Am. Soc. Agron. Inc. Publi. Madison
Wisconsin USA.

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Determination of Sulphur Content in Soil and Plant

R.K. Thakur and F.C. Amule
*Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, Waraseoni

Principle: 4. Standard stock solution (2000 mg S L-1):

Besides some amount in the soil solution, Dissolve 1.089 g of oven dried AR grade
available sulphur in mineral soils occurs mainly as potassium sulphate per 100 mL.
adsorbed SO4= ions. Phosphate ions (as 5. Working standard solution (10 mg S L-1):
monocalcium phosphate) are generally preferred Measure exactly 2.5 mL of the stock solution
for replacement of the adsorbed SO4= ions. The and dilute to 500 mL.
extraction is also carried out using CaCl2 solution. 6. Barium sulphate seed suspension:
However, the former is considered to be better for Dissolve18 g of AR grade BaCl2 in 44 mL of
more efficient replacement of SO4= ions. Use of hot water and add 0.5 mL of the standard stock
Ca salts have a distinct advantage over and leads solution (given above). Heat the contents to
to easy filtration SO4= in the extract can be boiling and then cool quickly. Add 4 mL of
estimated turbid metrically using a gum acacia-acetic acid solution to it. Prepare a
colorimeter/spectrophotometer. fresh seed suspension for each estimation every
A major problem arises when the amount of day.
extracted sulphur is too low to be measured 7. Dilute nitric acid (approx 25%): Dilute 250
precisely.; To overcome this problem, addition of mL of AR grade conc. HNO3 to one litre.
seed solution of known S concentration is added to 8. Acetic-phosphoric acid: Mix 900 mL of AR
the extract to raise concentration to easily grade glacial acetic acid with 300 mL of H3PO4
detectable level. Sulphur in the extract can also be (AR grade).
estimated by a colorimetric method using barium
Procedure :
chromate (Nemeth 1964; Palaskar et al. 1981), but
1. Weight 20 g of soil sample in a 250 mL
the turbidimetric method (Chesnin and Yien 1950)
conical flask.
given below is mainly used in the soil testing
laboratories. 2. Add 100 mL of the monocalcium phosphate
extracting solution (500 mg P L-1) and shake
Instruments : for one hour. Filter through Whatman No. 42
(i) Colorimeter or spectrophotometer or filter Paper.
3. Measure 10 mL of the clear filtrate into a 25
(ii) Mechanical shaker
mL volumetric flask.
4. Add 2.5 mL of 25% HNO3 and 2 mL of acetic-
1. Mono-calcium phosphate extracting
phosphoric acid. Dilute to about 22 mL,
solution (500 mg P L-1): Dissolve 2.035 g of
stopper the flask and shake well.
Ca(H2PO4)2.H2O per litre.
2. Gum acacia-acetic acid solution: Dissolve 5 5. Shake the BaSO4 seed suspension and then
g of chemically pure gum acacia powder in add 0.5 mL of it and 0.2 g of BaCl2 crystals.
500 mL of hot water and filtered in hot Stopper the flask and invert three times and
condition through Whatman No. 42 filter keep.
paper. Cool and dilute to one litre with dilute 6. After 10 minutes, invert 10 times and keep.
acetic acid. After another 5 minutes, invert 5 times.
3. Barium chloride: Pass AR grade BaCl2 salt 7. Allow to stand for 15 minutes and then add 1
through 1 mm sieve and store for use. mL of gum acacia-acetic acid solution.
8. Make up the volume, invert three times and
keep aside for 90 minutes.

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9. Invert 10 times and measure the colour Estimation :

intensity at 440 nm (blue filter). Take 10 ml aliquot from extract and
10. Run a blank side by side. proceed as per the method described under
Preparation of standard curve for S : preparation of standard curve (Bardsley and
1. Place 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5 and 15.0 ml Lancaster, 1960).
portions of the working standard solution (10
mg S L-1) into a series of 25 ml volumetric Calculation :
flasks to obtain 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150
µg S. 5 µg = R
2. Proceed to develop turbidity as described 1R = R/5 µg (Factor)
above for sample aliquots.
3. Read the colour intensity and prepare the
curve by plotting readings against sulphur Total S (%) = Factor x Sample R x1000 x 100 x 100
concentration (In µg in the final volume of 25 -------------------------------------------
ml). 1000 x 10 x 1
References :
Calculation :
• Arora, C.L. and Bajwa, M.S. (1994). Curr.
R x 100 Sci. 66 : 314-316.
Available S in soil (mg kg-1) = 10 x 20 • Bardsley, C.S. and Lancaster, J.P. (1960).
Where, r stands for the quantity of S in mg as Proc. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. 24 : 265.
obtained on X-axis against a reading.
• Chesnin, L. and Yien, C.N. (1951). Proc.
Determination of total sulphur in plant: Soil Sci. Soc. Am. 15 : 149.
Sulphur is an essential plant nutrient and
occurs in many different forms. The procedure for
total sulphur estimation is as follows :

Digestion of plant material :

Take one gram of plant material in
digestion flask. Add 10-15 ml of Diacid (3:1:
Nitric acid : Perchloric acid) mixture and swirl the
content in 150 ml volumetric flask. Place the
content on hot plate till the digestion is over. Filter
the solution in 100 ml conical flask, wash the
residue on filter paper several times with the hot
water. Make up the volume with distilled water,
store the solution in air tight container.

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Determination of Micronutrients in Soil and Plant Samples by

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
G.D. Sharma
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

All atoms can absorb light at certain discrete Io

wavelengths corresponding to the energy thus, log10 --- = abc = absorbance
requirement of the particular atom. When at It
ground state the atom absorbs light it is
transformed into the excited state. It is the same Where, Io = incident radiation power
atom containing more energy. This energy is It = transmitted radiation power
measured in relation to the ground state and a a = absorption coefficient
particular excited state say for example in case of b = length of absorption path
Na may be 2.2 eV (electron volts) above the c = concentration of absorbing
ground state. atoms
Each transition between different i.e. the absorbance is proportional to the
electronic energy states is characterized by a concentration of the elements for a given
different energy and by a different wavelength. absorption path length at any given wave length.
These wavelengths are sharply defined and when a In principle, it might be possible to
range of wavelengths is surveyed, each calculate the concentration directly from the above
wavelength shows as a sharp energy maximum (a equation. In practice, however, the a and b are
spectronic line). These characteristic lines constants hence the variation of results is directly
distinguish atomic spectra. The lines, which related the concentration of atoms. For analysis,
originate in the ground state of atom, are most the absorbance of different concentration of
often of interest in atomic absorption standard solution is first measured with the help of
spectroscopy. These are called the resonance lines. atomic absorption spectrophotometer and then the
The atomic spectrum, characteristic of each results of unknown samples are compared with the
element, then comprises a number of discrete standards and thus concentration of unknown
lines, some of which are resonance lines. Most of sample is calculated.
the other lines arise from excited states rather than Atomic absorption spectrophotometer :
the ground state. The lines of excited states are not Atomic absorption spectro-photo-meter is
useful generally in atomic absorption analysis as based on the principle that when atomic vapours
most of the atoms in a practical atomizer are found of an element are irradiated by the radiation of a
in the ground state. characteristic wavelength (i.e. the light from a
The relationship of light absorbed by the source whose emission lines are those of the
atom in ground state and their concentration in the element in question), they absorb in direct
solution is defined in the fundamental laws of light proportion to the concentration of the element
absorptions. being determined.
Lambert’s Law : The portion of light absorption
Instrument features :
by a transparent medium is independent of the
A wide range of atomic absorption
intensity of the incidence light and each
spectrophotometer is available today, all of them
successive unit thickness of the medium absorbs
have the basic features in common and consist of
an equal fraction of the light passing through it.
the following components:
Beer’s Law : Light absorption is proportional to
the number of absorbing atoms in the sample. (a) A Light source :
The combined Beer - Lambert law may be given A Light source emits the spectrum of the
as : element to be determined. The most widely used
It = Io – (abc) light source is hollow cathode lamp which is

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designed and operated in such a way that the lines simultaneous complexing of Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn,
to be measured are sharp, of stable intensity and Cd, Co, Ni and Pb (Lindsay and Norvell, 1978).
free from background. Buffering of extractant in a slightly alkaline pH
range (7.3) by including soluble Ca2+, avoids the
(b) Atomizer-Burner assembly :
dissolution of CaCO3 with the release of occluded
A means of producing atomic vapours of
micronutrients due to CO2 partial pressure of
the element to be analyzed. The solution to be
approximately 10 times that in atmosphere, as the
analyzed is drawn by capillary and converted into
soil contains slightly higher CO2 levels than found
stream of compressed air to a fine spray which
in the atmosphere.
after condensation of larger droplets is mixed with
(a) Extracting solution : (0.005 M DTPA)
the fuel gas acetylene and burnt in a long flame (at
Dissolve 1.9679g of DTPA (Diethylene tri
2100-2400oC) in a stainless steel burner.
amine penta acetic acid) + 13.3 ml TEA
(c) A Monochromator : (Triethanol amine) + 1.47g CaCl2 .2H2O in
It isolates the absorbing resonance lines 200 ml distilled water, dilute to 900 ml, adjust
from other non absorbing lines. When the light pH 7.3 with 6N HCl while stirring and then
coming from the HCL, after traversing the flam, make upto 1 liter and mix thoroughly.
enters the monochromator which is already set at (b) Apparatus required : Shaker (Horizontal or
the wavelength of the resonance lines of the Rotatory), iodine value flasks (100 ml
desired element, the monochromator performs its capacity) or conical flasks with glass stoppers,
function. funnels, filter paper whatman No.1, plastic
(d) A Detector : storage bottles and Atomic absorption
It measures the magnitude of absorption spectrophotometer.
of the characteristic radiation. (c) Stock Standard Solutions : The standard
(e) A Photomultiplier Tube : solutions of different micro-nutrients should
It amplifies the absorption signal and preferably be prepared by using their wires.
converts the light radiation into electrical energy. Dissolve 1g wire in a minimum volume of 1:1
(f) A readout system : nitric acid and dilute to 1000ml with distilled
It measures the absorbance in volts. It is water to obtain 1000 µg/ml solution of micro-
normally a strip chart recorder, a digital display, a nutrient, or take salts of metals as follows:
meter or printer. The presently available AAS Zn- 4.398g l-1 ZnSO4,7H2O
have features like automatic calibration with one Cu- 3.929g l-1 CuSO4,5H2O
or more standards, automatic curve corrections, Fe- 4.977g l-1 FeSO4,7H2O
automatic and foolproof gas switching and Mn- 3.598g l-1 MnSO4,H2O.
calculation of average and standard deviations in The prepared standards are also available
repetitive runs. in the market. Out of these standards, prepare
Collection and preparation of soil and plant working solution of 50 ppm. Then a series of
samples : To avoid contamination, soil samples standard solution of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5
are to be collected in plastic tub, using rust free ppm may be prepared for each metal.
instrument or wood and kept in polythene lined (d) Background correction : The reading of a
cloth bags. Samples are prepared with the help of spectral line always includes any
wooden mortar and pestle and sieved through contribution from the flame and sample
2mm nylon screen/mosquito net cloth or stainless matrix. Failure to correct properly for the
steel sieve. background reading can be a source of
Similarly plant samples (leaves, grains or serious error. Although the need for fast
straw) should be washed with 0.01N HCl, rinsed background correction is most obvious with
with glass distilled water dried in oven at 65°C graphite furnace work, it is also a
and crushed with the help of stainless steel consideration with flame atomic absorption.
scissors. The most common method of background
correction in atomic absorption spectrometry
Soil extraction : DTPA offers the most favorable involves the use of a continuum source such as a
combination of stability constants for the deuterium lamp to measure the background. The

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source used is a deuterium filled discharge lamp,

which emits an intense continuum spectrum from (e) Soil analysis : Weigh 12.5g soil sample in
190 nm to about 400 nm. This is the region where 100 ml iodine value flasks. Add 25 ml DTPA
most atomic absorption lines occur and where the solution. Shake this mixture for 2 hours on
effects of background absorption are most shaker at 70 to 80 oscillation per minute,
pronounced. The poly-atomic gas D2, is used in filter through acid washed distilled water
the lamp because a continuum is produced rather rinsed, whatman No.1 filter paper and collect
than a line spectrum. the filtrate in plastic bottles. Determine the
The deuterium lamp is different from a content of micronutrients on atomic
hollow cathode lamp in construction and absorption spectrophotometer.
operation. The lamp incorporates a heated, (i) Plant analysis : Weigh 0.5g plant sample in
electron-emitting cathode, a metal anode and a a conical flask (corning, 100 ml capacity).
restrictive aperture between the two. A discharge Add 10 to 12 ml of di acid mixture (1
current of several hundred milli amperes excites perchloric + 4 nitric acid) and digest the
the deuterium gas. The discharge is forced to pass mixture on hot plate till the residue is colour
through the small aperture, forming a defined area less. Now take off, cool dilute with distilled
of high excitation and hence high light emission. water and filter through whatman No.1 filter
A suitable window transmits the light to the paper. Make up the volume of digestate to 50
spectrometer's optical system. ml. Read for micronutrient content on atomic
To obtain successful background correction absorption spectro-photometer.
the deuterium lamp must be correctly aligned, and
its intensity must be matched to that of the hollow Factors : For soil multiply the concentration read
cathode lamp. on AAS computer sheet by “2”. Similarly for
It is important that both the deuterium source plants the multiplying factor will be 100 to get
and the hollow cathode source are aligned to concentration in mg kg-1.
follow the same optical path. If they are not, then
the two measurements may not be made on the Reference :
same atom population and significant errors may
Lindsay, W.L. and Norvell, W.A. (1978). Proc.
Soil Sci. Soc. Am. 42 : 421-428.
In order to balance the intensity of the
deuterium lamp with the hollow cathode lamp, it
may be necessary to change the hollow cathode
lamp current to a higher or lower value depending Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
on the relative intensities of the lamps.
Although most modern AA spectro-
photometers incorporate so called "simultaneous"
background correction, they rely on two
measurements separated slight in time. One
measurement is of the total absorbance (atomic
plus background) and the other is of the
background only. The background is electronically
subtracted from the absorbance to give the
background corrected atomic absorbance with the
continuum source method of background
correction, the total absorbance is measured
during the hollow cathode lamp pulse and the
background during the deuterium lamp pulse.
With the Zeeman method using a modulated
magnetic field, the total absorbance is measured
with the magnetic field off and the background
with the field on.

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Estimation of Boron in Soils, Plants and Water

G.D. Sharma
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

Boron occurs as anion in soils and is required by Irrigation water containing Boron
plants in very small quantity. Water soluble B between 0.3 to 0.6 mg kg-1 can be used safely,
makes the estimate of its availability to plants. whereas, irrigating soils with water containing 1 to
Total boron in soils varies from 20 to 200 mg kg-1 3 mg kg-1 B causes toxicity of B in plants.
and available (water soluble) boron in soils ranges
from 0.03 to 12 mg kg-1 respectively. The Boron determination (Azomethine H Method) :
threshold value ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 mg kg-1 Azomethine H forms coloured complex
(water soluble B) depends upon the soil type, with H3BO3 in aqueous media. Over a
crops, and other factors, below which the response concentration range of 0.5 to 10 µg B/ml the
to applied boron may be expected. Some sensitive complex is stable at pH 5.1. Maximum absorbance
crops to boron deficiency are listed in table 1. Its occur at 420 nm with little or no interference from
availability is affected by soil pH as under: a wide variety of salts. This technique is rapid,
• Deficiency of B is generally observed in old reliable and more convenient to use than
acid leached soils. traditional procedures employing carmin,
• Availability increased with the rise in soil pH curcumin or quinalizarin (John et al., 1975).
having significant positive correlation with pH
rising from 4.7 to 6.7.
(1) Spectrophotometer
• In neutral, saline and calcareous soils the B
(2) Poly-propylene tubes 10 ml capacity.
availability again decreases with the rise in soil
pH having significant negative correlation with Reagents :
the rise in pH from 7.1 to 8.1. In calcareous 1. Distilled water
soils B fixation occurs with the condensation 2. Buffer solution : Dissolve 250 g of
of borate radical into long chains in the ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) and 15 g of
presence of Ca. ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA
disodium salt) in 400 ml of distilled water.
Table 1 : Sensitivity of crop to B deficiency Slowly add 125 ml of glacial acetic acid and
Sensitive Medium Low mix.
Alfalfa Apple Barley 3. Azomethine H reagent : Dissolve 0.45 g of
Cauliflower Cabbage Beans azomethine H in 100 ml of 1% L ascorbic
Rape seed Carrot Corn acid solution. Fresh reagent should be
Conifers Clover Grasses prepared weekly and stored in a refrigerator.
Peanuts Cotton Oat 4. Calcium hydroxide suspension : Add 0.4g
Sugarbeet Onion Ca(OH)2 to 100 ml distilled water.
Turnip Pea 5. 0.1 N HCl : Add 8.3 ml conc. HCl to 900 ml
Potato distilled water, mix, cool to room temperature
and make up the volume to 1000 ml.
6. Calcium chloride 0.01 M Dissolve 1.11 g of
anhydrous CaCl2 in 900 ml distilled water and
make up the volume to 1000 ml.
• In alkaline soils the availability of B is high
7. Boron standard solution : Dissolve 0.114g of
and may be even toxic for plant growth.
Boric acid (H3BO3) in distilled water and
Besides this the low moisture availability
adjust the volume to 1000 ml. Each ml
also causes B deficiency.

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contains 20 µg B. Dilute 10, 20, 30, 40 and For analysis of B pipette 1 ml of the aliquot
50ml of the stock solution to 100 ml with and proceed as for the standard curve.
distilled water to have solution with B 2. Plant digest : Take 0.5 g plant sample in
concentration of 2,4,6,8 and 10 µg of B/ml porcelain/platinum dishes Add 0.5 g Ca(OH)2.
respectively. Include a distilled water sample Ignite the sample in the muffle furnace at
for the 0.0 µg of B/ml standard solution. 550°C for 4 hours to obtain white grey ash.
Cool the dishes and moist the ash carefully
Procedure :
with little distilled water and then add 5 ml
Take 1 ml of aliquot of blank and diluted
0.1N HCl. Transfer the content in to 25 ml
B standards into a 10 ml polypropylene tube, add
volumetric flask mix and make up the volume
2 ml of buffer solution and mix. Add 2 ml of
to 25 ml with distilled water. For analysis of B
azomethine H reagent, mix and after 30 minutes
take 1 ml of the aliquot and proceed as for the
read the absorbance at 420 nm on
standard curve.
spetrophotometer. With the help of absorbance
readings of standard solutions of different 3. Water analysis : Take suitable quantity of
concentration of B the standard curve is drawn and water sample (containing 0.2 to 5.0 µg B) in
a factor for concentration of B for 1 absorbance is porcelain dishes add 2 ml Ca(OH)2 and
calculated which is utilized to calculate B in the proceed as described for soil extract. It is
soils, plant or water sample. important to keep a definite volume of aliquot
i.e. 1 ml of either soil, plant or water in final
Preparation of Extracts :
step of B determination.
1. Soil extracts : The hot water soluble extraction
procedure of Berger and Truog (1939) is being References:
used widely with slight modification of adding • Berger, K.C. and Truog, E. (1939). Boron
dilute electrolyte (0.01 M CaCl2) instead of determination in soils and plants. Ind. Eng.
water only. This provides clear, colourless Chem. Anal. Ed. 11 : 540-545.
extract which eliminates the need of charcoal • Bighman, F.T. (1982). Boron p. 501-508. In
for decolourzation. Beside this a negative error, A.L. Page (ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis.
associated with B adsorption by charcoal, is Part II Agron. Monogr. 9 ASA and SSSA,
also removed. Mandison, W.I.
Place 20 g air dry soil in 250 ml low B • Jackson, M.L. (Ed.) (1958). Boron
flat bottom flasks and add 40 ml of 0.01 M CaCl2 determination for soil and plant tissues. In
solution. Attach water cooled reflux condenser to Soil Chemical Analysis page 370-387.
the flask. Heat the flasks for 5 minutes and then • John, M.K., Chuah, H.H. and Neufld, J.H.
cool and filter the suspension in plastic bottles. (1975). Application of improved azomethine
Transfer 20 ml aliquot to evaporating H method for the determination of boron in
dish, add 2 ml Ca(OH)2) suspension and evaporate soil and plants. Anal. Lett. 8 : 559-568.
the solution to dryness. Heat the evaporating
dishes gently to destroy organic matter, cool to
room temperature, add 5 ml 0.1N HCl. Triturate
the residue with rubber policeman to ensure the
complete dissolution of the residue (Bingham,

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Estimation of Microbial Biomass Carbon in Soil

R.K. Sahu and F.C. Amule
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, Waraseoni

Microbial biomass carbon : vacuum desiccator. For the purpose 20 ml

It was estimated by chloroform ethanol free chloroform was taken in Petridis
fumigation extraction method (Brookes et al., and was placed inside the desiccator the bottom
1985). portion inside the vacuum desiccators. It was
attached to the vacuum pump and the air was
evacuated until the chloroform starts boiling to
Overnight fumigation of chloroform is saturate the desiccators with chloroform fumes.
done to kill all the organisms in soil samples; after Then the vacuum desiccator was kept in dark
which the amount of the organic C in the sample room for overnight.
can be measured by fumigation- extraction 5. Next day the vacuum was released and
method. chloroform was removed from the desiccator.
Fumigation extraction method:- 6. 10 g each of fumigated and non fumigated soil
The microbial biomass constituents samples were weighed in 150 ml conical flask
released by CHCl3 fumigation treatment can be and 40 ml of K2SO4 (0.5 M) was added to each
extracted directly through chemical extractants flask. Samples were shaken for 30 minutes on a
and the readily oxidisable C contained in the rotary shaker.
extract can be measured through standard 7. Both the samples were filtered with Whatman
chemical procedures. no. 42 filter paper, labelled and freezed until
Reagents 8. 10 ml of the filtrate was taken in 100 ml conical
1. Ethanol free chloroform flask and 2 M of K2Cr2O7 (0.2 N) and 10 ml of
2. Conc. H2SO4 con. H2SO4 was added to it. The contents of the
3. 0.5M K2SO4: 43.563 g K2SO4 was flask were allowed to cool for half an hour then
dissolved in distilled water and diluted with 5 ml orthophosphoric acid was added along with
500 ml. 200 ml distilled water. Minimum two blanks
4. 0.2 N K2Cr2O7: 0.9808 g K2Cr2O7 was were also run with 10 ml distilled water.
dissolved in 100 ml of distilled water. 9. Few drops of diphenylamine indicator were
5. Orthophosphoric acid added and titrated against ferrous ammonium
6. 0.005 N Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate sulphate (0.2 M) till the colour changed from
(FAS): 3.92 g of ferrous ammonium violet to green.
sulphate was dissolved in 0.15 ml conc. Calculation:
H2SO4 and then diluted to 2 liters by Fumigated C – Unfumigated C
distilled water. Microbial carbon (ppm) =
7. Ferroin/Diphenylamine indictor
Procedure • B
1. 10g of soil (three sets of each soil sample) was rookes, P.C., Kragt, J.F., Powlson, D.S. and
weighed and kept in to 100 ml beakers each. Jenkinson D.S. (1985). Chloroform fumigated
2. 8 ml of distilled water was added to both and the release of soil nitrogen. The effect of
beakers and were incubated for seven days at fumigation and temperature. Soil Bio.
250C in an incubator. Biochem., (17): 831-835.
3. 20 ml of chloroform was taken in a separating
funnel. It was washed two times with conc.
H2SO4 (with half of the volume of chloroform)
and the acid (bottom phase) was discarded. It
was washed twice with the same volume of
distilled water similarly to make the chloroform
free of ethanol and the bottom whitish phase was
4. One set of soil samples were taken in crucible
and fumigated with ethanol free chloroform in a

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Gamma Irradiation and its Importance for Food Preservation

G.D. Sharma
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

Gamma irradiation has been extensively used are perished every year. The reasons for such
losses are seasonal nature of fruits and vegetables
for food irradiation and sterilisation, killing of
production. The long distance between
fungus and micro organisms, sterilisation of
production and consumption centers and also
medical accessories and surgical equipments,
rising gap between demand and supply. The hot
high energy radiation chemistry, seed irradiation
and humid climate in the country is also quite
and semiconductor irradiation. Gamma Chamber
favorable for the growth of numerous insects and
can also be used in many other research
micro organisms that destroy stored crops and
applications which require irradiation of
cause spoilage of food every year. The spoilage
materials with ionizing radiations to varying
also occurs due to chemical and physiological
changes in stored foods. To preserve the food and
The radiation processing of food involve
food products, technologies such as freezing
the controlled application of energy from
caning sun drying pickling fermentation have
ionizing radiation such as gamma rays, electrons
been recommended by researchers but, each of
and X rays for food preservation. The gamma
these methods have its own merits and limitation.
rays and X-rays are short wavelength radiation of
The search for an alternative newer economical
electromagnetic spectrum, which includes radio
methods to preserve food and causes least
waves, microwaves, infrared, visible, and a violet
changes in sensory quality have been under taken
light. Radioisotopes such as cobalt 60 and
since long back, and has been observed that
caesium-137 emit the gamma rays, while
radiation processing of food is one of the latest
machines using electricity generate electrons and
method developed for food preservation.
X-rays. The gamma rays and electrons are
distinguished from other form of radiation by Irradiation by Gamma Chamber 5000 :
their ionizing ability. (That they are able to break
Gamma Chamber 5000 is a compact self
chemical bond when absorbed by material). The
shielded cobalt-60 gamma irradiator providing an
product of ionizing radiation may be electrically
irradiation volume of approximately 5000cc. The
charged ions) or neutral (free radicals). These
material for irradiation is placed in an irradiation
there further react to cause change in an
chamber located in the vertical drawer inside the
irradiated material known as the process of
lead flask. This drawer can be moved up and
radiolysis. It is this reaction that causes the death
down with the help of a system of motorized
of micro- organism, insect and parasites during
drive which enables precise positioning of the
food irradiation.
irradiation chamber at the centre of the radiation
The conservation and preservation of
food is a prerequisite for food security. It
Radiation field is provided by a set of
provides self-reliance to nation. The Indian Food
stationary cobalt-60 sources placed in a
Industries contributes about 25-28% towards
cylindrical cage. The sources are doubly
GDP. The food processing sector provides 60-
encapsulated in corrosion resistant stainless steel
65% employment with a turnover of in US$ 36.1
pencils and are tested in accordance with
billion of which US$ 27.8 billion in organized
international standards. Two access holes of 8
sector, any change or any stagnation in
mm diameter are provided in the vertical drawer
technology will inevitably have very large impact
for introduction of service sleeves for gases,
throughout the economy. India is a potential
thermocouple, etc. A mechanism for
producer of fruits and vegetables live stock and
rotating/stirring samples during irradiation is also
marine products. India has a tremendous potential
incorporated. The lead shield provided around the
as the world largest food factory.
source is adequate to keep the external radiation
It has been estimated that about 30-35%
field well within permissible limits. The Gamma
of fruit and vegetables of worth Rs 3000/- corers

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Chamber 5000 unit can be installed in a room or high temperature by circulating liquid
measuring 4 metres x 4 metres x 4 metres. nitrogen or hot air. These can be
introduced through the service sleeves
provided in the vertical drawer. The
irradiation temperature is sensed by a
thermocouple and displayed on the panel.
• Remote operation: An additional table top
control panel is provided for remote
operation in addition to the normal one
provided on the unit.
• Dose uniformity: Stationary source pencils,
symmetrically placed in a cylindrical
cage ensure good uniformity of radiation
field in the sample chamber. In addition a
mechanism is also provided for
rotating/stirring samples during
• Easy loading and unloading of samples:
Sample chamber extends to a convenient
height for easy loading and unloading of
• Safety assurance: The design of Gamm
Chamber conforms to American National
Standards, ANSI-N433.1-1977 for safe
design and use of self-contained dry
source storage gamma irradiators
(Category I). It also meets the
requirements of type B(U) package for
safety in transport of radioactive
materials as per AERB code No.SC/TR-
1, 1986 of Atomic Energy Regulatory
Board of INDIA.
Applications :
Features : Gamma Chamber is a versatile equipment for
• Safe and self-shielded: The shielding research studies in many fields such as:
provided is adequate to limit the radiation • Radiobiology
field on the external surface of the unit, • Preservation of tissue grafts
well within the permissible levels. No • Mutation breeding
additional shielding is required for its • Food preservation
installation and use. • Sterile male insect technique
• Automatic control of irradiation time: Built- • Biological and genetic effects of
in timer provides accurate control of radiations
irradiation time from 6 seconds onwards. • Radiation chemistry
The unit can also be operated manually. • Radiation effects on materials
Solid state programmable controls have • Radiation sterilization
been provided. In the event of power • Modification of properties of materials
failure battery backup displays the
Food Preservation by Gamma Radiation
• Manual control of irradiation temperature: The radiation processing of food is
It is possible to irradiate samples at low carried out inside an irradiation chamber shielded

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by 1.5 - 1.8 meter thick concrete walls. Food energy of the ray. At a density of 1000 kg m-3 half
either pre-packed or in bulk placed in suitable of the rays are absorbed in 11 cm. Halving the
containers is sent into the irradiation chamber with density approximately double the depth of
the help of an automatic conveyor. The conveyor penetration. The uniformity of dose distribution
goes through a concrete wall labyrinth, which can be expressed as a ratio of D max : D min. For
prevents radiation from reaching the work area sensitive food such as chicken the ratio should be
and operator room. When the facility is not in use as low as possible1.5.
the radiation source is stored under 6 meter deep
Potential Applications of Gamma Radiation:
water. The water shield does not allow radiation to
escape in to the irradiation chamber, thus The radiation dose administrated to a
permitting free access to personnel to carry out food depends on the resistance of the organisms
plant maintenance. For treating food, the source is present and the objective of the treatment. The
brought to the irradiation position above the water maximum recommended dose is 15 kGy, with
level after activation of all safety devices. The average dose not exceeding 100 kGy. Various
goods in aluminum carriers or tote boxes are application of this technology are as under:
mechanically positioned around the source rack
1. Sterilization ( or radappertisation) :
and are turned round their own axis, so that It is possible to sterilize meat and other
contents are irradiated on both the sides. The product, the dose required exceed the current
absorbed dose is determined by the residence time
limit of 10 kGy. A dose of 48 kGy is needed
of the carrier or tote box in irradiation position. for 12 D reduction of Cl. butulinum. High
Measurement of radiation dose : dose makes the product organoleptically un
Placing dosimeters at various positions in
a tote box or carrier we can check the absorbed 2. Reduction of pathogens (radicidation):
dose. The dosimeters are made from a material Food poisoning bacteria such as
including photographic film, Perspex and cobalt
salmonella typhimurium are less resistant to
glasses. The poly vinyl chloride (PVC) dosimeters radiation than Cl. Botulinum, and doses of 3-
are impregnated with a dye. The Hydrogen 10 kGy are sufficient for destruction.
chloride is released from the PVC by irradiation
and it produces a qualitative or quantitative 3. Prolonging shelf life (or radurisation) :
change in the colour of the dye to indicate the dose Relatively low doses are needed to
received. destroy yeast, moulds and non-spore forming
Dose distribution : bacteria. This process is used to increase shelf
The penetration of gamma radiation life by an overall reduction of vegetative
depends on the density of the food as well as the cells.
Table 1: List of radiation processing facilities available in the world :
S. No. Country No. of Food Commodities
1. Algeria 1 Potato
2. Argentina 1 Spices, spinach, cocoa powder
3. Bangladesh 1 Spices, onion, dried fish
4. Belgium 1 Spices, dehydrasted vegetables, deep frozen foods
5. Brazil 3 Spices, dehydrasted vegetables, fruits, vegetables, grain
6. Canada 1 Spices
7. Chile 1 Spices, dehydrasted vegetables, onion, potato, poultry meat
8. China 11 Spices and vegetable seasonings, Chinese sausage, garlic, apple,
potato, onion, dehydrated vegetables, souses, rice, tomatoes
9. Croatia 1 Spices, food ingredients, dried beef noodles
10. Czech. Repulic 1 Spices, dry food ingredients
11. Cuba 1 Potato, onion, beans
12. Denmark 1 Spices
13. Finland 1 Spices
14. France 5 Spices, vegetable seasonings, herbs, poultry (frozen boneless
chicken, dried fruit, frozen frog legs, shrimp)

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15. Hungary 1Spices, onion, wine cork, enzyme

16. India 2Spices, onion, potato
17. Indonesia 2Spices, rice
18. Iran 1Spices,
19. Israel 1Spices, condiments, dry ingredients
20. Japan 1Potato
21. Korea Republic 1Garlic powder, spices, condiments
22. Mexico 1Spices, dry food ingredients
23. Netherland 1Spices, frozen products, poultry dehydrated vegetables, egg
powder, packaging material
24. Norway 1 Spices
25. Poland 3 Not specified
26. Peru 1 Spices, food additives, animal feed
27. South Africa 4 Spices, shelf-stable food, fruits
28. Thailand 1 Spices, fermented pork sausages, enzymes
29. Ukraine 1 Grain
30. UK 1 Spices
31. USA 10 Spices, poultry, fruits, vegetables
32. Vietnam 1 Onion
33. Yugosla 1 Spices
(Source : ICGFI, Food & Environmental Protection Section, Update, 1997)

4. Control of ripening : 4. Due to the highly penetrating nature of the

Fruits and vegetables can be irradiated to radiation energy, it is a very effective method.
extend their shelf life about 2-3 time when stored at 5. Prepackaged foods can be treated for
100C The ripening and maturation of fruits are hygienization and improving shelf-life
arrested by inhibition of hormone production and 6. The radiation processing facilities are
interrupting the biochemical process of cell division. environment friendly and are safe to workers
and public around.
5. Disinfestations :
Grain and tropical fruits may be infested Limitations:
with insect and larvae, they reduces export potential. 1. Radiation processing is a need based technology
A low dose below 1 kGy is effective for and cannot be applied to all kinds of foods
disinfestations 2. Radiation processing cannot make a bad or
6. Inhibition of Sprouting: spoiled food look good
The technology is effective in inhibiting 3. It cannot destroy already present pesticides and
sprouting of potatoes, A dose of about 150 Gy has toxins in foods
been recommended. Similar doses are also effective 4. Amenability of a particular food commodity to
in preventing sprouting of onion and garlic. radiation processing has to be tested in a
Benefits and limitation of gamma radiation laboratory.
Plant Mutation Breeding by Gamma Radiation
Benefits :
Plant mutation breeding by radiation has
1. Radiation processing is a cold process and been investigated for long time in many countries.
therefore, unlike heat, it can be used on agricultural New mutant varieties give us useful gene resources
commodities without changing their fresh-like for the security of food resources, the conservation
character of our ecosystem, and the promotion of new
2. Radiation processing does not alter industries. Using radiation technique (gamma-rays,
significantly nutritional value, flavour, texture and X-rays and EB) 128 varieties were developed in
appearance of food Japan. Many new species were developed for
3. Radiation using Cobalt-60 cannot induce any disease resistant crops, i.e. 55 species of rice, 10 of
radioactivity in food and does not leave any harmful barley and 2 of wheat. Other species of beans, fruits
or toxic radioactive residues on foods as is the case including pears resistant for black spot decease,
with chemical fumigants grass, vegetables, etc, were also developed.

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Recently, a lot of fascinating new mutants Measures of activity (A) :

are generated by ion beams. Ion beams can The number of disintegrations, or decay
frequently cause large DNA alterations such as events, or nuclear transformations, in a sample per
inversion, translocation and large deletion rather unit time is its activity A. Two common informal
than point mutation, which result in producing units are disintegrations per second and
characteristic mutants otherwise attainable. Ion- disintegrations per minute.
beam irradiation of Arabidopsis seeds has produced
Curie (Ci) : The US unit of activity is the curie
the UV-B-resistant, the frilled-petal, and other novel
(Ci).3.7x1010 disintegrations per second. Common
mutants. The features of ion beams in the mutation
multiples are the millicurie and microcurie.
induction seem 1) to induce mutants with high
frequency, 2) to show a broad mutation spectrum, Becquerel (Bq) : The SI unit of activity is the
and therefore, 3) to produce novel mutants. New becquerel (Bq). One becquerel is 1 disintegration per
mutants of chrysanthemum and carnation with second. The common multiple is the megabecquerel
complex and striped flower-color, and new flower- (1 mCi = 37 MBq).
shape have been produced and commercialized.
Half –life: The time (t) taken for the radioactivity of
Nuclear techniques, in contrast to
a sample to fall to half its initial value.
conventional breeding techniques, are widely
t1/2= 0.693 / k
applied in agriculture for improving genetically
diversity. Unlike conventional breeding procedures Electron volt (eV): energy of radiation (usually as
which involve, the production of new genetic mega electron volts (MeV). leV=1.602x 10-19 J
combinations from already existing parental genes, Grays (Gy): Absorbed dose (where 1 Gy is the
nuclear technology causes exclusively new gene absorption of 1 J of energy per kilogram of food)
combinations with high mutation frequency. Basic Previously rods (radiological unit) were used. 1 rad
tool of nuclear technology for crop improvement is = 10-2 J kg-1
the use of ionizing radiation which causes induced
mutations in plants. These mutations might be
beneficial and have higher economical values.

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Determination of Soil Aggregates

H.K. Rai
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

carried over all n size fractions including the one

Soil aggregates refer to a group of two or more
that passes through the finest sieve.
primary particles which cohere to each other more Apparatus and accessories
strongly than to surrounding particles. Under field Standard sieves of diameter 12.7 cm and height 5 cm
conditions, all such units also cohere to some degree and hole of 8.0, 5.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25 and 0.1 mm (2
with neighboring aggregates and form larger sets), Yoder apparatus, which raises and lowers the
aggregates. Such aggregates form and break easily nests of sieves through water 3.8 cm, approximately
into smaller aggregates during tillage and by 30 times per minute, atomizer, Physical balance, 105
disruptive action of water and air. The aggregates 0
C oven, desiccator, 8 cm watch glasses, hydrogen
maintaining their identity are those in which the peroxide, and 0.1 N hydrochloric acid.
cohesive forces among particles were greater than the
disruptive forces. A quantitative characterization of Procedure
aggregates is done by determining aggregate stability
and size distribution of aggregates. The aggregate 1. Take 200 g of air-dry natural soil which can
stability refers to the resistance of soil aggregates to pass through 8.0 mm screen and retained on 5.0
breakdown by water, air, and mechanical mm screen. Do not break them by hammer.
manipulations. Tillage operations at lower or higher Large gravels or roots should be removed.
water contents greatly decrease the aggregates
2. Weigh 25 g aggregates of 5.0-8.0 mm size in
stability and size distribution of aggregates in a soil.
three watch glasses. Keep one of them in oven
The size distribution of wet and dry aggregates
at 105 0C for moisture determination and use
determines overall tilth, size of pores and
the other two for analysis in duplicate.
susceptibility of aggregates to movement by water
and wind. 3. Arrange two sets of six sieves in the order of
5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25 and 0.1 mm from top to
1. Water Stable Aggregates bottom.
The soil aggregates which can stand the 4. Spread the sample (25 g) of aggregates
disruptive forces of wetting by water are known as evenly over top 5 mm sieve and spray 5 to 10
water stable aggregates. Therefore, the processes of ml of salt-free water on them. Wait for 3 to 5
wetting, disruption of dry aggregates and screening minutes and spray another 5 to 10 ml of water.
of aggregates of different sizes should reasonably
compare to the disruptive action of water and 5. Transfer the nest of sieves to the drum of the
mechanical forces of tillage under wetland sieve shaker and clamp them in position. Fill the
conditions. The vacuum wetting of dry soil largely drum, with salt-free water up to a level slightly
simulates the process of soil wetting in the below the top screen when sieves are in highest
subsurface layers but the immersion wetting is more position. Turn the pulley of the shaker slowly
comparable to the wetting of surface soil by by hand to attain the highest position.
irrigation. Similarly, sieving under water compares 6. Lower the sieves to the lowest position and
more closely with the disruptive action of water and wet the aggregates for 10 minutes. Fill more
other mechanical forces as experienced in wetland water in the drum so that aggregates are just
rice field preparation. The mean weight diameter covered with water when sieves are again in
(MWD) of water stable aggregates is a useful index highest position.
to characterize the change in structure due to
puddling. The MWD is calculated as 7. Switch on the oscillator and let the sieves
oscillate in water for 10 minutes with a
frequency of 30 cycles per minute through a
stroke length of about 3.8 cm.

8. Take out the nest of sieves, let the water
Where x i = mean diameter of size fraction i, and wi drain, separate and place them on paper sheets,
= proportion of the total sample weight occurring in and let the aggregates on each sieve dry and
the corresponding size fraction i. The summation is harden in air.

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9. Transfer the aggregates of each sieve in to n -

separate moisture boxes. Find out their oven-dry H . Mean Weight Diameter = ∑x w i mm.
weight. i=1 i
Where n= 6, the number of size fractions.
10. Transfer the aggregates from the moisture
boxes into 250 ml beakers separately and Mean weight diameter of I II
oxidize and disperse using H2O2 and sodium aggregates (mm)
hexametaphosphate respectively. Use
mechanical stirrer for complete dispersion; pass Results
the dispersed aggregates through the same
1. Percent aggregates greater than 0.1 mm (mean of
sieves on which they were retained originally.
Collect the unaggregated primary particles from 2 observations) =
each sieve and record their oven-dry weight.
2.Mean weight diameter (mean of two observations)
Subtract the weight of the primary particles
from the weight of the aggregates obtained on mm =
respective sieves in step-9.
11. Calculate the percentage of aggregated soil
particles on different sieves.
12. Plot a graph between accumulated percentage
of soil remaining on each sieve as ordinate and
upper limit of each size fraction as abscissa.

13.Calculate the mean weight diameter (MWD) of aggregates in mm and report the results as MWD
and percent aggregation.

A. Air dry weight of sample (g) = 25 25
B. Moisture percent in soil (%) =
C. Frequency of oscillation (min-1) =
D. Stroke length (mm) =
E. Oven-dry weight of particles: a) aggregated (g): =
b) Unaggregated (g): =
F. Oven-dry weight of sample (g) =
S. Size Range Weight of particles retained on Wt. of aggregated % aggregation Accumulated
No. of the sieve (g) particles percentage
aggregates Before After I Sample II Sample I Sample II Sample I Sample II Sample
(mm) dispersion dispersion
I II I II c-d (e x100)/ F
Sample Sample Sample Sample
a b c d e f g
1. 8.0-5.0
2. 5.0-2.0
3. 2.0-1.0
4. 1.0-0.5
5. 0.5-0.25
6. 0.25-0.10

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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

Determination of Bulk Density of Soil by Core Method

H.K. Rai
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

Density is an expression of mass of the oven-dry 3. Place the core sampler over the selected
soil per unit volume. Two types of densities are spots and insert the core in to the soil at desired
recognized - the bulk density and the particle depth by hammering on the top of the handle.
density. In bulk density total soil volume includes
4. Tilt the sampler a little forward and
the volume of solids and pore spaces, whereas in
backward to partly detach from the soil mass
particle density the volume of solids alone is
below and carefully lift the sample without any
jerk and disturbance of natural structure. In
Bulk Density: Bulk density is the ratio of oven-
certain soil fractions, a shovel may be needed to
dry mass of soil to its total volume before drying.
cut from sides and under the sampler to remove
Knowledge of bulk density is useful in calculating
the sampler without disturbance.
moisture content by volume, porosity using
particle density, volume of a known weight of 5. Unscrew the lid over the outer core
soil, and weight of a furrow-slice. Bulk density is cylinder and carefully remove the sample
a direct measure of soil compaction. holder.
Bulk density is highly dependent on any
6. Trim the excess soil from each end of the
kind of physical manipulation, degree of wetness,
sample holder with a straight-edged knife so
and kind and arrangement of soil particles. For
that the sample volume is the same as the
this reason, preservation of original structure in
volume of the sample holder.
the sample is most essential aspect of the
methodology for determination of bulk density. 7. Transfer the sample to a moisture box and
Common methods of determining soil bulk seal it for transportation to the laboratory.
density use soil cores or clods in their natural
8. Draw samples in duplicate from the desired
Principle: The core method involves pressing
uniformly a metal core sampler of 0.05 to 0.10 m 9. In the laboratory, remove the seal, weigh
diameter into the soil to a desired depth and the sample, uncap, and place in oven at 105 0C
removing carefully. The sample is dried to for drying until constant weight.
constant weight at 105 0C and weighed, and the
bulk density is expressed as oven-dry mass 10. Report bulk density along with moisture
divided by the field volume of the sample. The content in the sample.
core method is unsuitable in stony soils. Observations
Apparatus and Accessories: Core sampler with A. Date -------------------------------------------------
removable sample cylinder, shovel, straight edged B. Field number or name-----------------------------
knife, moisture box, cellophane tape, balance and C. Present crop -------------------------, previous c
oven. D. Volume of the sample holder ---------------------
Procedure Calculation and Results
oven dry weight of soil sample
1. Select two grass-free, and crack-free A. Bulk density =
smooth soil surface for duplicate sampling. volume of sample
2. Apply a heavy lubricant on the inside wall = 1. ---------------, 2. ---------------, Av. --------------g/ cm3
of the core sample cylinder.
B. Water content =..................................

S.No. Sampling Weight of Weight of Weight of moisture Oven dry Water content
depth (m) moisture moisture box box + dry sample wt. Of soil in the sample
box (g) + fresh (g) (g) (g/g)
sample (g)


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Estimation of Ascorbic Acid in Vegetables and Fruits

A. K. Upadhyay

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a sugar acid and an 3. Stock standard solution: Dissolve 100 mg
antiascobutic. It is required for normal formation ascorbic acid in 100 ml of 4% oxalic acid
of connective tissue collagen, specifically for solution in a volumetric flask. The
hydroxylation of certain proline and lysine concentration of stock standard solution is 1
residues. It is also required for normal iron mg ml-1.
metabolism and a strong reducing agent losing 4. Working standard: Dilute 10 ml of the stock
hydrogen atom readily to become dehydroascorbic solution to 100 ml with 4% oxalic acid. The
acid which has also vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is concentration of working standard is 100 µg
water soluble, heat labile vitamin and acts as an ml-1.
antioxidant to protect the cell membrane from the Procedure:
toxic action of powerful oxidizing agents.
Generally it is present in all fresh vegetables and 1. Weigh 0.5-5 g fresh sample kept in a mortar,
fruits, found abundantly in berries, citrus, guavas, crush the sample with 4% oxalic acid using a
chillies and green leafy vegetables. Estimation of pestle and make up to a known volume of
ascorbic acid content in fruits and vegetables by extract (100 ml) and filter or centrifuge.
volumetric method is described below: 2. Pipette out 5 ml supernatant or aliquot into
conical flask, add 10 ml of 4% oxalic acid and
Principle: titrate against the standard dye solution (V2
Ascorbic acid reduces the 2, 6- ml) to end point appearance of pink colour.
dichlorophenol indophenols dye to a colourless 3. Repeat the procedure with a blank solution
leuco-base. The ascorbic acid gets oxidized to omitting the sample.
dehydroascorbic acid. Though the dye is a blue 4. Similarly, pipette out 5 ml ascorbic acid
coloured compound, the end point is the working standard solution into 100 ml conical
appearance of pink colour. The dye is pink flask, add 10 ml of 4% oxalic acid and titrate
coloured in acid medium. Oxalic acid is used as against the standard dye solution (V1 ml).
the titrating medium. 5. The end point is the appearance of pink
colour which persists for a few minutes. The
L-Ascorbic acid + 2, 6-Dichlorophenol indophenol amount of the dye consumed is equivalent to
(oxidized) the amount of ascorbic acid.
2, 6-Dichlorophenol indophenols 6. Calculate the ascorbic acid content of fresh
(reduced) sample of tissue as mg per 100 g.

+Dehydroascorbic acid Calculation:

Amount of ascorbic acid mg 100 g-1 sample =
Equipments and glass wares: 0.5 mg V2 100 ml
× × × 100
Balance, Reagent bottle, Pestle, Mortar, V1 ml 5 ml Wt. of the sample
Test tube, Centrifuge, Volumetric flask, Conical
flask, Funnel and Burette. References:
• Ranganna, S. 1977. Handbook of analysis and
Reagents: quality for fruit and vegetable products. Tata-
1. Oxalic acid (4 %) McGraw-Hill Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Dye solution: weight 42 mg sodium • Sadasivam, S. and Theymoli
bicarbonate into a small volume of distilled Balasubramaniam 1987. In: Practical Manual
water. Dissolve 52 mg 2, 6-dichlorophenol in Biochemistry, Tamilnadu Agricultural
indophenol in it and make up to 200 ml with University, Coimbatore, p. 14.
distilled water. • Thimmaiah, S. K. 1999. Standard methods of
biochemical analysis. Kalyani Publishers,
New Delhi, p. 278.

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Estimation of Chlorophylls in Vegetables and Fruits

A. K. Upadhyay

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

Chlorophylls are the essential components for mortar and pestle thoroughly with 80 %
photosynthesis, and occur in chloroplasts as green acetone and collect the clear washing in to the
pigments in all photosynthetic plant tissues. They volumetric flask.
are bound loosely to proteins but are readily 5. Make up the volume to 100 ml with 80 %
extracted in organic solvents such as acetone or acetone.
ether. Chemically, each chlorophyll molecule 6. Measure the absorbance of the solution
contains a porphyrin (tetrapyrole) nucleus with a with spectrophotometer at 645, 652 and
chelated magnesium atom at the centre and a long- 663 nm against the solvent (80 %
chain hydrocarbon (phytol) side chain attached acetone) as blank.
through a carboxylic acid group. There are at least Calculation:
five types of chlorophylls in plants. Chlorophylls a
and b occur in higher plants, ferns and mosses. Calculate the amount of chlorophyll
Chlorophylls c, d and e are only found in algae present in the extract (mg chlorophyll per g
and in certain bacteria. Estimation of chlorophylls fresh tissue) using the following equations:
content in vegetable and fruit plant materials
spectrophotometrically and their method as mg chlorophyll a g-1 tissue V
describe below: =12.7 (A663) – 2.69 (A645) ×
1000 × W
Chlorophyll is extracted in 80 % acetone mg chlorophyll b g-1 tissue V
=22.9 (A645) – 4.68 (A663) ×
and the absorbances at 663 nm and 645 nm are 1000 × W
read in a spectrophotometer. Using the absorption
coefficients, the amount of chlorophyll is mg total chlorophyll g-1 tissue V
calculated. =20.2 (A645) + 8.02 (A663) ×
1000 × W
Equipments and glass wares:
Balance, Spectrophotometer, Centrifuge,
Mortar, Pestle, Buchner funnel, Filter paper and Where, A= Absorbance at specific wavelengths
Volumetric flask. V= Final volume of chlorophyll extract in
80 % acetone
Reagents: W=Fresh weight of tissue extracted
1. Analytical grade 80 % acetone (prechilled) References:

Procedure: • Sadasivam, S. and Manickam, A. 1992. In:

Biochemical methods for Agricultural
1. Weigh1g of finally cut and well mixed fresh Sciences, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, pp.
sample of leaf or fruit tissue into a clean 184-185.
mortar. • Thimmaiah, S. K. 1999. Standard methods of
2. Crush or grind the tissue with the help of biochemical analysis. Kalyani Publishers,
pestle to a fine pulp with the addition of 20 ml New Delhi, pp. 307-308.
of 80 % acetone. • Witham, F. H., Blaydes, D. F. and Delvin, R.
3. Filter the extract of residue with a Buchner M. 1971. Experiments in Plant Physiology,
funnel through Whatman No. 42 filter paper Van Nostrand, New York, p. 245.
or centrifuge (5000 rpm for 5 minutes) and
transfer the supernatant to the same
volumetric flask.
4. Repeat the extraction until the residue is
colourless (free from pigments). Wash the

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Climate Resilient Soil Management Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture from14th October to 3rd November, 2015

Estimation of Total Carotenoids in Vegetables and Fruits

A. K. Upadhyay

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur

Carotenoids are tetraterpenoid (C40) compounds 5. Evaporate the combined ether layers under
widely distributed in plants. They function as reduced pressure at 35 ºC in a Buchii type
accessory pigments in photosynthesis and as rotatory evaporator or in hot water bath and
colouring matters in flowers and fruits. Some of dissolve the residue in minimum quantity of
the commonly occurring carotenoids are simple ethanol.
unsaturated hydrocarbons based on lycopene and 6. Add 60% aqueous KOH at the rate of 1 ml for
their oxygenated derivatives known as every 10 ml of the ethanol extract to saponify
xanthophylls. β-Carotene is the most common the residue.
pigment in this group found in higher plants. A 7. Boil the mixture with add an equal volume of
method to extract total caretenoids from fresh water and partition the mixture twice with
materials of vegetable and fruit plants in acetone petroleum ether.
and petroleum ether, respectively and their 8. Evaporate the combined ether layers as before
determination is described below: and dissolve the residue in minimum volume
Principle: of ethanol.
The total carotenoids are extracted and 9. Measure the absorbance of the solution at 450
partitioned in organic solvents (acetone or nm with spectrophotometer and calculate the
methanol) on the basis of their solubility. total carotenoids content (mg 100 g-1) in the
Carotenoids that are bound as esters are sample using a calibration curve prepared
hydrolyzed using aqueous 60% KOH. The amount against a high purity β-carotene.
of carotenoids present in sample is estimated Make suitable dilution of the acetone or
spectrophotometrically at 450 nm using β-carotene methanol extract of the plant tissues and
as a standard. measure the absorbance at 450 and 670 nm in
a spectrophotometer. If A450 is 10 times that
Equipments: of A670, the total carotenoids present in the
Balance, Spectrophotometer, Rotatory extract may be estimated from the A450 values
evaporator or Water bath, Mortar, Pestle, using the following formula:
Separatory funnel, Buchner funnel, Filter paper,
Conical flak and Volumetric flak. C= D × V × f × 10
Reagents: 2500
1. Acetone or methanol (distilled)
2. Peroxide-free petroleum ether C= Total amount of carotenoids (mg)
3. Ethanol D= Absorbance at 450 nm in a 1.0 cm cell
4. Aqueous KOH (60%) V= Volume of the original extract in ml
5. Standard β-carotene solution F= Dilution factor and
2500= Average extinction coefficient of the pigments
1. Cut the fresh sample of vegetable or fruit • Jenson, A. 1978. Chlorophylls and
tissue and grind a known amount (2 g) in a Carotenoids. In: Hellebust, A and J. S.
mortar with 20 ml of either distilled acetone Crargie (eds.) Handbook of Phytological
or methanol. methods, Cambridge university press,
2. Filter the extract on a Buchner funnel through London, pp. 59-70.
Whatman No. 42 filter paper.
• Mahadevan, A. and Sridhar, R. 1986. In:
3. Repeat the extraction until the tissue was free
Methods in Physiological Plant Pathology
from pigments.
(3rd edn.), Sivakami Publications, Chennai,
4. Pool the filtrates and partition thrice with
pp. 9-11.
equal volume of peroxide free petroleumether
• Thimmaiah, S. K. 1999. Standard methods of
using a reparatory funnel (add water if
biochemical analysis. Kalyani Publishers,
necessary to produce two layers during initial
New Delhi, pp. 304-305.
ether extraction).

Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur – 482004 (M.P.) “Healthy Soils for a Healthy Life” 41
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Atomic Weight : Atomic weight of an element is the relative weight of the atom on the basis of
oxygen as 16 e.g. atomic weight of sodium is 23.

Molecular Weight: The sum of the atomic weights of all the atoms in a molecule is its molecular

E.g. Molecular weight of H2SO4 is 98, since

Hydrogen 2x1 = 2, Sulphur 1x32=32, Oxygen 4x16=64 i.e. 98

Equivalent Weight : Equivalent Weight of a substance is the number of grams of the substance
required to react with, replace to react with, replace or furnish one mole of H2O+or OH-

The equivalent weight of an acid is the weight that contains one atomic weight of acidic
hydrogen i.e., the hydrogen that reacts during neutralization of acid with base.

For example, the equivalent weight of H2SO4 is 49. Since H2SO4 contains two replaceable
hydrogen, so that equivalent weight is molecular weight/2 i.e., 98/2=49

Percent solution (W/v): One percent solution of a substance contains one gram of the substance in
100ml of the solvent.

Molar Solution (M): One molar solution of a substance contains one mole Or one gram molecular
weight of the substance in one litre of solution.

Eg: 1M NaOH contains 40g sodium hydroxide in one litre solution.

Normal Solution (N): One normal solution of a substance contains one equivalent of one gram
equivalent weight of the substance in one litre of solution (i.e. molecular weight divided by the
hydrogen equivalent of the substance) e.g. In H2SO4 contains 49g H2SO4 in one litre solution.

Buffer: A solution containing both a weak acid and its conjugate weak base whose pH changes only
slightly on the addition of acid or alkali.

Molarity (M): the number of moles of solute per kg of solvent.

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Preparation of Glassware
Aim: Preparation of glassware’s.

1. Glassware:- test tubes, Beaker, conical flask, measuring cylinders.
2. Chemicals:- 70% alcohol, potassium dichromate, Conc.H2SO4
3. Others:- balance, Detergent ,washing tub , brush.

1. Wash the glassware thoroughly with the detergent under tap water.

2. Prepare Chromic acid by dissolving 20 gm of potassium dichromate in 100 ml of Conc.H2SO4

and then dilute it with 100ml distilled water.

3. Now rinse the glassware’s thoroughly with Chromic acid and washes under tap water till the
Chromic acid is removed.

4. Again rinse the glassware with distilled water and dry them.

5. Keep them in oven at 110 OC for biochemical, microbiological and other routine work for one
or two hour and then it is ready for use.

6. For microbiology and biotechnology purpose rinse the glassware’s with a piece of cotton
dipped in 70% alcohol dry the glassware’s in air , wrap them in paper tie with thread and put
them in autoclave.

1. After rinsing the glassware’s with chromic acid, it should be washed under tap water
thoroughly to remove chromic acid.

2. The glassware’s should be dried before wiping them with cotton dipped in 70% alcohol.

3. The glassware’s must be completely dried before wrapping.

The glassware’s must be washed properly as to make them free of dirt and dust. Proper
washing of the glassware’s is an essential step to be performed before conducting any biochemical,
microbiological or biotechnological experiments.

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Appendix I

Conversion factors :
me. mg/eq.wt

ppm mg/l or µg/ml

1 ppm 2.25 kg/ha

10,000 ppm 1 per cent

1 mg/100 g 22.5 kg/ha

1 kg/ha 0.1 g /sq m

1 hectare 2.471 acres

1 acre 0.405 hectare

1 kg /ha 1.12 lbs/ acres

Mesh number 16/ mm

Normality Specific gravity X Purity X 10

(Liquid) Equivalent weight
Normality Wt of salt per liter X Purity
(Solid) Equivalent weight

Grams per liter Normality X Eq. Wt.

Organic matter Organic carbon X 1.724

Optical density 2 – log T (T= transmission)

Per cent by Wt. Grams of solute

100 g of solution

1 Angstrom (Å) 10-8cm or 10-10 m

10 (Å) 1 nanometer or 1 millimicrometer

C/5 (oF-32) / 9

P X 2.29 P2O5

P2O5 0.44 X P

K X 1.20 K2O

K2O X 0.83 K


N X 1.12 NH3

Protein (%) Nitrogen (%) X 6.25

Velocity of light 3 X 10-10 cm / sec.

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Velocity of sound 332 m / sec.

Appendix II

Percentage composition of manures and fertilizers

Material N P2O5 K 2O Others
FYM 0.5-1.5 0.4-0.8 0.5-1.9 -
Compost (urban) 1.0-2.0 1.0 1.5 -
Green manure 0.5-0.7 0.1-0.2 0.8-1.6 -
Bone meal(steamed) 1.0-2.0 25-30 - -
Anhydrous ammonia 82 - - -
Ammonium chloride 24 - - -
Ammonium nitrate 33 - - -
Ammonium sulphate 20.6 - - 24 (S)
Ammonium phosphate 11 48 - -
Diammonium phosphate 21 53 - -
Calcium cynamide 20 - - -
Calcium nitrate 16 - - -
Sodium nitrate 16 - - -
Urea 46 - - -
Super phosphate - 16 - 12 (S)
Dicalcium phosphate - 23 - -
Tricalcium phosphate - 45 - -
Rock phosphate - 11-17 - -
Basic slag - 3.5-8 - -
Muriate of potash - - 60 -
Sulphate of potash - - 48 18 (S)
Zinc sulphate - - - 35 (Zn); 18 (S)
Zinc chelate - - - 14 (Zn)
Copper sulphate - - - 25 (Cu); 13 (S)
Ferrous sulphate - - - 19 (Fe); 19 (S)
Iron chelate - - - 5-9 (Fe)
Borax - - - 11 (B)
Sodium tetra borate - - - 14 (B)
Manganese sulphate - - - 26 (Mn)
Manganese chelate - - - 10-12 (Mn)
Calcium sulphate (Gypsum) - - - 18 (S); 33 (Ca)

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Appendix III

Ready reckoner of fertilizer schedule at varying soil test values for

different crops (kg ha-1)
Fertilizer Name Fertilizers Recommendations
Very Low Low Medium High Very High
PADDY (80:50:30)
Urea 260 215 175 130 85
Super Phosphate 470 390 310 235 155
Muriate of Potash 75 65 50 40 25
SOYBEAN (20:80:20)
Urea 65 55 45 35 20
Super Phosphate 750 625 500 375 250
Muriate of Potash 50 40 35 25 20
Urea 325 270 220 165 110
Super Phosphate 470 390 310 235 155
Muriate of Potash 75 65 50 40 25
Urea 80 65 30 15 -
Super Phosphate 375 310 250 125 60
Muriate of Potash 50 30 15 10 -
GRAM (30:60:30)
Urea 100 80 65 50 35
Super Phosphate 565 470 375 280 190
Muriate of Potash 75 65 50 40 25
MOONG / URID / LENTIL / ARHAR (20:50:20)
Urea 65 55 45 35 20
Super Phosphate 470 390 310 235 155
Muriate of Potash 50 40 35 25 25
PEA (35-75-30)
Urea 100 80 65 50 35
Super Phosphate 700 585 470 350 235
Muriate of Potash 75 65 50 40 25
MUSTARD (60-30-20)
Urea 195 165 130 100 65
Super Phosphate 280 235 190 140 95
Muriate of Potash 50 40 35 25 15
Urea 130 110 90 65 45
Super Phosphate 375 315 250 190 125
Muriate of Potash 75 65 50 40 25
MAIZE (120:80:60)
Urea 390 325 260 195 130
Super Phosphate 750 625 500 375 250
Muriate of Potash 150 125 100 75 50
VEGETABLES (100:50:30)
Urea 325 270 220 165 110
Super Phosphate 470 390 310 235 155
Muriate of Potash 75 60 50 40 25
JOWAR (50:35:25)
Urea 190 160 120 90 60
Super Phosphate 270 230 180 130 90
Muriate of Potash 40 30 30 20 15

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Note: In wheat, paddy, mustard and maize the 50% of urea to be applied as basal doses. Rest 50% may be applies in 2 to
3 split doses as top dressing.

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Appendix IV

General recommended doses of micronutrient fertilizer

Micronutrient Material and doses for application

Zinc Zinc sulphate (25-50 kg ha-1) (25 kg ha-1 0.5% zinc sulphate + 0.25%lime
for light soils and 50 kg for heavy soils)

Iron Ferrous sulphate (25-50 kg ha-1) 1-2% ferrous sulphate + half of lime

Copper Copper sulphate (10 kg ha-1) 0.1% copper sulphate + 0.05% lime

Manganese Manganese sulphate (10 kg ha-1) 1% manganese sulphate + 0.25% lime

Boron Borax (10 kg ha-1) 0.2% borax

Appendix V

Rating of Nutrients:

Rating Organic carbon Available N Available P Available K

(kg ha-1)

Very Low < 0.3 150 <5 < 200

Low 0.3 – 0.5 150 – 250 5 – 10 200 – 250

Medium 0.5 – 0.75 250 – 400 10 – 20 250 – 400

High 0.75 –1.0 400 – 600 20 – 40 400 – 600

Very High > 1.0 > 600 > 40 > 600

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Appendix VI

Performa for Soil Health Card

In-situ information

To be recorded while collection of sample Sample No………….

I. General Information :

Farmers Name





II. Land details :

Name of the Area (ha) Survey Owned Leased Irrigated/ rainfed Soil
field No in/out type

III. Cropping details :

Survey Kharif Rabi

Crop/ Yield q/ha Crop/ Variety Crop/ Yield Crop/
variety proposed variety q/ha Variety

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IV. Farmers Self Assessment-Score Card :

S. Parameters Ratings Details Year

I Soil health

Biological activity (Deep Medium Shallow)

1 Earthworms Good Many holes and casts >10 worms

Fair Few holes and casts >7-5
Poor Little sign of worm activity 0 - 3
2 Birds following Good Many birds follow plough / tractor
plough during ploughing
Fair Some birds
Poor Very few birds /sometimes no
birds at all
Plant growth and yield
3 Seed Good Seed come up quickly, and even
germination emergence
Fair Germination is uneven, takes one
or two days more for emergence
Poor Germination is very poor with high
degree of unevenness
4 Uniformity in Good Even stand in growth, uniform
growth green colour
Fair Slight variation in crop height,
moderate growth and differences in
Poor Uneven stand, stunted growth and
5 Grain yield Good Good yield, and quality
Fair Average crop in the region,
Poor Poor crop in the area and yield is
very poor

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Soil Analysis Report by laboratory Incharge/Technical Person

Name of laboratory :
Date of Sampling :

S. No. Soil properties Kharif Rabi

1. Soil pH
2. EC (dsm-1)
3. Organic Carbon (%)
4. Available N kg/ha
5. Available P kg/ha
6. Available K kg/ha
7. Available S (mg kg-1)
8. Zinc (mg kg-1)
9. Iron (mg kg-1)
10. Manganese (mg kg-1)
11. Copper (mg kg-1)

Irrigation facility and water quality

Date of Sampling :

Irrigated/Un-irrigated/ Source Open well/ Kharif Rabi

of irrigation borewell /tank

Average depth of ground


Annual average rainfall (mm)

Normal onset of rainfall


Quality of irrigation water Poor/medium/


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Recommendation :

Soil Testing Sample No. ………………..

Kharif Rabi
Details Manure/Fertilizer Manure/Fertilizer
Recommended Applied Recommended Applied
FYM (tha )
Green manure(tha-1)
Nitrogen(kg ha-1)
• Urea
• Complex
Phosphorus (kg ha-1)
• Super phosphate
• Complex
Potash(kg ha-1)
Micronutrients(kg ha-1)
• Zinc sulphate
• Micronutrient mixture

• Azosprillum
• Rhizobium
• Phospho bacteria

Other details :

Nearest Agriculture Department Office

Address and Phone number
Input dealers
Address and Phone number
Name of the bank
Account Number
Nearest KVK
Address and phone number
Soil Testing lab
Address and Phone Number

Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur – 482004 (M.P.) “Healthy Soils for a Healthy Life” 52
Centre of Advanced Faculty Training
Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry
Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur 482004 (M.P.)
Phone: 0761-2681119; Fax: 0761-2681119
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

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