Lesson Plan in English 1 Grade 5

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Date: ____________


Use reflexive pronouns correctly. Identify the reflexive pronouns in the story.

Value: Strong Will and Determination


References: PELC 7.2 p. 141, Fun in English Language 5, PP. 83-85.


A. Preparatory Activities:

1. Review:

Fill in the blanks with the correct demonstrative pronouns.

a. ______ is the project of the PTCA.

b. ______ were the boy scouts who went camping.

2. Unlock :

Give the meaning of the underlined words.

a. The municipal council is having a session.

b. Height is not a hindrance to success.

3. Motivation

Have you ever heard about Carlos P. Romulo? When you hear his name, what comes up to your mind?

B. Presentation:

1. Reading Activity

Have the pupils read the story "Carlos P. Romulo", Fun in Reading English 5, p. 83-84.

2. Comprehension Check-up

a. Why did Carlos P. Romulo feel uncomfortable of his height?

b. With whom did he have a discussion?

3. Skill Development:

Read this sentence from the story: "My Most revered colleague may consider himself big and think of
me as little". What is the underlined word? Who does it refer to? Study the following sentences

a. I find myself getting more interested in it.

b. The dog saw itself in the pond of water.

4. Generalization

What are Reflexive Pronouns?

5. Practice Exercises

a. Guided Practice:

Encircle the Reflexive pronoun in each sentence and underline the noun or pronoun it
refers to.

1. Many people women of today know themselves well.

2. They make something· of themselves

b. Independent Exercise:

Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns.

1. Our heroes did not think of saving ______________.

2. Lea Salonga found _______________ an international celebrity.


Choose the correct reflexive pronoun to complete the sentence. Then write the pronoun it refers to.

1. You can do (yourself, itself, himself) a good turn.

2. The Filipino technicians found (himself, themselves, herself) in demand abroad.


Use the following reflexive pronoun in sentences.

1. himself 3. myself 5. themselves

2. herself 4. yourself


Date: ____________


Ask the answer questions about oneself/ others using a positive rejoinder

Value: Takes Turns in Speaking


Positive Rejoinder

References: PELC 7.3, p. 56; English in Grade 5, pp. 1-4

Materials: Charts, Pictures


A. Preparatory Activities:

1. Review

Fill in the blanks with do, does or did

a. the girls enjoy their weekends in the farm?

b. the boys go fishing last Sunday?

2. Motivation:

Show a picture of persons conversing. How do we usually start a conservation? Do we

talk at the same time?

B. Presentation:

1. Reading dialog.

2. Comprehension Questions

a. Where did Elaine go last vacation?

b. How did Juliene spend her vacation?

3. Skill Development:
a. What was Elaine's answer when she was asked this question; Did you go somewhere last

4. Generalization:

When do we use positive rejoinder?

5. Practice Exercises

a. Guided Practice

Have some pupils do the following actions. Let them ask a yes/no question about the action, then
answer using the positive rejoinder and identify the pronouns used.

1. a girl singing (Is the girl singing?)

2. a boy reading (Is the boy reading?)

b. Independent Practice:

Read the following questions then answer using the positive rejoinder and identify the pronouns used.

1. Do you go to school everyday? Yes, _________.

Is Sampaguita our national flower? Yes, ________________.


Read the following questions. Fill in the blanks with the correct rejoinder, then encircle the pronoun

1. Did Edgardo join the parade yesterday? Yes, ____________.

2. Do engineers build buildings? Yes, __________________.


Answer the following questions using the correct positive rejoinder. Then underline the pronouns used.

1. Do you like to play with your dog?

2. Did your mother bake cake last night?

3. Does your brother love dogs?

4. Are your friends ready?

5. Is fried chicken your favorite?


Date: ____________


Use correct pronouns to ask and answer questions about oneself/others using a negative rejoinder

Value: Friendliness


Using negative rejoinder

References: PELC 7.3, p. 56 English in Grade V, pp. 1-4

Materials: Charts


A. Preparatory Activities:

1. Review:

Read the following questions. Fill in the blanks with the correct rejoinder, then encircle the pronouns

a. Did you go to places last vacation? Yes, _____________.

b. Does your sister read stories for you? Yes, _______________.

2. Motivation

Do you have friends in school? How do you treat them?

B. Presentation:

1. Listening Activity

2. Comprehension Questions:

a. Who is Darius?

b. What does Darius like to play?

3. Skill Development:

a. What was the answer to the question of Andy: "Are you a classmate of ours?”

b. What rejoinder was added to No? What pronoun, was used with the rejoinder?

4. Generalization:

When do we use negative rejoinder? What word goes with the rejoinder?

5. Application:

Have pupils ask and answer yes/no questions with the correct negative rejoinder using the situations
below. (oral)

a. Edna was not able to take the test

Mr. Sa chez does not know how to drive

6. Practice Exercises

a. Guided Practice
Complete the answer for each question using the correct rejoinder, then identify the pronouns used.

1. Did Jose take the test yesterday? No, _____________.

2. Do you wake up early on weekends? No, _____________.

b. Independent Practice:

Write your answer to the following questions using the negative rejoinder and underline the pronoun

1. Is the sun shining today?

Do you like animals?


Answer the following questions using the negative rejoinder. Underline the pronoun used.

Is your dress new?

Are all movies interested?


Write five yes/no questions. 'Then answer them using the negative rejoinder. Underline the pronouns


Date: ____________


Write a science report from a writing model.

Value: Care for Aquatic and Marine Resources


Science Report

References: PELC 7, p. 20; PCAMRD Information Bulletin Series NO.2. 1990


A. Preparatory Activities:

1. Motivation:

If you hear the words aquatic and marine resources what views/scenes come into your mind? Why do
you associated that view/scene to the words?

B. Presentation:

1. Reading Activity

2. Comprehension Check-up:

a. What makes up our aquatic and marine resources?

b. What are the problems affecting the well-being of the aquatic and marine resources?

3. Skill Development:

(refer to the. written science report below)

a. What is the science report about? Where is the report based?

b. Which is longer? The writing model or the written science report?

4. Generalization:
How do you write a science report from a writing model?

5. Practice Exercises:

Guided: Cooperative Writing Each group is given the Writing model and from the model, a science
report will be written.

After the writing activity, the science report will be presented to the whole class for critiquing.


Write a science report based on the writing model.



Rewrite the science report. (output of the critiquing)


Date: ____________


Write a news report based from a newspaper.

Value: Be abreast of current events.


Writing News Report

References: PELC 7, p. 20; Phil. Daily Inquirer

Materials: News articles


A. Preparatory Activities:

1. Motivation:

Do you read the newspaper everyday? What newspaper do you read? Why do you like to read it?

VALUING - What benefits do you get from reading the newspaper?

B. Presentation:

1. Reading of a news article.

2. Comprehension Check-up:

What questions are answered in the news report? Name them.

Where do you find the answers to these questions?

3. Generalization:

How do we write a news report?

4. Practice Exercises:

a. Guided Practice:

Teacher divides the class into four groups. Each Group will be given a news article taken from a
newspaper. The group will write the news report on a manila paper to be presented to the whole class.

b. Independent Practice:

Recall one event in your school and write a news report about it. Supply the following facts by answering
the WH questions below before writing your news report.

What happened?

Who are involved?

When did it happen?


Write a news report on one of the following items. Supply your own details. Do this on a separate sheet.
(Include statements with cause/effect relationship and the use of demonstrative and reflexive

1. The intermediate classes will have an educational trip.

2. A declamation contest was held in your school.


Rewrite the news report. ( output of the evaluation)


Date: ____________


Give a possible ending to a story heard

Value: Consideration to Others


Giving Possible Ending

References: Lesson Plan English V, pp. 164-171, PELC 8.1 p. 21

Materials: charts, pictures, flashcards or strips


A. Preliminary Activities:

1. Drill:

Rearrange the order of the letters of each word at the left to make a word whose meaning is given in the

a. read (beloved)-

b. but (bit basin for washing) -

2. Listen to the following sentences. Write the words with the long g sound.

a. The eve of celebration found the, hero in a cheerful mood.

b. The evil tempted the girls to get the bag.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties:

Select from the list of words or groups of words the meaning of the underlined words.

a. The child couldn't stand nor run because one of his legs was limp.

b. She is nearsighted for she cannot distinguish the guest on the stage

4. Motive Question:

Why can't Bryan easily make friends?

B. Presentation:

1. Listening Activity

2. Comprehension Check-up:

a. Answering the motive question. Why can't Bryan easily make friends?

b. Who is the main character in the story?

3. Skill Development:

What is the possible ending of the story?

4. Generalization:
What do you consider in giving ending to a story heard?

5. Practice Exercises:

a. Listen to the story.

1. Do you think Myrna arrived. Why?

2. If Myrna did not arrive, what would Lorena have done. Why?

a. She would go to the party alone because _____________


Listen to the story. Then give a possible ending.

A donkey found the skin of a dead lion. He put it on and frightened all the animals but did not make a
sound. One dog was suspicious. The donkey tried to roar to frighten the dog, but he brayed instead.
When the dog heard the donkey braying, he laughed and laughed.

a. Why do you think the dog laughed and laughed at the donkey?

b. Was the donkey able to frighten the animals? Why?


Select from the given choices the possible ending to the story. Explain your answer.

Rico found a sickly puppy at the side of the street. He took it home. Rico and ·his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Roxas took care of it. They fed it, gave it milk to drink, put it in a clean doghouse and taught it tricks.
Several months passed.

a. The puppy grew into a beautiful, healthy and loving dog.

b. The puppy grew but remained a sickly bone-and-skin dog.

Date: ____________


Give justification to a possible ending to a story/selection heard

Value: Honestly and Truthfulness


Giving Justification to a Possible Ending to a Story/Selection Heard

References: Lesson Plan in English V, pp. 164-171; 214-216, PELC 8.1 p. 21

Materials: charts, pictures, flashcards or strips


A. Preliminary Activities:

1. Review:

Pick out the possible outcomes.

a. When a child is very diligent in his studies.

1. He will lose his eyesight.

2. He will get high grades.

3. His teachers will like him.

2. Motivation:

What does your teacher do when you commit a mistake? What are the instances that you are punished?

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Listening Activity

2. Comprehension Check-up:

a. Who are the characters of the story?

b. Where did the event take place?

3. What do you think the teacher did with Ted? Why? Listen to this situation. Give the possible
ending. Why?

4. Generalization:

What do you consider in giving endings to stories /selections heard?

5. Practice Exercises:

a. Write a possible ending for it.

Carlos wanted to win the spelling contest very much. His trainer told him that if he
would like to win he had to devote much time ff1 his studies.


Listen to the story. Write an ending to the story using is going to + verb. Explain why?

Uncle Ben gave Dondon a young pig as the old man's birthday give to the boy. Aling Rosing raised her
eyebrows when his son Dondon took the pig home. Not later, she heard somebody shouting. It was
Dondon running after the pig over her rose plants and daisies. Dondon ran after the pig wrecking all
what was there in her garden. Aling Rosing waited· till the two couldn't run anymore. Then she went
hurriedly to her son.

1. What do you think Aling Rosing will do to her son? Why?


Here is a situation. Write a possible ending for it.

Rome and his father went to the zoo, Romeo was looking at the giraffes. He wanted his father to see the
giraffes, too. But he could not rind his father. What do you think Romeo will do? Why?

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