Modelling of Wireless Power Transfer System Using MATLAB SIMULINK
Modelling of Wireless Power Transfer System Using MATLAB SIMULINK
Universitas Bung Hatta Universitas Prima Indonesia (UNPRI) Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
Padang, Indonesia. Medan, Indonesia. Medan, Indonesia.
Abstract—Wireless power transfer (WPT) is a concept to electric short circuits so it is safe to operate in several fire-
transfer electrical power from a sending coil to a receiving coil prone situations.
without wire. The previous researchers have studied about the The effect of DC voltage source on the performance of
WPT using its implementation in simulation modelling, but it WPT system has been studied by [6]. A hardware of WPT
is little supporting that related to the mathematical
system is developed and its performance is observed based
formulation, especially in the distance between the sending and
receiving coil. This paper presents a simulation modelling of on the change of DC voltage source. The experimental
WPT system using MATLAB SIMULINK based on the results show that the increasing of DC voltage source will
mathematical formulation that related to the inductance of affect the voltage, current and power on the sending and
inductor of the sending and receiving coil, turn number of coil receiving coil where its voltage, current and power will also
and mutual inductance as representative of the distance increase.
between the sending and receiving coil. The simulation results A concept of relay magnetic coupling is applied in the
show that 5 kHz pulse wave generated by pulse generator WPT system to improve its efficiency [7]. The relay
drives the gate terminal of MOSFET that converts the DC magnetic is positioned between the sending and receiving
voltage to be 5 kHz AC voltage on the sending coil by the half
coil to increase the number of magnetic fluxes arriving the
bridge inverter circuit. The sending coil generates its rms AC
voltage of 46.87 V for the distance of 50 cm and also an AC receiving coil. This concept can increase its efficiency up to
voltage is inducted on the receiving coil with its rms voltage, 75% for the distance between sending and receiving coil of
current and power are 22.79 V, 2.15 A and 10.68 W, 1m.
respectively. The concept of magnetic coupling in WPT system is also
studied by [8]. Four topologies are introduced in this
Keywords—wireless power transfer, half bridge inverter, concept based on the connection of capacitor on the sending
sending and receiving coil, mutual inductance and receiving coil. They are series-series (SS) concept,
series-parallel (SP) concept, parallel-parallel (PP) concept
I. INTRODUCTION and parallel-series (PS) concept. The main objective of the
The WPT system can be divided by four categories. concept is to obtain the compensation capacitance of the
They are electromagnetic radiation, magnetic induction, WPT system.
electric induction and ultrasonic [1]. The magnetic induction A concept of magnetic coupling in WPT system is also
is the most popular concept applied in the WPT system. The implemented by [9]. The turn number of 56 using copper
development of WPT concept and also the improvement of wire on the sending and receiving coil is implemented to
WPT system have been conducted by the previous obtain their mutual inductance that it is related to the power
researchers. on the receiving coil (a mathematical modelling is applied in
The WPT system with inductive coupling offers various the case). The mutual inductance has same value with its
advantages, including ease of construction and operation self-inductance for the same shape of the sending and
[2]. This is also reinforced by research that has been done by receiving coil. But it has larger value for the different shape
[3-5]. Because of its low transmission frequency, of the sending and receiving coil.
the inductive coupling is non-radiative and considered safe This paper presents a simulation modelling of WPT
for people. Over short distances, this method of transmitting system using MATLAB SIMULINK. The model is based on
a power has a high efficiency up to 95%. In addition, this the mathematical formulation that related to the inductance
inductive coupling method does not cause sparks and of inductor of sending and receiving coil, turn number of
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2022 IEEE 13th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC), 23 July 2022, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MADRAS. Downloaded on February 04,2023 at 10:25:31 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2022 IEEE 13th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC), 23 July 2022, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Voltage (V)
(a) Sending coil
Fig. 5. AC voltage and current waveforms on the receiving coil for the
distance of 50 cm
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2022 IEEE 13th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC), 23 July 2022, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MADRAS. Downloaded on February 04,2023 at 10:25:31 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.