Developing Positive Personality Attitude

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Items Description of Module

Subject Name Human Resource Management

Paper Name Skill Development and Social Entrepreneurship
Module Title Developing Positive Attitude
Module Id Module No. –8
Pre- Requisites Basic understanding of personality skills
Objectives To develop conceptual understanding of positive attitude
Keywords Positive attitude, Perception, Resilient., Personality

1. Module 8: Developing Positive Attitude

2. Learning Outcomes
3. Introduction to Positive Attitude
4. Components of Positive Attitude
5. Perception
6. Resilient Positive Thinking
7. Eliminating Negative thoughts
8. Developing Positive Attitude
9. Positive Personality Traits
10. Summary

1. Module 8: Developing Positive Attitude

2. Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, students will be able to
 understand the concept and relevance of developing positive attitude
 get familiar towards reasons and process to develop the positive attitude in personality

3. Introduction to Positive Attitude:

Attitude is a mindset or a tendency to act in a particular way due to both an individual’s
experience and temperament. Attitudes are a complex combination of personality, beliefs,
behaviors, thoughts, action, values and motivations. An attitude includes three components: an
affect (a feeling), cognition (a thought or belief), and behavior (an action). Attitudes help to
express how we see situations, as well as define how we behave toward the situation or object.

 Positive Attitude a state of mind

Positive attitude is a state of mind, nature or feeling, in a positive approach. An attitude is a
hypothetical construct that represents an individual's degree of like or dislike for an item."A
position of the body or manner of carrying oneself in a graceful attitude. Our positive energy of an
open mind, bring us wonderful new opportunities for relationships and knowledge. Positive
attitude emanates from self-love and self-confidence. Generally, attitude is broken into two ideas:
positive and negative. The positive attitude means that a person sees life through a "glass half
full" mentality while the negative attitude means that a person sees life, mentally through a "glass
half empty".
 Positive Attitude Leads to Success and Happiness.
A positive attitude brings optimism, hope, confidence which helps in coping more easily and
avoids, negative thinking, worries and hurdles. If it becomes a way of life, it would bring
constructive changes into career and life. Thus the principles of positive attitude states in simple
term that life is great! Inbelieving so, everything will start to establish to the individual, that life
actually is great.

4. Components of Positive Attitude

Trust, faith, and hope, causes relaxation in the flow of life. Feeling of content with one’s life, is
easier for building a resilient positive thinking that will helps tide in difficult circumstances.

 A willingness to change by self-introspection: An open mind is the foundation for a

positive attitude. Accepting self-weaknesses and strength is a process for continuous
transforming into a better version of ourselves which further reaps positive attitude.
 Being open to new ideas and concepts broadensworld view differently and generates
inner happiness. Opens opportunities to learn new things in life, in the ever changing
 Possessing the will and courage to address our fears helps in discoveringthe existing
insignificant challenge than anticipated threat. The overwhelming mental images of how
difficult the task would be, quickly melts once we move through our fears.

 Achieve your goals and abundance of happiness by embracing the challenges and
hurdles in our lives. We overcome them by increasing our knowledge and ability to
ultimately reach our goals and realize abundance. Thus, positive attitude is believing in
health, knowledge, the quality of relationships and a feeling of inner peace besides
 Having Faith in Almighty andseeking the blessings for guidance and help in every field.
An important requirement in having a positive attitude relates to faith believing that even
in some small way, we will make one step forward for success and positive environment
around us.
 Sharing positivity by sharing love, knowledge, positive words, expertise and kindness,
for making a greater impact in the world around us.
 Believing that life is fun and to be experienced is the fundamental component of having
a positive attitude. Life is full of fun and the best environment for growing and
experiencing by engaging with people to share the wonderful emotions of joy, love,
gratitude, happiness, hope, laughter, and so much more.
 Believing that there is goodness and value in everyone, having a sense of being
connected to everyone and every living thing in the Universe. A wonderful component of
a positive attitude is filling ourselves with positive energy and creating more positive
experiences in our life.
 Accepting yourself by believing in and being comfortable with self. Willingness to show
the world the true self by following passion and living our dreams. A positive attitude
comes with being happy at who we really are.
 Believing that loves conquers all by showing compassion for living creatures.
Expressing the emotion through a warm smile, a gentle hug, listening intently, or just
being there for someone. Simply expressing love radiates hope and faith to the soul of
those around us.

Cause and Effect of Negative Attitude: A negative attitude really affects quality of life.
Sometimes it takes control of life and everything looks worse. Also it is highly contagious and
spreads widely and speedily, as a single person's negative attitude can have a huge effect on the
whole environments decreasing performance. Thus negativity in individuals or environments can
lead to sadness, depression, stress, and failure.

Identifying Problem source: Sometimes, a single person is the clear cause of a problem or a
negative atmosphere. Imposing unreasonable standards to meet expectations, can result in
resentment or even challenging someone’s self-esteem. Other possible causes of negative attitudes
can be financial health, physical and mental health, insufficient support or a feeling that hard
work goes unrewarding.

 Misunderstanding
 Improving Self-Perception
 Avoiding reliance on rigid plan
 Being critical of Socializing Forces
 Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
 Maintaining supporting Interpersonal Relationships

5. Perception
Perception is closely related to attitudes. Perception is the process by which organisms interpret
and organize sensation to produce a significant and meaningful experience of the environment
(Lindsay & Norman, 1977). The person interprets the incentives into something meaningful to
them based on their previous experiences so that they should not feel challenged with the
situation. However, what an individual interprets or perceives may be substantially different from
reality. Perception and attitude are two factors that influence a person's everyday life including
their environment and organizational performance. Perception and attitude are also two constructs
that have cultural, religious, traditional and ethnic biases for many individuals.
Positive thinking can shape and alter perceptions. By changing perceptions reality is
changed.Since feelings depend on perceptions, how we see things is based on beliefs, or our
thoughts. This is the power of positive thinking for applying in everyday life. Applying positive
thinking means, constantly paying attention to thoughts and shifting thoughts to be positive as
often as we can.

The functional role of the positive attitude and emotions serve in the framework of stressful
events, when negative emotions are predominant, positive emotions may provide a psychological
support or give relief, as a coping efforts. Thus Positive perceptions may assist in coping better
with the traumatic and stressful events. A key mechanism by which this adaptation is achieved is
termed as cognitive illusions (Taylor, 1983)

 Overcoming Barriers of Perceiving Others

By nurturing our awareness of the influences around us and committing to how we
perceive and respond to others and make an impression on them.The cautionary proverb
“Things aren’t always as they appear” is useful when evaluating our own perceptions.

 Developing Empathetic Listening Skills

Empathetic listening shows care and makes someone else feel better and opens our
perceptual field to new sources of information.

 Cautious of Stereotypes and Prejudice

Stereotypes are sets of beliefs that we develop about groups,based on impressions we
make on describable behaviour rather than inferred information.Prejudice can have
individual or widespread negative effects.

 Engaging in Self-Reflection
Self-Reflection involves improve perceptions and increase communication competence in

6. Resilient Positive Thinking

It means “bouncing back” from tough and harsh experiences. Resilience is the process of
adjusting well in the face of tragedy, adversity, threats or seriousproblems.It strengthens inner self
and belief in an individual. Factors contributes to resilience are
 having caring and supportive relationships (friends spouse etc.) that create love and trust,
provide role models
 Encouragement and reassurance reinforce a person’s resilience.From our past experiences
and sources of personal strength
 The capacity to make realistic plans and take paces to carry them out. Also the capacity to
manage strong feelings and impulses.
 A positive view of yourself and confidence in your strengths and abilities, like
communication and problem solving skills
 Strategies for Building Resilience
 Understanding the boundaries - Resilient people understand that trauma or stress
are separate temporary situation which does not overtake their permanent identity.
 Keeping good company - Resilient people tend to seek out and surround themselves
with other resilient people. They always give space to grieve and work.
 Promoting self-awareness – understanding psychological/physiological needs
knowing what we need, what we don’t need, and when it’s time to reach out for some
extra help.
 Practice acceptance, of not having all the answers can find strength in knowing
that it will gradually find peace and knowing when our mind-body-soul is ready.
 Self-Care Habits - Self-Care means nourishing our soul.
 Enlisting their Team - They know who will serve as a listening ear, and who would
help. Team of supporters and well-wishers would help when their member of a team
is too engrossed in overcoming to witness its own coping.
 Accepting changes - gives us the faith and hope that effects our tomorrow.
 Need to Move On - Find out a way to calm ourselves. Focussing our attention on
the task. Thinking about oneself is very essential and getting back to the projects is a
great tool to build resilient positive thinking.
By focusing on what to accomplish, create within, a sense of worthiness and purpose, which
generates good, positive energy can be a fuel for becoming a positive and successful person.

7. Eliminating negative thoughts

Negativity has its roots in three deep-rooted fears:
 fear of being disrespected by others,
 fear of not being loved by others, and
 fear that “bad things” are going to happen.

 Talk to someone with a positive attitude - In bad situations finding someone to talk to
and discuss the situation.
 Write down your thoughts - Writing down your thoughts and emotions is another
strategy to feeling relieved and partially re-establishing your balance. Depending on the
situation, destroying the document would make the negative thoughts disappear.
 Engross into a hobby - by creating a mental diversion to stop thinking negatively e.g.
organizing photos, creating collages and looking through photo albums, brings happy
 Captivate in work - Rescheduling yourself busy in work or in routine projects
 Going to an inspiring place - When attacked by the negative thoughts, going to a place
that inspires example park, or museum, is the biggest source of inspiration
 Find happiness boosters - Sometimes indulging in some entertainment or recreation can
be a better cure than any emotional counselling Focusing on good things in your life are
the happiness boosters
 Practice gratitude - Meditation is a powerful tool to control your thoughts and to learn
gratitude. Being spiritual in general will help to become more aware and grateful in life.
 Learn from the situation - Just take failure or bad situation as a life lesson. It’s
unpleasant, feel bad, but it is not the end of the world.
 Stop your negative thoughts for a while - By disciplining and reminding yourself
postponing them to occupy your mindshare.

8. Developing Positive Attitude

It is a matter of choice to be happy. When negative thoughts enter in mind, just refuse to look at
them, doing your best to substitute them with happy thoughts. Always look at the bright side of
 Choose to be optimistic. Have faith in yourself.
 Be Proactive. Have an enlightenment attitude.
 Reframe your challenges. Visualise only, what you want, rather than what you don’t.
 Use magical words (positive words) to describe anything.
 Have solutions when pointing out problem.
 Find reasons to smile more often. Associate yourself with happy people.
 Read inspiring quotes / stories.

Words work at both ways, to build or destroy. It is the way we use them that determines whether
they are going to bring good or harmful results. Most people repeat in their minds negative words
and statements concerning the situations and events in their lives, and consequently, create
undesirable situations. It would be a good idea to pay attention to the words you repeat in your
mind, to discover whether you are using negative statements, such as:
Positive attitude says: You can achieve success.
Negative attitude says: You cannot achieve success.
Positive Self-Talk is an internal voice that inspires and encourages, it is form of self-suggestion.
It manages the negative addictive “brain trains” in a very simple and straightforward way so that
becomes positive.

o Gratitude – Being appreciative for everyone, recognizing good job and getting things
done on time. Appreciation feels good for both the giver and the receiver.
o Celebrate Victories - Rewarding yourself or praising another individual for a victory,
arranging a get-together to celebrate it.
o Turn Problems Into Opportunities: If problems are encountered, rather than focusing
on them, it is advisable to shift focus and change your focus on the potential to become
o Smile: A smile will actually shift how you feel internally. And when others see you
smiling, they feel better as well.
o Focus on What You Enjoy: Make a list of the things that you enjoy. It should be a
reminder that there are good things about environment, about relations about work.
o Trust others and Evaluate People Based on Their Results: giving space and
authority to others, to do their jobs, will get amazing results. We should communicate
about our expectations, from them and then let them do. Showing trust will make others
want to honour that trust.
o Keep Healthy and Well Rested: Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating lots of
fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking enough water, and getting regular exercise. This
may all sound time-consuming, but you’ll end up having much more energy and focus.
o “No Complaining” Policy: By trying to minimize complaining and turning the focus
away from the issue to possible solution instead.
o The Win–Win Policy: Where every agreement reached must be win–win. Agreements
and negotiations must never favour one party but be positive for both parties involved.
o Put People into Positions that use their Strength: People will be more motivated and
get better results when they enjoy what they do. By playing on people’s strengths, there
would be a dramatic shift toward a positive attitude develops in workplace.
o Improve Things that You Don’t like: by making them tolerable at a different time, in
a different location. Talk about it to someone and offer a possible solution or make it
better. Or is there any good positive hidden fact about it which you are unable to see.

9. Positive Personality traits

 Benevolence is an “original” feature of human nature.It is a moral character and a micro style
to work, and focuses on concern for the welfare of others. It’s a basic psychological need for
mental and physical well-being,a quality as a general strategy for living in society with others
who share a common nature and represent potential values.Benevolence fulfils three
fundamental needs of avoiding harms, approach rewards, and attachment to others.

 Humanity is treating people with respect, as beings who are conscious, who have inner lives
and are capable of self-awareness and have a need for kind of visibility. It involves not just
the recognition in our minds that we are dealing with human beings but rather, how we all are
dealing with each other towards accommodating the visibility need of individuals.\

 Independence is possession of free will, the power of choice and independent action. The
recognition and respect of each other’s independence by acknowledging the willing
participation of the other person, pursuing his interest, by his own judgment earning a
treatment in nice ways.
 Individuality is a unique human identity, constituting specific beliefs, values, personality,
style, and manner of functioning, knowledge, and acquired virtues along with, his future aims
and goals. Discovering these attributes requires sensitivity, and element of benevolence.

 Harmony of interests is a commitment to achieving the values from living together with
others by treating them as potential partners, through the exercise of such component features
as civility, sensitivity, politeness and generosity.

Importance of Self-Affirmations in Positive Personality

Individuals reflect on values that are personally significant to them. Self-affirmation theory
proposedby Claude Steele (1988) suggests that when individuals face threat, they are motivated to
maintain a positive global image of themselves, thus adopting a positive personality.

10. Summary
Positive attitude is a state of mind, nature or feeling, in a positive approach. A positive
frame of mind can help in many ways, expecting success and not failure, making one feel
inspired, it gives strength not to give up, believing in oneself and in self-ability, enables in
showing self-esteem and confidence, and searching for solutions, rather than dwelling on
problems and recognize opportunities. Thus positive attitude leads to success and happiness.
Perception and the role of resilient positive thinking helps in eliminating negative thoughts and
developing positive personality traits.

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