Service Application Form: Leased Circuit Service Order
Service Application Form: Leased Circuit Service Order
Service Application Form: Leased Circuit Service Order
1.3 Circuit type IIL NLD Local Loop Drop & Carry Mix Bandwidth
Earthing Status.....................................................................................
Specify Currency (INR) One Time (A) Annual Recurring (B) Grand Total (A+B) Payment Cycle Payment term
1. Bandwidth
2. Hardware
2.1 Router
2.2 Others
3. Installation Charges
4. Other Charges
5. Total Charges
Total order Value
Price Above excludes any Taxes as Applicable
I/We have read and understood the terms and conditions mentioned overleaf and unconditionally
accept them as binding on me. I/We have understood the rates, tariffs and other related conditions
n a tu re
as mentioned in the bill plan enrollment format for which telecommunication services will be provided
within India, as applicable, as on date and as may be amended from time to time. I/We undertake to
pay all charges raised on account of services availed. I/We further declare and undertake that the S i g
above information provided b me/us is true and correct in all respect.
Date .........................
Anonet Account Manager