Complaint (Jones v. Flossmoor) (File-Stamped)

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Plaintiff, )
) Case No. 24-cv-2022
v. )
BRIDGET A. WACHTEL, in her individual capacity, )
Defendants. )


JEREL JONES (Jerel or Plaintiff), by and through his undersigned counsels, Robert W.

Fioretti, Esq., and Cass T. Casper, Esq., DISPARTI LAW GROUP, P.A., states as follows for his

Complaint against the Village of Flossmoor, Illinois and Bridget A. Wachtel (Wachtel) in her

individual capacity (collectively hereinafter Defendants).


1. This case involves the Village of Flossmoor’s (Village) termination of its first Black Police

Chief, Jerel, as an act of race discrimination and retaliation.

2. On October 5, 2023, Jerel complained to Flossmoor’s Mayor, Michelle Nelson, about

disparate treatment he was received from Defendant Wachtel.

3. Wachtel responded to Jerel’s concerns with a campaign of retaliation culminating in his

termination on or about March 7, 2024.

4. Wachtel’s race-based discriminatory conduct toward Jerel is shown in this Complaint

through three of Wachtel’s self-contradictory and hyperbolic performance Memos to Jerel that

criticize seemingly every aspect of his performance, his speech and speech patterns, his initiative and

non-initiative, and Wachtel’s view that, in her own words, Jerel, a Black man, must:
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5. In the context of the Memoranda as a whole, Jerel must do exactly as Wachtel or other

White Administrators say he must do and he must diminish his own thoughts, beliefs, and ideas, and

accept Wachtel’s.

6. The outright race-based animus of Wachtel towards Jerel can be seen through a close

examination of these three Memoranda1.

7. The Memoranda directly evidence what Jerel complains of here: Wachtel imposed a master-

slave dynamic between her and Jerel and, if he did not fit himself into that expected dynamic, he

could not be Police Chief.

8. Wachtel’s behavior is race discrimination in an insidious form, to wit, the emasculation and

evisceration of any form of Blackness out of Jerel and insistence that he reconstitute as White. Then,

and only, then, as White-Black Police Chief will he meet Wachtel’s demands and succeed.

9. Wachtel’s race-based animus can be seen, too, in her castigating the Black Deputy Chief,

Taylor, throughout her Memoranda on the basis of the same kind of false or exaggerated, and hyper-

micro-managerial expectations that she imposed on Jerel.

10. Wachtel has not imposed the same kind of phony job performance standards on White

and Hispanic Department Heads that she has imposed on Jerel leading to his termination.

11. Indeed, Wachtel admitted to Jerel during his six month performance review that she had

never treated other Department Heads the same way she was treating him.

12. Jerel seeks all available relief, including reinstatement, back pay and damages, and an

Jerel consents to the Village releasing the Memoranda; he does not include them in full as Exhibits
because he is concerned Defendant Wachtel will claim they contain safety-sensitive information and
further fault him for releasing them. The excerpts included in this Complaint do not contain safety-
sensitive information.
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injunction against the Village requiring it to send the Village Manager and all other administration

officials to comprehensive racial sensitivity training immediately to prevent any comparable action

from happening to anyone else again.

13. Jerel also demands a public apology from the Mayor and the Village for the harms alleged



14. Jurisdiction of this Court arises under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1337, pursuant to the Equal

Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution via 42 U.S.C. §

1983 and 42 U.S.C. § 1988, and pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1981.

15. Venue is proper under 28 U.S.C. § 1391 because the events and omissions giving rise to

the claims herein have occurred in this judicial district, and because Defendant Flossmoor maintains

its place of operation within this judicial district.


16. Jerel is a legal adult, a resident of this judicial district, and formerly employed as the

Chief of Police with Flossmoor, Illinois

17. Defendant Wachtel is a legal adult, on belief a resident of this judicial district, and the

duly-appointed Village Manager for the Village of Flossmoor, Illinois.

18. Defendant Wachtel is sued in her individual capacity only.

19. At all times, Defendant Wachtel acted under color of law.

20. Defendant Wachtel has no law enforcement background.

21. Defendant Wachtel is the Village Manager, but, in fact, operationally is in charge of the

Village and controls the Mayor, Michelle Nelson, who does what Wachtel says, takes her

recommendations, and generally has ceded operational control of the Village to Wachtel.

22. Defendant Flossmoor, Illinois is a unit of local government with indemnification

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obligations for wrongful acts committed by its officials, such as Defendant Wachtel See 745 ILCS §

10/1-202 and § 9-102.

23. Defendant Flossmoor is sued in its capacity employer and as indemnitor of Defendant



24. Jerel is the first Black Police Chief of the Village of Flossmoor, Illinois in its history,

beginning his career there and sworn in March 27, 2023.

25. Until his termination on or about March 7, 2024, Jerel was the only Black Department

Head in the Village of Flossmoor.

26. On or about October 5, 2023, Jerel met with Mayor Michelle Nelson to discuss concerns

he had about how he was being treated more severely and held to a higher standard of performance

by Defendant Wachtel than the Village’s White and Hispanic Department Heads.

27. Specifically, Jerel advised the Mayor that Village Manager Wachtel was engaging him in

overbearing scrutiny, micromanagement, baseless criticism, personally attacking criticisms, and

generally holding him to a standard of performance that would be unachievable by anyone.

28. Jerel’s meeting with the Mayor carried obvious racial overtones in that he is the only

Black Department Head, all other Department Heads are White or Hispanic, he is the first Black

Police Chief in Flossmoor’s history, and he was complaining to Mayor Nelson about his disparate

and targeted treatment at the hands of Wachtel.

29. Indeed, Jerel stated to the Mayor during this conversation that he felt he was being

disadvantaged and held to a higher performance standard than his non-Black peers because of his


30. Mayor Nelson did not conduct any investigation to Jerel’s knowledge.

31. To the contrary, on October 5, 2023, Wachtel sent Jerel a four-page, single-spaced

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Memorandum nitpicking Jerel’s actions and plans with respect to police security at the Flossmoor

Festival 2023.

32. Wachtel’s Memorandum argued with seemingly everything Jerel did at the Festival,

imposed unrealistic and unachievable requirements that were contrary to Jerel’s judgment as Chief of

Police, and was so micro-managerial and dictatorial that no reasonable Chief of Police or any

Department Head could have complied with it.

33. For example, the October 5, 2023 Memorandum includes this Paragraph:

34. In this paragraph, Wachtel criticizes Jerel’s decision to use a separate form from that used

in the Fire Department.

35. These forms were in place in the event they were needed to activate a major incident, which

never occurred and the forms were not needed anyway.

36. No one had ever raised this issue with Jerel, it is petty, trivial, and micro-managerial, and

this criticism has no purpose other than to find fault with every aspect of Jerel’s performance.

37. Indeed “common sense” to Jerel in running a Police Department was to use a Police

Department form, but Jerel’s Black version of “common sense” was not up to muster with

Wachtel’s White version of “common sense.”

38. The October 5, 2023 Memorandum also includes this Paragraph:

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39. Wachtel’s criticism of the Police Chief using his cell phone to communicate is contrary to

accepted Police Department practice in modern times where ranking officers use their cell phones

all the time to communicate departmental matters. Indeed, radio communications can often be

difficult to understand, and usually no more than one person can communicate at a given time per

channel, so the use of the cell phone in modern policing is not only accepted within police

command standards, but sensible and widespread.

40. Jerel talked via phone and text message during the Festival, including with Wachtel and other

Department Heads throughout the Festival, and it worked just fine.

41. Wachtel is neither a police officer, nor does she have police background, and the

above examples from her October 5, 2023 Memorandum to Jerel are inflated, hyperbolic, and after-

the-fact quarterbacking are, in fact, not hindsight, but micromanagement in the extreme.

42. So too, Wachtel’s statements in the Memorandum regarding Jerel’s handling of the

Flossmoor festival are false, half-truth, gross exaggerations, leave out key facts, and are deliberately

written to tarnish Jerel, rather than present a true and accurate picture of the state of security as the

Flossmoor Festival.

43. Wachtel’s campaign against Jerel got worse.

44. On October 18, 2023 Wachtel sent Jerel a Memorandum containing this Paragraph:

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45. In this Paragraph, Wachtel is now concerned about Jerel “over-delegating” and having an

“over reliance on the Command staff.” Yet, carefully read, this Paragraph does not actually state any

issue that has been caused by Jerel delegating. In fact, the last sentence criticizes the Sergeants for

not providing as much assistance to officers as they could – but how is this a problem of


46. Jerel’s concern about cameras, too, is out of due regard for the safety of the Village, but also

to ensure the police force is acting appropriately when responding to the public. Wachtel, however,

evidently does not share Jerel’s concern for widespread cameras that could help capture

inappropriate police conduct, if it occurred. Jerel states that Wachtel does not share his concern for

holding police officers to the highest standards as demonstrated through her opposition to

widespread cameras.

47. Wachtel, too, goes so far as to criticize Jerel’s speaking abilities in language that

seemingly wants Jerel to speak and answer questions exactly as Ms. Wachtel wants him to answer,

with no due regard for the fact that people speak differently, as follows:

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48. Indeed, it is hard to imagine how anyone could speak correctly with the above criticism.

49. Then Wachtel issues a February 22, 2024 Memorandum with this Paragraph:

50. In this Paragraph, Wachtel recounts how the Chief raised an issue with how the Village’s

body worn camera program is out of sync with neighboring jurisdictions and then criticizes how he

spoke and addressed her, once again – “[y]our position involved scare tactics and intimidation” and

that he was “distracting from meaningful conversations.”

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51. Jerel is the Police Chief talking about a wildly-important issue – how body worn cameras

are operated in Flossmoor. Yet, Wachtel, once again, does not like how he speaks or his forcefully

defending an idea.

52. Too, like Jerel’s concern for more stationary cameras, Wachtel again opposes improvements

in body worn camera systems that have revolutionized police accountability. Wachtel is not only

opposing Jerel’s support of improving body-worn camera systems, via this Paragraph she has now

demonstrated an aversion to camera improvements in the Village that are the crux of the public’s,

including the Black public’s trust of the police.

53. Jerel’s explanation for Wachtel’s hypercritical fixation on his speech and manner of

communication is that, fundamentally, it involves a White-Black power dynamic of an embedded

White Administrator not liking how the Black man is talking.

54. Carefully read, all of Wachtel’s Memoranda have this tone to them, are personally

derogatory toward Jerel and parse nearly every one of Jerel’s actions to such an extent that the

Memoranda reveal that there is more going on here than just management oversight; rather, Jerel

states that Wachtel treated him in this fashion because she does not like that he is Black, does not

like that a Black man takes initiatives, does not like that a Black man might speak differently or use

different speech patterns and tones than her view of how a Black man should speak, and wants to

continue to remind the Black man that he is subservient to the White power structure imposed and

enforced by Wachtel.

55. Here is another example from the February 22, 2024 Memorandum:

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56. With respect to this Paragraph, Wachtel once again expressed offense that Jerel did not

lay down to the demands of a White man – the Assistant Village Manager Jonathan Bogue.

57. But look at the substance of this Paragraph: Wachtel is criticizing the Chief of Police for

simply wanting to gain access to the camera system in the School District!

58. In the age of school shootings, what in the world is wrong with the Chief of Police

gaining access to school district cameras? If anything, the school district should be ready and willing

to make the school camera systems available to the local police department at the drop of a hat and

Wachtel should be supporting Jerel on this.

59. Except, of course, for the upshot of this Paragraph: Wachtel is more concerned that Jerel

took initiative outside of the White power structure she requires to be kept in place.

60. Here is another example from the February 22, 2024 Memorandum:

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61. Here, Jerel gave a comprehensive update about Police Department matters at a

Community Relations Commission meeting, and Wachtel says it was too long. From Wachtel’s

perspective, the issue here, really, is that when a Black man speaks, it better be short and controlled.

She was offended that Jerel talked for 53 minutes about important police matters.

62. Indeed, Jerel was lauded by others at the Commission meeting for his comprehensive


63. Next, the following Paragraph is contained in Wachtel’s February 22, 2024


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64. Most tellingly, Wachtel bolds and underlines her expectations that Jerel ask others for

permission on how to do his job, and that he accept it!

65. This Paragraph on its face reveals what Wachtel really thinks about Jerel: he is incapable

of making decisions on his own, he needs to be subservient to others (really, subservient to

Wachtel), and, the kicker: he must do as Wachtel says he must do and he must diminish his own

thoughts, beliefs, and ideas, and accept, slavishly, Wachtel’s.

66. However, looking at Paragraph 4(a) in its entirety, what Wachtel is really complaining

about is that the Chief and Deputy Chief suggest that there are other locations in the Village that

should have cameras installed. So what? That does not mean the Village needs to go along with it,

but to put this issue in Jerel’s February 22, 2024 Memorandum as a criticism of Jerel? Why?

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67. Wachtel does not stop her criticism of Jerel, but she also goes after the performance of

the other Black man in the Police Department, Deputy Chief Taylor:

68. This Paragraph not only calls Deputy Chief Taylor “incompetent,” itself wildly offensive,

but then it recounts that Jerel even tried to intervene “on January 18” to fix the issue but, evidently,

Jerel can do not right by Wachtel.

69. The Memorandum carries on to criticize Deputy Chief Taylor’s “poor performance,”

“lack of understanding,” and then criticizes Jerel’s defending Deputy Chief Taylor.

70. In other words, Wachtel now has a pattern of targeting the Black leaders in the Village.

71. At the end of the day, Wachtel’s Memoranda carry on and on and on in this dictatorial,

micro-managerial, hyper-critical fashion toward Jerel (and Deputy Chief Taylor) and reveal that she

has a set of performance expectations for Jerel that are unachievable and by which Jerel could never,

ever, in any universe or time, do right by Wachtel.

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72. Wachtel, too, has not treated other Department Heads in this fashion. Specifically, she

has not subjected White Department Heads to the same set of false, hyperinflated, and micro-

managerial performance expectations.

73. Indeed, on information and belief, Wachtel has not treated any White Department Head

in the manner she has treated Jerel as outlined herein.

74. The only explanation for Wachtel’s disparate and discriminatory treatment of Jerel is

anti-Black animus by Wachtel toward Jerel (and Deputy Chief Taylor).


(Plaintiff v. Defendant Wachtel)

75. Plaintiff restates, realleges, and incorporates by reference Paragraphs 1 through 74 as if

fully restated herein.

76. The Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution provides that “No State. .

.shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

77. This jurisdiction has recognized that the Equal Protection Clause prohibits denial of equal

protection of the laws in the employment context on the basis of race, and that qualified immunity

does not attach to race-based discriminatory conduct by government officials. See Singmuongthong v.

Brown, 77 F.4th 503, 506 (2023) (recognizing that the Equal Protection clause prohibits race

discrimination in employment and may be enforced via 42 U.S.C. § 1983).

78. Here, Plaintiff has suffered two adverse employment actions by Wachtel: (i) Wachtel’s

imposition of a heightened set of performance standards on Jerel and her uncontrolled and

unhinged campaign of micromanagement of him, and (ii) Jerel’s termination by Wachtel and Nelson

on or about March 7, 2024.

79. Wachtel was motivated by race in her imposition of a heightened set of performance

standards on Jerel and her uncontrolled and unhinged campaign of micromanagement of him.

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80. Wachtel was motivated by race in her decision to terminate him.

81. While Mayor Nelson formally made the final decision to terminate Jerel, she did so as

Wachtel’s cat’s paw because her decision was made entirely on Wachtel’s input and

recommendation. See Smith v. Bray, 681 F.3d 888 (7th Cir. 2012) (recognizing the cat’s paw theory

under Title VII, 42 U.S.C. § 1981, and 42 U.S.C. § 1983).

82. Wachtel was the true decisionmaker in Jerel’s termination because the Mayor relied on her

input and recommendation, and did not perform any independent assessment of Wachtel’s

recommendation and input, but “rubberstamped” the decision.

83. As a result of Wachtel’s action, Jerel has suffered job loss, reputational damage, salary

and benefits losses, and extreme emotional distress.

84. Wachtel’s actions are the cause-in-fact of Jerel’s job loss, reputational damage, salary and

benefits losses, and extreme emotional distress.

85. Wachtel’s actions are the proximate cause of Jerel’s job loss, reputational damage, salary

and benefits losses, and extreme emotional distress.

WHEREFORE, for the foregoing reasons, Plaintiff requests that this Honorable Court enter

judgment in his favor, and against Defendants, and enter and order all appropriate relief, to include

back pay and back benefits as allowed by law, compensatory damages in an amount to be

determined at trial, make whole relief for all losses resulting from the unlawful discrimination alleged

herein, injunctive relief requiring Defendants to cease and desist from committing race

discrimination, reasonable attorneys’ fees and litigation costs, pre-judgment interest, and all other

available and appropriate relief.


42 U.S.C. § 1981 VIA 42 U.S.C. § 1983
(Plaintiff v. Defendants Wachtel and Flossmoor)

86. Plaintiff restates, realleges, and incorporates by reference Paragraphs 1 through 74 as if

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fully restated herein.

87. Section 1981 provides that “[a]ll persons within the jurisdiction of the United States shall

have the same right in every State and Territory to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties,

give evidence, and to the full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of

persons and property as is enjoyed by white citizens, and shall be subject to like punishment, pains,

penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind, and to no other.” 42 U.S.C. § 1981.

88. With respect to Section 1981 claims against the government, they are brought via 42

U.S.C. § 1983. See Campbell v. Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois, 752 F.3d 665, 670 (7th Cir.


89. Individual liability may be established under 42 U.S.C. § 1981.

90. To state a claim for race discrimination under 42 U.S.C. § 1981, an employee must plead

that (1) he was a member of a protected class; (2) he met the legitimate expectations of his employer;

(3) he suffered an adverse employment action; and, (4) similarly situated employees who were not

members of his protected class were treated more favorably. See Vega v. Chicago Park District, 165

F.Supp.3d 693, 700-701 (N.D. Ill. 2016); Caskey v. Colgate-Palmolive Co., 535 F.3d 585, 591-92 (7th Cir.


91. Courts in this judicial district “generally have applied the same prima facie requirements to

discrimination claims brought under Title VII and Section 1981. See e.g., Alexander v. Wis. Dep't of

Health & Family Servs., 263 F.3d 673, 682 (7th Cir.2001) (applying same standard to Title VII

and section 1981 discrimination claims); Johnson v. City of Fort Wayne, Ind., 91 F.3d 922, 940 (7th

Cir.1996) (“Although section 1981 and Title VII differ in the types of discrimination they proscribe,

the methods of proof and elements of the case are essentially identical.”); Randle v. LaSalle Telecomms.,

Inc., 876 F.2d 563, 568 (7th Cir.1989) (“It is well settled that the methods and order of proof

applicable to a claim of disparate treatment under Title VII are equally availing under § 1981.”); see

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also Patterson, 491 U.S. at 186, 109 S.Ct. 2363 (applying McDonnell Douglas framework to section 1981

claims). See Humphries v. CBOCS W., Inc., 474 F.3d 387, 403–04 (7th Cir. 2007), aff'd, 553 U.S. 442,

128 S. Ct. 1951, 170 L. Ed. 2d 864 (2008).

92. Jerel is a member of a protected class, to wit, he is Black.

93. Here, Plaintiff has suffered two adverse employment actions by Wachtel: (i) Wachtel’s

imposition of a heightened set of performance standards on Jerel and her uncontrolled and

unhinged campaign of micromanagement of him, and (ii) Jerel’s termination by Wachtel and Nelson

on or about March 7, 2024.

94. Wachtel was motivated by race in her imposition of a heightened set of performance

standards on Jerel and her uncontrolled and unhinged campaign of micromanagement of him.

95. Wachtel was motivated by race in her decision to terminate him.

96. While Mayor Nelson formally made the final decision to terminate Jerel, she did so as

Wachtel’s cat’s paw because her decision was made entirely on Wachtel’s input and

recommendation. See Smith v. Bray, 681 F.3d 888 (7th Cir. 2012) (recognizing the cat’s paw theory

under Title VII, 42 U.S.C. § 1981, and 42 U.S.C. § 1983).

97. Wachtel was the true decisionmaker in Jerel’s termination because the Mayor relied on her

input and recommendation, and did not perform any independent assessment of Wachtel’s

recommendation and input, but “rubberstamped” the decision.

98. As a result of Wachtel’s action, Jerel has suffered job loss, reputational damage, salary

and benefits losses, and extreme emotional distress.

99. Wachtel’s actions are the cause-in-fact of Jerel’s job loss, reputational damage, salary and

benefits losses, and extreme emotional distress.

100. Wachtel’s actions are the proximate cause of Jerel’s job loss, reputational damage,

salary and benefits losses, and extreme emotional distress.

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WHEREFORE, for the foregoing reasons, Plaintiff requests that this Honorable Court enter

judgment in his favor, and against Defendants, and enter and order all appropriate relief, to include

back pay and back benefits as allowed by law, compensatory damages in an amount to be

determined at trial, make whole relief for all losses resulting from the unlawful discrimination alleged

herein, injunctive relief requiring Defendants to cease and desist from committing race

discrimination, reasonable attorneys’ fees and litigation costs, pre-judgment interest, and all other

available and appropriate relief.


VIOLATION OF 42 U.S.C. § 1981 VIA 42 U.S.C. § 1983
(Plaintiff v. Defendants Wachtel and Flossmoor)

101. Plaintiff restates and incorporates by reference Paragraphs 1 through 74 of this

Complaint as if fully realleged in this Count.

102. Section 1981 provides that “[a]ll persons within the jurisdiction of the United States

shall have the same right in every State and Territory to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be

parties, give evidence, and to the full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of

persons and property as is enjoyed by white citizens, and shall be subject to like punishment, pains,

penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind, and to no other.” 42 U.S.C. § 1981.

103. The Seventh Circuit has interpreted Section 1981 to allow for claims of retaliation.

See, e.g., Humphries v. CBOCS West, Inc., 474 F.3d 387, 398 (7th Cir. 2007) (“section 1981

encompasses the ‘termination of contracts,’ and there can be no doubt that a retaliatory discharge is

indeed a termination of the employment contract.”).

104. Courts in this judicial district “generally have applied the same prima facie

requirements to discrimination claims brought under Title VII and section 1981. See e.g., Alexander v.

Wis. Dep't of Health & Family Servs., 263 F.3d 673, 682 (7th Cir.2001) (applying same standard to Title

VII and section 1981 discrimination claims); Johnson v. City of Fort Wayne, Ind., 91 F.3d 922, 940 (7th

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Cir.1996) (“Although section 1981 and Title VII differ in the types of discrimination they proscribe,

the methods of proof and elements of the case are essentially identical.”); Randle v. LaSalle Telecomms.,

Inc., 876 F.2d 563, 568 (7th Cir.1989) (“It is well settled that the methods and order of proof

applicable to a claim of disparate treatment under Title VII are equally availing under § 1981.”); see

also Patterson, 491 U.S. at 186, 109 S.Ct. 2363 (applying McDonnell Douglas framework to section 1981

claims). See Humphries v. CBOCS W., Inc., 474 F.3d 387, 403–04 (7th Cir. 2007), aff'd, 553 U.S. 442,

128 S. Ct. 1951, 170 L. Ed. 2d 864 (2008).

105. In this case, Jerel engaged in protected activity when he reported Wachtel’s race

discriminatory behavior to Mayor Nelson on October 5, 2023.

106. Mayor Nelson took no action to rectify Wachtel’s discriminatory behavior.

107. Plaintiff has suffered two adverse employment actions by Wachtel: (i) Wachtel’s

imposition of a heightened set of performance standards on Jerel and her uncontrolled and

unhinged campaign of micromanagement of him, and (ii) Jerel’s termination by Wachtel and Nelson

on or about March 7, 2024.

108. Wachtel was motivated by retaliation in her imposition of a heightened set of

performance standards on Jerel and her uncontrolled and unhinged campaign of micromanagement

of him.

109. Wachtel was also motivated by retaliation in her decision to terminate him.

110. While Mayor Nelson formally made the final decision to terminate Jerel, she did so

as Wachtel’s cat’s paw because her decision was made entirely on Wachtel’s input and

recommendation. See Smith v. Bray, 681 F.3d 888 (7th Cir. 2012) (recognizing the cat’s paw theory

under Title VII, 42 U.S.C. § 1981, and 42 U.S.C. § 1983).

111. Wachtel was the true decisionmaker in Jerel’s termination because the Mayor totally

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relied on her input and recommendation, and did not perform any independent assessment of

Wachtel’s recommendation and input, but “rubberstamped” the decision.

112. As a result of Wachtel’s action, Jerel has suffered job loss, reputational damage,

salary and benefits losses, and extreme emotional distress.

113. Wachtel’s actions are the cause-in-fact of Jerel’s job loss, reputational damage, salary

and benefits losses, and extreme emotional distress.

114. Wachtel’s actions are the proximate cause of Jerel’s job loss, reputational damage,

salary and benefits losses, and extreme emotional distress.

WHEREFORE, for the foregoing reasons, Plaintiff requests that this Honorable Court enter

judgment in his favor, and against Defendants, and enter and order all appropriate relief, to include

back pay and back benefits as allowed by law, compensatory damages in an amount to be

determined at trial, make whole relief for all losses resulting from the unlawful discrimination alleged

herein, injunctive relief requiring Defendants to cease and desist from committing race

discrimination, reasonable attorneys’ fees and litigation costs, pre-judgment interest, and all other

available and appropriate relief.

(Plaintiff v. Defendant Flossmoor)

115. Plaintiff restates and incorporates by reference Paragraphs 1 through 74 of this

Complaint as if fully realleged in this Count.

116. Illinois statute provides that a local public entity such as Flossmoor, Illinois is

obligated to assume financial responsibility for the actions committed by its officials or employees

such as Wachtel. See 745 ILCS §§ 10/1-202, 10/2-302, and 10/9-102.

117. Defendant Flossmoor, Illinois is obligated to assume such financial responsibility for

Defendant Wachtel.

Case: 1:24-cv-02022 Document #: 1 Filed: 03/11/24 Page 21 of 21 PageID #:21

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Court enter an order directing

Flossmoor, Illinois to pay, indemnify, and assume financial responsibility for the actions and/or

omissions committed by Defendants for the harms they caused to Plaintiff alleged herein.


Dated March 11, 2024

Respectfully submitted,


/s/ Robert W. Fioretti

/s/ Cass T. Casper
One of Plaintiff’s Attorney
Robert W. Fioretti, Esq.
121 West Wacker Drive, Suite 2300
Chicago, Illinois 60601
P: (312) 506-5511 ext.
E: [email protected]

Cass T. Casper, Esq.

121 West Wacker Drive, Suite 2300
Chicago, Illinois 60601
P: (312) 506-5511 ext. 331
E: [email protected]


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