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Section A Topicwise Questions Topic 1 Growth

Phases Of Growth Rates And Conditions Of

1. All cells of a plant are descendents of the

A. Zygote

B. Apical meristem

C. Lateral meristem

D. Both B and C

Answer: A

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2. Which of the following is correct about

A. Growth is regarded as one of most

fundamental and conspicuous

characteristics of living being.

B. Growth can be defined as an irreversible

permanent increase in size of an organ

or its parts or even of an individual cell.

C. Generally growth is accompanied by

metabolic processes (both anabolic and

catabolic), that occur at the expense of

D. All of the above

Answer: D

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3. The form of growth wherein new cells are

always being added to the plant body by the

activity of the meristem is called

A. Open form of growth

B. Closed form of growth

C. Determine of growth

D. Both A and C

Answer: A

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4. Recoginise the figure and find the correct

A. a-vascular cambium, b-shoot apical

meristem, called the o-root apical


B. b--vascular cambium, e-shoot apical

meristem, (A) Open form of growth a-

root apical meristem (B) Closed form of


C. c-vascular cambium, a-shoot apical

meristem, (C) Determinate growth b-root

apical meristem
D. c-vascular cambium, b-shoot apical

meristem, a-root apical meristem

Answer: C

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5. Root apical meristem and shoot apical

meristem are responsible for the growth of

plants and principally contribute to the

elongation of the plants along their axis. This

growth is called
A. Primary growth

B. Indeterminate growth

C. Secondary growth

D. Both B and C

Answer: A

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6. In dicotyledonous plants and

gymnosperms, the lateral meristems-vascular

cambium and cork cambiumappear later in life.

They are the meristems that cause increase in

the gowrth of the organs in which they are

active. This is known as

A. Primary growth

B. Secondary growth

C. Indeterminate growth

D. Both B and C

Answer: B

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7. The following figure shows

A. Growth of the pollen tube in terms of

surface area

B. Detection of zone of elongation by the

parallel line technique

C. Detection of zone of maturation by

parallel line technique

D. Detection of zone of meristematic

activity by the parallel line technique

Answer: B

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8. Characteristic found in the cells of the

meristematic zone is/are

A. The cells of this region are rich in

protoplasm, possess small

inconspicuous nuclei.
B. Their cell walls are primary in nature,

thin and cellulosic with abundant

plasmodesmatal connections.

C. Both A and B.

D. None of the above.

Answer: B

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9. Cells attaining their maximum size in terms

of wall thickening and protoplasmic

modifications belong to

A. Meristematic phase

B. Phase of elongation

C. Phase of maturation

D. Both B and C

Answer: A

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10. Increased vacuolation, cell enlargement

and new cell wall deposition are the

characteristics of cells in_____phase of growth.

A. Meristematic phase

B. Phase of elongation

C. Phase of maturation

D. Both B and C

Answer: B

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11. Recognise the figure and fmd out the

correct labelling:

A. a and c-arithmetic, b and d-geometric

B. a and c-geometric, b and d-arithmetic

C. a and d-geometric, b and o-arithmetic

D. a and d-arithmetic, b and o-geometric

Answer: D

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12. The increased growth per unit time is

termed as

A. Efficiency index

B. Relative growth rate

C. Growth rate

D. Intrinsic rate of natural increase

Answer: C

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13. A sigmoid or S-curve is a characteristic of

A. Living organism growing in a natural


B. ypically all cells, tissues and organs of a


C. Root elongation at a constant rate

D. Both A and B

Answer: D

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14. Recognise the figure and find out the

correct labelling:

A. a-linear curve in geometric growth, b-

sigmoid or

B. Measurement and the comparison of

total growth S-curve in arithmetic

growth per unit time is called the ....a....

growth rate.
C. a-sigmoid or S-curve in geometric

growth, b-linear curve in arthetic growth.

D. a-sigmoid or S-curve in arithmetic

growth, blinear curve in geometric


Answer: B

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15. Fill in the blanks

1. . In ....a.... growth, both the progeny cells

following 19 mitotic cell division retain the

ability to divide and continue to do so.

2.In ......b growth, following mitotic cell division,

only one daughter cell continues to divide

while the other differentiates and matures.

3.Anthmetlc growth is mathemancally

expressed as ….c...

4.The exponential growth can be expressed

A. a-arithmetic, b-geometric, c=W 1
= W0 e

= L0 + rt

B. a-arithmetic, b-geometric, d=

W1 = W0 e
= L0 + rt

C. b-arithmetic, a-geometric, c=W 1

= W0 e

= L0 + rt

D. b-arithmetic, c-geometric, d=

W1 = W0 e
,d-L t
= L0 + rt

Answer: D

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16. Recognise the figure and fnd out the


A. a--epicotyl, b-hypocotyl, c-cotyledon

B. c-epicotyl, a--hypocotyl, b-cotyledon

C. b-epicotyl, o-hypocotyl, a-coty1edon

D. b-epicotyl, a-hypocotyl, c-cotyledon

Answer: C

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17. The measure of the abillty of the plant to

produce new plant material is referred to as

A. Relative growth rate

B. Absolute growth rate

C. Efficiency index

D. Both A and C

Answer: C

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18. Fill in the blanks

Qualitative comparisons between the growth

of the living system can be in two ways:

(i) Measurement and the comparison of total

growth per unit time is called the ..a…grwoth


(ii) The growth of the given system per unit

time expressed on a common basis, eg. per

unit iniitial parameter is called...b.... growth

A. a-absolute,b-releative

B. a-relative,b-absolute

C. a-arithmetic,b-geometeric

D. a-geometric,b-arithmetic

Answer: A

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19. The simplest expression of arithmetic of

arithmetic growth is exemplfied buy

A. Living organism growing in a natural


B. Typically all cells, tissuses and organs of

a plant

C. Root enlongation at a constant rate

D. Both A and B

Answer: C

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20. Two leaves A and B are of different sizes

but shows absolute increases in area in the

unit time to give leaves A

and B
. Find out

the absolute growth and releatives growth

rate of both the leaves.

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21. Which of the following is necessary for

A. Water

B. Oxygen

C. Nutrients

D. All of the above

Answer: D

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22. Auxanometer is required for

A. Studying rate of transpiration

B. Measuring rate of respiration

C. Finding out rate of photosynthese

D. Calculating rate of growth

Answer: D

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23. Shock movements of leaves of Sensitive

Plant, Mimosa pudica, are

A. Thermonasty
B. Seismonasty

C. Hydrotropism

D. Chemonasty

Answer: B

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24. Movement of plant part in response to

touch is

A. Seismonasty
B. Thigmonasty

C. Nutation

D. None of the above

Answer: B

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25. Clinostat is employed in the study of

A. Osmosis

B. Growth movements
C. Photosynthesis

D. Resipiration

Answer: B

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26. Recognise the figure and fin out the

correct labelling
A. a-log phase, b-log phase, c-stationary


B. a-log phase, b-log phase, c-stationary


C. a-log phase, b-exponential phase, c-

stationary phase

D. Both A and C

Answer: D

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27. Clinostat is the apparatus used to

A. Measure the rate of growth in plant

B. Measure the quantity of auxin in plant

C. Measure the effect of light on plant

D. Eliminate the effect of gravity or

geotropism on plant

Answer: D

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Section A Topicwise Questions Topic 2
Differentiation Dedifferentiation
Redifferentation And

1. Development the sum of two processes

A. Diffferentiation and dedifferentiation

B. Growth and cell division

C. Growth and differentiation

D. dedifferentiation and redifferentiation

Answer: C

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2. Living differentiated cells which have

otherwise lost the capacity to divide, can

region the power of division under certain

conditions. This phenomenon is termed as

A. Differentiation

B. Dedifferentiation

C. Redifferemiation

D. Heterophylly
Answer: B

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3. The cells derived from root apical and Shoot

apical a meristems and cambium diiferentiate

and mature to perform specific funcitons. This

act leading to mature is termed as

A. Differentiation

B. De-Differentiation

C. Redifferentiation
D. hetrophily

Answer: A

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4. lnterfaeciculnr cambium and cork cambium

are able to divide and produce cells that once

again lose the capacity to divide but mature to

perform speciftc function. This phenomenon is


A. Differentiation
B. Dedifferentiation

C. Redifferentiation

D. Heterophylly

Answer: C

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5. Recognise the figure and find out the

correct labelling
A. a-elongntion. c-diffrentiation, b-

plasmatic growth, d-senescence, e-


B. b-elongation, e-differentiation, a-

plasmatic growth, c-senescence, d-


C. a-elongation, d-differentiation, b-

plasmatic growth, e-senescence, c-

D. b-elongation, c-differentiation, a-

plasmatic growth, e-senescence, d-


Answer: D

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6. Which of the following is an example of

A. The formation of tracheaIy elements

(xylem trachcids and xylem vessels)

B. Formation of meristem like

interfascicular cambium from fully

differentiated parenchyma cells

C. Formation of meristem like cork

cambium from fully differentiated

parenchyma cells

D. Both B and C

Answer: A
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7. Which of the following is an example of

the dedifferentiation?

A. The formation of tracheary elements

(xylem tracheids and xylem vessels)

B. Formaation of meristem like

interfascicular cambium from fully

differentiated parenchyma cells

C. Formation of meristem like cork

cambium from fully differentiated

parenchyma cells

D. Both B and C

Answer: D

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8. Read the following statements and lind out

the incorrect statement

(a) In plants, growth and differentiation both

are open, i.e it can be indeterminate or


(b) The final structure at maturity of a cell or

tissue is also determined by the location of

the cell within.

(c ) Cells positioned away from root apical

meristems mature as epidermis, while those

pushed to the peripheijy differentiate as root

cap cells.

(d) Environmental signals such as light,

temperature and gravity also effect certain

phases or stages of growth.

A. b and d

B. c and a

C. a and c

D. c and d

Answer: D

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9. The following figure shows

A. Heterophylly in larkspur

B. Heterophylly in buttercup

C. Heterophylly in cotton and coriander

D. Heterophylly in cotton, coriander and


Answer: A

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10. Plants follow different pathways in

response to environment or phases of life to

form different kind of structures. This ability is


A. Development

B. Differentiation

C. Plasticity

D. Photoperiodism

Answer: C
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11. _________includes all the changes that an

organism undergoes during its life cycle, from

seed germination to senescence.

A. Development

B. Differentiation

C. Plasticity

D. Photoperiodism

Answer: A
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12. Which of the following is an example of


A. Heterophylly in cotton, coriander and


B. Heterophylly in buttercup

C. Bolting in beet and cabbage

D. Both A and B

Answer: D
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13. In some plants, the leaves of the juvenile

plant are different in shape from those in

mature plants. This is the heterophylly due to

phases of life and seen in

A. Cotton, coriander and buttercup

B. Buttercup and larkspur

C. Buttercup only

D. Cotton, coriander and larkspur

Answer: D

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14. The following figure shows

A. Heterophylly in larkspur

B. Heterophylly in buttercup

C. Heterophylly in cotton and coriander

D. Heterophylly in cotton, coriander and


Answer: B

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15. In some plants, the shapes of leaves

produced in air is different from those

produced in water. This the heterophyllous

development as seen in
A. Cotton, coriander and buttercup

B. Buttercup and larkspur

C. Buttercup only

D. Cotton, coriander and larkspur

Answer: C

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16. Growth plotted against time gives a

A. Parabolic curve
B. Sigmoid curve

C. Upright line

D. Horizontal line

Answer: B

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Section A Topicwise Questions Topic 3 Plant

Growth Regulators Characteristics And The
1. Kinetin is chemically

A. lndole-3-acetic acid

B. Terpenes

C. N furfurylamino purine

D. Carotenoid

Answer: C

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2. Callus is:

A. Differentiated mass of cells

B. Undifferentiated mass of cells

C. Deditfercntiated mass of cells

D. Redifferentiated mass of cells

Answer: B

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3. Which is correctly matched?

A. Passive transpon-ATP

B. Apoplast-Plasmodesmata

C. Potassium-Readily mobilisation

D. Bakane of Rice seedling-F. Skoog

Answer: C

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4. The PGRs can be broadly divided into two

groups based on their functions in living plant

body. One group of PGRs are involved in

growth promoting activities, such as cell

division, cell enlargement, pattern formation,

tropic growth, flowering, fruiting and seed

formation These are also called

A. Plant growth regulators

B. Plant growth promoters

C. Plant growth inhibitors

D. Plant growth supporters

Answer: B

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5. Which of the following PGRs are categorised

as plant growth promoters?

A. Auxin, GA and cytokinin

B. Ethylene and ABA

C. Ethylene, auxin, GA and cytokinin

D. Auxin, GA, ABA and cytokinin

Answer: A

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6. The PGRs which play an important role in

plant responses to wound and stresses of

biotic and abiotic origin and also involved in

various growth inhibiting activities such as

dormancy and abscission, is/are

B. Ethylene

C. Auxin, cytokinin and GA

D. ABA and ethylene

Answer: D

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7. The PGR, ethylene, could fit either the

groups-plant growth promoters and inhibitors

but it is largely an
A. Promoter of growth activities

B. Inhibitor of growth activities

C. Supporter of growth activities

D. Inducer of growth activities

Answer: B

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8. The following experiment demonstrate that

A. Tip of coleoptile is the source of auxin

B. Tip of coleoptile is the site of

transmittable influence that caused the

bending of entire coleoptile

C. Both A and B

D. Tip of coleoptile is the source of


Answer: C

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9. The discovery of each of the five major

groups of PGRs (auxin, GA, cytokinin, ABA and

ethylene) have been accidental. All this started

with the observation of

A. F.W. Went

B. E. Kurosawa

C. Skoog and Miller

D. Charles Darwin and his son Francis


Answer: D
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10. Who confirmed the release of a volatile

substance from ripening oranges that

hastened the ripening of stored unripened


A. Skoog and Miller

B. E. Kurosawa

C. Cousins

D. F.W.Went
Answer: C

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11. Who observed that the coleoptiles of

canary grass responded to unilateral

illumination by growing towards the light


A. F.W. Went

B. B. Kurosawa

C. Skoog and Miller

D. Charles Darwin and his son Francis


Answer: D

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12. Auxin was isolated from tips of coleoptiles


A. Canary grass by Charles Darwin and

Francis Darwin
B. Canary grass by F.W. Went

C. Oat seedlings by Charles Darwin and

Francis Darwin

D. Oat seedlings by F.W. Went

Answer: D

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13. Who reported the appearance of symptoms

of the Bakane disease in uninfected rice

seedlings when they were treated with sterile

filtrates of the fungus?

A. Skoog and Miller

B. E. Kurosawa

C. Cousins

D. F. W. Went

Answer: B

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14. In the above observation, the active

substances were later identified as

A. Abscisic acid

B. Gibberellic acid

C. Indole acetic acid

D. N -furfurylamino purine

Answer: B

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15. Cytokinesis promoting active substance is

called kinetin which is identified, crystallised

and termed by

A. F.W. Went

B. E. Kurosawa

C. Skoog and Miller

D. Charles Darwin and his son Francis


Answer: C

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16. Who observed that from the internodal

segments of tobacco stems the callus

proliferated only if, in addition to auxins the

nutn'ents medium was supplemented with one

of the following: extracts of vascular tissues,

yeast extract, coconut milk or DNA?

A. F. Skoog and co-workers

B. Cousins

C. E. Kurosawa

D. F.W.Went
Answer: A

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17. During mid-l960s, three independent

researchers reported the purification and

chemical characterization of three different

kinds of inhibitors: inhibitor-B, abscission II

and dormin. Later all the three were proved to

be chemically identical. It was named

A. Indole acetic acid

B. Indole butyric acid

C. Naphthalene acetic acid

D. Abscisic acid

Answer: D

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18. Bending of stem/coleoptile towards light

or shoot of potted plant placed near a window

is due to
A. Greater oxygen availability to the tip

B. More auxin content on the shaded side

C. Greater light availability to tip

D. Availability of necessary warmth to the


Answer: B

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19. Who first suggested presence of growth

regulatory chemicals in plants ?

A. Went

B. Sachs

C. Darwin

D. Cousins

Answer: A

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20. Plant grwoth hormones extracted from a

fungus and a fish are respectively

A. Gibberellin and zeatin

B. Ethylene and cytokinin

C. Auxin and 2, 4-D

D. Gibberellin and kinetin

Answer: D

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21. Which one of the following is a natural

growth inhibitor ?


B. ABA/Ethylene

C. 1AA


Answer: B

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22. Bakane disease of Rice is due to


B. 2, 4-D



Answer: D

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23. Bakane disease leads to the discovery of

which phytohormone (PGR)





Answer: C

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24. Some early experiments on phototropic

curvature in grasses led to discovery of

A. Auxins

B. Gibberellins

C. Cytokinins

D. None of the above

Answer: A

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25. Hormone discovered through tissue

culture technique is

A. Auxin

B. Cytoklnln

C. Gibberellin

D. Abscisic acid

Answer: B

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26. Gibberellin was first isolated from

A. A bacterium

B. A fungus

C. An alga

D. A virus

Answer: B

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27. Kinetin is
A. indole butyric acid

B. Indole acetic acid

C. Butyric acid

D. N -furfuryl amino-purine`

Answer: D

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Section A Topicwise Questions Topic 4

Physiological Effects Of Plant Growth Regulators
1. Which one of the PGRs would you use if you

are asked

(a) Induce growth in axillary buds

(b) ‘Bolt’ a rosette plant

(c) Induce immediate stomatal closure in


A. a-cytokinin, GA, c-ABA

B. a-auxin, b-GA, e-ABA

C. a-auxin, b-ethylene, c-GA .

D. a -cytokinin, b ethylene, c ABA

Answer: A

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2. What would be expected to happen if you

forget to add cytokinin to the culture


A. There will be no differentiation of root

B. There will be no ditferentiation of shoot

C. A callus will be produced

D. Nothing would happen

Answer: B

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3. What would be happen if a rotten fruit gets

mixed with unripe fruits?

A. Hastens the ripening of unripe fruits

B. Retards the ripening of unripe fruits

C. Nothing would happen

D. Unripe fruit is now not healthier for


Answer: A

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4. What would be expected to happen if a

dividing cell stop differentiating?

A. Dedifferentiation takes place

B. Reditferentiation takes place

C. Callus is formed

D. Bolting takes place

Answer: C

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5. What would be happen if GA is applied to


rice seedlings?

A. Plant show extra elongation

B. Length of the plant decreases

C. Bolting takes place

D. Both A and C

Answer: A

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6. Which one of the PGRs would be used by

farmers if they are asked to?

(a) Induce parthenocarpy in tomatoes

(b) Hastens fruit ripening in tomatoes and

(c ) Induces howering in mango

(d) Elongation and improvement in shape of


A. a-auxins, b-ethephon, c-ethylene, d-GA, e-


B. a-ethylene, b-GA, c-auxin, d ethephon, e-


C. a-auxin, b-ethephon, c-cytokinin, d-

ethylene, e-GA
D. a-cytokinin, b-auxin, c-GA, d-ethephon, e-


Answer: A

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7. Which accelerates the abscission in liower

and fruit like thinning of cotton, cherry and


A. Auxin

C. GA3

D. Ethephon

Answer: D

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8. Read the following statements and find out

the incorrect statement.

A. Auxins initiates flowering in pineapples

and ethylene promotes flowering in


B. 2, 4-D is used to prepare weed-free lawns

by gardeners.

C. There are more than 100 gibberellins

reported from widely different

organisms such as fungi and higher

plants. A11 GAs are acidic.

D. The ability of GAS to cause an increase

length of axis used to increase the

length of grapes stalks

Answer: A

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9. The most widely used compound as source

of ethylene is

A. Kinetin
B. Zeatin

C. Ethephon

D. Lunaric acid

Answer: C

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10. ABA acts antagonistic to




Answer: D

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11. Recognise the figure and find out the

correct matching.
A. a-plant showing apical dominance, b-

decapitated plant showing growth of

lateral buds.

B. a-plant with apical bud removed, bplant

with apical bud intact

C. a-plant with apical bud intact, b-plant

with apical bud removed

D. Both A and C

Answer: D

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12. The hormone which promotes rapid

intemodc or petiole elongation in deep water

rice plants, also

A. Initiates germination in peanut seeds

and sprouting of potato tubers

B. Breaks seed and bud dormancy

C. Inhibits seed germination

D. Both A and B
Answer: D

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13. Fill in the blanks:

1. Spraying sugarcane crop with ....a.... increases

in the length of the stem, thus increasing the

yield by as much as .....b.. tonnes per acre.

2. ........c does not occur naturally in plants.

3. Search for natural substances with cytokinin

like activities led to the isolation of ...d... from

corn kernels and coconut milk.

A. a-auxins, b-lO, o-NA A, d-zeatin (

B. a-gibberellins, b-20, c-zeatin, d-kinetin

C. a-gibberellins, b-lO, c-zeatin, d-kinetin

D. a--gibberellins, b---20, c-kinetin, d-zeatin

Answer: D

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14. Which one of the PGRs would you use if

you are asked to?

(a) Induce rooting in a twig

(b) Quickly ripen a fruit

(c ) Delay leaf senescence

A. a-auxin, b-ethylene, c-GA

B. a-cytokinin, b-ethylene, c-GA

C. a-auxin, b-ethylene, c-cytokinin

D. a-cytokinin, b-GA, c-auxin

Answer: C

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15. Ageing of leaves and shoots is called

A. Chlorosis

B. Wilting

C. Senescence

D. Necrosis

Answer: C

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16. Which of the following hormones is used in

root formation on stem cutting?

A. Kinetin

B. GA3



Answer: D

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17. Match the columns

A. 1-b, 2-e,3-a,4-c,5-d

B. 1-b,2-c,3-d-4-e,5-a

C. 1-a,2-e,3-b,4-d,5-c

D. 1-e,2-d,3-c,4-b,5-a

Answer: A

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18. The natural plant hormone isolated from

cormn kernels and coconut milk is

A. Florigen

B. GA 3

C. Free auxins

D. Zeatin

Answer: D

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19. How does pruning help in making the

hedge dense

A. It releases wound hormones

B. Apical shoot grows faster after pruning

C. It frees axillary buds from apical


D. It induces differentiation of new shoots

from rootstock

Answer: C

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20. α-amylase synthesis is promoted by



C. Cytokinin


Answer: B

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21. Richmond-Lang effect is due to

A. Gibberellins

B. Auxin

C. Ethylene

D. Kinetin

Answer: D

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22. Which is not a function of cytokinin ?

A. Delay in senescence

B. Breaking seed dormancy

C. Promoting bud dormancy

D. Promoting stomatal opening

Answer: C

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23. Which statements are correct ?

a - Cytokinins suppress the synthesis of

b - Auxins control apical dominance

c - Gibberellins promote shoot elongation

d - Abscisic acid enables seeds to with-stand


A. c and b only

B. b and c only

C. a and c only

D. b, c and (1 only

Answer: D

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24. Ethylene is connected with

A. Aerobic respiration

B. Climacteric respiration

C. Anaerobic respiration

D. Fermentation

Answer: B

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25. Parthenocarpic fruits cannot be produced

by application of


B. 2, 4-D



Answer: C

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26. Which is used as a weedicide ?

A. Indole acetic acid

B. Napthalene acetic acid (NAA)

C. Indole butyric acid (IBA)

D. 2, 4-D

Answer: D

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27. Internodal elongation is stimulated by

A. Auxin

B. Phenol

C. Cytokinin

D. Gibberellin

Answer: D

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28. Size of grapes increases in application of

A. Gibberellin
B. Auxm

C. Cytokinin

D. All of the above Cytokinins .

Answer: A

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29. Cytokinins

A. Cause leaf abscissnon

B. Delay leaf abscission

C. Promote stomatal closing

D. Promote seed dormancy

Answer: B

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30. Synthetic auxins are employed for

A. Ripening of fruits

B. Increasing size of fruits

C. Killing weeds
D. Preventing elongation of intemode

Answer: C

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31. Auxin synthesis occurs in

A. Root/shoot tips

B. Cortex

C. Xylem

D. Phloem
Answer: A

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32. Bud dormancy is induced by




D. Ethylene

Answer: C
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33. Common inhibitor of germination is



C. Pantothenic acid

D. Tartaric

Answer: B

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34. Which one prevents premature fall of fruit


B. Ethylene

C. GA 3

D. Zeatin

Answer: A

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35. Cytokinin synthesis is maximum in

A. Roots

B. Leaves

C. Shoot tip

D. Fruit

Answer: A

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36. High concentration of auxin is present in

A. Rootapex

B. Shootapex

C. Petiole

D. Node

Answer: B

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37. Growth substance that stimulates nodule

formation in leguminous plants is





Answer: B

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38. Hormone found in liquid endosperm of

Coconut/Coconut milk factor is

A. Gibberellin

B. Auxin

C. Ethylene

D. Cytokinin

Answer: D

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39. Fruit drop is prevented by spraying

A. Auxin

B. Ethylene

C. Ethylene

D. Cytokinins

Answer: A

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40. Which of the following physiological

effects is caused in plants by gibberellic acid ?

A. Shortening of genetically tall plants

B. Elongation of genetically dwarf plants

C. Rooting in stem cuttings

D. Yellowing of young leaves

Answer: B

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41. 2 : 4-D causes

A. Delay in senescence

B. Bolting

C. Increase in branehes

D. Increased growth of all pants

Answer: D

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42. The name zeatin was coined by

A. Skoog

B. Miller

C. Latham

D. Melvin

Answer: C

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43. IAA was first isolated from

A. Corn germ oil

B. Human urine

C. Gibberella

D. Rhizopus

Answer: C

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44. Movement of auxin is

A. Centripetal

B. Basipetal
C. Acropetal

D. Both B and C

Answer: B

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45. What is a stress hormone ? Or The

hormone produced during adverse

environmental conditions is

A. Benzyl aminopurine
B. Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid

C. Ethylene

D. Abscisic acid

Answer: D

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46. The regulator which retards

ageing/senescence of plant parts is

A. Cytokinin
B. Auxin

C. Gibberellin

D. Abscisic acid

Answer: A

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47. Bananas can be prevented from

overripening by

A. Maintaining them at room temperature

B. Refrigeration

C. Dipping in ascorbic acid solution

D. Storing in a freezer

Answer: C

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48. Apical dominance is caused by

A. Abscisic acid in lateral bud

B. Cytokinin in leaftip
C. Gibberellin in lateral buds

D. Auxin in shoot tip

Answer: D

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49. Which one is the test for gibberellin ?

A. Bolting in Cabbage

B. Morphogenesis in tobacco callus

C. Rapid division in Carrot cells

D. Elongation of Oat coleoptile

Answer: A

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50. Abscisic acid causes

A. Stomatal closure

B. Stem elongation

C. Leaf expansion

D. Root elongation
Answer: A

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51. Abscisic acid controls

A. Cell division

B. Leaf fall and dormancy

C. Shoot elongation

D. Cell elongation and wall formation

Answer: B
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52. Parthenocarpy can be achieved by

A. Zeatin


C. Auxin

D. Kinetin

Answer: C

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53. Highest auxin concentration occurs

A. In growing tips

B. In leaves

C. At base of plant organs

D. In xylem and phloem

Answer: A

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54. Auxin suppresses growth of

A. Lateral axillary buds

B. Apical buds

C. Roots on stem cuttings

D. All of the above

Answer: A

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Section A Topicwise Questions Topic 5
Photoperiodism And Vernalisation

1. Would a defoliated plant respond to

photoperiodic cycle?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Can’t say

D. Any condition is possible

Answer: B
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2. Read the following statements and iind out

the incorrect statements.

(a) Both a short day plant and a long day plant

can hower simultaneously in a given place.

(b) Sugar beet, cabbage and carrot are

common biennials.

(c) Some important food plants, wheat, barley

and rye has three kinds of varieties, winter,

summer and spring varieties.

(d) Vemalisation promotes precocious

reproductive development late in the growing

season, and enables the plant to have

sumcient time to reach matun'ty

(e) Many of the extrinsic factors such as

temperature and light, control plant growth

and development via

A. a and b

B. b and c

C. c and b

D. d and c

Answer: C
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3. Plants which require the exposure to light

for a period exceeding a well defined critical

duration for howering are called

A. Short day plants

B. Long day plants

C. Day neutral plants

D. Short long day plants

Answer: B
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4. Plants which must be exposed to light for a

period less than the critical duration before

the howering is initiated in then are called

A. Short day plants

B. Long day plants

C. Day neutral plants

D. Short long day plants

Answer: A
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5. Plants in which there is no such correlation

between exposure to light duration and

induction of howen'ng response are called

A. Short day plants

B. Long day plants

C. Day neutral plants

D. Short long day plants

Answer: C
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6. Recognise the figure and find out the

correct labelling.

A. a-long day plant, b-short day plant, c-day

neutral plan

B. b-long day plant, a-short day plant, c-day

neutral plant
C. c-long day plant, b-Short day plant, a-day

neutral plant

D. a-long day plant, c-short day plant, b-day

neutral plant

Answer: A

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7. Fill in the blanks:

(1) Wheat, barley end rye have two kinds of

varieties: wmter and spring varieties. The

‘spring’ variety are normally plented in ....a....

and come to flower and produce gram before

the end of growing season.

(2) 'Winter varieties, however if planned in ..b...

would normally fail to flower or produce

mature grain within a span of flowering


(3) hence ‘winter’ varieties are planted in ..c.... .

They germinate, and over ........d come out as

harvested usually around mid-summer.

A. a-spring, b-winter, c-spring, d-winter,

B. a-winter, b-spring, c-winter, d-spring,


C. a--spring, b-spn'ng, c-autumn, d-winter,


D. a-spring, b-winter, c-autumn, d-spring, e-

Answer: C

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8. Certain plants need to be exposed to low

temperature ' so as to hasten liowering later

in life. This treatment is known as

A. Stratification

B. Scarification

C. Vemalisation

D. Photoperiodism

Answer: C

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9. Seeds of winter varieties are benefitted by


A. Senescence

B. Photoperiodism

C. Vernalisation

D. Abscission

Answer: C

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10. Biennials get changed into annuals by

A. Hormones

B. Photoperiodism

C. Grafting

D. Vernalisation

Answer: D

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11. Which ones are long day plants

A. Wheat, Poppy, Soyabean

B. Wheat, Poppy, Beet

C. Wheat, Oat, Soyabean

D. Wheat,Xanthium, Paddy

Answer: B

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12. Which of the following is a short day plant

A. Wheat
B. Barley

C. Larkspur

D. Dahlia

Answer: D

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13. One set of plants exposed to 12 hr day and

12 hr night llowered. The other set with similar

exposure to daynight period but with dark

period interrupted by Hash of light did not

come to flower. The plant is

A. Long day

B. Day neutral

C. Indeterminate

D. Short day.

Answer: D

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14. Physiologically active form of phytochrome


A. P 730
/ Pfr

B. P 660
/ Pr

C. P 700

D. P 680

Answer: A

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15. When the dark period of short day plants is

intrrupted by a brief exposure of light, then

the plant

A. Will not tlower at all

B. Flowers immediately

C. Gives more flowers

D. Turns into a long day plant

Answer: A

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16. Phytochrome was isolated by

A. Butler et al

B. W. Went

C. R. Hill

D. Borthwick et al

Answer: A

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17. Vemalisation is
A. Growth curve related to light

B. Effect of photoperiods on plant growth

C. Speeding up ability to flower by low

temperature treatment

D. Diurnal photoperiodicity

Answer: C

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18. What is true about phytochrome ?

A. Pr absorbs red light and becomes Pf,

B. Pr absorbs yellow light and becomes Pf,

C. Pf, absorbs yellow light and becomes P,

D. Pf, absorbs red light and becomes Pr.

Answer: A

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19. Flowering in short day plants is induced by

A. Short days and interrupted long nights

B. Short days and uninterrupted long


C. Short nights

D. Long day with interrupted night

Answer: B

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20. Photoperiodic stimulus is picked up by

A. Phytohormones
B. Stomata

C. Phytochrome

D. Enzymes

Answer: A

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21. A long day plant flowers only when it is

exposed to

A. Red light
B. Light more than critical day length

C. Light equal to critical day length

D. Light less than critical day length

Answer: A

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22. Pick up the correct explanation

A. Xanthium-Long day plant

B. Sunflower-Short day plant

C. Wheat-Shon day plant

D. Tomato-Day neutral plant

Answer: C

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23. The term phytochrome was introduced by

A. Borthwick and Hendricks

B. Borthwick

C. Moore
D. Garner and Allard

Answer: D

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24. A long day plant is

A. Wheat/Spinach

B. Soyabean

C. Tobacco

D. Xanthium
Answer: D

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25. In short day plants, flowering is inhibited


A. Interruption of dark by white or red


B. Dark interruption by far red light

C. Dark interruption by red light followed

by far red light

D. Not possible

Answer: A

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26. The piament involved in red - far red light

interconversion is


The pigm,ent involved in photomorphogenetic

movements is


Pigment involved in photo - perception in

flowering is

A. Carotene

B. Phytochrome

C. Cytochrome

D. Lycopene

Answer: B

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27. Seasonality of plants is due to

A. Phototropism

B. Photosynthesis

C. Photopenodism

D. Photolysis

Answer: C

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28. Which of the following induces flowering in

short day plant

A. Ailxin

B. Cytokinin

C. Gibberellln

D. Propylene

Answer: B

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29. In a plant subjected to continuous red

light, phytochrome will show

A. Increased synthesis

B. Decreased level

C. Destruction

D. Destruction and synthesis remain in


Answer: D

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30. Cytokinin

A. Is a hormone whose main function is the

induction of cell division

B. is the process of cell division

C. Refers to cell movements

D. Causes dormancy

Answer: A

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31. F lorigen is produced in the region of

A. Leaves

B. Fruit

C. Root

D. Trunk

Answer: A

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32. Which one is short day plant ?

A. Brassica campestris

B. Raphanus sativus

C. Glycine max

D. Papaver sommférum

Answer: C

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33. Which one can absorb red and far-red light

A. Carotene

B. Xanthophyll

C. Chlorophyll

D. Phytochrome

Answer: D

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34. Who discovered Photoperiodism?

A. Darwin
B. Lysenko

C. Amon

D. Garner and Allard

Answer: D

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35. Which is not a phytohorrnone?

A. Phytochrome

B. Florigen


Answer: A

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36. Gibberellic acid induces flowering

A. Some plants only

B. Long day plants under short day

C. Short day plants under long day


D. Day neutral plants

Answer: B

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37. Photoperiodism is probably due to

synthesis of

A. Cytokinins
B. Gibberellins

C. Auxm

D. Florigen

Answer: D

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38. A chemical believed to be involved in

flowering is

A. Gibberellin
B. Kinetin

C. Florigen


Answer: C

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39. Which one shows red - far-red inter


A. Carotenoids
B. Cytochromes

C. Chlorophylls

D. Phytochrome

Answer: D

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40. Which of the following plant hormone

substtutes for long photoperiods in flowering

A. Ethylene

B. Auxin

C. Gibberellin

D. Cytokinin

Answer: C

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Section B Assertion Reasoning Questions

1. Assertion: Plant growth is unique because

plants retain the capacity for unlimited

growth throughout their life.

Reason: Plants have different type of

meristems at certain locations in their body

that have capacity to divide and self-


A. If both assertion and reason are true

and the reason is the correct

explanation of the assertion.

B. If both assertion and reason are true but

reason is not the correct explanation of

the assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.

Answer: A

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2. Assertion: During differentiation, cells

undergo few to major structural changes both

in their cell walls and protoplasm.

To form a tracheary element, the cells would

lose their protoplasm. They also develop a very

strong, elastic, Ignocellulosw secondary cell

walls, to carry water to long distances even

under extreme tension.

A. If both assertion and reason are true

and the reason is the correct

explanation of the assertion.

B. If both assertion and reason are true but

reason is not the correct explanation of

the assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.

Answer: A

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3. Assertion: In plants differentiation is open.

Reason: Cells or tissues ansmg out of the

same meristem have different structures at


A. If both assertion and reason are true

and the reason is the correct

explanation of the assertion.

B. If both assertion and reason are true but

reason is not the correct explanation of

the assertion.
C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.

Answer: A

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4. Assertion: Growth, differentiation and

development are very closely related events in

the life of a plant.

Reason: Development in plants (i.e, both

growth and differentiation) is under the

control of intrinsic and extrinsic facotrs.

A. If both assertion and reason are true

and the reason is the correct

explanation of the assertion.

B. If both assertion and reason are true but

reason is not the correct explanation of

the assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.

Answer: B

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5. Assertion: Both natural and synthetic auxins

have been used extensively in agricultural and

horticultural practices.

Reason: Auxin is widely applied in tea

plantations and hedge-making.

A. If both assertion and reason are true

and the reason is the correct

explanation of the assertion.

B. If both assertion and reason are true but

reason is not the correct explanation of

the assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.

Answer: C

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6. Assertion: GAS leads to early seed

production in conifers.

Reason: Spraying juvenile conifers with GAs

hastens the maturity period.

A. If both assertion and reason are true

and the reason is the correct

explanation of the assertion.

B. If both assertion and reason are true but

reason is not the correct explanation of

the assertion.
C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.

Answer: A

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7. Assertion: Ethylene helping the plants to

increase their absorption surface.

Reason: Ethylene promotes root growth and

root hair formation.

A. If both assertion and reason are true

and the reason is the correct

explanation of the assertion.

B. If both assertion and reason are true but

reason is not the correct explanation of

the assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.

Answer: A

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8. Assertion : Abscisic acid (ABA) is also

called stress hormone.

Reason : ABA increases the tolerance of plants

to various kinds of stresses.

A. If both assertion and reason are true

and the reason is the correct

explanation of the assertion.

B. If both assertion and reason are true but

reason is not the correct explanation of

the assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.

Answer: A

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Section D Chapter End Test

1. Falling of floral parts, leaves and fruits from

the mother plant is called

A. Senescence

B. Abscission

C. Photoperiodism


Answer: B

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2. Exponential growth occur in

A. Yeast
B. Bacteria

C. Asexual reproduction

D. All of the above

Answer: D

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3. A green plant will turn yellow if planed in

the dark. This is called

A. Phototropism
B. Dormancy

C. Chlorosis

D. Etiolation

Answer: D

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4. Cut or excised leaves remain green for long

if induced to root of dipped in

A. Gibberellins
B. Auxins

C. Abscission

D. Vemalisation

Answer: B

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5. At the onset of speed germination ,the

digestive enzymes amylase are produced by

the action of

The activity of α amylase in the endosperm of

barley geminating seed is induced is induced


A. Cytokinin

B. Gibberellins

C. Ethylene

D. Auxin

Answer: B

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6. Drooping of Tamarind leaves after sunset is

A. Phototropism

B. Phototaxis

C. Photonasty

D. Chemotaxis

Answer: C

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7. Beta vulgaris is




Answer: B

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8. The pineapple which under natural

condition is difficult to blossom has been

made to produce fruits throughout the year

by application of


B. NAA 2, 4-D

C. Phenyl acetic acid

D. Cytokinins

Answer: B

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9. Pruning of plants promotes branchin

becaues the axillary buds get sensitized to

A. 1AA

B. Ethylene

C. Gibberellin

D. Cytokinin

Answer: A

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10. Which of the following is a long day plant


B. Xanthium

C. Paddy

D. Soyabean

Answer: A

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11. Photoperiodism is associated with the

formation of

A. Auxin

B. Chlorophyll

C. Florigen

D. Gibberellin

Answer: C

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12. Common biosynthetic inhibitor of GA is


B. Jasmonic acid

C. Citric acid

D. Lactic acid

Answer: A

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13. Movement stimulated by external factor is

A. Spontaneous movement

B. Autonomic movement

C. Physicalmovement

D. Paratonic movement

Answer: D

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14. Bending of stem towards light is

A. Photoperiodism
B. Heliotropism

C. Photonasty

D. Hydrotropism

Answer: B

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15. Short day plant is

A. Xanthium

B. Pisum
C. Cucumis

D. Avena

Answer: A

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16. Ability of Venus Fly Trap to capture insects

is due to

A. Specialised “muscle-like” cells

B. Chemical stimulation by prey

C. Rapid turgor pressure changes

D. Passive process requiring no special

ability on the part of the plant.

Answer: C

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17. Gibberellinisa

A. Sterol

B. Vitamin
C. Sugar

D. Protein

Answer: A

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18. Which hormone is not translocated?

A. Auxin

B. Gibberellins

D. Cytokinin

Answer: B

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19. Essential requirement for seed germination

A. O and light

B. H 2
and O(2)

C. H 2
O and high temperature

D. Scarification and vemalisation

Answer: B

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20. Banana is seedless because

A. It reproduces asexually

B. It is sprayed by auxin

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above

Answer: A
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21. Antherozoids are attracted towards

archegonia in fern plant. The phenomenon is

A. Nyctinasty

B. Chemonasty

C. Thigmonasty

D. Seismonasty

Answer: B
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22. Herbicides kill plants by inhibiting


B. PS11

C. Translocation

D. Both A and B

Answer: B

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23. During drought, plants develop hormone

A. Indole acetic acid

B. Naphthalene acetic acid

C. Indole butyric acid

D. Abscisic acid

Answer: D

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24. Antiauxin used in picking cotton balls is

A. 2, 4-D



D. Both A and B

Answer: B

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25. First natural cytokinin was discovered by

A. Skoog and Miller

B. Latham

C. Benson and Calvin

D. Thimann and Went

Answer: B

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26. Storage sprouting of potato can be

prevented by

A. Maleic hydrazide

B. Gibberellins

C. Indole acetic acid

D. Cytokinins

Answer: A

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27. Anti gibberellin is

A. Cycocel

B. Plastoquinone

C. 1AA

D. Ubiquinone

Answer: A

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28. Growing trees and shrubs in small pots is

A. Bonsai

B. Culture

C. Green gardening

D. Tree culture

Answer: A

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29. Which of the following is a cytokinin ?

A. Phytochrome
B. Ethylene

C. Leucine

D. Zeatin

Answer: D

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30. Negative phototropism occurs in

A. Root

B. Stem
C. Leaf

D. Flower

Answer: A

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31. Movement of Sunflower towards the

direction of Sun in

A. Photonasty

B. Phototropism
C. Nyctinasty

D. Seismonasty

Answer: B

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32. Skototropic movements are induced by

A. Night

B. Light

C. Touch
D. Heat

Answer: A

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33. Assertion: "Touch" responses in Mimosa is

an example of such movement.

Reason : Nastic movements occur in the

direction of stimulus.

A. Tropic
B. Nastic

C. Tactic

D. All of the above

Answer: D

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34. The movement of plant organs in response

to force of gravity is called

A. Phototropism
B. Phototaxis

C. Photolysis

D. Photonasty

Answer: C

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35. Agent orange is

A. Weedicide with dioxin

B. Chemical used in luminous paint

C. Biodegradable insecticide

D. Colour used in fluorescent lamp

Answer: A

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36. Which one among the following chemical is

wued for causing defoliation of for causing

defoliation of forest trees

A. Phosphon
B. Maleic hydrazide

C. AMO 1618

D. 2,4-D

Answer: D

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37. Which combination is used in fruit ripening

A. 80% CH4 + 20% 02

B. 80% C2H4 + 20% CO2

C. 80% C02 + 20% C2H4

D. 80% 0 CH4 + 20% CO2

Answer: C

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38. The response of different organisms to

environmental rhythms of light and darkness

is called:
A. Photoperiodism

B. Phototropism

C. Phototaxis

D. Vernalisation

Answer: A

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39. Example of positive geotropism is

A. Closing of flowers
B. Upward growth of stem

C. Downward growth of root

D. Lateral growth of root

Answer: C

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40. Which one prevents photo-oxidation and

pigment destruction?

A. Cytochrome
B. Phytohormone

C. Phycocyanin

D. Phycoerythrin

Answer: A

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41. If a tree flowers thrice in a year (October,

January and july) in nothern india, it is said to

A. Photo! and thermo-sensitive

B. Photoand thermo-insensitive

C. Photosensitive but thermo-insensitive

D. Thermosensitive but photo-insensitive

Answer: B

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42. Gibberellins induce

A. Cell division
B. Leaf senescence

C. Hydrolysing enzymes in germinating


D. Flowering

Answer: C

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43. Which of the following is not caused by

deficiency of mineral nutrition

A. Chlorosis

B. Internode shortening

C. Necrosis

D. Etiolation

Answer: D

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44. Leaf fall occurs when content of

A. Abscisic acid decreases

B. Auxin decreases

C. Auxin increases

D. Gibberellin decreases

Answer: B

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45. Interfascicular cambium formation is

induced by

A. Auxin
B. Cytokinin

C. Gibberellin

D. Ethylene

Answer: B

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46. Bulliform cells in Grass leaves show

A. Grovyth movement

B. Tropic movements
C. Turgor movements


Answer: D

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47. Leaf of Mimosa droops down on touching

because of

A. Water loss from leaflet bases

B. changes in water concentration

C. Loss of water from cells to intercellular

spaces in pulvinus and pulvinules

D. All of the above

Answer: C

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48. Phyotron is a device by whiovh

A. Electron are bombarbed

B. Proton are liberated

C. Plants are grown in controlled


D. Mutations are produced in plants

Answer: C

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49. Herbicides are chemicals which control

A. Insects

B. Fungi
C. Weeds

D. Nematodas

Answer: C

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50. Closure of lid in Pitcher Plant is a

A. Tropic movement

B. Turgor movement

C. Paratonic movement
D. Autonomic movement

Answer: C

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1. Phototropism in shoots is attributed to or

phototropic movements are due to

A. Auxin
B. Gibberellins

C. Cytokinin

D. Abscisic acid

Answer: A

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2. Phytochrome is found in

A. Algae

B. Fungi
C. Vascular cryptogams

D. Flowering plants

Answer: D

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3. Plants requiring exposure to light for less

than the critical photoperiod for flowering are




Answer: D

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4. Which of the following harmones can

replace vernalization


Genetic dwarfness can be overcome by

treating with
A. Auxin

B. Cytokinin

C. Gibberellins

D. Ethylene

Answer: C

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5. Pr state of phytochrome absorbs light wave-

length of
A. 660 nm

B. 640 mm

C. 620 nm

D. 720 nm

Answer: A

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6. Which one is not correctly matched ?

A. Cytokinin-celldivision
B. IAA-cellwallelongation

C. Abscisic acid-stomatal closure

D. Gibberellic acid--1eaf fall

Answer: D

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7. Opening of floral buds is

A. Autonomic movement of variation

B. Paratonic movement of growth

C. Autonomic movement of growth

D. Autonomic movement of locomotion

Answer: C

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8. Bioassay of IAA is

A. Avena curvature test

B. Callus test

C. Leaf disc test

D. amylase test

Answer: A

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9. The phytohormone which induces triple

response is



D. C2

Answer: D

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10. An example of short day plant is

A. Maize

B. Radish

C. Chrysanthemum

D. Wheat
Answer: C

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11. Find the correct statements

1. Causal organism of foolish seedling disease

is source of gibberellin

2. Ascorbic acid is growth promoter

3. Ratio of auxin to cytokinin controls


4. Bolting of cabbage can be induced by

treatment with IAA

A. 1, 2, 3 correct

B. l, 2 correct

C. 2, 4 correct

D. 1, 3 correct

Answer: D

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12. Synthetic plant hormone is

B. 2,4-D/NAA


D. Zeatin

Answer: B

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13. 6- furfuryl ammino purine 2, 4-

dichorophenoxy acetic acid and indole -3 -

acetic acid are examples respectively for

A. Synthetic auxin, kinetin and natural


B. Gibberellin, natural auxin and kinetin

C. Natural auxin, kinetin and synthetic


D. Kinetin, synthetic auxin and natural


Answer: D

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14. Ethylene is metabolic product of

A. Valine

B. Serine

C. Methionine

D. Glutamic acid

Answer: C

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15. Which one is derivative of a carotenoid





Answer: B

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16. In signoid growth curve, upper asymptote

represents period of

A. Establishment

B. Negative acceleration

C. Positive acceleration

D. Equilibrium

Answer: D

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17. What causes a green plant to bend towards

light as it grows ?

A. Because green plants need light to carry

on photosynthesis.

B. Because green plants are phototropic.

C. Light stimulates plant cells on the

lighted side to grow faster.

D. Auxin accumulates on shaded side

stimulating greater cell elongation.

Answer: D
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18. Artificial ripening of fruits/banana is

accomplished by treatment with

A. Sodium chloride


C. Ethylene gas

D. Kinetin

Answer: C
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19. Bending of tentacles of Drosera over the

insect is

A. Photonastic

B. Thermonastic

C. Thigmonastic

D. Seismonastic

Answer: C

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20. Which locomotory movement is not


A. Cyclosis and rotation of cytoplasm in


B. Sucrose induced movement of sperms.

C. Flagellar movement of slime mould.

D. Chlamydomonas moves away from

intense light.
Answer: C

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21. Which one demonstrates process

associated with abscission of a leaf

A. In the leaf concentration of both auxin

and ABA decreases.

B. In the leaf concentration of both auxin

and ABA increases.

C. Reduction in ABA concentration and

increase of auxin concentration in the


D. Reduction in concentration of auxin and

increase of concentration ofABA in the


Answer: D

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22. Which one the following plant function is

not generally governed or controlled by auxin

A. Apical dominance

B. Photosynthesis

C. Photoperiodism

D. Growth

Answer: B

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23. Response of plants due to reversibole

turgor change in pulvinus as a result of touch


A. Photonasty

B. Thermonasty

C. Seismonasty

D. Chemonasty

Answer: C

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24. Hormone primarily concern with cell

division is



C. Cytokinin/Zeatin

D. Gibberellic acid

Answer: C

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25. Leaf fall can be prvented by

A. Abscisic acid

B. Adenine

C. Florigen

D. Cytokinins

Answer: D

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26. Cytokinins which have specific effect in

cytokinesis are modified forms of

A. Cytosine

B. Adenine

C. Guanine

D. Thiamine

Answer: B

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27. One of the commonly used plant growth

hormone in tea plantation is

A. Zeatin



D. Ethylene

Answer: C

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28. Impotance of day length ( photoperiodism

) in flowering of plants was first shown in

A. Cotton

B. Tobacco

C. Lemna

D. Petunia

Answer: B

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29. Growth in length is measured with the help


A. Manometer

B. Auxanometer

C. Potometer

D. Clinostat

Answer: B

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30. Vemalisation occurs in response to

A. Highlightintensity

B. Low temperature

C. High temperature

D. Lowlightintensity

Answer: B

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31. Some flowers (e.g., Oxalis) open in the

morning and close during evening because of

A. Photonasty

B. Phototropism

C. Phototaxy

D. Nyctinasty

Answer: A

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32. Parthenocarpic fruits can be produced by

application of auxin




D. All of the above

Answer: D

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33. Which wavelengths are the most effective

in photoperiodism ?

A. Green and yellow

B. Blue and red

C. Blue and violet

D. Red and far red.

Answer: D

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34. Transport of cytokinin in the plant body is

A. Basipetal

B. Lateral

C. Acropetal

D. On all sides

Answer: C

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35. Which one hastens flowering in plants

A. Stratification

B. Scariiication

C. Vemalisation

D. Water deficit

Answer: C

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36. Auxanometer is used to measure plant

A. Growth in length

B. Pest population

C. Growth in breadth

D. Both A and B

Answer: A

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37. Day neutral plant

A. Lose activity during day time

B. F lower in all possible photoperiods

C. Become overactive during day time

D. Do not iiower in any photoperiod

Answer: B

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38. Study of phototropic lead to the discovery


A. Cytokinln
B. Ethylene

C. Gibberellin

D. Auxin

Answer: D

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39. Vernalisation is seen in

A. Sugar beet

B. Carrot
C. Cabbage

D. All of the above

Answer: D

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40. The rosette habit of cabbage can be

changed by applicaton of



D. Ethephon

Answer: C

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41. Exponential growth in plants can be

expressed as

A. L
= L0 + rt

B. L
= Le
C. W 1
= W0 e

D. W 0
= W1 e

Answer: C

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42. Which is incorrectly matched

A. Adenine derivative-Kinetin

B. Terpenes-IAA

C. Carotenoid derivative-ABA
D. Indole compounds-IBA

Answer: B

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43. Natural cytokinins are synthesised in

tissues that are

A. Storing food

B. Differentiating

C. Dividing
D. Senescent

Answer: C

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44. Through their effect on plant growth

regiulators, what do the temperature and

light control in the plants

A. Stomatal closure

B. Apical dominance
C. Flowering

D. Fruit development

Answer: C

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45. Hormone antagonist to gibberellins is



C. Zeatin
D. Ethylene

Answer: B

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46. Vernalization stimulates flowering in

A. Ginger

B. Tunneric

C. Zaminkand

D. Carrot
Answer: D

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47. Growth hormone that speeds up malting in

brewery industry is

A. Kinetin

B. Gibberellic acid

C. Auxin

D. Ethylene
Answer: B

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48. One harmone is used to speed up the

malting process in barely, another is used to

promote flowering in pineapple, while the

third helps in the delay of leaf senescence.

These are respectively

A. Auxin, Gibberellin and Cytokinin

B. Gibberellin, Cytokinin, Auxin

C. Gibberellin, Auxin, Cytokinin

D. Cytokinin, Auxin, Gibberellin

Answer: C

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49. Which of the following is not a

physiological effect/ an influence of auxin

A. Promotes bolting

B. Prevents early fruit and leaf drop

C. Promotes howering

D. Initiates rooting in stem cuttings

Answer: A

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50. The phenomenon which shortens

vegetative period and hastens flowering is

A. Etiolation

B. Vemalisation
C. Photoperiodism

D. Parthenocarpy

Answer: B

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51. Abscisic acid is called stress hormone as it

A. Induces flowering

B. Breaks seed dormancy

C. Promotes leaf fall

D. Promotes stomatal closure

Answer: D

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52. Flowering response to length of day and

night in plants is called

A. Phototropism

B. Photorespiration

C. Photoperiodism
D. Photo-oxidation

Answer: C

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53. Hormone that promotes growth of lateral

buds and has nagative effect on apical

dominance is

A. Cytokinin

B. Gibberellin
C. Auxin

D. Both B and C

Answer: A

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54. Which one o f the following plant hormone

(phytomone ) Is know as a stress hormone

A. Indole acetic acid

B. Abscisic acid
C. Ethylene

D. GA 3

Answer: B

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55. Dr. F. Went noted that is coleoptile tips

were removed and placed on agar for one

hour , the agar would produce a bending

when placed on one side of freshly cut

coleoptile stumps .Of what sighifcance is this


A. It demonstrated polar movement of


B. It made possible the isolation and exact

identification of auxin.

C. It is the basis for quantitative

determination of small amounts of

growth~promoting substances.
D. It supports the hypothesis that 1AA is


Answer: B

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56. Low temperature treatment to speed up

the process of flowering is referred to as

A. Short day length

B. Long day length

C. Critical daylength

D. Intervening light period

Answer: C

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57. Under water stress, the leaves of plants are

found to contain higher concentration of

A. Gibberellic acid

B. Cytokinins
C. Abscisic acid

D. Auxins

Answer: C

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58. Boioassary for auxin is

A. Hydroponics

B. Potometer

C. Lettuce hypocotyl elongation

D. Avena coleoptile curvature

Answer: D

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59. Which growth regulators is used to

prepare weed-free lawns by the gardeners?

A. Indole-S-acetic acid

B. Indole butyric acid

C. 2, 4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid

D. Naphthalene acetic acid

Answer: C

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60. What causes a green plant exposed to the

light on only one side, to bend toward the

source of light as it grows

A. nght stimulates plant cells on the

lighted side to grow faster

B. Auxin accumulates on the shaded side,

stimulating greater cell elongation there

C. Green plants need light to perform


D. Green plants seek light because they are


Answer: B

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61. The rate of growth of any organism follows


Typical growth curve in plants is

A. Stair-steps shaped

B. Parabolic

C. Sigmoid

D. Linear

Answer: C

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62. Gibberellin facilitates seed germination by

triggering the synthesis of

A. aamylase

B. 3amylase

C. amylase and 3amylase

D. amylase and protease

Answer: D

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63. The inhibitory effect of red light on

flowering during critical dark period in short

day plants can be overcome by

A. Blue light

B. Far-redlight

C. Infra-red rays

D. Ultraviolet rays

Answer: B

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64. The primary hormone causing abscission

of leaves is


B. Ethylene


D. Cytokinin

Answer: C

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65. Avena coleoptilre test detects the presence



B. GA 3

C. 1AA

D. Ethylene

Answer: C

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66. Which of the following prevents falling of



Fruit and leaf drop at early stages can be

prevented by the application

A. Ethylene

B. Auxins

C. Gibberellic

D. Cytokinins

Answer: B
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67. Induction of cell division activity and delay

in senescence is caused by

A. cytokinins

B. auxins


D. CoA

Answer: A

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68. Curling of tendrils is due to

A. thigmotropism

B. phototropism

C. chemotropism

D. nyctinasty

Answer: A

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69. Bud dormancy is induced by




D. ethylene

Answer: C

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70. Pruning of plants promotes branchin

becaues the axillary buds get sensitized to

A. ethylene

B. gibberellin

C. cytokinin

D. indole acetic acid

Answer: C

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71. Gibberellins can promote seed germination

because of their influence on

A. rate of cell division

B. production of hydrolyzing enzymes

C. synthesis of abscisic acid

D. absorption of water through hard seed


Answer: B

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72. Avena curvature test is a bioassay for

examining the activity of

A. auxins

B. gibberellins

C. cytokinins

D. ethylene

Answer: A
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73. Bean seeds were planted and put on a

sunny windowsill. As the plants grew, their

stems bent toward the window. This bending

was most likely caused by an

A. unequal distribution of auxin in the


B. unequal distribution of a

neurotransmitter in the stem

C. equal distribution of auxin in the stem

D. equal distribution of a neurotransmitter

in the stem

Answer: A

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74. Coconut water is rich in

A. auxins

B. gibberellins
C. abscisic acid

D. cytokinin

Answer: D

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75. Gibberellins can promote seed germination

because of their influence on

A. rate of cell division

B. production of hydrolyzing enzymes

C. synthesis of abscisic acid

D. absorption of water through hard seed


Answer: B

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76. Read the given statements and identify the

plant hormones X,Y and Z.

(i) Hormone Y induces flowering in mango and

also promotes rapid internode/petiole

elongation in deep water rice plants and

hence helping leaves or upper part of shoot to

remain above water.

(ii) Hormone X promotes root growth and root

hair formation.

(iii) Hormone Z inhibits the seed germination,

increases the tolerance of plant to various

stresses, play important role in seed

development, maturation and dormancy.

A. Y = ABA, X = Auxin, Z = GA

B. Z = GA, X = Auxin, Y = C2H4

C. Y = Auxin, X = CZH, Z = GA
D. Y , C2H4, X = C2H4, Z = GA

Answer: D

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77. Gibberellins can promote seed germination

because of their influence on

A. rate of cell division

B. production of hydrolysing enzymes

C. synthesis of abscisic acid

D. absorption of water through hard seed


Answer: B

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78. Match the column and select the correct

option: (2016)

A. (i)-(III), (ii)-(I), (iii)-(II), (iv)-(IV)

B. (i)-(I), (ii)-(II), (iii)-(III), (iv)-(IV)

C. (i)-(II), (ii)-(I), (iii)-(III), (iv)-(IV)

D. (i)-(III), (iiHI), (iii)-(IV), (iv)-(H)

Answer: A

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79. Which of the following sets contain natural


A. 2, 4-D, IBA, Gibberellin

B. Cytokinin, 2,4-D, NAA

C. IAA, Zeatin,ABA

D. Ethylene, PAA,VABA

Answer: C

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80. Assertion: Photomodulation of howering is

a phytochrome regulated process.

Reason: Active form of phytochrome (PFR)

directly induces floral induction in shoot buds.

A. If both assertion and reason are true

and the reason is a correct explanation

of the assertion.

B. If both assertion and reason are true

but reason is not a correct explanation

of the assertion.

C. If the assertion is true but reason is false

D. If both the assertion and reason are


Answer: A
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81. Assertion: Vemalization is acceleration of

subsequent llowenng by low temperature


Reason: Site of vernalization is apical


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82. Assertion: Dark period play more important

part in flowering than light period.

Reason : Flowering occurs in short-day plant if

the dark period is interrupted by light break.

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83. Assertion.Plant growth regulators are very

important for plant growth and development

Reason. Auxins do not induce flowering in

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84. Assertion : A correct concentration of

auxin and cytokinin is required for the

development of root and shoot in callus.

Reason: When the ratio of kinetin to auxin is

high only shoot develop but when the ratio is

low only roots develop

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85. Assertion : Auxins help to prevent fruits

and leaves droo at early stages.

Reason : Auxins promote the abscission of

older mature leaves and fruits.

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