NCM203 Lec Prelims

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OUTLINE schools connected with Roman

I. Historical Evolution Of Nursing Catholicism.

II. History Of Nursing In The Philippines  Nurses fled their lives; soon there was a
III. Roles of Nurses shortage of people to care for the sick.
IV. Expanded Career Roles for Nurses  Hundreds of hospitals closed, there was no
provision for the sick, no one to care for the
HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF NURSING  Nursing became the work for the least
desirable of women - prostitutes, alcoholics
 Period of Intuitive Nursing/Medieval Period and prisoners
 Pastor Theodore Filedner and his wife
 Period of Apprentice Nursing/ Middle Ages Frederika established Kaiserswerth Institute
Period/ Renaissance for the training of Deaconesses (the first formal
 Period of Educated Nursing/ Nightingale Era training school for nurses) in Germany.
19th-20thcentury/Modern Nursing  This was where Florence Nightingale received
her 3-month course of study in nursing.
 Period of Contemporary Nursing/ 20th
 The development of nursing during this period
 Nursing was “untaught” and instinctive. It was strongly influenced by:
performed out of compassion for others, out  Trends resulting from wars -Crimean, civil
of the wish to help others. war
 Nursing was a function that belonged to  Arousal of social consciousness
women. It was viewed as a natural nurturing  Emancipation of women
job for women. She is expected to take good  Increased educational opportunities offered to
care of children, the sick and the aged. women.
 No care giving training is evident. It was  Florence Nightingale was asked by Sir Sidney
based on experience and observation. Hrebert of the British War Department to recruit
 Primitive men believed that illness was female nurses to provide care for the sick and
caused by the invasion of the victim’s body of injured in the Crimean War.
evil spirits.  In 1860, the Nightingale Training School of
○They believed that the medicine men, Nurses at St. Thomas Hospital in London.
Shaman or witch doctor had the power to  The school served as a model for other
heal by white magic,hypnosis, charms, training schools. Its graduates travelled to
dances, incantations, purgatives, other countries to manage hospitals and
massage, fire, water and herbs as a institute nurse-training programs
means of driving illness from the victim.
 Trephining (6500 BC) - drilling a hole in the
skull with a rock or stone without anesthesia. THE NIGHTINGALE TRAINING SCHOOL
It was a last resort to drive evil spirits from the
body of the afflicted.
○ The first known surgery was probably
 Nightingale focus: vision of nursing was more
trephining, or drilling the skull. This may
on developing the profession within hospitals.
have been a cure for headache. The
Nurses should be taught in hospitals associated
remains of the skull where the hole has
with medical schools and that the curriculum
healed suggested that some patients
should include both theory and practice.
have survived the operation.
 It was the first school of nursing that both
theory-based knowledge and clinical skill
 Nursing evolved as an art and science
MIDDLE AGES/RENAISSANCE  Formal nursing education and nursing service
 Care was done by crusaders,prisoners,
religious orders.
 Nursing care was performed without any
formal education and by people who were
directed by more experienced nurses (on the
 Mother of modern nursing. Lady with the lamp
job training).
because of her achievements in improving the
 This kind of nursing was developed by
standards for the care of war casualties in the
religious orders of the Christian Church.
Crimean War.
 Nursing went down to the lowest level (Dark
 Born May 12, 1800 in Florence, Italy
Period of Nursing 17th to19th century)
 Raised in England in an atmosphere of culture
 The wrath/anger of protestantism;
and affluence.
confiscated properties of hospitals and
 Not contented with the social custom imposed
upon her as a Victorian Lady, she developed
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her self-appointed goal: to change the profile
 She compiled notes of her visits to hospitals CARE OF THE SICK
and her observations of the sanitary facilities,
social  Early Filipinos subscribed to superstitious
 problems of the places she visited. beliefs and practices in relation to health and
 Noted the need for preventive medicine and sickness
good nursing  Diseases, their causes and treatment were
 Advocated for care of those afflicted with associated with mysticism and superstitions
diseases caused by lack of hygienic  Cause of disease was caused by another
practices. person (an enemy or witch) or evil spirits
 At age 31, she entered the Deaconesses  Persons suffering from diseases without
School at Kaiserswerth inspite of her family’s any cause were believed to be bewitched
resistance to her ambitions. She became a by a “mangkukulam”
nurse over the objections of society and her  Difficult childbirth was attributed to “nonos”
family.  Evil spirits could be driven away by persons
 Worked as a superintendent at Gentlewomen with powers to expel demons
Hospital, a charity hospital for ill governesses  Belief in special gods of healing:
 Disapproved the restrictions of admission of priest-physician, witch doctors, herbolarios
patients and considered this unchristian and
incompatible with the health care. EARLY HOSPITALS DURING THE
 Upgraded the practice of nursing and made SPANISH REGIME
nursing an honorable profession for women.
 Led nurses that took care of the wounded Religious orders exerted efforts to care for the sick
during the Crimean War. by building hospitals in different parts of the
 Put down her ideas in 2 published books: Philippines:
“Notes on Nursing, What It Is and What It Is  1577 - Hospital Real de Manila
Not” and “Notes on Hospitals”  1578 - San Lazaro Hospital
 She revolutionized the public’s perception of  1586 – Hospital de Indios
nursing (not the image of a doctor’s  1590 – Hospital de Aguas Santas
handmaiden) and the method for educating  1596 – San Juan de Dios Hospital
 Josephine Bracken – wife of Jose Rizal;
 Licensure of nurses started installed a field hospital in an estate in Tejeros
 Specialisation of hospital and diagnosis that provided nursing care to the wounded
 Training of nurses in diploma program night and day.
 Development of baccalaureate and advanced  Rose Sevilla de Alvaro – converted their
degree programs house into quarters for Filipino Soldiers during
 Scientific and technical development as well the Fil-American war in 1899.
as social changes marked this period.  Hilaria de Aguinaldo – wife of Emilio
 Health is perceived as a fundamental Aguinaldo; organized the Filipino Red Cross.
human right  Melchora Aquino (Tandang Sora) – Florence
 Nursing involvement in community health Nightingale of the Philippines; nursed the
 Technological advances - disposable wounded Filipino soldiers & gave them shelter
supplies and equipment and food
 Expanded roles of nurses was developed  Agueda Kahabagan –revolutionary leader in
 WHO was established by the United Nations Laguna; provided nursing services to her troops
 Aerospace Nursing was developed  Trinidad Tecson (Ina ng Biak na Bato) –stayed
 Use of atomic energies for medical diagnosis, in the hospital at Biac na Bato to care for the
treatment wounded soldiers
 Computers were utilised for data collection,  Gregoria de Jesus -rendered great service to
teaching, diagnosis, inventory, payrolls, the revolutionary cause by nursing the
record keeping, billing. sick/wounded soldiers and raising material relief
 Use of sophisticated equipment for diagnosis for them
and therapy
HISTORY OF NURSING IN THE  1900 - St. Paul’s Hospital School of Nursing,
PHILIPPINES Intramuros Manila
 1906 - Iloilo Mission Hospital Training School of
 Early Beliefs, Practices and Care of the Sick Nursing
 Early Hospitals during the Spanish Regime  1909 – distinction of graduating the 1st trained
 Prominent personages involved during the nurses in the
Philippine Revolution  Phils. With no standard requirements for
 Hospitals and Schools of Nursing admission of
 Colleges of Nursing  applicants except their “willingness to work”
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 April 1946 – a board exam was held outside  Nightingale emphasized that the focus for
of Manila. It was held preparing nurses should be through nursing
 in the Iloilo Mission Hospital thru the request education, not nursing service.
of Ms. Loreto Tupas, principal of the school.  Evolutionary process of nursing education:
 1907 - St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing  Began as simple teaching on how to carry
opened after four years basic nurturing measures
 as a dispensary clinic.  Progressed to apprenticeships under
 1907 - Mary Johnston Hospital School of physicians and nurses
Nursing  Moved into hospitals where schools were
 1910 - Philippines General Hospital School of established (on-the-job training)
Nursing  Entered colleges and universities –
formal education programs leading to
COLLEGES OF NURSING academic degrees.

 UST College of Nursing – 1st College of ROLES OF THE NURSE

Nursing in the Phils: 1946
 MCU College of Nursing – June 1947 (1st CAREGIVER/ CARE PROVIDER
College who offered BSN –4 year program)
 UP College of Nursing – June 1948  the traditional and most essential role
 FEU Institute of Nursing – June 1955  functions as nurturer, comforter, provider
 UE College of Nursing – Oct 1958  “mothering actions” of the nurse
 provides direct care and promotes comfort of
PHILIPPINES  activities involve knowledge and sensitivity to
what matters and what is important to clients
 1909 – 3 female graduated as “qualified  shows concern for client’s welfare and
medical-surgical nurses” acceptance of the client as a person
 1919 – The 1st Nurses Law (Act#2808) was
enacted regulating the practice of the nursing
profession in the Philippines Islands. It also COMMUNICATOR
provided the holding of exam for the practice
of nursing on the 2nd Monday of June and  Communication is integral to all nursing roles
December of each year.  Nurses identify client problems & communicate
 1920 – 1st board examination for nurses was these verbally or in writing to other members of
conducted by the Board of Examiners, 93 the health care team
candidates took the exam, 68 passed with the  Nurse must communicate clearly and accurately
highest rating of 93.5%-Anna Dahlgren in order for a client’s health care needs to be
 theoretical exam was held at the UP met
Amphitheater of the College of Medicine and
Surgery. Practical exam at the PGH Library. TEACHER
 1922 – (October 15, 1922) Filipino Nurses
Association was established (now PNA) as  provides information and helps the client to
the National Organization of Filipino Nurses learn or acquire new knowledge and technical
 PNA first President – Rosario Delgado skills to restore and maintain their health
 PNA Founder – Anastacia Giron-Tupas  encourages compliance with prescribed
 1953 –Republic Act 877, known as the therapy.
“Nursing Practice Law” was approved.  promotes healthy lifestyle
 RA 7164 – Philippine Nursing Act of 1991  interprets information to the client
 RA 9173 – Philippine Nursing Act of 2002
 involves concern for and actions in behalf of the
 founded in 1956 by the Dominican Sisters of client to bring about a change.
the Trinity from Quebec, Canada .  promotes what is best for the client, ensuring
 began as a school of nursing of the San that the client’s needs are met and protecting
Pedro Hospital, the client’s right.
 the first Catholic hospital in Mindanao , which  provides explanations in client’s language and
the religious sisters have been operating supports client’s decisions.
since their arrival in 1948
 San Pedro Hospital School of Nursing:
Foundations laid by Sr. Pauline Guilmette, COUNSELOR
OP and Sr. Cecil Denis, OP
 Acquisition of land was facilitated by Most  helps client to recognize and cope with stressful
Rev. Clovis Thibaut, PME psychologic or social problems; to develop and
improve interpersonal relationships and to
EVOLUTION OF NURSING EDUCATION promote personal growth
 provides emotional, intellectual and psychologic

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 focuses on helping a client to develop new  Has an advanced education and is a graduate
attitudes, feelings of a nurse practitioner program.
 and behaviors rather than promoting  Certified in areas such as adult-gerontology,
intellectual growth. family, neonatal, pediatric, women’s health or
 encourages the client to look at alternative psychiatric/mental health
behaviors, recognize the choices and  Skilled at making nursing assessments,
develop a sense of control. performing physical exam, counseling, teaching,
and treating minor and self-limiting illness.
 initiate changes or assist clients to make
modifications in their behavior or in the  Has an advanced degree or expertise & is
system of care considered to be an expert in a specialized area
 Examples of changes that nurses deal with of practice (ex: gerontology, oncology)
daily are technologic change, change in the  provides expert care to individuals
age of the client population, and changes in  participates in educating health care
medications professionals and ancillary
 acts as a clinical consultant, participates in
LEADER research, and manages care

 A leader influences others to work together to NURSE ANESTHETIST

accomplish a specific goal
 Effective leadership is a learned process  a nurse who completed in an accredited
requiring an understanding of the needs and program in anesthesiology
goals that motivate people, knowledge to  carries out pre-operative visits and
apply the leadership skills, and the assessments, administers general anesthetics
interpersonal skills to influence others for surgery under the supervision of a physician
MANAGER  assesses the postoperative status of clients

 makes decisions, coordinates activities with NURSE-MIDWIFE

others, allocate resources, evaluate care 
 plans, give direction, develop staff, monitors a nurse who has completed a program in
operations, give the rewards fairly and midwifery;
represents both staff and administrations as  provides prenatal and postnatal care and
needed . delivers babies to women with uncomplicated
 The nurse manager also delegates nursing pregnancies
activities to ancillary workers & other nurses,  conducts routine Papanicolau smears, family
and supervises & evaluates their planning, & routine breast exams
 Nurse researchers investigate nursing problems
 Nurse case managers work with the to improve nursing care and to refine & expand
multidisciplinary health care team to measure nursing knowledge
the effectiveness of the case management  Employed in academic institutions, teaching
plan to monitor outcomes hospitals, and research centers
 The case manager works with primary or staff  Usually have advanced education at the
nurses to oversee the care of a client, or acts doctoral level
as the primary nurse and provide direct care
 to the client and family NURSE ADMINISTRATOR

RESEARCH CONSUMER  Manages client care, including delivery of

nursing services
 To improve client care, nurses participates in  May have middle management position such as
scientific investigation and must be a head nurse or supervisor, or a more senior
consumer of research findings position such as director of nursing services
 must be aware of the research process,  Functions include budgeting, staffing, planning
language of research, sensitive to issues programs
related to protecting the rights of human
subjects, participates in identifying significant NURSE EDUCATOR
researchable problems, and be a
discriminating consumer of research findings  Employed in nursing programs at educational
institutions and in hospital staff education
EXPANDED CAREER ROLE FOR NURSES  usually with advanced degree, and has
expertise in a particular area of practice
NURSE PRACTITIONER  Responsible for classroom and clinical teaching

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 a nurse who has an advanced degree, and
manages healthrelated business


 Provides specialized care for individuals who

are victims and/or perpetrators of trauma
 Has knowledge of the legal system & skills in
injury identification, & documentation
 Collects evidence, provides medical
testimony in court, consults with legal
 Works in a variety of fields including sexual
assault, domestic violence, child abuse &
neglect, mistreatment of older adults, death
investigations & corrections


 works with patient data and computer

systems dedicated to patient care.
 nurse informaticists act as a point of
communication between clinical nurses and
IT staff.
 reports feedback on new systems and
technology directly from the staff who are
using it each day.
 responsible for tasks such as quality control,
systems development, and the training of
clinical staff


 provides direct patient care, perform and

analyze genetics risk assessments and
educate patients and families on their risk
profiles for various genetic conditions and
how this risk may impact their ongoing health

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