Avoiding Thermal Runaway in Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Ultrasound Detection of Early Failure Mechanisms

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Journal of Power Sources 535 (2022) 231423

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Avoiding thermal runaway in lithium-ion batteries using ultrasound

detection of early failure mechanisms
Maura C. Appleberry a, Jeffrey A. Kowalski a, *, Steven A. Africk a, Jared Mitchell b,
Thomas C. Ferree a, Vincent Chang b, Vashisth Parekh b, Ziyi Xu b, Ziwen Ye b, Jay F. Whitacre b,
Shawn D. Murphy a
Titan Advanced Energy Solutions, Salem, MA, 01970, USA
Materials Science and Engineering Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, USA


• Ultrasound can detect lithium-ion bat­

tery failure induced by overcharge.
• Two points of battery failure were
identified including an actionable
• Using ultrasound, acceleration of failure
conditions may be stopped in real time.


Thermal runaway leading to catastrophic failure has slowed the adoption of lithium-ion batteries, highlighting the need for early warning systems. In this work,
ultrasound is used to detect physical changes in 0.950 Ah Li-ion battery cells by inducing conditions associated with thermal runaway. Ultrasound signal features are
extracted as the batteries are cycled under baseline conditions and subsequently subjected to constant current and voltage overcharges. Two conditions identifying
failure are defined: a warning to detect the start of overcharge and an emergency stop (E-stop), to immediately take the battery out of service. Using changes in
ultrasound signal features, consistent warning and stopping classifications are applied to all failure experiments. On average, a warning notification was issued after
15% of the overcharge time, and an E-stop was triggered after 35% of total overcharge duration before failure. Further testing suggests it is possible to avoid thermal
runaway by reacting to intermediate, warning notifications prior to an immediate E-stop. In other words, not only can detection derived by ultrasound identify
battery failure before a catastrophic event, but can also provide early, actionable warnings so that overcharges can be detected and corrected quickly enough so the
battery does not need to be decommissioned.

1. Introduction energy sources (e.g., solar photovoltaic, wind, tidal) and in the
improvement of energy efficiency of the electric grid, stationary energy
A major challenge of the 21st century is the development of efficient storage systems (ESSs) are critical [1]. The automotive industry, a
and sustainable means of energy conversion, distribution, and storage substantial contributor to CO2 emissions, has experienced continued
on a global scale. To enable the widespread integration of renewable pressure from governments and consumers to move toward

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.A. Kowalski).

Received 12 January 2022; Received in revised form 2 April 2022; Accepted 4 April 2022
Available online 23 April 2022
0378-7753/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
M.C. Appleberry et al. Journal of Power Sources 535 (2022) 231423

electrification, replacing gasoline powered engines with electric ones that fall into four main categories: algorithms based on BMS parameters,
[2]. measuring mechanical deformation using creep distance and pressure
While a range of energy storage options exist to meet the afore­ sensors, temperature measurements, and gas detection [8,24,25]. Many
mentioned services, no single technology (e.g., pumped hydro, electro­ algorithm-based detection methods estimate state-of-charge (SoC) and
chemical storage) is suitable for all applications [1,3,4]. Electrochemical impedance [26–28], while some employ an equivalent-circuit-model to
energy storage technologies, specifically lithium-ion batteries, have a detect battery failure by observing contrary measurements of a voltage
number of desirable characteristics including high power/energy den­ response [16,29,30], and some leverage both [31]. However, algo­
sity, high round-trip efficiency, rapid response time, and portability rithmic methods that rely on existing voltage, current, and temperature
[5–8]. Recently, these batteries have become the dominant choice due to sensors are cost optimized in practice, but rely on the durability of the
their decreasing costs, high cyclability, and technological maturity [3, BMS. In pursuit of additional sensors for detection, Koch et al. [32]
6]. However, one major hindrance of widespread lithium-ion battery reviewed seven sensors including voltage, gas, smoke, creep distance,
adoption is the possibility of a battery/system failure, particularly fires temperature, pressure, and force of a cell within a module and deter­
and explosions, and the dangers and publicity associated with them [2, mined that gas, pressure, and force sensors present the most timely
9]. Battery safety is imperative for the widespread adoption of electric detection warnings, whereas the gas sensor method is able to detect a
vehicles (EVs) to protect consumers. New regulations on EV develop­ thermal runaway event most consistently. However, this work largely
ment in the United Nations Global Technical Regulation on the Electric observed that each sensor has challenges and disadvantages [32], and
Vehicle Safety specify that a battery system must provide either a the optimal solution highly depends on system design. In addition, it is
warning to allow egress or 5 min prior to the presence of a hazardous not practical or possible to add internal thermometers to many batteries
condition that could lead to thermal runaway to be compliant [10]. already in use that could be used for energy storage in the near term (i.e.,
Thermal runaway events, and ensuing fires and explosions, are the second life systems). Moreover, temperature measurements are not
primary cause of catastrophic lithium-ion battery failure [2,11,12]. reliable because many temperature sensing detection methods do not
Elevated ambient temperature (typically above 80 ◦ C) can trigger account for increasing impedance [26] and the natural temperature rise
additional internal cell heating, leading to a positive feedback cycle, due to aging. Gas sensing is widely applied to various electrochemical
resulting in an uncontrollable exothermic reaction [2,8,13]. The pri­ energy storage solutions, however initial gas release at around 120%
mary trigger for this type of event is the generation of heat and/or gas SoC is anaerobic with increasing pressure but is difficult to detect [24]. It
within the battery cell, commonly through the decomposition of the is not until a cell vents that this hazardous event may be detected. Such
electrode materials and/or dissociation of the liquid electrolyte, which is methods only detect thermal runaway events in progress and therefore
a flammable carbonate. This can be caused by several factors, including could provide a mere 30 s warning, requiring extremely rapid response
internal and external short circuiting, electrolyte degradation, increased that is often not practical.
cell resistance resulting in cell overheating during higher current use Acoustic propagation changes within a battery as its material prop­
conditions, and gas generation resulting from either overcharging, erties change due to cycling and aging. Ultrasound has been used by
overheating, or over discharging and subsequent electrolyte electrolysis many disciplines for material characterization, and has recently shown
[11,12,14]. promise as an additional technique for battery measurements [33–37].
In stationary ESSs, EVs, and consumer electronics devices, internal For example, Davies et al. [35] show how changes in SoC may be
and external short circuit hazards tend to be the most prevalent and detected by differences in ultrasound time of flight. More recently,
cause the majority of thermal runaway events [12,14]. However, the Copley et al. [38] created a model to demonstrate how material changes
propensity for internal short circuits to occur cannot be controlled by during cycling affect ultrasound wave reflection and demonstrated how
electronics or detected in advance with existing technology. Although the measurement of time of flight affects measurements of SoC derived
internal short circuits will not immediately cause thermal runaway, it is by ultrasound. Although most work is focused on detecting SoC and
difficult to detect short circuiting until it is happening, therefore it was state-of-health (SoH) changes [35,39,40], there is preliminary explora­
not considered in this work. Gas generation and electrolyte degradation tion of failure mechanisms [36,41]. Since faults are known to occur from
present impending danger and allow other means of thermal runaway. dormant defects that worsen through battery use [42], ultrasound is a
During failure, lithium-ion cells move into a hazardous state as they reasonable approach to detect the accumulation of these defects sooner
evolve flammable gases within the battery, which result in internal than existing detection methods for more than SoC and SoH changes.
pressure and swelling [15]. The main component in a lithium-ion bat­ In this work, we show that this ultrasound methodology can detect
tery pack responsible for minimizing risks associated with operation is potentially dangerous conditions rapidly after they were experimentally
the Battery Management System (BMS) [16]. A typical BMS has inputs of induced, consistent with venting and accidental overcharge in 0.950 Ah
battery current measurements, voltage sensors at each cell, and tem­ commercial battery cells, demonstrating the feasibility of generating
perature measurements [17]. As exhibited through repeated, historical, actionable alarms, well in advance of a catastrophic failure. In slightly
catastrophic events, presently used BMSs are not sufficient for reliably more detail, it was demonstrated that two types of alarms could be
detecting battery failure [18–22]. In their review of failure mechanisms generated, an early indication that a battery has entered an abnormal
of lithium-ion batteries, Wang et al. [22] identify causes of notable state and an emergency-stop to register that a battery has entered a
failures since 2010. Other than overheating and short circuiting, com­ condition almost certain to lead to a catastrophic failure. Both types of
mon battery failures include overcharging of the battery due to BMS indications were generated at times earlier than possible with present
failure in applications ranging from electric scooters, EVs, and aircrafts. technologies.
In addition, defects leading to thermal runaway and venting were
deduced as the cause of a large ESS fire in Arizona, USA, leading to an 2. Materials & methods
explosion from accumulated gases [18].
Presently, mechanical safeguards such as a current interrupt device To collect ultrasound data on cell failure, LG1P-531A, 0.950 Ah
(CID) and safety vents (burst safety disks) to release cell pressure as gas batteries were used for experimentation. Each battery was placed and
builds up are installed in most cells to prevent hazards when other safety centered in an in-house-designed experimental fixture which aligns ul­
methods fail. In addition, considerable work to reduce risk involves trasound transducers (NDT, CHG014) on either side of the battery and
altering anode, cathode, and electrolyte chemistries and improving provides sufficient contact pressure between the battery and the ultra­
technologies that remove flammable electrolyte entirely such as solid- sound sensor. Approximately ten pounds of force were applied to the
state batteries [23]. transducers via a compression spring (McMaster-Carr, 9657K338).
Active areas of research involve means of detecting battery failure Nominally consistent force was ensured by applying consistent

M.C. Appleberry et al. Journal of Power Sources 535 (2022) 231423

Table 1 Table 2
Reference cycling profile. Step 1 shows voltage limits for CC charging at Battery Failure Experiment List. Nine failure experiments consisting of over­
specified current. Step 2 for all experiments is either CC or CV overcharge. charge conditions were explored. Experiment 10 provided reference for com­
Step Description Voltage Current
parison for post-mortem results. The high temperature, CV overcharge
experiment was completed 3 times as it resulted in explosion.
1. Baseline Cycling 2.5 V–4.2 V 0.250 A
2. CC overcharge N/A 0.400 A Test Temperature Overcharge Condition
CV overcharge 5.5 V 5.000 A limit 1 RT, ~23 ◦ C CC overcharge
2 RT, ~23 ◦ C CC overcharge
3 RT, ~23 ◦ C CV overcharge
displacement in each fixture. For each setup, two transducers on oppo­ 4 RT, ~23 ◦ C CV overcharge
site sides of the battery were used such that one transducer transmits an 5 65 ◦ C CV overcharge
ultrasound wave that is received by the opposite transducer, comprising 6 65 ◦ C CV overcharge
7 65 ◦ C CV overcharge
transmission data. To ensure contact between the battery and transducer 8 65 ◦ C CC overcharge
enabling ultrasound transmission, 1/64th inch Viton rubber (McMaster- 9 65 ◦ C CC overcharge
Carr, 1235N11) with 0.0045 inch adhesive (The 3M Company, 9475LE) 10 RT, ~23 ◦ C None, continuous cycling
on one side was used as a couplant between the face of the transducer
and the surface of the battery to facilitate transmission. The adhesive
cycling data and ultrasound data were synchronized such that each ul­
was applied between the Viton rubber and the transducer face. A
trasound capture and temperature had a unique voltage, current,
resistance-based temperature sensor board (Microchip, MCP9808) was
maximum cycle capacity, and SoC. State-of-charge was calculated based
placed on the surface of the battery. Temperature sensors and trans­
on total half cycle.
ducers were connected to an in-house, purpose-designed circuit board
that can generate a reliable ultrasound pulse autonomously and collect Charge/Discharge capacity [Ah]
SoC = × 100 (1)
resultant data rapidly. A diagram of the fixture assembly illustrating the Total half cycle capacity [Ah]
components, as well as images of the testing equipment is included in
To induce battery failure, batteries were moved to a VMP3 Biologic
the SI (Figs. S1–S3). Transducer cables were 1 m in length. When an
ultrasound pulse is initiated, signal gain is applied to maximize signal potentiostat to complete either a CC overcharge at 0.4 A without an
upper voltage limit or a constant voltage (CV) overcharge at 5.5 V until
input on the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) on the board. An ultra­
sound capture is the average response of 16 bipolar square wave pulses the battery vented (Table 2). Each failure experiment was completed at
either room temperature (RT, ~23 ◦ C) or high temperature (~65 ◦ C) in a
(positive first) with a center frequency of 500 kHz and impulse voltage
of 90 V. After a pulse, the response is collected for ~70 μs, and there is a thermal chamber. During each overcharge experiment, ultrasound
captures were collected every 30 s. A full list of experiments is shown in
20 ms rest between each of the 16 pulses. The average of the pulses is
Table 2.
then filtered with a bandpass filter (300 kHz–1.7 MHz) to reduce low
After ultrasound data were collected during the failure, post-mortem
and high frequency noise.
analysis was performed on each of the cells. Scanning electron micro­
The failure experiments consisted of 2 steps: 1) cycling cells under
scopy and electron dispersive x-ray spectroscopy were performed to
normal parameters to establish an ultrasound baseline for at least 30 full
examine the anode and cathode of uncycled and failed batteries to
charge/discharge cycles, and 2) introduction of abnormal conditions via
identify failure mechanisms. Data from Experiment 10 was used to
overcharge until the battery experienced complete failure (e.g., battery
compare failure mechanisms from typical signatures of non-failed
venting, battery explosion). To establish a baseline, batteries were
cycled on a Neware BTS4000 series 8-channel 5V6A cycler employing a
In addition to the baseline data collected for each failure (Table 1),
constant current (CC) charge and CC discharge following parameters in
baseline data (step 1) was collected for different temperatures to
Table 1. Baseline cycling was collected at ambient temperature. Since
establish an emperically-derived temperature compensation method for
temperature was measured on the surface of the cells, battery temper­
ultrasound. The physical setup was the same; however, the temperature
ature ranged from approximately 18-28 ◦ C. The average battery tem­
environment varied. The varying temperature test used a CC charge and
perature was 23 ◦ C. Ultrasound captures were collected every 2 min.
a CC discharge at 0.250 A. The temperatures used were 18 ◦ C, 20 ◦ C, and
Koseoglou et al. [43] observed lithium plating at slower rates, some­
22 ◦ C, to establish room temperature behavior, and then 35 ◦ C, 40 ◦ C,
times seen at C/2. To ensure no cell breakdown occurred during baseline
45 ◦ C, 50 ◦ C, and 65 ◦ C, each for three cycles. After 45 ◦ C, 50 ◦ C, and
cycling and to avoid the possibility of lithium plating, the batteries were
65 ◦ C, batteries were cycled at 20 ◦ C.
cycled at ~ C/4. For baseline cycling, 0.250 A was used. Similarly, for
The partial overcharge experiment followed the same cycling profile
CC overcharge, current was below C/2 to ensure progression of cell
as Test 2 from Table 2 (CC overcharge at RT). Baseline data were
overcharge was measured with ultrasound and not fast breakdown due
to extreme heat spikes. collected in the same way. However, the overcharge was stopped before
the battery completely failed as indicated by the ultrasound notification
A capture consisted of the transmission ultrasound signals from a
transducer on one side of the battery and received by another transducer condition determined from the other failure experiments. Failure is
defined as the point at which the battery vents or explodes and is no
on the aligned opposite side of the cell, and so the transducers applied
ultrasound waves perpendicular to battery electrodes. Once all baseline longer capable of holding charge. After the overcharge was stopped, the
battery continued to cycle normally following the baseline procedure (i.
data were collected the cells were moved to an explosion chamber,
where failure was induced. Cycler data included a measure of time e., voltage limits of 2.5 V and 4.2 V and CC charge and discharge at 0.250
(timestamp and experimental time), cell voltage, current, and capacity.
Ultrasound data included time (timestamp), a transmission ultrasound
3. Results & discussion
capture for ~70 μs, and a temperature measurement. Ultrasound data
were captured every 30 s and cycler data were captured within a
All experimental data are preprocessed so that data statistics are
voltage, current, or time tolerance, and paired based on the nearest
timestamp to be within seconds of each measurement. The currents and examined (e.g., change of SoC while cycling) and outlier signals are
removed (e.g., timing is offset or does not match the other ultrasound
data collection frequency used in this study would lead to a maximum
pulses in the same capture). The ultrasound signals are then examined in
error of 0.1% capacity difference between cycler measurement and ul­
the time domain and different transformed domains (i.e., Fourier
trasound signal. Once all data were collected, the timestamps of the

M.C. Appleberry et al. Journal of Power Sources 535 (2022) 231423

Fig. 2. Representative Ultrasound Baseline and Failure. Typical baseline

ultrasound time series captures over a single charge highlighting how the signal
changes at 0% (red), 25% (black), 50% (blue), 75% (purple), and 100% (green)
state of charge (A), and representative time series ultrasound captures over a
battery overcharge (B). The overcharge started at 0 min (red) and continued
with a constant current until the battery failed at 206 min (green) shown as flat
line on x axis. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

as a cell cycles compared to the large drop in signal strength as the

battery begins to fail. All ultrasound features are reviewed for the
baseline cycling data to determine how significantly they age with
normal battery cycling/aging. Of these, three features are selected to
build the detectors in this study: one feature from the time series signal,
one from the Hilbert transform, and one from the Fourier transform.
Fig. 1. Representative ultrasound data. Typical ultrasound data through a Specifically, the root mean square of the time series signal, the time of
battery examined in the time domain (A), the envelope of the time domain the maximum amplitude from the Hilbert transform (similar to time of
signal determined by a Hilbert transform (B), and the amplitude in the fre­ flight), and the amplitude of the maximum frequency from the Fourier
quency domain determined by a Fourier transform (C). The signal is repre­ transform are used as the three features. Fig. 3 shows an example of
sentative of baseline data from Experiment 1. baseline cycling and the resulting changes in the features. Each of the
features is seen to change with SoC and temperature, however there is
transform and Hilbert Transform) (Fig. 1). Signals are sectioned into no significant cycle-to-cycle change over the timescale of baseline
zones of signal information based on multiples of the time of flight of the cycling in this work.
directly transmitted signal. The signal zone consisted of the first 6.5 μs of Although different lithium-ion cell chemistries are studied else­
the signal and is kept consistent for all experiments. Features calculated where, the changes observed with varying SoC in this work are generally
from all domains include relative minima and maxima of the signals, consistent with observations made by Davies et al. [35] in terms of
time/frequency of maxima and minima, inflection points, and zero- amplitude and time of flight; as a battery increases in charge, amplitude
crossings. A set of 43 signal features are extracted from the time-series first increases and then decreases and signals transmit faster. This work
signals and transformed signals, and a feature matrix is generated. further displays that the signal feature changes during charge are not
Overcharge failure mechanisms are chosen to recreate internal fail­ symmetrical to changes on discharge. Instead, features follow the same
ure mechanisms consistent with in-field failures [18]. Table 1 describes general trajectory during charge and discharge, but precise values are
the experimentally induced conditions leading to failures. To develop a different. This same feature pattern repeats consistently as the batteries
detection method, two regions of data are considered: the baseline re­ cycle, displayed again for Experiment 1 in Fig. 3.
gion, where a battery operates under baseline cycling conditions; and an As shown in Fig. 3, there are changes in the signal as a battery ages.
overcharging region, where the battery is overcharged. Time series Specifically, the signal RMS and maximum frequency amplitude in­
signals from Experiment 1 shown in Fig. 2 display the contrast in signal crease as a battery ages. Ladpli et al. [39] suggest that this increase in
during baseline (Fig. 2A) and failure (Fig. 2B). Signals change minimally signal energy is likely due to the viscoelastic properties of battery

M.C. Appleberry et al. Journal of Power Sources 535 (2022) 231423

baseline cycling data. Popp et al. [44] display that temperature differ­
ences in ultrasound create different frequency responses between 0 ◦ C
and 45 ◦ C. They observe that temperature often becomes a dominant
effect over frequency shifts due to SoC changes. Temperature differences
can also alter and even reverse the relationships between SoC, ampli­
tude, and time of flight. Since temperature impacts ultrasound mea­
surements and five failure experiments are performed in a high
temperature chamber, the signal features are corrected such that the
changes in ultrasound features are temperature compensated. To
develop a database to support compensation for high temperature at
some voltages, a cell is cycled for 3 full cycles using baseline cycling
protocol at 18 ◦ C, 20 ◦ C, and 22 ◦ C, and then is moved to an oven to cycle
at five elevated temperatures: 35 ◦ C, 40 ◦ C, 45 ◦ C, 50 ◦ C, and 65 ◦ C. After
45 ◦ C, 50 ◦ C, and 65 ◦ C, the batteries are cycled again at 20 ◦ C to
determine if any degradation occurred during elevated temperature
cycling (Figs. S4 and S5). All batteries reached thermal equilibrium
before cycling. The specific algorithm for temperature correction is
described in the Supplementary Information.
The introduction of abnormal conditions based on the cycler mea­
surements of current and voltage is designated as overcharge beginning
and is the earliest time the signal should deviate from normal as a result
of cell degradation. Therefore, to minimize the number of false positive
reports, only feature changes that occur after the beginning of over­
charge are considered candidates of failure detection signals. To analyze
the changes in the features, two metrics of the baseline data are
compared to the overcharge data:

1. Deviation from the mean by 3.5 standard deviations: The mean and
standard deviation are calculated for all baseline data prior to
overcharge. Magnitude change of a feature by 3.5 standard de­
viations from the mean is outside all reference data and is noted as a
criterion for initial alarm/warning during overcharge (99.98% of
data is within 3.5 standard deviations from the baseline mean).
2. Deviation from the mean by 10 standard deviations: Magnitude
change of a feature by 10 standard deviations from the mean is
outside all baseline data and is noted as a criterion for an emergency
stop during overcharge.

The 3.5 and 10 standard deviations were empirically derived from

the first 10 experiments to avoid false positives and still detect before
critical failure. Once the start of the failure was identified, a detection
method for deviations of the three features is created based on the above
metrics. We use two types of pre-failure notifications:

1) Warning is where ultrasound begins to deviate from baseline cycling

behavior as determined by a change in absolute magnitude below 3.5
Fig. 3. Baseline Voltage, Temperature, and Ultrasound Data from Exper­ standard deviations from the baseline mean, and
iment 1. Typical baseline voltage (A), temperature (B), and ultrasound signal 2) E-stop (Emergency-stop) is when significant changes in ultrasound
features over 362 cycles (83% capacity retention) of constant current charge/ show the battery is on course to catastrophic failure (10 standard
constant current discharge cycling at 0.250 A. The first 5 and the last 5 cycles deviations from the baseline mean).
are shown to highlight the variation in the ultrasound features over baseline
aging. The 3 ultrasound features examined are the root mean square of the time An E-stop notification would prompt a BMS to open the circuit to the
series signal (C), the time of the maximum of the Hilbert envelope (D), and the battery and stop current flow. A warning notification may not mean the
amplitude of the maximum frequency of the Fourier transform (E). battery has reached the point of failure. Once this detection method is
adopted, it is implemented the same way for all experiments.
materials. Due to the ions transferred between the cells that cause Detection methods are applied to the overcharge data. For a CC
swelling and relaxation, the material changes in damping and attenua­ overcharge, the overcharge begins as the cell voltage increased above
tion properties [39]. As the cell ages and become more rigid, it possesses 4.2 V, the voltage limit in baseline cycling experiments. For a CV
lower attenuation and damping. Contrary to studies examining effect of overcharge, the beginning of the overcharge is marked at the time the
time of flight on cell aging [39–41], this study found minimal changes to current spiked to its maximum 5 A to bring the battery voltage to 5.5 V.
signal speed during cycling. Fig. 3 shows that as a battery ages, its mean Fig. 4 shows failure detection of a CC (Experiment 8) and CV
relative energy (as represented by signal features such as amplitude and (Experiment 5) overcharge at 65 ◦ C. During the CC overcharge, the
RMS) and speed of the signal (expressed as time of flight or time of max.) warning criteria is reached 76 min prior to failure coincident with a
remain comparably unchanged when compared to exaggerated signal sharp increase in the time series feature. E-stop failure criteria is reached
differences during failure that are shared later in this study. 58 min before battery failure. For CC overcharge experiments at high
Signal changes during induced failure are analyzed in the context of temperature, batteries expand and vent slightly faster than at RT.

M.C. Appleberry et al. Journal of Power Sources 535 (2022) 231423

Fig. 4. High Temperature Battery Failure. A

representative constant current overcharge (Experi­
ment 8) with ultrasound features (left) and constant
voltage overcharge (Experiment 5) with ultrasound
features (right) collected in a controlled temperature
chamber set to 65 ◦ C. Some baseline data and the
points at which overcharge begins (open, orange
circle), the ultrasound algorithm detects the over­
charge (open, orange square), the ultrasound algo­
rithm triggers an emergency stop (filled, red square),
and the battery fails (filled, red circle) are shown. The
voltage profile (A), current profile (F), and tempera­
tures (B, G) are shown along with the RMS of the
ultrasound time series (C, H), the time of the
maximum of the Hilbert envelope of the ultrasound
data (D, I), and the amplitude of the maximum fre­
quency of the Fourier transform of the ultrasound
data (E, J). (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the Web version of this article.)

Table 3
Failure Detection Times. Summary of each experiment and the response time for the warning and E-stop compared to the total time of failure. Warning before failure
time indicates the amount of time between catastrophic failure event and ultrasound warning detected. E-stop before failure time indicates the amount of time prior to
catastrophic failure. The Global Technical Regulation on Electric Vehicle Safety requires a 5 min warning of battery failure [10].
Experiment Induced Failure Warning before failure E-Stop before failure Time from overcharge to failure

1 RT(~23 ◦ C), CC-overcharge 124 min (81%) 54 min (35%) 154 min
2 RT(~23 ◦ C), CC-overcharge 90 min (66%) 90 min (66%) 136 min
3 RT(~23 ◦ C), CV-overcharge 93 min (93%) 92 min (92%) 100 min
4 RT(~23 ◦ C), CV-overcharge 348 min (99%) 347 min (99%) 352 min
5 65 ◦ C, CV-overcharge 21 min (84%) 15 min (60%) 25 min
6 65 ◦ C, CV-overcharge 20 min (65%) 19 min (61%) 31 min
7 65 ◦ C, CV-overcharge 12 min (75%) 4 min (25%) 16 min
8 65 ◦ C, CC-overcharge 76 min (50%) 58 min (38%) 151 min
9 65 ◦ C, CC-overcharge 285 min (99%) 139 min (48%) 289 min

During Experiment 5, the signal changes immediately resulting in a overcharge time is much shorter. The E-stop issued for the CV failure at
warning notification 19 min before battery failure. As the battery con­ high temperature is 60% of the total overcharge time. Table 3 displays
tinues to degrade, the E-stop threshold is reached 10 min before battery all experiment warning and E-stop threshold times. The voltage, tem­
failure. The interaction between ultrasound energy and gas generation perature, and three ultrasound features for all other battery failures are
within a cell may be related to that of gas bubbles, well-studied in the shown in the supporting information (Figs. S6–S12).
ultrasound field [45–49]. Bubbles lead to increased time of flight of Overcharge duration is proportionally different for distinct induced
ultrasound across the cell (observed in many failure figures, failure types. For example, 65 ◦ C, CV-overcharge failure experiments
Figs. S6–S12). Gas-induced battery swelling can also lead to an increase occur an order of magnitude faster than RT, CV-overcharge experiments.
in time of flight. However, more overwhelmingly, the presence of gas Still, within similar induced failure types, the time from overcharge to
bubbles causes significant scattering of ultrasound, and the amplitude of failure differs between cells. Since cells were cycled under similar con­
the signals is significantly reduced [45,46]. The scattering and attenu­ ditions, the disparity is likely due to manufacturing differences. Despite
ation may increase due to bubble resonance [49] as bubbles increase in the difference in overall overcharge time, the ultrasound detection
size, which can explain the rapid decline in signal amplitude observed as consistently identified failure conditions.
batteries approach catastrophic failure. Post-mortem analyses are performed on baseline cycled batteries and
High temperature, CV overcharge is the only method that leads to an failed batteries to evaluate the difference in physical states caused by
explosion in this work. Although the detection time for the CV failure is induced failure. The results are compared with those found in ESS fail­
much closer to the failure event compared to the RT failures, the total ures, as both are believed to be caused by electrolyte decomposition.

M.C. Appleberry et al. Journal of Power Sources 535 (2022) 231423

Fig. 5. SEM Baseline Comparison to Overcharge. SEM images of the anode (top) and cathode (bottom) of cells before (left) and after (right) a battery failure. The
anode (A) and cathode (C) of a battery only undergo baseline operation, 30 cycles of a constant current charge/discharge at 0.250 A without overcharging
(Experiment 10), compared to the anode after a CV overcharge (B, Experiment 6) and the cathode after a CC overcharge (D, Experiment 8).

Fig. 6. EDX Baseline Comparison to Overcharge. Fluorine (top) and oxygen (bottom) content as determined by EDX of cells before (left) and after (right) a battery
failure. The fluorine (A) and oxygen (C) content of the anode after baseline cycling (Experiment 10) compared to the fluorine (B) and oxygen (D) content of the anode
of a cell after a CV overcharge (Experiment 6).

M.C. Appleberry et al. Journal of Power Sources 535 (2022) 231423

Fig. 7. Cycling and Ultrasound Behavior After

Ultrasound Warning. Overall voltage (A), tempera­
ture (B), RMS of the ultrasound series (C), time of the
maximum Hilbert envelope of the ultrasound data
(D), and the amplitude of the maximum frequency of
the Fourier transform of the ultrasound data (E) for a
battery that was overcharged with constant current
(overcharge starts at the open, orange circle) until the
ultrasound warning algorithm detected overcharge
(open, orange square), and then cycled following the
baseline procedure. The right column highlights the
time surrounding the overcharge specifically for the
voltage (F), temperature (G), RMS of the ultrasound
series (H), time of the maximum Hilbert envelope of
the ultrasound data (I), and the amplitude of the
maximum frequency of the Fourier transform of the
ultrasound data (J). (For interpretation of the refer­
ences to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the Web version of this article.)

These comparisons demonstrate strong similarities and suggest that the [53], coats the conductive graphite throughout the sample, showing
experiments are a good model for the in-field failures. Specifically, physical indication of cell failure compared to the baseline cycled
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is used to view surface morphology sample. Clear cracking on the cathode between Fig. 5C and D show the
of the electrodes and solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) deposition, and impact of swift swelling as the battery outgassed quickly [51]. The
energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) is used to determine amount of decomposition products deposited on the surface of the failed
changes in the elemental components on the anode and cathode due to electrodes is significant for the amount of total cycling time, indicating a
electrolyte decomposition. Samples for SEM imaging are taken from the rapid failure for both cathode and anode materials.
center of unrolled electrodes for both new and failed batteries. It is The formation of the SEI layer is further explored through EDX im­
assumed that electrodes are uniform for unused batteries, which is ages. Fig. 6 shows the elemental mapping of the anodes after baseline
supported by SEM images across many samples and locations. cycling and after battery failure. Fig. 6A and C are the corresponding
In all experiments, batteries swelled and released gas or swelled elemental compositions for the anode shown in Figs. 5A, 6B and D
before they exploded. Large amounts of swelling are caused by elec­ correspond to the anode in Fig. 5B. The comparison of the two condi­
trolyte degradation leading to gas formation. It is expected that as the tions show evidence of increased deposition of fluorine and oxygen after
battery fails, the pressure caused by swelling due to outgassing leave the overcharge event. Prior to battery failure fluorine (Fig. 6A) and
fractures visible on the cathode [11,15,50,51]. This phenomenon may oxygen (Fig. 6C) mapping is inhomogeneous, but much less dense than
be observed in the differences between SEM images of the electrodes. concentration after CV overcharge (Fig. 6B and D, respectively). Spe­
Fig. 5A and C were collected prior to cell failure but after baseline cifically, the spectrum of the new cell electrolyte consists of 60% carbon,
cycling and Fig. 5B and D were collected after CV and CC overcharge, 10% oxygen, and 15% fluorine. After the battery is failed in the high
respectively. There is clear SEI growth on Fig. 5B when compared to 5A temperature overcharge experiments, the EDX spectrum indicates 57%
shown by a coating on the spherical graphite carbon particles [52]. The fluorine, 20% oxygen, and 13% carbon on the surface of the anode. After
SEI, appearing brighter under the microscope since it is non-conductive the battery failure, the relative fluorine abundance has increased by

M.C. Appleberry et al. Journal of Power Sources 535 (2022) 231423

scenario is a recoverable battery condition and after a return to normal

conditions, its overall capacity retention may not be greatly impacted.
Thus, the distinction between a warning and E-stop may distinguish
between permanent and transient states of concern and provide a
method to avoid failure.

4. Conclusion

It is highly desirable to control ESSs utilizing lithium-ion batteries

with highly effective battery management tools and sensors to avoid
catastrophic events. Improving battery management methods requires
consideration of methodologies not currently in use for measuring the
battery state and promptly detecting conditions leading to battery fail­
ure. This work presents an approach to identifying failure which does
not rely on electrical measurements (i.e., voltage, current), but instead
uses ultrasound to directly measure the battery state by determining
variations in material properties of the cell components. This study has
validated the detection of battery failure using ultrasound by inducing
0.950 Ah batteries to failure while collecting ultrasound data. By
comparing the ultrasound during overcharge (for different types of
overcharging – CC, CV) to baseline ultrasound data collected on this
battery type, two different metrics of failure were determined: a warning
to detect the start of overcharge to identify a dangerous but potentially
Fig. 8. Capacity and Coulombic Efficiency for the Partial Overcharge. The reversible change to the battery and an E-stop to identify that the battery
charging capacity (filled, red circle, left axis), the discharging capacity (open, has undergone significant changes implying imminent failure requiring
red triangle, left axis), and the coulombic efficiency (open, blue square, right that it should be immediately taken out of service. For all overcharge
axis) of a battery that was partially overcharged on cycle 22 until the ultra­ experiments performed, the same warning/stopping criteria provided
sound detection algorithm identified overcharge, thereby providing guidance to similar results, demonstrating the versatility and the adaptability of
correct the problem and allow the battery to resume normal cycling and ultrasound for failure detection. Both of the metrics were triggered well
operation. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, before a catastrophic event occurred. Therefore, the implementation of
the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
ultrasound into systems could provide actionable monitoring to drasti­
cally reduce the chance of a serious event.
nearly 4x. The changes in the elemental anode composition are consis­ The results suggest that a warning condition may be implemented by
tent with electrolyte decomposition and reactions induced by high adjusting BMS limits to regulate current and voltage to avoid acceler­
voltage conditions of failure [11,15,50,54]. ating battery degredation and subsequent thermal runaway. An E-stop
Although post-mortem of all experiments shows increases of fluorine notification may be implemented by terminating current to the system
and oxygen in the anode, higher percentages of fluorine are observed in via an inherent contactor or switch, preventing the accumulation of
CV failure experiments, while CC failure anodes had larger oxygen outgassing leading to failure. Further data collection efforts are required
percentages. The difference is caused by rate changes in the reaction to calibrate BMS limits in accordance with safe battery control. Since
kinetics induced by high voltage or high current [11,15,50]. As failure there are small changes to the ultrasound signal through battery aging,
conditions are expected to form gases within the cell, the increase in our approach should be implemented with a moving average of recent
fluorine and oxygen after batteries fail suggests that signal differences cycling data to establish warning and E-stop thresholds. As a result, the
observed are a result of expected failure. thresholds are based on changes as a battery’s signal evolves to reduce
The totality of this post-mortem analysis indicates that the failure false positives.
mechanism observed in all experiments is electrolyte decomposition While this work demonstrates a proof of concept for detecting bat­
leading to swelling and outgassing. The presence of accumulating gas – tery failure using ultrasound, significant technological advances are
even at small quantities – is the reason ultrasound can readily identify needed to economically implement this technology in the field. Sensors
these conditions. Based on the warning and response triggers, the ul­ cannot easily be used to retrofit existing battery packs and modules, and
trasound detection method can successfully identify and report early must be designed into battery cells or groups of cells. The largest barriers
signs of this failure mechanism before potential explosions on the 0.950 to implementation are sensor thickness and cost, largely being addressed
Ah cells used in this study. by the development micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)
This work suggests the existence of a “warning” scenario in which a solutions.
disruptive overcharge case may be reversed to allow return to normal Overcharging was primarily explored in this study, future data
battery operation. To test this proposition, one battery is cycled using collection efforts are required to explore all failure mechanisms and
baseline cycling parameters (CC at 0.250 A) for 21 cycles to establish their corresponding changes in ultrasound signatures. Such experiments
baseline ultrasound features, partially overcharged at CC until it reached should include thermal cycling, over discharging, and lithium plating.
warning criteria, and then returned to original cycling. The partial To prepare a full suite of detection methods for use in a system, similar
overcharge is completed under the same conditions as Experiments 1 data collection methods as in this study must be completed to compare
and 2. Fig. 7 shows the detection of a the warning after the partial regular cycling and failure on larger batteries and on modules or packs.
overcharge began at cycle 22, and the recovery of the magnitude of each
feature after normal cycling continued. After the return to normal Data availability
cycling, the battery capacity and coulombic efficiency return to pre-
partial overcharge metrics (Fig. 8). Data for this work is unavailable due to confidentiality.
The results of the partial overcharge experiment suggest the warning

M.C. Appleberry et al. Journal of Power Sources 535 (2022) 231423

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