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Waste Biomass Valor

DOI 10.1007/s12649-017-9994-x


Production and Characterisation of Xylanase and Endoglucanases

Produced by Penicillium roqueforti ATCC 10110 Through
the Solid-State Fermentation of Rice Husk Residue
George Lima Marques1 · Nadabe dos Santos Reis2 · Tatielle Pereira Silva3 ·
Marcio Luiz Oliveira Ferreira4 · Elizama Aguiar‑Oliveira4 ·
Julieta Rangel de Oliveira4 · Marcelo Franco4

Received: 16 January 2017 / Accepted: 20 June 2017

© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2017

Abstract Conclusion The substrate rice husk, without any addi-

Purpose Penicillium roqueforti ATCC 10110 was cul- tives, permitted the acquisition of xylanases and endoglu-
tivated in rice husk residue, to produce a multienzymatic canases similar to those obtained from synthetic substrates,
extract, which was characterised for its potential biotechno- justifying its application as a substrate for solid-state
logical applications. fermentations.
Methods Optimisation of the fermentation conditions for
the xylanase activity production (U/g) was evaluated by Keywords Rice husk · Endoglucanases · Solid-state
using a Doehlert-type experimental design. fermentation · Xylanases
Results The optimum xylanase activity (at 32 °C/82 h),
was 1.04 U/g, which represented a deviation of 3% from
the theoretically optimised value predicted by the quadratic Introduction
model ­(R2 = 0.92). The optimum conditions were observed
at pH 7.0 and 35 °C. The xylanase activity was favoured, There is an increasing acknowledgement of socio-environ-
particularly, by the presence (1 M) of ­Co2+ and ­Cu2+ and mental awareness in the industrial environment. The ethics
the kinetic constants were determined (Km = 7.22 mg/ml involved in the preservation of natural resources, as well
and vmax = 3.29 U/g). For the endoglucanase activity, it as their conscious use, has generated a strong movement
was not possible to adjust a quadratic model but maximal toward the reuse of wastes and biomass conversion. In the
activities (2.37 ± 0.01 U/g) were obtained at 32 °C for 72 h. agro-industry, for example, considerable waste is generated
For this enzyme, the optimum conditions were pH 4.8 and from the harvesting and processing of maize, rice, sugar-
50 °C. Also, ­Co2+, ­Cu2+, acetone, ethanol and isopropanol cane and soybean, among others. Some researchers, have
increased the endoglucanase activity. proposed exploiting the wastes in several biotechnological
applications, for instance, as substrates for microbial culti-
vation [1, 2].
During the processing of rice (Oryza sativa L.) the
* Marcelo Franco machines that select the grains, remove impurities, husk
[email protected] and other parts of the rice [3]. According to Saha and
1 Cota [4], from every 100 kg of processed rice, 20 kg of
Department of Exact Sciences and Technology, State
University of Santa Cruz (UESC), Ilhéus 45654‑370, Brazil bark residue are generated. Rice residue is composed
2 mainly of cellulose (36%), hemicellulose (20%), ashes
Department of Basic and Instrumental Studies,
State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB), (20%), lignin (19%), proteins (3%) and other compounds
Itapetinga 45700‑000, Brazil (2%) [5]. Considering the possibilities for reuse of agro-
Department of Exact Sciences and Technology, State industrial residues, bioconversion by solid-state fermen-
University of Santa Cruz (UESC), Ilhéus 45654‑370, Brazil tation (SSF) has gained particular attention because a
Department of Exact Sciences and Technology, State low-value substrate can be converted into a new, high-
University of Santa Cruz – (UESC), Ilhéus 45654‑370, Brazil value commercial product [6–8]. According to Pandey

Waste Biomass Valor

[9], SSF has many advantages when compared with Microorganism and Inoculum
chemical reactions, such as low water requirements,
low toxic residue generation and simplicity of opera- The fungus P. roqueforti ATCC 10110 (Lot: 041140074,
tion. Fungi cultivation, as the microbiological agent of INCQS: 40074) was donated by the Fundação Oswaldo
transformation in SSF, is justified by their mild growth Cruz (FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil). The inoculum
condition requirements [10]. Among the various fungi was prepared in culture medium with agar–agar and potato
species, those considered safe are classified as GRAS dextrose agar, in Erlenmeyer flasks (250 mL) and incu-
(Generally Recognised as Safe) by the Food and Drugs bated at 27.5 °C for 7 days in a bacteriological incubator
Administration (FDA). Penicillium roqueforti is termed (SOLAB/Piracicaba, Brasil). The spores were suspended in
a GRAS fungi because it is a non-pathogenic microor- aqueous 0.1% Tween 80 and counted in a Neubauer cham-
ganism and is commonly associated with cheese produc- ber using a binocular microscope (Medilux MDL 150 BAI/
tion [11]. BPI) adjusted to 40x magnification.
Another benefit of bioconversions in SSF is the sub-
stantial quantity and variety of enzymes produced by the SSF
microorganism. Among the fungal enzymes, xylanases
(endo-1,4-β-xylanase, EC are responsible for 10 g of rice husk substrate were autoclaved
the hydrolysis of xylan—one of the main components (121 °C/1 atm/15 min) in Erlenmeyer flasks of 125 mL;
of hemicellulose [12]—through the depolymerisation after cooling, the sterile substrate was inoculated with
of the main chain, releasing d-xylose [13]. Xylanases ­107 spores/g substrate and moistened with sterile distilled
have diverse industrial applications, such as cellulose water until determining the value of water activity (­ aw) was
pulp bleaching, juice clarification, baking and many oth- standardised as 0.984. The incubation was carried out in a
ers [14, 15]. Two other enzymes of industrial value, as bacteriological incubator (SOLAB/Piracicaba, Brasil). A
equally produced by fungi, are endoglucanases (E.C. Doehlert-type experimental design (six different experi- that are responsible for cleaving inner cellu- ments and triplicates of the central point) was conducted to
lose bonds and exoglucanases (E.C. that act in evaluate two independent variables including the incuba-
reducing and non-reducing regions of cellulose. From tion time (t, which varied in three levels, from 48 to 96 h)
a commercial perspective, complex enzymatic extracts and incubation temperature (T, which varied in five levels,
(with diverse enzymatic activities acting synergistically) from 24 to 40 °C). The evaluated responses were the activi-
are more interesting than purified enzymes [16] because, ties of xylanase (U/g) and endoglucanase (U/g). The result-
for example, purification steps often increase the final ing data were analysed [17, 18] with statistical software
product cost. (STATISTICA™ v. 10.0, StatSoft), to perform a quadratic
In this context, the objective of this work was to inves- model fitting and to obtain the response surfaces.
tigate the cultivation of P. roqueforti ATCC 10110 by
SSF, using rice husk as the substrate, to obtain a multi- Multienzymatic Crude Extract
enzymatic crude extract containing xylanases, and endo-
glucanases. Also, some fundamental aspects of the xyla- Sodium citrate buffer (50 mM, pH 4.8) was added to the
nases and endoglucanases obtained, were characterised. fermented substrate (rice husk + fungi cells) at 5:1 vol-
ume (mL): weight (g) ratio and the mixture agitated
(200 rpm/35 °C/20 min) in a shaker-type incubator
(SOLAB). The biomass was then pressed and finally cen-
Materials and Methods trifuged (1250 g/10 min). The resulting crude solution was
analysed for xylanase and endoglucanase. However, no cel-
Fermentation Substrate lulase activity was determined, so the methods applied for
this enzyme were not discussed further in this study.
Tio Mário, a local rice producer (Barreiras, Bahia, Bra-
zil) kindly provided samples of rice husk (O. sativa L.) Determination of the Enzymatic Activities
After the hygiene and size reduction, the samples were
dried in an oven (TECNAL/São Paulo, Brazil) at 70 °C The enzymatic activity of xylanase was determined, as
for 24 h, and milled in a Willey-type knife mill (LABOR/ described by Santos et al. [19], using beechwood xylan
Piracicaba, Brazil) to a granulometry of approximately as a substrate in sodium citrate buffer (50 mM, pH 4.8).
2 mm. The substrate was stored in closed polyethylene Endoglucanase activity was assessed based on the method
containers, until the necessary analysis. reported by Santos et al. [20], using 2 g/L carboxymethyl-
cellulose solution (BIOTEC) as the substrate in sodium

Waste Biomass Valor

citrate buffer (50 mM, pH 4.8). The reducing sugars were Xylanase Stability under Freezing Conditions
determined by the 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method
[21] and absorbance measured using a spectrophotometer For the xylanase produced under the optimised conditions,
(BEL Photonics MV M51). the stability, expressed as residual activity (%, U/Uo), in cit-
rate buffer (50 mM, pH 4.8) under freezing (−20 °C), was
also evaluated (triplicate) over 45 days. The initial xylanase
Determination of Optimal pH and Temperature activity (Uo) was 1.262 U/g.
of the Xylanases and Endoglucanases

The activities of xylanase and endoglucanases were deter- Results and Discussion
mined (triplicate) under the fixed condition of pH = 4.8
(50 mM sodium citrate buffer), at various temperatures Production of a Multienzymatic Crude Extract
(from 5 to 85 °C) and, under the fixed condition of 35 °C,
using buffers (50 mM) of various pH including gly- The culture obtained under SSF by P. roqueforti ATCC
cine–HCl at pH 2, sodium citrate at pH 3–5, sodium phos- 10110 on rice husk meal, was conducted in accordance
phate at pH 6–8 and glycine-NaOH at pH 12. The results with the matrix presented in Table 1, for the factors of
were expressed as residual activity (%, U/Uo). The refer- temperature (T, °C) and incubation time (t, h), as well as
ence activities (Uo) were determined as 0.961 U/g for the the responses of xylanase (U/g) and endoglucanases (U/g)
xylanases and 2.200 U/g for the endoglucanases, at the activities.
optimum temperature investigation, and 1.323 U/g for the For the xylanase activity, the analysis of the effects of
xylanases and 2.290 U/g for the endoglucanases at the opti- each factor on the responses (data not presented) indicated,
mum pH investigation. at the 85% confidence level that three terms were statisti-
cally significant (p < 0.15) to the quadratic model including
Activation/Inactivation of Xylanases the linear terms of temperature and time and the quadratic
and Endoglucanases term of time. After the removal of non-significant terms,
analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed (Table 2)
­ H4+
The effects of ­Cu2+, ­Co2+, ­Mg2+, ­Na+, ­Al3+, ­K+ and N and the model obtained (Eq. 1) presented a good fit to the
at 1.0 mol, EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid) at data (R2 and Radj2 > 0.88). Biological/biochemical systems,
1% v/v, ­H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide, oxidising agent) at 5% due to their variable characteristics, allow the selection of
v/v, and the solvents acetone, ethanol, isopropanol, dichlo- less rigorous confidence levels (up to 85%) to maintain a
romethane and formaldehyde at 10% v/v, on the enzymatic greater number of significant terms in the model.
activities of xylanase and endoglucanases were evaluated Xylanase activity (U∕g) = 1.04 + 0.08(T) + 0.017(t) − 0.023(t2 )
(triplicate). In all instances, the activities were determined (1)
initially (Uo) and after incubation in the presence of the Equation 1 also allowed estimation of the maxi-
compound evaluated (U). The results were expressed as mum theoretical xylanase activity at 32 °C for about 82 h
residual activity (%, U/Uo) and the analyses were performed
in triplicate. Incubations were performed in sodium citrate
buffer (50 mM, pH 4.8) for both the xylanases and endo- Table 1  Doehlert matrix with coded values (real values are pre-
glucanases. The xylanase Uo values were 1.344 U/g for the sented in parenthesis) for the factors: temperature (T, °C) and time
solvents and 1.262 U/g for the other compounds, whereas (t, h) and the responses: xylanases (XYL, U/g) and endoglucanases
(CMC, U/g) activities obtained from the cultivation of Penicillium
the endoglucanase Uo was 2.40 U/g for all compounds. roqueforti in 10 g of rice husk and ­aw = 0.984

Trial T (°C) t (h) XYL (U/g) CMC (U/g)

Estimation of the Xylanase Kinetic Parameters
1 +1 (40) 0 (72) 0.921 2.343
2 +0.5 (36) +0.866 (96) 1.040 2.315
For the xylanase produced under the optimised conditions,
3 −1 (24) 0 (72) 1.113 2.287
the kinetic parameters (based on the Michaelis–Menten
4 −0.5 (28) −0.866 (48) 0.781 2.333
model), ­vmax (U/g) and Km (mg/mL), were estimated
5 +0.5 (36) −0.866 (48) 0.662 2.269
[22] by linearisation of the kinetic data obtained (tripli-
6 −0.5 (28) +0.866 (96) 1.009 2.333
cate) under various concentrations of beechwood xylan
7 0 (32) 0 (72) 1.006 2.361
(3–10 mg/mL) in sodium citrate buffer (50 mM, pH 4.8).
8 0 (32) 0 (72) 1.100 2.370
The turnover number was determined as kcat = vmax/Uo,
9 0 (32) 0 (72) 1.070 2.390
where Uo = 1.110 U/g.

Waste Biomass Valor

Table 2  Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for xylanase production

(U/g) (by Penicillium roqueforti in rice husk) for the factors: tem-
perature (T, °C) and time (t, h). The regression (R2) and the adjusted
regression (Radj2) coefficients are also depicted
Source Sum of Degree Mean F-value p-value
square of free- square

Regression 0.174 3 0.058 20.517 0.0031*

Residue 0.014 5 0.003
Lack of fit 0.010 3 0.003 1.375 0.4473
Pure error 0.005 2 0.002
Total 0.188 8
R2 0.9249
Radj2 0.8839

*statistically significant, p < 0.05

fermentation, as 1.07 U/g, with an equivalent theoreti-

cal productivity of 0.013 U/g.h. These conditions were
applied experimentally (triplicate) and resulted in a xyla-
nase activity of 1.04 ± 0.02 U/g, with an equivalent yield
of 0.013 U/g.h. This result represented a deviation of 3%
from the predicted value of the model and was consid-
ered adequate because it was smaller than the 5% standard
value. Once the model was validated (ANOVA and experi-
mental repetition), the response surface and the contour
curve (Fig. 1) were obtained. From Fig. 1, it is possible to
observe a strong effect exerted by the time of cultivation
(t) on the production of xylanases (a reflected by the coef-
ficients of the model).
In the literature, diverse productivities have been
obtained for xylanases activities using the same rice resi-
due substrate, such as Masutti et al. [23], which culti-
vated (25 °C/672 h) Pleurotus ostreatus and obtained
0.0040 U/g.h and also Arulanandham and Palaniswamy
[24], which cultivated Penicillium frequentans (30 °C/96 h)
and obtained 3.062 U/g.h. For other substrates, such as
corn residues, Hedge and Ramesh [25] cultivated Asper-
gillus furmigatus (25 °C/168 h) and obtained, for example,
0.00744 U/g.h.
The endoglucanase production by P. roqueforti ATCC
10110 (Table 1) was analysed in the same multienzymatic
extract as described above for xylanase. However, only the
quadratic terms of time and temperature were statistically Fig. 1  a Observed and predicted values, b response surface, and c
significant at a lower (83 vs. 85% for the xylanases) confi- contour curve for xylanase production (XYL, U/g) (from Penicillium
dence level (p < 0.17). Under these conditions, the ANOVA roqueforti ATCC 10110 in rice husk) for the factors temperature (T,
°C) and time of cultivation (t, min)
(data not shown) showed that the regression analysis pre-
sented satisfactory values for p (0.06) and F (4.6) but the R2
and Radj2 coefficients obtained were lower than 0.60. Con- productivity of 0.033 U/g.h. This average value for endo-
sequently, the model was not considered adequate and will glucanase activity is similar (less than 2% difference) to
not be presented in this discussion. However, the produc- the average value of all the experiments (Table 1). This
tion of endoglucanases (Table 1) presented the best results suggests that the levels defined for the factors were insuf-
(2.37 ± 0.01 U/g) at the central points, with an equivalent ficient to cause statistically significant differences for the

Waste Biomass Valor

endoglucanase activities. In this instance, the best condition greater than 20%, reaching 46% at 85 °C. Khandeparkar and
could be selected as the central point condition or any other Bhosle [27], when evaluating a xylanase from Enterobacter
combination under the conditions applied in the experi- sp. MTCC 5112, observed optimal activities under more
ments (Table 1). Pericin et al. [26], also using P. roqueforti drastic conditions (glycine-NaOH buffer, pH 9.0 at 100 °C)
but on a markedly different substrate (pumpkin oil cake), than those observed in this work. Knob and Carmona [28]
produced substantially more endoglucanases, with a maxi- and Terrasan et al. [29] observed a more similar optimum
mum productivity of almost 0.5 U/g.h. pH (6.0), with xylanases from Penicillium sclerotiorum and
Penicillium janczewskii, respectively. Also, similar temper-
Optimum pH and Temperature of Xylanases atures were defined by Querido et al. [30], for a Penicillium
and Endoglucanases expansum xylanase (40 °C), and Saha and Ghosh [31], for
a Penicillium citrinum xym2 xylanase (45 °C). In contrast,
Figure 2a, b present the various pH and temperature pro- the xylanase produced by Myceliophthora thermophila, had
files of xylanase activity. For pH, it was possible to observe an optimum pH of 12 [32].
(Fig. 2a) residual activities greater than 100% between Figure 2c, d illustrate the effect of pH and temperature
pH 5.0 and 8.0, suggesting different levels of enzymatic for the endoglucanases activities contained in the multien-
activation, possibly by charge equilibrium. Even at pH 3, zymatic extract by SSF of P. roqueforti ATCC 10110 on
the residual activity obtained was around 80% but at the rice husk. In Fig. 2c, it is observed that the endoglucanases
extreme pHs analysed (2.0 and 12.0), there was a consider- were inhibited at all pH values tested, concluding that for
able loss of activity. Among the various temperatures eval- the endoglucanases produced by P. roqueforti ATCC 10110
uated, the xylanases presented (Fig. 2b) the highest residual the optimum activity occurs at pH 4.8. However, the loss of
activity (100%) at the reference condition of 35 °C and activity was not greater than 15% at any pH tested, reveal-
demonstrated a reduction of 10% at 45 °C. For the other ing a good pH range of enzyme activity. Silva et al. [33]
temperatures investigated, the reduction in activity was determined the action of endoglucanases was optimal at pH

Fig. 2  Residual activities (%, U/Uo) of a and b xylanase and c and (at pH = 4.8). The values of Uo (pH 4.8/35 °C) employed in a and c
d endoglucanase produced (from Penicillium roqueforti ATCC 10110 were: 0.961 and 2.20 U/g respectively, and for b and d were 1.323
in rice husk) at different values of a pH (at 35 °C) and b temperature U/g and 2.20 U/g, respectively

Waste Biomass Valor

5.5 and for endoglucanases from Streptomyces sp., Azzed- ~97%), whereas, the presence of ­Na+ was inhibitory (resid-
dine et al. [34] determined an optimum at pH 6. For the ual activity <90%). Khandeparkar and Bhosle [27] also
temperature (Fig. 2d), the endoglucanases presented the determined, an enzymatic activation (202%) with ­Cu2+ and
highest residual activity (100%) at the reference condi- ­Co2+ ions, which are frequently identified as enzymatic
tion (50 °C), whereas at 5 and 25 °C, the largest reduction co-factors, for an Enterobacter sp. MTCC 5112 xylanase.
in activity (~22%) was observed. At the other tempera- Terrasan et al. [29] determined an increase in activity in
tures tested, the reduction in activity was not greater than the presence of ­NH4+ (~131%), for xylanases from P. janc-
11%. Similar results were found by Lin et al. [35], with zewskii but an inhibition was observed with ­Co2+ (~84%),
Jonesia quinghaiensis, and by Das et al. [36], with Penicil- while ­Mg2+ presented a minor influence (~104%). Guan
lium notatum NCIM NO-923, and Huang et al. [37], with et al. [40] determined an increase in activity of around 52%
Arthrobacter sp. HPG166. All these studies also demon- with ­Mg2+, for xylanase from Cladosporium oxysporum.
strate low endoglucanases activities at temperatures lower Among the solvents analysed, acetone and ethanol
than 40 °C. resulted in activation of the xylanases from P. roqueforti
ATCC 10110 (Table 3). Polar solvents, such as these, are
Activation/Inactivation of Xylanases capable of interfering with the three-dimensional configu-
and Endoglucanases ration of proteins (being good precipitating agents at higher
concentrations [41]) but do not suggest that the enzymatic
The activity of enzymes can be increased or decreased activity is preserved under long incubation periods. The
by certain compounds in solution (such as metal ions and presence of formaldehyde had no strong influence on xyla-
solvents) by interfering with their three-dimensional struc- nase, while isopropanol resulted in inhibition (Table 3).
ture or blocking the active site [38, 39]. Therefore, in this The activities of xylanases by Bacillus have been reported
study, some compounds were analysed for their influence, practically unchanged in the presence of 5% (v/v) etha-
during incubation of the multienzymatic crude extract, on nol [42], activated by 50% (v/v) acetone and inhibited by
the residual activities of the xylanases and endoglucanases 50% (v/v) formaldehyde [43]. The use of EDTA, resulted
(Table 3). Considering the xylanase activities, activation in an inhibitory effect on the xylanase from P. roqueforti
(residual activity > 100%) by salts was observed in the ATCC 10110 (Table 3). Similar results were observed by
descending order C ­o2+ > Cu2+ > NH4+ > Al3− > K+. The Boonchuay et al. [38] and Sorgatto et al. [44], in which the
presence of ­ Mg had a minor effect (residual activity xylanases from Streptomyces thermovulgaris TISTR1948
and Aspergillus terreus, respectively, were reduced by up to
40% of their initial activity in the presence of EDTA. Con-
Table 3  Residual activities (triplicate) for xylanases and endoglu-
canases (from Penicillium roqueforti) incubated with different addi- versely, ­H2O2 showed a minor activation (Table 3), prob-
tives ably due to its oxidative character but this phenomenon, as
well as that observed with ethanol and acetone, is unlikely
Additives Xylanases (%, U/Uo) Endoglucan-
anses (%, U/ to occur during relatively longer incubations. Sanghvi et al.
Uo) [45] determined a residual activity of 15% in the pres-
ence of only 5% (v/v) acetone, for a Bacillus sp. BHO502
Cu2+ 154.28 ± 2.21 136.31 ± 3.54
Co2+ 211.71 ± 3.15 244.84 ± 1.16
Regarding the residual endoglucanase activities
NH4+ 127.26 ± 3.42 92.66 ± 4.39
(Table 3), activations were observed with ­Cu2+ and ­Co2+,
Mg2+ 97.10 ± 3.99 ND
whereas ­NH4+, ­K+ and ­ Pb+ caused inhibition. ­ Na+ did
Na+ 88.90 ± 1.50 102.70 ± 2.92
not result in any significant influence. Pol et al. [46] also
Al3+ 107.72 ± 0.41 NT
determined ­Co2+ as an activator and ­K+, ­Pb+ and ­Cu2+ as
Pb+ NT 93.43 ± 1.34
inhibitors of Penicillium pinophilum MS 20 endoglucanase
K+ 114.23 ± 1.10 74.12 ± 1.34
activity. In accordance with our results, Sadhu et al. [47]
EDTA 91.07 ± 1.10 79.14 ± 8.11
also observed an inhibition by EDTA. Similarly, Azzed-
H2O2 106.76 ± 3.32 NT
dine et al. [34] found C ­ o2+, ­Cu2+ and ­NH4+, as activators
Ethanol 167.27 ± 0.39 180.34 ± 0.67
of Streptomyces sp. B-PNG23 endoglucanase action. In the
Acetone 176.56 ± 3.74 176.09 ± 2.41
current endoglucanase study of P. roqueforti ATCC 10110,
Dichloromethane 102.04 ± 3.98 NT
all the solvents tested had a positive effect on the endoglu-
Ethyl Ether 90.26 ± 1.04 NT
canase activity, increasing up to 80% the catalytic activ-
Isopropanol 82.10 ± 3.06 110.82 ± 1.77
ity of the enzyme. In contrast, Silva et al. [33] determined
Formaldehyde 98.64 ± 4.92 169.91 ± 3.72
isopropanol as an activator of endoglucanase activity,
ND not detected, NT not tested whereas ethanol and acetone did not affect or improved the

Waste Biomass Valor

endoglucanases produced by Myceliophthora heterothal-

lica F.2.1.4. Differences between the same enzymes from
different sources or medium are expected because enzymes
are highly specific and complex biochemical molecules and
their differences can be manipulated in favour of different

Estimation of the Kinetic Constants of the Xylanases

From the kinetic data obtained (Fig. 3), it was possible to

estimate the kinetic parameters for xylanase by P. roque-
forti ATCC 10110 as Km = 7.22 mg/mL, vmax = 3.29 U/g
and kcat = 2.99 1/s. The catalytic performance of an enzyme
is generally expressed by its kcat, and for a purified xyla-
nase of P. janczewskii acting on the beechwood substrate
[31], its performance was better (300 times higher) than
Fig. 4  Residual activities (%, U/Uo) of xylanase (from Penicillium
that observed in this present work (a crude extract). The
roqueforti ATCC 10110 in rice husk) throughout the incubation time
xylanases from Penicillium oxalicum GZ-2, also presented under −20 °C in citrate buffer (pH = 4.8, 50 mM). The initial activity
a comparatively higher kcat value (86.9 1/s) [48] than (Uo) was 1.262 U/g
that found in the current study but for the partially puri-
fied xylanase from Aspergillus oryzae [49], a more simi-
lar value was estimated (1.34 1/s). Considering, however, At about 15 days, the residual activity was around 75% and
that the multienzymatic extract obtained from P. roqueforti this decreased further to 50% at the end of the analysis (45
ATCC 10110 with rice husk, did not undergo any separa- days). This suggests a necessity for further investigation
tion/purification step in this work, the process presented in about increasing the stabilisation of this crude extract for
this study is more economically advantageous, despite the longer periods under freezing conditions.
lower kinetics values, compared to purified xylanases.

Freezing Stability of Xylanases

The profile of xylanase residual activity during incubation
at −20 °C is presented in Fig. 4. From these data, it is possi- The application of rice husk, as a substrate in SSF by P.
ble to observe a low stability under the analysed conditions. roqueforti ATCC 10110, is a promising idea because, as
shown in this study, it was possible to produce a multienzy-
matic crude extract, with good xylanase activity and simi-
lar characteristics to other xylanases obtained from various
sources and substrates described in the literature, most of
which, were purified enzymes. The use of this residue as a
biotechnological substrate (not only for enzyme production
but other bioproducts), can make a valuable contribution
to ecological and economic aspects of local economies. In
addition, a process with an innocuous (GRAS classifica-
tion) fungus, such as P. roqueforti ATCC 10110, is advan-
tageous because the microbiological risks are minimised.
Besides xylanase, the crude extract obtained was confirmed
for endoglucanases, two enzymes important for the biocon-
version of lignocellulosic material.

Acknowledgements Authors would like to acknowledge the Banco

do Nordeste do Brasil (BNB, Brazil), the Coordenação de Aper-
Fig. 3  Linearization (by Linewave-Burk) of kinetic data for estima- feiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, Brazil), the
tion of the kinetic parameters (Km and vmax) of xylanase (from Peni- Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia (FAPESB) and
cillium roqueforti ATCC 10110 in rice husk) beechwood xylan as the the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
substrate (CNPq, Brazil) for their important financial support.

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Characterization of produced xylanase by Bacillus subtilis D3d


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