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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:12/December-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
Abhishek Jadhav*1, Dishant Sorathia*2, Nikhil Patil*3, Zaid Khan*4, Sagar Khatavkar*5
*1,2,3,4Student, Department Of Automobile Engineering, Saraswati College Of Engineering, Kharghar,
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
*5Professor, Department Of Automobile Engineering, Saraswati College Of Engineering, Kharghar,
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
The use of piezoelectric materials for regeneration can be no bigger but at least spoonful technology for the
automobile and other sectors. As of now, world technology is drastically growing and energy sources have
become limited. With solar, tidal, and various other energy sources, piezoelectric energy sources can also
provide an upper hand to future technology. The aim is to introduce this technology in the automobile sector
and also to the EV sector so that it can construct energy that should help the charging system or the additional
features which require energy supply. Studying the previous works and research about this technology would
greatly boost the ideology. Various research papers have concluded that the energy produced can be useful and
must be used as regenerative. Thus, lastly Concluding the research work done and stating the practical
Keywords: Piezoelectric Energy, Regeneration, Research.
The automobile sector around the world is constantly evolving in vast varieties over the period. The
competition between industries to provide more and more efficiency and comfort to the customers has made
this sector a positively growing side. From conventional engine vehicles to electric-powered vehicles the
growth and development are enormous. Electric vehicles made a great impact which makes the exhaust
emissions almost negligible while in use. EV runs on the power generated by the battery which is then supplied
to the electric motor. The torque produced is used for running the vehicle. Energy supply is very essential to
run the vehicle. The demand for energy supply has increased considerably over the period time.
In the automobile EV sector, industries need charging stations to maintain the charge in the EV. Hence, they are
trying to accommodate green energy. On an overall basis, there is an urgent need for shifting towards
renewable energy. Solar energy, wind energy, tidal power energy, etc. are prime examples. Piezoelectric energy
generation is also a prime example of renewable energy.
The basic principle of energy generation is when the mechanical strain is applied to the piezoelectric material,
they produce some potential difference. This potential is stored and is converted into an electric charge. EVs
need to be charged every time when the charge is low. This theory can help reduce the charge time to at least a
certain level. Many projects have been carried out in the market using piezoelectric materials. This technology
is not fully been carried out. The vibrations are produced in almost every vehicle and also EV. With these
vibrations, the piezoelectric material placed can experience mechanical strains which in return should produce
electric potential. Collecting the potential or regenerative energy and directly sharing it to the battery system
will side by side charge to a certain level. The charging hours can get reduced to a greater extends. The circuit
can be placed where the vibrations are maximum. The suspension system and front chassis part can feel the
vibrations at most.
Rochelle salt, topaz, tourmaline Lead zirconate titanate (PZT), Quartz (Berlinite), barium titanate BaTiO3, and
strontium titanate SrTiO3 are some of the natural and man-made piezoelectric materials used in energy
harvesting. The project also makes it a bit of self-charging at some point because whenever the charging in the
vehicle is drained it will automatically charge the system. After applying this theory, it can bring an innovative
change in the EV sector.
1. EV- Electric Vehicle. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:12/December-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
2. PZT- Lead Zirconate Titanate.
3. BaTiO3- Barium Titanate.
4. SrTiO3- Strontium Titanate.
The paper published by Hiba Najini and Senthil Arumugam Muthukumaraswamy, piezoelectric energy
generation from vehicle traffic with techno-economic analysis in February 2017 also revisits the ideology on
regeneration. It shows the study done regarding piezoelectric energy generation with the help of vehicle traffic.
More precisely, running vehicles on the road or pathway made of asphalt will sustain the mechanical impact
releasing kinetic energy. The produced impact due to vehicle weight and strain then generates a potential
charge in the piezo material. The circuit and material will be embedded below the asphalt road. For the real-
time practical investigation and modeling purpose, a simulation-based design is carried on the simulation
application. The calculations on vehicle traffic per hour on roads, average loads, power analysis and losses,
properties of the piezoelectric materials, and many as such calculations are thoroughly studied. The produced
energy would be used for the street light systems, traffic signals, radars, and the neighboring households. The
paper also studies reducing economic energy cost factors thus making it techno-economic. Finding renewable
energy sources that can help reduce global carbon footprint. On further inspections, accompanying conclusions
were made.
Mr. Bhattacharya in - Piezoelectric energy harvesting in Automobile wheels experiments by placing
piezoelectric material tires and on the top of wheel rims of an automobile. The author has made an
experimental setup with PZT- (lead zirconate titanate) placed in tires connected to a full-wave bridge rectifier
to convert variable voltage output of piezo materials into liner voltage. It also serves the purpose of converting
AC voltage into DC voltage. Super Capacitors are used to give high capacitance value to the batteries as they
need a short time to charge and a comparatively longer duration to discharge. A 9-volt DC battery is charged
from the energy generated by the circuit and is used for low power applications within the automobile such as
onboard electrical devices such as sensors and different LEDs of the lighting system. The author concludes with
a result that the setup gives an efficiency of 30-40% and can be increased with the better use of PZT materials.
In 2018, a review paper presentation was published by Arturo Rodrigues and Noman Love on various energy
applications of piezoelectric sensors, named as Literature Review of Piezoelectric Sensor for Energy
Applications. Some of the basic goals of this presentation are to conduct a profound study on a piezoelectric
material sensor (PZT) and its calibration with the help of wind power. Calculations and geometry on how the
energy is to be stored, measured, and utilized. A brief survey on heating and ventilation of the piezo sensor,
finite element analysis of PZT used airflow sensor, and effects of wind speed on PZT sensor.
The paper Study of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting in Vehicle Vibration published by M.F. Thalas, Syaharul
Hisham Mohamad, and M.S. Yahya and Aminurrashid Bin Noordin. In this paper, an experiment is conducted
with the help of piezoelectric material for the generation of energy. The energy further is conducted into
electrical energy. The experiment consists of piezoelectric material which will be placed at engine output and
the air filter output. The output in the form of voltage is been stored and used further. The output of
piezoelectric in engine versus time. As the vehicle tends to start, the resultant output voltage is slightly high
versus time. This is because the vehicle produces more vibration when it starts. Later, the energy generated is
low as the vehicle is not moving and the vibration is less in that area. The system does not utilize enough
vibration from the engine to harvest energy. For a vehicle in a static condition, it is not a suitable place (engine)
for the installation of a system; this is because the system generates energy in, first few minutes, and the energy
was just constant. The output of piezoelectric in Air filter versus Time. For the second experiment, the
piezoelectric is placed on the air filter. From the beginning, the output voltage increased with time. This is
because the engine of the vehicle just trying to start and the air filter allows the airflow. Thus, the energy
generated is high and the vibration produced at the air filter is also high. Since the vehicle is in static condition,
the engine is static and the air-intake is the same as before. The voltage output generated remains constant.
The paper published by Hari Anand and Binod Kumar Singh in 2021 deals with the generation of alternate
sources of energy through piezoelectric materials. The study shows that the use of piezoelectric materials to
harvest energy from people walking vibration for generating and accumulating energy. The paper implies the @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:12/December-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
perception and adaptability of piezoelectricity. The authors collected all the reviews from other publications
and compiled them in this paper. It also suggests a footstep of the piezoelectric energy harvesting model which
is cost-effective and easy to implement. Although the studies are not technical and suitable for the automobile
or other fields but are an opportunity like a spark to something big.
Authors of - Analysis and application of the piezoelectric energy harvester on light electric logistics vehicle
suspension systems; Zhen Zhao, Tie Wang, Jinhong Shi, Baifu Zang, Ruiliang Zhang, Meng li and Yonggang Wen
have designed an energy harvester with the usage of piezoelectric material. It is designed for the suspension
system of the vehicle. A dual mass Suspension system has been used to carry out results and its vibratory
deflections are utilized for harvesting energy by the piezoelectric material. A random road test as carried out
draws results about the effect of driving speed on relative displacement, RMS under laden and unladen
situations. The results from the calculations and the graphs give us a fair knowledge that the amount of
harvested energy can be utilized for applications like auxiliaries of lighting systems, electronic systems (sensors
and actuators), etc. This harvested energy will improve the efficiency of the vehicle.
The paper published in 2011 on Piezoelectric Power Generation in Automotive Tires by Noaman Makki and
Remon Pop-lliev is quite similar to one that was published in 2018 by Mr. Bhattacharya. The only difference is
that the energy produced by the piezoelectric circuit by the tire of the vehicle will be harvested for detecting or
powering Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) sensor, Strain Monitoring System, and also Vehicle Speed
Sensor. These sensors mostly rely on the power provided by the vehicle battery. Hence to eliminate the reliance
on battery power and authorize enough increment in sensor being. The basic idea in the research is whenever
the vehicle tire rotates vibrations are generated. These generated vibrations will be caught by the piezoelectric
sensor circuit nearby providing potential. And thereby the potential difference will produce energy that is to be
harvested for the various sensors. This is the fundamental research behind the paper.
The above research papers and their learning creates a strike on the ideology for investigation in
piezoelectricity. The necessary change or shifting is needed towards the regenerative and renewable sources of
energy for the up-gradation in the technological field. The authors of the respective papers have paid their
complete scrutiny so as to approach effective and productive information. With the help of this research
conducted, it can truly become an important energy source that won’t be completely new to the future
generation to start. Only an initial step is to be taken which can be crucial as the depletion of fossil fuels are also
a huge problem for any field.
I hereby thank our supervisor Professor Mr. Sagar Khatavkar for guiding us through the review. We pay our
respects to the authors of the research papers.
[1] H. Najini and S. A. Muthukumaraswamy, “Investigation on the selection of piezoelectric materials for
the design of an energy harvester system to generate energy from traffic,” International Journal of
Engineering and Applied Science, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 43–49, 2016.
[2] Bhattacharya, Ayan. (2018). Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting In Automobile Wheels. International
Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology. 5. 5.
[3] Rodriguez, Arturo & Love, Norman & Castellanos, Alejandra & Valles, Rogelio & Morales, Daniela.
(2018). Literature Review of Piezoelectric Sensor for Energy Applications.
[4] Mohamad, Syahrul Hisham & Thalas, M.F. & Noordin, Aminurrashid & Yahya, M.S. & Hassan, M.H.C. &
Ibrahim, Z. (2015). A potential study of piezoelectric energy harvesting in-car vibration. 10. 8642-8647.
[5] Anand, Hari & Singh, Binod. (2021). Piezoelectric energy generation in India: an empirical
investigation. Energy Harvesting and Systems. -1. 1-8. 10.1515/ehs-2020-0002.
[6] Zhao, Z, Wang, T, Shi, J, et al. Analysis and application of the piezoelectric energy harvester on light
electric logistics vehicle suspension systems. Energy Sci Eng. 2019; 7: 2741– 2755.
[7] Makki, Noaman & Pop-Iliev, Remon. (2011). Piezoelectric Power Generation in Automobile Tires.
10.1117/12.880636. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

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