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Name: ____________________________________ ` Score: ________________

Grade & Section: __________________________ Date: _________________

Biodiversity and Stability

Day 2

Biodiversity can be quantified in many different ways. The two main factors that should be taken into account when
measuring diversity are richness and evenness. Richness is a measure of the number of different kinds of organisms or species
present in a particular area. The more species present in a sample, the “richer” the sample. However, diversity depends not only on
richness, but also on evenness. Evenness compares the similarity of the population size of each of the species present. More
diverse and evenly distributed ecosystems mean more stable
Keep in mind that if the ecosystem has equal number of species, it is evenly distributed, more diverse, stable and has
more chance of survival. But if the ecosystem has unequal number of species, it is not evenly distributed, less diverse, not stable
and has less chance of survival.

Activity 1

Directions: Consider the following ecosystems and complete the missing information before answering the questions that follow.
Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers. An example has been given as your guide.

In an ecosystem with high biodiversity, abundant sunlight, nutrients and water make up an environment that is hospitable
to the evolution of a wide variety of living things. On the other hand, ecosystem with low biodiversity would contain very few
species, perhaps only one or two. Ecosystems with many different species will be able to withstand environmental changes rather
than ecosystems with only few species.

Biodiversity benefits people in many ways. The greatest value to humans, however, comes from the ecosystem services it

The value of species can be divided into various categories:

Activity 2

Directions: Visit a specific area in your school (e. g. garden). Using a pen and a clean sheet of paper, list down five (5)
organisms found in that area and describe the value of each organism. Then, classify the value of the organisms by putting a check
mark () on the space under the correct column. An example has been given. If you think that an organism has more than one
value, put a check mark () on each.

Directions: Read carefully each item. Choose the letter of the C. It is a stage in an animal’s life cycle.
correct answer. Use CAPITAL LETTER ONLY. D. It prevents an organism’s ability to survive.

1. When a change occurs in the environment, what will 9. If animals cannot adapt to changes in their environment,
organisms do? what is likely to happen?
A. Adapt C. die A. They will die.
B. adapt, migrate or die D. migrate or die B. They will hibernate.
2. Which of the following is an ecosystem? C. They will migrate.
A. rice field C. temperature D. Both A and C are correct.
B. sunlight D. thunderstorm 10. How should the rainforest be used to conserve its
3. A person breeds rabbits in a cage. After a few generations, resources?
the breeder observes that the rabbits are more aggressive A. Advertise it as a camping site.
towards each other, the young are less healthy and more B. Cut the trees into logs and make timber.
young rabbits die. What do you think will happen to the C. Replant replacement trees every time a tree is cut.
population of the rabbits? D. Turn it into a logging area.
A. The population will not be affected. 11. What do you think might happen if you remove a primary
B. The population will decrease. consumer from the ecosystem?
C. The population will increase. A. The number of plants will increase.
D. The population will remain the same. B. The number of secondary consumers will
4. What is the significance of species diversity? decrease.
A. High species diversity tends to be more C. The number of secondary consumers will
productive and sustainable. increase.
B. High species diversity tends to create chaos in an D. There will be more food for secondary
ecosystem. consumers.
C. More diverse ecosystem has lesser ability to 12. Which of the following DOES NOT contribute to
withstand environmental stressors. homeostasis of an ecosystem?
D. Species minimize interaction with their A. a complex food web
environment, thus perform certain functions. B. conserving biodiversity
5. Why are invasive species a threat to biodiversity? C. segregation of garbage
A. They can be of help to other organisms. D. spraying insecticide over a rice field
B. They can be beneficial to humans. 13. Which of the following environmental problems is
C. They can increase the number of resources. responsible for “fish kills” in the country?
D. They can outcompete native organisms for their A. acid rain C. water pollution
resources. B. deforestation D. wildlife depletion
6. Cocolisap infestation outbreak has been declared in some
parts of the Philippines. The cocolisap feeds on the sap of the For items 14 and 15, refer to the causes of deforestation listed
coconut tree and injects toxic enzymes, resulting in discolored below:
leaves and deformed plant tissues that retard the growth of I. Forest fires
coconut tree. This results in a decrease of the survival rate of II. Human settlements
coconut trees. Which of the following factors limit the III. Indiscriminate logging
population of coconut trees? IV. Kaingin farming
A. competition for resources V. Natural calamities
B. diseases and parasites VI. Overpopulation
C. emigration 14. Which of these environmental problems are difficult to
D. predation solve because of the unprecedented growing population in
7. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of biodiversity? rural and urban areas?
A. agriculture C. ecotourism A. I, II C. II, VI
B. deforestation D. medicine B. I, III D. III, V
8. Which of the following statements BEST describes 15. Which of these are difficult to solve because they are
adaptation? basically natural causes?
A. I, V C. III, VI
A. It improves the organism’s ability to survive. B. II, IV D. II,
B. It is a place where an organism lives.

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