Quizzes Answers Term 1

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1. Any two of the following:
 Initiates gene expression
 Controls the metabolic activities of a cell by regulating which genes are expressed
 Controls DNA replication during cell division
 Repairs genetic information.

3. D
4. L, H, N
Challenge answer:
The following is a list of valid points that could be included in your answer. Each point would equal one mark:

 They are bounded by a cell membrane. It is a selective barrier which controls what substances can enter the
cell such as food molecules or leave the cell such as waste products (excretion).
 They have ribosomes for protein synthesis. Proteins are needed for many cell structures/the enzymes which
control the cell metabolism.
 Prokaryotic and some eukaryotic organisms have a cell wall. This gives strength/protection.
 All cells have DNA which codes for the proteins that are made.
 When reproduction/growth of new cells occurs the DNA is copied so that the daughter cells have the genetic
 The genetic material of prokaryotic cells is a single loop of DNA that lies in the cytoplasm and a plasmid. In
eukaryotic organisms, it is in the nucleus.
 Some cells have chlorophyll/chloroplasts for photosynthesis/making food.
 Some cells have structures like flagella which allow them to move.
 Cells have mitochondria for respiration. Respiration releases the energy needed for the other like
processes/cell functions.


a. Turgid
b. Plasmolysed or Flaccid


any four from:

• water left the cells (in A)

• by osmosis
• from dilute to more concentrated solution
accept high to low water potential or from high to low water
• via partially permeable membrane
• so cell membrane shrank away from cell wall
 water enters the cells (by osmosis)
 they burst / lyse / lysis occurs
 water leaves and cell shrinks (if they think it is hypertonic solution)
 animal cells have no cell wall or plant cells have a cell wall
 cell wall prevents lysis / bursting / allows turgidity


Q5. State two functions of the plasma membrane and explain the importance of each function

 Provide a barrier between an internal and external environment (or the inside and outside of an organelle)
 Allows chemicals to move across them via osmosis, diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport,
endocytosis, or exocytosis
 Receive messages and transfer these into a form the cell can respond to self-identification

Challenge answer:
Description (any two)
 Phospholipid bilayer
 Integral protein the in membrane
 Protein’s 3D shape allows it to act as a channel, bind solutes, and/or bind ATP, as

Explanation (any two)

 Some solutes, like ions and larger hydrophobic molecules cannot cross phospholipid
membranes unassisted.
 Integral proteins allow such substances to pass; hydrophilic channel; binding of solute
leads to shape change in protein.
 Hydrolysis of ATP causes shape change in protein leading to shuttle of material from one
side of the membrane to the other.


Q1. Water and carbon dioxide (chemical symbols equally acceptable).

 Water is split in the light-dependent reaction to produce oxygen gas.
 Oxygen produced diffuses into the stroma (region R) or When light is not available, oxygen is not

 NADPH transfers hydrogen ions. Protons and electrons are also acceptable answers.
 ATP transfers energy. To gain full marks students were required to give the role of each coenzyme.

a. LHS = water accept H2O RHS = oxygen accept O2

b. light / sunlight

c. Chloroplasts allow chlorophyll

Challenge answer:
any four from:
• make more profit / cost effective
• raising temp. to 25 °C makes very little difference at 0.03% CO2
• (at 20 °C) with CO2 at 0.1%, raises rate
• (at 20 °C with CO2 at 0.1%) → >3x rate / rises from 5 to 17
• although 25 °C → higher rate, cost of heating not economical
• extra light does not increase rate / already max. rate with daylight
accept ref to profits c.f. costs must be favourable
Factor Effect Explanation
CO (concentration)
as CO2 increases so does the rate (graph increases) because CO2 is the raw material or used
and then it levels off or shown in a in photosynthesis / converted to organic substance /
graph named egor(graph levels off) when another factor limits
the rate.

accept points made via an annotated / labelled graph

temperature as temperature increases, so does (rise in temp) increases rate of chemical reactions / more
allow warmth/heat the rate and then it decreases or kinetic energy allow molecules move faster / more
shown in a graph collisions
allow ‘it peaks’ for description of
both phases OR (decreases) because the enzyme is denatured.
context must be clear = high temperature
allow other factor plus effect plus explanation:
eg light wavelength/colour / pigments/chlorophyll / pH/minerals / ions/nutrients / size of leaves


Q1 in yeast:
’it’ equals yeast

makes alcohol / makes CO2 / does not make lactic acid

do not allow uses / involves alcohol / CO2

Q2. W, Z, X, W

Q3. Explanation should refer to:

 the electron transport chain being unable to provide larger amounts of ATP
 there being insufficient energy available to maintain life.
Award 1 mark for each of two key points in a valid explanation.

Q4. A lack of mitochondria would mean a lower rate of cellular respiration, and the person would tire more readily.

Q5. Explanations should include:

• Oxygen and glucose are reactants/necessary for cellular respiration.
• Cellular respiration is a process/biochemical pathway controlled by (many different) enzymes.
• Increasing the concentration of a substrate/reactant increases the chance that a substrate/reactant molecule will
collide with an active site/enzyme molecule.

Challenge answer:



Q1. Q P J M L G H.

Q2. Binary fission differs from mitosis as (two of)

 the chromosome does not line up on the equator
 the chromosome does not separate at the centromere
 there are no spindle fibres
 there are no phases; for example, prophase
 it is quicker.
Award 1 mark each for identifying any two correct steps.

Q3. In plants
(cell), plate/wall, forms (between new cells);
Idea of: Cytokenisis starts from middle of cell;
Only occurs in meristem; no centrioles

Q4. Nuclear divides/mitosis

Idea of;
Cell swells on one side/bulges’
Nucleus/cytoplasm/organelles, move into, bud/bulge
Pinches off/cell wall forms, (so bud becomes a separate cell)

 DNA Synthesis/S
 Preparation for mitosis/G2

 Growth, DNA synthesis, preparation for mitosis/G1, S, G2

Challenge answer:

Discuss TWO evolutionary advantages of asexual reproduction (2 marks)

- It is successful at low population density

- It eliminates the energy cost of finding a mate
- It exploits stable environments
- It is rapid and efficient
- It eliminates the energy cost of fertilisation/pollination
- It eliminates the need for pollinators in plants


Q1. Image D would be found at point W.
Explanation should refer to one of the following:
 The chromosomes are visible.
 It shows anaphase of mitosis.
(1 mark for either of the above)
Q2. Programmed cell death can be used to remove damaged or non-functioning cells
and also remove cells that are no longer required, for example, plasma cells in the immune system or the cells that
comprise the webbing between the fingers.
Q3. Apoptosis is programmed cell death and reduced apoptosis would result in webbing between the fingers.
Q4. Totipotent stem cells can differentiate into all kinds of specialised cell types. Pluripotent stem cells able to
develop into most/many cell types. Multipotent stem cells can differentiate into a limited range of specialised cell

Challenge answer:
Any 4 of the following:
 Rare species
 Prevent Extinction
 Create large amounts of 1 variety
 Disease resistance
 Increase farmers Profits

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