AA HL Numbers

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AA HL Numbers [1076 marks]

1. [Maximum mark: 20] EXN.1.AHL.TZ0.12

(a) Use the binomial theorem to expand (cos θ + i sin θ) . Give

your answer in the form a + bi where a and b are expressed in

terms of sin θ and cos θ. [3]

(b) Use de Moivre’s theorem and the result from part (a) to show
4 2

that cot 4θ =

4 cot
θ−6 cot
θ−4 cot θ
. [5]

(c) Use the identity from part (b) to show that the quadratic
π π
equation x 2
− 6x + 1 = 0 has roots cot 2
and cot 2 3
. [5]

(d) π
Hence find the exact value of cot 2 3
. [4]

(e) Deduce a quadratic equation with integer coefficients, having

π π
roots cosec and cosec . [3]
2 2 3

8 8

2. [Maximum mark: 6] EXN.2.AHL.TZ0.9

A biased coin is weighted such that the probability, p, of obtaining a
tail is 0. 6. The coin is tossed repeatedly and independently until a tail
is obtained.

Let E be the event “obtaining the first tail on an even numbered toss”.

Find P(E). [6]

3. [Maximum mark: 8] EXN.2.AHL.TZ0.7
Consider the identity 2+7x




, where A, B .
∈ Z

(a) Find the value of A and the value of B. [3]

(b) Hence, expand 2+7x

in ascending powers of x, up to and
including the term in x . 2

(c) Give a reason why the series expansion found in part (b) is not
valid for x =
. [1]
4. [Maximum mark: 30] EXN.3.AHL.TZ0.2
A Gaussian integer is a complex number, z, such that z = a + bi where
a, b ∈ Z. In this question, you are asked to investigate certain divisibility

properties of Gaussian integers.

Consider two Gaussian integers, α = 3 + 4i and β = 1 − 2i , such that γ = αβ

for some Gaussian integer γ.

(a) Find γ. [2]

Now consider two Gaussian integers, α = 3 + 4i and γ = 11 + 2i .

(b) Determine whether is a Gaussian integer. [3]


The norm of a complex number z, denoted by N (z), is defined by N (z) .

= |z|

For example, if z = 2 + 3i then N (2 + 3i) = 2

+ 3
= 13 .

(c) On an Argand diagram, plot and label all Gaussian integers that
have a norm less than 3. [2]

(d) Given that α = a + bi where a, b ∈ Z , show that

N (α) = a
+ b
. [1]

A Gaussian prime is a Gaussian integer, z, that cannot be expressed in the form

z = αβ where α, β are Gaussian integers with N (α), N (β) > 1.

(e) By expressing the positive integer n = c + d as a product of

2 2

two Gaussian integers each of norm c + d , show that n is not

2 2

a Gaussian prime. [3]

The positive integer 2 is a prime number, however it is not a Gaussian prime.

(f ) Verify that 2 is not a Gaussian prime. [2]

(g) Write down another prime number of the form c + d that is 2 2

not a Gaussian prime and express it as a product of two

Gaussian integers. [2]

Let α, β be Gaussian integers.

(h) Show that N (αβ) = N (α)N (β) . [6]

The result from part (h) provides a way of determining whether a Gaussian
integer is a Gaussian prime.

(i) Hence show that 1 + 4i is a Gaussian prime. [3]

(j) Use proof by contradiction to prove that a prime number, p, that

is not of the form a + b is a Gaussian prime.
2 2

5. [Maximum mark: 8] EXM.1.AHL.TZ0.1

Let f (x) =

for −1 < x < 1 . Use partial fractions to find
∫ f (x) dx . [8]

6. [Maximum mark: 13] EXM.1.AHL.TZ0.3

Let f (x) =
x −3x+2
x ≠ 1, x ≠ 2 .

(a) Express f (x) in partial fractions. [6]

(b) Use part (a) to show that f (x) is always decreasing. [3]

(c) 0

Use part (a) to find the exact value of , giving the

∫ f (x)dx

answer in the form ln q, q ∈ Q . [4]

7. [Maximum mark: 11] EXM.1.AHL.TZ0.2

Consider the integral ∫ −1

dx for t > 1 .

(a) Very briefly, explain why the value of this integral must be
negative. [1]

(b) Express the function f (x) =


x+x 2
in partial fractions. [6]

(c) Use parts (a) and (b) to show that ln (1 + t) − ln t < ln 2 . [4]

8. [Maximum mark: 6] EXM.2.AHL.TZ0.1

(a) Write down and simplify the first three terms, in ascending

powers of x, in the Extended Binomial expansion of (1 − x) . 3


(b) By substituting x =

find a rational approximation to √9.
9. [Maximum mark: 35] EXM.3.AHL.TZ0.4
This question investigates some applications of differential equations to
modeling population growth.

One model for population growth is to assume that the rate of change of the
population is proportional to the population, i.e. dP

= kP , where k , is
∈ R t

the time (in years) and P is the population

(a) Show that the general solution of this differential equation is

P = Ae , where A ∈ R. [5]

The initial population is 1000.

Given that k = 0.003 , use your answer from part (a) to find

(b.i) the population after 10 years [2]

(b.ii) the number of years it will take for the population to triple. [2]

(b.iii) lim P

Consider now the situation when k is not a constant, but a function of time.

Given that k = 0.003 + 0.002t , find

(c.i) the solution of the differential equation, giving your answer in

the form P = f (t). [5]

(c.ii) the number of years it will take for the population to triple. [4]

Another model for population growth assumes

there is a maximum value for the population, L.

that k is not a constant, but is proportional to (1 − P

) .

(d) Show that dP


P (L − P ) , where m ∈ R .

(e) Solve the differential equation dP


, giving
P (L − P )

your answer in the form P = g (t) . [10]

(f ) Given that the initial population is 1000, L = 10000 and

m = 0.003, find the number of years it will take for the

population to triple. [4]

10. [Maximum mark: 27] EXM.3.AHL.TZ0.1
This question will investigate power series, as an extension to the Binomial
Theorem for negative and fractional indices.

A power series in x is defined as a function of the form

f (x) = a + a x + a x + a x +. . . where the a .
2 3
0 1 2 3 i ∈ R

It can be considered as an infinite polynomial.

(a) Expand (1 + x) using the Binomial Theorem.


This is an example of a power series, but is only a finite power series, since only a
finite number of the a are non-zero.

(b) Consider the power series 1 − x + x 2

− x
3 4
+ x −. . .

By considering the ratio of consecutive terms, explain why this

series is equal to (1 + x) and state the values of x for which

this equality is true. [4]

(c) Differentiate the equation obtained part (b) and hence, find the
first four terms in a power series for (1 + x) . [2]

(d) Repeat this process to find the first four terms in a power series
for (1 + x)
. [2]

(e) Hence, by recognising the pattern, deduce the first four terms in
a power series for (1 + x) −n
,n ∈ Z
. [3]

We will now attempt to generalise further.

Suppose (1 + x) q
, q ∈ Q can be written as the power series
+. . ..
2 3
a0 + a1 x + a2 x + a3 x

(f ) By substituting x = 0 , find the value of a . 0 [1]

(g) By differentiating both sides of the expression and then

substituting x = 0, find the value of a . 1

(h) Repeat this procedure to find a and a .

2 3 [4]

(i) Hence, write down the first four terms in what is called the
Extended Binomial Theorem for (1 + x) , q ∈ Q. q

(j) Write down the power series for 1

. [2]

(k) Hence, using integration, find the power series for arctan x,
giving the first four non-zero terms. [4]
11. [Maximum mark: 35] EXM.3.AHL.TZ0.4
This question investigates some applications of differential equations to
modeling population growth.

One model for population growth is to assume that the rate of change of the
population is proportional to the population, i.e. dP

= kP , where k , is
∈ R t

the time (in years) and P is the population

(a) Show that the general solution of this differential equation is

P = Ae , where A ∈ R. [5]

The initial population is 1000.

Given that k = 0.003 , use your answer from part (a) to find

(b.i) the population after 10 years [2]

(b.ii) the number of years it will take for the population to triple. [2]

(b.iii) lim P

Consider now the situation when k is not a constant, but a function of time.

Given that k = 0.003 + 0.002t , find

(c.i) the solution of the differential equation, giving your answer in

the form P = f (t). [5]

(c.ii) the number of years it will take for the population to triple. [4]

Another model for population growth assumes

there is a maximum value for the population, L.

that k is not a constant, but is proportional to (1 − P

) .

(d) Show that dP


P (L − P ) , where m ∈ R .

(e) Solve the differential equation dP


, giving
P (L − P )

your answer in the form P = g (t) . [10]

(f ) Given that the initial population is 1000, L = 10000 and

m = 0.003, find the number of years it will take for the

population to triple. [4]

12. [Maximum mark: 27] EXM.3.AHL.TZ0.1
This question will investigate power series, as an extension to the Binomial
Theorem for negative and fractional indices.

A power series in x is defined as a function of the form

f (x) = a + a x + a x + a x +. . . where the a .
2 3
0 1 2 3 i ∈ R

It can be considered as an infinite polynomial.

(a) Expand (1 + x) using the Binomial Theorem.


This is an example of a power series, but is only a finite power series, since only a
finite number of the a are non-zero.

(b) Consider the power series 1 − x + x 2

− x
3 4
+ x −. . .

By considering the ratio of consecutive terms, explain why this

series is equal to (1 + x) and state the values of x for which

this equality is true. [4]

(c) Differentiate the equation obtained part (b) and hence, find the
first four terms in a power series for (1 + x) . [2]

(d) Repeat this process to find the first four terms in a power series
for (1 + x)
. [2]

(e) Hence, by recognising the pattern, deduce the first four terms in
a power series for (1 + x) −n
,n ∈ Z
. [3]

We will now attempt to generalise further.

Suppose (1 + x) q
, q ∈ Q can be written as the power series
+. . ..
2 3
a0 + a1 x + a2 x + a3 x

(f ) By substituting x = 0 , find the value of a . 0 [1]

(g) By differentiating both sides of the expression and then

substituting x = 0, find the value of a . 1

(h) Repeat this procedure to find a and a . 2 3 [4]

(i) Hence, write down the first four terms in what is called the
Extended Binomial Theorem for (1 + x) , q ∈ Q. q

(j) Write down the power series for 1

. [2]

(k) Hence, using integration, find the power series for arctan x,
giving the first four non-zero terms. [4]

13. [Maximum mark: 6] 23M.1.AHL.TZ1.4

Find the range of possible values of k such that e 2x
+ ln k = 3e
at least one real solution. [6]

14. [Maximum mark: 14] 23M.1.AHL.TZ1.10

Consider the arithmetic sequence u , u , u , … . 1 2 3

The sum of the first n terms of this sequence is given by S n = n

+ 4n .

(a.i) Find the sum of the first five terms. [2]

(a.ii) Given that S 6 = 60 , find u . 6 [2]

(b) Find u .
1 [2]

(c) Hence or otherwise, write an expression for u in terms of n. n [3]

Consider a geometric sequence, v , where v n 2 = u1 and v 4 = u6 .

(d) Find the possible values of the common ratio, r. [3]

(e) Given that v 99 < 0 , find v .

5 [2]
15. [Maximum mark: 6] 23M.1.AHL.TZ2.4
The following diagram shows part of the graph of y =

x 2 +2
for x ≥ 0

The shaded region R is bounded by the curve, the x-axis and the line
x = c.

The area of R is ln 3.

Find the value of c. [6]

16. [Maximum mark: 17] 23M.1.AHL.TZ2.12
(a) By using an appropriate substitution, show that
∫ cos √xdx = 2√x sin √x + 2 cos √x + C . [6]

The following diagram shows part of the curve y = cos √x for x ≥ 0 .

The curve intersects the x-axis at x , x , x , x ….

1 2 3 4

2 2

The nth x-intercept of the curve, x , is given by x , where n .

(2n−1) π +
n n = ∈ Z

(b) Write down a similar expression for x n+1 . [1]

The regions bounded by the curve and the x-axis are denoted by R , R , R , … 1 2 3

, as shown on the above diagram.

(c) Calculate the area of region R . n

Give your answer in the form knπ, where k ∈ Z

. [7]

(d) Hence, show that the areas of the regions bounded by the curve
and the x-axis, R , R , R , … , form an arithmetic sequence.
1 2 3 [3]
17. [Maximum mark: 30] 23M.3.AHL.TZ1.2
In this question, you will investigate the maximum product of positive real
numbers with a given sum.

Consider the two numbers x , x 1 2 ∈ R

, such that x 1 + x 2 = 12 .

(a) Find the product of x and x as a function, f , of x only.

1 2 1 [2]

(b.i) Find the value of x for which the function is maximum.

1 [1]

(b.ii) Hence show that the maximum product of x and x is 36. 1 2 [1]

Consider M (S) to be the maximum product of n positive real numbers with a


sum of S , where n ∈ Z and S ∈ R .

+ +

For n = 2 , the maximum product can be expressed as M 2 (S) = (

) .

(c) Verify that M S

is true for S .
2 (S) = (
) = 12 [1]

Consider n positive real numbers, x , x , … , x . 1 2 n

The geometric mean is defined as (x × x × … × x ) . It is given that the

1 2 n

geometric mean is always less than or equal to the arithmetic mean, so


(x 1 +x 2 +…+x n )
(x 1 × x 2 × … × x n ) n


(d.i) Show that the geometric mean and arithmetic mean are equal
when x = x = … = x .
1 2 n [2]

(d.ii) Use this result to prove that M S

n (S) = (
) [4]

(e) Hence determine the value of

(e.i) M 3 (12) ; [1]

(e.ii) M 4 (12) ; [1]

(e.iii) M 5 (12) . [1]

For n ∈ Z , let P (S) denote the maximum value of M
n (S) across all possible
values of n.

(f ) Write down the value of P (12) and the value of n at which it

occurs. [2]

(g) Determine the value of P (20) and the value of n at which it

occurs. [3]

Consider the function g, defined by ln (g(x)) = x ln(


) , where x ∈ R

A sketch of the graph of y = g(x) is shown in the following diagram. Point A is

the maximum point on this graph.

(h) Find, in terms of S , the x-coordinate of point A. [6]

(i) Verify that g(x) = M x (S), when x ∈ Z

. [2]

(j) Use your answer to part (h) to find the largest possible product
of positive numbers whose sum is 100. Give your answer in the
form a × 10 , where 1
≤ a < 10 and k ∈ Z
. [3]
18. [Maximum mark: 24] 23M.3.AHL.TZ2.1
This question asks you to examine the number and nature of intersection
points of the graph of y = log x where a ∈ R , a ≠ 1 and the line y = x for

particular sets of values of a.

In this question you may either use the change of logarithm base formula
log a x =
ln x

ln a
or a graphic display calculator “logarithm to any base feature”.

The function f is defined by

f (x) = log a x where x ∈ R

and a ∈ R
,a ≠ 1 .

(a) Consider the cases a = 2 and a = 10. On the same set of axes,
sketch the following three graphs:

y = log 2 x

y = log 10 x

y = x .

Clearly label each graph with its equation and state the value of
any non-zero x-axis intercepts. [4]

In parts (b) and (c), consider the case where a = e . Note that ln x .
≡ log e x

(b) Use calculus to find the minimum value of the expression

x − ln x, justifying that this value is a minimum. [5]

(c) Hence deduce that x > ln x . [1]

(d) There exist values of a for which the graph of y = log x and a

the line y = x do have intersection points. The following table

gives three intervals for the value of a.

Interval Number of intersection points

0 < a < 1 p
1 < a < 1. 4 q

1. 5 < a < 2 r

By investigating the graph of y = log x for different values of

a, write down the values of p, q and r.

In parts (e) and (f ), consider a ∈ R

,a ≠ 1 .

For 1. 4 ≤ a ≤ 1. 5, a value of a exists such that the line y = x is a tangent to

the graph of y = log x at a point P.

(e) Find the exact coordinates of P and the exact value of a. [8]

(f ) Write down the exact set of values for a such that the graphs of
y = log x and y = x have

(f.i) two intersection points; [1]

(f.ii) no intersection points. [1]

19. [Maximum mark: 31] 23M.3.AHL.TZ2.2
This question asks you to examine linear and quadratic functions
constructed in systematic ways using arithmetic sequences.

Consider the function L(x) = mx + c for x ∈ R where m, c ∈ R and m, c ≠ 0

Let r ∈ R be the root of L(x) = 0 .

If m, r and c, in that order, are in arithmetic sequence then L(x) is said to be an

AS-linear function.

(a) Show that L(x) = 2x − 1 is an AS-linear function. [2]

Consider L(x) = mx + c .

(b.i) Show that r = −

. [1]

(b.ii) Given that L(x) is an AS-linear function, show that


L(x) = mx −

. [4]

(b.iii) State any further restrictions on the value of m. [1]

There are only three integer sets of values of m, r and c, that form an AS-linear
function. One of these is L(x) = −x − 1.

(c) Use part (b) to determine the other two AS-linear functions with
integer values of m, r and c. [3]

Consider the function Q(x) = ax

+ bx + c for x ∈ R where a ,
∈ R a ≠ 0

and b, c ∈ R.

Let r , r1 2 ∈ R be the roots of Q(x) = 0 .

(d) Write down an expression for

(d.i) the sum of roots, r 1 + r2 , in terms of a and b. [1]

(d.ii) the product of roots, r 1 r2 , in terms of a and c. [1]

If a, r , b, r and c, in that order, are in arithmetic sequence, then Q(x) is said to

1 2

be an AS-quadratic function.

(e) Given that Q(x) is an AS-quadratic function,

(e.i) write down an expression for r 2 − r1 in terms of a and b; [1]

(e.ii) use your answers to parts (d)(i) and (e)(i) to show that

r1 =
a −ab−b

. [2]

(e.iii) use the result from part (e)(ii) to show that b = 0 or a = −


. [3]

Consider the case where b = 0 .

(f ) Determine the two AS-quadratic functions that satisfy this

condition. [5]

Now consider the case where a = −


(g.i) Find an expression for r in terms of b.

1 [2]

(g.ii) Hence or otherwise, determine the exact values of b and c such

that AS-quadratic functions are formed.

Give your answers in the form 2
where p, q, s ∈ Z
20. [Maximum mark: 31] 23M.3.AHL.TZ2.2
This question asks you to examine linear and quadratic functions
constructed in systematic ways using arithmetic sequences.

Consider the function L(x) = mx + c for x ∈ R where m, c ∈ R and m, c ≠ 0

Let r ∈ R be the root of L(x) = 0 .

If m, r and c, in that order, are in arithmetic sequence then L(x) is said to be an

AS-linear function.

(a) Show that L(x) = 2x − 1 is an AS-linear function. [2]

Consider L(x) = mx + c .

(b.i) Show that r = −

. [1]

(b.ii) Given that L(x) is an AS-linear function, show that


L(x) = mx −

. [4]

(b.iii) State any further restrictions on the value of m. [1]

There are only three integer sets of values of m, r and c, that form an AS-linear
function. One of these is L(x) = −x − 1.

(c) Use part (b) to determine the other two AS-linear functions with
integer values of m, r and c. [3]

Consider the function Q(x) = ax

+ bx + c for x ∈ R where a ,
∈ R a ≠ 0

and b, c ∈ R.

Let r , r1 2 ∈ R be the roots of Q(x) = 0 .

(d) Write down an expression for

(d.i) the sum of roots, r 1 + r2 , in terms of a and b. [1]

(d.ii) the product of roots, r 1 r2 , in terms of a and c. [1]

If a, r , b, r and c, in that order, are in arithmetic sequence, then Q(x) is said to

1 2

be an AS-quadratic function.

(e) Given that Q(x) is an AS-quadratic function,

(e.i) write down an expression for r 2 − r1 in terms of a and b; [1]

(e.ii) use your answers to parts (d)(i) and (e)(i) to show that

r1 =
a −ab−b

. [2]

(e.iii) use the result from part (e)(ii) to show that b = 0 or a = −


. [3]

Consider the case where b = 0 .

(f ) Determine the two AS-quadratic functions that satisfy this

condition. [5]

Now consider the case where a = −


(g.i) Find an expression for r in terms of b.

1 [2]

(g.ii) Hence or otherwise, determine the exact values of b and c such

that AS-quadratic functions are formed.

Give your answers in the form 2
where p, q, s ∈ Z
21. [Maximum mark: 16] 22N.1.AHL.TZ0.11
Consider a three-digit code abc, where each of a, b and c is assigned one of the
values 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.

Find the total number of possible codes

(a.i) assuming that each value can be repeated (for example, 121 or
444). [2]

(a.ii) assuming that no value is repeated. [2]

Let P (x) = x + ax + bx + c, where each of a, b and c is assigned one of the

3 2

values 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Assume that no value is repeated.

Consider the case where P (x) has a factor of (x 2

+ 3x + 2) .

(b.i) Find an expression for b in terms of a. [6]

(b.ii) Hence show that the only way to assign the values is
a = 4, b = 5 and c = 2. [2]

(b.iii) Express P (x) as a product of linear factors. [1]

(b.iv) Hence or otherwise, sketch the graph of y = P (x), clearly

showing the coordinates of any intercepts with the axes. [3]
22. [Maximum mark: 28] 22N.3.AHL.TZ0.1
In this question you will investigate series of the form

Σ i
= 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ … + n
where n, q ∈ Z


and use various methods to find polynomials, in terms of n, for such series.

When q = 1 , the above series is arithmetic.

(a) Show that


Σ i =
n(n + 1) .
2 [1]

Consider the case when q = 2 .

The following table gives values of n and 2

Σ i
for n = 1, 2, 3 .

(b.i) Write down the value of p. [1]

(b.ii) The sum of the first n square numbers can be expressed as a

cubic polynomial with three terms:

Σ i
= a1 n + a2 n
+ a3 n
where a 1, a2 , a3 ∈ Q

Hence, write down a system of three linear equations in a 1, a2

and a . 3 [3]

(b.iii) Hence, find the values of a 1, a2 and a . 3 [2]

You will now consider a method that can be generalized for all values of q.

Consider the function f (x) = 1 + x + x

+ … + x
, n ∈ Z

(c) Show that xf ′(x) = x + 2x

+ 3x
+ … + nx
. [1]

Let f 1 (x) = xf ′(x) and consider the following family of functions:

f 2 (x) = xf 1 ′(x)

f 3 (x) = xf 2 ′(x)

f 4 (x) = xf 3 ′(x)

f q (x) = xf q−1 ′(x)

(d.i) Show that f

2 i
2 (x) = Σ i x

(d.ii) Prove by mathematical induction that

f q (x) = Σ i x , q ∈ Z
i +
. [6]

(d.iii) Using sigma notation, write down an expression for f .

q (1) [1]

(e) By considering f (x) = 1 + x + x

+ … + x
as a geometric

series, for x ≠ 1 , show that f (x) =


. [2]

(f )
n+2 n+1
nx −(n+1)x +x
For x ≠ 1 , show that f 1 (x) = 2
. [3]

(g.i) Show that lim f 1 (x) is in indeterminate form. [1]


(g.ii) Hence, by applying l’Hôpital’s rule, show that

lim f 1 (x) =

n(n + 1) . [5]
23. [Maximum mark: 27] 22N.3.AHL.TZ0.2
In this question you will investigate curved surface areas and use calculus to
derive key formulae used in geometry.

Consider the straight line from the origin, y = mx , where 0 ≤ x ≤ h and m, h

are positive constants.

When this line is rotated through 360° about the x-axis, a cone is formed with a
curved surface area A given by:

A = 2 π∫ 2
y√ 1 + m d x .

(a) Given that m = 2 and h = 3 , show that A = 18√ 5 π. [2]

Now consider the general case where a cone is formed by rotating the line
y = mx where 0 ≤ x ≤ h through 360° about the x-axis.

(b.i) Deduce an expression for the radius of this cone r in terms of h

and m. [1]

(b.ii) Deduce an expression for the slant height l in terms of h and m. [2]

(b.iii) Hence, by using the above integral, show that A = πrl. [3]
Consider the semi-circle, with radius r, defined by y 2
= √r − x
−r ≤ x ≤ r.

(c) Find an expression for


. [2]

A differentiable curve y = f (x) is defined for x ≤ x ≤ x and y ≥ 0. When

1 2

any such curve is rotated through 360° about the x-axis, the surface formed has
an area A given by:

x2 2

A = 2 π ∫ y√ 1 + (
) d x

(d) A sphere is formed by rotating the semi-circle y = √r − x 2 2

where −r ≤ x ≤ r through 360° about the x-axis. Show by

integration that the surface area of this sphere is 4πr . 2

Let f (x) 2
= √r − x
where −r ≤ x ≤ r .
The graph of y = f (x) is transformed to the graph of y = f (kx), k > 0 . This
forms a different curve, called a semi-ellipse.
(e.i) Describe this geometric transformation. [2]

(e.ii) Write down the x-intercepts of the graph y = f (kx) in terms

of r and k. [1]

(e.iii) For y = f (kx) , find an expression for


in terms of x, r and k. [2]

(e.iv) The semi-ellipse y = f (kx) is rotated 360° about the x-axis to

form a solid called an ellipsoid.

Find an expression in terms of r and k for the surface area, A, of

the ellipsoid.

Give your answer in the form 2π ∫ √ p(x) d x , where p(x) is


a polynomial. [4]

(e.v) Planet Earth can be modelled as an ellipsoid. In this model:

the ellipsoid has an axis of rotational symmetry running

from the North Pole to the South Pole.

the distance from the North Pole to the South Pole is

12 714 km.

the diameter of the equator is 12 756 km.

By choosing suitable values for r and k, find the surface area of

Earth in km correct to 4 significant figures. Give your answer in

the form a × 10 where 1 ≤ a < 10 and q ∈ Z .

q +

24. [Maximum mark: 5] 22M.1.AHL.TZ1.1
Find the value of ∫ .
9 3√x−5

) d x

25. [Maximum mark: 5] 22M.1.AHL.TZ1.6

Consider the expansion of (8x − ) where n ∈ Z . Determine all
3 1


possible values of n for which the expansion has a non-zero constant

term. [5]

26. [Maximum mark: 18] 22M.1.AHL.TZ1.10

Consider the series ln x + p ln x + 1

ln x + … , where x ∈ R, x > 1 and
p ∈ R, p ≠ 0 .

Consider the case where the series is geometric.

(a.i) Show that p = ±


. [2]

(a.ii) Hence or otherwise, show that the series is convergent. [1]

(a.iii) Given that p > 0 and S ∞ = 3 + √3 , find the value of x. [3]

Now consider the case where the series is arithmetic with common difference d.

(b.i) Show that p =


. [3]

(b.ii) Write down d in the form k ln x, where k ∈ Q . [1]

(b.iii) The sum of the first n terms of the series is ln( 1

3 ) .

Find the value of n. [8]

27. [Maximum mark: 7] 22M.2.AHL.TZ1.9
Mary, three female friends, and her brother, Peter, attend the theatre. In the
theatre there is a row of 10 empty seats. For the first half of the show, they decide
to sit next to each other in this row.

(a) Find the number of ways these five people can be seated in this
row. [3]

For the second half of the show, they return to the same row of 10 empty seats.
The four girls decide to sit at least one seat apart from Peter. The four girls do not
have to sit next to each other.

(b) Find the number of ways these five people can now be seated
in this row. [4]

28. [Maximum mark: 19] 22M.2.AHL.TZ1.12

Consider the differential equation x 2 dy
= y
− 2x
for x > 0 and y > 2x . It is
given that y = 3 when x = 1.

(a) Use Euler’s method, with a step length of 0. 1, to find an

approximate value of y when x = 1. 5. [4]

(b) Use the substitution y = vx to show that x dv

= v
− v − 2 . [3]


By solving the differential equation, show that y =


. [10]

(c.ii) Find the actual value of y when x = 1. 5 . [1]


Using the graph of y =


, suggest a reason why the
approximation given by Euler’s method in part (a) is not a good
estimate to the actual value of y at x = 1. 5. [1]
29. [Maximum mark: 4] 22M.2.AHL.TZ2.9
Consider the set of six-digit positive integers that can be formed from the digits
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Find the total number of six-digit positive integers that can be formed such that

(a) the digits are distinct. [2]

(b) the digits are distinct and are in increasing order. [2]
30. [Maximum mark: 21] 22M.2.AHL.TZ2.12
The population, P , of a particular species of marsupial on a small remote island
can be modelled by the logistic differential equation

dP P
= kP (1 − )
dt N

where t is the time measured in years and k, N are positive constants.

The constant N represents the maximum population of this species of marsupial

that the island can sustain indefinitely.

(a) In the context of the population model, interpret the meaning

of dP

. [1]


Show that d P

dt 2
= k P (1 −

)(1 −

) . [4]

(c) Hence show that the population of marsupials will increase at

its maximum rate when P =

. Justify your answer. [5]

(d) Hence determine the maximum value of dP

in terms of k and
N . [2]

Let P be the initial population of marsupials.


(e) By solving the logistic differential equation, show that its

solution can be expressed in the form

P N −P 0
kt = ln
N −P
) [7]

(f ) After 10 years, the population of marsupials is 3P . It is known 0

that N = 4P . 0

Find the value of k for this population model. [2]

31. [Maximum mark: 27] 22M.3.AHL.TZ1.1
This question asks you to explore some properties of polygonal numbers
and to determine and prove interesting results involving these numbers.

A polygonal number is an integer which can be represented as a series of dots

arranged in the shape of a regular polygon. Triangular numbers, square numbers
and pentagonal numbers are examples of polygonal numbers.

For example, a triangular number is a number that can be arranged in the shape
of an equilateral triangle. The first five triangular numbers are 1, 3, 6, 10 and

The following table illustrates the first five triangular, square and pentagonal
numbers respectively. In each case the first polygonal number is one represented
by a single dot.

For an r-sided regular polygon, where r ∈ Z

, r ≥ 3 , the nth polygonal
number P (n) is given by

, where n .
(r−2)n −(r−4)n +
P r (n) = ∈ Z

(4−2)n −(4−4)n
Hence, for square numbers, P 4 (n) =
= n

(a.i) For triangular numbers, verify that P 3 (n) =

. [2]
(a.ii) The number 351 is a triangular number. Determine which one it
is. [2]

(b.i) Show that P 3 (n) + P 3 (n + 1) ≡ (n + 1)

. [2]

(b.ii) State, in words, what the identity given in part (b)(i) shows for
two consecutive triangular numbers. [1]

(b.iii) For n = 4, sketch a diagram clearly showing your answer to

part (b)(ii). [1]

(c) Show that 8P 3 (n) + 1 is the square of an odd number for all
n ∈ Z . [3]

The nth pentagonal number can be represented by the arithmetic series

P 5 (n) = 1 + 4 + 7 + … + (3n − 2) .

(d) Hence show that P 5 (n) =

for n ∈ Z
. [3]

(e) By using a suitable table of values or otherwise, determine the

smallest positive integer, greater than 1, that is both a triangular
number and a pentagonal number. [5]

(f ) A polygonal number, P r (n) , can be represented by the series


Σ (1 + (m − 1)(r − 2)) where r ∈ Z

, r ≥ 3 .

Use mathematical induction to prove that


(r−2)n −(r−4)n
P r (n) =
where n ∈ Z
32. [Maximum mark: 27] 22M.3.AHL.TZ2.2
This question asks you to investigate conditions for the existence of complex
roots of polynomial equations of degree 3 and 4.

The cubic equation x 3

+ px
+ qx + r = 0 , where p, q, r ∈ R , has roots
α, β and γ .

(a) By expanding (x − α)(x − β)(x − γ) show that:

p = −(α + β + γ)

q = αβ + βγ + γα

r = −αβγ . [3]

(b.i) Show that p 2

− 2q = α
+ β
+ γ
. [3]

(b.ii) Hence show that

. [3]
2 2 2 2
(α − β) + (β − γ) + (γ − α) = 2p − 6q

(c) Given that p 2

< 3q , deduce that α, β and γ cannot all be real. [2]

Consider the equation x 3

− 7x
+ qx + 1 = 0 , where q ∈ R .

(d) Using the result from part (c), show that when q = 17 , this
equation has at least one complex root. [2]

Noah believes that if p 2

≥ 3q then α, β and γ are all real.

(e.i) By varying the value of q in the equation

x − 7x + qx + 1 = 0, determine the smallest positive
3 2

integer value of q required to show that Noah is incorrect. [2]

(e.ii) Explain why the equation will have at least one real root for all
values of q. [1]

Now consider polynomial equations of degree 4.

The equation x 4
+ px
+ qx
+ rx + s = 0 , where p, q, r, s ∈ R , has roots
α, β, γ and δ.

In a similar way to the cubic equation, it can be shown that:

p = −(α + β + γ + δ)

q = αβ + αγ + αδ + βγ + βδ + γδ

r = −(αβγ + αβδ + αγδ + βγδ)

s = αβγδ .
(f.i) Find an expression for α 2
+ β
+ γ
+ δ
in terms of p and q. [3]

(f.ii) Hence state a condition in terms of p and q that would imply

x + px + qx + rx + s = 0 has at least one complex root. [1]
4 3 2

(g) Use your result from part (f )(ii) to show that the equation
x − 2x + 3x − 4x + 5 = 0 has at least one complex root. [1]
4 3 2

The equation x 4
− 9x
+ 24x
+ 22x − 12 = 0 , has one integer root.

(h.i) State what the result in part (f )(ii) tells us when considering this
equation x − 9x + 24x + 22x − 12 = 0.
4 3 2

(h.ii) Write down the integer root of this equation. [1]

(h.iii) By writing x − 9x + 24x + 22x − 12 as a product of one

4 3 2

linear and one cubic factor, prove that the equation has at least
one complex root. [4]

33. [Maximum mark: 5] 21N.1.AHL.TZ0.3

Solve the equation log 3
√x =

2 log 2 3
+ log (4x )
, where x > 0 . [5]
34. [Maximum mark: 7] 21N.1.AHL.TZ0.9
Consider the expression 1

√ 1+ax
− √1 − x where a ∈ Q, a ≠ 0 .

The binomial expansion of this expression, in ascending powers of x, as far as the

term in x is 4bx + bx , where b ∈ Q.
2 2

(a) Find the value of a and the value of b. [6]

(b) State the restriction which must be placed on x for this

expansion to be valid. [1]
35. [Maximum mark: 18] 21N.2.AHL.TZ0.10

Consider the function f (x) =

x −x−12

, x ∈ R, x ≠


Find the coordinates where the graph of f crosses the

(a.i) x -axis. [2]

(a.ii) y-axis. [1]

(b) Write down the equation of the vertical asymptote of the graph
of f . [1]

(c) The oblique asymptote of the graph of f can be written as

y = ax + b where a, b ∈ Q.

Find the value of a and the value of b. [4]

(d) Sketch the graph of f for −30 ≤ x ≤ 30, clearly indicating the
points of intersection with each axis and any asymptotes. [3]

(e.i) Express 1

f (x)
in partial fractions. [3]

(e.ii) 3

Hence find the exact value of ∫ 1

f (x)
d x , expressing your

answer as a single logarithm. [4]

36. [Maximum mark: 8] 21N.2.AHL.TZ0.6

(a) Prove the identity (p + q) 3
− 3pq(p + q) ≡ p
+ q
. [2]

(b) The equation 2x 2

− 5x + 1 = 0 has two real roots, α and β.

Consider the equation x 2

+ mx + n = 0 , where m, n ∈ Z

and which has roots 1

and β
Without solving 2x 2
− 5x + 1 = 0 , determine the values of m
and n. [6]
37. [Maximum mark: 25] 21N.3.AHL.TZ0.1
In this question you will explore some of the properties of special functions f
and g and their relationship with the trigonometric functions, sine and

z −z z −z

Functions f and g are defined as f (z) =

e +e

and g(z) =
e −e

, where
z ∈ C .

Consider t and u, such that t, u ∈ R .

(a) [2]

Verify that u = f (t) satisfies the differential equation d u

= u .

(b) Show that (f (t))

+ (g(t))
= f (2t) . [3]

Using e iu
= cos u + i sin u , find expressions, in terms of sin u and cos u, for

(c.i) f (iu) . [3]

(c.ii) g(iu) . [2]

(d) Hence find, and simplify, an expression for (f (iu))

+ (g(iu))
. [2]

(e) Show that (f (t)) 2

− (g(t))
= (f (iu))
− (g(iu))
. [4]

The functions cos x and sin x are known as circular functions as the general
point (cos θ, sin θ) defines points on the unit circle with equation x + y = 2 2

The functions f (x) and g(x) are known as hyperbolic functions, as the general
point ( f (θ), g(θ) ) defines points on a curve known as a hyperbola with
equation x − y = 1. This hyperbola has two asymptotes.
2 2

(f ) Sketch the graph of x − y = 1, stating the coordinates of

2 2

any axis intercepts and the equation of each asymptote. [4]

(g) The hyperbola with equation x − y2 2
= 1 can be rotated to
coincide with the curve defined by xy = k, k ∈ R.

Find the possible values of k. [5]

38. [Maximum mark: 30] 21N.3.AHL.TZ0.2
In this question you will be exploring the strategies required to solve a
system of linear differential equations.

Consider the system of linear differential equations of the form:

and ,
dx dy
= x − y = ax + y
dt dt

where x, y, t ∈ R
and a is a parameter.

First consider the case where a = 0 .

(a.i) By solving the differential equation


= y, show that
y = Ae where A is a constant. [3]

(a.ii) Show that dx

− x = −Ae
. [1]

(a.iii) Solve the differential equation in part (a)(ii) to find x as a

function of t. [4]

Now consider the case where a = −1 .

(b.i) By differentiating

= −x + y with respect to t, show that
d y

= 2

. [3]

(b.ii) By substituting Y =

, show that Y = Be
where B is a
constant. [3]

(b.iii) Hence find y as a function of t. [2]

(b.iv) Hence show that x = −


+ C , where C is a constant. [3]

Now consider the case where a = −4 .


Show that . [3]

d y dy
− 2 − 3y = 0
dt 2 dt
From previous cases, we might conjecture that a solution to this differential
equation is y = F e , λ ∈ R and F is a constant.


Find the two values for λ that satisfy . [4]

d y dy
− 2 − 3y = 0
dt 2 dt

(c.iii) Let the two values found in part (c)(ii) be λ and λ .

1 2

Verify that y = F e + Ge is a solution to the differential

λ1 t λ2 t

equation in (c)(i),where G is a constant. [4]

39. [Maximum mark: 25] 21N.3.AHL.TZ0.1
In this question you will explore some of the properties of special functions f
and g and their relationship with the trigonometric functions, sine and

z −z z −z

Functions f and g are defined as f (z) =

e +e

and g(z) =
e −e

, where
z ∈ C .

Consider t and u, such that t, u ∈ R .

(a) [2]

Verify that u = f (t) satisfies the differential equation d u

= u .

(b) Show that (f (t))

+ (g(t))
= f (2t) . [3]

Using e iu
= cos u + i sin u , find expressions, in terms of sin u and cos u, for

(c.i) f (iu) . [3]

(c.ii) g(iu) . [2]

(d) Hence find, and simplify, an expression for (f (iu))

+ (g(iu))
. [2]

(e) Show that (f (t)) 2

− (g(t))
= (f (iu))
− (g(iu))
. [4]

The functions cos x and sin x are known as circular functions as the general
point (cos θ, sin θ) defines points on the unit circle with equation x + y = 2 2

The functions f (x) and g(x) are known as hyperbolic functions, as the general
point ( f (θ), g(θ) ) defines points on a curve known as a hyperbola with
equation x − y = 1. This hyperbola has two asymptotes.
2 2

(f ) Sketch the graph of x − y = 1, stating the coordinates of

2 2

any axis intercepts and the equation of each asymptote. [4]

(g) The hyperbola with equation x − y2 2
= 1 can be rotated to
coincide with the curve defined by xy = k, k ∈ R.

Find the possible values of k. [5]

40. [Maximum mark: 30] 21N.3.AHL.TZ0.2
In this question you will be exploring the strategies required to solve a
system of linear differential equations.

Consider the system of linear differential equations of the form:

and ,
dx dy
= x − y = ax + y
dt dt

where x, y, t ∈ R
and a is a parameter.

First consider the case where a = 0 .

(a.i) By solving the differential equation


= y, show that
y = Ae where A is a constant. [3]

(a.ii) Show that dx

− x = −Ae
. [1]

(a.iii) Solve the differential equation in part (a)(ii) to find x as a

function of t. [4]

Now consider the case where a = −1 .

(b.i) By differentiating

= −x + y with respect to t, show that
d y

= 2

. [3]

(b.ii) By substituting Y =

, show that Y = Be
where B is a
constant. [3]

(b.iii) Hence find y as a function of t. [2]

(b.iv) Hence show that x = −


+ C , where C is a constant. [3]

Now consider the case where a = −4 .


Show that . [3]

d y dy
− 2 − 3y = 0
dt 2 dt
From previous cases, we might conjecture that a solution to this differential
equation is y = F e , λ ∈ R and F is a constant.


Find the two values for λ that satisfy . [4]

d y dy
− 2 − 3y = 0
dt 2 dt

(c.iii) Let the two values found in part (c)(ii) be λ and λ .

1 2

Verify that y = F e + Ge is a solution to the differential

λ1 t λ2 t

equation in (c)(i),where G is a constant. [4]

41. [Maximum mark: 8] 21M.1.AHL.TZ1.9

A farmer has six sheep pens, arranged in a grid with three rows and two columns
as shown in the following diagram.

Five sheep called Amber, Brownie, Curly, Daisy and Eden are to be placed in the
pens. Each pen is large enough to hold all of the sheep. Amber and Brownie are
known to fight.

Find the number of ways of placing the sheep in the pens in each of the
following cases:

(a) Each pen is large enough to contain five sheep. Amber and
Brownie must not be placed in the same pen. [4]

(b) Each pen may only contain one sheep. Amber and Brownie
must not be placed in pens which share a boundary. [4]
42. [Maximum mark: 20] 21M.2.AHL.TZ1.12
The function f has a derivative given by
f ′(x) =

, x ∈ R, x ≠ o, x ≠ k where k is a positive constant.

(a) The expression for f ′(x) can be written in the form a


where a, b ∈ R. Find a and b in terms of k. [3]

(b) Hence, find an expression for f (x). [3]

Consider P , the population of a colony of ants, which has an initial value of


The rate of change of the population can be modelled by the differential

equation , where t is the time measured in days, t , and k is
dP P (k−P )
= ≥ 0
dt 5k

the upper bound for the population.

(c) By solving the differential equation, show that

P =

5 +1200

At t = 10 the population of the colony has doubled in size from its initial value.

(d) Find the value of k, giving your answer correct to four

significant figures. [3]

(e) Find the value of t when the rate of change of the population is
at its maximum. [3]
43. [Maximum mark: 8] 21M.2.AHL.TZ2.9
(a) Write down the first three terms of the binomial expansion of
(1 + t) in ascending powers of t.

(b) By using the Maclaurin series for cos x and the result from part
(a), show that the Maclaurin series for sec x up to and including
2 4

the term in x is 1 +
4 x



(c) By using the Maclaurin series for arctan x and the result from
part (b), find lim ( x arctan 2x

sec x−1
) . [3]

44. [Maximum mark: 5] 21M.2.AHL.TZ2.7

Eight runners compete in a race where there are no tied finishes. Andrea and
Jack are two of the eight competitors in this race.

Find the total number of possible ways in which the eight runners can finish if
Jack finishes

(a) in the position immediately after Andrea. [2]

(b) in any position after Andrea. [3]

45. [Maximum mark: 5] 20N.1.AHL.TZ0.H_5

The first term in an arithmetic sequence is 4 and the fifth term is
log 625.

Find the common difference of the sequence, expressing your answer

in the form log p, where p ∈ Q.
46. [Maximum mark: 15] 20N.1.AHL.TZ0.H_12
Consider the function defined by f (x) =

, where x ∈ R \ {k} and k 2
≠ 5

(a) State the equation of the vertical asymptote on the graph of

y = f (x). [1]

(b) State the equation of the horizontal asymptote on the graph of

y = f (x). [1]

(c) Use an algebraic method to determine whether f is a self-

inverse function. [4]

Consider the case where k = 3 .

(d) Sketch the graph of y = f (x), stating clearly the equations of

any asymptotes and the coordinates of any points of
intersections with the coordinate axes. [3]

(e) The region bounded by the x-axis, the curve y = f (x), and the
lines x = 5 and x = 7 is rotated through 2π about the x-axis.
Find the volume of the solid generated, giving your answer in
the form π(a + b ln 2) , where a, b ∈ Z. [6]

47. [Maximum mark: 6] 20N.2.AHL.TZ0.H_4

Find the term independent of x in the expansion of x



) . [6]
48. [Maximum mark: 20] 20N.2.AHL.TZ0.H_11
A particle P moves in a straight line such that after time t seconds, its velocity, v
in m s −1
, is given by v = e
, where 0
sin 6 t < t <

(a) Find the times when P comes to instantaneous rest. [2]

At time t, P has displacement s(t); at time t ,

= 0 s(0) = 0 .

(b) Find an expression for s in terms of t. [7]

(c) Find the maximum displacement of P , in metres, from its initial

position. [2]

(d) Find the total distance travelled by P in the first 1. 5 seconds of

its motion. [2]

At successive times when the acceleration of P is 0 m s , the velocities of P −2

form a geometric sequence. The acceleration of P is zero at times t , t , t 1 2 3

where t < t < t and the respective velocities are v , v , v .

1 2 3 1 2 3

(e.i) Show that, at these times, tan 6t = 2 . [2]

(e.ii) Hence show that
= −e

. [5]
v1 v2

49. [Maximum mark: 7] 20N.2.AHL.TZ0.H_7

At a gathering of 12 teachers, seven are male and five are female. A group of five
of these teachers go out for a meal together. Determine the possible number of
groups in each of the following situations:

(a) There are more males than females in the group. [4]

(b) Two of the teachers, Gary and Gerwyn, refuse to go out for a
meal together. [3]
50. [Maximum mark: 8] 20N.2.AHL.TZ0.H_3
The following diagram shows part of the graph of y = p + q sin (rx) . The

graph has a local maximum point at (− and a local minimum point at
, 5)

(− , − 1)

(a) Determine the values of p, q and r. [4]

(b) Hence find the area of the shaded region. [4]

51. [Maximum mark: 20] 20N.2.AHL.TZ0.H_11
A particle P moves in a straight line such that after time t seconds, its velocity, v
in m s −1
, is given by v = e
, where 0
sin 6 t < t <

(a) Find the times when P comes to instantaneous rest. [2]

At time t, P has displacement s(t); at time t ,

= 0 s(0) = 0 .

(b) Find an expression for s in terms of t. [7]

(c) Find the maximum displacement of P , in metres, from its initial

position. [2]

(d) Find the total distance travelled by P in the first 1. 5 seconds of

its motion. [2]

At successive times when the acceleration of P is 0 m s , the velocities of P −2

form a geometric sequence. The acceleration of P is zero at times t , t , t 1 2 3

where t < t < t and the respective velocities are v , v , v .

1 2 3 1 2 3

(e.i) Show that, at these times, tan 6t = 2 . [2]

(e.ii) Hence show that
= −e

. [5]
v1 v2
52. [Maximum mark: 13] 20N.3.AHL.TZ0.Hdm_3
(a.i) Write down the remainder when 14 2022
is divided by 7. [1]

(a.ii) Use Fermat’s little theorem to find the remainder when 14 2022
divided by 17. [4]

(b.i) Prove that a number in base 13 is divisible by 6 if, and only if,
the sum of its digits is divisible by 6. [4]

(b.ii) The base 13 number 1y93y25 is divisible by 6. Find the

possible values of the digit y. [4]

53. [Maximum mark: 19] 19N.1.AHL.TZ0.H_10

Consider f (x) =
x −1
, − 1 < x < 1 .

(a.i) Find f ′
(x) . [2]

(a.ii) Show that, if f ′

(x) = 0 , then x = 2 − √3 . [3]

For the graph of y = f (x) ,

(b.i) find the coordinates of the y-intercept. [1]

(b.ii) show that there are no x-intercepts. [2]

(b.iii) sketch the graph, showing clearly any asymptotic behaviour. [2]

(c) Show that x+1



x 2 −1
. [2]

(d) The area enclosed by the graph of y = f (x) and the line y = 4

can be expressed as ln v. Find the value of v. [7]

54. [Maximum mark: 5] 19N.2.AHL.TZ0.H_1
A geometric sequence has u 4 = −70 and u 7 = 8.75. Find the second

term of the sequence. [5]

55. [Maximum mark: 6] 19N.2.AHL.TZ0.H_5

Consider the expansion of (2 + x) , where n
⩾ 3 and n .
∈ Z

The coefficient of x is four times the coefficient of x . Find the value

3 2

of n. [6]

56. [Maximum mark: 8] 19N.2.AHL.TZ0.H_8

Eight boys and two girls sit on a bench. Determine the number of possible
arrangements, given that

(a) the girls do not sit together. [3]

(b) the girls do not sit on either end. [2]

(c) the girls do not sit on either end and do not sit together. [3]
57. [Maximum mark: 17] 19N.2.AHL.TZ0.H_11
The following diagram shows part of the graph of 2x 2
= sin
y for 0 ⩽ y ⩽ π.

(a.i) Using implicit differentiation, find an expression for


. [4]

(a.ii) Find the equation of the tangent to the curve at the point


) . [4]

The shaded region R is the area bounded by the curve, the y-axis and the lines
y = 0 and y = π.

(b) Find the area of R. [3]

(c) The region R is now rotated about the y-axis, through 2π

radians, to form a solid.

By writing sin 3
y as (1 − cos 2
, show that the volume of
y)sin y

the solid formed is 2π


58. [Maximum mark: 15] 19N.3.AHL.TZ0.Hdm_2

(a.i) State Fermat’s little theorem. [2]

(a.ii) Find the remainder when 15 1207

is divided by 13. [5]

In parts (b) and (c), (abc …) denotes the number abc … written in base n,

where n ∈ Z . For example, (359) = 3n + 5n + 9.


(b) Convert (7A2) 16

to base 5, where (A) 16
= (10)
. [4]

(c) Consider the equation (1251) n

+ (30)
= (504)
+ (504)

Find the value of n. [4]


→ →
[Maximum mark: 20]

vector equation r2 =





The line l has vector equation r1 =




The point P has coordinates (4, 6, 4).

+ μ

decides to join some of these eight points to form polygons.


Find how many sets of four points can be selected which can
form the vertices of a quadrilateral.

Find how many sets of three points can be selected which can
form the vertices of a triangle.

⎛ ⎞

⎝ ⎠

⎛ ⎞

⎝ ⎠
0 + λ

∈ R

Verify that P is the point of intersection of the two lines.

The point A has coordinates (3, 4, 3) and lies on l .

Write down the value of λ corresponding to the point A.

The point B has coordinates (−1, 0, 2) and lies on l .

Write down PA and PB.


Let C be the point on l with coordinates (1, 0, 1) and D be the


point on l with parameter μ = −2.

Find the area of the quadrilateral CDBA.

Two distinct lines, l and l , intersect at a point P. In addition to P, four distinct
points are marked out on l and three distinct points on l . A mathematician


∈ R and the line l has






60. [Maximum mark: 7] 19M.1.AHL.TZ2.H_7
Solve the simultaneous equations

log 2 6x = 1 + 2 log 2 y

1 + log 6 x = log 6 (15y − 25) . [7]

61. [Maximum mark: 17] 19M.2.AHL.TZ1.H_11

Consider the equation x 5
− 3x
+ mx
+ nx
+ px + q = 0, where m, n, p,

q ∈ R.

The equation has three distinct real roots which can be written as log 2
a log 2 b

and log c.

The equation also has two imaginary roots, one of which is di where d ∈ R .

(a) Show that abc = 8 . [5]

The values a, b, and c are consecutive terms in a geometric sequence.

(b) Show that one of the real roots is equal to 1. [3]

(c) Given that q = 8d

, find the other two real roots. [9]
62. [Maximum mark: 17] 19M.2.AHL.TZ1.H_11
Consider the equation x 5
− 3x
+ mx
+ nx
+ px + q = 0, where m, n, p,

q ∈ R.

The equation has three distinct real roots which can be written as log 2
a log 2 b

and log c.

The equation also has two imaginary roots, one of which is di where d ∈ R .

(a) Show that abc = 8 . [5]

The values a, b, and c are consecutive terms in a geometric sequence.

(b) Show that one of the real roots is equal to 1. [3]

(c) Given that q = 8d

, find the other two real roots. [9]

63. [Maximum mark: 5] 18N.1.AHL.TZ0.H_2

A team of four is to be chosen from a group of four boys and four girls.

(a) Find the number of different possible teams that could be

chosen. [3]

(b) Find the number of different possible teams that could be

chosen, given that the team must include at least one girl and at
least one boy. [2]
64. [Maximum mark: 5] 18N.2.AHL.TZ0.H_1
Consider a geometric sequence with a first term of 4 and a fourth term of −2.916.

(a) Find the common ratio of this sequence. [3]

(b) Find the sum to infinity of this sequence. [2]

65. [Maximum mark: 6] 18M.1.AHL.TZ1.H_5

Solve (ln x) . [6]
2 2
− (ln 2) (ln x) < 2(ln 2)

66. [Maximum mark: 2] 18M.1.AHL.TZ2.H_10

The function f is defined by f (x) =

, for x ∈ R, x ≠ −


The function g is defined by g (x) =


, x ∈ R, x ≠ 2

(b.i) Express g (x) in the form A + B

where A, B are constants. [2]

67. [Maximum mark: 7] 18M.1.AHL.TZ2.H_11

(a) Show that log r
2 x =

log r x where r, x ∈ R
. [2]

It is given that log 2

y + log 4 x + log 4 2x = 0 .

(c) The region R, is bounded by the graph of the function found in

part (b), the x-axis, and the lines x = 1 and x = α where α > 1
. The area of R is √2.

Find the value of α. [5]

68. [Maximum mark: 8] 18M.2.AHL.TZ1.H_7
It is known that the number of fish in a given lake will decrease by 7% each year
unless some new fish are added. At the end of each year, 250 new fish are added
to the lake.

At the start of 2018, there are 2500 fish in the lake.

(a) Show that there will be approximately 2645 fish in the lake at
the start of 2020. [3]

(b) Find the approximate number of fish in the lake at the start of
2042. [5]

69. [Maximum mark: 3] 18M.2.AHL.TZ1.H_1

The 3rd term of an arithmetic sequence is 1407 and the 10th term is 1183.

(b) Calculate the number of positive terms in the sequence. [3]

70. [Maximum mark: 6] 18M.2.AHL.TZ2.H_5

(a) 3n + 1
Express the binomial coefficient ( ) as a polynomial in
3n − 2

n . [3]

(b) 3n + 1
Hence find the least value of n for which ( ) > 10
3n − 2 [3]

71. [Maximum mark: 5] 17N.1.AHL.TZ0.H_1

Solve the equation log 2
(x + 3) + log 2 (x − 3) = 4 . [5]
72. [Maximum mark: 11] 17N.1.AHL.TZ0.H_10
Chloe and Selena play a game where each have four cards showing capital
letters A, B, C and D.
Chloe lays her cards face up on the table in order A, B, C, D as shown in the
following diagram.

Selena shuffles her cards and lays them face down on the table. She then turns
them over one by one to see if her card matches with Chloe’s card directly above.
Chloe wins if no matches occur; otherwise Selena wins.

(a) Show that the probability that Chloe wins the game is 3

. [6]

Chloe and Selena repeat their game so that they play a total of 50 times.
Suppose the discrete random variable X represents the number of times Chloe

(b.i) Determine the mean of X. [3]

(b.ii) Determine the variance of X. [2]

73. [Maximum mark: 15] 17N.2.AHL.TZ0.H_12
Phil takes out a bank loan of $150 000 to buy a house, at an annual interest rate
of 3.5%. The interest is calculated at the end of each year and added to the
amount outstanding.

(a) Find the amount Phil would owe the bank after 20 years. Give
your answer to the nearest dollar. [3]

To pay off the loan, Phil makes annual deposits of $P at the end of every year in a
savings account, paying an annual interest rate of 2% . He makes his first deposit
at the end of the first year after taking out the loan.

(b) Show that the total value of Phil’s savings after 20 years is

(1.02 −1)P


(c) Given that Phil’s aim is to own the house after 20 years, find the
value for P to the nearest dollar. [3]

David visits a different bank and makes a single deposit of $Q , the annual interest
rate being 2.8%.

(d.i) David wishes to withdraw $5000 at the end of each year for a
period of n years. Show that an expression for the minimum
value of Q is


2 + … +
n . [3]

(d.ii) Hence or otherwise, find the minimum value of Q that would

permit David to withdraw annual amounts of $5000
indefinitely. Give your answer to the nearest dollar. [3]

© International Baccalaureate Organization, 2024

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