Wizard School of Chronomancy

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School of Chronomancy Temporal Conduction

A chronomancer has unlocked the secrets of time while At 6th level, you have devised a means to pull extra
pursuing their wizard studies. The past, future, and even arcanic power through time. You can use your Arcane
the present hold untold potential. The school of Recovery feature at the end of each short rest.
chronomancy teaches aspects of magic that focus on In addition, you can use Arcane Recovery to recover a
sending perceptions and objects through time and space, single spell slot as an action, but gain one level of
as well as manipulating the flow of time itself. While not exhaustion each time you recover this way.
a traditional school of study, mastery over the energies The limit of expended spell slots you can recover
and infinite possibilities of time can be both difficult and between long rests with Arcane Recovery still applies
rewarding to achieve; as history and reality itself can be across all uses.
rewritten to your whims.
Divergent Preparation
Chronomancy Savant At 10th level, you can alter your history to be better
Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the prepared for upcoming tasks. When you finish a short
gold and time you must spend to copy a chronomancy rest, you can change your list of prepared spells by
spell into your spellbook is halved. exchanging spells for others of equivalent spell level.
With each use of this feature, you can exchange a
Wrinkle Time number of prepared spells equal to your Intelligence
modifier. You can’t exchange a prepared spell you have
At 2nd level, you can leverage your control of time to
cast since you last studied your spellbook to prepare
ease your passage through dangerous situations.
spells, or prepare spells that were not in your spellbook at
After taking the Dash action on your turn, you can use
that time. You do not need your spellbook to change your
your bonus action to stop time for everyone but you. You
prepared spells this way, and do not need to spend time
can move normally through the temporal stasis and have
studying it; you are altering the past to have already met
resistance to damage caused by moving through harmful
these requirements.
effects, such as a wall of fire. When you stop moving, or
For example, if you prepared darkness, a 2nd-level
do anything other than move, this effect ends and time
spell, during your last rest and have not cast it since, you
resumes. Other creatures are immune to effects of your
can exchange it for alter self, a 2nd-level spell, but not
passage while time is stopped.
disguise self, a 1st-level spell.
When time resumes, you appear in your new location in
what seems like an instant to onlookers.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to
half your wizard level (rounded down) per short or long

part 1|classes
Image “Shahalidor” of Sigantium by Dragonhatch Productions Design by QalarValar
Déjà Vécu Chronomancy Spells
By 14th level, your mastery of time has caused each
moment to be a mere glimpse of a possible reality. Cantrips (0 Level)
As a reaction to a completed attack or non-attack action, Mending
you can rewind time to before the attack or action Message
occurred, effectively nullifying any costs or outcomes. True Strike
You must be aware of the attack or action in order to react 1st Level
this way and do not recover your reaction as part of time
Absorb Elements
Expeditious Retreat
Only you and the creature that performed the attack or
Find Familiar
action are aware of the original outcome. Unless
otherwise compelled, the creature can attack a new target
or choose to perform a new action. If the creature repeats
the attack or action, the outcome is the same as when the 2nd Level
event first occurred. Gentle Repose
You may use this feature three times, regaining Mirror Image
expended uses upon completing a long rest. Misty Step
Locate Object
Variants: 3rd Level
Timely Knowledge Blink
Your Dungeon Master may allow you to forgo the half Clairvoyance
cost in gold or half cost in time granted by Fear
Chronomancy Savant to instead always know the
Glyph of Warding
number of hours that have passed since you last
completed a long rest. Haste
Consequences of Action Slow
Most actions you may take during combat are described
in Chapter 9 of the Player’s Handbook, and adhering to
this list may help bring balance to the Déjà Vécu
feature. However, you and your Dungeon Master may
find the feature more exciting if the same action may be
taken but with different choices being made, such as the
spell being cast, the targets of an ability, the object that
was interacted with, and so on.

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Image “Pathfinder Tales - Hanspir” by capprotti, capprotti.deviantart.com Design by QalarValar

4th Level
Arcane Eye
Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door
Leomund’s Secret Chest
Locate Creature

5th Level
Conjure Elemental
Contact Other Plane
Legend Lore
Teleportation Circle

6th Level
Arcane Gate
Drawmij’s Instant Summons
Flesh to Stone
Mass Suggestion

7th Level
Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion

8th Level

9th Level
Time Stop

part 1|classes
Design by QalarValar

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