Model Paper 1 Chemistry

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Subject Code: BAS 202

Roll No:

Engineering Chemistry
(Model Paper 1)

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70

Note: 1. Attempt all Sections and assume any missing data.
2. Appropriate marks are allotted to each question, answer accordingly.

1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2 X 7= 14

a. Define atom economy.

b. Explain lubricating property of graphite
c. IR spectra are often characterized as finger print region, comment on it.
d. Comment on red shift & blue shift.
e. State Pilling Bedworth Rule.
f. Define zeolite & mention its types.
g. Differentiate between thermoplastic & thermosets.

2. Attempt any three of the following: 7 X 3= 21

a. Mention 12 principles of green chemistry. Give definition & classification of liquid crystal.
b. State and derive the Lambert-Beer’s law. The percentage transmittance of an aqueous solution of unknown
compound is 20% at 25º C and 300 nm for a 2 x 10-5 M solution in a 4 cm cell. Calculate the absorbance and the
molar extinction coefficient.
c. Discuss setting & hardening of cement with chemical reactions.
d. Write chemical reactions of EDTA complexometric titration for determination of hardness of water.
e. What is R-Mg-X? Give its preparation and applications.

3. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 X 1= 7
(a). With the help of MO diagram, explain the formation of NO & O2 molecules. Calculate their bond order &
predict magnetic behavior also.
(b). Discuss synthesis of nano particles & applications of nanotechnology.

4. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 X 1= 7

(a). Give the basic principle of UV spectroscopy. Explain various types of electronic transition. Predict electronic
transition in CH3CHO..
5. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 X 1= 7
(a). Discuss sacrificial anodic method, impressed current method, material selection & design method.
(b). Write short note on dry, pit , drop, waterline & crevice corrosion.

6. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 X 1= 7

(a). What is the basic principle of Bomb calorimeter? A 0.80 g sample of solid fuel was completely combusted in the
excess of oxygen using bomb calorimeter. The rise in temperature of water in calorimeter was 2.5°C. Calculate the
High calorific value of the fuel, if the water taken in
calorimeter is 2000 gm & water equivalent of calorimeter is 2200 gm.
(b). Discuss ion exchange method with chemical equations & diagram of deionizer.

7. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 X 1= 7

(a). Write down the preparation, properties and applications of –

Buna-N, Nylon 6,6 , Terylene, Neoprene & Kevlar
(b). What are conducting polymers & discuss its classification and applications.

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