Physiologic Process

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NAME:_____________________________________________________ SECTION:_____________
I. Match the following terms that are related to the infectious process.
_____________1. Individual’s degree of resistance to pathogens A. Pathogen
B. Colonization
_____________2. Persons who show no symptoms of illness but who have the pathogens that are transferred to others
C. Infectious Disease
_____________3. Prevention of the growth and reproduction of bacteria by cold temperatures
D. Communicable Disease
_____________4. Infectious agent E. pH
_____________5. Bacteria that require oxygen for survival F. Portal of Exit
_____________6.Having an impaired immune system G. Major Route of
_____________7. Acidity of the environment transmission
_____________8. Bacteria that thrive with little or no free oxygen H. Virulence
_____________9. A temperature or chemical that destroys bacteria
I. Susceptibility
J. Immunocompromised
_____________10. A place where a pathogen survives
K. Reservoir
_____________11. Unwashed hands of a health care worker L. Carriers
_____________12. An infectious disease that is transmitted directly from one person to another M. Aerobic bacteria
_____________13.Organism that multiplies within a host but does not cause an infection N. Anaerobic bacteria
O. Bacteriostatis
_____________14. Sites such as blood, mucus membranes, respiratory tract, genitourinary tract, and gastrointestinal tract
_____________15.Illnesses such as viral meningitis or pneumonia P. Bactericidal
_____________16. Ability to survive in the host or outside the body
17. Development of an infection occurs in a cycle that depends on the following elements. Draw and describe the elements/ links that
make up the chain of infection

19. Explain the most common modes of transmission: C.

A. Direct _________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ D.
B. Indirect _________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ E
C. Droplet ._________________________________________________
D. Airborne 23. Describe the following infection precautions:
___________________________________________________ A. Standard
E. Vehicles ___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ B. Airborne
F. Vector ___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ C. Droplet
20. Define the following terminologies: ___________________________________________________
A. Inflammation D. Contact
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
B. Infection
___________________________________________________ 24. Identify some common nursing diagnoses that apply to
patients at risk or who have an actual infection.
21. Describe the two types of infection: A.
A. Localized ___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ B.
B. Systemic ___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ C.
22. Describe the cardinal signs of inflammation: D.
A. ___________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ E.
B. ___________________________________________________
NAME:_____________________________________________________ SECTION:_____________
Match the following biochemical units of nutrition
________1. Basal metabolic rate
(BMR) a. Vitamin C and B complex
________2. Resting energy expenditure b. Inorganic elements that act as catalysts in biochemical reactions
(REE) c. Energy needed to maintain life-sustaining activities for a
________3. kcal specific period of time at rest
________4. Nutrient density d. Simplest form of a protein
________5. Saccharides e. Made up of three fatty acids attached to a glycerol
________6. Simple carbohydrates f. The intake and output of nitrogen are equal
________7. Fiber g. Fatty acids that have two or more double carbon bonds
________8. Proteins h. Resting metabolic rate over a 24-hour period
________9. Amino acid i. Kilocalorie
________10. Indispensable amino acids j. Are found primarily in sugars
________11. Dispensable amino acids k. Polysaccharide that does not contribute calories to the diet
________12. Nitrogen balance l. Makes up 60% to 70% of total body weight
________13. Lipids m. Most calorie-dense nutrient; provides 9 kcal/g
________14. Triglycerides n. The proportion of essential nutrients to the number of kilocalories
________15. Saturated fatty acids o. Carbohydrate units
________16. Unsaturated fatty acids p. Alanine, asparagine, and glutamic acid
________17. Monounsaturated fatty acids q. Unequal number of hydrogen atoms are attached and the carbon
________18. Polyunsaturated fatty acids atoms attach to each other with a double bond
________19. Water r. Each carbon has two attached hydrogen atoms
________20. Fat-soluble vitamins s. Histidine, lysine, and phenylalanine
________21. Hypervitaminosis t. Results from megadoses of supplemental vitamins, fortified
________22. Water-soluble vitamins food, and large intake of fish oils
________23. Trace elements u. Vitamins A, D, E, and K
v. A source of energy (4kcal/g)
w. Fatty acids with one double bond

Match the following key terms related to the digestive system.

________24. Enzymes a. Anabolism of glucose into glycogen for storage

________25. Peristalsis b. Acidic, liquefied mass
________26. Chyme c. Catabolism of glycogen into glucose, carbon dioxide, and water
________27. Active transport d. Building of more complex biochemical substances by synthesis of nutrients
________28. Passive diffusion e. Breakdown of biochemical substances into simpler substances, occurring during a
________29. Osmosis negative nitrogen balance
________30. Pinocytosis f. Proteinlike substances that act as catalysts to speed up chemical reactions
________31. Metabolism g. Particles move from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser
________32. Anabolism concentration
________33. Catabolism
h. Wavelike muscular contractions
________34. Glycogenolysis
________35. Glycogenesis
i. Catabolism of amino acids and glycerol into glucose for energy
________36. Gluconeogenesis j. Engulfing of large molecules of nutrients by the absorbing cell
k. Movement of water through a membrane that separates
solutions of different concentrations, do not need a special “carrier”
l. Force by which particles move outward from an area of greater concentration to
lesser concentration
m. All biochemical reactions within the cells of the body

37-40. Describe the following therapeutic meal plans F. High Residue Diet
A. Clear Liquid ___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ G. Low fat/Low Cholesterol Diet
B. Full Liquid ___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ H. Low Sodium diet
C. Soft Diet ___________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ I. High Potassium Diet
D. Bland Diet ___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ J. Renal Diet
E. Low Residue Diet ___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ K. Low Purine Diet
NAME:_____________________________________________________ SECTION:_____________
Match the following terms related to the nature of movement.
________1. Movement a. Force that occurs in a direction to oppose movement
________2. Mobility b. Required to maintain a static position
________3. Body mechanics c. Coordination between the musculoskeletal and nervous system
________4. Body alignment d. Describes the coordinated efforts of the musculoskeletal and nervous
________5. Balance system
________6. Friction e. Used to show self-defense, perform activities of daily living (ADLs), and do
recreational activities
f. The individual’s center of gravity is stable

Match the following terms.

________7. Posture a. The awareness of the position of the body and its parts
________8. Activities of daily living b. Bands of tissue that connect muscle to bone
________9. Body alignment c. Muscles that are involved with joint stabilization
________10. Body balance
d. ADLs
________11. Coordinated body movement
________12.Friction e. The amount of exercise or activity that the person is able to perform
________13. Activity tolerance f. Have little movement but are elastic and use cartilage to separate body
________14. Isotonic contractions surfaces
________15. Isometric contractions g. Freely movable joints
________16. Resistive isometric exercises h. Nonvascular supporting tissue
________17. Fibrous joints i. Muscles that bring about movement of a joint
________18. Cartilaginous joints j. Muscles that contract to accomplish the same movement
________19. Synovial joints k. Maintained by the coordinated movements of the musculoskeletal and
________20. Ligaments nervous systems
________21. Tendons l. Movement that is the result of weight, center of gravity, and balance
________22. Cartilage
m. The force that occurs in a direction to oppose movement
________23. Antagonistic muscles
________24. Synergistic muscles n. Occurs with a low center of gravity and a wide, stable base of support
________25. Antigravity muscles o. Exercises that involve tightening or tensing of muscles without moving
________26. Proprioception body parts (quadriceps set exercises)
p. The relationship of one body part to another body part
q. Exercises that cause muscle contraction and change in muscle length
(walking, swimming, biking)
r. Bands of fibrous tissue that bind joints and connect bones and cartilage
s. Contraction of muscles while pushing against a stationary object or
resisting the movement of the object (e.g., push-ups)
t. Joints that fit closely together and are fixed

27. Identify the nursing diagnoses that are related to ___________________________________________________

activity and exercise. 29. What is the difference between active ROM and passive
a. ROM?
c. ___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Planning 30. Explain the following cardiovascular changes that

28. List three outcomes for a patient with deficits in activity and occur with immobility.
A. a. Orthostatic hypotension:
B. ___________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ b. Thrombus
NAME:_____________________________________________________ SECTION:_____________
Match the following terms related to pain. _________7.
a. Binds to receptors Neuromodulators
on peripheral nerves, increasing pain stimuli
_________1. Pain experience _________8.
b. Causes vasodilation and edemaPerception
_________2. Nociceptor _________9.
c. Involves physical, Modulation
emotional, and cognitive components
_________3. Substance P _________10. Paintothreshold
d. Level of pain a person is willing put up with
_________4. Serotonin _________11.
e. The point at which a personPain tolerance
is aware of pain
_________5. Prostaglandins f. Sensory peripheral pain nerve fiber
_________6. Bradykinin g. Inhibition of the pain impulse of the nociceptive process
h. Increase sensitivity to pain
i. Body’s natural supply of morphine like substances
j. Inhibits pain transmission
k. The point at which a person feels pain
C. Music
12. Explain the difference between the following.
a. Acute pain: ___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ D. Cutaneous Stimulation
b. Chronic pain
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
E.Heat and Cold Application
13. Define the following terms related to pain.
a. Chronic episodic pain: ___________________________________________________
b. Idiopathic pain 17. Identify the three types of analgesics used for pain relief.
___________________________________________________ A.
14. Pain is classified by inferred pathology. Describe the B.
following. ___________________________________________________
a. Nociceptive pain: C.
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
b. Somatic pain:
c. Visceral pain: 18. List patient outcomes appropriate for the patient
___________________________________________________ experiencing pain
d. Neuropathic pain: A.
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
e. Breakthrough pain: B.
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
f. Referred pain: C.
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
g. Phantom pain: .
___________________________________________________ 19-20. Describe the Mnemonic OPQRST to evaluate pain:
A. Onset
15. List potential or actual nursing diagnoses related to a patient
in pain: ___________________________________________________
A. B. Provoking or Palliative factors
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
B. C. Quality
C. ___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ D. Region or radiation, relieving factors
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
E. E. Severity
16. Identify nonpharmacologic interventions to lessen pain. F. Timing
Briefly explain each one.
A. Relaxation ___________________________________________________

B. Distraction


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