Reviewer - Readings in The Philippine History

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MAIN TOPIC I - INTRODUCTION TO researching and writing academic research or

HISTORY professional history. An objective historian

must verify sources, to date them, locate the
HISTORY place of origin and identify their intended
functions. It is important for a historian to
- A recitation of unrelated facts that do not base their accounts on source materials.
contribute to a larger story.
- A simple historical chronology of famous NATURE OF HISTORY
dates, incidents and people.
- A chronological storytelling in its finest 1. Interpretative - invites students to debate
form; it sequentially weaves together many multiple perspectives.
related historical and contemporary events 2. Revision in Scope - an on-going conversation
and ideas that are linked to a larger story. and a constant process of re-examining the
A. Definition 3. Constant Process of Questioning - It requires
● HISTORY refers to the study and questioning the text. Examining them with a
interpretation by a historian on the data and critical eye.
other sources of human activity, societies and 4. Integrative of Many Disciplines - It
civilizations leading to the present day. especially incorporates geography, literature,
art and sociology, economics and political
- HISTORY has always been known as the 5. Inclusive - Ensures that the experience of all
STUDY OF THE PAST. classes, regions and ethno-racial groups as
- The word HISTORY came from the Greek well as both genders is included.
word HISTORIA mean INQUIRY 6. Controversial - it presents all the facts and
- The word HISTORIA does not mean past examines both the negative and positive
events. actions of people and promotes real
understanding of historical issues and events.
C. HISTORY AND THE HISTORIAN 7. Incorporates Historiography - it includes
- HISTORIAN is an expert or student of many different interpretations of historical
history, especially that of a particular period, events written by many historians.
geographical region or social phenomenon. 8. Relevant - It uses past experiences to explain
- These historians seek not only historical what is important in our lives today.
evidence and facts but also to interpret these 9. All that Has Happened to Men - all of the
facts. man’s experiences, actions, political and
- Some authors define history as a study of economic strivings. In short, it is everything
historical perspective. In reconstructing the in the man’s past.
past, a historian can be subjective; after all he
is human, fallible and capable of error. MAIN TOPIC II - CONTENT AND
- People’s memories are filled with bias, self CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS OF SELECTED
righteousness,pride, vanity, spinning, PRIMARY SOURCES
obstruction and outright lies.
- Another way for a historian to be objective is D. SOURCES OF HISTORY - Historical sources are
to follow the historical method. It is the core tangible remains of the past.It is an object from the
protocols historians’ use for handling past or testimony concerning the past on which
sources. An agreed ground rules for
historians depend in order to create their own - are one step removed from primary sources,
depiction of the past. though they often quote or otherwise use
SOURCE - A source is a person or book that primary sources. They can cover the same
provides information for a news story or for a piece topic, but involve analysis, synthesis,
of research. (Collins Dictionary) interpretation, or evaluation of primary
sources. They often attempt to describe or
THREE KINDS OF SOURCES explain primary sources.
- interprets and analyzes primary sources.
I. Primary Sources - It is prepared by an individual who was not
direct witness to an event, but not who
- are immediate, first-hand accounts of a topic, obtained his or her description of the event
from people who had a direct connection from someone else.
with it.
- A testimony of an individual who was a in or
a direct witness to the event that is being Primary Source Secondary Source
- It is a document or physical object which was ● Specific data ● Overviews of
written or created during the time under a from a single multiple primary
study source. sources.
● Results and ● Information
- Primary sources are characterized by their
observations in about trends
content, regardless of whether they are the original themes or
available in original format, in microfilm, in context. backgrounds.
digital format or in published format. ● New findings ● Well-established
● More details facts
FIVE MAIN CATEGORIES OF PRIMARY about a few ● Less detail about
SOURCES things. many things.

1. Written Sources - Common are written sources or III. Tertiary Sources

documents.They are written or printed materials that
have been produced in one form or another - It provides third hand information by
sometime in the past. They may be published reporting ideas and details from secondary
materials such as travelog, transcription of speech, sources.
autobiographies, journals or newspapers. - An eyewitness is more reliable than
2. Numerical Records - which include any type of testimony at second hand, which is more
numerical data in printed or handwritten form. reliable than hearsay or tertiary sources.
3. Oral Statements - which include any form of
statement made orally by an eyewitness. A. DEFINITION
4. Relics - any objects whose physical or visual
characteristics can provide some information about HISTORICAL CRITICISM is a branch of criticism
the past. that investigates the origin of text or source in order
5. Image - It includes photographs, posters, to understand the word behind the text.
paintings, drawing cartoons and maps.
- The primary goal of historical criticism is to
II. Secondary Sources discover the text's primitive or original
historical context and its literal sense.
- The secondary goal seeks to establish a is an expression, word or phrase that has a
reconstruction of the historical situation of figurative meaning conventionally
the author and recipients of the text. understood by native speakers.
4. The fourth test is the anachronistic reference
B. ADDITIONAL GOAL OF HISTORICAL to events. For example if the event cited in
CRITICISM the document is prior to the actual event, then
the document must be forged or fake.
Historical criticism seeks greater understanding of 5. The fifth test of authenticity is the
the texts by analyzing the historical and social provenance or custody of the document.
contexts in which they developed. The goal of Provenance is the place of origin of the
historical criticism, traditionally, has been to try to earliest known history of documents. It traces
understand the text’s meaning in its original context the roots of any source.
and to answer questions about the text, such as: Who
wrote it? When was it written? What else what OTHER TWO TEST OF AUTHENTICITY
happening at the time of its writing? How did it
come to be in the form we have it today? What did it 1. SEMANTICS – linguistic study of meaning
mean to the people who first read or heard it? 2. HERMENEUTICS – theory and methodology of
EXTERNAL CRITICISM - This type of criticism looks for deeper or
- Type of criticism looks for the obvious sign more intense study of sources. Usually
of forgery or misinterpretation. historians first apply external criticism before
- It test the authenticity of the sources. It is undergoing the test of credibility because of
interested in the writing styles of the internal criticisms implicit character.
eyewitness and his ignorance of the facts. - Internal criticism has to do with what the
document says. It investigates the content or
TEST OF AUTHENTICITY substance of a document and the author’s
point of view. This type of criticism tests the
1. The first step to test a source is to determine credibility of the source
the date of document to see whether it is
anachronistic. TEST OF CREDIBILITY
Anachronism means out of time or order, something
that could not have been there at that particular time. 1. The first step is the identification of the
2. The second step is to determine the author’s author. It determines if the witness is reliable
handwriting, signature or seal. We can or if he is consistent by comparing his other
compare the handwriting of a particular works.
author to his other writings. Obvious sign of 2. The second step in testing the credibility of
forgery in include patch writing, hesitation as the eyewitness is to determine the
revealed by ink blobs, pauses in the writing, approximate date.
tremor causing poor line quality and erasures. 3. The third step in testing the credibility of the
3. The third test in determining the authenticity source is its ability to tell the truth. Basically
of the source is by looking for the they look for the background of the author
anachronistic style. In this test we will like education, health, age or social status.
examine idiomatic expression or the The last test for this step is the degree of the
orthography used in the documents. An idiom attention of the eyewitness. Whether the
sources witness the event only partly or if he - To check the authenticity of the source, check
witnesses the event from the start to finish. the provenance or origin of the said
4. The fourth step is the willingness to tell the document. Determine also the intended
truth. If the eyewitness is coerced, forced or audience or the people the author wants to
somebody threaten him to tell something then convey their ideas with, where the primary
his account is not valid. If the eyewitness source can be found.
wants to hide something for personal reason - Look for the purpose or motive of the source.
5. The last step is to look for corroboration. How do you discover the purpose or the
This particular step rest upon the independent reason it was originally made?
testimony of two or more reliable sources.
The words independent testimony must be C. CONTENT ANALYSIS OF THE IMPORTANT
- Compare the primary source provided by the
Content refers to the actual words or information instructor with reliable internet sources to
being conveyed. This is the meat of the message – corroborate information. Look for similarities
what's actually being said or written. in content, ensuring alignment in key points
and details. Verify consistency across
Context refers to the circumstances or situation multiple sources, considering their intended
surrounding the communication that may affect its audience and purpose.
meaning or interpretation. - Analyze bias in the primary source by
examining extreme word choices and
ANALYZE THE CONTEXT, CONTENT AND unbalanced language that indicates strong
PERSPECTIVE OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF positivity or negativity towards the subject.
SOURCES Identify any prejudices present.
- Analyze a creator's historical perspective by
A. Background of the Author/Creator investigating their background, including
- First the researcher must provide brief nationality, social status, political persuasion,
biographical sketch of the author or creator of cultural background, religion, and education
the primary source. - Analyze a document's historical context by
- Family background, educational attainment, considering its date, place of origin, and
religion and many others shall be given concurrent events. Examine its language to
priority in presenting the biography of the understand its perspective within the
author. historical period, fostering historical empathy
without imposing modern standards.
- The type of primary source, how many parts DOCUMENT IN UNDERSTANDING THE
or chapter, how long is the document shall be GRAND NARRATIVE OF PHILIPPINE HISTORY
given attention
- Where the primary source can be found. The - Identify the causes and consequences of the
repository of primary sources may be found primary sources. A cause is what makes
in the library, archive, museum, historical something happen, while a consequence is a
society or special collection of private direct result of the cause. Look for the
turning point or dramatic moment of change identified as the site of the first baptism with Rajah
caused by the event or primary source. Humabon, Queen Juana and hundreds of their
community members being the first converts,
E. RELEVANCE OF THE DOCUMENTS TO THE according to the accounts of Antonio Pigafetta, the
PRESENT TIME. chronicler of the Magellan-Elcano expedition. The
first baptism was on April 14, 1521
- Look for the historical significance or what
modern people consider to be important from Antonio Pigafetta ( LIMASAWA )
the past. The historical significance of events, JOURNAL: First Voyage Around the World
people, or ideas is subjective and varies
among individuals. Different people may Antonio Pigafetta was a Venetian scholar and
prioritize different aspects of history, leading explorer. He joined the Spanish expedition to the
to disagreements over what is considered Spice Islands led by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand
important and the reasons behind its Magellan, the world's first circumnavigation, and is
significance. best known for being the chronicler of the voyage.
During the expedition, he served as Magellan's
How to determine the significance of the event? assistant until Magellan's death in the Philippine
Islands, and kept an accurate journal, which later
Novelty: How unique or groundbreaking the event assisted him in translating the Cebuano language. It
is. is the first recorded document concerning the
Applicability: How relevant the event is to today's language.
Memory: How the event is remembered over time. - Pigafetta was born to a prominent noble
Effect: The impact the event had on people and family in the city of Vicenza in northeast
society. Italy. Recent archival research indicates that
his father was Giovanni Pigafetta and his
MAIN TOPIC III - ONE PAST BUT MANY mother was a noblewoman named Lucia,
HISTORIES daughter of Marco Muzan. The couple was
married in March 1492, implying that
THE FIRST MASS SITE IN THE PHILIPPINES Antonio was born sometime after that
LIMASAWA vs BUTUAN date.Details of his education are unknown but
he later boasted of having "read many
CEBU CITY, Philippines —— With the books".There is a tradition that as a youth
quincentennial celebration approaching, the Catholic Pigafetta sailed the Mediterranean with the
Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Knights of Rhodes but there is no record of
hopes the debates on the true location of the first such activity, only the observation that he
Mass will finally be resolved. later became a member of the order. At some
Fr. Marvin Mejia, secretary-general of the CBCP, point he entered into the service of papal
said the matter was still being looked into by the ambassador Francesco Chiericati, an
National Historical Commission of the Philippines apostolic protonotary and a close associate of
(NHCP) and the Association of Church Historians in Pope Leo X. Like Pigafetta, Chiericati was
the Philippines. also from Vicenza. In 1518, Leo X sent
The first Mass and the first baptism are the two Chiericati to the royal court in Spain to serve
major historical ecclesiastical events that are given as ambassador. Pigafetta accompanied the
focus in the quincentennial celebrations sanctioned ambassador's retinue, first to Zaragoza for
by the CBCP and the Archdiocese of Cebu. Cebu is two months and then to Barcelona.
- While in Spain, Pigafetta heard of Magellan's "Report on the First Voyage Around the
planned expedition to find a western route to World
the Spice Islands. The adventure appealed to - According to Antonio Pigafetta, the first
him and he convinced Chiericati that his mass was held on March 31, 1521, Easter
participation on this historic voyage would be Sunday. It was officiated by Friar Pedro de
advantageous for the Vatican. With the Valderrama that was ordered by Ferdinand
approval of the papal ambassador and King Magellan. Nearing 500 years since the first
Charles, Pigafetta was provided with letters Mass, debates continue whether it was held
of introduction before he set out for Seville in on Limasawa Island, in Agusan or
May 1519. Magellan accepted his application somewhere else.
to join the expedition and hired him for a
modest monthly salary of 1,000 maravedís. FRANCISCO ALBO (BUTUAN) LOGBOOK
He was enrolled under the name Antonio He is navigator from the island of rhodes in southern
Lombardo and his position was described as aegean island joined the magellan expedition as a
one of the "servants of the captain and pilot of the magellan flagship “TRINIDAD” he was
supernumeraries" one of the 18 survivors who returned to sebastian
- When the expedition set sail in August 1519, elcano on the “victoria” after having
Pigafetta was assigned to the flagship circumnavigated the world.
Trinidad where he served Magellan and - his intention was to keep a log book of the
became his great admirer. Pigafetta did not voyage that provides data for the actual
appear to have any specific role except to course sailed by the vessel and turns out as
keep a daily record of his observations, a task the basis where did the first mass in the
that he undertook with great diligence. He philippines was held.
recorded extensive information concerning - On the 16th of March (1521) as they sailed in
the geography, climate, and natural history of a westerly course from Ladrones, spot a land
the places visited by the expedition. He was towards the northwest; but owing to many
especially interested in the native inhabitants shallow places they did not approach it. They
encountered along the way and took found later that its name was Yunagan.
meticulous notes on their appearance, social - On the same day they went southwards to
customs and languages. In contrast to the another small island named Suluan. They saw
accuracy of his personal observations, he had some canoes but these fled at the Spaniards
a tendency to accept even the most Approach. This island was a 9 and two-thirds
outrageous tales told to him about the lands degrees North-latitude.
they visited. - Departing from those two islands, they sailed
- Pigafetta was wounded on Mactan in the westward to an uninhabited island of “Gada”
Philippines, where Magellan was killed in the where they took in a supply of wood and
Battle of Mactan in April 1521. Nevertheless, water. The sea around that island was free
he recovered and was among the 18 who from shallows, (Albo does not give the
accompanied Juan Sebastián Elcano on board latitude of this sland, but from Pigafetta’s
the Victoria on the return voyage to Spain testimony, this seems to be the “Acquada” or
.Upon reaching port in Sanlúcar de Homonhon, at 10 degrees North latitude.)
Barrameda in the modern Province of Cadiz - From that island they sailed westwards
in September 1522, three years after his towards a large island name Seilani that was
departure, Pigafetta returned to the Republic inhabited and was known to have gold.
of Venice. He related his experiences in the - Sailing southwards along the coast of that
large island of Seilani, they turned southwest
to a small island called “Mazava” that island Is a brief revolution/protest of 200 filipino troops
is also at a latitude of 9 and two-thirds and workers at the cavite which is born due to
degrees North. prejudice of spaniards to filipinos. it is a major event
- The people in the island of Mazava were very that inspires nationalism among Filipinos.
good. There the Spaniards planted a cross
upon a mountain-top, and from there they GOMBURZA
were shown three islands to the west and the - Noted, the GOMBURZA led the campaign
southwest, where they were told there was against the abusive friars and fought for equal
such gold. “They showed us how the gold rights among priests.
was gathered, which came in small pieces
like peas and lentils.” MARIANO GOMEZ

MIGUEL A. BERNAD - Mariano Gomez de los Angeles

The site of the first mass in the Philippines: A - Born : August 2, 1799 Santa Cruz, Manila
Reexamination of the Evidence - Died : February 17,1872
- Bagumbayan, Manila
- Using the primary sources available, Jesuit - Often known by his birth name Mariano
priest Miguel A. Bernard in his work Butuan Gomez y Custodio or Mariano Gomez in
or Limasawa: The Site of the First Mass in modern orthography - Mariano was a filipino
the Philippines: A Reexamination of catholic priest who was falsely accused of
Evidence (1981) lays down the argument that mutiny by the spanish colonial authorities in
in Pigafetta's account,a crucial aspect of the philippines in the 19th century.
Butuan was not mentioned - the river. - He was placed in a mock trial and summarily
- Butuan is a riverine settlement, situated on executed in Manila along with two other
the Agusan river. The beach of Masao is in clergymen collectively known as
the delta of said river. It is crucial omission in GOMBURZA.
the account of the river, which makes part of - In 1872, Gomez, along with father Burgos
a distinct characteristics of Butuan's and Zamora, became embroiled in the events
geography that seemed to be too important to leading up to the Cavite Mutiny, which was a
be missed. failed uprising against Spanish colonial rule.
- It must be pointed out that later on, after - While there is debate about their actual
Magellan's death, the survivors of his involvement in the mutiny,the Spanish
expedition went to Mindanao, and seemingly authorities used the incident as a pretext to
went to Butuan. In this instance, Pigafetta suppress dissent among the Filipino clergy.
vividly describes a trip in a river. But note
that this account already happened after JOSE BURGOS
Magellan's death - José Apolonio Burgos y García
- February 9, 1837, Vigan, Ilocos Sur
To end the conflict for the issue about the first mass, - February 17, 1872 (aged 35), Bagumbayan,
the National Historical Commission of the Manila - San Juan de Letran College,
Philippines or the (NHCP) has confirmed that the University of santo tomas He received the
1521 Easter Sunday mass is on Limasawa island in degree of Bachelor of Philosophy in 1855,
southern leyte was the country/s First Catholic Mass. Bachelor of Theology in 1859, Licentiate in
Philosophy in 1860, Licentiate in Theology
THE CAVITE MUTINY in 1862, Doctor of Theology Doctor of
Canon Law in 1868.
- He was ordained second priest of the not only just because of the uplifting of the
cathedral, fiscal of the ecclesiastical court, tax exemptions to the laborers of the Cavite
and professor and master of ceremonies of arsenal but also a revolt to overthrow the
the University of Santo Tomas spanish rule from assassination of the
governor-general to general massacre of all
JACINTO ZAMORA spaniards including the friars.
- Jacinto Zamora y Del Rosario - Montero without any doubt emphasized that
- August 14, 1835, Pandacan, Manila all Filipinos accused, executed and exiled
- His parents were Venancio Zamora and were truly guilty and that all deserved their
Hilario del Rosario (36) february 17, 1872, at sentence.
Bagumbayan field in Manila Colegio de San - The cavite mutiny was an aim of the natives
Juan de Letran and graduated with a Degree to get of the spanish government in the
of bachelor of arts at University of Santo philippines, due to the removal of privileges
Tomas and obtained a Degree of Bachelor of enjoyed by the laborers of the cavite arsenal
Canon and civil laws. at fort san felipe, such as exemption from the
- He prepared for priesthood in the seminary of tribute and forced labor (polo y servicio).
manila. He had dreamt of becoming a priest - The democratic and republican books and
at a young age. After being given ministerial pamphlets, the speeches and preaching of the
and priestly authority, Zamora was able to apostles of these new ideas in Spain and the
establish parishes in Marikina, Pasig, and outburst of the American publicists and the
Batangas and was assigned to oversee Manila cruel policies of the insensitive governor
Cathedral on 3 December 1864. whom the reigning government sent to
- Zamora had a habit of playing cards after govern the country. Native Filipinos put into
saying mass. Once, he received an invitation action these ideas where the occurring
stating that his friend had "powder and conditions gave rise to the idea of achieving
munitions"; in a gambler's language, "powder their independence.
and munitions" meant that the player had
much money to gamble with. This invitation Official report on the Cavite Mutiny
fell into the hands of the Spaniards and - Rafael Izquierdo Governor-general in the
worse, it was on the night of the cavite Philippines (April 4,1871- January 8, 1873)
mutiny. - "Iron Fist

Spanish Version of the Cavite Mutiny of 1872 Reasons

Jose Montero y Vedal - The abolition of privileges enjoyed by the

workers of cavite arsenal such as
- Montero was one of the most knowledgeable non-payment of tributes.
of the Spanish historians in the Philippines. - Exemption from force labor were the main
At the time of the Cavite Mutiny of 1872, reasons of the “revolution” as how they
- He was a government official residing in called it.
Manila. - His account was an interpretation - Spanish revolution which overthrew the
and views of a government official toward secular throne.
the mutiny. - Dirty propagandas proliferated by
- According to him,the event was premeditated unrestrained press, democratic, liberal and
and the primary instigator were the three republican books and pamphlets reaching the
priests― GOMBURZA, and its caused was Philippines
- And most importantly, the presence of the - The “revolution” was easily crushed when
native clergy who, out of animosity against the expected reinforcement from manila did
the Spanish friars, “conspired and supported” not come ashore.
the rebels and enemies of spain.
- He reported to the King of Spain that the Filipino Version of the Cavite Mutiny of 1872
“Rebels” wanted to overthrow the spanish
government to install a new “Hari” Pardo de Tavera, Trinidad (April 13, 1857 – March
- According to him, native clergy attracted 26, 1925)
supporters by giving them charismatic
assurance that their fight would not fail - A Filipino physician, historian, and politician
because they had god’s support, aside from of Spanish and Portuguese descent. Trinidad,
promises of lofty rewards such as also known by his name t. H. Pardo de
employment, wealth, and ranks in the army. Tavera was known for his writings about
- Izquierdo, in his report lambasted the indios different aspects of Philippine culture. He
as gullible and possessed an innate wrote the filipino version of the terror in
propensity for stealing. cavite.
- It seems definite that the insurrection was - In his point of view, the incident was a mere
motivated and prepared by the native clergy, mutiny by the native Filipino soldiers and
by the mestizos, native lawyers or a laborers of the cavite arsenal who turned out
bogadillos and the residents of manila and to be dissatisfied with the abolition of their
cavite. - They allegedly plan to liquidate privileges.
high-ranking spanish officers, then kill the - Indirectly, Tavera blamed Gov. Izquierdo’s
friars. cold-blooded policies such as the abolition of
privileges of the workers and native army
Evening of January 20, 1872 members of the arsenal and the prohibition of
the founding of the school of arts and trades
- The Caviteños attacked the Spanish Officers for the filipinos, which the general believed
however their plan was unsuccessful. was a cover-up for the organization of a
- The pre-concerted signal is firing of rockets political club.
from the walls of Intramuros. - Tavera thinks that the Spanish friars and
- The district of Sampaloc celebrated the feast Izquierdo used the Cavite Mutiny as a way to
of the virgin of Loreto, unfortunately address other issues by blowing out
participants to the feast celebrated the proportion the isolated mutiny attempt.
occasion with the usual fireworks displays. During this time, the central government in
Allegedly, those in Cavite mistook the Madrid was planning to deprive the friars of
fireworks as the sign for the attack. all the powers of intervention in the matters
- A 200-men contingent headed by sergeant of civil government and the direction and
Lamadrid launched an attack targeting management of educational institutions. The
Spanish officers at sight and seized the friars needed something to justify their
arsenal. continuing dominance in the country, and the
- When the news reached the iron-fisted gov. mutiny provided such an opportunity.
Izquierdo readily ordered the reinforcement - However, the central Spaniards government
of the Spanish forces in Cavite to quell the introduced an educational decree fusing
revolt. sectarian schools run by the friars into a
school called the philippine institute. The
decree aimed to improve the standard of
education in the Philippines by requiring - On the other hand, Teodoro Agoncillo based
teaching positions in these schools to be his account from that of Pio Valenzuela that
filled by competitive examinations, an emphasized Pugad Lawin as the place where
improvement welcomed by most Filipinos. the 'cry' happened.
- Tavera did an amazing job of writing the
Cavite mutiny from a Filipino perspective. Some reasons why Pugad Lawin is not considered as
He rebutted the claims and allegations of the place of the 'cry'.
Montero and Izquierdoo as the main cause of 1. People of Balintawak initiated the revolution
the revolt. With that, he also explained the against the Spaniards that is why it is not appropriate
other side of the coin with transparency. to call it 'Cry of Pugad Lawin'.
2. The place Pugad Lawin only existed in 1935 after
Cry of Balintawak or Pugad Lawin the rebellion happened in 1896. Lastly,
3. The term 'Pugad Lawin' was only made up
The Cry of Pugad Lawin marked the start of the because of the hawk's nest at the top of a tall tree at
Philippine Revolution in 1896 which eventually led the backyard of Tandang Sora in Banlat, Gulod,
to Independence of the country in 1898. Caloocan where it is said to be one of the hiding
places of the revolutionary group led by Andres
The "Grito de Balintawak" tradition Teodoro Bonifacio.
There were five dates for the Cry - August 20, 23,
- it has been widely believed that the first cry 24, 25, 26 – Balintawak, Pugad Lawin, Kangkong,
of the revolution took place in Balintawak, Bahay Toro, Pasong Tamo
Caloocan. Agoncillo gave the exact date for
the cry as August 23, 1896, and the exact So when and where did it actually happen?
place to be not Balintawak but Pugadlawin.
The Balintawak tradition continues to thrive. - The cry occurred towards the end of August
Nick Joaquin writes in support of 1896 and that all the places mentioned are in
Balintawak, which was more popular 11 than Caloocan, which in those times was a district
that of the Pugadlawin. el grito de rebelion of Balintawak!"
(cry of rebellion) or el grito for short. Thus
the Grito de Balintawak is comparable to THE "CRY" OF PUGAD LAWIN
Mexico's Grito de Dolores (1810).
- The Cry of Balintawak (Filipino: Sigaw ng
Why Balintawak? Balintawak, Spanish: Grito de Balintawak),
was the beginning of the Philippine
- The Cry of Rebellion in the Philippines Revolution against the Spanish Empire.
happened in August 1896. There are lot of - At the close of August 1896, members of the
controversies puzzling the minds of the Katipunan secret society (Katipuneros) led by
readers regarding the real place and date of Andrés Bonifacio rose up in revolt
this event. Some accounts pointing directly to somewhere in an area referred to as Caloocan
Balintawak are associated with 'The Cry. Lt. wider than the jurisdiction of present-day
Olegario Diaz of the Spanish Civil Guards Caloocan City which may have overlapped
wrote in 1896 that the event happened in into present-day Quezon
Balintawak, which corroborates the accounts
of the historian Gregorio Zaide and Teodoro
Pio Valenzuela Close associate Pugad Lawin, Valenzuela maintained that the Cry happened
of Andres August 23 on 24 August at the house of Tandang Sora
Bonifacio. 1896 (Melchora Aquino) in Pugad Lawin, which
he now situated near Pasong Tamo Road. A
Gregorio Zaide Historian Balintawak, photograph of Bonifacio’s widow Gregoria
August 26,
de Jesus and Katipunan members Valenzuela,
Briccio Brigido Pantas, Alfonso and Cipriano
Santiago A katipunero Bahay Toro, Pacheco, published in La Opinion in 1928
Alvarez and son of now in Quezon and 1930, was captioned both times as
Mariano City, August having been taken at the site of the Cry on 24
Alvarez, the 24, 1896 August 1896 at the house of Tandang Sora at
leader of
Magdiwang Pasong Tamo Road.
faction in - In 1935 Valenzuela, Pantas and Pacheco
Cavite. proclaimed “na hindi sa Balintawak nangyari
ang unang sigaw ng paghihimagsik na
Lt. Olegario An officer of Balintawak, kinalalagian ngayon ng bantayog, kung di sa
Diaz the Spanish August 25,
pook na kilala sa tawag na Pugad Lawin.”
guardia civil 1896
(The first Cry of the revolution did not
Teodoro Historian Pugad Lawin, happen in Balintawak where the monument
Agoncillo August 23, is, but in a place called Pugad Lawin.) -
1896 Valenzuela memoirs averred that the Cry
Teodoro Kalaw Wrote in his Last week of took place on 23 August at the house of Juan
book The August 1896, Ramos at Pugad Lawin. The NHI was
Filipino Kangkong obviously influenced by Valenzuela’s
Revolution Balintawak memoirs. In 1963, upon the NHI
endorsement, President Diosdado Macapagal
ordered that the Cry be celebrated on 23
August and that Pugad Lawin be recognized
PIO VALENZUELA as its site.
- Pío Valenzuela y Alejandrino (July 11, 1869 ALVAREZ SANTIAGO
– April 6, 1956) was a Filipino physician and CRY OF BAHAY TORO
revolutionary leader. Together with Andrés - Santiago Álvarez y Virata; (July 25, 1872 –
Bonifacio and Emilio Jacinto, they formed October 30, 1930) was a revolutionary
the secret chamber of the society called general and a founder and honorary president
Camara Reina. of the first directorate of the short-lived
- In August 1896, Valenzuela stated before the earlier Partido Nacionalista which existed
Olive Court, which was charged with from 1901 to 1907.
investigating persons involved in the - Also known as Kidlat ng Apoy because of his
rebellion, only that Katipunan meetings took inflamed bravery and dedication as
place from Sunday to Tuesday or 23 to 25 commander of Cavite's famous battles
August at Balintawak. (particularly that in Dalahican), he was
- In 1911, Valenzuela averred that the celebrated in present-day Cavite City as the
Katipunan began meeting on 22 August Hero of the Battle of Dalahican.
while the Cry took place on 23 August at - Another version of the Cry that launched the
Apolonio Samson’s house in Balintawak. - Philippine Revolution was written by
Santiago Alvarez, a famous Katipunan Carreon, Briccio Pantas, Teodoro Plata, and
warlord of Cavite, son of Mariano Alvarez Pio Valenzuela. They were all leaders of the
and relative of Gregoria deJesus (wife of Katipunan and composed the bodirectors of
Andres Bonifacio). Although Alvarez was in the organization. Pantas, Plata, and
Cavite at the time, here is his first Cry Valenzuela were all opposed to starting the
version as follows: Sunday, August 23, 1896 revolution too early. The leaders questioned
As early as 10 o'clock in the morning, at the the wisdom of an open rebellion due to the
barn of Kabesang Melchora *Melchora lack of arms and logical support. However,
[Aquino—Z.],at a place called Sampalukan, a after Bonifacio’s intense and convincing
barrio of Bahay Toro, Katipuneros met speech, everyone destroyed their cedulas to
together. About 500 of these arrived, ready symbolize their defiance of Mother Spain and
and eager to join the Supremo - Andres together, raised the cry of “revolt”
Bonifacio and his men. Monday, August 24,
1896 There were about 1,000 Katipuneros. MILAGROS C. GUERRERO'S Balintawak: The
The Supremo decided to hold a meeting Cry for a Nationwide Revolution
inside the big barn. Under his leadership, the IN FOCUS: BALINTAWAK: THE CRY FOR A
meeting began at10 o'clock in the morning. It NATIONWIDE REVOLUTION
was 12 o'clock noon when the meeting
adjourned amidst loud cries of "Long live the - Nineteenth-century journalists used the
Sons of the Country"(Mabuhay ang mga phrase “el grito de rebelion” or “The Cry of
Anak ng Bayan). Rebellion” to describe the momentous events
sweeping the Spanish colonies; in Mexico it
GREGORIA DE JESUS VERSION OF THE FIRST was the “Cry of Dolores” (16 September
CRY 1810), Brazil the “City of Ypiraga” (7
- May 9, 1875 - March 15, 1943 wife of September 1822), and in Cuba the “Cry of
Andres Bonifacio. Also known as Oryang Matanza” (24 February 1895). In August
“Lakambini ng Katipunan” Keeper of the 1896, northeast of Manila, Filipinos similarly
secret documents, seal, and some weapons of declared their rebellion against the Spanish
the Katipunan and constantly risks her life in colonial government
safeguarding them.
GUILLERMO MASANGKAY’S “CRY OF - The historian Teodoro Agoncillo chose to
BALINTAWAK” emphasize Bonifacio’s tearing of the cedula
- Guillermo Masangkay an eyewitness of the (tax receipt) before a crowd of Katipuneros
historic event and a childhood friend of who then broke out in cheers. However,
Bonifacio. born on June 25, 1867 in Tondo, Guardia Civil Manuel Sityar never mentioned
Manila. He died on May 30, 1963. in his memoirs (1896-1898) the tearing or
- On 26 August 1896, after the Katipunan was inspection of the cedula, but did note the
discovered, Masangkay joined Bonifacio, pacto de sangre (blood pact) mark on every
Emilio Jacinto and others in a big meeting single Filipino he met in August 1896 on his
held at Apolinario Samson’s house in reconnaissance missions around Balintawak
Caloocan. The purpose was to discuss when - It is quite clear that first, eyewitnesses cited
the uprising was to take place. Those who Balintawak as the better-known reference
have attended the meeting was Bonifacio, point for a larger area. Second, while
Emilio Jacinto, Aguedo del Rosario, Tomas Katipunan may have been massing in
Remigio, Enrique Pacheco, Francisco Kangkong, the revolution was formally
launched elsewhere. Moreover, eyewitnesses - On 30 June 1983, Quezon City Mayor
and therefore historians, disagreed on the site Adelina S. Rodriguez created the Pugad
and date of the Cry. Lawin Historical Committee to determine the
- The controversy among historians continues location of Juan Ramos’s 1896 residence at
to the present day. The “Cry of Pugad Lawin” Pugad Lawin. There was an old dap-dap tree
(August 23, 1896) cannot be accepted as at the site when the NHI conducted its survey
historically accurate. It lacks positive I 1983. Teodoro Agoncillo, Gregorio Zaide
documentation and supporting evidence from and Pio Valenzuela do not mention a dap-dap
the witness. The testimony of only one tree in their books.
eyewitness (Dr. Pio Valenzuela) is not - Pio Valenzuela, the main proponent of the
enough to authenticate and verify a “Pugad Lawin” version, was dead by the time
controversial issue in history. Historians and the committee conducted its research. In spite
their living participants, not politicians and of the above findings and in the absence of
their sycophants, should settle this any clear evidence, the NHI disregarded its
controversy. own 1964 report that the Philippine
Historical Committee had determined in 1940
CONFLICTING ACCOUNTS that the Pugad Lawin residence was Tandang
- Pio Valenzuela had several versions of the Sora’s and not Juan Ramos’s and that the
Cry. Only after they are compared and specific site of Pugad Lawin was Gulod in
reconciled with the other accounts will it be Banlat.
possible to determine what really happened.
- John N. Schrumacher, S.J, of the Ateneo de ANG SIGAW SA PUGAD LAWIN (1896)
Manila University was to comment on Pio
Valenzuela’s credibility: - Sa paligid ng pook na ito, si Andres
" I would certainly give much less credence to all Bonifacio at mga isang libong Katipunero at
accounts coming from Pio Valenzuela, and to the nagpulong noong umaga ng ika-23 Agosto
interpretations Agoncillo got from him verbally since 1896, at ipinasyang maghimagsik laban sa
Valenzuela gave so many versions from the time he Kastila sa Pilipinas. Bilang patunay ay
surrendered to the Spanish authorities and made pinag-pupunit ang kanilang mga sedula na
various statements not always compatible with one naging tanda ng 14 pagkaalipin ng mga
another up to the time when as an old man he was Pilpino. Ito ang kaunaunahang sigaw ng
interviewed by Agoncillo". Bayang Api laban sa bansang Espanya na
pinatibayan sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng
- The place name “Pugad Lawin“, however, is
- Consequently, Macapagal ordered that the problematic. In History of the Katipunan
Cry of Balintawak be called the “Cry of (1939), Zaide records Valenzuela’s mention
Pugad Lawin” and that it be celebrated on 23 of the site in a footnote and not in the body of
August instead of 26 August. The 1911 text, suggesting that the Historian regarded
monument in Balintawak was later removed the matter as unresolved.
to a highway. Student groups moved to save
the discarded monument, and it was installed CARTOGRAPHIC CHANGES
in front of Vinzons Hall in the Diliman - In 1943 map of Manila marks Balintawak
campus of the University of the Philippines separately from Kalookan and Diliman. The
on 29 November 1968. sites where revolutionary events took place
are within the ambit of Balintawak.
- Government maps issued in 1956, 1987, and Katipunan or KKK and established on July 7,
1990, confirm the existence of barangays 1892.
Bahay Toro, but do not define their - It's primary goal is to gain independence
boundaries. Pugad Lawin is not on any of from Spain through revolution.
these maps. - The Katipunan was a secret organization until
- Writer and linguist Sofronio Calderon, it was discovered in August 19, 1896 which
conducting research in the late 1920s on the led to start the Philippine Revolution, which
toponym “Pugad Lawin,” went through the is now called as the 'first cry'.
municipal records and the Census of 1903 - Bonifacio and his men used itak or gulok
and 1918, could not find the name, and during the revolution. With a bloody
concluded that “Isang… pagkakamali… ang revolution, the Katipunan’s aim to win
sabihing mayroong Pugad Lawin sa Philippine Independence.
Kalookan.” (It would be a mistake to say that
there is such as Pugad Lawin in Kalookan.) SIGNIFICANT EVENTS IN THE FIRST CRY
- The Cry, however, must be defined as that Tearing Up of Community Tax Certificates
turning point when the Filipinos finally - The tearing up of community tax certificates
rejected Spanish colonial dominion over the (cedulas personales) symbolizes the
Philippine Islands, by formally constituting termination of Katipuneros loyalty to Spanish
their own national government, and by Regime.
investing a set of leaders with authority to
initiate and guide the revolution towards the Patriotic Shouts such as "Viva La Independencia
establishment of sovereign nation. These Filipina
lines- in a legal document at that – are - The shouts for "Viva La Independence
persuasive proof that in so far as the leaders Filipina" or "Long Live Philippine
of the revolution are concerned, revolution Independence!" was to express the goal of
began on 24 August 1896. The document was their secret organization.
written only one and a half years after the
event and signed by over 50 Katipunan First Cry of Rebellion Controversy and Conflicts
members, among them Emilio Aguinaldo, - Controversy about this particular event
Artemio Ricarte and Valentin Diaz. actually arises especially in the specific dates
- The events of 17-26 August 1896 occurred and places where this cry particularly
closer to Balintawak than to Kalookan. happened.
Traditionally, people referred to the “Cry of - This controversy remains unsolved in the
Balintawak” since that barrio was a better Philippine history since different Filipinos
known reference point than Banlat. have varying accounts as to when and where
- The centennial of the Cry of Balintawak it happened.
should be celebrated on 24 August 1996 at
the site of the barn and house of Tandang
Sora in Gulod, now barangay Banlat, Quezon


- Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan

ng mga Anak ng Bayan commonly known as

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