The Kite Runner Vocabulary

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Chapter 1-3 Vocabulary

Definition: Keeping to oneself and not being friendly or approachable.
Example: Sarah stayed aloof at the party, sitting quietly in the corner.

Definition: Something like a limb or a part sticking out from the main body.
Example: The spider lost one of its appendages when it was caught in the web.

Definition: When something wastes away or weakens from lack of use.
Example: If you don't exercise, your muscles can atrophy and become weak.

Definition: A strong feeling of dislike or disrespect.
Example: She looked at him with disdain when he suggested a silly idea.

Definition: Talking too much, especially about unimportant things.
Example: The garrulous old lady on the bus wouldn't stop talking about her cats.

Definition: Being a bit mischievous or playful in a naughty way.
Example: The impish child grinned as he played a prank on his sister.

Definition: Cheating on a spouse or partner.
Example: Their marriage ended because of his infidelity with a coworker.

Definition: Getting pushed or bumped around in a crowd.
Example: In the busy train station, people jostled each other to get onto the train.

Definition: Someone who’s killed because of their religious or other beliefs.
Example: The martyr sacrificed his life for the freedom of his country.

Definition: Being well-known, usually for something bad.
Example: The town's notorious troublemaker was always causing problems.

Definition: Moving back and forth regularly.
Example: The pendulum on the clock was oscillating smoothly.

Definition: To calm down or suppress something, like a feeling or disturbance.
Example: He tried to quell his anger by taking deep breaths.
Definition: Acting without moral principles; dishonest.
Example: The unscrupulous salesman tricked people into buying useless products.

Definition: A sharp piece of something broken, like glass or pottery.
Example: She cut her foot on a sharp shard of glass.

Definition: Truthfulness or accuracy.
Example: We questioned the veracity of his story because it seemed too far-fetched.

Chapter 4-7 Vocabulary

Definition: Severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising; strict; forbidding
Example: He was a tall, austere, forbidding figure.

Definition: To shout in a loud voice,
Example: "Keep quiet!" the teacher bellowed across the room.

Definition: To make someone feel happier or more confident about a situation
Example: She was buoyed up by the warm reception her audience gave her.

Definition: Feeling regret and guilt for something bad that you have done:
Example: She seemed genuinely contrite when she apologized.

Definition: To give a false appearance of : induce as a false impression.
Example: He feigned that he was not feeling well so that he could leave the party early.

Definition: ​In a very serious and important way; in a way that gives you a reason to feel worried.
Example: She is gravely ill. Local people are gravely concerned.

Definition: A foolish or stupid person
Example: I have behaved like an imbecile!

Definition: It is almost certain to happen very soon.
Example: There appeared no imminent danger.

Definition: Something or someone without any flaws.
Example: A stand-up comedian needs impeccable timing for her jokes to work.

Definition: Unhappy or annoyed and unwilling to speak, smile, or be pleasant to people
Example: Michael became morose and withdrawn after he lost his job.

Definition: A person or thing that is very difficult for them to defeat.
Example: The hero's nemesis was finally defeated in the epic battle.

Definition: A small and subtle difference.
Example: He watched her face intently to catch every nuance of expression.

Definition: Not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way
Example: The room was painted a subtle shade of pink.

Definition: To order someone to come to or be present at a particular place, or to officially arrange a
meeting of people
Example: Howe summoned a doctor and hurried over

Definition: Tight rather than slack
Example: The rope was drawn taut

Definition: A nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation
Example: I approached my first meeting with more than a little trepidation.

Definition: In a strongly emotional or zealous manner
Example: He vehemently denied the accusation

Definition: Able to work or succeed
Example: The plan seemed viable, so they decided to go ahead with it

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