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➢Engines are mechanical devices that convert

heat energy of fuels into mechanical energy
➢The heat engine is an equipment which
generates thermal energy and transforms it
into mechanical energy.
➢The heat energy is produced by the
combustion of fuel.

❑Internal Combustion Engines ( ICE )

❑External Combustion Engines ( ECE)
Internal Combustion Engines ( ICE )

➢In this type of engine the burning or

combustion of the fuel takes place inside the
engine cylinder and the resulting explosion
causes an instantaneous application of
pressure to a piston.
Internal Combustion Engines ( ICE )
➢Internal Combustion Engines are now generally
applied in various operations and processes
involving agricultural and biological production
and post production systems.
➢The thermal efficiency of internal combustion
engine is about 40%.
Internal Combustion Engines ( ICE )
➢Petrol engine (gasoline) is an example of internal
combustion engine, where the working fluid is a mixture
of air and fuel .
There are two ways in which combustion takes
place in the cylinder:
➢By rapid explosion of air-fuel mixture within the cylinder, when
it is ignited by a spark, is called constant volume combustion

➢Combustion takes place by slow burning when the fuel is

injected into highly compressed heated air contained in the
cylinder. This is called constant pressure combustion (C.P.C.),
because when the combustion takes place, the pressure in the
cylinder is almost constant.
There are two ways in which combustion takes place in
the cylinder:

Ignited by a rapid explosion constant volume

spark of air-fuel combustion
mixture (CVC)

Fuel is constant pressure

injected into Combustion takes combustion
highly place by slow burning (CPC)
heated air
S.I. engine vs C.I. engine
Spark ignition engine (SI engine)
An engine in which the combustion process in each cycle is started by use of an external
Compression ignition engine (CI engine)
An engine in which the combustion process starts when the air-fuel mixture self ignites
due to high temperature in the combustion chamber caused by high compression.

[Spark ignition and Compression Ignition engine operate on either a four stroke cycle or a two
stroke cycle]
Classification of Internal Combustion Engine (IC engines)
❑ According to Number of Strokes :
1. Four Stroke Cycle Engine :
In this type of engine, one complete combustion cycle is completed in four strokes
of the piston or two revolution of the crankshaft.
The four events that take place inside the engine cylinder are:
1. Suction of air or air – fuel mixture in to the cylinder
2. Compression of the gases
3. Ignition of the fuel mixture to produce power
4. Exhaust of burnt gases
Principle of operation of Four stroke engine
The events taking place in I.C. engine are as follows :
I. Air or air-fuel mixture (charge) is taken in the cylinder.
II. The charge is compressed in the cylinder by the piston.
III. If charge is only air, the fuel is injected at the end of
IV. The charge is ignited at a predetermined time under specified
pressure inside the engine cylinder.
V. The power developed due to expansive forces of gases inside
the cylinder is transferred to the crankshaft through the
connecting rod.
VI. Exhaust gases go out of the cylinder at regular interval of
❑ Suction /Induction stroke

▪ During suction stroke , only air or mixture of air and fuel are drawn
inside the cylinder.
▪ The charge enters the engine through the inlet valve which remains
open during admission of the charge.
▪ The exhaust valve remains closed during this stroke.
▪ The pressure in the engine cylinder is less than atmospheric pressure
during this stroke due to which the charge is sucked in to the engine
❑ Compression stroke

▪ The charge taken in the cylinder is compressed by the piston during this stroke .
▪ The entire charge of the cylinder is compressed to a small volume contained in the
clearance volume of the cylinder.
▪ If only air is compressed in the cylinder (as in case of compression ignition engine),
the fuel is injected at the end of the compression stroke.
▪ The ignition takes place due to high pressure and temperature.
▪ If the mixture of air and fuel is compressed in the cylinder (as in case of spark
ignition engine) the mixture is ignited by spark plug.
▪ After ignition, tremendous amount of heat is generated, causing very high pressure
in the cylinder which pushes the piston backward for useful work.
▪ Both valves are closed during this stroke
❑Power Stroke

▪ During power stroke , the high pressure developed due to combustion of

fuel causes the piston to be forced downward at regular intervals.
▪ The connecting rod with the help of crankshaft transmits the power to
the transmission system for useful work.
▪ Both valves are closed during this stroke.
❑Exhaust stroke

▪ Exhaust gases go out through exhaust valves during this stroke.

▪ All the burnt gases go out of the engine and the cylinder becomes
ready to receive the fresh charge.
▪ The inlet valve is closed and exhaust valve remains open during this
stroke as shown in the figure.
2. Two Stroke Cycle Engine:
The two stroke cycle engine completes all the four events i.e.
suction, compression, power or expansion and exhaust in two
strokes (up stroke & down stroke) of piston or one revolution of
During each stroke of the piston, two events takes place.
Principle of operation of Two stroke engine
❑ First stroke (Suction and Compression)

▪ When the piston moves up in the cylinder it covers two of the ports, the
exhaust port and transfer port, which are normally almost opposite to
each other.
▪ This traps a charge of fresh mixture in the cylinder and further upward
movement of the piston compresses this charge.
▪ Further movement of the piston also uncovers a third port in the
cylinder called transfer port and the charge is compressed.
▪ More fresh mixture is drawn through this port into the crankcase.
▪ Just before the end of this stroke, the mixture in the cylinder is ignited
in the two stroke cycle.
❑Second stroke (Power and Exhaust)

▪ The rise in pressure in the cylinder caused by the burning gases forces the piston to
move down in the cylinder.
▪ When the piston goes down, it covers and closes the suction port, trapping the
mixture drawn into the crankcase during the previous stroke then compressing it.
▪ Further downward movement of the piston uncovers first the exhaust port and then
transfer port.
▪ This allows the burnt gases to flow out through exhaust port.

▪ Also the fresh mixture under pressure in the crankcase is transferred into the cylinder
through transfer port during this stroke.
▪ Special shaped piston crown deflect the incoming mixture up around the cylinder so
that it can help in driving out the exhaust gases.
▪ When the piston is at the top of its stroke, it is said to be at the top dead centre
(TDC), when the piston is at the bottom of its stroke, it is said to be at its bottom
dead centre (BDC).
▪ In two stroke cycle engine, both the sides of the piston are effective which is not in
the case of four stroke cycle engine.
❑ According to thermodynamic working cycle:

1. Otto-cycle engine:
The heat is taken in at one constant volume and rejected at another constant volume of
the cylinder.
The combustion of the fuel takes place at constant volume. Petrol engine works on otto
2. Diesel cycle engine:
In this cycle, the heat is taken at constant pressure and rejected at constant volume.
The combustion of the fuel takes place at constant pressure.
Diesel engine works on this cycle.
3. Dual cycle engine:
In this type of engine, some part of the heat is taken at constant volume and the
remaining part at constant pressure process.
The heat is rejected at constant volume
❑ According to type of fuel used:

1. Gas engine:
In this type of engine, the gaseous fuel like Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), coal gas, Bio gas,
Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), producer gas is used to operate the engine. The engine is
equipped with a special modified manifold system.
2. Petrol engine:
In this type of engine, petrol is used as a fuel. A mixture of petrol and air enters the cylinder in a
proper ratio during the suction stroke. The fuel mixture in vapour form is ignited with the help
of an electric spark produced in the spark plug. Their method of ignition is called spark ignition.
Most of the two stroke and small engines use this system.
3. Diesel engine:
In this type of engine, diesel is used as a fuel. Here, the air is compressed in the cylinder and
atomized diesel is sprayed for ignition. The method of ignition is called compression ignition.
All heavy vehicle use this system
❑According to number of cylinders:
1. Single cylinder engine:
Here only one cylinder is present as shown below. The power generated in the power stroke
is used for functioning of other strokes of the engine.
2. Multi cylinder engine:
Here more than one cylinder are present as shown below. As per the firing order
the power suction takes place in the respective cylinders
❑According to cylinder arrangement:

1. Horizontal cylinder engine:

Most of the single cylinder engines are of this type of cylinder arrangement.
2. Vertical cylinder engine:
Most of the present multiple cylinder engines have this type of cylinder arrangement.
❑ According to engine speed:

1. Low speed engine:

The crankshaft speed of the engine is less than 100 rpm.

2. Medium speed engine:

The crankshaft speed of the engine is in between 100 and 250 rpm.

3. High speed engine:

Here the crankshaft speed of the engine is more than 250 rpm.
❑According to cooling system used:
1. Air cooled engine:
Here the cooling of the engine cylinder is done by air. In this case fins are provided
on the cylinder as shown in the figure below.
2. Water cooled engine:
Here cooling of the engine cylinder done by water circulated by a radiator and water
pump as shown in the figure below.
• Block
Body of the engine containing cylinders, made of cast iron or aluminium.
• Cylinder
The circular cylinders in the engine block in which the pistons reciprocate back and forth.
• Head
The piece which closes the end of the cylinders, usually containing part of the clearance
volume of the combustion chamber.
• Combustion chamber
The end of the cylinder between the head and the piston face where combustion occurs.
– The size of combustion chamber continuously changes from minimum volume when
the piston is at TDC to a maximum volume when the piston at BDC.
• Camshaft
Rotating shaft used to push open valves at the proper time in the engine cycle, either directly or
through mechanical or hydraulic linkage (push rods, rocker arms, tappets) .
• Crankcase
Part of the engine block surrounding the crankshaft.
– In many engines the oil pan makes up part of the crankcase housing.
• Exhaust manifold
Piping system which carries exhaust gases away from the engine cylinders, usually made of cast
iron .
• Intake manifold
Piping system which delivers incoming air to the cylinders, usually made of cast metal, plastic, or
composite material.
– In most SI engines, fuel is added to the air in the intake manifold system either by fuel injectors
or with a carburetor.
– The individual pipe to a single cylinder is called runner.
• Spark plug
Electrical device used to initiate combustion in an SI engine by creating high voltage
discharge across an electrode gap.
• Flywheel
Rotating mass with a large moment of inertia connected to the crank shaft of the engine.
– The purpose of the flywheel is to store energy and furnish large angular momentum that
keeps the engine rotating between power strokes and smooths out engine operation.
• Fuel injector
A pressurized nozzle that sprays fuel into the incoming air (SI engines )or into the cylinder
(CI engines).
• Fuel pump
Electrically or mechanically driven pump to supply fuel from the fuel tank (reservoir) to the

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1. Crankshaft
2. Wrist pin
3. Piston
4. Connecting rod
5. Manifold
6. Flywheel
7. Spark plug
8. Valves
9. Fuel injector
10. Engine block
11. Piston
12. Piston ring
13. Wrist pin and wrist pin lock

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