Jullian's DLP in Waves&Optics

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 2
School Division of Isabela
Santiago City, Isabela


Name of Teacher JULLIAN G. CORTINA

Leaning Area SCIENCE Time 10:00-12:00 am
October 28, 2022
Grade Level 3rd Year College Date

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
Defining Direct Current.
Differentiating the difference of Direct Current and Alternating Current.
Identifying Direct Current in an Electrical Diagram.
SUBJECT MATTER Waves and Optics
A. Topic Direct Current.
Glossary: Alternating current & Direct current (europa.eu)
B. Reference Direct Current (DC) Electrical Circuits by Ron Kurtus - Physics Lessons (school-for-
C. Materials Laptop, Power Point Presentation, Video Presentation
D. Values Integration Understanding what is Direct Current and Electrical Diagrams.
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
A. Preparatory Activities Good morning, class. “Good morning, teacher.” “We are fine.
How are you today? Thank you.”

Let us pray first, May I ask Mr. “Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you
Pascual to lead the for today. Thank you for ways in which
Prayer. you provide for us all. For Your
protection and love we thank you. Help
us to focus our hearts and minds now on
what we are about to learn. Inspire us by
Your Holy Spirit as we
listen and write. Guide us by your eternal
\ light as we discover more about the world
around us. We ask all this in the name of
Jesus. Amen.”

Thank you, Mr. Pascual. “Yes Sir”

Everyone, please sit down and I
will check first the attendance
before we begin.
(Checking of Attendance)

(Review Drill) “Sir, our topic last week is all about

Before we start our lesson for Alternating Current and how it flows
today, what was our topic last through electrical devices that we use
week? everyday.”

Precisely, Ms. Lapeciros.

B. Motivation
Before we proceed in the "Yes Sir!"
discussion, I want you all to
Identify the images that I will
show you for you to know what
will be our topic for today.

Electrical Circuit.

Dry Cell Battery.

“Well Done Class!”

Did you enjoy your activity?
What do you think is the
relationship of those images in our
lesson? Now, do you have
anything in your mind about what
is our lesson all about?
C. Lesson Proper Yes, Ms. Fales , what is our topic “It’s all about direct current and its usage,
for today? Sir.”

Excellent, Mr. Fales. Now, let us

discuss about the direct current
and its usage.

Ms. Bitantes, do you have any “is an electric current that is uni-directional,
idea of what is direct current? so the flow of charge is always in the same
You got it right, Ms.
Bitantes. Direct Current is
when the electrical current
flows consistently in a single
direction. Direct current is
produced by rectifiers,
batteries, generators with
commutators, and fuel cells.

Let’s move on to another

component. Mr. Pascua, what is Direct Current is defined by the constant
the difference of Direct Current flow of electrons from an area of high
and Alternating Current? electron density to an area of low electron
Alternating current is produced within
most types of power plants by
spinning generators.

“Very good. Mr. Pascua, what are

the optional components?
“That’s right. In direct current, the
voltage is always constant, and
the electricity flows in a certain
direction. In contrast, in
alternating current, the voltage
periodically changes from positive
to negative and from negative to
positive, and the direction of the
current also periodically changes

Now What does Electricity do,

Ms. Navarro? “Electricity is the flow of electrical power
or charge, Sir.”

Thank you. Let’s now move on.

“When electrons are forced to move in

What's going on in those wires synch, they can produce heat and way
that makes our heaters hot and our more impressive they turn the wire they're
fans blow? moving in into a magnet.”

Thank you, Ms. Lorenzana.

Let's take a look at the path

electricity takes from a power
station to your home.
Circuit Advantages Disadvantages
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   electrical circuits are represented by lines
" to represent wires and symbols or icons to
 represent electrical and electronic
#    components. It helps in better
    understanding the connection between
 different components.
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Now let’s move on to Electrical


What is Electrical Diagram Class?

Now Class I will show you

examples of electrical diagrams.

is a visual representation of a
system that uses simple, labeled
blocks that represent single or
multiple items, entities or
concepts, connected by lines to
show relationships between them.

The schematic diagram of an
electrical circuit shows the
complete electrical connections
between components using their
symbols and lines. Unlike wiring
diagram, it does not specify the
real location of the components,
the line between the components
does not represent real distance
between them.


also sometimes called one-line
diagram, is a simplest symbolic
representation of an electric power
system. A single line in the diagram
typically corresponds to more than
one physical conductor: in a direct
current system the line includes the
supply and return paths.

The wiring diagram is used for the
representation of electrical
components in their approximate
physical location using their
specific symbols and their
interconnections using lines.
Vertical and horizontal lines are
used to represent wires and each
line represents a single wire that
connects between electrical

The pictorial diagram does not
necessarily represent the actual
circuit. In fact it shows the visual
appearance of the circuit in real
time. it cannot be used to
understand or troubleshoot the
actual circuit and for this reason
alone, it is not commonly used.
For someone with less knowledge
of electrical, it is impossible to
understand how the circuit works
and diagnose it.

Ladder diagram are electrical
diagrams that represents an
electrical circuits in industries to
document control logic systems. It
resemble a ladder which is why it
is named ladder diagram. There
are two vertical lines; the left
vertical line represents power rail
(voltage source) while the right
vertical line represents the ground
or neutral. Each horizontal row
represents a parallel circuit called

Logic diagram represents a logic
circuit by showing complex
circuit and process using various
blocks or symbols. The logic
functions are represented by their
logic symbols whereas the blocks
are used to represent complex
logic circuit. These blocks are
labeled with their logic function
for better understanding without
knowing the internal structure.

The riser diagram is the
illustration of the physical layout
of electrical distribution in a
multilevel building using a single
line. It shows the size of conduits,
wire size, circuit breaker rating
and other electrical devices (rating
of switches, plugs, outlets etc)
from the point of entry up to the
small circuit branches on each
level. It shares the layout with
alarm system as well as telecom
and internet cables.


It is a vertical representation of
various appliances such as light,
switch and fans etc in a building.
It specifies their exact location
with their size and distance from
each wall and ceiling. It shows
scaled version of each room from
above. It usually contains legend
that provides a visual explanation
of the symbols used in it.

The IC layout diagram or IC
(mask) layout refers to the internal
design of a semiconductor
component. It is made up of
multiple layers or masks of metal,
oxide and semiconductor material
to form an Integrated circuit (IC).

D. Application I will give you 10 minutes to Expected Answer:

answer the following.

1. Multiple-choice Cell

answer choices
2. Multiple-choice Switch

answer choices

3. Multiple-choice

answer choices

4. Multiple-choice Voltmeter

answer choices

5. Multiple-choice Ammeter

answer choices

6. Multiple-choice Resistor

answer choices
zig zag

7. Multiple-choice Coulomb
Q. SI unit of the total charge is
answer choices

8. Multiple-choice Ampere (1A = 1C/s)

Q. What is the SI unit for
measuring the electric current?
answer choices
Volts (1V = 1J/C)
Coulombs (C)
Ampere (1A = 1C/s)
Volts (V)

9. Multiple-choice Volts (1V = 1J/C)

Q. What is the SI unit for
measuring the potential difference
across a resistor?
answer choices
Volts (1V = 1J/C)
Coulombs (C)
Ampere (1A = 1C/s)
Volts (V)

10. Multiple-choice
Q. What is the SI unit for the
electric resistance? Ohms
answer choices
E. Generalization Okay class, to assess if you have Answers may vary
learned well our topic, I want you (expected answer)
to make a Venn diagram showing
the similarities and difference of
Direct Current and Alternating

F. Values So, after the discussion, explain Direct current has many uses, from the
why do we use Direct Current. charging of batteries to large power
Yes, Ms. Viernes? supplies for electronic systems, motors,
and more.

Very Good! One thing should be

cleared that not all the electronic
devices, components and circuits
are using only DC supply, but AC
as well. If it comes to Logic
circuits and ICs (Integrated
Circuits), yes, they use DC only.

G. Evaluation Answer the following. Write the

correct answer on your paper.

Direction: Explain what does DC Electrical current refers to the flow of

stands for in electricity? electrons through or across a medium
called a conductor. Take the wires in your
house, for instance. The copper in the
middle of the wire is a good conductor,
making it easy for electrons to flow from
one point to another. These electrons are
what we call electricity.
III. AGREEMENT For your task, I want you to answer the following below and make sure to pass
it on our next meeting.
This circuit shown is used to amplify small signals and power the earbud
speakers attached to a cellular phone. This circuit’s components include
resistors, capacitors, and diodes, all of which have been covered in previous
chapters, as well as transistors, which are semi-conducting devices covered in
Condensed Matter Physics. Circuits using similar components are found in all
types of equipment and appliances you encounter in everyday life, such as
alarm clocks, televisions, computers, and refrigerators.

Prepared by:
Practice Teacher
Presented to:
Course Instructor

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