Debris Chute

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Structure and use guidance

debris chute SGE



Edition September 2003

Constructional requirements
1. Construction components
Mdebris chutes consist of:
- cones blunt well-behaved pipes from plastic or galvanized steel
sheet with connections by chains, hooks and eyes.
- carrying frame for hand winch and for debris tubing connection.
Fastening takes place at window attachments or at scaffolds.
- window attachments, which embrace force-like the window breast
and which take up carrying frame
- hand winch with support frames only for the assembly and
disassembly of the debris pipes (the drop line coupled at the
ground from single pipes pulls).
For the debris chutes only original construction units
may be used.

2. Entirely arrangement, generally

the maximum height (overall length) of the debris chutes
may amount to:
- pipes from plastic: 40 m
- pipes from galvanized steel sheet: 30 m
- pipes from plastic or galvanized
steel sheet at buildings of brick-work: 25 m

The debris chutes are to be pulled vertically and attached in the operating condition vertically.
The construction units of Mdebris chutes are limited for:
Max. diagonal course with the up and dismantling as well as max. turning in the operating condition 10:1.

In the stability proof are considered:

- dead loads of the construction
- 2 m debris filling for the
consideration of blockages
- wind loads (static test) according to DIN 1055 part of 4
10 - horizontal of forces from diagonal
course and turning 10:1

The rules for the prevention
of accidents must be kept
Part A
3. Mounting at window attachment
Window attachments consist of two carrying elements with 740 mm distance.
1 - Support spindle 5 - Distribution of load (outside)
2 - Telescope arm 6 - Supports for carrying frame
3 - Pin mapping 7 - Coupling for carrying frame
Carrying frame
4 - distribution of load (inside)

Window opening

740 mm




320 mm


The carrying frame is fastened into the carrying ele-

ments placed (6) and mounted with couplers (7).

The force derivative into the walls is in each individual case of the using enterprise
to prove (see part of B "static requirements").
Assembling instructions for masonery constructions: Instructions for buildings of concrete:
The maximum structure height of debris chutes with brick-work For the maximum structure height with concreted
amounts to 25 m. and sufficiently reinforced wall parts amounts to
The excerpt length of the internal support spindle (1) and the pin 30 m with debris pipes from galvanized steel
mapping (3) in the telescope arm (2) depend on the wall thickness. sheet and/or. 40 m with debris pipes from plastic.
The tracking forces of the supports at the interior and exterior of the The assembly of the window attachments consi-
brick-work (parapet wall) must be transferred into the coming up, at least sting of two carrying elements takes place as
36 cm strong walls on the right of and on the left of the parapet wall. transmission with masonry constructions through
To the fact it is necessary that inside (4) and outside (5) sufficiently elements for distribution of load.
measured transmission elements (e.g. square timbers) as distribution of These can be void, if the proof is led in individual
load in necessary length are used. cases that the concreted wall parts can take up
These must become secured against shifting and falling down. the resulting forces alone.

4. Mounting at scaffolds
The mounting of the carrier racks takes
place at latch plates R, which must lie in
the height symmetrically to the scaffold Carrying frame R
situation (floor).

The scaffolds in the exchange area (A, B, C, and/or A, B,

in accordance with sketch representation) are in the scaffold
situation to embody in which the carrier racks are fastened, Scaffold situation (floor)
with the building. If for it existing scaffold anchorages are used,
the anchorage forces from the debris chute are to be considered
additionally to those from the scaffold system.
The scaffold brackets are to be fastened to the interior and
external scaffolds. Mounting only at the interior scaffolds is
permissible, if the derivative of horizontal forces is guaranteed
parallel to the scaffold level by other measures d1 R
- e.g.horizontal struts -.

In the case of mounting of the debris chute in accordance
with X symmetrically to a pair of scaffolds ll and scaffold
field lengths to 2.50 m scaffold latch plates R made
of pipe 48.3 - 4.05 - ST 37 are necessary.
They must be not pushed and are with normal couplings with
test character B to the scaffolds to be fastened.
Latch plate R

Carrying frame

During one-sided arrangement in accordance with Y

latch plates from pipe 60.3 - 5.0 - ST 37 are necessary,
which are to be attached with reduction couplings.
For other kinds of latch plates a static proof is in individual A B R C
cases necessary.

370 370
2500 2500

Normal couplers with test characters, with

nut with collar 22 mm, SW galvanized.

The admission of the loads by the scaffold and its anchorages is
in the individual case to prove (deviations from the rule execution 1760 740
to DIN 4420 and/or licence notices).
Notes for the static analyst see part of B "static requirements". 2500

5. Intermediate anchorings Connection
Debris chutes with a height to H max. 10 m may be arranged without Anchor
intermediate anchorings.

max. 8 m
With larger heights intermediate anchorings are in the distance Connection
from max. 8 m necessarily. Anchor
These depends constructionally on the structural conditions and can be
specified therefore only in individual cases.
max. 10 m

The proof of stability is to be led likewise in individual cases.

Notes for the static analyst see part of B "static requirements".
max. 8 m

6. References for the use

- pulling and discharging of the debris chute are permissible only to
wind force 6 (inclusively). (connections of the debris pipes at the carrying frame). Anchor
- the operating attachments by couplers are to be attached immediately after reaching
the final installation condition and be solved only directly before beginning of dismantling. Building wall
- in the operating condition the debris chute may not hang on the hoist. The hoist serves
only for pulling up and discharging when assembling and/or disassembly of the debris pipes.
- when discharging at least 2 turns of the rope on the rope drum of the hoist must remain.
- pulling and discharging should take place vertically. If the attachments as seen in BOARD 1 and 2 for the indicated loads
are limited, exeptionally a diagonal course up to an inclination of 10:1 is permissible (1 m horizontal ever 10 m height).
- in the operating condition the debris chute should be vertically arranged. Turnings to 10:1 are exeptionally permissible,
if also for the operating condition the support loads indicated for it are taken up after BOARD 1 and 2 by the building
and/or scaffold and its anchorages.
- into the debris chutes no parts may be thrown in, which are longer than the smallest diameter (400 mm).
- with blockages further entering of debris is to be stopped immediately and forwards continues working the blockage to eliminate.
- after blockages the load-bearing construction units are in particular chains, snap hook, shackle, upper carrier racks, to
examine window and scaffold attachments for damage and lasting deformations and if necessary to change against
intact parts.

Part B BOARD 1
Static requirements Conduit Loads with 2)
(Notes for the static analyst) length pipe blockage
(m) QV H1 H2
1. Construction units: no requirements vertically
max. 4,60 6,90 -6,00
2. Entire arrangement, generally: no requirements 10:1
40 4,60 7,60 -6,30
3. Mounting at window attachment bent3)
vertically 4,15 6,30 -5,40
Proofs of the building are to be led for the following
loads: (load figure in KN for each of the 2 carrying disks) 10:1 4,15 7,00 -5,70
251) bent3)
1) Maximum length for buildings of brick-work
2) Special load case, with that 1,15-fache permissible tensions and resistances of the load case HZ could be used.
3) The inclination 10:1 corresponds in the static proof tan = 0,10. The H-loads may be interpolated
for 0 < tan 0.10 straight-lined.
Part of 5 contains data concerning intermediate anchorings of the debris chutes.
7. Mounting at scaffolds Conduit Loads with 2)

Proofs for the scaffold and its anchorages are to be led Mounting
length pipe blockage
for the following loads: (m) QV H1 H2
(load figures in KN for each of the 2 carrying disks) max. vertically 4,60 4,80 -3,90

H1 10:1 4,60 5,25 -3,95

Scaffold 40 bent3)
situation (floor)

Anchor QV vertically 4,15 4,45 -3,55


H2 10:1 4,15 4,90 -3,60

251) bent3)

1) Maximum length for buildings of brick-work

2) Special load case, with which 1.15 fold permissible tensions and resistances of the load case cycles per second in
the scaffold construction may be used. That corresponds with proofs under x-several loads after Th. Il.0. ϕ = 1,30.
All other loads (dead load, traffic, wind and horizontal substitute load) are to be considered interactively. For the
pegs of the anchorages these reductions of the safety factors are inadmissible.
3) The inclination 10:1 corresponds in the static proof tan ϕ = 0,10.
H-loads may be interpolated for 0 tan ϕ 0,10 straight-lined.

The vertical loads Qv and horizontal loads H1 /H2 Arrangement X Y

indicated in BOARD 2 scaffold level may be distributed Pair of handles I II I ∑ A B ∑
during arrangement from latch plates to A as follows: Part of 0,05 1,90 0,05 2,00 0,30 1,70 2,001)

1) results from 2 carrying disks

At height of the scaffold situation, in which the mounting
of the debris chute takes place, additional horizontal loads affect the scaffold level. These amount to:
- in vertical connection = 1,80 KN
- with mounting under 10:1 (tan ϕ = 0,10) = 2,60 KN
Intermediate values 0 < tan ϕ  0,10 should be interpolated straight-lined.
Scaffold and/or building level
8. Intermediate anchoring
H1 = 4,70 KN · tan ϕ
Wind loads on the debris pipes result independently from H2 H2 = 7,90 KN · tan ϕ
the incident-flow direction to W= 0,41 q
H1 = without pipe blockage
H1 H2 H2 = with pipe blockage
In the case of it are "W" = windload in KN/m, "q" the
stagnation pressure dependent on the height over areas
H1 H1 and H2 work depending
according to DIN 1055 (part of 4) in KN/m2.
upon sketch situation of the
The intermediate anchorings are to be proven for the
change of inclination between
effects H1 und H2 around scaffold and/or building level.
the border situations H1 und
On changes of the inclination by turnings the resulting
H2. tan ϕ is to be referred to
horizontal drift forces must be considered.
These may be set simplified with: ϕ the angle of inclination to the
vertical one.

Technical subjects to change 09/ 03

Müller + Baum Construction equipment · Scaffolding GmbH & Co. KG
Birkenweg 52 · 59846 Sundern (Hachen) · Postbox 2045 · 59837 Sundern (Hachen)
Fon. +49 (0) 29 35/8 01-0 · Fax. +49 (0) 29 35/8 01-42 · · E-mail: [email protected]

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