Motivation and Theroies

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Be a leader and not a boss to improve performance. Lead by example.

If you take care of your employees they will take care of your business.
The process by which person efforts are energized, directed, and sustained towards
attaining a goal.
Take an example of a class in which may be you are motivated in some classes and in
some you are not. So motivation is how you are energized. A motivated person puts forth effort
and works hard. High level of effort not always leads favorable job performance unless the effort
is channeled in a direction that benefits the organization. Effort that is directed and consistent
with organizational goals is the kind of effort we want from employee. Finally motivation
includes a persistence dimension. A long lasting improvement and dedication is needed.
Example of British army and Mughal badshah.
Early theory of motivation:
1. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
2. Mc Gregor’s theories of X and Y
3. Herzberg’s two factor theory
4. Mc Clelland’s three needs theory.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:

Esteem Needs

Social Needs

Safety Needs

Physiological Needs

Physiological Needs: A person need for food, drink, shelter, and other physical needs
Safety Needs: A person need for security and protection from physical and emotional harm.
Social Needs: A person need for affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship.
Esteem Needs: A person need for internal esteem factor such as self respect.
Self actualization Needs: A person need for self growth.

Herzberg’s two factor theory:

Motivators Neutral Hygiene Factors

Achievement Supervision
Recognition Company Policy
Work Itself Relation with supervisor
Responsibility Working conditions
Advancement Salary
Growth Relationship with peers
Personal life
Relationship with subordinates
Extremely Satisfied Extremely Dissatisfied

Three Need theories:

1. Need for achievement
2. Need for power
3. Need for affiliation

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