Building Technology 4 Module

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AR 322-ARCH32S3 - Building Technology 4 - Specification Writing and

Quantity Surveying

Specification Writing and Quantity Surveying
Course Description
This course includes specifications-writing using uniform system or master format, estimating
methods, and quantity surveying.
Course Objective
The course aims to provide familiarization with the essentials of specification writing in identifying,
recommending, and using the appropriate type of material for a situation and condition; different
methods and techniques in estimating different quantities of materials, equipment and labor
resulting in a more accurate data as a basis for sound project programming, scheduling, and control;
and establish the importance of specifications as non-graphical tool that complements working
Step 1 - Become Familiar with our Online Learning Environment
Your first step is to become familiar with our class website and the learning tools. You may be
wondering: Where do I go first? How do I navigate? If this is your first online learning class, or if
you’ve completed many online classes, please begin by exploring and becoming familiar with our
class set-up. Every online course is organized a bit differently and getting a feel requires taking
some time clicking around to understand how everything is laid out.
Step 2 - Gain an Overview of our Course
Module 1: Specification Writing
Module 2: Estimating Civil and Structural Works
Module 3: Estimating Architectural Materials and Finishes
Module 4: Estimating Architectural Materials and Finishes
Module 5: Estimating Electrical Materials
Module 6: Estimating Plumbing Fixtures and Materials

Step 3 - Contribute to our Discussion Post

Before you begin Module 0, participate in the following discussion:
Discussion 1A: What architectural career do you intend to pursue? Explain briefly.
1.0 Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Know the meaning and practical application of materials specifications and its
importance in architecture especially as part of the contract documents of a
2. Specify appropriately building materials considering its applicability, and its
functionality and in accordance with the standard and uniform system of
3. Determine appropriately the relationship of Uniform Construction Index to
estimate & quantity surveying.
4. Establish the importance of specifications as non- graphical tool that
compliments working drawings.
5. Apply the essentials of specification writing in identifying, recommending and
using the appropriate type of material for a situation and condition.

1.1 Definition and Types of Specifications


1. Definition and Types of Specifications

2. Specification Writing Techniques
3. Uniform System

1.1 Definition and Types of Specifications

The part of the contract documents consisting of a detailed description of the technical
nature of the materials, standards, and quality of execution of the work to be placed
under contract.

A specification that stipulates how a particular component or system must perform
without giving the means to be employed to achieve the results.
It is a document that specifies the operational requirements of a component or
installation. Simply put, a performance specification tells the contractor what the final
installed product must be capable of doing. The contractor is not instructed as to how to
accomplish the task of meeting the performance specification requirements - only as to
how the component must function after installation.

Example: The specification would provide a required pumping rate (say 500 gallons per
minute), a required pressure (20 psi), and the difference in height between the pump and
the final destination (+40 feet). The specification will also state that the liquid to be
pumped will be at a temperature of 140°F and is corrosive (pH of 3). It is up to the
contractor to provide pumping equipment that meets or exceeds the requirements
stated in the specification. In many cases, the contractor will also be required to test
equipment to make sure that is operating properly and will provide operations manuals.

A specification that stipulates the exact quantities and qualities of materials to be
furnished and how they are to be assembled in construction.

This type of specification will typically be formatted in a manner similar to the following
1. General: This section will typically contain references to national/international
standards, design requirements, a list of required submittals from the contractor to the
architect/engineer, quality control requirements, and product handling requirements.
2. Products: This section will describe, in detail, the various products required for the
task covered by the specification along with the individual structural and performance
requirements of each product.
3. Execution: This section will explain how to prepare the materials and conduct the
installation, including the testing requirements to be followed.

Example: Sand: Clean, washed, sharp, durable natural particles, free from soluble salts or
organic impurities. Sand for grouting shall be screened to pass a 30-mesh sieve with not
more than 5% passing a 100 mesh screen.

A specification refers to a standard specification to indicate the properties desired in a
material or component and the methods of testing required to substantiate the
performance of products.
Reference standards specify standards developed by standards-setting organizations
such as ASTM, State of California, Federal, etc. The various manufacturers must meet
these standards.

Example: Portland Cement: Conform to ASTM C150, Type I or Type II, low alkali.
Maximum total alkali shall not exceed 0.6 percent.

Proprietary specifications identify the desired product by brand name or trade name,
model or style designation, and important characteristics. Proprietary specifications may
also include the name of the manufacturer and/or city, state when necessary to identify
the source of a specified product.
Example: Floor tiles shall be "Daltile", style “Travata”, color “Fresco Cream TV90,” as
manufactured by Dal-Tile Corp., of Dallas, TX, or equal. Floor tiles shall have the
following characteristics:
Type of tile (ANSI 137.1): glazed ceramic tile
Min. thickness (ANSI 137.1): 3/8”
Min. dimensions (ANSI 137.1): 17” W x 17” L
ax. water absorption (ASTM C 373): 3%
Min. coeff. of friction, wet (ASTM C1028): 0.60
Min. coeff. of friction, dry (ASTM C1028): 0.65
Min. breaking strength (ASTM C648): 350 lbs
Min. abrasion resistance (PEI): 4
Min. Mohs scale (ANSI 137.1): 8.5
Ching, F.D.K. A Visual Dictionary of Architecture. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Rosen H.J. et al. (2010). Construction Specifications Writing. New Jersey: John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
Salvan, G.S. (2005). Architectural Practice and Construction Management. Philippines:
Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
specifications.html (Links to an external site.)
1.2 Specification Writing Techniques


• Be accurate, brief and clear.

• Avoid complex sentences and stilted (artificially formal) language.
• Use simple sentences and common words.


• Form simple declarative sentences or imperative statements.

EXAMPLE: “Place a label on the front of the data outlet face plate.”

• Do not write in the indicative form.

EXAMPLE: “Contractor shall place a label on the front of the data outlet face plates.”

• Start with a verb. A word of action.


• Terms should be defined in the contract.

Furnish: to supply and deliver to the project site, ready to install.

Install: to place in position for service or use.
Provide: to furnish and install, complete, ready for use.
• Avoid using abbreviations in the body of a specification.
• Every word in a specification is important. Do not underline, bold, italicize,

• Ching, F.D.K. A Visual Dictionary of Architecture. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Rosen H.J. et al. (2010). Construction Specifications Writing. New Jersey: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Salvan, G.S. (2005). Architectural Practice and Construction Management.
Philippines: Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.
1.3 Uniform System

A format developed by the Construction Specifications Institute for coordinating specifications, filing
of technical data and product literature, and construction cost accounting, organized into 16 divisions
based on an interrelationship of material, trade, or function.


Division 1: General Requirements

Division 2: Site Work

Division 3: Concrete

Division 4: Masonry

Division 5: Metals

Division 6: Wood and Plastics

Division 7: Thermal and Moisture Protection

Division 8: Doors and Windows

Division 9: Finishes

Division 10: Specialties

Division 11: Equipment

Division 12: Furnishings

Division 13: Special Construction

Division 14: Conveying Systems

Division 15: Mechanical

Division 16: Electrical


• Provide a standard, fixed framework for organizing specifications.

• Serves as a sequencing guide for arranging specification sections. Provides easy
retrieval of information.
• Provides easy retrieval of information


Defines the specific administrative and procedural requirements unique to this section.


• Related Work Specified

• Furnished by Others
• Furnished but not Installed
• Furnished by Owner

Description of Systems

• Water Supply System

• Chilled Water System
• Wiring System
• Telephone System
• Fire Detection System
• Integrated Ceiling System
• Curtain Wall System

Requirements of Regulatory Agencies

• Permits
• Codes
• Ordinances
• U.L. Regulations
• Tests by Agencies
• Design Conditions


• Qualification of Manufacturer
• Qualification of Applicators
• Qualification of Welders
• Qualification of Erectors
• Qualification of Testing Agency


• Time and Sequence Schedules

• Shop Drawings
• Samples
• Manufacturer’s Literature
• Lists
• Parts Lists
• Certificates
• Guarantees
• Bonds

• Sample Panels
• Models
• Window Assembly
• Door Assembly
• Curtain Wall Assembly
• Panel Wall Assembly
• Integrated Ceiling Assembly

Product Handling

• Delivery of Materials
• Delivery of Equipment
• Delivery of Fixtures
• Storage of Materials
• Storage of Equipment

Environmental Conditions

• Temperature
• Humidity
• Lighting
• Ventilation


• Drop Cloths
• Removal of Hardware
• Removal of Flammable Rubbish
• Smoking

Operating Instructions

For mechanical and electrical systems. To be given by BUILDING ENGINEER

Extra Stock

• Spare Parts
• Extra Tile
• Extra Wall Covering
• Resilient Flooring
• Extra Brick
• Tools
• Maintenance Materials


Measurement and Payment


Describes, in detail, the quality of items that are required for incorporation into the project under this



• Plaster Mix
• Concrete Mix
• Asphalt Binder Mix
• Asphalt Topping Mix
• Terrazzo Mix



• Fabrication of Structural Steel

• Fabrication of Reinforcing Steel
• Fabrication of Doors
• Fabrication of Windows
• Fabrication of Toilet Partitions

Source Quality Control

• Mill Tests
• Factory Tests
• Plant Tests
• Shop Test


Describes, in detail, preparatory actions and how the products are incorporated into the project.

Condition of Surfaces


• Fine Grading (to receive base course)

• Treatment of Formwork (to receive concrete)
• Treatment of Galvanized Surfaces (to receive paint)
• Treatment of Wood Surfaces (to receive paint)


• Placing Concrete
• Laying Bricks
• Framing Floors
• Applying Paint
• Clearing Site
• Erection of Trusses
Field Quality Control

• Soil Compaction Tests

• Pile Load Tests
• Concrete Compression Tests
• Concrete Slump Tests
• Plumbing System Tests





• Accessories Schedule
• Hardware Schedule
• Painting Schedule
• Plumbing Fixture Schedule
• Mechanical Equipment Schedule
• Lighting Fixture Schedule

Ching, F.D.K. A Visual Dictionary of Architecture. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Salvan, G.S. (2005). Architectural Practice and Construction Management.
Philippines: Goodwill Trading Co., Inc.

Module 1 Summary
Module 1 pertains to specification writing which includes topics on the definition and
types of specifications, specification writing techniques, and uniform system. Topic 1 on
this module focused on defining the nature of specifications and provided the necessary
approaches to create one. Topic 2 identified the acceptable configuration and
composition in writing. The correct usage which was already studied in English courses
are deemed necessary in specification writing - sentence patterns, subject-verb
agreement, voices of verbs, etc. ought to be observed and considered. Topic 3 portrayed
the organization of documents using the uniform system or Master Format integrated
with the three-part section format. Categories and contents are also finely delineated for

The next module will show you the concept of quantity surveying, and the estimating
approach for civil and structural works
2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Learn the different methods and techniques in estimating different quantities

of materials, equipment and labor resulting in a more accurate data as a basis
for sound project programming, scheduling and control.
2. Apply the concept of quantity surveying through estimating civil and
structural works.


1. Estimating Civil Works

2. Estimating Structural Works

2.1 Estimating Civil Works

Means any works where the greater proportion of the works involves earthworks, the
construction of bridges, dams and the like, but excluding works involving the
construction of a building, electrical and mechanical plant

The digging or removal of earth from its natural position, or the cavity resulting from
such removal.
PROBLEM: Find the volume of excavation if the size of column footing is 1.20 meters
square having a depth of 1.00 meter.
V = 1.20 m. x 1.20 m. x 1.00 m.
V = 1.44 sq.m.

To refill an excavation with earth, stone, or other material, esp. the space around exterior
foundation walls.
The required gravel bedding must be considered in the computation for backfill.

Ching, F.D.K. A Visual Dictionary of Architecture. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Civil Works.Retrieved August 14, 2020,
2.2 Estimating Structural Works

Concrete is a mixture of cement, paste, fine and coarse aggregates. The cement paste is
consist of cement and water which bind the fine and coarse aggregates. When the
mixture has sufficiently set, takes on the characteristics of hard stone.
The fine aggregates in concrete should consist of natural sand or inert material with
similar characteristics, having clean, hard and durable, grains, free from organic matters
or loam.
The coarse aggregate should consist of crushed rocks of durable and strong qualities, or
clean and hard gravel. The size of the coarse aggregates varies from 20 mm to 38 mm
(3/4 in. to 1 -1/2 in.) in diameter.
Water to be used for mixing concrete should be clean and free from oil, acids, alkalis, salt
and other organic matter.

Estimating Concrete Materials.pdf

Steel is the most widely used reinforcing materials for almost all types of concrete
construction. In estimating the quantity of steel reinforcing bars, one has to consider the
additional length for the hook, the bend and the splice whose length varies depending
upon the limitations as prescribed by the National Building Code.

Estimating Reinforcing Steel Bars.pdf


Fajardo, M.B. (2000). Simplified Construction Estimate

Tagayun, V.A. (2010). Building Design and Construction

Module 2 Summary
Module 2 pertains to estimating civil and structural works which include topics on
quantity surveying, estimating civil works, and estimating structural works. Topic 1 on
this module focused on defining the estimating concept and portrayed sample problems
for excavation, backfill, earth fill, and related activities. Topic 3 defined the estimating
concept and portrayed sample problems for concrete works, and reinforcement.

The next module will show you the specifics on estimating architectural materials and
finishes relative to masonry works, roofing works, and ceiling works.
Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Learn the different methods and techniques in estimating different quantities

of materials, equipment and labor resulting in a more accurate data as a basis
for sound project programming, scheduling and control.
2. Apply the concept of quantity surveying through estimating architectural


1. Estimating Masonry Works

2. Estimating Roofing Works
3. Estimating Ceiling Works

Building with units of various natural manufactured products, as stone, brick, or concrete
block, usually with the use of mortar as the binding agent.
A precast masonry unit of Portland cement, fine aggregate, and water, molded into
various shapes.
A hollow or solid concrete masonry unit, often incorrectly referred to as cement block.

Ching, F.D.K. A Visual Dictionary of Architecture. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Fajardo, M.B. (2000). Simplified Construction Estimate
3.2 Estimating Roofing Works

Any of the various water-resistant materials, as shingles, slates, or tiles, laid on a roof to
shed or drain rainwater.
A course or layer of roofing material covering the ridge of a roof.
A channel of metal or wood at the eaves or on the roof of a building, for carrying off
Pieces of sheet metal or other thin, impervious material installed to prevent the passage
of water into a structure from an angle or joint.


Corrugated galvanized iron, aluminum, fiberglass, long span pre-painted steel and
cement asbestos sheets are some examples of roofing materials manufactured in various
lengths. Based from the spans of the rafters or trusses, the most suitable measurements
of roofing panels are chosen. These are indicated in the detail drawings of the roof
The roof covering may consist of a single row of long-span roofing as shown on the left
portion of the roof in Fig. F-2, or of two or more short layers of corrugated G.I.,
aluminum, etc., as shown on the right side. L1, L2, L3 and L4 represent the 4 layers of
roofing sheets used. The layered panels may have uniform or of different lengths.


The data needed in estimating the roofing materials are their effective widths and the
length in which they are available .in the market. And, to estimate the number of roofing
sheets per layer horizontally on a shed, gable or butterfly roof, the rule to follow is:

The standard lengths of ordinary

corrugated GI sheets range from
1.80 meters (6') to 3.60 meters
(12'). When used on steep roofs,
the minimum end laps between
sheets should be 0.25 meter and
0.30 meter for roofs with
moderate slope, respectively.
The standard width of corrugated
GI sheets is 0.81 meter (32").
Allowing a side lap of 0.10 meter
between sheets, the effective
width of each is 0.72 meter.

For estimating the number of ready-made plain G.I. fascia flashings, ridge or hip rolls and
valley with the standard length of 2.40 meters (8 feet), use the formula:

Length of Installation refers to the total length in meters, of the roof parts to be fitted with the
roofing accessory mentioned above. The denominator 2.10 meters is the effective length of each
accessory after deducting 0.30m (12") as end lap between joined pieces. The length of fascia
flashings at gable roof ends and those of hip rolls and valleys should be based on their sloped
measurement. In this connection, it is advisable to plot, even only roughly, at scab 1:20 meters
the spans and inclinations of the hips and valleys and get their correct length with the used a
scale. It is not correct to take their measurements directly from the roof framing plans. For the
sloping fascia flashings used at gable roof ends, their length can be measured with a scale from
the elevation drawings or from the length of rafters or top chords of trusses.

Estimating Roofing.pdf

Ching, F.D.K. A Visual Dictionary of Architecture. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Tagayun, V.A. (2010). Building Design and Construction
3.3 Estimating Ceiling Works

The overhead interior surface or lining of a room, often concealing the underside of the
floor or roof above.
A secondary ceiling formed to provide space for piping or ductwork, or to alter the
proportions of a room.
A ceiling suspended from an overhead floor or roof structure to provide space for pipes,
ductwork, lighting fixtures, or other service equipment.


A rule of thumb formula for calculating the number of board required for ceiling and
partition is:

Dividing the area of the partition or ceiling by the area of one board gives the exact number of
boards required if there is no waste of material, whatsoever. It is therefore multiplied by 1. I0 to
add 10% as margin for wastage.

Estimating Ceiling Materials.pdf

Ching, F.D.K. A Visual Dictionary of Architecture. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Tagayun, V.A. (2010). Building Design and Construction
4.0 Intended Learning Outcomes and Topics

Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Learn the different methods and techniques in estimating different quantities

of materials, equipment and labor resulting in a more accurate data as a basis
for sound project programming, scheduling and control.
2. Apply the concept of quantity surveying through estimating architectural


1. Estimating Floor and Wall Finishes (Tiles)

2. Estimating Wall and Ceiling Finishes (Paint)

4.1 Estimating Floor and Wall Finishes (Tiles)


In Fig. H-1, the background area, with sides A and B represents a surface which is to be
finished with either square or rectangular materials. It may be a floor, wall, ceiling, etc.,
and the finishes could be tiles, bricks, marble slabs, or other facing products
For easier understanding of the succeeding discussion, when the finishing material to be
used on the background area is square, it is referred to here as Case 1, while Case 2 and
Case 3 describe the application of rectangular shaped finishing materials on the same
In Case 2, the width a of the facing material is made parallel to the length B of the
background area. In Case 3, it is its longer side b that runs along the length 6, of the area
to be finished. Fig. K1 graphically illustrates these conditions.

Here are the suggested steps in calculating tiles required for the given rough surface
area, using any of the three cases discussed above. Although tiles are the materials
mentioned in the formulas, these rules also apply when estimating other kinds of square
and rectangular materials to finish a certain surface.
Case 1 - Tiles to be used are square, each side being a

Case 2 - Tiles to be used are rectangular with a, the shorter side laid parallel to side B of
the floor or wall. The Longer side b of the tiles is parallel to side A of the floor or wall.

Case 3 - Tiles are rectangular with the tiles shorter side a laid parallel to side A of the floor or
wall; and its longer side b is alongside B of the wall or floor.

In using these formulas, first perform the calculations indicated in each bracket
separately before I multiplying. Round up resulting decimals, in each computation, as
1. For decimal numbers less than 0.5, round up to 0.5.
2. For decimal numbers 0.5 up to 0.9, round up to 1.
When the shape of the area to be finished is a square, the sides can be designated as A.
A should be substituted for B when using any of the foregoing formulas to calculate the
quantity of materials required to cover the given square surface.
The formulas yield highly accurate counts of the number of finishing materials required.
However, an allowance for wastage of 3% of the computed quantities should be
included to take care of breakage due to careless handling and other causes.
When the shapes of the background area and/or the finishing materials are not square or
rectangle, the formula to use in estimating the quantity required for the latter is:

The dimensions to be used in the formulas should all be in the same unit of measure. In
using the last formula, an allowance for wastage should be included by adding from 5%
to 10% to the computed quantities of required finishing materials
For easy reference in using the given formulas, Table H-1 and Table H-2 give the values
of a and s in meters, and the area in square meter, for various sizes of finishing materials
such as tiles, bricks, acoustic or insulation boards, etc.

Estimating Floor and Wall Tiles.pdf

4.2 Estimating Wall and Ceiling Finishes (Paint)

A mixture of a solid pigment suspended in a liquid vehicle, applied as a thin, usually

opaque coating to a surface for protection and decoration.
A paint having a latex binder that coalesces as water evaporates from the emulsion.


Paints, clear finishes and other coatings are applied on a surface to impall a thin layer of
adhesive film for its protection, to give it color, seal its imperfections, smoothen its
uneven areas, etc. Painting is done with brushes, rollers and spray guns. Some paints also
come in aerosol spray cans for ready application.
Paint is composed of:
a. Pigment -the coloring element which may be opaque, white or colored; and
b. Vehicle - the oils or resins that hold the ‘pigment in suspension.
Before the surface is painted or coated, it must be thoroughly cleaned, allowed to dry or
cured. Then, it is given a coat of primer, sealer, conditioner, or any curing agent
appropriate for the surface to be painted. The seater, primer or undercoating should be
compatible or suited to the topcoat finish to be applied.


Paints and other surface coatings are estimated using the formula:

The surface area to be painted is computed from the measurements or scaled distances
shown on the project drawings. The calculations should be in square meters and the
areas of openings such as windows, fixed glass panels, etc.; and those where the coating
is of a different material, should be deducted from the gross surface area.
Generally, the number of coats required consists of one primer coat and one or two
topcoats for previously unpainted surfaces. For repainting works, the number would
depend upon the condition of the surface and the old coat of paint, among others.
The coverage is the area which a given quantity of paint, usually 4 liters, can cover per
coat applied. It is expressed as the number of square meters per 4 liters. The spreading
rate is ordinarily indicated on paint containers but if the same is not shown, the
information can be obtained from the manufacturer of the paint specified for the job.
The coverage of various kinds of paints is among the information included in the brief
specifications of paints and others coatings found on pages 5.7 to J.lO. It is noted that
two values are given and these can be interpreted to mean that the lower coverage is
used when estimating the materials for rough surfaces or thick paint film applied, while
the higher spreading rate is employed in calculating for smooth surface materials of thin
application of the paint. One can also opt to use-the average of the two values for
general estimating work.
When the coverage used in the formula is in number of square meters per liter of paint,
the result obtained is the quantity of paint required in liters, or the number of cans each
containing 1 liter of paint. When it is in number of square meters per 4 liters, the answer
is the quantity of paint needed in 4 liters, or the number of cans each containing 4 liters.
Primer and topcoat paints are sold in 16-liter, 4-liter and the smaller 1-liter cans. To
avoid, confusion and to make it easy to convert the total quantity of paint required to its
equivalent number of either 16-liter, liter, I-liter cans, or any combination thereof, it is
desirable that the calculations should give the total quantity required in lifers. To achieve
this, the coverage given in square meters per 4 liters should be converted to its
equivalent spreading rate per liter by dividing both the given area and the quantity of
paint by 4. For example, coverage of 40 square meters per 4 liters of paint is converted

Estimating Wall Finishes.pdf

Module 4 Summary
Module 4 pertains to estimating architectural materials and finishes which include topics
on estimating floor finishes, wall and ceiling finishes, and doors and windows. Topic 1 on
this module focused on defining the estimating concept and portrayed sample problems
for floor tiling works. Topic 2 defined the estimating concept and portrayed sample
problems for wall and ceiling painting works.

The next module will show you the specifics on the electrical system and the
corresponding material estimate.
5.0 Intended Learning Outcomes and Topics

Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Learn the different methods and techniques in estimating different quantities

of materials, equipment and labor resulting in a more accurate data as a basis
for sound project programming, scheduling and control.


1. Fundamentals of Electrical Works

2. Estimating Electrical Materials

5.1 Fundamentals of Electrical Works

Electrical fundamentals refer to the electrical basics, terms and concepts you should
understand before taking on any electrical project. It's not hard to get a good
understanding of the electrical fundamentals, just read the rest of this page and you
should be a lot more up to speed.
Understanding electrical fundamentals and electrical basics starts with understanding
that all electrical equipment is rated in watts, volts and amps.
In order for any electric system (including a solar system) to be able to power appliances
it must be able to produce the same (or more) watts, volts and amps as is required by any
given appliance or by your power usage needs.
Watts represent the amount of power produced or used.
Volts represent the pressure of electrical flow (the push).
Amps represent the intensity (amount & speed) of current and thus determine the size of
the wire needed.
Watt / Kilowatt hours is the measurement used by your electric company to charge you
on your bill.
The two types of current are:

• DC (direct current)
• AC (alternating current).

DC only flows in one direction and it is common in battery powered devices such as
flashlights, mobile phones, pdas and TV remotes. It is also what is produced by solar
panels and stored in your battery bank.
AC alternates the flow of the current at regular intervals and is commonly used for
bigger devices like household appliances.
Series wiring is when you connect your panels or batteries or any electric circuit, positive
to negative, negative to positive, etc. and it is used to increase the overall volts.
Parallel wiring is when you connect your panels or batteries or any electric circuit,
positive to positive, negative to negative, etc. and it is used to increase the overall amps.
For further reading, please check this Link.

Tagayun, V.A. Building Design and Construction (Links to
an external site.)
5.2 Estimating Electrical Materials
Estimating Electrical Materials.pdf

Module 5 Summary
Module 5 pertains to estimating electrical materials. Topic 1 on this module focused on
defining the fundamentals of the electrical system for building - including specifics about
materials as wires, conduits, connection boxes. Topic 2 portrayed a sample problem to
quantify the electrical materials which are needed in the preparation of the bill of

The next module will show you the specifics on the mechanical/plumbing system and the
corresponding material estimate.
Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Learn the different methods and techniques in estimating different quantities

of materials, equipment and labor resulting in a more accurate data as a basis
for sound project programming, scheduling and control.
2. Apply the concept of quantity surveying through estimating
mechanical/plumbing works.


1. Fundamentals of Plumbing Works

2. Estimating Plumbing Materials

6.1 Fundamentals of Plumbing Works

The purpose of plumbing is to get water to a structure for the use of the occupants and
to remove sewage and used or unwanted water from the building and its surrounding
areas. This is achieved by means of the plumbing fixtures, pipes and fittings.
The network of pipes and fittings in a building for conveying water to all the plumbing
fixtures may be called the water distribution system. Water may come from either an
individual supply source or from the water supply system of the community.
The system of pipes and fittings for carrying off wastes is referred to as the sanitary
installation. Each plumbing fixture is fitted with the appropriate kind and size of sanitary
pipes and fittings for draining system of the community or to a septic vault, as the case
may be. off the wastes and used water. The sewage and unwanted liquids are conveyed
to the sewage disposal.
The storm drainage system which consists of pipes, fittings, catch basins or floor drains
intended for getting rid of water drained front the building roof and its surrounding areas
is generally considered as part of the structure's plumbing system.

A soil pipe (SP) with branches to the different plumbing fixtures and receptacles like the
water closet (WC), lavatory (LAV), floor drains (FD) and kitchen sink runs through the
building to where the Toilet-bathroom is located. One end is a clean-out (CO) with a
removable cap to allow cleaning if the pipe gets clogged. Its other extremity terminates
inside the septic vault (SV), a receptacle where me wastes from the different fixtures are
deposited and rendered into harmless liquid to be eventually drained off thru the house
drainage system to the street sewer or canal, or percolate deep down the soil.
A pipe vent through the roof (VTR) provides air inside the pipes to facilitate the easy
flow of the wastes and to dispel the obnoxious gases inside the system above the roof
instead of leaking inside the building.


The building water entrance pipe (WEP) is connected to the water main along the street
by means of a corporation cock. The amount of water passing thru the water service is
measured by the water meter (M). The meter shut-off (MS) and the gate valve (GV)
located just before, and after, the meter respectively, serve to control the entire building
water service. From these, the water pipes (WP) branch out to the different fixtures
requiring water. The House Drainage System
Concrete or CHB catch basins (CB) serve as receptacles for water deposited by
downspouts (DS) connected to the roof gutters or from groundwater overflows. Inter-
connected concrete drainage pipes (CDP) empty the water from the catch basins into
the street gutter canal or public sewer system.
6.2 Estimating Plumbing Materials

Estimating Plumbing Materials.pdf

Fajardo, M.B. Plumbing Design and Estimate

Module 6 Summary

Module 6 pertains to estimating mechanical/plumbing materials. Topic 1 on this module focused

on defining the fundamentals of the plumbing system for building - including specifics about
materials as pipes and fittings. Topic 2 portrayed a sample problem to quantify the plumbing
materials which are needed in the preparation of the bill of quantities.

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