Color A Dinosaur (USA) - Text

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Getting Started NOISE : зу ie
The Freehand and Point-to-Point Coloring Modas ............ Le
ава ув)
Golaring a Dinosaur
Changing the Coloring af Your Dinosaur
Recording on Your “СЯ 11
MS На праваце аа а 12
Dinosaur Coloring Воск ...................... 1.01
Е аа ROE LIEN RE аў а V-a AR СО e e K 38
ulis comera] Pac]
(В Button) (A Button}
Selects ireehand coloring mode and Selects point-to-point coloring mode
moves palette cursor and colors In the area selected

(Control Pad) „7 i
Moves the
drawing cursor
Да Staris game
Es Exits the dinosaur

Displays the different palettes

Insert Ше COLOR A DINOSAUR Game Рак and tum on your Mintenda
Entertainment $System. Іле Ше screen will app d yau will push START
to bagin. The screen wil show sixteen dinosaurs. Using the cantral pad,
move the cursar to the dinasaur you would like
fo color. Select the dinosaur by pushing ейлег
ihi А ar E button.

Pressing Ше А button allows you to colar in пе

point-to-point color mode. Pressing tha E
button allows you to color in the ігааһаги
Wine ArsemnoanPdolu ^
вп таў
3 Storing ILLNESS
(de ra” м | М “A ч“ Je га

The dinosaurs can be colored in twa different methods: either in ihe freehand
or the point-to-point moda.

The free hand coloring mode allows you ta colar whalever section of the
dinosaur you wish by moving the curser to ihat section with the cantral pad,

The point-to-point coloring mode allows the computer ta select which section
of the dinosaur te color automatically. Once you have colored ihe area
selected, simply press the cantral pad in the direction you wish to move and
Ihe drawing cursor will automatically move to the next fillable area in that

Pushing the pad up or to the right moves the cursor in a right-hand direction.
Pushing down or ек moves the cursar in a left-hand direction.

Once you begin coloring a dinasaur in one mode, you cannot switch ta the
olher mode without erasing any coloring you've dane. To change modes you
must return to tha dinosaur menu and start over (see EXITING YOUR
(a загі) (е) Dinossvr >
Once you have selected a dinosaur by pressing eitherА ar B, you must
select a palette
аі colors and patterns
to calor it with.

Pressing the
SELECT button
changes Іне
palette апа
coloring of your

Pressing Ihe SELECT button will display the different palettes. When you
come іо the palette you wish to usa, start coloring. You may change palettes
at any time during the coloring by pressing the SELECT butten again,

When you have chosen а palette, move the drawing cursor [tha arrow-
shaped cursor] to the area you wish ta color, Move the palette cursor (the
checkmark-shaped cursar) to the color ar pattern yau wish 1a Use by pressing
the B button. Press the A button to color the area
Palette cursor —_
rss) ins
Goloring Of four
IF you have colored an area of the dinosaur with a color and паі а pattern,
you can change thal area ta any ather colar ar pattern on the palette, Simply
таче the drawing cursar ta that area ai the dinosaur with the arrows on the
control pad, move Ihe palella cursor lo Ihe color or pattern you would like їо
change it to бу pressing the В button and then press the A button to calor it
И you have colored an area of the dinosaur with a pattern, you саппаі
change il. Only textura can be added. Select tha area you would like to
change according ta your coloring mode. Select the pattern you would like ta
add with the B button. Press the A button to color.
Your DISA?
If vau are done coloring your dinosaur, you can select a new one by pressing
Ше START button.

You will retum to the screen with the sixteen dinosaur outlines and you сап
make your сре Нот there,
On four Май
WARNING: Mat all VCR are equipped to record from the NES, Please refer
to your manufacturer's handbook.

I you are normally able to record video games played on your WER, then you
should be able to record Ihe artwark created with COLOR A DINOSAUR in
the same way.
Тоз history i
tne Dinosdurs
What are dinosaurs?
The word dinosaur comes fram two Greek words meaning “terrible lizard,"
While dinosaurs weren't lizards. they were reptiles that ruled the land for
mare than 150 million years. Although scientists only discovered the un-
known animals inthe 1820's, the bones, teeth, eggs and tracks (callad
fossils) they leit behind tell us much abaut the dinosaurs today; where they
lived, what they ale and what they looked like,
When did dinosaurs live?
Dinosaurs first appeared an the earln about 220 million years адо, They
lived during the Mesozoic Era or the Age of the Reptiles, a time when reptiles
dominated the land, sky and sea. The Mesozoic Era is divided into Ihres
perads; the Triassic, the Jura
lived during only ane or two periods. some

What did they look like?

There were hundreds of different types of dinosaurs which varied a lot in size
and appearance. Some dinosaurs walked ап four legs, some on two. Same,
like tha Stegasaurus, had plates along its back. Others had bone domes and
crowns on their heads like the Triceratops. Even stranger ones had duckbills
and spikes. But all dinosaurs can be divided into two groups: the Omithis-
chians (bird-hippad dinosaurs) and the Saurischians (lizard-hipped dina
saurs) Few dinosaurs however, where as small as today's birds and lizards

The smallest dinosaurs were the size of chickens, Other dinosaurs were the
size of dags or even of man, but the most gigantic dinosaurs were the largest
animals aver ta lve an land.

Tha Brontosaurus or “thunder zant was so heavy and long (each one around
ВОН), that scientists believed its huge teet made tremendous noise when it
walked. Some weighed as much as len limes that of a full-qrown elephant!
Diplodacus was even longer, at times as great as &üit., and the Tyrannosaurus
Rex, Ihe most ferocious dinosaur at all, 10 IL. tall just at the hips!
In some ways dinosaurs were vary much like the rentiles of today, Many had
scaly skin, teeth and bones like the lizard. Some laid eggs and were as
intelligent as the crocodile. But dinosaurs varied very much from today's
repliles (оо, Modern reptiles would never grow as large as the dinosaurs did,
and few have the same posture. Ta lizards, lurlles and crocodiles have
legs which extend aut fram their bodies, Dinosaurs had legs that stood
under their bodies, pushing them up fram the ground and allowing mary to
stand on their hind legs. This also helped them 1a move faster on land.
Where did the dinosaurs live?
Dinosaurs lived in mast pans of the world and in all different types of set-
tings. They could be found in forests, swamps, plains. deserts and beaches
just like the ones we have today, but living of course with different plants and

Scientists believe that today's cantinents usad te farm ane large land mass
surrounded by a greal sea. During іне Masazaic era when the dinosaurs
lived, the land mass began to separate. The dinosaurs could still reach all
parts ai the land, but the land was slowly changing. The seas that used ta
cover North America began to drain and the Rocky Mountains started to
farm. This made ihe weather change bit by іні. Dinosaurs probably lived
mostly in a trapical climate with a dry and a rainy season. Near the coast tha
air was probably moist and mild. In the desert it was more hot and dry,

What did the dinosaurs eat?

Dinosaurs were either plant eaters (herbivores) like Ihe Stegosaurus or meal
eaters (camivares) like Ihe Tyrannosaurus,

Herbivor es ale water plants and leaves which they reached with their lang
;, depending on which they had. The tallest plant eating
indaurs could reach the tops of trees Ша! wera 20 Н. high! Herbivares
tended to have large stomachs and specialized teeth that helped to digest
ihe tough leaves they lived aff of.
Carnivores also had special anatomical features for getting food, Many had
huge sharp teeth and claws for grabbing thair prey. Soma smaller carnive
raus dinosaurs had teeth as small as human teeth, But all nad extremely
strong jaw muscles to help them chew and clench their food. It is belie
that same dinosaurs were scave
animals. Other dinosaurs were be
and attacking their prev.

Who was the largest carnivore of all?

The Tyrannesaurus er ‘tyrant lizard” ; {пе largesi and meanesi carnivarg
al all. I's teeth alone were six inches long. He could have swallowed a

small plant eater whole! The Tyrannosaurus stocd 20 ft. high and 46
long. His п ive body weighed eight tans, so big that som J
balieve that he could only have waddled and ted on small creatureES, Sick
animals and dead dinosaurs. Others disagree. Th y he could have
chased his prey at forty miles per hour! So fierce was ine Tyrannosaurus that
sometimes the word “rex” or "king" is added to his name, making him k па or
the tyrants

What happended to the dinosaurs?

The dinasaurs first appeared on the earth 220 million years aga and then
mystenausly disapaeared 65 million years aga. Мо апе knows lor sure wheat
happened to them, but scientists have many ideas,
Some believe that a comet or asteroid hit the earth and caused billions of
tons of dust, The dust blocked out the sunlight and killed tha plants. The
| herbivores had nothing to eat and died. When the herbivores died, the
camivares had по food and died as well
| Others think that the changing climate caused by the land's movement during
the Cretaceous period was too hard for the dinosaurs to adjust to. Maybe И
got too cold and dinosaurs couldn't survive because they had по fur or
feathers lo protect them. Mammals who did have fur and fealhers and who
could hibernate during cold times did survive and still live today,

Perhaps it is a combination of Inese two theories and probably other reasons

too that the dinosaurs disappeared. Only through research and discovery
will man aver hape lo uncover the reason for the dinosaurs! extincion.
y O Becaza

B Б y EdE
Crested Duckbill
- : Si. 2 Vanas
us Vara

Game Design and Concept Jay Obernalte
Programmed By Jay Obernolte
Executive Producer Stephen ‘The Doc” Glarke-Willson
Producer Erik Увс
Art By Stan German
Glunies Holt
Doug Cope
Music & Sound Tammy Тай
Game Tested By Mi
Michael Giosecki
Justin Marr
Noah Tool
Writtan by Robin Kausc^
Edited by Lisa Marcinko
Coloring Book Illustrations Stan Giorman
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