ALPS 2324 Physics Assignment Paper

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ALPS_ Physics – 2324

Syllabus Topic: Energy & Momentum, Capacitors

* Mark questions are more than one option correct type.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Five identical plates each of area A are joined as shown in the figure. The distance between the plates is d.
The plates are connected to a potential difference of V volts. The charge on plates 2 and 4 will be: [  ]
0 AV 20 AV
(A) ,
d d
0 AV 20 AV
(B) ,
d d
0 AV 20 AV
(C) ,
d d
0 AV 0 AV
(D) ,
d d
2. In the figure below, what is the potential difference between
the point A and B and between B and C respectively in steady
state : [ ]
(A) VAB  VBC  100V
(B) VAB  75V , VBC  25V
(C) VAB  25V , VBC  75V
(D) VAB  VBC  50V

*3. A part of the circuit has been shown. All the capacitors have capacitance of 2F and initially all were
uncharged : [ ]
(A) Charge on C1 is 6C
(B) Charge on C2 is 6C
(C) Charge on C3 is zero
(D) Charge on C3 is 12C

VMC | Physics 1 ALPS-2324


*4. In the network shown : [ ]

(A) Potential difference across capacitors is 6V
(B) Charge across. C2 capacitor is 24C
(C) Ratio of energy stored across C1 and C2 is 1
(D) Ratio of energy stored across C1 and C2 is

5. Assuming capacitance of each capacitor equals C, the effective

capacitance between A and B is . Then x is . [ ]


A system consists of two concentric thin spherical shells of radii a and b (b > a).

6. If inner shell is earthed and charge Q is given to the outer shell, then charge on the inner shell is: [  ]
Qa Qb
(A) Zero (B)  (C) (D) None of these
b a
7. The capacitance of the system in above case: [ ]

 ab   b2 
40  40  a  b  (C) 4 0 b 4 0 
 (B)  b  a 
(A) (D)
ba  
8. In the figure shown, the heavy ball of mass 2m rests on the horizontal surface and the lighter ball of mass m
is dropped from a height h  2l. At the instant the string gets taut, the upward velocity of the heavy ball
will be: [ ]
2 4
(A) gl (B) gl
3 3
1 1
(C) gl (D) gl
3 2
9. A ball of mass m is released from point A inside a smooth wedge of mass m as shown in figure. What is the
speed of the wedge when that ball reaches point B? [ ]
 gR 
(A)   (B) 2gR
3 2 
 5 gR  3
(C)   (D) gR
2 3 2

VMC | Physics 2 ALPS-2324


10. Five identical balls each of mass m and radius r are strung like beads at
random and are at rest along a smooth, rigid horizontal thin rod of length L,
mounted between immovable supports as shown in the figure. Assume
10r  L and that the collision between balls or between balls and supports
are elastic. If one ball is struck horizontally so as to acquire a speed v, the
average force felt by the support is: [ ]

5mv 2 mv 2 5mv 2 mv 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
L  5r L  10r L  10r L  5r

VMC | Physics 3 ALPS-2324


---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-2 -----------------------------------------------------------

11. A ball A is falling vertically downwards with velocity v1 . It strikes A
elastically with a wedge moving horizontally with velocity v2 as shown
in figure. What must be the ratio so that the ball bounces back in v2
vertically upwards direction relative to wedge? [ ]
1 1
(A) 3 (B) (C) 2 (D)
3 2

12. In the diagram shown, there is no friction at any

contact surface. Initially, the spring has no deformation
and then a constant force F is applied as shown. What F
will be the maximum deformation in the spring? 2m m
Consider all the strings to be sufficiency large.
Consider the spring constant to be K. [ ]
4F 8F F
(A) (B) (C) (D) None
3K 3K 3K
*13. The elastic collision between two bodies, A and B can be considered using the
following model. A and B are free to move along a common line without Rest 2m/s
friction. When separation between the surfaces is greater then d  1m, the
interacting force is zero. When their distance becomes less than d, a constant
repulsive force F  6N is present. The mass of body A is m A  1 kg and it is
initially at rest. The mass of body B is mB  3 kg and it is approaching
towards A with a speed v0  2 m/s. Then choose the correct option(s) [ ]
(A) The common velocity attained by the bodies at minimum separation is 1.5 m/s
(B) The minimum separation between the bodies is 0.25 m
(C) The minimum separation between the bodies is 0.75 m
(D) The common velocity attained by the bodies at minimum separation is 2.0 m/s


Two balls of masses m1 = 100g and m2 = 300 g are suspended from point A by
two equal inextensible threads, each of length l = 32/35m. Ball of mass m1 is A l
2 m1
drawn aside and held at the same level as A but at a distance from A, as
2 l
shown, When ball m1 is released, it collides elastically with the stationary ball
of mass m2. m2
14. Velocity u1 with which the ball of mass m1 collides with the other ball is : [ ]
(A) 1 m/s (B) 2 m/s (C) 3 m/s (D) 4 m/s

VMC | Physics 4 ALPS-2324


15. Maximum rise of centre of mass of the ball of mass m2 is : [ ]

(A) 0.20 m (B) 0.50 m (C) 0.75 m (D) 1m

16. n conducting plates are placed face to face as shown. Distance between any two plates is d. Area of the
plates is A, , .... . The equivalent capacitance of system is : [ ]
2 4 2 n 1

0 A 0 A
(A) (B)
2 d n
(2n  1)d
0 A 0 A
(C) (D) n1
(2  2)d
(2  1)d

17. One of the plates of a plane capacitor is suspended from the beam of a balance.
The distance between the capacitor plates is d = 5 mm and area of plates is 628
cm 2 . What is the potential difference between the capacitor plates if a weight
of 1 gram has to be placed on the other pan of the balance to obtain
equilibrium? [ ]
(A) 91.00 V (B) 910.0 V (C) 0.91 V (D) 948 V
*18. A parallel plate capacitor of plate area A and plate separation d is charged to a potential difference V and
then the battery is disconnected. A slab of dielectric constant K is then inserted between the plates of the
capacitor so as to fill the space between the plates. If Q, E and W denote the magnitude of charge, the
electric field between the plates (after the slab is inserted) and the work done on the system in question
during the process of inserting the slab, then: [ ]
 0 AV 0 KAV V 0 AV 2  1
(A) Q (B) Q (C) E (D) W 1  
d d Kd 2d  K
*19. A parallel plate capacitor is filled by a dielectric whose dielectric constant varies with potential difference
V according to law K  V , where   2 volt1. An air capacitor having same dimensions charged to a
potential difference of 28 volt is connected in parallel to the uncharged dielectric capacitor. Then in steady
state: [ ]
(A) Common potential across the capacitors is 3.5 volt
(B) Common potential across the capacitors is 7 volt
(C) The ratio of charge on dielectric capacitor to air capacitor is 7 : 1
(D) The ratio of charge on dielectric capacitor to air capacitor is 3.5 : 1
20. In the given circuit diagram, the heat generated on closing the switch
S is (Initially capacitor of capacitance C is uncharged) CV 2 . Then
x is . [ ]

VMC | Physics 5 ALPS-2324


__________________________________________DAY-3 --------------------------------------------------------------------
A hemispherical bowl of uniform mass distribution of mass ‘M’ is at rest on frictionless horizontal ground surface.
There is a small insect of mass ‘m’ on bowl at point ‘A’ of the bowl at rest. Now the insect moves with constant
speed ‘v’ relative to bowl in vertical plane. Assume that insect does not slip on the bowl.

21. When the insect reaches point ‘P’ of the hemisphere the displacement of hemisphere w.r.t. ground is:  
(A) Zero
(B) (1  cos ) horizontally towards left
( M  m)
(C) (1  cos ) horizontally towards left
( M  m)
mR(1  cos )
(D) (1  cos )
( M  m)

22. When the insect is at point ‘P’ of the hemispherical bowl the acceleration of bowl is:  
(A) Zero
 m  v2
(B)   cos  horizontally towards left
 M m R
 M  v2
(C)   sin  horizontally towards right
 M m R
 m  v2
(D)   cos  horizontally towards right
 M m R

23. In a region, potential energy varies with x with U(x) = 30 – (x – 5)2 Joule, where x is in meters. A particle of
mass 0.5 kg is projected from x = 11 m towards origin with velocity ‘u’. u is the minimum velocity, so that
the particle can reach the origin. (x = 0). Find the value of in meter/second. (Take 44  6.5 )  
24. Work done by force F to move block of mass 2 kg from
A to C very slowly is (76  )J . Force F is always acting

tangential to path. Equation of path AB is x 2  8 y and

BC is straight line which is tangent on curve AB at point
B (  between block and path ABC is 0.5). Then value of

'  ' is [ g 10 m / s 2 ]  

VMC | Physics 6 ALPS-2324

25. Column I shows some arrangements in which motion of masses are described and Column II defines
motion of centre of mass of the system (m + M)  
Match appropriate possible options in Coloum II
Column I Column II

P 1 Acceleration of centre of mass may be zero

Person moves with constant acceleration
(towards right)

Centre of mass must move with constan

Q 2
Velocity At t = 0, a person at point A is velocity.
moving with constant velocity (towards
right) and the plank is at rest, then for his
motion between point A and B.

R 3 Centre of mass must remain at rest

Centre of mass must have a component of

S 4
acceleration in the downward direction

Codes :
(A) 3 1 2 4 (B) 3 2 1 4
(C) 4 2 1 3 (D) 4 1 2 3

VMC | Physics 7 ALPS-2324


*26. In a parallel plate capacitor, the plates are kept vertical. The upper half of the space between the plates is
filled with dielectric of dielectric constant K and the lower half with a dielectric of constant 2K. A source of
constant emf is connected between the plates. Then : 
(A) Electric field in upper half of capacitor is more than that in lower half
(B) Electric field is same in both dielectrics
(C) Ratio of charge density on upper half of the plates and lower half of the plates equals 1
(D) Ratio of charge density on upper half of the plates and lower half of the plates equals 1/2

*27. A capacitor C1 of capacitance 1F and a capacitor C2 of capacitance 2F are separately charged by a
common battery for a long time. The two capacitors are then separately discharged through equal resistors.
Both the discharge circuits are connected at t = 0. 
(A) The current in each of the two discharging circuits is zero at t  0
(B) The currents in the two discharging circuits at t  0 are equal but not zero
(C) The currents in the two discharging circuits at t  0 are unequal
(D) C1 loses 50% of its initial charge sooner than C2 loses 50% of its initial charge
In the circuit shown in the figure the emf of each battery is  and capacitors of capacitances C1 and C2 are
connected as shown in the figure.

28. The charge on the each capacitor before closing the switch is:  
3C2 C1C2 2C1C2
(A)  C1  C2   (B)  (C) (D)
C1  C1  C2  C1  C2
29. The switch S is now closed, the amount of charge flows through the section 1:  
C1  C1  C2  C1C2 C1  C1  2C2 
(A) (B) (C) (D) Zero
 C1  C2  C1  C2 C1  C2
30. The amount of charge flows through section 2 :  
C1  C1  C2  C2  C1  C2 
(A) (B) (C) zero (D) None of these
C1  C2  C1  C2 

VMC | Physics 8 ALPS-2324


---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

*31. A block ‘A’ is placed on a smooth horizontal surface and a particle C is suspended with the help of light
rod from point B of the block as shown. Now both the block A and the particle C are given velocity v0
towards left. The block A strikes a fixed wall and suddenly stops. Then: [ ]
(A) The smallest velocity v0 for which the particle C will swing in a full

circle about the point B is 4 gl .

(B) The smallest velocity v0 for which the particle C will swing in a full

circle about the point B is gl .

(C) Velocity of point C at the highest point of the circle (for the smallest value of v0 ) is zero.

(D) Velocity of point C at the highest point of the circle (for the smallest value of v0 ) is gl .

*32. A long block A is at rest on a smooth horizontal surface. A small block B, whose
mass is half of A, is placed on A at one end and projected along A with some
velocity u. The coefficient of friction between the blocks is . Choose correct
statements. [ ]
(A) The blocks will reach the final common velocity .
(B) The work done against friction is two-thirds of the initial kinetic energy of B.
(C) Before the block reach a common velocity, the acceleration of A relative to B is g .
(D) Before the blocks reach a common velocity the acceleration of A relative to B is g .

*33. A strip of wood of mass M and length l is placed on a smooth horizontal surface. An insect of mass m starts
at one end of the strip and walks to the other end in time t, moving with a constant speed. Choose correct
statements. [ ]
(A) The speed of the insect as seen from the ground is 
l M 
(B) The speed of the strip as seen from the ground is  
t  M m
l m 
(C) The speed of the strip as seen from the ground is  
t  M m
1 l 
(D) The total kinetic energy of the system is ( m  M )  
2 t 

VMC | Physics 9 ALPS-2324


34. In the figure shown, the two identical balls of mass M and radius R each, are
placed in contact with each other on the frictionless horizontal surface. The
third ball of mass M and radius , is coming down vertically and has a
velocity  v0 when it simultaneously hits the two balls and itself comes to rest.
Then, each of the two bigger balls will move after collision with a speed equal
to : [ ]
4v0 2v0 v0
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
5 5 5

35. A particle strikes a horizontal frictionless floor with a speed u, at an angle  with
the vertical, and rebounds with a speed v, at an angle  with the vertical. The
coefficient of restitution between the particle and the floor is e. The angle  is u  
equal to : [ ]
(A)  (B) tan 1 e tan 
1 
(C) tan 1  tan  (D) 1  e  
e 

36. In the arrangement shown in figure mass of ball is 1 kg and mass of trolley is 4 kg. A
shell of mass 1 kg moving horizontally with velocity v  6 m/sec collides with the
v 
ball and gets stuck to it. Then maximum deflection of the thread (length = 1.5 m) with A 1 kg
1 kg
vertical is: [ ]
(A) 53° (B) 37° (C) 30° (D) 60°


A sensor to find liquid level in a tank is a cylindrical capacitor of length with outer and inner conductor radii R0
and Ri respectively. When a liquid fills the tank up to height h( h  l ) from tank’s bottom, the dielectric in lower
part is liquid ( K L ) and dielectric in upper part is vapour of liquid ( KV ) .
37. When liquid fills the tank up to height h, the capacity of capacitor is : [ ]
20l  h  20l  h 
(A)  Kl  Kv   Kv  (B)  Kv  Kl   Kl 
ln  R0 / Ri   l  ln  R0 / Ri   l 
20l  h  20l  h 
(C)  Kv  Kl   Kv  (D)  Kv  Kl   Kv 
ln  Ri / R0   l  ln  Ri / R0   l 

VMC | Physics 10 ALPS-2324


38. If l  2m, R0  5mm, Ri  4.5 mm, K l  1.4, K v  1.0. Then, capacitance of capacitor when tank is fully
filled is: [ ]

(A) 4.5  109 F (B) 7.5  109 F (C) 3.5  109 F (D) 1.5  109 F

39. Value of capacitance of capacitor when tank is completely empty is : [ ]

(A) 2.5  109 F (B) 3.5  109 F (C) 1  109 F (D) 1.1  109 F

*40. The capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor is C0 when the region between the plates has air. This region
is now filled with a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K. The capacitor is connected to a cell emf  , and
the slab is taken out. [ ]
(A) Charge C0 ( K  1) flows through the cell

Energy  C0 ( K  1) is absorbed by the cell


The energy stored in the capacitor is reduced by  C0 ( K  1)


The external agent has to do 1 2  C0 ( K  1) amount of work to take the slab out

VMC | Physics 11 ALPS-2324


---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

41. From a circle of radius a, an isosceles right angled triangle with the hypotenuse as the diameter of the circle
is removed. The distance of the centre of gravity of the remaining position from the centre of the circle is :
   1 a a a
(A) 3    1 a (B) (C) (D) [ ]
6 3    1 3    1
42. In the figure, the ball A is released from rest when the spring is at its natural length. For the block B of
mass M to leave contact with the ground at some stage, the minimum mass of A is , then the value of n

is : [ ]

43. A block A of mass M A  1 kg is kept on a smooth horizontal

surface and attached by a light thread to another block B of mass
M B  2kg . Block B is resting on ground, and thread and pulley
are massless and frictionless. A bullet of mass m = 0.25 kg moving
horizontally with velocity of u = 200 m/s penetrates through block
A and comes out with a velocity of 100 m/s. [ ]
Column I Column II
(Values are in their
respective SI units)
(A) Velocity of 2 kg block just (P) 50/3
after the bullet comes out
(B) Maximum displacements of 1 (Q) 25
kg block in left direction
(C) Impulse by the string on block (R) 25/3
(D) Impulse by the particle on (S) 5.2
block A

VMC | Physics 12 ALPS-2324



Three conducting shells A, B and C of radii a, b and c are as shown.
Suppose, a source of emf is connected between shells A and C so that
shell A acquires a charge q and shell C has a charge  q .

44. Potential of shell A is : [ ]

q q
(A) (B)
40 a 40c
q 1 1 q 1 1
(C)    (D)   
40  c a  40  a c 
45. Potential difference between shells A and C is : [ ]
q q
(A) (B)
40 a 40c
q 1 1 q 1 1
(C)    (D)   
40  c a  40  a c 
46. Capacity of the system is : [ ]
 ac  40 ac
(A) 40 a (B) 40b (C) 40   (D)
 c a  (a  c)
47. Suppose a dielectric medium of dielectric constant K is filled between A and B. Then, potential difference
between A and C is : [ ]
q q
c  b  a   Ka  c  b  (B)  Kc  b  a   a  c  b 
40 Kabc  40 Kabc 

q q
K c  b  a   a  c  b   abc   a  b   b  c 
40 abc 
(C) (D)
40 K
48. Suppose a medium of dielectric constant K is filled between A and B. Then, capacitance between A and C
becomes: [ ]
40 abc
(A) 40 aK (B)
Ka  c  b   c  b  a 
40 Kabc 40 Kabc
(C) (D)
K  c  b   b  a  Ka  c  b   c  b  a 

49. In the given arrangement, the area of each plate is A. [ ]

VMC | Physics 13 ALPS-2324


Match the Column I with Column II.

Column -I Column -II
(A) Charge on surface 3 (P) Zero
(B) Charge on surface 5 (Q) V
0 A
(C) Potential difference between plates 2 and 3 (R)  V
0 A
(D) Potential difference between plates 2 and 5 (S) V
Codes :
(A) R S Q P (B) P T D Q
(C) P W R S (D) Q R P S

50. A capacitor is connected to a battery. The force of attraction between the plates when the separation
between them is halved becomes x times. Then x is . [ ]

VMC | Physics 14 ALPS-2324


Answer key : ALPS_ Physics – 2324

Topic: Energy & Momentum, Capacitors
Day 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Day 2

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Day 3

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

C B 6 5 B BD BD D A B

Day 4

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


Day 5

41 42 43 44 45 46 47

C 2 [A – R ; B – S ; C – P ; D – Q] D D C A

48 49 50

D A 4

VMC | Physics 15 ALPS-2324

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