Fuchs Renolin Unisyn Ol PDS

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Synthetic EP Compressor Oils, PAO based, for Screw, Vane, and Piston
Compressors; High Performance Synthetic PAO based Hydraulic Fluids

Compressed air has become a major form of energy RENOLIN UNIYSYN OL 32, 46 and 68 have espe-
transfer and the reliable generation of compressed cially been developed for use in oil injected screw
air is vital. Operators require compressors to func- compressors and also in turbo compressors.
tion perfectly over and beyond entire service inter-
vals. RENOLIN UNISYN OL 100 and 150 are recom-
mended in particular for long-term use in piston and
The RENOLIN UNISYN OL series was developed to rotary compressors where the lubricant must meet
meet the increased requirements of compressor the strict requirements for low residue formation ac-
manufacturers on the service life of compressor oils. cording to DIN 51506 VDL.
Due to the function of compressors, intensive swirl-
ing of the cooling oil and air occurs. At high compres- RENOLIN UNISYN OL fluids can also be used as
sion temperatures, the oils are subjected to a strong hydraulic fluids according to DIN 51524-2, -3.
oxidative attack that accelerates ageing. The selec-
tion of special synthetic base oils and additive sys-
tems makes long, interruption-free operation possi- Advantages
ble. To ensure optimum performance of the oil  Excellent viscosity-temperature behavior
separator, rapid air release and low foaming proper- (high natural viscosity index), shear-stable
ties are crucial characteristics of screw and turbo
 Excellent oxidation stability
compressor oils. RENOLIN UNISYN OL 32, 46 and
 Low evaporation losses
68 offer long service life, and they fulfill the require-
ments mentioned above as well as the requirements  Excellent wear protection (EP/AW!)
according to DIN 51506 VDL.  Excellent FE8 performance
 Good demulsifying properties
The most important functions of lubricating and cool-  Excellent corrosion protection
ing oils in screw compressors are:  Good compatibility with elastomers
 Cooling the compressed air  Low foaming / good air release
 Bearing lubrication  Suitable for high-temperature applications
 Sealing the chambers  Synthetic hydraulic fluids, excellent low
 Corrosion protection temperature flowability
 Preventing the formation of deposits.  Exceeds DIN 51506 VDL

12.08.2017, Page 1
FUCHS LUBRICANTS CO. Phone 708-333-8900
17050 Lathrop Avenue [email protected]
Harvey, IL 60426 www.fuchs.com/us

Synthetic EP Compressor Oils, PAO based, for Screw, Vane, and Piston
Compressors; High Performance Synthetic PAO based Hydraulic Fluids

Application Specifications
RENOLIN UNISYN OL products are recommended  ISO 6743-3:
for use in flooded or oil injection screw-type air com- L-DAA, L-DAB (reciprocating compressors)
pressors and turbo compressors (ISO VG 32, 46, 68) L-DAG, L-DAH, L-DAJ (rotating compressors)
and for piston and rotary vane compressors (ISO VG  DIN 51506: VDL
100, 150).  DIN 51524-2: HLP, DIN 51524-3: HVLP

RENOLIN UNISYN OL products should always be

used if mineral oil-based products are found to dis- Excellent Viscosity-Temperature Behavior (High
play insufficient thermal stability (resistance to age- natural viscosity index)
ing) or poor viscosity-temperature behaviour. Com-
RENOLIN UNISYN OL products display good "natu-
pared to mineral oil-based oils, RENOLIN UNISYN
ral" viscosity-temperature behaviour. Compared to
OL products foam less, offer better demulsification
mineral oils of similar viscosity, the start-up viscosity
and have superior air release properties.
of such oils at low temperatures is significantly less.
This also ensures the fastest possible oil feed to
The use of RENOLIN UNISYN OL products is espe-
bearings. Furthermore, compared to mineral oil-
cially recommended in unfavourable conditions and
based products of the same ISO-VG, the viscosity of
at high temperatures in which other oils fail because
RENOLIN UNISYN OL products at operating tem-
they allow coke to form, thus leading to unacceptably
peratures is higher. This ensures that an optimal lu-
short oil life. These oils are also recommended for
bricating film (higher viscosity) is always formed.
compressors which are subject to extreme loads.
Even at high loads and after long periods of use, no
shearing losses (drop in Viscosity or Viscosity Index)
Compared to mineral oil products, the life of
RENOLIN UNISYN OL products is considerably
longer, service intervals can be extended, opera-
tional reliability is much improved and breakdowns
are effectively reduced.

RENOLIN UNISYN OL products can also be used as

hydraulic fluids, with especially good low-tempera-
ture behaviour.

12.08.2017, Page 2
FUCHS LUBRICANTS CO. Phone 708-333-8900
17050 Lathrop Avenue [email protected]
Harvey, IL 60426 www.fuchs.com/us

Synthetic EP Compressor Oils, PAO based, for Screw, Vane, and Piston
Compressors; High Performance Synthetic PAO based Hydraulic Fluids

Excellent Oxidation Stability The very low evaporation losses of the synthetic
When running, the lubricating oil in screw compres- base oils used for RENOLIN UNISYN OL products
sors comes into close contact with the oxygen in the largely eliminate such problems.
air. Oxidation is accelerated by the large volumes of
air along with the relatively large surface areas on
the inside of these compressors. The temperature Excellent Wear Protection (EP)
peaks encountered in screw compressors also sub-
ject the lubricating oil to thermal stress. The use of The heat which is generated at high compressor out-
RENOLIN UNISYN OL products, especially at high let pressures often causes the oil film between the
temperatures (caused by high pressures), avoids the rotor flanks to become so thin that metal-to-metal
formation of ageing by-products and coke. contact and wear take place. RENOLIN UNISYN OL
products contain special AW/EP additives which en-
Moreover, they hinder the formation of corrosive ox- able a protective film to be formed even at extreme
idation by-products as well as rubbery or lacquer-like pressures. This minimizes bearing and rotor wear
deposits. RENOLIN UNISYN OL oils reduce break- and thus significantly increases the operational reli-
downs and maintenance work, increase the life of fil- ability of the compressor. RENOLIN UNISYN OL 68
ters and improve the performance of compressors. was tested in the FE8 test rig, with excellent results.
The outstanding oxidation resistance of the base oils
used, which is boosted by special oxidation inhibi-
tors, avoids the formation of ageing by-products, Excellent Performance in Hydraulic Equipment
coke and other by-products and deposits which det- RENOLIN UNISYN OL products offer excellent wear
rimentally affect performance. These features also protection in hydraulic equipment. RWTÜV Ger-
significantly increase the life of the oil. many, a well-known independent institute, has done
the Vickers Vane Pump Test with RENOLIN UNISYN
OL 46, with excellent results. Extreme wear protec-
Low Evaporation Losses tion guarantees a long lifetime of the components.
Mineral oil-based lubricants, especially at high oper-
ating temperatures, are prone to evaporative loss of
their highly volatile light components causing the vis-
cosity to increase and oil mist pollution of the com-
pressed air.

12.08.2017, Page 3
FUCHS LUBRICANTS CO. Phone 708-333-8900
17050 Lathrop Avenue [email protected]
Harvey, IL 60426 www.fuchs.com/us

Synthetic EP Compressor Oils, PAO based, for Screw, Vane, and Piston
Compressors; High Performance Synthetic PAO based Hydraulic Fluids

Good Demulsifying Properties Excellent Corrosion Protection for Steel and

Nonferrous Metals
Water can get into compressors through condensa-
tion. Such moisture can accelerate the ageing of the DIN ISO 7120 examines the corrosion protection
oil. Furthermore, water in compressors can lead to properties of an oil and distilled water on a steel test
bearing failure and harmful reaction products. And panel. In this test, RENOLIN UNISYN OL products
on top of that, water can wash out the water-soluble caused no corrosion throughout the duration of the
additives in the oil which again reduces lubricity. test. The same excellent results also apply to non-
Condensation can also occur in compressors which ferrous metals (DIN EN ISO 2160). Practically
are used intermittently or which are rarely run at full speaking, this means that all machine components
power. Moisture in the oil can create sludge or stable remain well protected against corrosion.
water-in-oil emulsions which can restrict or block oil
passages. Any moisture which gets mixed with
RENOLIN UNISYN OL separates out and can be

This reduces these problems and also the problems

associated with the formation of emulsions which
have to be disposed of as special waste. All these
features help reduce costs.

12.08.2017, Page 4
FUCHS LUBRICANTS CO. Phone 708-333-8900
17050 Lathrop Avenue [email protected]
Harvey, IL 60426 www.fuchs.com/us

Synthetic EP Compressor Oils, PAO based, for Screw, Vane, and Piston
Compressors; High Performance Synthetic PAO based Hydraulic Fluids

Product name 32 46 68 100 150

Properties Unit Test Method
ISO VG 32 46 68 100 150 DIN 51519
Color index 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 DIN ISO 2049
Kinematic viscosity
at 40 °C mm2/s 32 46 68 100 153
at 100 °C mm2/s 6.1 7.9 10.6 14.2 20.3
Viscosity index 142 146 144 146 154 DIN ISO 2909
Density at 15 °C kg/m3 838 843 845 847 849 DIN 51757
Flashpoint, COC °C 240 260 260 260 271 DIN ISO 2592
Pour point °C < - 60 < - 60 - 54 - 54 - 45 DIN ISO 3016
degree of DIN EN ISO
Copper corrosion 1-100 A3
corrosion 2160
Steel/ferrous corrosion degree of 0-A 0-A 0-A 0-A 0-A
DIN ISO 7120
protection properties corrosion 0-B 0-B 0-B 0-B 0-B
Neutralization number mgKOH/g 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 DIN 51558-1
Water content % mass not detectable DIN ISO 3733
Demulsification at 54 °C min 10 10 15 - - DIN ISO 6614
Demulsification at 82 °C min - - - 10 15 DIN ISO 6614
Air release at 50 °C min 1 2 5 - - DIN ISO 9120
Air release at 75 °C min - - - 3 5 DIN ISO 9120
Seq. I: 24 °C ml 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
ASTM D 892
Seq. II: 93.5 °C ml 0/0 0/0 0/0 5/0 5/0
Seq. III: 24 °C after 93.5 °C ml 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0

12.08.2017, Page 5
FUCHS LUBRICANTS CO. Phone 708-333-8900
17050 Lathrop Avenue [email protected]
Harvey, IL 60426 www.fuchs.com/us

Synthetic EP Compressor Oils, PAO based, for Screw, Vane, and Piston
Compressors; High Performance Synthetic PAO based Hydraulic Fluids

Product name 32 46 68 100 150

Properties Unit Test Method
ISO VG 32 46 68 100 150 DIN 51519
Sulfated ash % mass < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 DIN 51575
Rotary vane pump test
250 h, 140 bar max.
pressure DIN 51389-2
weight loss ring mg pass 11 pass
weight loss vane mg pass 7 pass NA NA
Ageing stability:
Increase CCT after ageing % 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 DIN 51352-1
CCT after ageing with Fe2O3 % 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 DIN 51352-2
VKA shear stability, four-ball-
test: relative shear loss
DIN 51350-6
(viscosity reduction, V40 and shear-stable
V100) after 20 h
FZG mechanical gear test failure load DIN ISO
> 12 > 12 > 12 > 12 > 12
rig (A/8.3/90) stage 14635-1
FE8 roller test, C 7.5/80-80
DIN 51819-3
Wear of the roller elements mg 7.8 (ISO VG 68)
Effect on SRE-NBR 28/PX
(= NBR 1) seal material acc.
to ISO 13226,
DIN ISO 1817
100 °C / 7 days,
relative volume change % + 2.5 + 2.3 +2 + 3.7 + 3.7
change in Shore A hardness shore +1 +1 +1 -2 -2

12.08.2017, Page 6
FUCHS LUBRICANTS CO. Phone 708-333-8900
17050 Lathrop Avenue [email protected]
Harvey, IL 60426 www.fuchs.com/us

The information contained in this brochure is based on the experience and know-how of FUCHS
Lubricants Co. in the development and manufacturing of lubricants and represents the current state-of-the-
art. The performance of our products can be influenced by a series of factors, especially the specific use,
the method of application, the operational environment, component pre-treatment, possible external
contamination, etc. For this reason, universally-valid statements about the function of our products are not
possible. The information given in this Product Information sheet represents general, non-binding
guidelines. No warranty expressed or implied is given concerning the properties of the product or its
suitability for any given application.

We therefore recommend you consult a FUCHS Lubricants Co. Application Engineer to discuss application
conditions and the performance criteria of the products before the product is used. It is the responsibility
of the user to test the functional suitability of the product and to use it with the corresponding care.

Our products undergo continuous improvement. We therefore retain the right to change our product
program, the products, and their manufacturing processes as well as all details of our Product Information
sheets at any time and without warning. With the publication of this Product Information sheet, all previous
editions cease to be valid.



© FUCHS Lubricants Co. All rights reserved.

12.08.2017, Page 7
FUCHS LUBRICANTS CO. Phone 708-333-8900
17050 Lathrop Avenue [email protected]
Harvey, IL 60426 www.fuchs.com/us

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