DLP For Grade 7 Amethyst Quarter 3 Week 4
DLP For Grade 7 Amethyst Quarter 3 Week 4
DLP For Grade 7 Amethyst Quarter 3 Week 4
Quarter 3 Week 7
I. Learning Competency
React to what is asserted or expressed in a text (EN8RC-IIIe-2.1.7)
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the students should have:
a. defined what assertion is
b. differentiated fact from opinion
c. reacted to given statements; and
d. used polite expressions in giving reactions.
V. Materials
a. PowerPoint Presentation
b. Laptop
c. Smart TV
d. Illustration board
e. chalk
VI. Procedures
The teacher greets the students and asks the class (Answer may vary)
secretary to take note of the attendance of the class.
The teacher will also ask the class to settle down,
arrange the chairs, and pick up the pieces of paper
under their table. Then, the teacher shall remind the
students with the class rules.
A. Classroom Rules
B. Motivation
Comparison/ Abstraction
The teacher will read the definition for the class two
times. Then, the teacher will only be giving the
students 15 seconds to look for the word that is
connected with the definition in the word puzzle. They
can write their answers in the illustration provided and
the first group to find the word will be given a point.
2. B a n b a n – a k i n d o
Direction: Read the sentences carefully. Draw a happy face if you agree with the
statement; and sad face if you disagree. Write your answers on a separate sheet of
5. Reacting to a text is one of the skills a reader develops when doing critical
5 points Wow! You excellently understood our lesson.
4 points Yay! Few mistakes cannot hide the fact that you did a
good job.
3 points Love! You did a satisfactory job.
2 points Like! You may want to review some key points in our
0-1 points Sad! You can always reach me out for some
enlightenment if there is more to ask.
To further enrich your knowledge about our lesson for today, accomplish this activity.
My Tales Thought!
Write an essay regarding the most memorable Filipino tales that you have read or
GOAL Write your dear Filipino tales. This shall present something
that you are proud of being a Filipino.
ROLE You are a heritage enthusiast who is proud and active.
SITUATION Look into your surroundings (it can be in the locality or
countrywide) and tell something that you are proud of
about the culture, history, or environment.
STANDARDS The best digital or manual poster will be assessed based
on the criteria below.
Concept – 50 points
The essay obtains clarity of the concept in representation. It is relevant and
contextualized in the Philippines either through its culture, history, and
environment. It must be an original concept.
Relevance – 15 points
The work accurately reflects and responds to the question: the most memorable
Filipino tales that you have read or encountered.
Promptness – 10 points
The overall product is submitted on or before the deadline. All instructions are
followed and prompted just as desired.
Before we end, are there any questions or any
concerns, class?
If there are none, thank you for very much for your
cooperation this morning. Good bye!