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DLP For Grade 7 Amethyst Quarter 3 Week 4

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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 7

Quarter 3 Week 7

I. Learning Competency
React to what is asserted or expressed in a text (EN8RC-IIIe-2.1.7)
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the students should have:
a. defined what assertion is
b. differentiated fact from opinion
c. reacted to given statements; and
d. used polite expressions in giving reactions.

III. Subject Matter:

- Topic:
- React to what is asserted or expressed in a text
- The Witch by Edilberto K. Tiempo

IV. Learning Resources

a. K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies with Corresponding CG Codes
(pg. 189). Retrieved February 2, 2022, from
b. https://studymoose.com/the-witch-by-edilberto-k-tiempo-essay
c. Grade-7 Learning Module

V. Materials
a. PowerPoint Presentation
b. Laptop
c. Smart TV
d. Illustration board
e. chalk

VI. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


The teacher greets the students and asks the class (Answer may vary)
secretary to take note of the attendance of the class.
The teacher will also ask the class to settle down,
arrange the chairs, and pick up the pieces of paper
under their table. Then, the teacher shall remind the
students with the class rules.

A. Classroom Rules

1. If you want to answer raise your hand first and

wait for me to acknowledge you.
2. Don’t make unnecessary noises. (Answer may vary)
3. State your concerns in a respectful manner.
4. There will be a pointing system.
5. Have fun and participate!

B. Motivation

Learning Task 1. Mythify

The teacher will show a picture of a witch in the

board. Then, the students will have to write their
perception every time that they hear the word witch.

(Answer may vary)

After they guessed what the outline portrays, the
teacher shall ask the students of what they have
observed in the activity, as well as on how the activity
is related to the lesson.

After the activity the teacher shall ask the students of

what they have observed in the activity, as well as on
how the activity is related to the lesson



The teacher will be showing summary of the story
The Witch in the PowerPoint. After that, using a
wheel of names to have a random participant to read
in the activity. After reading they will stop and answer
a question related to what they had read.

1. Who are the characters?

2. Where is the setting of the story?
3. Why do people fear the witch?
4. Do you think it is valid for the people to blame
the witch about the strange events happening (Answer may vary)
in their barrio?
5. With the people’s accusation, how does the
witch react or what is her response?
6. Is the witch related with the narrator of the
7. Do you believe in the existence of witches?
8. What do you think is the role of strange
creatures like witches in the culture of Filipino?
9. What are the parts of the story that shows the
culture, history and environment of the Filipino
10. Do you think that Minggay is really a witch?
Why do you say so?

The teacher will give plus points to those students

who will be answering and participating in the class.

Comparison/ Abstraction


The teacher will form the students into five groups by
table. When the students have already formed their
groups, the teacher will start flashing the first
definition with an image that will serve as their clue.

The teacher will read the definition for the class two
times. Then, the teacher will only be giving the
students 15 seconds to look for the word that is
connected with the definition in the word puzzle. They
can write their answers in the illustration provided and
the first group to find the word will be given a point.

1. Sitios – it is a territorial enclave that forms part

of a barangay.

(Answer may vary)

2. B a n b a n – a k i n d o

(Answer may vary)

3. Wakwak – it is a bird-like creature or monster
that is big as a black crow which is active
during the night.

(Answer may vary)

4. Sigbin – it is an animal-like creature that looks

like a kangaroo which is said to come out at
night to suck the blood of victims from their

(Answer may vary)

(Answer may vary)

5. Barrio – it is employed to describe any and all

sub-units of the municipalities which lie outside
the población as well as sub divisions of some
of the smaller chartered cities

At this time, the teacher will try to deepen the

knowledge of the students by looking through the
literary selection “The Witch by Edilberto K. Tiempo”

The teacher will discuss the part of Filipino culture

wherein these strange creatures like witches, occur in
this Halloween or Undas season.

The teacher will discuss how the Filipino people seek

for a spooky tale to complete their festive mood. The
teacher will also discuss how the Philippines is so rich
with these kinds of tales.

The teacher will commend the students and give

points to those groups who have answered the
questions correctly.

The teacher will ask the students some questions

about how necessary to know and acknowledge the
heritage – culture, history, and the environment of the
(Students raise their hands)

The teacher will try to ask the following questions.

1. Can anyone summarize all lessons for today?

2. What is the overall message of the story?
3. What do we mean when we say tales?

The teacher will tell them how culture, history or

environment of a social group of people, influenced
and by the help of assertion they can see things or
read from a perspective.

Direction: Read the sentences carefully. Draw a happy face if you agree with the
statement; and sad face if you disagree. Write your answers on a separate sheet of

1. An assertion is a statement used to make a declaration or to express strong

belief on a certain topic.

2. Reaction should focus on what is asserted by the author.

3. You can react without reading the text.

4. Facts and opinions can be used to support a reaction to a given statement.

5. Reacting to a text is one of the skills a reader develops when doing critical

5 points Wow! You excellently understood our lesson.

4 points Yay! Few mistakes cannot hide the fact that you did a
good job.
3 points Love! You did a satisfactory job.
2 points Like! You may want to review some key points in our
0-1 points Sad! You can always reach me out for some
enlightenment if there is more to ask.

To further enrich your knowledge about our lesson for today, accomplish this activity.

My Tales Thought!

Write an essay regarding the most memorable Filipino tales that you have read or

GOAL Write your dear Filipino tales. This shall present something
that you are proud of being a Filipino.
ROLE You are a heritage enthusiast who is proud and active.
SITUATION Look into your surroundings (it can be in the locality or
countrywide) and tell something that you are proud of
about the culture, history, or environment.
STANDARDS The best digital or manual poster will be assessed based
on the criteria below.


Concept – 50 points
The essay obtains clarity of the concept in representation. It is relevant and
contextualized in the Philippines either through its culture, history, and
environment. It must be an original concept.

Creativity and Resourcefulness – 25 points

The essay is unique in representation. Its message is impactful and it is well
connected to the influence of heritage to be showcased. The elements are very

Relevance – 15 points
The work accurately reflects and responds to the question: the most memorable
Filipino tales that you have read or encountered.

Promptness – 10 points
The overall product is submitted on or before the deadline. All instructions are
followed and prompted just as desired.
Before we end, are there any questions or any
concerns, class?

If there are none, thank you for very much for your
cooperation this morning. Good bye!

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