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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Davao Occidental

Address: F. Torres St., Davao City (8000) Email: [email protected]

Contact/Telefax Numbers: (082) 291-1665/(082) 221-6147 Website: www.depedroxi.ph

School: Grade Level: Grade 4

Teacher: Learning Area: English 4
Date and Time: Quarter: Second Week: 2

Detailed Lesson Plan in English IV

Learning The learner demonstrates mastery of basic skills in English

Standard language arts; communicates appropriately, fluently and
accurately orally and writes for a variety of purposes in different
social and academic context at his/her level while carrying out
real life tasks necessary to cope with the demands of functionally
literate and competent local, national, and global citizen.
Grade Level The learner listens critically to various text types and expresses
Standard ideas accurately in both oral and written forms; demonstrates
confidence in the use of the language to meet every day needs;
and reads independently and gets relevant information from
various text types.
Content  LC- Demonstrates an understanding of the elements of
Standard literary and informational texts for comprehension
 OL- Demonstrates an understanding of verbal and
nonverbal cues for effective oral presentation
Performance  LC- Recalls details and shares ideas on texts listened to
Standard  OL- Actively creates and participates in oral theme-based
Learning EN4OL- IId-12
Competency Listen to and answer questions about the story read/ listened to
Write a short story with its complete elements
Domain/s Listening Comprehension & Oral Language
I. Objectives:
a. Identify the elements of a short story presented.
b. Value the sense of listening as a virtue.
c. Write a short story along with its complete elements.

II. Subject Matter:

Main Text: Write a short story with its complete elements

Materials: PowerPoint presentation, books, charts, answer sheet, pictures

Reference: TG page 137-139, 119-122, LM page 109, 111, 136-139, 108-111

Values: Teamwork, Creativity Courtesy

Integration: EPP, ESP, MAPEH

III. Procedures:

A. Drill: Present a picture of the following: (Picture of a boy talking while the girl is

Possible question: Is it important to listen well in getting information?

Possible answer: Yes!

Do you know why it is important to listen?

Possible answer: When listening to information or story it is important that you listen
carefully for you to understand everything about it. Sometimes, poor listening can cause
miscommunication that can possibly create chaos.

Teacher: Therefore, we have to pay attention to the person while talking to be able to
respond properly.

Today, we will together learn few things that I believed will be essential in our daily lives.

B. Review:
Can you remember the title of the story we read yesterday? Retell the story.
Distribute meta cards then let the pupils write what they learned on it.

C. Motivation:

Direction: Arrange the pictures according to hierarchy of age.

New Pres-school
born/infant child


(1-3 yrs old) Teen- ager


D. Unlocking of difficulties:

 Spade – a digging tool to pushed ground a shovel.

 Pile – to heap in abundance.
 Pail – cylindrical container/ a bucket.
 Scarecrow – an object usually suggesting a human figure that is set up to frighten
birds away from crops but harmless.

Note: Please provide pictures to exemplify the words mentioned.

E. Presentation of the new lesson

Read the Paragraph



As the alarm clock started with a loud ring, Katrina got out of her bed excitedly. They
were going to the beach today and she didn’t want to be late.

When Katrina went down for breakfast, Mother had already prepared a big picnic
basket filled with all kinds of food’. “Do you have your things ready?” Mother asked’
“Yes, Mother. I packed my red bathing suit, my yellow pail and pink spade”

After a hearty breakfast, Katrina and her parents piled into their car and
headed for the ocean. Katrina watched as the scenery rushed by. She saw many
things. She saw houses, rice fields and a funny scarecrow. She waved at some
children playing by the roadside

Finally, they reached the beach. Katrina excitedly ran to the water. The golden sand
felt soft and warm at her feet. She saw many things at the beach. She saw different
kinds of shells -long and short shells, fat and thin shells, even a shell shaped like a
fan. She also saw a starfish and a crab digging in the sand.

Katrina swam all day. She also built a beautiful sand castle with her yellow
pail and pink spade. At the end of the day, when the sun was like an orange ball in
the sky, and all of her mother’s delicious food was gone, Katrina and her family went
home' This time, Katrina didn’t even see the funny scarecrow. Katrina was fast
asleep dreaming of her day at the ocean.

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. Where did Katrina go?
3. What did she see on the way to the ocean?
4. What did she see at the beach?
5. Did she have a happy time during her trip to the beach? Give sentences that show
she was happy.
6. Which part of the story you like best? Why?

F. Development of the Lesson

1. Activity: Today, you are going to perform a group activity. What are the things you
should do when performing a group activity?

 Setting of Standards
o Divide the class into three groups.
o All groups should cooperate attentively.
o Do the activity silently.

 Distribution of Activity Sheet and the rubrics.

CRITERIA Excellent Very Good Good

(3 Points) (2Points) (1 Point)
Timeliness The group finished The group finished The group finished
the activity ahead the activity on time the activity 5
of time minutes late or
Group Everyone in the One or two Three or more
Collaboratio group worked members did not members did not
n cooperatively with work cooperatively work cooperatively
other members. with the group. with the group.
Performance Perform with all Perform with some Perform with a little
& Delivery enthusiasm and enthusiasm and enthusiasm and
energy energy energy

Direction: Divide the pupils into three (3) groups pupils and perform a differentiated
group activity. Group the pupils into three according to their ability to answer the
following questions. (Refer to LM, Do and Learn p.109). Ask them to report their work to
the class.

Buddy and the Cat

Little Buddy Cockroach is a house bug. Mother Bug always tells him to stay in dark
places and hide. He listens to her with half an ear not really believing in what she says.
“How could they not like me? I have beautiful, shiny wings, and long antenna. Surely,
they would love me,” he thought. Then, Buddy saw a black cat and said. “I will show
Mother Cockroach that she is wrong.” But when the cat saw him, it immediately jumped
and started running after him with its sharp claws. Buddy ran as fast as he could to the
dark place under the cabinet and never ever came out.

Group 1- Act it!

Describe the characters in the story.
Group 2 - Shimmer and Shine!
Draw and arrange the sequence of the story.
Group 3 - Flash Report:
Give the plot of the story as to the; a. Beginning- b. Middle- c. Ending

2. Analysis and Discussion

Group reporting –
Presentation of output through reporting -
Teacher discussion – to gain a knowledge, we have to have a good listening skill.
Listening is an important tool to be able to respond properly and it can be in the form
of oral or in writing. Thus, in writing a story is important to make it precise and
concise. In doing that, we need to have the elements of the story as a guide to
develop better writing ability.

Elements of the story:

Characters - are the people or animals in the story.

Setting - talks about the place and the time that the events in the story happened.
Plot - is made up of the events that happened in the story. It consists of the
beginning, the middle, and the ending.
Beginning - it gives the problem faced by the main character.
Middle - It presents the actions made by the characters to solve the problem.
Ending - it gives the solution to the problem.
3. Abstraction:

1. Why do we need to listen carefully when somebody is talking or telling a story?

2. How do we note the elements of the story?

4. Application:

Direction: Read the selection and do the activity that follows. (refer to LM for the selection
Pablo and the Eggs) Identify the elements of the story by filling in the graphic organizers.

Pablo and the Eggs

Pete, the grasshopper, and his friend Pablo,

the praying mantis, were playing in the garden. One
day, they found some small round objects in the
grass. Pablo wanted to play with them because they
looked like small balls.
He was about to pick them up when Pete
stopped him,” Those are not playthings.”
“They look like small eggs,” Pete said.
“No, they are not eggs. I am going to play with
these balls. “Pablo insisted. He got two and prepared
to throw them. Suddenly the eggs broke and out came
little bugs.

Title of the

Setting Characters Plot




IV. Evaluation
Directions: Write a short story following the three-story elements. (refer to LM, Write about It
p.111) Individual output

Title: ___________________________________
Setting: _________________________________
Characters: ______________________________
Beginning: _______________________________
Middle: __________________________________
Ending: _________________________________

V. Assignment:
Directions: Read a story in a book. Identify the elements of the story. Write it in an organizer.
Be ready to present it to the class.

Prepared by:

Teacher I
Kinilidan Elementary School
District of Sta. Maria East
Division of Davao Occidental

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