09 Mass Selection & Pureline Selection

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Procedure for evolving variety by mass selection

First year : Large number of phenotypically similar plants having desirable characters are
selected. The number may vary from few hundred to few thousand. The seeds from the
selected plants are composited to raise the next generation.
Second year : composited seed planted in a preliminary field trial along with standard
checks. The variety from which the selection was made should also be included as check.
Phenotypic characterlistics of the variety are critically examined and evaluated.
Third to sixth year : The variety is evaluated in coordinated yield trials at several locations.
It is evaluated in an initial evaluation (IET) trial for one year. If found superior it is promoted
to main yield trials for 2 or 3 years.
Seventh year : if the variety is proved superior in main yield trials it is multiplied and
released after giving a suitable name.

Modification of mass selection

Mass selection is used for improing a local variety. Large number of plants are
selected (I year) and individual plant progenies are raised (II year). Inferior, segregating
progenies are reflected. Uniform, superior rows are selected and the seed is bulked.
Preliminary yield trials are conducted in third year. Fourth to seventh year multilocation tests
are conducted and seed is multiplied in eight year and distributed in ninth year. Many other
modifications also are followed depending on the availability of time and purpose for ehich it
is used.
Merits of Mass selection :
1. Can be practiced both in self and cross pollinated crops
2. The varieties developed through mass selection are more widely adopted than pure
3. It retains considerable variability and hence further improvement is possible in future
by selection
4. Helps in preservation of land races
5. Useful for purification of pureline varieties
6. Improvement of characters governed by few genes with high heritability is possible.
7. Less time consuming and less expensive.

Demerits of mass selection

1. Varieties are not uniform
2. Since no progeny test is done, the genotype of the selected plant is not known

3. Since selection is based on phenotype and no control over pollination the
improvement brought about is not permanent. Hence, the process of mass selection
has to be repeated not and then.
4. Characters which are governed by large number of genes with low heritability can not
be improved.
5. It can not create any new genotype but utilizes existing genetic variability.
Mass selection must have been used by pre historic man to develop present day
cultivated cross from their wild parents. It was also used extensively before pureline
selection came into existence.
Cotton : Dharwad American Cotton
Groundnut : TMV-1 & TMV-2
Bajra : pusa moti, Baja puri, Jamnagar gaint, AF3
Sorghum : R.S. 1
Rice : SLO 13, MTU-15
Potato : K122

Lecture No 9

The pure line theory

A pureline is a progeny of a single homozygous plant of a self-pollinated species. All
the plants of a pureline have the same genotype. The phenotypic differences within a
pureline is due to environment. Therefore variation within a pureline is not heritable. Hence
selection in a pureline is not effective.
The concept of pureline was proposed by Johannsen in 1903 on the basis of his
studies with princess variety of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). From a commercial seed lot he
selected seeds of different sizes and grew them separately. The progenies differed in seed
size. Progenies from larger seeds produced larger seeds than those obtained from smaller
seeds. This clearly showed that the variation in seed size in the commercial seed lot of
princess variety had a genetic base. As a result selection for seed size was effective.
Johannsen further studied 19 lines, each line was a progeny of a single seed from the original
lot. He discovered that each line showed a characteris mean seed weght, rangin from 640mg

in Line No 1 to 350 mg in line No 19. the seed size within a line showed some variation,
which was much smaller than that in the original commercial seed lot. Johannsen postulated
that the original seed lot was a mixture of purelines. Thus each of the 19 lines represented a
pureline, and the variation in seed size within each of the urelines had no genetic basis and
was entirely due to environment.
Confirmatory evidence was obtained in three ways.
In the first case , he classified the seed from each pureline into 100 mg classes, and grew
them separately. The mean seed weight of progenies from different seed weight class of a
single pure line were comparable with each other, and with that of the parent pureline. For
example Line no 13 had seed size classes of 200 , 300, 400, and 500 mg. The mean seed
weights of the progenies derived from these seed weight classes were 475, 450, 451 and 458
mg respectively.
The second line of evidence came from selection within a pureline. From each pureline,
the largest and the smallest seeds were selected to raise the next generation. In the subsequent
generations, large seeds were selected in the progenies obtained from large seeds while in
these from small seeds selection was done fro small seeds. Six generations of selection was
ineffective in increasing or decreasing the seed size. For example, after 6 generations of
selection, the mean seed weight in Line No 1 was 690 and 680 mg in the progenies selected
for small and large seeds respectively. Thus selection within a pureline was ineffective.
The third approach was to estimate parent offspring correlation. The value of parent
offspring correlation within line no 13 was – 0.018+ 0.038, that is, zero, while it was 0.336 +
0.008 in the original seed lot of the Princess which is highly significant. The parent -offspring
correlation will be zero when the variation is nonheritable , while it will be significantly
greater than zero when the variation has a genetic basis, i.e., is heritable.
These observations reveal that the variation for seed size in the original seed lot of
Princess had a genetic basis and was heritable. But the variation within the purelines
obtained from the single seeds selected from this seed lot was purely due to the environment
and, therefore, non-heritable.
The two main conclusions from the Johannsens’ experiment are,
1. A self -fertilized population consists of a mixture of several homozygous genotypes.
Variation in such a population has a genetic component, and therefore selection is
2. Each individual plant progeny selected from a self-fertilized population consists of
homozygous plants of identical genotype. Such a progeny is known as pureline. The

variation within a pureline is purely environmental and, as a result, selection within a
pureline is ineffective.

The two main conclusions of Johannsen’s experiment are

1. Selection is effective in population since it contains a mixture of several genotypes.
2. Selection is ineffective in a pureline, since it is a progeny of single, self fertilized
homozygous individual.

Origin of variation in pure lines

Pure lines show genetic variation after some time because of the following reasons.
1. Mechanical Mixture : During cultivation, harvesting threshing and storage, other
genotypes may get mixed up.
2. Natural hybridization: Through pure lines are produced in self pollinated crops,
some amount of natural cross pollination occurs in them also can be avoided by
isolation and rouging.
3. Mutation: occur spontaneously in nature at random

Characters of purelines
1. All the plants within a pureline have the same genotype
2. The variation within a pureline is environmental and non-heritable
3. Purelines are stable

The progeny test

Evaluation of the worth of plants on the basis of performance of their progenies is
known as progeny test. This was developed by Louis de vilmorin and so it is also known as
the vilmorin Isolation principle. Vilmorin worked on sugar beat plants. The progeny test
serves two valuable function;
1. Determines the breeding behaviour of a plant i.e. whether it is homozygous or
2. Whether the character for which the plant was selected is heritable i.e. is due to
genotype or not. Selections have to be based or phenotype and so it is necessary to
know the genotype of the selected plant.

Genetic basis of pure line
Self pollination increases homozygosity with a corresponding decrease in
heterozygosity. The effect of homozygosity and heterozygosity may be illustrated by taking
an individual heterozygous for (Aa) a single gene as follows

No of Frequency % Frequency %
generations AA Aa aa Homo- Hetero -
of selfing zygosity zygosity
1 0 100 0 0 100
2 25 50 25 50 50
3 37.5 25 37.5 75 25
4 43.75 12.5 43.75 87.5 12.5
5 46.875 6.25 46.875 93.73 6.25
6 48.437 3.125 48.437 96.874 3.125
7 49.218 1.562 49.218 98.436 1.562
8 49.608 0.781 49.608 99.216 0.781
9 49.803 0.39 49.803 99.606 0.39

Proportion of completely homozygous plants in the population

[(2m – 1) / 2m]n
m = No. of generations of self pollination
n = No. of genes segregating
Suppose an individual heterozygous for a single gene (Aa) and the successive
generations derived from it are subjected to self-pollination.
Every generation of self -pollination will reduce the frequency of heterozygote Aa to
50 per cent of that in the previous generation.
There is a corresponding increase in the frequency of the two homozygotes AA and
aa. As a result, after 10 generations of selfing, virtually all the plants in the population would
be homozygous, i.e., AA and a.
On the other hand, the frequency of heterozygote Aa would be only 0.097 per cent,
which is negligible. It is assumed here that the three genotypes AA, Aa and aa have equal
survival. If there is unequal survival, it may increase or decrease the rate at which
homozygosity is achieved. If Aa is favoured, the rate of increase in homozygosity would be
lower than expected.

But if Aa is selected against, hom ozygosity would increase at a faster rate than

Pureline selection
Pureline selection has been the most commonly used method of improvement of self
pollinated crops. Almost all the present day varieties of self pollinated crops are purelines.
Pureline selection has several applications in improvement of self pollinated crops. It is used
to improve.
1. Local varieties
2. Old pureline varieties and
3. Introduced varieties

General procedure for evolving a variety by pureline selection

The pureline selection has three steps.
1. Selection of individual plants from a local variety or some other mixed population.
2. Visual evaluation of individual plant progenies and
3. Yield trials
1. Selection
First year : A large number of plants (200-3000) which are superior than the rest are
selected from a local variety or mixed population and harvested separately (in some
cases individual heads or stems may be selected). The number of plants to be selected
depends upon the breeder’s discretion but should be as large as possible in view of the
available time, land, funds, labour etc. It is advisable to select for easily observable
characters such as flowering, maturity, disease resistance, plant height etc.
II. Evaluation :
Second year: Progenies of individual plants selected in 1st year are grown separately
with proper spacing (plant to row or head to row). The progenies are evaluated by
taking elaborate date on visual characters such as plant height, duration, grain type,
ear characters besides yield. The number of progenies should be reduced as much as
possible. Disease epiphytotics may be created to test the progenies for disease
resistance, poor, weak, diseased, insect attacked and segregating progenies are
rejected. The superior progenies are harvested separately. If necessary the process
may be repeated for one or more years.
III. Yield trials :

Third year : The selected progenies, now called as cultures are grown in replicated
trial for critical evaluation of yield etc. The best local variety is used as a check and
should be grown at regular intervals, after every 15 or 20 cultures for comparision.
This is known as preliminary yield trial.
Superior cultures based on observable characters and yield are selected. The
number is drastically reduced.
Fourth & Fifth years : The superior cultures are tested against the local checks in
yield trials. Observations are recorded on many characters like diseases resistance,
days to flower, days to maturity, height of the plant ear characters, test weight and
yield. The data is subjected to statistical analysis to identify really superior cultures.
If necessary the trials may be extended for one more year or season. Inferior culture
are rejected and a few (4-5) promising cultures are selected.
Sixth, Seventh and Eighth years: The promising cultures selected are evaluated at
several locations along with strains or cultures of other breeders and local checks.
One or two promising cultures are selected.
Ninth year: The best progeny identified earlier is multiplied, named and released as a
variety for official release of any variety (approval from the variety releasing
committee of the state or central is necessary).

Advantage of pureline selection

1. The purelines are extremely uniform since all the plants in the variety will
have the same genotype.
2. Attractive and liked by the farmers and consumers.
3. Purelines are stable and long test for many years.
4. Due to its extreme uniformity the variety can be easily identified in seed
certification programmes.

Limitations or disadvantages of pureline selection

1. New genotypes are not created by pureline selection
2. Improvement is limited to the isolation of the best genotype present in
population. No more improvement is possible after isolation of the best
available genotype in the population.
3. Selection of purelines require great skill and familiarity with the crop.
4. Difficult to detect small differences that exist between cultures
5. The breeder has to devote more time

6. Pure lines have limited adaptability hence can be recommended for cultivation
in limited area only.
Achievements :
Several varieties developed by pureline selection were released in many crops.
Some examples are given below
Rice : Mtu-1, Mtu-3, Mtu-7, Bcp-1, Adt-1, 3, 5, and 10
Sorghum : G 1 & 2, M 1 & 2, OO 1, 4 & 5,
Groundnut : TMV 3, 4, 7, 8 and Kadiri 71-1
Redgram : TM-1, ST-1
Chillies : G1 & G2
Ragi : AKP 1 to 7

Differences between Mass and Pureline selections

S. No. Mass selection Pureline selection

1 Used both in self and cross pollinated crops Practiced in self pollinated crops only
2 Large number of plants are selected Comparatively less number of plants
are selected
3 The produce of the selected plants is mixed Produce of individual plants is kept
and sown as such in next year separate and progeny rows are raised
next year
4 No control of pollination Pollination is controlled
5 Variety developed is heterozygous and not Variety is homozygous homogeneous
uniform and uniform
6 Due to heterozygosity the variety deteriorates Due to homozygosity the variety lasts
quickly long
7 The method has to be repeated once in 2-3 No need to repeat
years to purify the variety
8 Wider adaptability due to heterozygosity Narrow adaptability due to
9 No knowledge of science is required. It is Knowledge of science and genetics is
more an art. required
10 Selection within a variety is effective Selection with in a pureline variety is
not effective
11 The variety is relatively difficult to identify It is relatively easy to identify in seed
certification programmes.

Lecture No 10

Self pollination increases homozygosity with a corresponding decrease in

heterozygosity. The effect of homozygosity and heterozygosity may be illustrated by taking
an individual heterozygous for (Aa) a single gene as follows


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