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Improving the Efficiency of Green Roofs Using Atmospheric
Water Harvesting Systems (An Innovative Design)
Behrouz Pirouz 1, * , Stefania Anna Palermo 2 and Michele Turco 2

1 Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering, University of Calabria,

87036 Rende, CS, Italy
2 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Calabria, 87036 Rende, CS, Italy;
[email protected] (S.A.P.); [email protected] (M.T.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-0984-496542

Abstract: Conventional green roofs, although having numerous advantages, could place water
resources under pressure in dry periods due to irrigation requirements. Moreover, the thermal
efficiency of green roofs could decrease without irrigation, and the plants could get damaged.
Therefore, this study aims to improve the efficiency of conventional green roofs by proposing a new
multipurpose green roof combined with fog and dew harvesting systems. The analysis determined
that the average water use of green roofs in the summer (in humid regions) is about 3.7 L/m2 /day,
in the Mediterranean regions about 4.5 L/m2 /day, and in arid regions about 2.7 L/m2 /day. During
the dry season, the average fog potential in humid regions is 1.2 to 15.6 L/m2 /day, Mediterranean
regions between 1.6 and 4.6 L/m2 /day, and arid regions between 1.8 and 11.8 L/m2 /day. The average
dew potential during the dry season in humid regions is 0.1 to 0.3 L/m2 /day, in the Mediterranean
regions is 0.2 to 0.3 L/m2 /day, and in the arid regions is 0.5 to 0.7 L/m2 /day. The analysis of the

 suggested multipurpose green roof combined with fog/dew harvesting systems, in the summer,
Citation: Pirouz, B.; Palermo, S.A.;
in three different climates, show that fog harvesting could provide the total water requirement of
Turco, M. Improving the Efficiency of the green roofs, and that dew harvesting by PV (photo-voltaic) panels could provide 15 to 26% of
Green Roofs Using Atmospheric Water the water requirements. Moreover, it could show a higher thermal impact on the building, higher
Harvesting Systems (An Innovative efficiency in stormwater management, less dependence on the urban water network, and greater
Design). Water 2021, 13, 546. efficiency in decreasing urban air, water, and noise pollution. Finally, the novel green roof system could consume less water due to the shaded area by mesh and solar PVs and maximize the utilization
of the roof area, as solar panels could be applied on the same green roof.
Academic Editor: Andreas
N. Angelakis Keywords: green roofs; fog water harvesting; dew water harvesting; solar PV; sustainability

Received: 4 January 2021

Accepted: 15 February 2021
Published: 20 February 2021
1. Introduction
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
Greening systems, such as green roofs, have several environmental [1,2], social, and
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
economic benefits [3–6]. Moreover, these systems can increase biodiversity [7–9], improve
published maps and institutional affil- water quality [10–14], decrease noise level [15–17], and increase life quality [18–20]. These
iations. systems are widespread in different climates—mostly for rainwater harvesting [21–25] and
stormwater management [26–28]—by decreasing the peak of urban runoff [29–33].
The impact of green roofs as a natural cooling system is evident [34], and the water
footprint of electricity and heat can be decreased by green roofs [35]. The thermal advan-
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
tages of green roofs in the summer include mitigation of the heat island [36–43], decreasing
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
roof temperature [44,45], and moderating roof temperature fluctuations during the warmest
This article is an open access article
hours of the day; therefore, decreasing total energy demand [46–48]. The advantages of
distributed under the terms and green roofs in winter include thermal performance through insulation [49] and urban
conditions of the Creative Commons runoff management as a low impact development (LID) technology [25,50]. However, one
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// major element in cooling performance is the water content in the summer [51]. Water demands cannot rely on precipitation in the summer, and the irrigation of green roofs
4.0/). might be necessary [52]. In dry and semi-dry climates, and even those with annual rainfall

Water 2021, 13, 546.

Water 2021, 13, 546 2 of 19

of more than 1000 mm, such as the Mediterranean climates, precipitation during the dry
period could be scarce, or even less than 1 mm in some years [53,54].
The analysis of water conditions in several Mediterranean countries determined the
benefits of non-conventional water resources, such as rainwater harvesting, Atmospheric
(fog/dew) water harvesting, and even reverse osmosis (RO) [55]. The feasibility of atmo-
spheric water harvesting methods has been approved in numerous geographical locations
with different humidity levels [56–58]. However, before high investment programs are
launched, experimental analysis on the local pilot system is recommended [59]. The world-
wide analysis of fog harvesting systems confirmed fog harvesting potential, particularly
in arid regions [60]. Fog harvesting potential depends on the mesh topology, wettability,
and collector efficiency [56]. Another non-conventional water resource is dew water har-
vesting, which is different from fog harvesting, and means collecting droplets on surfaces
with temperatures below the dew point [61]. Different dew harvesting methods include
active cooling condensation, regenerated solar desiccant, and passive systems. [56]. The
experimental analysis of a dew and rain harvesting system using plastic cover showed
the dew contribution from total water was significantly high, about 26% [61]. In arid
and semi-arid areas, the dew collection could be significant compared to the dry sea-
son’s rainfall amount [62]. Dew is a critical water resource in the desert area, and the
growth of vegetation depends on that [63,64]. Furthermore, the type of plant can affect
the dew formation near the ground. The dew formation analysis near the plants, such as
Haloxylon ammodendron, exhibited that the plant’s canopy can increase dew formation
frequency [65]. The dew formation could happen on PV (photo-voltaic) panels during the
night and early morning [66]. The average emissivity of PV panels, between 75% and 90%,
is suitable for dew harvesting [67,68].

1.1. Green Roof Properties and Water Use in Different Climates

Green roofs are usually divided into intensive green roof (IGR) and extensive green
roof (EGR) [69]. This classification is due to the soil layer’s depth (IGR has a soil layer
depth of more than 15 cm while EGR has a depth of less than 20 cm) and the maintenance.
EGR requires low maintenance; irrigation applies rarely. Green roof design consists of
several components from top to bottom, including a vegetation layer, a soil substrate, a
filter layer (usually constructed as a geotextile), a drainage layer, a root barrier layer, and
a waterproofing membrane [70]. The components, like the irrigation system, depends
on the green roof type [71]. In Mediterranean climates, many studies emphasized that
the environmental benefits of green roofs are more evident in the hot season than in the
cold [72–78]. In these regions, energy-saving can also be reached (84% in the hot season).
In tropical climates, green solution adoption has demonstrated that environmental benefits
have less impact than in the Mediterranean climates, but they were also relevant [79–83].
The rate of energy-saving in these regions can reach an average of 65%. In arid climates,
results were not promising, but energy-saving could reach 52% in the cold season, while
energy-saving in the hot season was very low [84,85]. The same behavior can be assumed
for continental climates, where no relevant energy-saving was recorded in literature,
especially in the hot season [86]. However, the thermal impacts of green roofs, especially in
the summer, depending on the irrigation and dry periods, could negatively affect thermal
efficiency [51,87–89].
Water use by green roofs depends on several factors, including climate type, annual
rainfall and distribution, vegetation type, green roof type (e.g., IGR requires more water
than EGR), average temperature, and relative humidity [71]. Brunetti et al. [90] studied
the effect of different daily irrigation scenarios for a non-vegetated green roof in a Mediter-
ranean climate, considering that the daily irrigation volume was estimated at 7 L/day m2 .
Schweitzer and Erell [91] estimated that the water use in irrigation for an extensive green
roof in a Mediterranean climate ranges from 2.6 to 9.0 L/m2 per day. Peng and Jim [92]
set up an automatic sprinkler irrigation system for the green roof in a humid-subtropical
climate that provided supplementary water supply at 5 L/m2 per day in the summer, sus-
Water 2021, 13, 546 3 of 19

taining an average soil moisture content of about 0.3 m3 water/m3 soil for the experimental
investigations on an EGR.

1.2. Potential of Atmospheric Water Harvesting Methods

1.2.1. Dew Collection Potential in Different Climates
Beysens et al. [61] investigated the potential of fog and dew harvesting, and their
analysis determined that fog and dew harvesting could count as a water source in many
geographical regions, especially those with low precipitation and in dry seasons. In
another study, Beysens [64] determined that the dew potential could be estimated using
wind speed, air temperature, dew point temperatures, and cloud cover. Tomaszkiewicz
et al. [62] explored the dew yield during the dry season in the Mediterranean region. Their
analysis determined that the monthly dew could be at least 1.5 mm and exceed 2.8 mm at
the end of the dry season, whereas the precipitation is less than 1 mm. In another study,
Tomaszkiewicz et al. [93] analyzed the feasibility of using dew harvesting for agricultural
purposes during the dry season, and their results showed that the dew events occur in 43%
of nights in the dry season, and a dew harvesting system with a size of 2 m2 could produce
4.5 L/month, which is sufficient for the irrigation of tree seedlings.
Maestre-Valero et al. [94] analyzed the performance of dew collecting in a semi-arid
region in Spain and their results showed that the dew yield was lower in a wind speed
higher than 1.5 m/s and the RH (relative humidity) less than 75%. In another study,
Maestre-Valero et al. [95] determined that the dew yield prediction is highly dependent on
RH. In more recent research by Maestre-Valero et al. [96], they determined that the water
thermal inertia from the remaining water on the surface could strongly limit dew formation,
and drainage water could improve efficiency. Sharan et al. [97] analyzed the efficiency of
an extensive dew collection system for a semi-arid area of India. They analyzed a large dew
condenser with a surface of 850 m2 from plastic foils installed on the ground, with a slope of
30◦ from horizontal, and the results show the annual output of 6545 L/day. The maximum
collected amount in one night was 251.4 L. Tuure et al. [29] characterized different dew-
harvesting materials in Kenya, including PVC and PE. The analysis determined that dew
harvesting could be counted as a continuous water resource in the dry season, and the
cumulated dew yields in arid conditions were between 18.9 and 25.3 mm, with average
dew per night between 0.052 and 0.069 mm/m2 . In another study, Tuure et al. [98] analyzed
the potential of a passive dew collection system using plastic foil. The analysis determined
that the color and type of plastic foils affect the yield, about 15%.
Gandhidasan and Abualhamayel [99] proposed a new radiative cooled method of dew
harvesting. Their result shows that the maximum possible dew collection could be in the
condition of high relative humidity and clear sky. Moreover, by increasing the wind speed
in high relative humidity, the dew collection rate also increases. Galek et al. [100] compared
the frequency of dew and hoarfrost formations in urban conditions in Wroclaw, Poland, by
use of passive radiative condensers that were 96 hoarfrost and 222 dew events in around
two years. The formation and efficiency for both were similar, but dew deposition was
nearly three times higher than hoarfrost. Zhuang and Zhao [65] investigated the influence
factors in dew formation and the total potential in a desert oasis in China. Their analysis
determined that the average amount of dew in summer is about 0.13 mm/day, and the
total amount from July to October is equal to 16.1 mm.
Most of the materials recommended for atmosphere water harvesting have hydropho-
bic nature, such as polypropylene (pp), polyethylene (PE), stainless steel, and nylon. How-
ever, it is possible to improve the properties with a coating. Pinheiro et al. [101] investigated
a super-hydrophobic polyethylene (PE) surface with vertically aligned carbon nanotube
coating for dew condensation, and the new coating surface increased the efficiency.
Liu et al. [102] investigated a new radiative cooling system by applying advanced
nanofabrication technologies to improve water harvesting efficiency by polytetrafluoroethy-
lene (PTFE) foil. The results showed a significant improvement in the performance of
the new system. Furthermore, the analysis of adding a simple hydrophilic coating on a
Water 2021, 13, 546 4 of 19

durable enhanced specular reflector-metal surface exhibits an increase of efficiency of about

72.7%. Xu et al. [103] analyzed the cooling performance of a building in Beijing, in a warm
and humid climate, via a novel dew point cooler (DPC). The analysis showed the system
would be useful in RH, by more than 50% in the summer, and could decrease electricity
consumption during peak hours. Pandelidis et al. [104] investigated the performance of a
hybrid dew-point evaporative air conditioner system, and the results determined that the
system could cover about 95% of cooling loads.
Dew collection methods can be applied in many geographical locations, while fog just
forms in particular atmospheric conditions [105]. The high RH, low wind speed, and clear
sky are three suitable atmospheric conditions for dew harvesting [106], and the collected
dew in the arid area might exceed the precipitation [107]. Another study on China’s desert
climate shows the impacts of temperature, RH, and wind speed on dew characteristics.
The calculated thresholds for dew formation in this study are the wind speed of less than
4.27 m/s and an RH of more than 50% [65]. In the radiative dew condenser (RDC) method,
the dew yield depends on the cooling power gradient by infrared irradiation towards the
sky, which will increase in the clear sky. The International Organization for Dew Utilization
(OPUR) recommends using plastic foils, such as low-density polyethylene (LDPE) in the
passive dew collection. LDPE’s emissivity is high due to the added materials, such as 2%
BaSO4 and 5% TiO2 [108].
Furthermore, surface wettability affects the efficiency of dew harvesting. In dew
harvesting methods, the capture is due to the nucleation energy affected by the wettability,
so the surface with higher wettability would show better efficiency [109]. One technique to
increase a surface’s wettability is coating by using carbon nanotubes, which can naturally
change the super-hydrophobic properties to super-hydrophilic [110] due to the unique
physical and chemical properties of carbon nanotubes [111]. Several factors need to be
considered to optimize the dew harvesting efficiency [61]:
• Use of condensing surface with maximum emitting of the infrared wavelength;
• Use of condensing surface with high reflectivity to avoid heat absorption during the day;
• Use of condensing surface with high hydrophilic and wettability property;
• Use of insulation to decrease the heat inertia of the condensing surface;
• Decrease of the wind effect to avoid evaporation from the condenser.
The dew’s formation depends on the surface cooling power and the gradient between
the surface emissivity and sky radial emissivity [112]. According to the Stefan–Boltzmann
law, the irradiation can reach roughly 100 W/m2 in a clear night [113]. Therefore, the
maximum theoretical dew collection can be calculated around 0.1 L/m2 per hour and
depends on the number of condensing hours, which can be determined for one night (i.e.,
for 8 h equal to 0.8 mm per night) [114]. However, the maximum obtained dew in the
previous case studies was nearly half, and 0.38 mm per night [115].

1.2.2. Fog Harvesting Potential in Different Climates

Standard fog collectors (SFCs) are between 1 and 1.5 m2 and installs on 2 m above the
ground level [116]. Large fog collector (LFC) sizes are between 40 and 48 m2 , with the width
to height ratio of around 2.5–3, with the same installation level of SFCs [117]. The analysis in
Egypt and Morocco with arid climates determined fog harvesting effectiveness to improve
water scarcity [118,119]. The efficiency of the fog harvesting systems would depend on
visibility [109], contact angle [120], wind velocity [121], mesh type, fog water content,
droplet size [122], geometrical shapes of the mesh [123], and wettability of mesh [120]. Fog
harvesting efficiency could decrease in the high-speed wind [124] and could increase by
improving the hydrophobic nature of mesh [125,126] through super-hydrophobic materials,
such as TiO2 , ZnO, or fluorinated nanofibers for coating mesh [127,128]. Pinheiro et al. [129]
analyzed the use of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNTs) for fog harvesting. Their
results determined the high efficiency of the method since water collection reached about
30 (L/m2 )/h. The analysis shows that fog harvesting capacity using a coated mesh could be
about 2 L/m2 even in a mild fog with a wind speed of 2 m/s [120]. An additional important
Water 2021, 13, 546 5 of 19

factor is the sustainability of methods [130–132], which means installation structures, water
collectors, and mesh materials [133].
There are many published papers about green roofs and atmospheric water harvesting
methods. However, analysis of a combined design using dew and fog harvesting water in
irrigation of green roofs received less attention. The key focus on conventional green roofs
are stormwater management, landscape, and thermal impacts. The remaining issues are
the water requirements in the summer that could negatively affect the thermal impacts and
the utilization of the roof area for other purposes, such as PV panels.
Therefore, this study addresses improving conventional green roof usage and effi-
ciency by proposing a new, multipurpose green roof with fog and dew harvesting systems.
In this regard, this study’s main goal is to analyze the new proposed system’s potential
in different climates to decrease the dependency of green roofs on urban water resources,
especially in dry periods.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. The Analysis Method
The analysis flowchart is presented in Figure 1.
As shown in the flowchart, the analysis was done in three climates: humid, Mediter-
ranean, and dry. At first, the properties and issues in the conventional green roofs were
determined. Second, the water requirements of the green roofs and fog/dew harvesting
potential in the selected climates were determined by analyzing different case studies. The
data are based on numerous case studies in the selected climates. According to the analysis
of the selected case studies, the ranges for green roof water requirements and the ranges
for fog/dew yield have been provided.
The results of the second part demonstrate how the innovative design could be made.
In the third part, a multipurpose green roof combined with fog/dew water harvesting
systems was proposed, and the elements are explained. The calculations for the suggested
multipurpose green roof system for a roof with an area of 100 m2 in three different climates
are shown in the fourth part. The results show that the share of AWH (atmospheric water
harvesting) systems in total water requirements of green roofs. From the results of this
section, the new, proposed multipurpose green roof was compared with the conventional
green roofs.
At the end, the applications and the newly suggested, possible main advantages of
the multipurpose green roof are explained.

2.2. The Water Requirements of Green Roofs in Different Climates

The water use of green roofs in different climate types are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. The water requirements of the green roofs in different climates.

Water Requirements in the

Climate Location Size (m2 ) Reference
Summer (L/d/m2 )
Humid subtropical City of Hong Kong (China) 484 5.0 [92]
Subtropical and marine regions Kobe (Japan) 0.81 6.17 [134]
Humid continental Beijing (China) - 1.24 [135]
Temperate oceanic climate Neubrandenburg(Germany) 0.25 3–5 [136]
Rende (Italy) 55 7.0 [90]
Tel Aviv University - 4.5–7.0 [91]
1.17 2.08 [137]
Athens (Greece)
0.24 1.96 [138]
Semi-arid Colorado (USA) - 2.67 [139]
Water 2021, 13, 546 6 of 19

2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 20


Green roof with

area of 100 m2

Conventional green roofs prop-

erties and the main issues

Different climate types (humid,

Mediterranean, and arid)

Atmospheric water harvesting Water use by green roofs

(L/d/m2) (L/d/m2)

An innovative design of
green roof

The comparisons among the new system The share of AWHs (atmospheric water
and conventional green roofs harvesting) in green roofs water demand

The remaining No Is the approach

issues efficient?


Is the utilization
No The remaining
of the roof area


The possible applications

and advantages of the new


Figure 1. The analysis flowchart.

Water 2021, 13, 546 7 of 19

2.3. The Potential of Atmospheric Water Harvesting in Different Climates

The potential of dew and fog water harvesting in different climate types are presented
in Tables 2 and 3.

Table 2. Potential of dew harvesting in different climates.

Climate Location Collector Material E (%) T (mm) Yield (mm/m2 Year) Reference
PETB 0.83 0.3 19.4
Semi-arid coastal India (Kothara) Galvanized iron 0.23 1.5 15.6 [140]
Aluminum 0.09 1.5 9
Semi-arid India (Panandhro) Plastic foil 0.94 - 7.7 [97]
WSF 0.87–0.89 - 17.36
Mediterranean Spain (Cartagena) [94]
BF 0.99 0.15 20.76
Lebanon (Beiteddine) PETB 0.83 0.3 15.2 [93]
France (Corsica) PETB 0.83 0.3 25.68 [141,142]
Croatia (Bisˇevo) Plastic cover - - 14.7 [61]
Marine tropical Tahiti Island PTFE - 1.05 24.82 [143]
Humid continental Poland (Wroclaw) PE - - 0.1 per day [100]
PEB 0.927 - 19.4
Kenya (Maktau) PEW 0.975 - 19.6 [144]
PVC 0.965 - 22.3
Saudi Arabia (Dhahran) PE - - 0.22 in one night [99]
Morocco (15 cities) Standard passive condensers - - 0.3–18.1 [119]
E: emissivity; T: thickness; WSF: white hydrophilic foil; BF: low-cost black polyethylene foil; PETB: polyethylene mixed with 5% TiO2 and 2%
BaSO4 ; PTFE: polytetrafluoroethylene; PEB: polyethylene black; PEW: polyethylene white; PVC: polyvinyl chloride; PE: polyethylene foil.

Table 3. Potential of fog water harvesting systems in different climates.

Harvested Water Harvested Water in

Climate Type Location Elevation (m) Reference
(L/m2 /fog day) Summer (L/day)
Chile (Alto Patache) 700 6-7 - [145,146]
Hot Desert Chile (Seashores, 0–12 km) 650 7 - [147]
Iran (Chabahar) 7 8.6 - [148]
Cape Verde 750–1400 3–75 - [149]
Sub-Tropical Arid Iran (Abadan) 3 6.7 - [150]
Morocco 1225 10.5 - [151]
South Africa 1600 - - [152]
Arid Tropical Peru 800 11.8 - [153]
3.8 - [117]
Guatemala (Tojquia) 3300
Tropical 4.2 - [154]
Yemen 1800 4.5 - [155]
Sub-tropical Nepal (Katmandu) 1400 1.8 - [156]
Mediterranean Italy (Milan) 120 3.3 - [157]
Spain (Peñagolosa) 1193 2.9 2.5
Mediterranean Spain (Monduver) 843 7.3 1.6
(Coastal area) Spain (Bartolo) 763 2 1.4
Spain (Montgo) 670 7 4.6
Cold and humid - 0.05 L/h -
Different sites [158]
Warm and humid 0.65 L/h
Different climates Different sites - 3.1–15.6 - [56]
Mediterranean Spain (Monduver) 843 7.3 1.6
(Coastal area) Spain (Bartolo) 763 2 1.4
Spain (Montgo) 670 7 4.6
Cold and humid 0.05 L/h
Water 2021, 13, 546 Warm and hu- Different sites - - [158]
8 of 19
0.65 L/h
Different climates Different sites - 3.1–15.6 - [56]

3. Results
3.1. A New
3.1. A New Multipurpose
Multipurpose Green
Green Roof
Roof with
with Fog
Fog and
and Dew
Dew Harvesting
Harvesting Systems
The new
The new proposed
proposed green
green roof
roof with
with fog
fog and
and dew
dew harvesting
harvesting systems
systems are
are presented
presented in
Figures 2–4. Figure 5 shows the location of the fog harvesting mesh and solar panels in
Figures 2–4. Figure 5 shows the location of the fog harvesting mesh and solar panels in the
the andand
north south hemispheres.
south hemispheres.

Figure 2.
2. The
The new
new design
design of
of the
the green
green roof
roof with
with atmospheric
atmospheric water
water harvesting
harvesting systems.
systems. 1—green
1—green roof
roof plants,
plants, 2—mesh
2—mesh for
fog harvesting, 3—dew collector plate, 4—collector pipe, 5—harvested water collector duct, 6—duct for pipes, 7—metal
fog harvesting, 3—dew collector plate, 4—collector pipe, 5—harvested water collector duct, 6—duct for pipes, 7—metal
base for fixing dew collector plate, 8—metal base for mesh installation, 9—metal clamp to fix the mesh, 10—soil.
base for fixing dew collector plate, 8—metal base for mesh installation, 9—metal clamp to fix the mesh, 10—soil.
Water 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 20

Figure 3. The
Figure 3. The main
main elements
elements of
of the
the new green roof
new green roof system.
Water 2021, 13, 546 9 of 19

Figure 3. The main elements of the new green roof system.

Figure 4.
Figure 4. The
The fog
fog and
and dew
dew harvesting
harvesting systems
systems in
in the
the new
new green
green roof
roof system.
Water 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 20

Figure Locationof ofthe
(for dew
dew harvesting)
harvesting) in
in the
north and
south hemispheres,
D1—harvestedfog fogwater
storage tank,
storage D2—harvested
tank, D2—harvesteddewdew
water to the
water to storage tank,tank,
the storage D3—the way of
D3—the using
way of harvested
using har-
water for irrigation
irrigation of the
of the green roofgreen roofnot-potable
or other or other not-potable usages
usages in the in the 11—water
buildings, buildings, storage
tankstorage tank with
with filters.
As shown in Figures 2–5, the novel green roof would benefit from fog harvesting
(by transparent
As shown in mesh) and
Figures dew
2–5, theharvesting
novel green(by solar
roof wouldpanels); it would
benefit from fog depend less (by
harvesting on
urban water mesh)
transparent resourcesandfor
dewirrigation, increasing
harvesting (by solarthe thermal
panels); advantages
it would depend(and decreasing
less on urban
the negative
water points)
resources of the green
for irrigation, roof. Thethe
increasing procedures are as follow:
thermal advantages (and decreasing the neg-
•ative points) of the green roof. The procedures are as follow:
In the fog days, the transparent mesh placed on the roof side (i.e., in the northern
 hemisphere is thethe
In the fog days, south side of themesh
transparent roof,placed
and in on
the the
southern hemisphere
roof side is the
(i.e., in the north
hemisphere is the south side of the roof, and in the southern hemisphere is the north
side of the roof) would harvest fog water. The harvested water would be gathered
through the collector ducts and stored in the water storage tank with a filter. In case
of more water requirements, the fog mesh could also be installed on all sides, but
would create more shaded areas on the roof and might negatively affect solar PV
Water 2021, 13, 546 10 of 19

side of the roof) would harvest fog water. The harvested water would be gathered
through the collector ducts and stored in the water storage tank with a filter. In case of
more water requirements, the fog mesh could also be installed on all sides, but would
create more shaded areas on the roof and might negatively affect solar PV efficiency.
• Solar PVs would collect dew water during the nights with a relative humidity of more
than 50%. The harvested dew would be transferred to the water storage tank with
a filter.

3.1.1. The Main Elements in the New Green Roof System

The main elements in the new green roof system include:
• A green roof with dew and fog harvesting system;
• Fog harvesting mesh, a double-layer transparent mesh coated with hydrophobic
materials (ZnO, BaSO4 , or TiO2 );
• Dew collector plates that are solar PV panels (could produce electricity during the
days and water during the nights);
• Water collector pipes;
• Water collector ducts;
• Metal base for fixing dew and mesh systems;
• Water storage tank with a filter for the green wall’s irrigation and other non-potable usages.

3.1.2. The Possible Applications of the New Multipurpose Green Roof System
The possible applications of the new multipurpose green roof system could do the following:
• Improve the thermal efficiency of the buildings and factories;
• Decrease the water consumption in conventional green roofs and improve the effi-
ciency in decreasing noise, water, and air pollutions;
• Provide water for irrigation of green roofs beside other not-potable water usages in
the buildings and factories;
• Optimize the roof area for using both green roof and solar PV panels;
• Improve the sustainability of buildings, factories, and municipalities.

3.2. Analysis of the Proposed System for a Green Roof with an Area of 100 m2
In this section, we analyzed the potential of the suggested multipurpose green roof
in three climates. The considered fog mesh has a height of 2.5 m, and we analyzed the
installation of the mesh on one-side, two-sides, and four-sides of the roof area. The
considered dew collectors are PV panels with installation in 25%, 50%, and 100% of the
roof area.
The average water use in green roofs in the summer is according to Section 1.1 and
Table 1:
• In the humid regions: 1.2 to 6.2 L/m2 /day;
• In the Mediterranean regions: 2 to 7 L/m2 /day;
• In the arid regions (with drought-tolerant landscaping plants): 2.7 L/m2 /day.
The average dew potential during the dry season is according to Section 1.2.1 and
Table 2:
• In the humid regions: 0.1 to 0.3 L/m2 /day;
• In the Mediterranean regions: 0.2 to 0.3 L/m2 /day;
• In the arid regions: 0.5 to 0.7 L/m2 /day.
The average fog potential during the dry season is according to Section 1.2.2 and
Table 3:
• In the humid regions: 1.2 to 15.6 L/m2 /day;
• In the Mediterranean regions: 1.6 to 4.6 L/m2 /day;
• In the arid regions (seashores or high elevation): 1.8 to 11.8 L/m2 /day.
Water 2021, 13, 546 11 of 19

The calculations for the suggested multipurpose green roof system for a roof with an
area of 100 m2 in three different climates are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Water use and fog/dew harvesting in the new multipurpose green roof with an area of 100 m2 .

Fog Harvesting Potential

Water Use by Green Dew Harvesting Potential (% of the Roof Area)
(the Mesh Area in Each Side of the
Climate Roof (L/m2 /day) (L/m2 /day)
Roof = 10 × 2.5 = 25 m2 ) (L/m2 /day)
1 Side 2 Sides 4 Sides 25% 50% 100%
(100 m2 )
(25 m2 ) (50 m2 ) (100 m2 ) (25 m2 ) (50 m2 ) (100 m2 )
Humid 120–620 30–390 60–780 120–1560 2.5–7.5 5–15 10–30
Mediterranean 200–700 40–115 80–230 160–460 5–7.5 10–15 20–30
Arid 270 45–295 90–590 180–1180 12.5–17.5 25–35 50–70

4. Discussion
According to the literature review analysis, the performance of green roofs mainly
depends on the type of green roof, the climate type, and the irrigation amount. The energy-
saving differs from 84% in Mediterranean climates to 52% in arid climates. However, the
thermal impacts, especially in the summer, depends on the irrigation, and dry periods
could negatively affect the thermal efficiency. An intensive green roof (IGR) requires more
water than an extensive green roof (EGR). The water use of an extensive green roof in a
humid-subtropical climate is about 5 L/m2 /day and in a Mediterranean climate ranges
from 2.6 to 9.0 L/m2 /day, averaging approximately 7 L/m2 /day in the summer.
The analysis of fog and dew harvesting in many geographical regions determined
the potential as a water source, especially in dry periods, to improve water scarcity. In
Mediterranean regions, dew events could occur in around 43% of nights in the dry season;
the dew yield during the dry season is at least 1.5 mm and exceeds 2.8 mm at the end
of the dry season, whereas the precipitation could be less than 1 mm. The values in the
dry season’s semi-arid regions are between 18.9 and 25.3 mm, and in a desert in summer
about 0.13 mm/day, and the total amount from July to October about 16.1 mm. Dew water
harvesting mainly depends on wind speed, condenser temperature, and relative humidity.
Condenser temperature can decrease at night by a surface with high emissivity, meaning
maximum reflectivity and emitting the infrared wavelength. The analysis shows RH of
more than 50% and emissivity of more than 0.8 could be suitable for having a satisfactory
yield. However, the wettability also affects the water capture and could be increased by
coating materials, such as BaSO4 and TiO2 . The fog harvesting system efficiency depends
on several factors, mainly wind velocity, type, shapes, and mesh wettability. According
to the previous studies, the potential of fog harvesting is about 3.1–15.6 L/m2 /fog day
in different climates. More specifically, about 7 L/m2 /day in a desert with an elevation
of about 650 m, about 10 L/m2 /day in arid regions with an elevation of 1000 m, and
2–7.3 L/m2 /day in Mediterranean climates with elevations more than 120 m.
Results of the calculations for the suggested multipurpose green roof combined with
fog and dew harvesting systems for a roof with a size of 100 m2 in three different climates
are as follows:
• In humid climates, the fog mesh can provide 5 to 1300% of the water requirements of green
roofs, while dew collection by PV panels could be 0.4 to 25% of the water requirements;
• In Mediterranean climates, the fog mesh can provide 6 to 230% of the water require-
ments of green roofs, while dew collection by PV panels could be 1 to 15% of the
water requirements;
• In arid climates, the fog mesh can provide 17 to 437% of the water requirements of green
roofs, while dew collection by PV panels could be 5 to 26% of the water requirements.
Water 2021, 13, 546 12 of 19

4.1. The Comparisons among the New Multipurpose Green Roof System and the Conventional
Green Roofs
The comparisons among the new multipurpose green roof combined with fog/dew
harvesting systems and the conventional green roofs are as follows:
• In the conventional green roof system, the focuses are stormwater management, ther-
mal impacts (that decrease with water issues in dry period), and landscape. However,
in the new multipurpose green roof, fog harvesting mesh could improve the thermal
impacts, increase stormwater management, decrease the noise and air pollution, and
protect the plants from direct sunlight by creating a shaded area.
• The conventional green roofs are dependent on the urban water network for irrigation
in dry periods. However, the multipurpose green roof calculations show the pres-
sure on urban water resources could be decreased by fog harvesting mesh and dew
collecting PV panels, which could harvest fog/dew/precipitation.
• One of the advantages of green roofs is the thermal impact. However, in the con-
ventional green roofs, the thermal efficiency could decrease in dry periods due to
water issues for irrigation, while in the new system, thermal performance improved
due to the increase of irrigation in the summer and decrease of water consumption
in several ways. First, the installed mesh could absorb fog/dew/precipitation and
parts of evapotranspiration by plants. Second, the PV panels could absorb dew water,
besides a decrease of direct sunlight toward the green roof. Third, the installed mesh
in the specified location of the roofs (in the northern hemisphere is the south side of
the roof, and in the southern hemisphere is the north side of the roof) creates a shaded
area and could decrease direct sunlight, resulting in decreased water requirements by
the green roofs.
• A main part of the fog harvesting cost belongs to the supporting structures for mesh
not collapse if high-speed winds should be strong, which affects the final price. How-
ever, installing mesh in the building roof does not need a separate structure, decreasing
the entire cost of atmospheric water harvesting. Moreover, the potential of fog har-
vesting depends on the relative humidity. Thus installation in the green roof site
with higher relative humidity than the adjacent area could improve fog-harvesting
efficiency. Therefore, less cost and higher efficiency could make it a suitable choice for
irrigating green roofs and other water demands.
• The average emissivity of solar panels is between 75% and 90%, making it a suitable
choice for dew harvesting. Besides, the dew formation increases near plants. Thus,
installing solar PVs on top of a green roof could increase the efficiency of dew collectors.
It could also solve another electrical issue, as the high temperature of PV panels
decreases, the electricity production efficiency, and the average temperature on the
green roof is less than the adjacent area. Therefore, in the new system, the efficiency of
both dew collection and electricity by PVs could improve.
• Another issue in the conventional green roofs is the roof area’s utilization for other
purposes, such as PV panels. In the new design, by specified location of the fog
harvesting mesh, the green roof area could be used for solar PV panels, not only for
electricity production, but also for dew collection. Moreover, since the condensing
plates (PVs) are situated near the plants, the efficiency of dew harvesting also increases.
• Other advantages of green roofs are mitigation of heat islands, water quality im-
provement, and less air pollution and noise levels. In the new system, the mesh for
harvesting fog/dew/precipitations also absorbs noise and air pollutions, improv-
ing the conventional green roof’s efficiency in decreasing urban air/noise pollution.
Moreover, creating a shaded area on the roof could mitigate heat island impacts.

4.2. Recommendation for Future Studies

The evaluation of the proposed system’s advantages could be assessed through ex-
perimental analysis and is recommended for future research. The mesh’s impact would
not just be water harvesting—since a shaded area on the part of the green roof could
Water 2021, 13, 546 13 of 19

stop direct sunlight and decrease water usage, as well as improve thermal behavior in the
summer; therefore, it is recommended for future studies. Finally, the efficiency of dew
collecting by using solar PVs could depend on the type and emissivity; it is recommended
for future studies.

5. Conclusions
Green roofs have numerous benefits in urban environments; however, confronting
certain issues, mainly due to irrigation demands in dry seasons, could put urban water
networks under pressure. In addition, less irrigation could negatively affect thermal ef-
ficiency, particularly in the summer. The fog and dew harvesting potential in different
climates determined the high potential in many geographical locations. While the collected
dew amount seems low, it could exceed the precipitation amount since the precipitation
in the arid area and other climates during the dry seasons might be less than 1 mm or
zero. Moreover, coated mesh with hydrophilic materials (BaSO4 and TiO2) and condens-
ing surfaces with high emissivity and wettability could increase the atmospheric water
harvesting efficiency.
The analysis of dew collectors shows an emissivity of more than 0.8 could result in a
satisfactory yield. Therefore, solar PVs with the emissivity of 75% to 90% could be suitable
for dew harvesting. In addition, installing solar PVs on green roofs could improve the
electrical efficiency, as the high temperature decreases the efficiency of PVs, and the average
temperature on the green roof is less than the adjacent area.
The comparisons among water use of green roofs and atmospheric water harvesting
potential reveal the possibility of using these methods to provide a part of green roof
water requirements. According to the analysis of the suggested multipurpose green roof
combined with fog and dew harvesting systems, in the summer, it seems that installation of
the fog harvesting mesh on two sides of the roof could provide the total water requirements
of the green roofs. While installing the fog harvesting mesh on the four sides of the roofs
could provide more water for other usages, it might negatively affect electricity production
efficiency due to the created shaded area on the roof. The dew harvesting analysis by PV
panels determined that the maximum potential in providing water requirements of green
roofs in the summer could be 25% in humid climates, 15% in Mediterranean climates, and
26% in arid climates. In other seasons, such as winter, the harvested water from fog/dew
could be used for the green roof or other non-potable water usages.
In conclusion, it seems that the novel suggested multipurpose green roof, combined
with dew/fog harvesting, has several benefits in comparison to conventional ones, in-
cluding being less dependent on urban water networks, particularly in dry periods, and
lower water use due to the shaded area by mesh and solar PVs. Moreover, the new system
could show a higher thermal impact on the building, higher efficiency in stormwater
management, and greater efficiency in decreasing urban air, water, and noise pollutions.
The new multipurpose green roof system could maximize the utilization of the roof area
since both green roofs and PV panels could be applied on the same roof.

6. Patents
The manuscript’s idea was submitted as a patent in Italy, Ministero dello sviluppo
economico, with Application number: 102021000000005.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, B.P.; methodology, B.P.; data curation, B.P., M.T., and
S.A.P.; formal analysis, B.P., M.T., and S.A.P.; investigation, B.P., M.T., and S.A.P.; writing—original
draft preparation, B.P., M.T., and S.A.P.; writing—review and editing, B.P., M.T., and S.A.P.; supervi-
sion, B.P., M.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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