2010 03 ASHRAE's Best - Commercial Refrigeration Green Warehouse - Roy

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This article was published in ASHRAE Journal, March 2010. Copyright 2010 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers, Inc. Posted at www.ashrae.org. This article may not be copied and/or distributed electronically or in paper form without permission
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Photo Credit: Gleb Gomberg | Ovatio.ca

At the Sobeys warehouse in eastern Canada, heat rejection from the warehouse is used to heat offices and common space.

Green Warehouse
By Martin Roy, P.Eng., Associate Member ASHRAE

ustainability isn’t only for commercial, institutional and residential buildings. Warehouses need to be sustain-

able, too. Sobeys warehouse of Trois-Rivières is a refrigerated warehouse that demonstrates that a high level of

sustainability is possible even in the industrial sector.

The warehouse consists of three fluid system. The warehouse has fresh air building. However, most of the heating
distinct sections for an overall area of supply control with CO2 sensors and has is provided by the heat recovery from
147,000 ft² (13 657 m2). The main sec- an energy recovery ventilator. The chiller the chiller condensers. Daylighting and
tion is the refrigerated warehouse with can operate in free cooling mode by using occupancy detectors are installed in the
120,000 ft² (11 148 m2). The second the thermosiphon principle. warehouse and office spaces to control
section is the office space with 5,300 ft² Offices and common spaces are heated high-efficiency lighting fixtures.
(492 m2). The last 20,700 ft² (1923 m2) by a hydronic radiant floor and cooled In hot climates, this type of building
section includes common spaces such by fan-coils. As with the refrigerated would have only heat rejection for space
as the cafeteria, multiuse space, locker warehouse, outdoor air intake is con- conditioning. However, winter can be
room, workshop and mechanical room. trolled by CO2 sensors and variable air
The refrigerated warehouse is kept volume (VAV) boxes. Energy recovery About the Author
at 39°F (4°C) with an ammonia central ventilators are also installed. Gas boilers Martin Roy, P.Eng., is president of Martin Roy et
chiller and glycol secondary distribution are installed and sized to heat the entire Associes in Deux-Montagnes, QC, Canada.

64 ASHRAE Journal ashrae.org March 2010

technology award case studies

Building at a Glance
Name: Sobeys, Centre de distribu-

Photo Credit: Gleb Gomberg | Ovatio.ca

tion de Trois Rivieres

Location: 3000, rue Tebbutt, Trois-

Rivières, QC, Canada

Owner: Sobeys

Principal Use: Distribution center for

refrigerated product
Dock warehouse has T5 HO lamps and natural light detectors. Includes: Refrigerated ware-
house, offices
very cold in Trois-Rivières, which lies tion detectors were not appropriate since
halfway between Montreal and Quebec the fan evaporators could create product Employees/Occupants: 200
City, so heat rejection from the warehouse movement (papers, etc.). To use infra- Gross Square Footage: 140,000 ft2
chiller occurs simultaneously with space red detectors, special adjustments were
heating of the office and common spaces. needed to detect only people and not air Conditioned Space: 140,000 ft2
This is the perfect scenario for heat re- turbulence. All office spaces and com- Substantial Completion/Occupancy
covery. Moreover, exterior temperatures, mon areas are equipped with fluorescent
(date): May 15, 2008
colder than the refrigerated warehouse, lamps, mainly T5. Where applicable, mo-
allowed the design of a free cooling re- tion detectors have been installed. Occupancy %: 100
frigeration system.
National Distinctions/Awards:
Energy Efficiency The main heating source for the offices AQME Honorable Mention, Green
Building Envelope and common spaces comes from the building category
The building’s insulation exceeds heat recovery of the warehouse chillers.
Standard 90.1 requirements with R-30 Heat is then distributed by radiant floor.
walls and R-40 roof for the refrigerated Backup gas boilers sized for 100% of the ratio than refrigeration is used since the
warehouse and R-20 walls and R-30 roof heating loads are present also, in case cold water temperature need is higher
for the two other sections. The warehouse heating is needed when free-cooling oc- (36°F [2°C]) than the warehouse (12°F
also has a reflective white roof. The office curs. Radiant floor contributes to reduce [–11°C]). Because the chiller has been
space has a garden roof to minimize solar heating load. According to the 2007 designed to be highly efficient for the
heat gain through the roof (although the ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applica- warehouse application, the efficiency is
Advanced Energy Design Guide: Small tions: “a combination of elevated floor better for the other spaces.
Warehouses and Self-Storage Buildings temperature, higher mean radiant tem- The warehouse cooling system uses a
has no recommendation for Climate perature, and reduced ambient tempera- secondary fluid (glycol) for cooling dis-
Zone 7). Energy modeling showed a 2% ture results in lower thermostat settings, tribution and can operate in free cooling
reduction in refrigeration load and close reduced temperature differential across when the outdoor temperature is below
to 3% in energy demand. the building envelope, and lower heat 10°F (–12°C) by stopping the compres-
loss and heating load for the structure. sors. An ESP-r (open source modeling
Lighting In addition, peak load may be decreased tool) simulation was carried out, which
As recommended in the Advanced because of heat (cool) stored in the struc- led to energy and cost savings. Details
Energy Design Guide: Small Warehouses ture when embedded panels in the floor, are provided in the Innovation section.
and Self-Storage Buildings, the entire walls, or ceiling are used.”
warehouse has T5 HO lamps with mo- Control
tion detectors and natural light detector. Cooling The outdoor air is always minimized by
Natural lighting is possible near walls Offices and common spaces cooling modulating the flow rate with CO2 sensor
where high insulated (R-7.5) translucent are provided by the warehouse chill- signals in all zones. Offices and common
windows are installed. Ultrasound mo- ers. However, a different compression spaces fan-coils are also controlled by a

March 2010 ASHRAE Journal 65

temperature schedule based on occupancy 0
schedule. A building control and energy
management system overlook the opera- –50

tion of the entire electromechanical system. –100

Base Case
Battery Charger –150
Since an important heat gain is associ-

Cooling Load (kW)

ated to battery charging, special care in
the selection of the charger was made. –250
The chosen battery charger has a charging
efficiency of 92% instead of the typical
80% for a standard charger. –350 With Internal Gains
and Thermal Mass

Energy Efficiency –400 With Internal Gains

Based on DOE-2 simulation and com- –450
pared to Standard 90.1-1989 (reference
for Canada Green Building Council –500
LEED Canada accreditation), the build- 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000
Time (h)
ing energy consumption is 62% lower.
All details are provided in the Innovation Figure 1: ESP-r graph shows the impact of thermal mass on cooling load.
Applications) heating is provided by radiant floor. Control set-
IAQ and Thermal Comfort points for temperature and relative humidity are always within
Indoor air quality and maximum outdoor rate were deter- the acceptable range that provides thermal comfort according
mined using Standard 62.1-2004. To achieve high indoor air to the Standard 55-2004 calculation method, which includes
quality at all times in conjunction with energy efficiency, CO2 metabolic rate, clothing insulation, air temperature, radiant
sensors modulate the fresh outdoor airflow rate to always get temperature, air speed and humidity. The ventilated warehouse
the correct amount while keeping the associated load low. The also contributes to increasing the environment quality of ware-
ventilation system is a dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS), house workers as compared to a nonventilated one. Refrigerated
ensuring that every zone is getting the right amount of fresh air. warehouses usually don’t have ventilation.
As stated by Standard 62.1-2007, when using CO2 sensors, the Startup commissioning has been done by the client assisted
design outdoor air intake flow (Vot) may be reset, so no minimum by the engineer, and only minor condensation problems on the
airflow is needed when the CO2 concentration is below the limit. ERV have been noted. In the process of LEED accreditation, a
Special care also was taken to get high ventilation effectiveness monitoring plan based on International Performance Measure-
in accordance with Standard 62.1-2007 by optimizing the type, ment and Verification Protocol, Vol. III, has been developed. The
number and size of each diffuser. That special attention led to scope of this monitoring plan is to compare the performance
an Ev higher than 0.9 in the entire building. of the energy-efficiency measures with their initial predic-
Unlike the five other Sobey’s refrigerated warehouses in tions. This plan is under application, but no conclusions are
Quebec’s province, this warehouse has an energy recovery available yet.
unit and a fresh air supply control led by CO2 sensors. The
design outdoor airflow rate of the refrigerated warehouse was Innovation
calculated using the rationale for minimum physiological re- Simulations
quirements for respiration air based on CO2 concentration and To avoid costly overdesign and an ineffective cooling system,
other contaminants in Appendix C of Standard 62.1-2004. The an ESP-r simulation was done. The 3-D thermal simulation
use of this calculation method decreased the amount of fresh air accounted for the stored products’ thermal mass. The thermal
needed from 7,200 cfm (3398 L/s) to 1,800 cfm (849 L/s). This mass of 44,092 lb (20 000 kg) of milk product has a major
is a significant energy saving and reduction in size of equipment. effect on load as shown in Figure 1. This procedure led to a
The real supply airflow rate also is lower since it is controlled 50% decrease of the initial standard sizing made by the chiller
by the CO2 sensor while providing enough outdoor air. distributor. Their sizing doesn’t account for transient states or
There have been no complaints from the occupants about thermal mass.
comfort and the building’s improvements have created a general Another overall building simulation has been done with the
feeling of pride among employees. This feeling can be noted by interface EE4 for DOE-2. This showed that almost all heating
the care and respect they have towards the building. load can be satisfied by heat recovery. EE4 is providing a refer-
To get the optimal thermal comfort of 60% thermal radiation ence building based on Standard 90.1-1989. The building with
and 40% thermal convection (2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC all efficiency measures, excluding process loads (refrigeration),

66 ASHRAE Journal ashrae.org March 2010

Advertisement formerly in this space.
P 2 1 P

3 2
5 1
4 6
Ammonia Gas Ammonia
h Boilers Chiller h
Evaporative Evaporative
Condenser Condenser
2 1 To 2 1
Tank 6
5 Floor
2°C –11°C
Compressor Compressor

Electricity 2 1


3 4
Warehouse Warehouse
Fan Coil Fan Coil
Fan Coil Thermosiphon
Cooling With Compressor Cooling Without Compressor

Figure 2: The normal operation cycle is shown at left with the thermosiphon cooling principle on the right.

gives an energy consumption 62% lower compared to that two different temperatures: 26°F (2°C) for the office area
reference building. and 12°F (–11°C) for the warehouse. The left half of Figure
2 shows the normal operation cycle. The right half shows the
Cooling System thermosiphon cooling principle.
Unlike typical refrigerated warehouses using direct expansion
evaporators, Sobey’s warehouse uses an ammonia central chiller. Lighting
Having one big system instead of several small ones allows for Natural light in a refrigerated warehouse is certainly in-
higher efficiency. Ammonia is one of the best refrigerants to get novative. Advanced glazing system with R-7.5 insulation is
high efficiency, and has no ozone deple- used. Lighting can be diminished by the
tion potential and zero global warming Energy at a Glance controls when there is enough natural
potential. The cooling distribution system lighting and with the use of motion
is also using secondary fluid (glycol) Energy Use Intensity (Site): detector in the alley. While providing
instead of direct expansion of ammonia, 32.29 kBtu/ft 2 energy savings, indoor environment
which is much safer for the employees. quality for workers is also increased.
Natural Gas: 8.49 kBtu/ft2
Chiller Free-Cooling Electricity: 23.8 kBtu/ft2 Warehouse Ventilation
The cooling system uses a thermo- It is not known if ventilated refriger-
siphon cycle to produce cooling with- Annual Source Energy: ated warehouses are a common practice,
out using compressors when outdoor 32.69 kBtu/ft2 but this feature is new to Sobey’s design
temperatures are under 10°F (–12°C). habits in the province of Quebec. As
This is a definite innovation for en- Savings vs. Standards 90.1-2004 stated in the section on indoor air qual-
ergy efficiency considering 844 hours Design Building: 62% ity, applying outdoor air requirement
occurring below 10°F (–12°C) on a by CO 2 concentration (0.015 cfm/ft²
normalized Quebec City weather file. [0.08 L/(s·m2)]) led to a huge reduc-
The warehouse chiller is also used to produce cooling for the tion compared to warehouse (0.06 cfm/ft² [0.30 L/(s·m2)])
office areas. To maximize energy efficiency in cooling the of- or shipping/receiving (0.12 cfm/ft² [0.61 L/(s·m2)]). As
fices, the chiller has two different pressure inputs to produce recommended by Advanced Energy Design Guide, an en-

68 ASHRAE Journal ashrae.org March 2010

Advertisement formerly in this space.
ergy recovery ventilator with 70% efficiency is installed, so ment and improved indoor air quality cost $1 million more than
ventilation doesn’t add a significant load to the building. a standard building. Even with features with no payback (water
management and improved air quality), the simple payback is
Chiller Heat Recovery less than seven years.
Heat recovery on the condenser side of the chiller for space From economic studies on this project, the return on invest-
heating has not been seen very often. From what can be seen ment for the energy efficiency over costs is less than three years.
in the standard practices of most refrigerated distributors and The budget overrun after construction was only 2.5%. Expected
designers, this is not common. subsidies from Hydro-Quebec are close to $500,000.

Operation and Maintenance Environmental Impact

Since all refrigeration and heating systems are centralized In addition to all energy efficiency measures contributing
in a mechanical room, maintenance is greatly simplified. Cen- to decrease greenhouse gas emission, substantial efforts were
tralization of all the ammonia from the refrigeration system is made on water management. All plumbing fixtures are low flow,
much safer for employees. As the 2006 ASHRAE Handbook— urinals are water free and toilets are dual flush. Storm water
Refrigeration states, ammonia has no scheduled phaseout and drainage is canalized towards a constructed wetland acting as
no increasing cost as with CFC and HCFC refrigerants. All a retention reservoir. Overflow is pumped towards the same
water and glycol loops are equipped with balancing valves, constructed wetland. Sanitary drainage goes through a septic
which facilitate system optimization and maintenance. All tank before distribution to a field of reeds. With all these features
lighting control is also centralized, which allows easy operation on water management, no wastewater is returned to the city.
and automation. HCFCs were not used. Ammonia has zero ozone depletion
potential and global warming potential, which is better than
Cost Effectiveness R-410.
From the DOE-2 energy simulation, the energy savings are This project is aiming for the Canada Green Building Council
$144,896. All the energy efficiency measures, water manage- LEED-NC Gold certification.

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70 ASHRAE Journal March 2010

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