A Survey of The Plastic Waste Used in Paving Blocks

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24APR940

A Survey of the Plastic Waste used in Paving Blocks

Piyush V. Patil
Department of Civil Engineering Sanjivani K.B.P Polytechnic, Kopargaon

Abstract:- Plastic is a material that does not degrade in the forms of plastic waste as a binding agent that can totally displace
environment. Step by step, the volume of plastic garbage in cement. The components of a paver block are made of a mixer
municipal solid waste is growing rapidly. Hydrocarbons, that mixes fine aggregate from nature with various kinds of
which can be obtained from a variety of sources including plastic trash in varying amounts. Both financial and
coal, oil, and certain minerals, are used to make plastic. environmental benefits result from substituting plastic waste for
Plastic is considered useful during a time of scarcity, however cement. The results of the investigation indicate that sand can be
after it is used, it is practically thrown away, posing a variety mixed with different polymers without compromising its other
of risks There are many different types of plastic, such as characteristics or weakening it slightly, where paver bricks are
Low Thickness Poly-ethylene (the material) and High made by melting or shredding materials. The amount of plastic
Thickness Poly- ethylene (HDPE). These leftover polymers that is used such as the use of PET containers, tote bags, cups,
are then to be effectively utilized in the production of paver and other items is ever growing. Once used plastic is thrown
squares. In order to produce high- quality blocks with warm away, it does not biodegrade. They are therefore either burned or
and sound protection qualities to cope with contamination dumped in a landfill. Because they damage the air and soil,
and to lower the overall cost of construction, low thickness neither process is beneficial to the environment. Any technique
polyethylene is spotlessly mixed in with the sand and that can make use of this waste plastic for the construction's goal
aggregate at varying rates. development, this is likely the best is always acknowledged. Polymer compounds are used to make
way to prevent the accumulation of plastic garbage, a non- plastic, and they are nondegradable. Plastic is a material that is
biodegradable poison. The goal of this initiative is to use both extremely helpful and dangerous. Plastic is a hazardous
plastic waste as a binder instead of cement, which will material that is not biodegradable and can persist for decades
decrease the decrease the need for cement and lower the when use improperly the amount of plastic Municipal Solid
price of paver blocks. The country produces over 5.6 million Waste (MSW) is rapidly growing in volume of waste. The rate
tone of plastic garbage annually. Plastic disintegration is a of expansion is thought to double every ten years.
very drawn-out process that takes several years. Thus, it
makes sense to employ plastic trash in paver blocks. We have II. LITERARTURE REVIEW
mixed fine and coarse gravel with plastic trash in different
proportions for this technique. After being assembled, the Pooja Bhatia Due to challenges encountered in the steps of
paver squares were tested. The square plastic paver's sample collection and treatment, the majority of developing
maximum capacity to retain water is When compared to countries do not have an adequate solid waste management
paver square, the results showed greater quality. system in place. Because low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is
widely used in products like wrapping paper, thin bags, water
Keywords:- Plastic Waste Used in Paver Block Plastic Waste, sachets, and more, it is one of the main sources of this kind of
Low Density Polyethylene, Polyethylene Properties, Plastic pollution. The groundwater table and the nearby soil will be
Paving Block. impacted by the waste plastic that is being dumped in landfills.
This research proposes a reasonably simple process for
I. INTRODUCTION producing LDPE-bonded sand blocks and pavers. It was
discovered that when the sand's particle size shrank, the density
Solid waste management is still an important problem, and compressive strength rose. Additionally, the samples' impact
especially for low and middle-income countries when it comes to resistance was significantly better than that of conventional clay
urban areas. The plastic debris used in this project came from paver blocks.
then neighbourhood. At the moment, 25,940 ton of plastic waste
are produced every day, or 9.46 million ton annually among the Aarti Ghude- Plastic is a material that does not decompose.
biggest Polypropylene and polyethylene make up a portion of Every day, there is a sharp increase in the amount of plastic
plastic rubbish. Because it affects people as well as animals waste in municipal solid waste. When plastic is required, it is
directly and indirectly, disposing of waste pollutes the crucial to use it at that moment because it can be reused
environment around it. The ecosystem, marine life, humans, and afterwards. Plastic comes in a variety of forms, particularly
animals are all seriously damaged by the billions of tone of High-Density Poly-ethylene (HDPE). The goal of this research is
plastic waste that wind up in the world's oceans. In order to to use melted plastic trash to replace the bonding that cement
produce cement-less pavers, the current study presents several provides in paver blocks. Plastic disintegration is an extremely

IJISRT24APR940 www.ijisrt.com 807

Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24APR940

drawn-out process that could take thousands of years. As a B. Proper Mix Design. (1:3).
result, a project adds to less plastic waste. In this study, we Plastic melts when heated to between 140 and 160 degrees
combined fine and coarse gravel in varying proportions with Celsius, and the resulting liquid is measured in milli litre. When
plastic garbage. The paver pieces completed preparation and ½ kg of plastic bags are heated to 450 ml of liquid, what
testing. happens? In a similar vein, the ratio of plastic mix proportion is
plastic's ability to absorb water
S. Arjun Kumar S. Ganesh Babu in addition with waste
plastic waste lime sludge from the paper industry C. Command Experiment
replaces fine aggregate. about all test. Because of population Use plastic and sand in the project to ensure that the paving
increment the production of plastic material and surroundings. blocks are correct in shape. Usually, water is used to mix
Sand is added to heated waste plastic, a process that can be done cement, sand, and aggregate to make concrete pavement blocks.
both mechanically and manually. In the current project, plastic While the recycled plastic paving block only needed sand and
pavers are created by adding 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70% of waste plastic, regular pavement components use cement as its binding
plastic to the weight of sand needed to fill the paver mould. It is component. where the paving block's plastic binder can be used.
discovered from those four trials that, in order to acquire the
appropriate mould shape, at least 60% waste additive and 70% D. Blend the Design
waste additive are needed. The design of the plastic paving block mix is not properly
established through the entire manufacturing process. The
Avinash G B, Roja A P, Santosh M Waste plastic is used to producing process' trial-and-error methodology is what this mix
prepare the into required mould. In these projects we use the design is based on.
normal brick sizes Plastic Pavers. A significant amount of plastic
is being transported into the (15*15*6 cm). After 2 days remove E. Forming and Releasing Moulds
the brick from the mould and separating areas, where it is either In project, we have to use lime sludge, waste plastic in
burned or disposed of, polluting the air then done curing. different proportion Because the material is excessively hot,
handle the appropriate metal drum with sand. The paver block is
Avinash Gb, Rosa Ap, Santosh M R, Puneetha kumari H M tested and we discussed by carrying out the moulded and mix
We may use waste plastic as cement in our project, and we'll use procedure. filled the mould with the levelled it properly, and
the plastic to make pavement blocks instead of throwing it away tamped it down to prevent any voids waste is also increased.
because it's affordable and readily available The plastic We will be using the method of assistance of a trowel.
pavement block weighs less than the concrete pavement block. It Remove the mould once the mixer has solidified land filling for
also offers a brief process for creating a block. disposal of plastic which is very important. so, we can use
Nonbiodegradable plastic garbage is expanding quickly and enough so that the slab will not collapse. In about two hours, it
posing a hazard to the environment in a number of ways. ought should the plastic in paver block establish.


 Selection of material  After Completion of Proper Mixing We Place Mix.

 Checking the material properties.
 Proper mix design for the recycled plastic using paving
 Melting the plastic waste, at the temperature of 140 0C to
160 0 C.
 Mixing of sand in melted plastic.
 Molding.
 Unmolding.

A. Choice of Content
The production of paver blocks requires a lot of plastic.
Analysis showed that 3 kg of sand were needed for every 1 kg of
plastic. The total quantity of sand necessary depends on weather
plastic is used for the blocks.

Fig 1: Mould

IJISRT24APR940 www.ijisrt.com 808

Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24APR940

 There's no need to cure.

 Compared to regular pavement blocks, plastic paving blocks
 Paving blocks can withstand moisture.
 Durability comparisons between conventional paving blocks
and plastic-used paving blocks
 7. Degradation takes many years.
 When plastic bags disintegrate in the sun, toxic substances
are released into the soil.
 Burning plastic bags releases a poisonous gas into the
atmosphere, causing air pollution.
 When animals consume poorly disposed of food bags, they
can develop illnesses related to the stomach and intestines
that can potentiallyresult in asphyxia and death.
 The dispersal of plastic in open areas leads to unsanitary
conditions since it serves as a breeding ground for mosquitoes
Fig 2: Plastic Paver Block and insects that spread diseases like malaria and dengue

A. Aim C. Application
The purpose of this project is to lower the cost of paver
blocks relative to traditional concrete paver blocks and substitute  Paver Square's usage of discarded plastic offers a profitable
cement with plastic waste. Determining the appropriateness of option toget rid of plastic trash.
the garbage is the aim of this investigation. Polyethylene bags,  It can be used in gardens, pathways for bicyclists and
plastic containers as well as additional substances in the process pedestrians, and so forth.
of generating paver blocks for building.  Since it is not water permeable, there is almost no risk of
owing to green growth and organisms.
B. Objective  It can be applied to roads with little or no traffic.
 A 15% weight reduction is achieved by employing plastic in
 Plastic is used in place of cement. paverblocks.
 It takes less of a perfect occasion to create
 Shorten the paving block's setting time.
 Lower the price of paving blocks.

Fig 1: Method of Plastic Paver Block

IJISRT24APR940 www.ijisrt.com 809

Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24APR940

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(2022). Production of paver block using construction
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 Gloves Materials Today: Proceedings, 65, 1133-1137.
 dungarees [7]. Tempa, K., Chettri, N., Thapa, G., Gyeltshen, C., Norbu,
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 Boots experimental study and sustainability assessment of
 Shoes plastic waste as a binding material for producing
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V. FUTURE SCOPE Science and Technology, an International Journal, 26,
A big entrance with lavish outdoor flooring is necessary for
bungalow and apartment landscaping; there are other options, but
the most crucial thing is to draw attention to the features. I am
convinced that using plastic paver bricks is the most sensible,
economical, and simplest way to accomplish the goal. Plastic
pavement blocks are rather stiff and difficult for pedestrian and
vehicle traffic because they are industrial items. These long-
lasting, aesthetically pleasing precast pavers require little to no
maintenance when constructed and installed correctly. Plastic
paver blocks are a typical material that have many uses in hard


According to the analysis of the previously mentioned

research, waste plastic can be used to make pavement blocks.
This modified pavement block can be used for pedestrian
construction, public buildings, government buildings, educational
facilities and other low-traffic spots for parking. The waste that's
left in the block is plastic. For fine aggregate, various quantities of
waste plastic are utilized for varied workability, durability, and
compressive strength and, most importantly, to minimize the
amount of plastic waste.

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