So I U3 Testa

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Intermediate Quick Check Test 3A

Grammar 4 Complete the time phrases with the words in

the box.
1 Underline the correct alternative.
1 I ’m having / will have a party tonight. Do you next near shortly long day term
want to come?
2 A: How are you going to go / getting to the airport 1 He’s likely to lose his job next week.
tomorrow? 2 Sorry, I’m in a meeting. I’ll call you back .
B: I’m not sure. I might phone / ’m phoning for a 3 Robots could play an important part in our lives in
taxi. the long .
A: I ’m going to / ’ll take you if you like. I won’t 4 We’ll get the results in a or two.
do / ’m not doing anything else. 5 We might all have videophones in the
3 A: Mel and Sue are going / will go to Italy! future.
B: Might they go / Are they going to Rome? 6 I think space travel will be very common a
A: No, they’re staying / won’t stay with friends in time from now.
4 A: What are you going to / will you do this 5 Underline the correct alternative.
weekend? 1 Short skirts aren’t my cup / pot of tea.
B: I might not / will do anything! I think I ’ll just 2 He looks worried. I’m sure there’s something on
relax / ’m just relaxing. his heart / mind.
10 3 He’s very good at making small / big talk.
2 Complete the predictions with the words in the 4 Can you keep a hand / an eye on the kids while I
box. cook dinner?
5 I feel a bit under the rain / weather today.
won’t might not ’ll be unlikely will ’ll 6 Using computers is a piece / slice of cake for
going ’re going likely probably going to children these days.
1 They won’t be here until 10p.m.
2 A: Do you think you get the job? Pronunciation
B: It’s . Over 500 people have applied.
6 Underline the word with a different vowel
3 I don’t like the look of those black clouds. There’s
be a big storm.
1 rat race hand chat
4 Jane’s doing very well at university. I’m sure she
2 spill beans piece tea
an excellent doctor.
3 boast moan close dog
5 It’s not to be easy to sell our house during
4 hot work compliment gossip
this economic crisis so we move yet. We’ll
5 eye apologise mind in
wait to see what happens.
6 small talk argue warn
6 Come on, it’s late! We to miss the
beginning of the film.
7 It’s hard to predict exactly how our lives Functions
change in the next 20 years, but any changes are
to be dramatic. 7 Choose the correct word to complete the
10 sentences.
1 Sorry, can you say that again? (say / tell)
Vocabulary 2 What do you mean? (exactly / really)
3 I don’t what you’re saying. Am I in
3 Put the letters in order to complete the
trouble? (know / get)
4 Could you the last part, please? (repeat /
1 I often warn (arnw) my parents about the
dangers of smoking, but they ignore me.
5 Do you to say we aren’t going on holiday
2 My children (nmao) about doing their
after all? (want / mean)
homework and then (ahtc) on the internet
6 You’ve me. What is it you want to do?
for hours!
(understood / lost)
3 She (sbtaos) about her new clothes, but
never (nmopcistlme) other people on how
they look.
Total: 50
4 Peter (lgodeaopsi) for losing his brother’s

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