Baker 1971
Baker 1971
Baker 1971
G R A P H I T E AS A N E U T R O N M O D E R A T O R A N D R E F L E C T O R M A T E R I A L *
Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington
days; cooling continues for about 10 days before the free-standing bodies, methane or natural gas at pres-
graphite can be exposed to air. During graphitization, sures of 10-1 to 10-3 atm is passed through a furnace
most of the gases are evolved below 1500 C. Between and decomposed, depositing carbon on a graphite
1500 and 2500 C, the main process is crystal growth, substrate at 1400 to 2400 C. Pyrolytic carbon coat-
with the internal structure still imperfect. Above ings on fuel particles are applied in a fluidized bed at
2500 C, continued minor crystal growth occurs, but temperatures in the range 1200-1800 C. Argon and
the major effect is increased crystal perfection due to helium may be used as hydrocarbon diluents to fur-
diffusion and annealing of crystallite imperfections. nish sufficient gas flow for fluidization. The fuel
The purity of graphite may be improved by either particles may be carbides, oxides, or nitrides of ura-
thermal or chemical purification. Thermal purification nium, thorium, and/or plutonium. The carbon coat-
consists of heating graphite to temperatures between ings are usually applied to a thickness of about 100/~
2800 and 3000 C to diffuse out impurities. Chemical on particles which are on the order of 150 to 200/a
purification consists of heating graphite in the presence diameter. The primary purpose of the coating is to
of a halogen-containing gas to remove impurities as contain fission products.
volatile halide compounds. Higher purities are
attained by the more expensive chemical purification 2.3. Machining practice
method. A typical chemically purified graphite The machinability of graphite depends upon the
contains < 10 ppm Si, < 10 ppm A1, < 5 ppm Fe, raw materials used in its manufacture and upon pro-
< 10 ppm Ca, < 1 ppm Mg, < 1 ppm Ni, < 1 ppm Ti, cessing variables. Products which are processed at a
< 5 ppm V, < 1 ppm B and a maximum ash content low graphitizing temperature or which contain a
of 100 ppm. poorly graphitizing component are quite abrasive
New techniques and variations of existing proces- and cause excessive wear of machining tools. Most of
ses are being developed to produce a wide range of the common nuclear graphites can be turned, sawed,
graphite products for nuclear applications. For milled, bored, planed, drilled, shaped, ground,
example, raw-coke graphite is manufactured from an tapped, and reamed [4]. Lubricants or cutting
uncalcined "raw" petroleum coke, whereas in the fluids are normally not used, thus eliminating a
conventional process the coke is calcined prior to mix- potential source of graphite contamination. Either
ing with binder, baking, and graphitizing. In making wood-working or metal-working machines can be
raw-coke graphite, uncalcined coke and pitch used in machining graphite. However, metal-working
binder are mixed directly and are calcined in the machines are preferred because of their accuracy,
baking process. Other manufacturing techniques which versatility, and automatic features.
so far have limited applications in the nuclear field In a machining operation, graphite is crushed or
include pressure baking and hot working. fractured by the tool. The graphite chip is granular
in form and the surface is pitted when particles are
2.2.2. Pyrolytic carbon torn from the matrix. The degree of pitting depends
Pyrolytic carbon is a vapor-deposited, highly an- largely upon the grain size of the graphite and the
isotropic form of carbon in which the carbon-layer depth of the cut. Most of the machined chips are
planes are preferentially oriented parallel to the surface in the form of extremely fine grains. High-efficiency
of the substrate. Pyrolytic carbon is made by thermal dust collectors are required to remove the fine
decomposition of hydrocarbon gases [3]. The pre- powdered material. Removal of cutting dust is
ferred orientation, density and other properties can necessary because the surfaces must be clean to
be varied widely by changes in gas pressure, tempera- maintain dimensional tolerances.
ture, gas flow rate, geometry of the system, and other The finish of graphite is largely dependent upon
deposition conditions. Subsequent heat treatment to the feed and speed of cutting. The magnitude and
higher temperatures improves the crystallinity. spacing of the minute ridges and valleys produced
Large pyrolytic carbon shapes have been produced by the cutting tool determine the surface roughness.
for space applications, and pyrolytic carbon coatings Finishes of the order of 63 to 240/~ in., rms, are
for nuclear fuel particles have been developed. For readily attained. Carbide cutting tools are preferred
416 D.E. Baker, Graphite as a neutron moderator and reflector material
to high-speed tool steel tools because of their greater to itself and to metals [7]. Difficulties in graphite
resistance to wear. Failure of the tool material is pri- brazing are associated with differences in thermal ex-
marily due to wear on the cutting edge caused by the pansion coefficients of the components and with the
abrasiveness of the graphite. Tools and cutters are inability of the brazing alloys to wet and flow on
ground with a relief angle of from 15 to 20 ° and usu- graphite sufaces. An alloy of 48Ti-48Zr-4Be is suit-
ally have 0 ° rake. For a rough lathe finish, the depth able for joining graphite to itself and to molybdenum.
of the cut may be as great as 0.5 in. and the rate of The major constituents are strong carbide formers,
feed as fast as 0.1 in. per revolution [5]. For a fine and their relatively low thermal-expansion coeffi-
finish, the depth of cut varies from 0.001 to 0.01 in., cients compare favorably with that of graphite. The
and the rate of feed from 0.005 to 0.02 in. per revo- Ti-Zr-Be alloy exhibits poor resistance to corrosion
lution. A tolerance of-+ 0.002 in. can be maintained. by molten fluoride salts. An alloy of 35Au-35Ni-
Graphite can be rough cut on band saws operating at 30Mo will braze both graphite-to-graphite and
3000 fpm and having a blade 0.035 in. thick with graphite-to-metal with high integrity and will resist
0.065 in. set and 2 to 6 teeth/in. Hollow drills em- corrosion by molten fluoride salts. In both low- and
ployed with vacuum dust removal are more successful high-porosity grades of graphite, the Au-Ni-Mo
then ordinary twist drills. alloy can produce brazed joints having strengths at
Care must be exercised to avoid contaminating least as great as that of the graphite being brazed.
the graphite during machining and inspection opera-
tions. Operators are required to wear special protec- 2.5. Graphite grades and material designation
tive coveralls, gloves and caps in the shop area. Such Nuclear graphite is available in numerous grades
precautions must be taken to exclude high capture differing in grain size, strength, density, purity,
cross section impurities and corrosive contaminants piece size, processing conditions, and many other
which may be chemically incompatible with reactor characteristics. The different types of graphite are
materials. Distribution of activated contaminants usually referred to in the literature by the manufac-
throughout the reactor cooling circuit may make turer's letter or number designation and frequently
subsequent maintenance difficult [6]. are without further description. Information such
as process temperatures or raw material identifica-
2.4. Cementing and joining techniques tion which are needed to adequately characterize
The methods used for joining carbon and graphite graphite may be unavailable if proprietary aspects
parts are similar to those for joining wood [4]. of the manufacturing process are involved.
Threaded, pinned, tapered, butted, and tongued- Graphites which are procured on the basis of similar
and-groove joints have all been used in a variety of unirradiated physical properties will not necessarily
applications. Other methods of joining are to shrink- perform identically in a nuclear reactor. Irradiation
fit or press-fit the carbon or graphite part to a metal tests are usually performed on prototype material
component. prior to full scale production.
Carbon and graphite parts may be joined together Many carbon and graphite products have been
with resin-base cements. For maximum strength, the irradiated and evaluated for nuclear reactor applica-
surfaces should be machined as flat as possible. The tions. Brief descriptions of some of the materials
strength of a cemented joint increases with decreasing (some are current grades; others are not) discussed
joint thickness and, where possible, joints of 0.005 in this chapter are given in table 1. Since wide varia-
to 0.02 in. thickness are recommended. After curing tion of properties is possible for some types of
the resins, the assemblies are heated to about 900C graphite, manufacturers should be contacted for cur-
to carbonize the cement. Joints with a modulus of rent product data.
rupture of about 2000 psi are attained after carboni- The cost of nuclear graphite varies widely de-
zation of the cement. When the cement is heated pending on purity, size, shape, quantity, and physi-
to graphitizing temperatures ( > 2200 C), the strength cal properties. Currently, unmachined grades with an
is decreased by about 10 to 30%. absorption cross section of approximately 4.3 mb
Alloys have been developed for brazing graphite cost $1200 to $1500 per ton in several-hundred-ton
D.E. Baker, Graphite as a neutron moderator and reflector material 417
quantities. Machining adds $700 to $1200 per ton. where the carbon atoms are directly superimposed
Higher purity graphite with a cross section of approx- over each other in alternate layers. A less common
imately 3.8 mb requires additional processing which form is the rhombohedral structure, in which the layer
adds $200 to $400 per ton to the total cost. Unpuri- planes have an ABCABC... stacking sequence. Two
fled gas-baked carbons for reactor shielding applica- important structural features that account for many
tions cost about $500 per ton, unmachined, in multi- of the unique properties of graphite are: 1) the sys-
ton quantities. tem of strong chemical bonds forming large
sheets of hexogonal rings in which the electrons are
quite mobile and 2) the large spacing between carbon
3. Physical properties layer planes [10]. The bond structure gives the
graphite crystal metallic properties in the a direction
3.1. S t r u c t u r e and non-metallic properties in the c direction. The
The hexagonal crystal structure of graphite, which structure accounts for the high thermal and electrical
is the most common form, is shown in fig. 2. The conductivities in the a direction and the low conduc-
layer planes form a stacking sequence ABAB .... tivities in the c direction. The forces between atoms
41 8 D.E. Baker, Graphite as a neutron moderator and reflector material
A u ~o_~ ¢.9
Unit Cell:.
a - Z . ~ I 2 t-IX 0601 h
5 - LR2_a 6,8
¢ • 6 . / 0 ~ . + n 0007 A
V o l u m - 35.1t0 A3
A i m s Per Unit Cell - 4
6.6 • l J q I ~ I I I
0 2OO ~ Ca} 80O Z000
T~nwiture. C
in a layer plane are due to strong C-C chemical bonds, neutron absorption cross section and high scattering
whereas the forces between layer planes are relatively cross section. Nuclear graphite has been produced in
weak. large quantities with an absorption cross section of
CrystaUites in which atoms are arranged in a charac- 3.8 rob. Because typical impurities in graphite have a
teristic, periodic array typically vary in size from 300 greater cross section for absorbing neutrons than
to > 1000 A in the a direction. The unit cell dimen- carbon, it is desirable to minimize impurities.
sions of graphite are derived from analysis of X-ray Elements that commonly contribute to an increase
diffraction data. The change in interlayer spacing with in the absorption cross section of graphite include
temperature is shown in fig. 3. Between 0 and 800 C, the following: H, B, N, C1, Ti, V, Gd, and other rare
the average coefficient of thermal expansion for earth elements. Graphite containing several percent
single crystals in the c direction is 28.3 × 10-6 C-1 . boron may be used as a combined moderator and
Changes in the a unit cell dimension are smaller, that neutron absorber in the shielding structure of
is, the thermal expansion coefficient is nuclear reactors. For example, shielding in the Fermi
-1.5 X 10 -6 C-1 over the range from 0 to 150C and reactor consists of boronated graphite containing
+ 0 . 9 X 1046 C -1 from 600 to 800C [11]. 7 w/o boron as B4C particles.
Pyrolytic carbon has a structure that distinguishes Absorbed water and nitrogen in the pores of
it from electrographite. Pyrolytic carbon is deposited graphite have a negligible effect on the moderating
with the layer planes parallel to the substrate surface properties [12]. For example, 0.015 w/o water in-
but randomly oriented in the a-axis direction. The creases the slowing down power about 1%. The
structure resulting from the disordered layer planes is slowing down power is the average logarithmic energy
described as "turbostratic". Stress annealing, e.g., change of a neutron when it collides with a modera-
compressing to about 5000 psi at > 2800 C, tor atom divided by the mean free path between
straightens the planes and produces a material with collisions. For nuclear graphite with a density of
properties which approximate those of a single 1.60 g/cm 3 , the slowing down power is 0.060 cm -1 .
crystal of graphite.
Typical densities of pyrolytic carbon and other car- 3.3. Thermal properties
bon products are compared in table 2. 3.3.1. Phase diagram of carbon
The phase diagram of carbon, shown in fig. 4, in-
3.2. Nuclear properties dicates that the melting point of graphite is 4250 K at
The desirable nuclear characteristics of graphite as 103 atm. The melting point curve and vaporization
a moderator and reflector material are its low thermal characteristics of carbon have not been firmly estab-
D.E. Baker, Graphite as a neutron moderator and reflector material 419
Table 2 Table 3
Typical densities of carbon and graphite products. Vaporization data for carbon [20].
lished because of experimental difficulties at very high about 2500 K. Vapor pressure data for temperatures
temperatures and pressures. Both monatomic and above 3000 K are not in good agreement and should
polyatomic species of carbon result from the vapori- be regarded as tentative. Vaporization data for car-
zation of graphite. Mass-spectrometer measurements bon are given in table 3.
indicate the presence of the molecular species C 1
through C 5 , and higher molecular clusters are predicted 3.3.2 Specific heat
in the vapor [13]. There seems to be general agree- The thermodynamic properties of graphite at low
ment on a value of 170 kcal/mole for the heat of sub- temperatures are given in table 4 [15]. The usual
limation of carbon atoms. symbols for specific heat at constant pressure (Cp),
The vapor pressure of carbon is negligible up to standard enthalpy (H°), entropy (S°), and free energy
(F °) are used. The specific heat of graphite can be
described by a quadratic function of temperature
1000 from 13 to 50K [8]. From 50to a b o u t 6 0 0 K , C p
increases approximately linearly with temperature.
Thermodynamic properties of graphite above room
temperature are given in table 5 [16]. Heat capacity
data between 298 and 1500 K are represented by the
Cp = -1.265 + 14.008 × 10-3 T - 103.31
E 600
X 10- T T 2 + 2 . 7 5 1 X 10- g T 3 ,
where T is the temperature in degrees Kelvin and Cp
400 is the heat capacity in cal/mole-K [ 17]. Within the
accuracy of the measurements, the specific heat of
iqukJ all coke-based artificial graphites is the same at all
temperatures above a few degrees absolute [18].
Table 4
Thermodynamic properties of graphite at low temperatures [ 151 .
Table 5
Thermodynamic properties of graphite above room temperature [16].
o o
H298 - H0 = 251 cal/mole
o o o -(F~ o
Temperature (T), C p, H T - H298, S T, -H298)/T,
K cal/mole-K cal/mole cal/mole-K cal/mole-K
TemRraurL C
cess variables that affect the CTE are coke particle size,
pitch impregnation, and calcination and graphitization
Fig. 5. Thermal conductivity of TSX graphite. (Submitted by temperatures. Fig. 12 shows the variation of CTE in
Pacific Northwest Laboratory, 1 November 1968). various graphites measured from room temperature
to 1000C as a function of the bulk density. The
polycrystalline graphite occurs mainly by lattice vibra- CTE varies over a wide range, but the change in CTE
tions or phonon waves, with negligible electronic con- with temperature is approximately the same for all
tributions. The maximum conductivity of nuclear graphites. It has been found empirically [20] that
graphite typically occurs below room temperature [8], the mean CTE from 20 C to a final higher tempera-
as shown in fig. 5. The thermal conductivity decreases ture can be obtained by adding the factors shown in
at elevated temperatures as shown in fig. 6, and is table 6 to the value for the temperature interval 20
highly dependent on the type of material and proces- to 100C. The CTE from 20 to 100C for KC graphite
sing variables. Fig. 7 shows the dependence of thermal is 1.5 X 10-6/C in the parallel direction and
conductivity on the heat-treatment temperature for 4.6 X 10-6/C in the transverse direction. Values for
an experimental Texas-coke graphite. The extreme AT J, which is more isotropic than KC, are
anisotropy of pyrolytic carbon which was annealed at 2.2 X 10-6/C in the parallel direction and
3.4 X 10-6/C in the transverse direction.
~ k Walt • RmdH
ai l~RFI0wMasurments
i 1.6 s/cm.C"A"~T'rg
460 + O.28 a=
0.8 O.19
- ~ 9 • °i~ .o. - a-
0.4 O.10
0 I I i i i i
o ~oo 1ooo 15oo 20o0 25oo
' turC
Fig. 6. The thermal conductivity of ZTA graphite perpendicular to the pressing direction [ 21 ].
422 D.L: Baker, Graphite as a neutron moderator and reflector material
0.16 _ ~ Healrrmtmnt
~ ~ Temperature
J 21110C
1800 C
L t I I
100 ZOO 300 400 ~0
Fig. 7. Dependence of transverse thermal conductivity for an experimental graphite on heat-treatment temperature. (Submitted by
Pacific Northwest Laboratory, 1 November 1968).
l 0.3
| 4.0
i i I I i 0 i I i I 0
29O 40O ~0 8OO 1000 1000 1210
Temperature,K Temperature.K
Fig. 8. Thermal conductivity of Pyrolytic carbon parallel to the Fig. 9. Thermal conductivity of Pyrolytic carbon transverse to
deposition plane [19]. the deposition plane [19].
D.E. Baker, Graphite as a neutron moderator and reflector material 423
Memsurld /
~ Extrapolated / ManufacturM Graphites
,e (With Grain) .~
400 60
" SingleCryStal m
,,"/ c - Direction
32O c
I f Single CryStal
I ...a
I Manufactured Griphltes
I Musurod
(Across Grain)
) ~ Extrapolated
0 ~ I , I , I , I •40 I , I , I , I t
-27~ 0 800 1600 2400 32110
-2T) 0 800 1600 2400 3200
Temlpalture, C
TemPerature. C
Fig. 10. Thermal expansion of graphite [22]. Fig. 11. Thermal expansion of graphite [ 22].
3.3.5. Emissivity
The emissivity of graphite is an important charac-
teristic in studies of radiant heat transfer and in mea-
Type of Graphite
surements of graphite surface temperatures by
o Pyrolytic
optical pyrometry. The emissivity of graphite varies
: /"
a Grade ZT
with the surface finish, and prolonged heating of a
polished surface at high temperatures will change the
character of the surface and increase its emissivity
[2]. A general conclusion from the available data is
that the spectral emissivity of graphite at 0.655 p
lies between 0.75 and 0.90, with the exact value de-
pending on the nature of the surface and to a lesser
extent on the temperature. The importance of the
surface condition on the spectral and integrated emis-
111} sivity is indicated in table 7.
Table 6
Factors for calculation of mean coefficient of thermal expan-
sion [20].
100 0
200 2.0 ¢
300 4.0
400 6.0
500 7.7
600 9.2
700 10.4 I , I [ J I
800 l 1.4
900 12.3 T~Wtslurl C
1000 13.2
1500 17.2
2000 21.2 Fig. 13. Electrical resistivity of extruded grade AGR graphite
2500 25.2 [25].
Table 7
Emissivity of type AUC graphite [24].
Emissivity = a + 10-5 bT where T is the absolute temperature, K, and a and b are constants.
Surface treatment a b a b a b
that the resistivity of graphite made from lampblack is 3.5. Mechanical properties
about 5 times the resistivity of graphite made from 3.5.1. Tensile strength
petroleum coke. The coke calcination temperature Unlike most materials, graphite increases in
and m a x i m u m heat-treatment temperature also affect strength with temperature. Its strength reaches a max-
the resistivity of the final product. Resistivity values imum at about 2500C as shown in fig. 14. The
can be used to indicate the relative crystalline perfec- tensile strength of H4LM graphite at liquid-hydrogen
tion and degree of orientation in a material. The elec- ( - 2 5 3 C) and liquid-nitrogen ( - 1 9 6 C) temperatures
trical resistivity of highly anisotropic pyrolytic carbon is the same as the room-temperature value [28]. Be-
at 25 C is 4.6 × 10-4 ohm-cm in the a or layer plane cause graphite has a low density, its strength-to-
direction and 0.48 ohm-cm in the c direction [26]. weight ratio is better than that of other materials
D.E. Baker, Graphite as a neutron moderator and reflector material 425
3.0 LO
~ s ParalltoelGrain/
i .c
PWlmndlculgr ~o Griln
Is. 4
~pwpendicular To Grain 2
i i ~ , i i i
00 i
- -
2OO0 25OO 3006
, i
Temp~tture. C Tempw~'uCre,
Fig. 14. Tensile strength of H4LMgraphite [27]. Fig. 15. The ultimate compressivestrength of H4LMgraphite
above about 1500 C. Graphite strength is influenced
by such variables as density, orientation, particle size,
types of coke and pitch, and processing temperatures. 6.0
3.5.2. Compressive strength strength of pile grade A graphite on the extent of oxi-
The ultimate compressive strength of graphite dation is shown in fig. 16.
ranges from 4000 to 10,000 psi and is not strongly
dependent on the direction of applied force [8,33]. 3.5.3. Young's modulus
Compressive strength also increased with increasing Young's modulus of elasticity is a measure of the
temperatures in a manner similar to tensile strength as resistance to tensile or compressive strain of a mater-
shown in fig. 15. The ultimate compressive strength ial under stress. Average room-temperature Young's
of pyrolytic carbon at 25 C is 14,000 psi in the moduli for nuclear graphites range from 0.7 to
basal plane direction and 68,000 psi in the c direction 1.5 X 106 psi in the parallel direction and from 0.6
[26]. The dependence of the ultimate compressive to 1.2 × 106 psi in the transverse direction. Young's
426 D.E. Baker, Graphite as a neutron moderator and reflector material
100 o PyrolyticCarbon
o SingleCrystal, c Axis
-5 o SingleCrystal, a Axis
L0 ~ ~ - v,"
•~ . ..... , I , , , , I . , . L I . . . . I . . . . I , ,
Alona ~,rain
500 )000 1500 2000 2500
Temperllurt, C
Fig. 17. Young's modulus for H4LM graphite [35[.
Across Grain
modulus increases with temperature as shown in fig.
17. Young's modulus for pyrolytic graphite at 25 C
along the a-axis approaches 107 psi as shown in fig. 0. I ~ I I i
1.7 1.q 2.1 2.3
18, which relates Young's modulus to the bulk density.
These moduli were all obtained by resonant frequency Density, g/cm3
measurements in the sonic range. A comparison of Fig. 18. Sonic Young's modulus for various graphites versus
sonic with static measurement of Young's modulus density [23].
in AUC graphite at room temperature showed agree-
ment within 4% [35].
Temperlture, C
3.5.4. Creep at high temperature [20]
~eo 23oo
Graphite is not perfectly elastic, even at room I 1 I I
temperature, and yields plastically under stress. The
stress-strain curves for graphite are not linear, and 10"3 ~r~ ~1
there is a residual strain in the material after stressing.
This plastic straining at low temperatures is not
considered to be creep. Creep in graphite is ob-
served at temperatures above approximately 1700 C,
while creep in carbon has been observed at 1000 C.
Although carbon products may be stronger than
graphite at room temperature, they creep more 10.4
Table 8
Coefficients of friction for several graphites [ 20,33].
0.06 Bind ~ncludesPol~s for:
il. Solidand HollowCyltndlrs 314 In. to 1-1/2 In.
3.6.3. Permeability
D. Ms~Mion and O e s ~ Runs
~. TwoAnalytical TIchnigues The most common method of reducing the gas
0.04 permeability o f graphite is impregnation with a
carbonaceous liquid, followed by heating to carbon-
ize the impregnant [8]. Although the methods are
similar to those used to increase the density, the im-
pregnating liquid is different. Conventional pitch
impregnents increase the density without markedly
0 reducing the permeability. Impregnants with low
0 0.2 0.4 n6 0.8 LO
viscosities and greater wetting ability are more effec-
RetatlveSatuflltion PteSsurL I~ o
tive in blocking the pores and reducing the permea-
bility. Multiple impregnations are common, the num-
Fig. 20. The equilibrium amount of water adsorbed on nuclear ber depending on the size and shape of the piece,
graphite at 25 C versus the relative saturation pressure, P/Po, pore structure, and impregnant used. The permea-
where p is the vapor pressure at which adsorption takes place bility of untreated graphite base stock is about
and Po is the saturation vapor pressure of water at 25 C [37].
10-1 to 10-2 cm2/sec. Multiple impregnations with
a furfuryl alcohol impregnant decrease the per-
vapor pressure at which adsorption takes place and Po meability of HLM-85 graphite to the order of
being the saturation vapor pressure of water at 25 C. 10-s cm 2/sec [39]. Since the low-permeability
The equilibrium amount of water adsorbed on HEM-85 graphite is heated above 2650 C in the pro-
graphite is shown in fig. 20. The rate of water adsorp- cess, it is suitable for high-temperature applications,
tion is affected by the presence o f other atmospheric whereas materials processed at temperatures less
gases, such as nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide than 1200 C to carbonize the impregnant undergo
and also by the size o f the specimen. Extrapolation of further changes on heating to higher temperatures.
results from small samples to a cylindrical block of Another method of reducing the permeability of
8.2 in. diam by 29 in. long indicates that the half- graphite is by the thermal decomposition of hydro-
saturation value would be obtained in 27 hr at carbons in the pores [40]. This process, which is
P/Po = 0.82 and 4.5 days at P/Po = 0.9 [8]. similar to that used in forming pyrolytic carbon
D.E. Baker, Graphite as a neutron moderator and reflector material 429
Table 10
Volume and composition of gas evolved by various graphites [38].
AGOT 33.1 32 7 8 25 27 2
85 40 * * * 57 2
ECGR 14.5 28 7 7 4 50 4
47 38 * * * 58 2
TSX 6.9 63 6 9 2 17 3
31 53 * * * 42 3
* 0.1 to 1% if the temperature is raised rapidly, larger amounts for slow temperature rise.
4. Radiation effects 6
4.1. D i m e n s i o n a l changes 4
ts~. ~ 7/
~'.4'75 C t
/ d
/ T/.~I~ C
1000-101'5C I
, /
lit , /
~o I ~ I * I
0 8 16
//I ,/!'/'/'/
Fast Neutron Fluenc~ 1021 Na.rh'ons/cm2 OE>O.18Mev)
.2.00 4 8 ll 16 aO 14 28
l000-1015 C
925-975 C'---'J
T ,
~-~o c
0 3.0
~ llO0-1175C
< /
~ 2.0
/ ,,i 775-825C
1.0 /, !
q~Mr~-g75C 400.475C " ~ ' ~ . . ~ / / i
~0-750 C / /
I[ /"
-10. 0 -LO
4 $ 12 16 20 24
I ~0-5~ C
FastNeutron Fluefct 1021 Neutronl/cm 2 (E >(118 Mev~
Fig. 25. Radiation-induced length changes of NC8 (parallel) O 4 8 12 16 20 24
graphite for several irradiation temperature ranges [45].
Fast NeutronFluence, 1021Neutrons/cm2 (£ >0.18 May)
The irradiation behavior of over 50 different Fig. 26. Radiation-induced length changes of TSGBF (trans-
grades of graphite is summarized in figs. 29 and 30. verse graphite for several irradiation temperature ranges [45].
The spectrum of graphites represents a wide variety of
cokes, binders and processing conditions. The data are
grouped into two bands representing irradiation
temperature ranges of 400 to 825 C and 850 to
1275 C. The unbounded region on the right side of
the band in fig. 30 indicates that not all parallel
t .-.c/ !
samples have reached turnaround. However, many '°F.,.c /!.--c
parallel samples have turned around within the
shaded area, and the others are expected to turn
around at higher fluences [47]. There are exceptions 1260-1TI~;C
to the trends in figs. 29 and 30 such as the improved
isotropic graphites where it appears that rapid expan-
sion may be delayed to higher fluences.
The basic damage mechanism causing the ob-
served changes is believed to be the c axis expansion
as influenced by crack closure before turnaround,
crack generation after turnaround, and creep of the
materials [45]. The dimensional stability may be 0 8 16
different for large blocks and small samples [49]. FastNeutron Fluence. 102] Neutrons/cm2 (E>0.18 Mev)
The dimensions of samples for the irradiation studies Fig. 27. Radiation-induced length changes of TSGBF (parallel)
were generally less than ~ in. diam and 4 in. long. graphite for several irradiation temperature ranges [45 ].
432 D,E. Baker, (;raphite as a neutron moderator and re~lector material
600 12.0
50O 8,0
~' -4. 0
200 ~ \ , ~
0 4 8 12 16
Fast Neutron Fluence, 1021NlutronlJcm2 (E >0,18 Mev)
0 8 16 24 )2
Fig. 28. Effects of irradiation at various temperatures on appa- Fast Neutron Fluence, 1021Neutrons/cm2 (E>0. 18 Mev)
rent crystallite size, Lc of CSF graphite [45].
Fig. 30. Radiation-induced dimensional changes of graphite
in the parallel direction [48].
4.2. Electrical and thermal property changes
4.2.1. Electrical resistivity
In contrast to most other properties, the electrical
resistivity increases rapidly by 100 to 200% at very
low neutron fluences, as shown in fig. 31. It then
generally levels off at about 35 to 40 X 10-4 ohm-cm
in the transverse direction and 20 to 25 X 10-4
ca 2.0
ohm-cm in the parallel direction until after turn-
around has been passed in the dimensional behavior.
When graphite begins to expand after turnaround,
0 the electrical resistivity again increases and continues
to do so with increasing irradiation. Radiation-in-
duced changes in electrical resistivity are generally in-
-2.0 dependent of irradiation temperature and type of
nuclear graphite.
0 8 16 24 32
Fast Neutron Fluence. 1021 NeutronS/era2 (E >0.18 Mev) 4.2.2. Coefficient of thermal expansion
Fig. 29. Radiation-induced dimensional changes of graphite in Radiation-induced changes in the mean coefficient
the transverse direction [48]. of thermal expansion (CTE) from 25 to 425 C as a
function of neutron fluence are shown in fig. 32. In
However, it appears that expansion will ultimately be both orientations CSF graphite shows only slight
the controlling behavior in large blocks also. The changes in CTE below fluences of about 1.0 X 1022
dimensional stability data presented in this section in- n/cm 2. The CTE increases at higher fluences after the
dicate the importance of selecting well characterized turnaround in dimensional behavior. Although most
graphites for nuclear applications.
D.E. Baker, Graphite as a neutron moderator and reflector material 433
n 4 o ~ r~
Y Irrldlallon Fluence,
~0 E Trap.C 1021Neutrons/cm2
f t 0.~
NC8II .... 0
parallel e
0 , I , I , I , I t 14. ]5
0 4 8 12 16 20
l ~ o-- TSX
--.O---- C~
0.3 o-~ .L TSGBF
~o~ R
nl g
. , ~ • " -"
* II l'2xlOZllnvt-
l.OxI02 n~
| 1.2
-v " Irrillmtlon Tml~rature. C
conductivity of CSF graphite to 0.005-0.007 cal/sec- Fig. 35. Effects of radiation and temperature on Young's mo-
cm-C. The thermal conductivity continues to decrease dulus of elasticity for CSF graphite (transverse) [45].
with increasing irradiation at 800 C for fluences up to
2.4 X 1022 n/cm 2. When graphite is irradiated in tension, some of the
imposed stress is relieved by irradiation creep. In the
4.3. Effects o f mechanical properties laboratory, the strain before fracture ranges from 0.1
Irradiation of graphite at low temperatures and to 0.2% for unirradiated graphite. When PGA graphite
low fluences produces a stronger and harder material. was irradiated at 300 to 420C to 1-2.2 × 1022
The compressive strength of KC graphite irradiated n/cm 2 , the creep strains ranged from 0.65 to greater
at 30C to 1.0 X 1021 n/cm 2 is about 2.5 times the than 2% [53]. Strains before fracture ranging from
initial unirradiated strength in the parallel direction 0.37 to 0.42% were measured in the parallel direction
[51 ]. Compressive and tensile strengths are reduced for NC8 graphite irradiated at 625 C at a nominal
at high fluences and high irradiation temperatures. strain rate of 0.13%/102° n/cm 2 [54]. Creep of
For example, the tensile strength of TSGBF graphite graphite in an irradiation environment provides a
at 25 C is reduced from 1560 psi before irradiation mechanism for relieving internal stresses which could
to 180 psi after irradiation at 1150C to 4.47 × 102] otherwise lead to fracture of graphite blocks, Com-
n/cm 2 , and the compressive strength at 25 C is reduc- pressive stresses of 150 and 300 psi increase the rate
ed from 8540 to 3410 psi [45]. Compressive of contraction of graphite irradiated at 625 C to
strength is also reduced by oxidation. The compres- 2 - 6 × 1020 n/cm 2 [55]. The compressive stress also
sive strength of PGA graphite at room temperature is reduces the initial expansion at fluences less than
reduced to 50% of the initial value by 14% oxida- 3 × 1020n/cm 2.
tion in-reactor [52]. Irradiation effects on mechani-
cal properties were removed by annealing at 1800 C 4.4. Stored energy
for one hour before compressive strengths were Radiation-induced damage to graphite, especially
measured. damage accumulated at temperatures less than 200 C,
Young's modulus of elasticity increases between increases the heat content of graphite. This increase
50 and 150% at low neutron fluences for conven- in heat content is called stored energy or Wigner
tional nuclear graphites such as CSF. As can be seen energy. When graphite, irradiated at low tempera-
in fig. 35, the largest changes occur at the lowest tures, is heated above the irradiation temperature,
irradiation temperatures and during the early stages some of the stored energy is released as heat. Heating
of the exposures. The changes in modulus for raw- of irradiated graphite can trigger a spontaneous
coke graphites are much larger. release of energy and under adiabatic conditions the
D.E. Baker, Graphite as a neutron moderator and reflector material 435
3 -94.248 68.656 -32.821 23.909 -88.191 64.243 21.795 -15.877 14.984 -10.915 - 6.811 4.962
4 -94.314 51.528 -34.973 19.107 -88.921 48.581 18.544 -10.131 12.720 - 6.950 - 5.824 3.182
5 -94.376 41.250 -37.141 16.234 -89.627 39.174 15.218 - 6.651 10.342 - 4.520 - 4.876 2.131
6 -94.434 34.396 -39.309 14.318 -90.306 32.892 11.846 - 4.315 7.876 - 2.869 - 3.970 1.446
7 -94.484 29.498 -41.466 12.946 -90.954 28.395 8.446 - 2.637 5.340 - 1.667 - 3.106 0.970
8 -94.526 25.822 -43.609 11.913 -91.572 25.015 5.034 - 1.375 2.760 - 0.754 - 2.274 0.621
9 -94.563 22.962 -45.739 11.106 -92.164 22.379 1.610 - 0.391 0.135 - 0.033 - 1.475 0.358
10 -94.594 20.673 -47.856 10.458 -92.733 20.266 - 1.819 0.398 - 2.520 0.551 - 0.701 0.153
11 -94.617 18.798 -49.956 9.925 -93.278 18.532 - 5.248 1.043 - 5.201 1.033 0.047 -0.009
12 -94.638 17.235 -52.046 9.478 -93.805 17.083 - 8.679 1.581 - 7.904 1.439 0.775 -0.141
13 -94.653 15.912 -54.121 9.098 -94.310 15.854 -12.104 2.035 -10.619 1.785 1.485 -0.250
14 -94.663 14.777 -56.185 8.770 -94.801 14.798 -15.528 2.424 -13.349 2.084 2.179 -0.340
15 -94.672 13.793 -58.238 8.485 -95.274 13.881 -18.946 2.760 -16.088 2.344 2.858 -0.416
16 -94.676 12.932 -60.280 8.234 -95.733 13.076 -22.358 3.054 -18.832 2.572 3.526 -0.482
17 -94.676 12.171 -62.311 8.010 -96.177 12.364 -25.767 3.312 -21.588 2.775 4.179 -0.537
18 -94.671 11.494 -64.332 7.811 -96.608 11.729 -29.167 3.541 -24.341 2.955 4.826 -0.586
19 -94.665 10.888 -66.344 7.631 -97.028 11.160 -32.564 3.746 -27.105 3.118 5.459 -0.628
20 -94.655 10.343 -68.348 7.468 -97.437 10.647 -35.955 3.929 -29.869 3.264 6.086 -0.665
3 -116.797 85.080 - 71.761 52.275 28.606 -20.838 26.295 -19.155 7.557 - 5.505 -12.106 8.819
4 -113.289 61.895 - 75.574 41.290 24.368 -13.313 33.987 -18.569 4.585 - 2.505 -10.063 5.498 c~
5 -109.721 47.956 - 79.413 34.710 20.094 - 8.783 41.694 -18.224 1.560 - 0.682 - 7.840 3.427
6 -106.122 38.651 - 83.249 30.322 15.816 - 5.761 49.378 -17.985 - 1.498 0.546 - 5.488 1.999
7 -102.506 32.001 - 87.071 27.183 11.552 - 3.606 57.018 -17.801 - 4.575 1.428 - 3.041 0.949
8 - 98.880 27.011 - 90.871 24.824 7.308 - 1.996 64.611 -17.650 - 7.663 2.093 0.526 0.144
9 - 95.249 23.128 - 94.650 22.983 3.085 - 0.749 72.155 -17.521 -10.761 2.613 2.038 -0.495
10 - 91.615 20.021 - 98.411 21.507 - 1.118 0.244 79.654 -17.408 -13.867 3.030 4.634 -1.013
11 - 87.983 17.480 -102.152 20.294 - 5.295 1.052 87.105 -17.305 -16.975 3.372 7.257 -1.442
12 - 84.351 15.362 -105.875 19.281 - 9.454 1.722 94.518 -17.213 -20.087 3.658 9.897 -1.802
13 - 80.721 13.570 -109.580 18.421 -13.589 2.284 101.884 -17.127 -23.199 3.900 12.547 -2.109
14 - 77.094 12.034 -113.271 17.681 -17.707 2.764 109.218 -17.048 -26.313 4.107 15.206 -2.374
15 - 73.470 10.704 -116.946 17.03~ -21.804 3.177 116.511 -16.974 -29.426 4.287 17.871 -2.604
16 - 69.849 9.540 -120.609 16.473 -25.884 3.535 123.769 -16.905 -32.538 4.444 20.533 -2.805
17 - 66.231 8.514 -124.257 15.973 -29.946 3.850 130.997 -16.839 -35.648 4.583 23.204 -2.983
18 - 62.615 7.602 -127.895 15.527 -33.993 4.127 138.196 -16.778 -38.755 4.705 25.871 -3.141
19 - 59.005 6.787 -131.524 15.127 -38.023 4.373 145.360 -16.719 -41.862 4.815 28.538 -3.282
20 - 55.396 6.053 -135.143 14.767 -42.041 4.594 152.500 -16.663 -44.968 4.914 31.203 -3.410
-AF ° AF °
a. Units o f AF ° are kcal/mole, b. Given as logl0 Kp, which equals ~ , or - 2 1 8 . 5 4
438 D.E. Baker, Graphite as a neutron moderator and reflector material
. %\
10"1 -- \\\
Total Pressure. aim %\\\\
10 -2
] 10"3 Rele in Air
10 -4
O.Ol I I
I , I , I 1
800 ~0 log0 ll00 I/W ~ 1400
Tmllrllure. K 10"5 I , I I I ,
1.1o 1.20 1.~
Fig. 37. Equilibrium CO/CO2 ratio in a CO2-graphite system IO001T,K
with no CO present initially [57]. l , I , l , l ,
600 550
Temperature, C
10-3 -
C + CO 2 ~ 2 CO. 900C
6. Compatibility with metals and ceramics
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