Course Out Line On EEng 6046

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Power system protection and circuit breakers EEng 6046 Faculty of Electrical and Computing Engineering Feb.

g Engineering Feb.- July - 2016 []

Bahir Dar University, BDU
Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, BiT

Faculty of
Post graduating Studies in Power Systems Engineering

A Course Guidebook
Course Name Power System Protection and Circuit Breakers Instructor’s Name Tassew Tadiwose (PhD)
Course Number EEng 6046 Class room TBMPHPP
Module’s Number Module 04 – Power Systems Engineering 4 Consultation hours TBA– 1100 AM
Total module’s Credits 9 - Power Systems Engineering Telephone: Office:- +251 (058) 2203654
Module’s Duration One semester Mobile1::- +251 (058) 2204314
Course Credits 3 Mobile2:- +251 (0918) 763510
Lecture’s Date/hours Saturday & Sunday E-mail:- [email protected] or [email protected]
Room TBMPHPP Tutors/Lab. Name
Pre-requisites: Nil

Course Objectives:

On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

 Protect power apparatus and transmission systems
 Protect reactors, booster and capacitors
 Protect digital hardware
 Protect switch gears and circuit breakers

Course Description:


General philosophy of protection – characteristic function of protective relays – basic relay elements and relay terminology – basic
construction of static relays – non-critical switching circuits.

Protection of generators stator phase fault protection – loss of excitation protection, generator off- line protection – Transformer
protection – factors affecting differential protection – magnetizing inrush current – Application and connection of transformer
differential relays – transformers over current protection. - Bus protection -line protection – classification of lines and feeders –
Techniques applicable for line protection – distance protection for phase faults – Fault resistance and relaying – long line protection.


Placement of reactors in power system – Types of reactor – reactor rating application and protection – booster in the power system
– transformer tap changing – protection of boosters – capacitors in an interconnected power system – series – shunt – series shunt
connections – protection of capacitors.

Switchgear terminology – arc characteristics – direct and alternating current interruption – arc - quenching phenomena

CIRCUIT BREAKERS - Types of faults in power systems-short circuit current and short circuit MVA calculations for different types of
faults rating of circuit breakers – symmetrical and asymmetrical ratings. Classification of circuit breakers-design, construction and
operating principles of bulk oil, minimum oil, air blast, SF 6 and vacuum circuit breakers – Comparison of different types of circuit
breakers, Testing of circuit breakers.

©[email protected], BDU, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, BiT. July. 2016 Department. Of Electrical Engineering Page
Power system protection and circuit breakers EEng 6046 Faculty of Electrical and Computing Engineering Feb.- July - 2016 []

Course Texts and References:

(Other assigned readings will be sent through your e-mail ID if required).

1. Chunikhin, A. and Zhavoronkov, M., “High Voltage Switchgear Analysis and Design”, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1989.
2. Kuffel, E., Zaengl, W.S., and Kuffel J., High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals, Newness, Second Edition, Butterworth-
Heinemann Publishers, New Delhi, 2000
3. Flursscheim, C.H. (Editor), Power circuit breaker-theory and design, IEE Monograph Series 17, Peter Peregrinus Ltd.,
Southgate House, Stevenage, Herts, SC1 1HQ, England, 1977.
4. Ananthakrishnan S and Guruprasad K.P., Transient Recovery Voltage and Circuit Breakers, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.
5. IEEE Standard Collection, Surge Protectino C62, 1995 Editions, (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.),USA.
6. Funio Nakanishi, Switching Phenomena in high voltage circuit breakers, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1991.
7. Stanley H.Horowitz (Ed), “Protecting relaying for power systems”, IEEE Press, 1980.
8. Y.G. Paithankar and S.R Bhide, “Fundamentals of Power System Protection”, Prentice -Hall of India, 2003.
9. Y.G. Paithankar, “Principles of Power System Protection”, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1998.
10.P.Kundur, “Power System Stability and Control”, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
11.Badri Ram and D.N. Vishwakarma, “Power System Protection and Switchgear”, Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company,2002.
12.J.L.Blackburn, “Power System Protection: Principles and Applications”, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1998.
13. V. K. Menta. Principles of Power System. 1996, (e book)

Attendance requirement:

Minimum 80% during lecture and 100% during practical work sessions except for some unprecedented mishaps.

Assessment and Evaluation:

1. Assignments : 20%
2. Term Paper : 20 %
3. Final Examination : 60%

Prepared by:

Tassew Tadiwose (Dr.)_______________________________________________________________________

Name Date Signature
Technical adviser, Power, and Energy stream, (a person/s who prepared the course guidebook).

Approved by:

Dr. Belachew Bantirga______________________________________________________________________________________

Name Date Signature
Course chair Manager, Technical advised, Power and energy stream

Ato Teketay Mulu ______________________________________________________________________________________

Name Date Signature
Program officer, FECE.

©[email protected], BDU, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, BiT. July. 2016 Department. Of Electrical Engineering Page

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