Contribution of Aldosterone To Cardiovascular and Renal Inflammation and Fibrosis

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Contribution of aldosterone to cardiovascular

and renal inflammation and fibrosis
Nancy J. Brown
Abstract | The steroid hormone aldosterone regulates sodium and potassium homeostasis. Aldosterone and
activation of the mineralocorticoid receptor also causes inflammation and fibrosis of the heart, fibrosis and
remodelling of blood vessels and tubulointerstitial fibrosis and glomerular injury in the kidney. Aldosterone
and mineralocorticoid-receptor activation initiate an inflammatory response by increasing the generation of
reactive oxygen species by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase and mitochondria.
High salt intake potentiates these effects, in part by activating the Rho family member Rac1, a regulatory
subunit of reduced NADPH oxidase that activates the mineralocorticoid receptor. Studies in mice in which the
mineralocorticoid receptor has been deleted from specific cell types suggest a key role for macrophages in
promoting inflammation and fibrosis. Aldosterone can exert mineralocorticoid-receptor-independent effects via
the angiotensin II receptor and via G‑protein-coupled receptor 30. Mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonists are
associated with decreased mortality in patients with heart disease and show promise in patients with kidney
injury, but can elevate serum potassium concentration. Studies in rodents genetically deficient in aldosterone
synthase or treated with a pharmacological aldosterone-synthase inhibitor are providing insight into the
relative contribution of aldosterone compared with the contribution of mineralocorticoid-receptor activation in
inflammation, fibrosis, and injury. Aldosterone-synthase inhibitors are under development in humans.
Brown, N. J. Nat. Rev. Nephrol. 9, 459–469 (2013); published online 18 June 2013; doi:10.1038/nrneph.2013.110

During volume depletion or hypoperfusion of the vasculature, heart and kidney beyond its effects on electro­
kidney, activation of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone lyte handling in the distal tubule. MRs are expressed in
system leads to vasoconstriction and volume expan- non-epithelial cells such as those of the heart (cardiomyo-
sion. Aldosterone stimulates sodium reabsorption in the cytes6), vasculature (endothelial cells and vascular smooth
kidney via the sodium–chloride cotransporter (NCC) in muscle cells [VSMCs])7, and kidney (mesangial cells8
the distal convoluted tubule and the epithelial sodium and podocytes9), adipocytes,10 and monocytes.11 Seminal
channel (ENaC) in the late distal convoluted tubule, the studies by the groups of Weber, Hostetter, Safar and many
connecting tubule, and the collecting duct. In the princi- others demonstrated that chronic administration of aldo­
pal cells of the collecting duct, aldosterone, acting at the sterone in the setting of high salt intake causes both inter-
mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), increases mRNA levels stitial and perivascular fibrosis in the heart,12 fibrosis of
of serum/glucocorticoid-regulated kinase (SGK1).1 SGK1 the aorta,13 and glomerulosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis
phosphory­lates the ubiquitin-protein ligase neuronal pre- in the kidney.14 Prior to the development of fibrosis, aldo­
cursor cell expressed developmentally down-regulated sterone causes monocyte and macrophage infiltration and
protein 4‑2 (Nedd4‑2), and prevents ubiquitylation and increased expression of inflammatory markers such as
degradation of ENaC. 2 Aldosterone also induces the cyclooxygenase‑2, monocyte chemo­attractant protein 1,
expression of glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM1) in the
(GILZ), which inhibits mitogen-activated protein-kinase heart, vasculature, and kidney.15,16 In the heart, perivascular
(MAPK) regulation of ENaC.3 In the distal convoluted inflammation is followed by the proliferation of fibroblasts
tubule, SGK1 phosphorylates Nedd4‑2 and WNK4 and and myofibroblasts, collagen production, perivascular
attenuates their inhibitory effects on the NCC.4,5 The net fibrosis, and lastly, interstitial fibrosis.17 The proinflamma-
effect of aldosterone in the tubule is sodium retention and tory and profibrotic effects of aldosterone are prevented by
potassium excretion. MR antagonism in most models.13,16,18
Over the past 20 years, investigators have come to Studies in humans confirm that MR activation con-
appreciate that aldosterone exerts direct effects on the tributes to cardiovascular fibrosis and remodelling as
well as to renal disease. In the Randomized Aldactone D‑3100 Medical Center
North, Vanderbilt
Evaluation Study (RALES), spironolactone reduced mor- University School of
Competing interests
tality in heart failure patients who were already being Medicine, Nashville,
The author declares associations with the following companies: TN 37232, USA.
Novartis, Shire Pharmaceuticals. See the article online for full treated with standard therapy including an angiotensin- nancy.j.brown@
details of the relationships. converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitor.19 The beneficial


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Key points death and hospitalization in patients with systolic dys-

function and mild symptoms.22 Several small clinical
■■ Aldosterone or mineralocorticoid-receptor activation trigger the formation of
trials have shown a beneficial effect of MR antagonism
reactive oxygen species by NADPH oxidase and mitochondria that, in turn,
induce a proinflammatory and profibrotic phenotype on proteinuric renal disease in patients already treated
■■ Under conditions of high salt intake, Rac1 activates the mineralocorticoid with an ACE inhibitor or angiotensin-receptor blocker;23
receptor and increases the formation of reactive oxygen species however, no large outcomes trials have been conducted,
■■ Aldosterone exerts rapid, transcription-independent effects (nongenomic in part because of concerns regarding the risk of hyper-
effects) that may be mediated by G‑protein-coupled receptor 30 and kalaemia during dual renin–angiotensin–aldosterone
transactivation of the epithelial growth factor receptor system blockade in patients with renal insufficiency.23
■■ Studies in mice in which the mineralocorticoid receptor has been selectively
This Review discusses the proinflammatory and pro­
deleted on specific cells indicate that systemic mineralocorticoid-receptor
activation is not necessary to induce local inflammation and fibrosis
fibrotic effects of aldosterone and MR activation in the
■■ Aldosterone-synthase inhibition or deficiency prevents inflammation and heart, vasculature and kidney. It focuses on recent studies
fibrosis in many rodent models of cardiovascular or renal injury attempting to address the following questions: how is
the MR activated when endogenous aldosterone is sup-
pressed, such as during high salt intake? Is activation of
effect of spironolactone was associated with a reduction the MR in specific cell types required to induce inflam-
in circulating biomarkers of extracellular matrix turn­ mation and fibrosis in the heart, the vasculature, or the
over, such as procollagen type III N‑terminal peptide.20 kidney? And does aldosterone promote inflammation
In the Eplerenone Post-Acute Myocardial Infarction and/or fibrosis through MR‑independent mechanisms?
Heart Failure Efficacy and Survival Study (EPHESUS), In many cases the answers to these questions are not yet
eplerenone treatment reduced mortality in patients with definitive, but the available evidence is discussed.
left ventricular dysfunction following myocardial infarc-
tion.21 Eplerenone reduces the combined end point of Aldosterone and MR activation increase ROS
Aldosterone and/or MR activation promote inflamma-
tion by stimulating the generation of reactive oxygen
Aldo species (ROS) such as superoxide and hydrogen per-
oxide, which activate the proinflammatory transcrip-
NADPH oxidase GPR30
Aldo tion factors activator protein (AP)‑1 and nuclear
NOX2 factor kappa B (NFκB) (Figure 1).24 In the heart, the
GTP Rac1 p22 aldosterone-induced generation of ROS also activates
p67 p47 Ca2+/calmo­dulin (CaM)-dependent protein kinase II
P P (CaMKII), 25 which contributes to left ventricular
remodelling following myocardial infarction.
Oxidized ROS
CaMK-II Aldosterone stimulates the formation of ROS
through several mechanisms (Figure 1). Aldosterone
increases nicotin­amide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
[NADP(H)] oxidase activity and oxidative stress in
NFκB P macrophages,26 endothelial cells,27 the heart,28 aorta,26,29
Mitochondrion ERK1/2
Aldo MR podocytes,9 and mesangial cells.30 MR activation also
contributes to angiotensin-II-mediated activation of
PAI-1 CTGF NADPH oxidase in the heart and aorta.31–33 In the aorta,
Nucleus ET-1 Col III aldosterone stimulates expression of NOX2 (gp91phox)
Figure 1 | Mechanisms by which aldosterone and/or MR activation induce oxidative and p22phox through an MR‑dependent mechanism and
stress, inflammation, and fibrosis. Activation of the MR by aldosterone results in expression of p47phox through both angiotensin II type 1
dissociation of chaperone proteins, translocation of the MR to the nucleus and (AT1)-receptor-dependent and MR‑dependent mecha-
activation of transcription. MR activation induces oxidative stress by both NADPH nisms.29 Conversely, p47phox-deficient mice are protected
oxidase and mitochondria. ROS formed by NADPH oxidase oxidize CaMK-II. Oxidative against aldosterone-induced ROS production in the heart,
stress triggers the activation of proinflammatory transcription factors such as AP‑1
as measured by dihydroethidium fluorescence following
and NFκB. Rac1 can also activate the mineralocorticoid receptor. Aldosterone can
induce rapid, nongenomic effects via GPR30. Aldosterone and angiotensin II interact
myocardial infarction and infusion of aldosterone by the
to cause rapid, nongenomic effects via transactivation of the EGFR, resulting in the osmotic minipump.25 Aldosterone-stimulated activation
generation of ROS and phosphorylation of ERK1/2. The green arrows indicate an of NFκB in the heart is prevented in NOX2-deficient
activating or increasing effect; the black arrows indicate a downstream consequence. mice.32 In rodent models, antioxidants such as the super-
See text for references. Abbreviations: Aldo, aldosterone; AP‑1, activator protein 1; oxide mimetic tempol, the NADPH oxidase inhibitor apo-
AT1R, angiotensin II type 1 receptor; CAMK-II, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein cynin, and N‑acetylcysteine have been shown to decrease
kinase type II subunit gamma; Coll III, collagen III; CTGF, connective tissue growth inflammation and injury.29,34–37
factor; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; ERK1/2, extracellular signal-regulated
In addition, aldosterone decreases the vascular expres-
kinases 1 and 2 (ERK)1/2; ET‑1, endothelin 1; GPR30, G‑protein-coupled receptor 30;
MR, mineralocorticoid receptor; NADPH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide sion of glucose‑6-phosphate dehydrogenase, which
phosphate; NFκB, nuclear factor kappa B; P, phosphate; PAI‑1, plasminogen activator reduces NADP+ to NADPH.38 The generation of ROS
inhibitor 1; PGF, placental growth factor; PI3K, phosphatidylinositol 3‑kinase; ROS, by aldosterone further leads to endothelial dysfunction
reactive oxygen species; TGF‑β1, transforming growth factor‑β1. via the formation of peroxynitrite and the oxidation of

460 | AUGUST 2013 | VOLUME 9

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5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin, an important co-factor increases the expression of TGF‑β1 in cultured cardio­

for nitric oxide synthase (NOS).39 Aldosterone causes myocytes and treatment with aldosterone plus salt
dephosphorylation of Ser1177 of protein phosphatase 2A increases cardiac TGF‑β1 in the heart in most studies.52
leading to an ‘uncoupling’ of NOS.39 Aldosterone can con- Aldosterone induces TGF‑β1 expression via the ERK1/2
tribute further to endothelial dysfunction by inducing pathway in mesangial cells.53 Treatment with aldoster-
swelling and stiffness of endothelial cells through the MR one plus salt increases the renal expression of TGF‑β1 in
and activation of ENaC.40,41 Increased ambient sodium hypertensive rat models and increases the urinary excre-
exacerbates this effect. tion of TGF‑β1 in normal rats through an MR‑dependent
Aldosterone also stimulates mitochondrial production post-transcriptional effect.54
of ROS (Figure 1), an effect that has been studied most Aldosterone increases expression of PAI‑1 in cultured
extensively in renal cells. For example, aldo­sterone induces endothelial cells, VSMCs, cardiomyocytes and mono-
epithelial–mesenchymal transformation (EMT) of cul- cytes.11,55,56 In rat mesangial cells and renal fibroblasts,
tured human proximal tubular cells via MR‑dependent TGF‑β1 and aldosterone act synergistically to increase
phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 PAI‑1 expression and decrease extracellular degrada-
and 2 (ERK)1/2 and phosphorylation of p66Shc, an effec- tion.57 PAI‑1, a member of the serpin (serine protease
tor of mitochondrial dysfunction.42 The mitochondrial inhibitor) superfamily inhibits the activation of plasmin­
respiratory chain complex I inhibitor, rotenone, but not ogen to plasmin by tissue plasminogen activator. PAI‑1
the NADPH oxidase inhibitor apo­c ynin, blocks EMT promotes fibrosis and remodelling by preventing
in vitro and in vivo in mice treated with deoxycortico­ plasmin-­mediated MMP activation and extra-cellular
sterone (DOCA) and salt (an animal model of steroid- matrix degradation, but PAI‑1 can also exert anti-fibrotic
induced, salt-sensitive hypertension).43 Overexpression effects by retarding cellular infiltration and impeding
of genes encoding regulators of mitochondrial function urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) or plasmin-­
such as peroxi­s ome proliferator-activated receptor‑γ mediated activation and the release of latent growth
coactivator‑1α (PGC1α) or silent mating type informa- factors.58 PAI‑1-deficient mice are protected against
tion regulation 2 homolog 1 (SIRT1) prevents aldosterone-­ aldosterone-induced glomerular injury.59 Aldosterone
stimulated EMT. 42 Similarly, aldosterone-induced induces PAI‑1 expression in the heart; however, PAI‑1
proliferation of mesangial cells is inhibited to a greater deficiency in the heart enhances aldosterone-induced or
extent by the mitochondrial respiratory chain inhibi- angiotensin-II-induced fibrosis.59–61 This finding is con-
tor rotenone than by apocynin.44 Rotenone also reverses sistent with results of studies in senescent mice which
aldosterone-induced podocyte injury.45 Rotenone and have suggested that, in the heart, PAI‑1 deficiency results
other inhibitors of mitochondrial ROS generation reduce in increased TGF‑β activity 62 and increased infiltration
blood pressure more effectively in DOCA–salt-treated of uPA-dependent macrophages.63
mice than does genetic deletion of NOX2 or p47phox.46 Increased expression of ET‑1 can contribute to cardio­
The results of these studies suggest that mitochondrial vascular fibrosis and hypertrophy stimulated by aldo­
dysfunction contributes to the aldosterone-dependent or sterone and salt. ET‑1 increases collagen synthesis by
MR‑dependent formation of ROS to a greater extent than cardiac fibroblasts, in part via a TGF‑β1-dependent
was previously appreciated. mechanism.64 Mineralocorticoid plus salt treatment
Aldosterone can also stimulate NFκB activity and increases ET‑1 expression in the heart and vasculature,
the inflammatory pathway directly by activating the whereas treatment with an endothelin‑A-receptor blocker
MR and increasing the phosphorylation and activity prevents aldosterone-induced cardiac and vascular fibro-
of SGK1 in mesangial cells47 and the cortical collect- sis.65,66 Endothelin‑A-receptor blockade decreases renal
ing duct.48 Genetic deficiency of Sgk1 in mice protects injury in spontaneously hypertensive rats.67 In the medul-
against angiotensin-II-induced macrophage infiltration lary collecting duct cells of the kidney, aldosterone modu-
and cardiac fibrosis,49 as well as albuminuria and renal lates binding to a steroid-responsive element in the Edn1
tubulointerstitial fibrosis.50 gene, which encodes ET‑1.68
Jaffe et al. have implicated PGF, a member of the
Inflammation begets fibrosis vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family that
Fibrosis occurs when collagen and matrix production promotes vascular cell proliferation, in aldosterone-
exceeds their degradation by matrix metalloproteinases mediated vascular injury.69 Specifically, these investi-
(MMPs). As noted earlier, aldosterone-induced mitochon- gators demonstrated that aldosterone simulates PGF
drial dysfunction leads to EMT of proximal tubule cells. expression in mouse aortas and atherosclerotic human
Aldosterone stimulates the expression of profibrotic mol- vessels via an MR response element and found that
ecules, such as transforming growth factor‑β1 (TGF‑β1), PGF-deficient mice are protected against aldosterone-
plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI‑1), endothelin 1 induced extracellular matrix deposition in injured
(ET‑1), placental growth factor (PGF), connective tissue carotid arteries.
growth factor (CTGF), osteopontin, and galectin‑3. Osteopontin is a negatively charged extracellular
TGF‑β1 promotes fibrosis by stimulating cellular matrix protein that promotes adhesion of inflammatory
transformation of many cells to fibroblasts, by increas- cells.70 In VSMCs, aldosterone stimulates osteopontin
ing the synthesis of matrix proteins and integrins, and expression through an MR‑dependent mechanism involv-
by decreasing the production of MMPs.51 Aldosterone ing ERK and p38 MAPK.71 Osteopontin-deficient mice


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are protected against aldosterone-induced fibrosis but In human aortic smooth muscle cells, aldosterone induces
they develop left ventricular dilatation.72 Osteopontin- EGFR expression via an interaction between the ligand-
deficient mice are protected against oxidative stress, bound MR and regions 316–163 bp and 163–1 bp of the
macro­phage and fibroblast infiltration in the kidney as EGFR promoter.83 Interestingly, studies in mice with
well as EMT, interstitial fibrosis, and podocyte injury.73 genetically decreased EGFR activity suggest that EGFR
Galectin‑3 is a lectin that causes collagen production contributes to angiotensin-II-induced cardiac hyper­trophy
in cultured VSMCs, cardiac fibroblast proliferation, and aldosterone-induced vascular dysfunction, but not to
fibrosis and left ventricular dysfunction.74,75 Aldosterone aldosterone-salt-induced vascular or cardiac fibrosis and
increases the expression of galectin‑3 in the heart.76 remodelling.84,85 Systemic aldosterone administration
Calvier et al. have reported that galectin‑3-deficient induces phosphorylation of EGFR and ERK in the kidney
mice are protected against aldosterone-induced aortic within 30 min.86 In cardio­myocytes, aldosterone phos-
inflammation and fibrosis.75 phorylates and enhances activity of the Na+/H+ exchanger
Nitric oxide and the generation of cyclic GMP mod- (NHE‑1) via transactivation of the EGFR; this effect is
erate many of the profibrotic effects of aldosterone. For blocked by MR antagonists but not by inhibitors of tran-
example, aldosterone increases PGF expression and scription (that is, it is MR‑dependent and nongenomic).87
protein secretion in mouse aorta only after the endo­ In rabbit heart, aldosterone increases Na+/K+/2Cl– co-
thelium has been denuded.69 Administration of a NOS transporter activity and decreases Na+/K+ pump activity
inhibitor exacerbates activation of the NFκB pathway, through a nongenomic effect on PKC epsilon type,88 which
proteinuria and renal injury in DOCA–salt-treated rats.77 stimulates NFκB activation via MAPKs.89
Mice that lack the guanylyl cyclase‑A receptor for natri­ Lemarie et al. used small interfering RNA to explore the
uretic peptides and are treated with aldosterone and salt specific contributions of the AT1a and AT1b receptors and
develop increased oxidative stress, increased proteinuria, MR to crosstalk between aldosterone and angio­tensin II
mesangial expansion, and segmental sclerosis, compared in mouse VSMCs.90 Their data suggest that activation of
with wild-type mice.78 NFκB by either angiotensin II or aldosterone requires
Based on the findings from these studies, it is fair to both the AT1 receptor and the MR. Aldosterone can stim-
say that aldosterone increases the expression of a number ulate activation of ERK1/2 through an AT1-dependent,
of profibrotic molecules and that the profile of these MR‑independent mechanism, but requires AT1 and
molecules is not unique to aldosterone-induced fibrosis. MR to activate c‑Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK).90
VSMC-specific knockout of the MR protects mice from
Nongenomic and MR‑independent effects angiotensin-II-induced vascular superoxide production,
The classical effect of aldosterone on sodium transport contraction of resistance blood vessels and hypertension,
in the renal tubule involves activation of the MR, which without affecting vascular structure.91
results in its dissociation from molecular chaperones, Identification of the receptor mediating the rapid,
its translocation into the nucleus, and its binding to nongenomic effects of aldosterone has proven difficult.
hormone response elements in the regulatory region Some rapid effects of aldosterone cannot be blocked by
of target gene promoters to enhance gene expression.79 the MR antagonist spironolactone, but may be blocked
Aldosterone can also exert rapid nongenomic effects by its open-ring water-soluble metabolite, canrenoate,
that are not blocked by inhibitors of transcription. These or by eplerenone.92 Studies on fibroblasts derived from
rapid, nongenomic effects of aldosterone have been MR‑deficient mice and on MR‑transfected human embry-
most extensively described in vascular cells and tissues, onic kidney (HEK) cells suggest that the MR contributes to
where aldosterone causes a rapid increase in intra­ the nongenomic effects of aldosterone on the ERK1/2 and
cellular calcium through phosphatidylin­ositol 3‑kinase JNK pathway, but not to its rapid effects on calcium.93,94
(PI3 kinase), diacylglycerol and protein kinase C In addition, the nongenomic effects of aldosterone may
(PKC). 80 Aldosterone rapidly activates ERK1/2 in facilitate classical MR‑mediated effects.88
VSMCs, to promote a mitogenic and profibrotic pheno­ Recent studies suggest a new candidate receptor for the
type.71,81 Aldosterone enhances both rapid (10–15 min) nongenomic effects of aldosterone. G‑protein-coupled
and delayed (2 h) activation of ERK1/2 by angiotensin II. receptor (GPR) 30, an ‘orphan’ G‑protein-coupled recep-
Potentiation of the early activation of ERK1/2 involves tor expressed on the cell surface, acts via members of the
the transactivation of the epidermal growth factor recep- G‑protein family of GTP-binding proteins (Figure 1).95
tor (EGFR), whereas the late phase involves increased Gros et al. found that, in VSMCs, aldosterone activates
expression of the fibrotic and proliferative small and both GPR30 and the MR to activate PI3 kinase, ERK
monomeric GTP-binding protein Ki-ras2A and MAPK.81 and myosin light chain phosphorylation.95 The contri-
Angiotensin-receptor blockade prevents the rapid phos- bution of GPR30 to the effects of aldosterone depends
phorylation of ERK1/2 in VSMCs, but MR inhibition on the relative expression of GPR30 versus MR in cells;
does not.81,82 By contrast, spironolactone and inhibitors importantly, the authors reported that GPR30 expression
of transcription and protein synthesis prevent the late declines in VSMCs when they are cultured, suggesting
effect of aldosterone and angiotensin II.82 that studies in cultured VSMCs may underestimate the
These findings highlight the contribution of the EGFR to rapid, MR‑independent effects of aldosterone in vivo.
the cardiovascular effects of aldosterone and to the cross- The authors further observed that spironolactone and
talk between aldosterone and angiotensin II in particular. eplerenone partially blocked the effects of a GPR30 agonist

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in cells that lacked the MR, consistent with prior studies MR‑dependent transcription in vitro in HEK293 cells,
suggesting that these drugs could prevent the rapid effects even in the absence of aldosterone.
of aldosterone.95 In a later paper, Batenburg et al. reported Increased Rac1 activity may contribute to MR activa-
that either an EGFR antagonist or a GPR30 antago- tion during high salt intake. Shibata et al. have reported
nist prevented potentiation of angiotensin II‑induced that high salt intake induces Rac1 overexpression in the
vasoconstriction by aldosterone.96 salt-sensitive Dahl rat but not in salt-resistant Dahl rats.107
Furthermore, they showed that Tiam1, a Rac guanine
Key role of salt and MR activation nucleotide exchange factor that promotes the transition of
The observation that MR antagonism decreases inflam- inactive GDP-bound Rac to active GTP-bound Rac, medi-
mation and fibrosis during conditions of high salt intake, ates salt-induced Rac1 activation. Although aldo­sterone
which is associated with suppression of circulating aldo­ concentrations are suppressed in both salt-sensitive and
sterone concentrations, suggests that ligands other than salt-resistant Dahl rats, eplerenone or adrenal­ectomy pre-
aldosterone might activate the MR. As noted earlier, vented Rac1 activity being induced by a high salt intake in
angiotensin II stimulates the MR via transactivation the Dahl salt-sensitive rat, suggesting some dependence
of the EGFR. Cortisol may activate the MR in cells that of Rac1 activity on aldosterone or MR activation. Rac1-
lack the enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β- dependent activation also contributes to kidney injury in
HSD2). Cortisol circulates at concentrations 100-fold to mice treated with angiotensin II and salt.108
1,000-fold higher than aldosterone and binds to the MR More recently, Nagase et al. have reported that Rac1
with equal affinity. In epithelial cells, expression of 11β- and ROS contribute to activation of the MR in rat
HSD2 converts cortisol (or corticosterone in rodents) cardio­myocytes.109 Treatment of cardiomyocytes with
to an 11-ketometabolite that is inactive at the MR.97 an inhibitor of glutathione synthesis increased ROS and
Some non-epithelial cells, such as endothelial cells,98 also increased translocation of MR into the nucleus, even
express 11β-HSD2, but cardiomyocytes and macro­phages when the ligand binding site was mutated. The anti­
do not.99,100 In the glomerulus, both mesangial cells and oxidant N‑acetylcysteine blocked activation of the MR
podocytes express 11β-HSD2.101,102 in cultured myocytes.
Because cardiomyocytes lack 11β-HSD2, the MR In short, the Rac1 pathway may account for MR acti-
is typically occupied by glucocorticoids. Funder and vation under conditions such as high salt intake, when
co-workers have proposed that glucocorticoids acti- endogenous aldosterone is decreased.
vate the MR under conditions of oxidative stress. In a
Langendorff model of myocardial infarction, research- Effects of cell-specific MR activation
ers found that cortisol increased cardiac infarct size and MR antagonism prevents cardiovascular and renal
that this effect was blocked by spironolactone or tempol, injury in rodent models and in clinical trials. Because
but not by the glucocorticoid-receptor (GR) antagonist, systemic administration of an MR antagonist increases
RU486.103 The GR agonist dexamethasone also increased sodium excretion and reduces blood pressure in rodent
infarct size in this model and, paradoxically, so did the models, it can be difficult to distinguish the effects of
GR antagonist RU486.103 In a study investigating rats systemic MR activation, sodium retention and hyper­
treated with the mineralocorticoid deoxycortico­sterone tension on inflammation and fibrosis from effects of
plus salt, RU486 did not reverse cardiac inflamma- local MR activation.
tion and fibrosis; however, interpretation of this study In order to dissect the effects of aldosterone from
is confounded by the fact that RU486 increased blood the effects of systemic hypertension on the expression
pressure.104 Administration of corticosterone and salt to of profibrotic genes in the heart, Azibani et al. crossed
adrenalectomized rats did not increase mRNA expres- hypertensive global renin (Ren) transgenic mice with
sion of osteopontin, NOX4 or p22phox in the heart normotensive cardiac-specific aldosterone synthase (AS)
unless 11β-HSD2 was inhibited, suggesting that acti- transgenic mice.76 Hypertension was associated with
vation of MR by corticosterone does not cause cardiac increased cardiac expression of genes encoding fibro­
inflammation under physiological conditions. 105 In nectin, CTGF and TGF‑β1 and there was no difference in
summary, the case that activation of local cardiac MRs the cardiac expression of these pro­fibrotic genes between
by glucocorticoids leads to inflammation has not been Ren and Ren-AS mice. By contrast, local overexpression
made beyond a reasonable doubt. of aldosterone synthase increased cardiac expression of
Compelling evidence suggests that the Rho family genes encoding monocyte chemoattractant protein‑1,
member Rac1, a regulatory subunit of reduced NADPH osteopontin, galectin‑3, and the macrophage marker
oxidase, activates the MR. Fujita and co-workers have CD68, independent of blood pressure (that is, expres-
reported that mice in which Rac1 activity is increased due sion of these genes was increased in AS and Ren-AS
to the loss of a regulatory factor, RhoGDIα, have increased mice but not in Ren mice). Interestingly, expression of
MR activity and MR‑dependent gene expression in the brain natriuretic peptide and bone morphogenic protein
kidney, and develop focal sclerosing glomerulo­sclerosis.106 (BMP)‑4, known to antagonize the effect of TGF‑β1,
Administration of either a Rac1 inhibitor or an MR antag- was decreased by expression of aldosterone synthase in
onist prevents kidney injury in this model, even though the heart.
aldosterone concentration is not increased. Likewise, Studies in mice in which the MR has been selectively
overexpression of constitutively active Rac1 potentiates deleted from specific cell types highlight the important


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T cells Endothelial cell Macrophage Cardiomyocyte

Corticosterone Cort
Aldo Cort Aldo Cort
Aldo 11βHSD-2
MR Dendritic Aldo
MR cell Aldo Cort MR MR ?
Aldo Cort Aldo
cell MR

7pt ITC Franklin Gothic Standard Demi

IL-6 cell
ICAM TNF TNF p22phox
P-selectin CTGF Ym1 CCR5
IL-18 release TGF-β F13A1 Inflammatory
vWF release PAI-1 HTRA1 cells (late)
ADM (early)

ROS Inflammation Adhesion Fibrosis

Figure 2 | Effects of cell-specific activation of the MR. Aldosterone activates the MR on macrophages to produce
inflammation, hypertrophy, and fibrosis in the heart. At low concentrations, cortisol can also cause an inflammatory
response via activation of glucocorticoid receptors. At higher concentrations, cortisol induces alternative activation of
macrophages. Activation of MRs in cardiomyocytes increases the formation of ROS and might promote fibrosis. Studies in
which 11βHSD‑2 is overexpressed in cardiomyocytes suggest that cortisol opposes these effects. In endothelial cells, MR
activation by aldosterone promotes inflammation and adhesion of leukocytes; endothelial cells produce 11βHSD‑2,
rendering cortisol inactive at the mineralocorticoid receptor. Stimulation of the MR on dendritic cells increases production
of IL‑6 and TGF‑β1, primes CD8+ T cells, and induces TH17 production by CD4+ cells. The dotted line indicates that the
positive effect is not consistent across studies (see text). The red lines indicate a decreasing effect. See text for
references. Abbreviations: 11βHSD‑2, 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type II; ADM, adrenomedullin; Aldo, aldosterone;
CCR5, C‑C chemokine receptor type 5; Cort, cortisol; COL III, collagen III; CTGF, connective tissue growth factor; F13A1,
coagulation factor XIII, A1 polypeptide; GR, glucocorticoid receptor; HTRA, high temperature requirement factor A1; ICAM1,
intercellular adhesion molecule 1; IL, interleukin; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; MR, mineralocorticoid receptor; PAI‑1,
plasminogen activator inhibitor 1; ROS, reactive oxygen species; TGF‑β, transforming growth factor‑β; TNF, tumour necrosis
factor; TREG, regulatory T cell; vWF, von Willebrand factor; Ym1, a secretory protein produced by activated macrophages.

contribution of inflammatory cell MR activation to such as CTGF, fibronectin, and collagen, is decreased,
inflammation and fibrosis, and will be discussed below. as is the formation of ROS. Lother et al. reported that
As noted earlier, McCurley et al. have reported that cardio­myocyte-specific knockout of the gene encoding
VSMC-specific knockout of the MR protects mice from the MR protected mice against left ventricular dilation
ageing-induced and angiotensin-II-induced hyper­ and dysfunction during pressure overload caused by
tension, as well as from angiotensin-II-induced oxidative aortic banding, whereas fibroblast-specific knockout
stress.91 These mice are not protected against hyper­tension of the gene encoding the MR did not have a beneficial
induced by aldosterone plus salt, suggesting that renal effect.112 In addition, neither cardiomyocyte-specific nor
sodium retention is the primary driver of aldo­sterone- fibroblast-specific knockout of the gene encoding the
induced hypertension in this model. The central effects of MR prevented macrophage infiltration, inflammatory
MR activation on salt appetite, vasopressin release and the gene expression in the heart or cardiac hypertrophy or
sympathetic nervous system110 could also contribute to fibrosis in this model. The data from these two studies
the development of hypertension in these VSMC-specific indicate that the activation of MR on cells other than
knockout mice. cardio­myocytes contribute importantly to inflammation
in the heart.
Role of cardiomyocyte MR
Cardiomyocyte-specific knockout of the gene encod- Role of macrophage MR
ing the MR protects mice against ventricular dilatation The macrophage plays a key role in cardiovascular
and dysfunction following myocardial infarction. 111 inflammation, fibrosis and remodelling induced by
Infiltration by inflammatory cells is increased in aldosterone and high salt intake. Aldosterone at physio­
cardio­myocyte-MR-deficient mice following infarction logical concentrations increases the expression of pro-
(Figure 2). At 8 weeks, cardiac expression of NADPH inflammatory genes in cultured macrophages, an effect
subunits NOX2 and NOX4 and of profibrotic genes that is prevented by MR antagonism.99 MR antagonism

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decreases macrophage expression of the profibrotic genes salt.117,118 In addition, aldosterone modulates interactions
TGF‑β1 and PAI‑1 and increases expression of anti- between antigen-presenting cells (such as dendritic cells)
fibrotic genes such as HTRA1, which encodes a member and T cells (Figure 2). Dendritic cells express MRs, and
of the trypsin family of serine proteases (Figure 2).99 aldosterone increases activation of the MAPK pathway
Because macrophages do not express 11β-HSD2, physio­ and secretion of IL‑6 and TGF‑β1 from dendritic cells.119
logical concentrations of corticosterone may also be Aldosterone-treated dendritic cells activate CD8+ T cells
expected to activate the MR; however, although a low and enhance IL‑17 excretion by CD4+ T cells, through an
concentration (10 nmol/l) of corticosterone induces the MR‑dependent pathway.119 On the other hand, regulatory
expression of the gene encoding tumour necrosis factor T cells decrease vascular injury induced by aldosterone
in cultured macrophages, this effect is prevented by plus salt. Specifically, Kasal et al. found that adoptive
blocking the GR, not by blocking the MR.99 Moreover, transfer of CD24+CD25+ cells prevented oxidative stress,
a higher concentration of cortisol (1 μmol/l) induces inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and remodelling
alternative activation of macrophages. in mesenteric arteries from mice with high salt intake
Two groups have reported that macrophage-­specific treated with aldosterone.120
knockout of the gene encoding the MR protects mice
against interstitial and perivascular cardiac fibrosis Endogenous aldosterone vs MR activation
induced by DOCA plus salt 113 or by chronic NOS inhi- Because endogenous aldosterone concentrations are
bition and high salt intake (L-NAME plus salt).99,114 suppressed during high salt intake and as ligands other
Young and co-workers reported that mice with than aldosterone can activate the MR, the contribution of
macro­phage-­specific knockout of the gene encoding endogenous aldosterone to MR‑mediated inflammation
the MR have lower blood pressure but are not protected and fibrosis has been the subject of interest.
against cardiac hypertrophy induced by DOCA plus salt Messaoudi et al. sought to clarify the role of aldo­sterone-
or by L‑NAME plus salt, whereas Usher et al. reported specific activation of the MR in the heart by identifying
that mice with macrophage-specific knockout of the gene genes that were upregulated in mice overexpressing the
encoding the MR have increased blood pressure during cardiomyocyte MR, and further upregulated by 7 days of
treatment with L‑NAME plus salt and are protected treatment with low-dose aldosterone, but not by treatment
against cardiac hypertrophy.99,114 The two groups report with corticosterone.121 They identified 43 genes regulated
differing effects of macrophage-specific knockout of the by aldosterone-mediated activation of cardiac MR (23
gene encoding the MR on the recruitment of macro­ that were upregulated and 20 that were downregulated),
phages to the heart. The reason for this difference is not including the genes encoding the growth factors CTGF
readily apparent, but may reflect differences in the models and hepatocyte growth factor, several potassium and
used (for example, differences in duration of L‑NAME calcium channel genes, and genes encoding cell adhesion
treatment) or differences in the derivation of the molecules such as cadherin 4 and integrin β6.
macrophage-specific knockouts. The availability of mice lacking active aldosterone syn-
thase, as well as pharmacological aldosterone-synthase
Role of endothelial cell MR inhibitors, is enabling investigators to study the contri-
The endothelial cell promotes macrophage adhesion bution of endogenous aldosterone to inflammation and
and infiltration via an MR‑dependent mechanism. fibrosis. Lee et al. disrupted the mouse gene encoding
Endothelial cells express functional MRs as well as aldosterone synthase (Cyp11b2) by replacing its first two
11βHSD‑2. 115 Aldosterone stimulates expression of exons with sequences coding for enhanced green fluor­
ICAM1 by endothelial cells (Figure 2) and promotes escent protein.122 These mice exhibit mild hypotension,
adhesion of leukocytes to endothelial cells. 115 Jeong as well as hyperkalaemia and increases in renin that are
et al. found that physiological concentrations of aldo­ both corrected by high salt intake.123
sterone stimulate the release of von Willebrand factor Using aldosterone-deficient (AS–/–) mice, Luther et al.
and interleukin (IL)‑18 from human aortic endothelial determined that the induction of Pai‑1 and Et‑1 expres-
cells, without stimulating tissue plasminogen activator sion in the heart by acute angiotensin II administra-
(t-PA) release.116 In this study, aldosterone enhanced the tion required endogenous aldosterone, whereas acute
adherence of leukocytes to endothelial cells by increas- angiotensin-II-induced expression of these profibrotic
ing P‑selectin expression. The authors reported that genes in the aorta was aldosterone-independent. The
aldosterone stimulates endothelial exocytosis through a investigators later compared the effect of pharmacologi-
nongenomic, MR‑dependent mechanism. Aldosterone cal blockade of the MR with spironolactone with the
stimulated endothelial exocytosis within 10 min and exo- effect of genetic aldosterone-synthase deficiency on
cytosis was not blocked by actinomycin, but was blocked chronic end-organ damage induced by angiotensin II
by MR inhibition. and salt in mice.124 They found that blockade of the MR
with spironolactone and genetic aldosterone synthase
Other immune-cell-specific MR effects deficiency were associated with similar reductions in
T-cell activation contributes to the inflammatory cardiac and aortic fibrosis in mice treated with angio-
response to MR stimulation. Adoptive transfer of tensin II plus salt, but MR antagonism prevented glo-
T cells into mice lacking T cells and B cells increases the merular injury whereas aldosterone deficiency did not.
inflammatory and hypertensive response to DOCA plus Therefore, in the kidney, angiotensin II caused injury


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via aldosterone-independent activation of the MR. Rafiq inhibitory effect on aldosterone synthesis. This finding
et al. have reported that hydrocortisone also causes renal that LCI699 0.5 mg twice daily suppressed aldosterone
injury via activation of the MR.125 but did not decrease blood pressure has been attrib-
uted to increases in precursor mineralo­corticoids.132 In
Trials of aldosterone-synthase inhibition Calhoun et al.’s study, one individual in each LCI699
FAD286, the d‑enantiomer of the aromatase inhibitor treatment group had a recorded potassium concentra-
fadrozole, was developed as an aldosterone-synthase tion of >6 mmol/l, which resolved on repeat testing
inhibitor after it was recognized that fadrozole reduced without discontinuation of study medication.131 Overall,
aldosterone concentrations without affecting cortisol the effect of LCI699 on serum potassium concentration
concentrations in patients with breast cancer. Fiebeler was similar to the effect of eplerenone. Although LCI699
and co-workers demonstrated that either treatment with had no effect on basal cortisol concentrations, the
FAD286 or adrenalectomy significantly reduced morta­ aldosterone-­synthase inhibitor significantly blunted
lity, cardiac hypertrophy, albuminuria, and cardiac and the cortisol response to adrenocorticotropic hormone.
renal inflammation in rats doubly transgenic for the To date, the effects of aldosterone-synthase inhibition on
human genes encoding renin and angiotensinogen.126,127 inflammation or on cardiovascular or renal injury have
FAD286 also reduces inflammation and atherosclerosis not been reported in humans.
in apolipoprotein‑E-deficient mice.128
LCI699 is the first orally available aldosterone-­ Conclusions
synthase inhibitor to be developed for use in humans. In conclusion, aldosterone stimulates the production
In a proof-of-concept study, LCI699 decreased plasma of ROS, inflammation and fibrosis of the heart, vas-
aldosterone concentrations by approximately 70% and culature, and kidney through both MR‑dependent
increased concentrations of the aldosterone precursor and MR‑independent mechanisms. GPR30 may mediate
11-DOC by more than 700% in patients with primary MR‑independent effects of aldosterone in vascular cells.
hyperaldosteronism.129 LCI699 had no effect on basal In addition, during conditions of high salt intake, Rac1
concentrations of cortisol. LCI699 reduced office and activates the MR to produce oxidative stress. Findings in
ambulatory systolic blood pressure and increased serum mice with cell-specific deficiency of the MR suggest that
potassium concentration. In a subsequent study, LCI699 activation of local MRs (for example, on macrophages)
at doses of 0.5 mg or 1.0 mg twice daily was less effec- induces fibrosis. The MR may be activated or transacti-
tive in reducing blood pressure in patients with primary vated by ligands other than aldosterone. Studies in mice
hyperaldosteronism than was eplerenone 50–100 mg treated with aldosterone synthase or aldo­sterone syn-
twice daily, even though LCI699 decreased aldosterone thase inhibitors suggest that aldosterone is the primary
concentrations by 70–80%.130 ligand involved in cardiac and vascular fibrosis, but that
Calhoun et al. tested the effect of 8 weeks of therapy MR antagonism may be necessary to prevent renal injury.
with LCI699 (0.25 mg once daily, 0.5 mg once daily, Human studies suggesting that aldosterone-synthase
1.0 mg once daily and 0.5 mg twice daily) on blood inhibitors may be less effective in reducing blood pres-
pressure in a double-blind, placebo-controlled and sure than are MR antagonists also suggest that ligands
eplerenone-controlled trial in patients with essential other than aldosterone activate the MR in the kidney.
hypertension. 131 LCI699 induced a dose-dependent
reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, with Review criteria
the 1.0 mg per day dose having a similar effect on blood
PubMed was searched for articles published between
pressure as a 50 mg twice daily dose of eplerenone.
1960 and the present using the terms “aldosterone”,
LCI699 and eplerenone both increased plasma renin
“mineralocorticoid”, and/or “mineralocorticoid
activity. At the highest dose (0.5 mg twice daily), LCI699 receptor” together with the terms “oxidative stress”,
significantly decreased plasma aldosterone concentra- “inflammation” and/or “fibrosis”. Full-text English-
tion, whereas eplerenone (50 mg twice daily) increased language papers were reviewed and the bibliographies of
plasma aldosterone concentration. Paradoxically, these papers were searched for additional leads. Focused
the 0.5 mg twice-daily dose of LCI699 had less effect searches were also conducted regarding topic areas
on blood pressure than did the 1.0 mg per day dose, identified in the initial search. Emphasis was placed on
papers published from 2009 onwards.
even though the 0.5 mg twice-daily dose had a greater

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