A Technology Review and Simulation Based

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M. J. Khan M. T. Iqbal J. E. Quaicoe
Graduate Student, Assistant Professor, Professor,
Faculty of Engg. & Appl. Science Faculty of Engg. & Appl. Science Faculty of Engg. & Appl. Science
Memorial Unviersity of Nfld. Memorial Unviersity of Nfld, Memorial Unviersity of Nfld,
St. John’s, NL,Canada St. John’s, NL,Canada St. John’s, NL,Canada
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract 2 Technology Overview

River Current Turbines are electromechanical energy converters that A complete hydrokinetic system for use in river environ-
harness kinetic energy of a stream of flowing river water to generate
electricity. Research in this domain is limited and various concepts ment may consist of units such as augmentation channel,
are emerging only recently. In this paper, an extensive technology rotor-blade assembly, electrical generator, floatation device,
survey and comparison of various system options are discussed in mooring, control system, protection screen, etc. However,
order to formulate a basis for further analysis. Simplified mathe-
matical modeling of an augmentation device and Darrieus type rotor
discussions on all these components is beyond the scope of
has been carried out. Simulations are done in Matlab and results this work. Therefore, only rotors and channelling devices
are given with graphical interpretations. In conclusion, directions for are considered here.
further investigation are given and the potential of this technology is
2.1 Rotor Configurations
Keywords— Renewable Energy; River Current Turbine The choice of turbine rotor configuration requires con-
(RCT);Darrieus Rotor; Augmentation; Simulation. siderations of a broad array of technical and economical
factors. As an emerging field of energy conversion, these
1 Introduction issues become even more dominant for hydrokinetic tur-
bines. A general classification of water turbines based on
River flows are part of the global hydrological cycle where
their physical arrangements is given in Fig.1. Only the class
oceans, rivers, lakes, exchangeable ground water and atmo-
of turbines to be used for electrical energy conversion has
spheric moisture interact with each other. When the atmo-
been considered. This list is by no means exhaustive and
spheric water vapour condenses and eventually reaches the
many of the concepts are adopted from the wind engineer-
ground, its primary form of energy is potential energy of
ing domain
elevation. This energy is converted into kinteic form when
Based on the alignment of the rotor axis with respect to
the water mass moves along a given route, such as a river
water flow, two generic classes could be formed, namely,
drainage basin [1].
the axial and cross flow turbines. The axial turbines have
In order to extract usable electrical energy, tradition-
axes parallel to the fluid flow and employ propeller type
ally, large reservoirs are built along a river course and the
rotors. On the other hand, the cross flow types encounter
static water head is used in driving large hydro turbines.
water flow orthogonal to the rotor axis and mostly appear
In contrast, River Current Turbines (RCT), interchangab-
as cylindrical rotating structures [3]. Various arrangements
ley called hydrokinetic turbines, can be built in a modular
fashion for small-scale electricty generation without involv-
ing extensive civil engineering work. A review of the state
of this technology and relevant challenges are discussed in
As an unfledged member of the renewable energy fam-
ily, it is important to have a panoramic view of the ex- +RUL]RQWDO$[LV ,QFOLQHG$[LV 9HUWLFDO$[LV ,QSODQH$[LV
isting technology options. In this work, a comparative 6&'DUULHXV 6WUDLJKW%ODGH
overview of various hydrokinetic turbine systems (Augmen- 6ROLG0RRULQJ %XR\DQW0RRULQJ
tation channels and rotors) is given. Based on this discus- 1RQVXEPHUJHG*HQHUDWRU
sion, the straight bladed Darrieus type turbine has been 6XEPHUJHG*HQHUDWRU
selected as the rotor of choice and a simple diffuser model *RUORY +HOLFDO%ODGH

has been identified as the solution for augmentation. Fur- 6DYRQLXV 6WUDLJKW6NHZHG
ther progress in this research will be reported in the future
publications. Figure 1: Hydrokinetic turbine classification

1-4244-0038-4 2006 2288

IEEE CCECE/CCGEI, Ottawa, May 2006

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Figure 2: Axial flow turbines


of axial turbines for use in hydro environment are shown in
Figure 3: Cross flow turbines
Inclined axis turbines have mostly been studied for small
river energy converters. Literature on the design and per-
the blades are of helical structure [31–33]. Savonious tur-
formance analysis could be found in [4–6]. Information
bines are drag type devices, which may consist of straight
on several commercial products utilizing such topologies
or skewed blades [24, 25, 34].
is available through [7–10]. Horizontal axis turbines are
common in tidal energy converters and are very similar to These turbines may also be classified based on their
modern day wind turbines from design and structural point lift/drag type blades, up/down flow orientation of the rotor,
of view. Turbines with solid mooring structure require the and fixed/variable (active/passive) pitching mechanism of
generator unit to be placed near the river or seabed. Re- the blades. Different types of rotors may also be hybridized
ports and information on rigidly moored tidal/river tur- (such as, Darrieus-Savonious hybrid) in order to achieve a
bines are available in [11–17]. Horizontal axis rotors with specific performance feature.
a buoyant mooring mechanism may allow a non-submerged From applications point of view, hydrokinetic turbines
generator to be placed closer to the water surface. Informa- can be used both in rivers or oceans (for tidal or marine
tion on submerged generator systems can be found in [18, current energy conversion). However, there are some sub-
19] and that of non-submerged types are presented in [20, tle differences amongst these two fields of application. Tidal
21]. turbines are typically larger in size (> 100 kW ), whereas
Various arrangements under the cross flow turbine cat- river turbines are generally in the range of 1 kW to 10
egory are given in Fig.3. These turbines can rotate uni- kW [9, 21, 29, 31]. Most marine turbines use horizontal
directionaly even with bi-directional fluid flow. These can axis rigid mooring/submerged generator configurations. On
also be divided into two groups: vertical axis (axis vertical the other hand, inclined horizontal axis or Darrieus type
to water plane) and in-plane axis (axis on the horizontal turbines are common in river energy applications. Tidal
plane of water surface). In-plane axis turbines are better and marine current turbines work under the natural events
known as floating waterwheels Fig.3(a). These are mainly of daily tide flow and seasonal ocean current variations,
drag based devices and inherently less efficient than their respectively. River turbines operate under the influence
lift based counterparts. The large amount of material usage of varying volumetric water flow through a river channel
is another problem for such turbines [4, 21, 22]. Darrieus subject to various external factors such as, channel cross-
turbines with in-plane axes may also fall under this cate- section, rainfall, and artificial incidences (such as, trans-
gory. But such systems are less common and suffer from portation, upstream dam opening etc.). River water is less
bearing and power take-off problems [4]. dense than seawater and therefore it has lower energy den-
In the vertical axis domain, Darrieus turbines are the sity. Siting is more stringent in river channels as the usable
most prominent options. Even though examples of H- space is limited and river transportation may further con-
Darrieus or Squirrel Cage Darrieus (straight bladed) are strain the usability of the sites. There could also be vary-
rather common, instances of Darrieus turbines (curved ing types of suspended particles and materials (fish, debris,
blades) being used in hydro applications are non-existent. rock, ice etc.) in river and sea channels depending on the
In publications such as, [3, 21, 23–30] a wide array of de- geography of a site .
sign, operational and performance issues regarding straight Based on this overview and underlying pros and cons
bladed Darrieus turbines are discussed. The Gorlov tur- of various turbine topologies, straight bladed Darrieus tur-
bine is another member of the vertical axis family, where bines (H-type or Squirrel Cage type) might be considered as


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a viable option for hydro applications. Several advantages $XJPHQWDWLRQ&KDQQHO
that may affirm this choice are:
• Design Simplicity: As an emerging technology, design +\EULGW\SH 'LIIXVHUW\SH

simplicity and system cost are important factors that may

determine the success of hydrokinetic turbine technology.
In contrast to horizontal axis turbines where blade design 6LPSOH'LIIXVHU

involves delicate steps for allowing certain tapering and 'LIIXVHUZLWKLQOHW

twisting, use of straight blades make the design rather sim- 'LIIXVHUZLWKEULP
ple and inexpensive.
• Design Symmetry: Although horizontal axis turbines
could be used in hydro applications, the design of such
Figure 4: Augmentation channel classification
systems requires proper structural analysis in order to ac-
commodate the up/down flow asymmetry. On the contrary,
vertical axis types possess the unique feature of design sym- %ULP %ULP

metry around its axis. Therefore, in hydro applications,

where input torque could be higher than that of wind flow,
vertical turbines appear more suitable from structural point E +\EULG 5HFWLOLQHDU
of view.
• Generator Coupling: For hydro applications, generator
coupling with the turbine rotor poses a special challenge.
In the horizontal axis turbines, this could be achieved by
a right-angled gear coupling, long inclined shaft or direct
underwater placement of the generator. In vertical axis ZLWKEULP ZLWKEULP LQOHW
turbines, the generator can be placed in one end of the
shaft, allowing the generator to be placed above water. This Figure 5: Channel shapes (top and side view)
reduces the need and subsequent cost in arranging water
sealed electrical generators.
• Directional and Augmentation Equipment: Although the
need for directional mechanism is less stringent in hydro can be found in [11, 35, 36].
applications, where flow is rather unidirectional, use of aug- A simplified classification of various channel designs are
mentation channel is of greater interest. Owing to the de- given in Fig.4, and Fig.5. A simple channel may consist
sign symmetry, incorporating a channeling device with a of a single nozzle, cylinder (or straight path) with brim or
vertical axis Darrieus rotor is apparently more convenient. diffuser. In a hybrid design, all three may be incorporated
The disadvantages associated with vertical axis turbines in one unit. Test resuslts on a number of hydrodynamic
are: low starting torque, torque ripple, and lower efficiency. models can be found in [35] and an example shape is given
These turbines may not be self-starting and therefore ex- in Fig.5(a). This work has reported a maximum veloc-
ternal electrical, mechanical or electromechanical starting ity increase factor of 1.67 (i.e, power coefficient increases
mechanisms need to be adopted. In such turbines, the 4.63 times). In [36] various hybrid models with rectilin-
blades facing the water flow appear in a periodic manner ear paths are experimented. A straight model with a brim
causing significant torque ripple in the output. Efficiency (Fig.5(b)) may have a velocity amplification factor of 1.32.
is another concern for such turbines, where there are many Analytic and test results of various rectilinear diffuser mod-
claims that these turbines are of lesser efficiency. els (Fig.5(c)) can be found in [37]. It has been found that,
a diffuser with an inlet and brim performs the best in this
2.2 Augmentation Channels category. Information on various annular ring shaped dif-
Augmentation channels induce a sub-atmospheric pres- fuser models ( Fig.5(d)) can be found in [11, 38]. In [11],
sure within a constrained area and thereby increase the it has been found that a power coefficient as high as 1.69 is
flow velocity. If a turbine is placed in such a channel, the possible exceeding the betz limit of 0.59.
velocity around the rotor would be higher than that of a Each of these models come with unique set of perfor-
free rotor. This increases the possible total power capture mance features and design limitations. For instance, the
significantly. In addition, it may aid regulate the speed of hybrid types perform better at an expense of bigger size (as
the rotor and reduce low-speed drive train design problems high as 6 times the rotor diameter). The annular shapes
[35]. Such devices have been widely tested in the wind en- also perform very well when hydrodynamic shapes are op-
ergy domain. Terms such as, duct, shroud, wind-lens, noz- timally designed. For simplicity of analysis, in this work
zle, concentrator, diffuser, and augmentation channel are a simple diffuser (Fig.5(c)) model is chosen. Nevertheless,
used synonymously with regard to this arrangement. In detailed investigation on optimal size, shape and design of
river/tidal energy studies, reports of channel augmentation RCT augmentation channels is still an unsolved problem.


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Figure 6: Simulation approach Figure 8: Power curves






7LS6SHHG5DWLR 765 ] /'

Figure 7: Performance coefficients Figure 9: Channel augmentation factor

3 Performance Analysis In this work, an example of performance analysis of a

Since the design of a hydrokinetic turbine has sublte straight bladed Darrieus rotor consisting of NACA 0012
differences compared to a typical wind/tidal turbine, per- blades is carried out. Raw blade data has been modified for
formance features also vary in a unique manner. Knowl- a lower Reynold’s Number of 1.0 × 106 , aspect ratio 10, and
edgebase in this field is limited and predicting the opera- attack angle 0 − 180o . With a solidity of 0.55 (Total blade
tional characteristics is also very important. In this work, a chord length against rotor diameter), the non-dimensional
straight bladed Darrieus type hydrokinetic rotor is consid- performance coefficients are shown in Fig.7. At T SR = 2.00
ered for fluid dynamic analysis and performance prediction. a maximum power coefficent of 0.40 is attainable. The peak
The hydrokinetic power input of a turbine can be re- torqe coefficient is 0.215 at T SR = 1.75.
lated to the rotor’s mechanical power capture by a term For a given solidity, the dimenasional analysis needs spe-
commonly known as ‘power coefficient’, which is a measure cific information on rotor size. For the hyrokinetic Darrieus
of the turbine’s hydrodynamic efficiency. In most litera- turbine being discussed, a height and diameter of 0.5 and
ture, the two dimensionless quantities: ‘power coefficient’ 0.85 has been chosen respectively to achieve a rated power
and the tip speed ratio (TSR) are used for illustrating the of 1000 watt at 2.25 m/s water velocity. The results of the
effectiveness of a turbine’s power extraction at various rota- simulation are given in Fig.8 for various discrete levels of
tional conditions. Here, tip speed ratio (TSR) is an index water velocity.
of rotor’s rotational speed against the velocity of water. Assuming the effect of an augmentation channel is to
Another term, ‘torque coefficient’ is equally important in elevate the water velocity only, the turbine system (rotor
indicating the performance of a turbine. and channel) may by considered linearly coupled. Under
Methods of solving fluid dynmaic problems relating ver- such simplification, the effective water velocity can be found
tical axis wind turbins (VAWTs) can be found in [34, 39]. from the velocity amplification factor nv as shown in Fig.9,
In this work, this approach has been extended and modified depending on the channel dimensions. A curve fit relating
for hydrokinetic turbines. Detailed mathematical formula- channel aspect ratio to the amplification factor is also given.
tion is quite involved and hence not presented in this work. Design, development and testing of the designed turbine
However, the approach for solving the problem is outlined is still under progress at Memorial University of Newfound-
in Fig.6. land. A three bladed rotor with solidity 0.25 has been tested


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