Task Specialization and Group Study On Students' Achievement and Attitude in Physics

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1, MARCH 2024


[email protected]
Department of Education, Sto. Nino National High School
Schools Division of Iriga, Philippines

DOI: https://doi.org/10.54476/ioer-imrj/685397


This study investigates the impact of cooperative learning strategies, particularly task specialization and
group study, on student achievement and attitude in Physics among Grade 12 Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students. Motivated by diffusion of responsibility, the research
employed a One-Shot Pre-test Post-Test Research Design over three weeks. Students were divided into
groups and assigned roles as managers, investigators, or recorder-reporters. The effectiveness of these
roles was evaluated using the Student Physics Test and the Physics Attitude Inventory. Results indicated
a significant improvement in student achievement (t-test = 14.65) but no substantial change in attitudes
towards Physics (t-test = -0.47), suggesting pre-existing favorable attitudes in STEM students. The study
concludes that while task specialization and group study effectively enhance achievement by reducing the
diffusion of responsibility and promoting active participation, they do not significantly alter students’
attitudes towards Physics. The findings recommend implementing these strategies across various subjects
and educational strands to increase student achievement. Further research is suggested to explore the
broader implications of these strategies on student attitudes, validate results over extended periods, and
examine the effects of varying roles and group cooperation.

Keywords: action research, cooperative learning, task specialization and group study, achievement,
attitude, Sto. Nino National High School, Iriga City, Philippines

Consequently, the objective at hand is to

INTRODUCTION furnish a response to the fundamental inquiry,

Science plays a vital role in national "What should count as science (physics)
development. However, results of national and education for the next millennium?" (Pabellon,
international assessments like the National 1999). To address these needs, transformative
Achievement Test (NAT) and PISA show alarming education is vital to adapt to the advent of the
results in English, science, and mathematics. Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), maintain its
Among the 79 participating nations in PISA 2018, relevance, and develop innovators, inventors, and
the Philippines achieved one of the lowest problem-solvers. So, the K–12 Basic Education
performance results, ranking last in reading with a reform is a response to the fact that some Filipino
score of 340 and second to last in math and students do well in national and international
science with scores of 353 and 357, respectively competitions and tests, while others do not.
(Department of Education [DepEd], 2019). According to SEI-DOST and UP NISMED (2011),
most Filipino students have "poor performance in
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Education, Engineering, and Technology (ICEET), 29 – 30 September 2023, Grand Mercure
Singapore Roxy Hotel, Singapore
ANDRADA, M.D., Task Specialization and Group Study on Students’ Achievement and Attitude in Physics, pp. 144 - 154

international and national assessment studies due On the other hand, a competitive
to low retention of concepts, limited reasoning and learning environment in the classroom can be a
analytical skills, and poor communication skills." fascinating and successful strategy for developing
The K–12 Curriculum (RA 10533) focused students' motivation, success, resilience, and
on science reform, expecting learners to develop critical thinking. It stimulates their innate need for
scientific and technological literacy and to acquire competitiveness, encouraging them to perform
scientific attitudes for innovation in response to well and realize their full potential. Teachers can
their community's needs and the country based on prepare learners for the realities of the real world
their interests and expertise (K–12 Curriculum and provide them with vital skills beyond academic
Guide, Science). Hence, teachers are expected to brilliance by giving them opportunities for healthy
employ methods that promote scientific competition. To ensure that learners also acquire
understanding and thinking focused on mastering strong interpersonal skills and the capacity to work
scientific processes while de-emphasizing in teams, it is essential to find a balance between
scientific facts' rote learning. For learning to be healthy competition and collaboration (Bandura,
meaningful, students must comprehend the facts 1985; Dweck, 2009; Ryan and Deci, 2000).
themselves and the structure and relationships of Collaboration being one of the skills of the
those facts. Diverse learning experiences should twenty-first century, classrooms should be
be made available to students, as greater student organized to encourage collaboration and
engagement leads to greater learning and thus cooperation so that students can maximize their
ensures high-quality education (Carnoy, 2007). own and one another's learning. Students must
Schools, then, must offer learner-centered and recognize that the attainment of their learning
value-driven teaching and learning environments. objectives is contingent upon the success of their
Objectives in the affective domain should be peers in the learning groups. That triumph is the
considered because student attitudes likely result of the collective endeavor of all group
influence the achievement of cognitive goals members. Students should see the science
(Osborne, 1976). laboratory room as a workplace where they will
An individualistic classroom offers a understand and learn scientific concepts
compelling teaching paradigm that promotes self- applicable to day-to-day situations. Their repertory
discovery, accepts a variety of learning of experiences should be expanded to include
preferences, encourages creativity, and improves more quantitative observations, measurement,
emotional intelligence. Teachers may enable ordering, and predicting through inferences while
students to take care of their learning and unleash teaching them how to work as part of a team
their full academic and personal potential by because the future structure of organizations looks
identifying the unique potential in each student and less like pyramids and more like a spider web
designing lessons appropriately. This strategy network of teams.
aligns with modern educational philosophies that Furthermore, Bossert (1988) and Nye and
strongly emphasize student-centered and Williams (2022) posited that cooperative learning
personalized learning, positioning pupils for increases student achievement and promotes
success in the twenty-first century positive interpersonal relations, learning
(Csikszentmihalyi and Sawyer, 2014; Deci and motivation, and self-esteem than the traditional
Ryan, 1985; Gardner, 1983). However, this classroom. Moreover, it helps students think more
structure makes an individual committed to his or critically, encourages participation and
her self-interest, meaning that success depends engagement, and supports the growth of their
on one’s effort and not on others. People believed communication abilities and scientific thought
to be different are disliked, while people perceived processes. Hence, teachers must create more
to be similar are liked. equitable cooperative groupings to encourage
participation and provide opportunities for students

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Education, Engineering, and Technology (ICEET), 29 – 30 September 2023, Grand Mercure
Singapore Roxy Hotel, Singapore
ANDRADA, M.D., Task Specialization and Group Study on Students’ Achievement and Attitude in Physics, pp. 144 - 154

to acquire social skills through cooperative feedback to a defensive subordinate
learning (Aviles and Garcia, 2013). regarding poor performance.
Peshkam (2020) of Harvard Business 6. Expertise/Specialization Project. Divide
Publishing Education presented eight formal students into groups of up to seven. Have them
cooperative group practices that can be utilized in develop online whiteboards presenting support
the classrooms: for an idea, a deep dive into a company’s policy
or practices, or a proposed solution to a
1. Poll-Group-Repoll. Launch a poll and ask problem (a portion of the in-person teaching
students a question with divergent responses. time can be dedicated to this before groups
Have students discuss their positions in a small continue asynchronously). Make sure those
group. Relaunch the same poll to see if their boards are visible to all. Ask groups to report
responses have changed. Anchor a class back and “teach” the class during the in-person
discussion around any changes to students’ or synchronous online session. Then, discuss
answers. larger problems (that require understanding the
2. Value Line. Ask each student to rank how they sub-topics) as a large group. Ask group
feel about an idea, then break them into groups members to assess the quality of their peers’
of up to four students from a mix of ranks to contributions to increase accountability.
discuss the issue. This will work best online 7. Peer Grading. As a rule, extended group work
(and in person if students can move about in a that asks students to reach a common goal will
limited capacity). increase accountability and cooperation if
3. Student Teams-Achievement Divisions. This students grade each group member’s
teaching practice is particularly useful for contribution—on both the process and on the
challenging technical courses such as finance product of the work.
and accounting. Break students into groups of 8. Group Processing. At the end of extended
up to seven. Assign work for students to learn group assignments or tasks, ask students to
together—all group members are accountable give each other feedback on how they worked
for one another’s learning. After a decided together, one by one. Specifically, ask them to
period, quiz each person individually and share what the group member did well, what
calculate the average group score (this can also they need to work on, what they could have
count as a portion of the final grade). The group done differently.
with the highest average score receives a
reward. Students in the field of science rank
4. Learning Roles. Break students into groups of physics as one of the most prevalent and
up to seven to complete a task. Directly challenging disciplines which intimidates the less
assign—or ask each group to choose—one or able and those who feel less able (Guido, 2018).
more of the following roles to each member: the However, peer influence (Zhu et al., 2020) seems
leader (in charge of making sure everyone is on to be the most powerful factor in determining
task), the speaker (the presenter who reports students' achievement, so it is not advisable for
out), the recorder (writes the group’s ideas and teachers to discourage peer interaction instead,
responses), the reflector (manages the group’s capitalize on this gregarious nature of man. Peer
process). group interaction increases knowledge due to
5. Role Play. Prepare elaborate characters for sharing of resources when equipment is very
students to play in a pair or a group to highlight limited, prevalent in most science classrooms like
the challenge or tension of a specific Sto. Nino National High School. Peer interaction
interaction. For example, assign a student to also decreases anxiety and increases trust.
play the part of a manager giving difficult However, there is a diffusion of responsibility
(Slavin, 1983) especially when students are

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Education, Engineering, and Technology (ICEET), 29 – 30 September 2023, Grand Mercure
Singapore Roxy Hotel, Singapore
ANDRADA, M.D., Task Specialization and Group Study on Students’ Achievement and Attitude in Physics, pp. 144 - 154

grouped into five to eight members. Only two to This study aimed to determine the
three members do the work while the rest become effect of task specialization and group study as
passive observers or listeners. Others also do cooperative learning strategies on the students’
other things not needed in the activity because the achievement and attitude toward Physics during
leader does the rest especially if there is a group laboratory activities. Specifically, to answer the
reward. As a result, a learner can be rewarded following specific objectives:
even if he did not work for the group, or a learner 1. Determine if task specialization in cooperative
will not be rewarded even if he did his/her best. learning considerably enhances students' Physics
This study hypothesized that a cooperative achievement.
task structure (Candler, 2016) divided into task 2. Determine if group study strategies in
specialization (Learning Roles) and group study cooperative learning considerably enhance
(Student Teams-Achievement Divisions) students' Physics achievement.
(Peshkam, 2020) will enhance performance by 3. Determine if task specialization and group study
providing assistance to fellow group members and strategies in cooperative learning considerably
exerting influence on them to motivate each other enhance students' Attitudes toward Physics.
to complete the group task, even in the absence of
In task specialization, every group member
is tasked with a distinct aspect of the group activity, The study used a One-Shot Pre-test and
and all participants are expected to collaborate. Post-Test Research Design. It is one of the most
When roles are assigned towards goal popular quasi-experimental research designs. It
accomplishment, students make him or her feel an involves pretesting, treatment, or modification of
important part of the group. Diffusion of an independent variable, followed by post-testing
responsibility is reduced since group members’ on a group of research subjects or participants.
support for performance is activated. Likewise, it Nevertheless, the absence of a control group and
eliminates the problem of the dominant or passive the non-experimental nature of the research
student since every member is expected to design create uncertainty regarding whether the
contribute something to the group’s success observed discrepancy stems from the independent
(Burke, 2011). In a group study, all group members variable itself or extraneous influences such as
study together without separate tasks. order effects or regression towards the mean.
Motivationally speaking, cooperative goal Since there are only 17 Grade 12 students
structures establish circumstances in which group enrolled in STEM in Sto. Nino National High
members can only achieve their objectives School, the students were purposively selected as
through the group's collective success. Therefore, the participants and main source of data and
to achieve their objectives, group members must information for this action research. The students
assist their peers in doing whatever contributes to were ranked based on their grades in Physics from
the group's success. Each member must exert 1st to 3rd quarter, SY 2022-2023. Fifteen students
their maximum effort (Purnawan, 2018). Along ranked from third to bottom were included in the
these lines, the researcher attempted to test the study. They were grouped heterogeneously. The
effect of task specialization and group study in the top two students were asked to assist the teacher-
Philippine setting, especially in Sto. Nino National researcher in materials preparation and monitoring
High School where the researcher teaches and of the groups. They were given special points for
handles the subject, General Physics 1 and 2 in such work. They also took the SPT and PAI.
Senior High School. Data were gathered using an adapted 40-
item Student Physics Test (SPT), 30-item Physics
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Attitude Inventory (PAI), Laboratory Worksheets,
materials, and equipment. SPT questions were

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Education, Engineering, and Technology (ICEET), 29 – 30 September 2023, Grand Mercure
Singapore Roxy Hotel, Singapore
ANDRADA, M.D., Task Specialization and Group Study on Students’ Achievement and Attitude in Physics, pp. 144 - 154

given one point per correct response. Pre-tests During the activities, team rules
and post-tests using the SPT and PAI were done (Slavin, 1985) were emphasized:
to answer the research questions. a. It is the responsibility of everyone to ensure
Sixty items Student Physics Test (SPT) that their colleagues have mastered the
was formulated based on the Most Essential materials.
Learning Competencies (MELC) following the b. None is considered done with the lessons
Knowledge, Comprehension, and Application level unless all teammates mastered the subject.
with a Table of Specifications. For content validity, c. Seek assistance from all colleagues before
the test was submitted to content experts. approaching the mentor.
Likewise, items with difficulty index of .20 and .80 d. Team members may engage in gentle
and discrimination index of .30 to .80 were conversation.
included in the final 40 items SPT. For the
reliability test, Kuder Richardson Formula 20 was Two days before the treatment, a pretest
used. The test has high reliability at .73. using the SPT and PAI was given as basis of
A 40 statements Physics Attitude Inventory comparison. The treatment period took three
(PAI) was also prepared for content validity and weeks during the fourth quarter of SY 2022-2023.
pilot testing. The final draft consists of 30 Likert- Lessons about light waves were covered because
type statements focused on the enjoyment of or of their interesting applications. Although
interest in physics (items 1, 3, 5, 7, 16, 19, and 20), additional items were collected, other materials
motivation in physics class (items 9, 13, 22, and and equipment were available for eight structured
24), the importance of physics (items 11, 12, 15, laboratory activities namely: Reflection in Plane
26, and 28), fear of physics and difficulty with the Mirror, Reflection in Curved Mirrors, Refraction of
subject (items 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 21, 23, 25, 27, and Light, Convex Lenses, The World in Color, The
29), and the appeal of laboratory activities or Eye and Camera, Diffraction and Interference, and
equipment (items 17, 18, and 30). Polarization of Light obtained from various
One week before the treatment, the sources. No groups were neglected during the
students were regrouped heterogeneously into activities.
three teams to ensure that each member had Sessions were done following the regular
enough to do during the activities. Each team class schedule for General Physics 2. Quizzes
thought of a team name. Each member of the team were given at the end of every lesson to determine
was assigned roles (as manager, investigator, and individual learning and summative tests per week.
recorder-reporter) while studying together to Summative results were included in their grade for
achieve a common goal for familiarization with the the Fourth quarter but were not included in the
approach. The topic for this practice was analysis of data. Teammates were separated
Electromagnetic Induction. during the tests to prevent copying or helping one
The manager leads the group in gathering another. Group achievement was determined by
and returning materials, gives directions, keeps taking the average score of all group members for
the group aware of time, and encourages an additional point.
everyone’s participation. The investigator Post-tests using the SPT and PAI were
manipulates the equipment, performs, and collects given a week after the eight activities just like an
data on the activity, and asks questions if ordinary test to avoid the attitude effect.
everyone understands the activity and agrees on To answer the questions posed in the
the solution. The recorder-reporter is the one who study, quantitative analysis was done. The
records the group's notes agreed by all group researcher used the following statistical tools:
members, summarizes group discussion, and mean, standard deviation, and t-test for the
presents the conclusion to the other groups. dependent sample mean to establish the effect of
the treatment variable. The Likert-type scale

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Education, Engineering, and Technology (ICEET), 29 – 30 September 2023, Grand Mercure
Singapore Roxy Hotel, Singapore
ANDRADA, M.D., Task Specialization and Group Study on Students’ Achievement and Attitude in Physics, pp. 144 - 154

registered the learner's feeling toward the subject an important part of the group, and it helps
with scores ranging from 5-strongly agree; 4- eliminate the problem of the dominant or passive
agree; 3-neutral; 2-disagree; and 1-strongly student because each one is expected to
disagree. Reversed scoring was used for positive contribute to the group's performance. During the
items from 5 to 1 with 5 as the highest, while activities, it was seen that each member actively
negative items were scored from 1 to 5 with 1 as participated and carried out their assigned roles.
the highest. No one was observed silently sitting while
observing other group members doing the activity.
Ethical Consideration Furthermore, positive interdependence was
observed in the groups. The students, though of
To address ethical issues, approval and mixed abilities recognized everyone’s effort since
permits to conduct the study were secured from every group member had specific roles to perform.
the Principal and Schools Division Superintendent. Every member must have exerted their best effort
Moreover, students were informed about the to carry out the assigned role because the team's
purpose and mechanisms of the study. To ensure success was contingent on each member’s
the safety of the students-respondents, the performance.
researcher considered the provisions as stipulated
in DepEd Order 40, s. 2012 or DepEd Child
Protection Policy. 2. Group study on students' Physics
To assess individual learning, post-lesson
1. Task specialization on students' Physics quizzes and weekly summative exams were
achievement administered. The summative outcomes were
incorporated into the students' fourth-quarter
Table 1 grade; however, they were excluded from the
Pre-test and Post-test results on the Student Physics Test data analysis. To mitigate the risk of copying,
N Pretest Posttest Difference t-ratio team members were segregated throughout the
between assessments. Group accomplishment was
X X Means calculated by adding one point to the mean score
of every group member.
17 12.47 29.18 16.71 14.65 The effect of group study was seen through
the computed t-ratio of 14.65 (Table 1), which is
higher than the accepted critical p value indicating
* df=16, p<.05 (significant), p = 2.120 that the group study treatment effected better
achievement of learned concepts. While there
The pretest and posttest results using the 40 was group interdependence and cooperation,
items SPT were tabulated and analyzed by individual accountability was developed since
computing the means and t-test. The computed t- each member’s role was an integral part of the
ratio of 14.65 (Table 1), which is higher than the group output. This individual accountability must
accepted critical p-value indicates that role have accounted for the sustained interest and
assignment (manager, recorder, reporter) affected enjoyment in the role assigned group. Moreover,
better achievement of learned concepts. This the low-performing students tried doing their best
could be because the students were at ease in the while the high-performing students extended
roles they were assigned, maximizing the unselfish help to those who needed help. The
strengths of each group member (Andrist, 2015). latter in turn learned more by teaching their peers.
Each group member is made to feel he or she is According to Hult (2018), “the best way to learn
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Education, Engineering, and Technology (ICEET), 29 – 30 September 2023, Grand Mercure
Singapore Roxy Hotel, Singapore
ANDRADA, M.D., Task Specialization and Group Study on Students’ Achievement and Attitude in Physics, pp. 144 - 154

something is to teach it to someone else.” It is Table 3
Mean Gain Scores in Attitude by Category
worth citing that one student who scored the Attitude category Pretest Posttest Mean t-ratio
lowest (7 points) in the pretest improved in the Gain
posttest by obtaining a score of 30 points. Score
Enjoyment of or 25.82 26.47 -0.65 -0.72
interest in
3. Task specialization and group study on physics
students' Attitudes towards Physics
Motivation in 14.12 13.82 0.30 0.62
Cooperative learning, according to Slavin
(1980), gives students the sense that they have a Importance of 20.59 19.88 0.71 0.60
chance to achieve, that their efforts will result in
success, and that success is a worthwhile Fear of physics 31.71 29.71 2.00 1.32
and difficulty with
objective. However, The results presented in the subject
Table 2 indicate that the attitude of the students
does not differ significantly before and after the Appeal of 10.41 11.24 -0.83 -1.55
treatment. This could be because the students laboratory
already have a favorable attitude in Physics even activities or
before the treatment. This implies that using the
combined task specialization and group study will
only reinforce the students' attitude toward the * df=16, p<.05 (significant), 2.120
In terms of motivation in physics (items 9,
Table 2 13, 22, and 24), the computed t showed that the
Attitude Mean Gain Scores Before and After the Treatment students were confident about themselves in
N Pretest Posttest Difference t-ratio
between Means
physics class. The students already possess self-
esteem and motivation. They already have self-
17 6.07 4.52 1.55 -0.47
motivation or an urge to learn new things. They are
positive about getting high grades because of their
curiosity to learn new things.
Having students work in groups with
* df=16, p<.05 (significant), 2.120
assigned roles made every student take greater
Analysis of the students’ attitude by category responsibility for their own and other’s learning.
(Table 3) showed enjoyment of or interest in Nevertheless, the calculated t-value of 0.60
physics (items 1, 3, 5, 7, 16, 19, and 20) even indicates no statistically significant difference
before the treatment. The students were also between the pre-treatment and post-treatment
interested on the materials used during the periods. Students already see physics as an
activities and discussion after the activities. There important component of society, which explains
was interest in studying the subject, which is physical phenomena other subjects cannot
perceived as dry and boring. Furthermore, they explain. They were measured in items 11, 12, 15,
believed they were valuable and important 26, and 28. The students already possess
individuals who could withstand disappointments favorable views about the importance of physics
and become confident decision-makers who could for technological change in society.
be a happy and productive individual. Stronger There was a considerable change of
friendship was formed, and increased contact students’ fear of physics and difficulty with the
between and among students. They engaged in subject (items 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 21, 23, 25, 27, and
pleasant activities together and worked towards a 29) based on the pretest and posttest results
common goal. although not statistically significant as shown by
the observed t=1.32. It shows that there was a
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Education, Engineering, and Technology (ICEET), 29 – 30 September 2023, Grand Mercure
Singapore Roxy Hotel, Singapore
ANDRADA, M.D., Task Specialization and Group Study on Students’ Achievement and Attitude in Physics, pp. 144 - 154

student support system where both the high- assigned roles and group study on increasing
performing and low-performing students benefited student achievement and attitude in Physics.
especially the low-performing students, their
feelings of inferiority towards their classmates and 1. Anchored on the social process theory, the
fear towards the subject, such as failing grades study proved the effectiveness of cooperative
were lessened since working in a cooperative learning with assigned roles, and group study
heterogenous group placed them on equal footing on increasing student achievement.
with the high-performing students. Furthermore, the heterogeneous grouping
The observed t=-1.55 on the appeal of could have also facilitated cooperative
laboratory activities or equipment (items 17, 18, learning to enhance achievement toward
and 30) also shows no significant difference before physics. Both high-performing and low-
and after the treatment. Activities performed inside performing pupils have unique chances. It
the laboratory were perceived as an important part challenges high performers to expand their
of the learning situation to simulate the comprehension and hone essential leadership
experiments done by the scientists and it is not as and communication skills while giving
difficult as they thought. Cooperative goals with struggling learners the support, direction, and
task specialization and group study facilitated academic advancement they require to
greater learning because everyone shared his prosper. Cooperative learning cultivates a
best effort to carry out the tasks assigned. Not only supportive and empowering learning
one or two did the activity but everybody environment that supports academic and
contributed to the group work. Individual social progress for all students, regardless of
accountability transpired during the laboratory their starting performance levels, by
activities. encouraging collaboration, inclusiveness, and
Furthermore, the heterogenous grouping mutual support (Slavin, 2014).
could have also facilitated cooperative learning to 2. The findings of the PAI indicate that there is
enhance achievement and attitude toward no statistically significant variation in the
physics. Both high-performing and low-performing students' attitudes prior to and after the
pupils have unique chances. It challenges high intervention. This could be because the
performers to expand their comprehension and students already have favorable attitude in
hone essential leadership and communication Physics even before the treatment. This
skills, while simultaneously giving struggling implies that using the combined task
learners the support, direction, and academic specialization and group study will only
advancement they require to prosper. Cooperative reinforce the attitude of the students toward
learning cultivates a supportive and empowering the subject.
learning environment that supports academic and
social progress for all students, regardless of their RECOMMENDATION
starting performance levels, by encouraging
collaboration, inclusiveness, and mutual support In light of the findings and conclusions of the
(Slavin, 2014). study, the following recommendations are being

CONCLUSION 1. The study recommends the use of task

specialization and groups in the classroom
The diffusion of responsibility and regardless of subject area because it
performance of the students by grading period increases student achievement. Roles are
motivated the researcher to determine the distributed to all group members.
effectiveness of cooperative learning with
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Education, Engineering, and Technology (ICEET), 29 – 30 September 2023, Grand Mercure
Singapore Roxy Hotel, Singapore
ANDRADA, M.D., Task Specialization and Group Study on Students’ Achievement and Attitude in Physics, pp. 144 - 154

2. Future research can be done to further Bandura, A. (1985, November 1). Social
establish the effect of role assignment and foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive
group study on students’ attitudes not only in theory. Pearson.
Physics but also in other science subjects or https://doi.org/10.1604/9780138156145
learning areas.
3. Future studies can be done with a longer time Bolaños, A. B. (2005). Probabilities and statistical
concepts: An Introduction (Manila: Rex Bookstore,
element. Roles can also be varied or rotated
among group members to establish a
significant effect on the variables studied. Bossert, S. T. (1988). Cooperative activities in the
Furthermore, the level of cooperation among classroom. Review of Research in Education, 15,
group members can also be investigated. 225–250. https://doi.org/10.2307/1167365

Burke, A. (2011). Group work: How to use groups

Way Forward
effectively. The Journal of Effective Teaching, 11(2),
The result of this study will be shared https://uncw.edu/jet/articles/vol11_2/burke.pdf
among colleagues during conferences, LAC
sessions or research forums because this Candler. (2016). What are cooperative learning
pedagogy can be used by teachers for all student structures? Laura Candler’s Teaching Resources.
groups from different grades, tracks/strands, in https://lauracandler.com/cooperative-learning-
different learning situations, and different learning structures/
areas to create opportunity for self-development
and social interaction. It develops concern, Carnoy, M. (2007). Improving quality and equity in world
respect, and understanding of individual education: A realistic assessment. Paper presented
differences and a sense of responsibility. at Stockholm University Institute of International
Education, September.
Acknowledgments Çermik, H. & Kara, İ. (2020). Physics course attitudes
scale for high school students: A validity and
Sincere appreciation is extended by the reliability study. International Journal of Assessment
author to everyone who has contributed to and Tools in Education, 7 (1), 62-72. DOI:
inspired this research. 10.21449/ijate.693211

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P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Education, Engineering, and Technology (ICEET), 29 – 30 September 2023, Grand Mercure
Singapore Roxy Hotel, Singapore
ANDRADA, M.D., Task Specialization and Group Study on Students’ Achievement and Attitude in Physics, pp. 144 - 154

Arts in Physics Education (MAPhyEd) at Bicol
University Graduate School (BUGS), Legazpi City.
She is currently a candidate in a Doctor of
Philosophy in Science Education, under the
DOST-SEI-CBPSME at Philippine Normal
University, Taft Ave. Manila, Philippines. She had
been a science teacher at San Antonio National
High School, Iriga City. In 2014, she was a
FULBRIGHT-ILEP-FDAI fellow at Arizona State
University, US. She is currently a Master Teacher
I at Sto. Nino National High School, Iriga City since
2016 handling SHS-STEM. She had been a trainer
in school, division, and regional training. Mrs.
Andrada is a coordinator and member of various
professional organizations and had also published
research articles in several international peer
reviewed journals.


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author/s, with first publication rights granted to
IIMRJ. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution – Noncommercial 4.0
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P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Education, Engineering, and Technology (ICEET), 29 – 30 September 2023, Grand Mercure
Singapore Roxy Hotel, Singapore
ANDRADA, M.D., Task Specialization and Group Study on Students’ Achievement and Attitude in Physics, pp. 144 - 154


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