Plant Pathology
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And we split the earth in fragments, and produce their in corn, And grapes dense
with lofty trees, And fruit and fodder, For use of convenience to you and your
(Al-Quran, Surah Abas 80, Ayat 25-32)
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This report documents the work done during the period of internship at Monsanto
Learning Centre, University of Agriculture Faisalabad. The report will give an
overview of the activities done during this period in details. I have tried my best to
keep report simple yet technically correct.
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It is certified that the contents of this internship report submitted by Aqib Shafiq
having registration No. 2016-ag-6597 are found satisfactory to fulfill the
requirements of the degree of B.Sc. (Hons.) Agri. Sciences, Major: Plant
External Supervisor…………………………………
Mr. Kamran Ashraf
MDO, Monsanto Learning Center
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
Internal Supervisor………………………………….
Dr. Sajid Aleem Khan
Associate Professor, Dept. Plant
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
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My Loving Parents
I hold you close within my heart,
And there you will remain,
To walk with me throughout my life,
You may live long until this universe.
May I wake up hereafter with you!
Dear Mother!
ALLAH bless you for all
You’ve done.
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All praise bow before ALLAH; the greatest benefactor of all, owner of all the known and
unknown worlds; the Arbitrator of Judgment day and closer to me than my jugular vein; by the
Grace of Whom I have been able to end the given task.
I am also thankful to my worthy teachers Dr. Sajid Aleem Khan, and Professor Dr.
Nazir Javed, Chairman Dept. of Plant Pathology for bestowing an opportunity to peek inside
the practical side of the profession, so that I can get a quick glimpse of my future career. Simply
put, I could not have done all this without the lots of help received cheerfully from your side.
In the end, I would appreciate my friends and colleagues for pointing out my mistakes and slip-
ups for improvements.
Aqib Shafiq
.Who is Monsanto?.......................................................................................................................................... 11
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1.1History..................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.1.1Become an agribiotech...................................................................................................................... 11
1.1.2Dekalb merge in Monsanto............................................................................................................... 12
1.1.3Monsanto merge in Bayer................................................................................................................. 12
1.2Bayer,s mission........................................................................................................................................ 12
1.3Objectives................................................................................................................................................ 12
1.4Future plans............................................................................................................................................ 13
2.PCM 4 trial of Maize.................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1Development stages................................................................................................................................. 14
2.1.1Vegetative stages.................................................................................................................................. 14
2.1.2Reproductive stages.............................................................................................................................. 14 collar method for determining of vegetative stages..................................................................15 effect at key growth stages.................................................................................................... 15
2.1.3Root system........................................................................................................................................... 16
2.1.4Degree days........................................................................................................................................... 17
2.2Production decision.................................................................................................................................. 17
2.2.1Seeding rate....................................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.2Planting date..................................................................................................................................... 17
2.3Estimating population............................................................................................................................... 18
2.4Replant decisions...................................................................................................................................... 18
2.5Estimating yield potential......................................................................................................................... 19
2.6Planting date............................................................................................................................................ 21
3.Diseases......................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.1.Foliar Diseases......................................................................................................................................... 21
3.1.1.Anthracnose leaf spot....................................................................................................................... 21
3.1.2Gray leaf spot.................................................................................................................................... 21
3.1.3Common rust..................................................................................................................................... 22
3.1.4,Stalk rot............................................................................................................................................ 22
3.1.5Ear rot............................................................................................................................................... 23
3.1.5.Leaf blight......................................................................................................................................... 23
4.Major Insect pests.......................................................................................................................................... 24
4.1Shootfly.................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.2.Stem borer.............................................................................................................................................. 25
4.3.Armyworm.............................................................................................................................................. 25
4.4.Corn earworm......................................................................................................................................... 26
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5.Disorders....................................................................................................................................................... 26
5.1.Herbicide injury....................................................................................................................................... 26
5.1.1Pigment inhibitors (bleachers).......................................................................................................... 26
5.2.Nitrogen deficiency.................................................................................................................................. 27
5.3.Phosphorus deficiency............................................................................................................................. 27
5.4.Potassium deficiency............................................................................................................................... 28
5.6.Magnesium deficiency............................................................................................................................. 28
5.7.Zinc deficiency......................................................................................................................................... 29
5.8Fertilizer injury......................................................................................................................................... 29
5.9Anhydrous ammonia (NH3).................................................................................................................... 29
5.10Broadcast urea-ammonium nitrate solution (28% or 32% UAN)..............................................................30
5.11Urea....................................................................................................................................................... 30
6.Early season stresses...................................................................................................................................... 31
6.1Frost......................................................................................................................................................... 31
7.Mid season stresses....................................................................................................................................... 31
7.1Drought.................................................................................................................................................... 31
7.2Root lodging............................................................................................................................................. 32
7.3Greensnap or node lodging....................................................................................................................... 32
8.Introduction of Bayer Pakistan – Crop Science Monsanto Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. Learning Center University of
Agriculture, Faisalabad...................................................................................................................................... 33
8.1An Overview............................................................................................................................................. 33
8.1.1Objectives:............................................................................................................................................ 34
8.1.2.Current Status...................................................................................................................................... 34
9.Maize trials at farm........................................................................................................................................ 34
9.1Hybrid Evaluation Trial............................................................................................................................. 34
9.2Herbicide Evaluation Trial......................................................................................................................... 35
9.3Seed Treatment Trial................................................................................................................................ 36
9.3.1Seed Treatment to check the infestation of shoot fly..........................................................................36
9.4Insecticide Trial........................................................................................................................................ 37
9.4.1.To check the more efficient against stem boror.................................................................................37
9.5.Value Assesment VT Double PRO............................................................................................................. 37
9.5.1.VT Double PRO:................................................................................................................................. 38
9.5.2.Controll............................................................................................................................................. 38
9.5.3.Farmer Practice:................................................................................................................................ 38
10.Pheromone trap........................................................................................................................................... 39
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Who is Monsanto ?
Things like unpredictable weather, erosions, pest and plant diseases,
That is why there are 2,0000 Monsanto employers around the world i.e
working to provide former sustainable agriculture solutions. In 1960
each American farmer fed 25 people. Today that number goes to 155. Some key improvements
role in farmer ability to grow food at time of need.
We love working with farmers, Global population expected to reach 9.6 billion by 2015. We
should all he thinking where are food come from and how to grow. Happy farmer have better
harvesting is the key to make balance between production and Demand.
Our researchers and breeders to develop products to help farmers for better harvest for using
resource more efficiently. Genetically modified crops it is one of the way to get better yield.
Genetically modified soybean plants protect it from devastating pests which reduces need for
insecticides and preserves resources. We are who using traditionally methods to improve harvest
when plant disease cause significant losses, vegetables team’s do cross breeding to produce
cucumber resistance to disease.
Soil have billion of microbes some of them are beneficial for plants. As probiotics helps people
stay healthy there microbes help plants for early development, nutrient fixation and to provide
immunity against different diseases.
With the help of satellite we can predict how much fertilizer are in soil and now how much we
have to add in order to get optimum yield .
So we are working for farmers to provide sustainable agriculture solutions that is answers to the
situation that who that is why we are MONSANTO.
In 1901 Monsanto was founded in St. Louis, Missouri, as a chemical company. The founder was
John Francis Queeny. Monsanto expanded to Europe in 1919 in a partnership with Graesser's
Chemical Works at Cefn Mawr, Wales. The venture produced vanillin, aspirin and its raw
ingredient salicylic acid, and later rubber processing chemicals. In the 1920s, Monsanto
expanded into basic industrial chemicals such as sulfuric acid.
Monsanto scientists were among the first to genetically modify a plant cell, publishing their
results in 1983. Five years later the company conducted the first field tests of genetically
modified crops.
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Become an agribiotech
In 1996, Monsanto purchased Agracetus, the biotechnology company
that had generated the first transgenic cotton, soybeans, peanuts and
other crops.
Bayer,s mission
Sustainable agriculture is at the core of Bayer. It is committed to developing the technologies
that enable farmers to produce more crops while conserving more of the natural resources that
are essential to their success. Producing more. Conserving more. Improving lives. That’s
sustainable agriculture. And that’s what Bayer is all about.
Monsanto was established with the following objectives:
Develop better seeds
Monsanto’s research program centers on increasing yields for three key crops used for food,
feed, fiber and fuel – corn, soybeans and cotton. The company’s research pipeline uses more
precise breeding techniques to develop higher-yielding germplasm. Other technologies result in
plant traits that provide better protection against pests and better weed control.
Conserve resources
Monsanto’s research pipeline includes new corn, soybeans and cotton products that will result in
more production per unit of land, and reduced use of energy, fertilizer and water per unit
produced. Monsanto will track the progress of its products toward the goal of reducing by one-
third the cumulative amount of key resources like land, water and energy required per unit of
output. Monsanto will also undertake a series of partnerships that will address key environmental
issues associated with agriculture.
Help improve farmers’ lives
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The third element in Monsanto’s commitment is to improve the lives of farmers, including
smallholder and resource-poor farmers. Part of this commitment is offering products that
increase productivity and reduce the risks of farming, such as fewer inputs to manage insects,
weeds and other yield-robbing stresses.
Future plans
Monsanto will develop seeds that will reduce by one-third the amount of key resources required
to grow crops by the year 2030. The company will also join with others to address habitat loss
and water quality in agriculturally important areas.The company will help improve the lives of
farmers, including an additional 5 million people in resource-poor farm families by 2020.
Monsanto will double yield in its three core crops of corn, soybeans and cotton by 2030,
compared to a base year of 2000. The company will also establish a $10 million grant designed
to accelerate breakthrough public sector research in wheat and rice yield.
The ideal soil for growing corn is well-drained, preferably a sandy loam. Organic matter such as
compost, leaves and grass clippings can be added to soil to improve its overall quality and
improve drainage, particularly for heavy clay soil. Like most vegetables, corn grows best
in soil with a PH between 5.8 to 6.8.
Development stages
Vegetative and reproductive stages are determined on a whole-field basis when at least 50
percent of the plants have reached or are beyond a particular stage.
Vegetative stages
VE: Emergence of the shoot from the soil.
V1: Lowest leaf has a visible collar; this leaf has a rounded tip, unlike subsequent pointed
V2: Two lowest leaves have a visible collar.
V(n): “n” leaf collars present; there are 17 to 22 V stages before tassel emergence.
VT: Lowest branch of the tassel is visible, but silks have not emerged.
Reproductive stages
R1 (silk): any silk is visible.
R2 (blister): Kernels are small and white; the endosperm (kernel fluid) is clear.
R3 (milk): Kernels are yellow with milky white fluid.
R4 (dough): Kernel contents are pasty as starch accumulates.
R5 (dent): Most kernels are dented due to the starch hardening at the top of the kernel. As
maturity progresses, the starch hardens and the milk line moves toward the cob.
R6 (Black layer or physiological maturity): The milk line is no longer visible; a black
layer forms at the kernel’s attachment, which signifies the end of dry matter
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R1: Silks emerge and stress (especially drought) can interfere with pollination. Stress is
most yield limiting at this stage compared to other growth stages.
R2–R3: Stress causes kernel abortion starting from the ear tip. Severity of stress will
determine the extent of kernel loss.
R4–R5: Kernel moisture declines as starch content increases. Stress typically reduces
kernel weight.
R6: A black layer forms at the kernel’s attachment, blocking movement of dry matter to
the kernel. Stress has no yield effect unless plants lodge or ears are damaged, e.g., from
high winds or insect feeding
Root system
Corn has two identifiable root systems, seminal and nodal. The initial (seminal) root system
helps anchor seedlings and provides nutrients and water for early plant growth. The secondary
(nodal) root system forms where the mesocotyl and coleoptile meet. The nodal root system is
visible by approximately V2 and becomes dominant by V6. Seeds should be planted
approximately two inches deep for proper nodal root formation.
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Degree days
Corn development can be predicted by tracking degree days (DD), which measure heat
accumulation based on daily air temperatures. For example, shoot emergence occurs when
approximately 125 DD accumulate after planting. The base temperature for corn development is
50°F. Development of some insect species also may be predicted by using degree days, but the
base temperature may differ.
Estimate daily heat accumulation for corn:
Collect the daily high and low air temperatures and adjust (if necessary) for the base
(50°F) and maximum (86°F) temperatures. If the low is under 50°F, use 50°F to calculate
DD for that day. If the high exceeds 86°F, then use 86°F to calculate DD.
The average of the adjusted high and low temperatures minus the base temperature equals
the daily DD accumulation.
Add DD gained for each day to estimate the accumulated DD over time.
Production decision
Seeding rate
Optimal seeding rates vary from 28,000 to 42,000 seeds per acre based on specific field
conditions, genetics, and environments. Generally, a seeding rate of 33,000 seeds per acre will
maximize yield. Reduce seeding rates if water is limiting or if soil conditions are poor.
Planting date
Corn should be planted when soil temperatures are near 50°F and are expected to rise. In
soils below 50°F, seeds readily absorb water but will not initiate root or shoot growth.
This may lead to increased early season diseases, insect feeding, and herbicide injury if
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poor seedbed conditions persist. Therefore, it is better to wait until seedbed conditions are
suitable for planting to ensure good germination and seedling establishment.
Ideally, the best time to plant in 1st week of February to March for spring season.
Yields are reduced more when corn is planted too late rather than too early. If you do not
plant in the optimum February through March window, consider that yields are generally
reduced less from plantings 10 days before the optimum period than 10 days after.
Yields increasingly drop off once planting is delayed past mid-March.
Consider changing to shorter maturity hybrids if planting is delayed until early June.
Estimating population
Measure 1/1,000 of an acre (the table below is a guide for the length of row needed).
Count the number of plants in the measured area.
Count in at least six representative places across the field. Do not intentionally avoid
areas in rows with gaps; include these in areas assessed.
Multiply the average number of plants by 1,000 to obtain the final plant population per
Replant decisions
Replanting may be necessary following seedling damage or loss caused by early season
diseases, prolonged cold soils, frost, flooding, hail, or insect damage. Two scenarios
typically exist in fields with problematic stands:
Non-uniform emergence resulting in different plant heights or developmental stages.
A significantly lower population than desired.
Typically, replanting is beneficial only with reduced plant populations, not with uneven
emergence. To decide whether to replant:
Estimate the remaining plant population. Do not count plants in the affected area that are
severely injured.
Calculate expected yield from the existing stand.
Compare yield potential of the replanted crop with the potential yield of the existing crop.
Estimate replant costs. Replant costs include tillage, seed, fuel (for tillage and planting),
additional pesticides, labor, etc. The probability of fall frost damage to late planted corn
also is greater. Consider shorter maturity hybrids in very late replant situations.
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Cutting silage
In a typical season, chop corn at about 60 to 70
percent moisture (60 to 65% for upright silos and 65 to 70% for bunker silos and silage
bags where packing is more difficult). Corn will be approximately at R5, between 1⁄3 and
2⁄3 milk line.
Corn that is chopped when it is too wet will lose nutrients through seepage. Corn that is
chopped when it is too dry is difficult to pack, which allows oxygen to enter and disturb
fermentation. This enables yeasts and molds to grow and increases heating.
Frost may force the decision to harvest corn as silage with late maturing hybrids or late
plantings. If frost comes during the 1⁄3 to 2⁄3 milk line period, the whole-plant moisture
content should be sufficient for normal ensiling.
Using a commercial laboratory to test the silage moisture is always ideal but is most
critical with corn that has died prematurely.
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Cool, wet weather can lower daily drying rates to less than 0.3 percent per day.
Warm, dry weather can raise daily drying rates to 1 percent per day.
Late maturing hybrids dry slower than early maturing hybrids.
Hybrid traits associated with faster drying include thinner, fewer, and loose husk leaves;
ears with tips that protrude beyond the husks; early ear drop from an upright position; and
thinner, more permeable seed coats.
Planting date
Late planted corn dries slower than early planted corn. Field harvest losses Adjust harvest
equipment to minimize grain loss. Two kernels per square foot left behind the combine
represents one lost bushel per acre. One full ear lost per 1/1,000 acre represents 6 to 7
bushels per acre left in the field. Losses can be considerable in lodged or hail- damaged
Foliar Diseases
Anthracnose leaf spot
Description: Leaf lesions (spots) are oval, tan, or brown with a dark brown or purple
margin. Lesions range up to 1-inch-long and 1⁄2 inch wide and primarily occur on the
lowest leaves. On severely infected leaves, the lesions can grow together forming large
dead areas. These leaves may turn yellow and die. Best time to scout: V2 through V8
Scouting tip: This is typically the first foliar disease to occur during the growing season.
Disease may be more prevalent in fields where previously infected corn residue is
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Common rust
Description: Brick-red pustules (raised bumps) are oval or elongated, approximately 1⁄8-
inch-long, scattered sparsely or clustered together on both upper and lower leaf surfaces
in the mid- to upper canopy. The leaf tissue surrounding the pustules may become
yellow. Severely infected leaves can die. Best time to scout: V12 through R4; earlier in
seed production fields Scouting tip: Occurs in most corn fields. Raised, brick-red pustules
are diagnostic for common rust.
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Common rust
Stalk rot
Description: Symptoms include narrow, water-soaked lesions that grow together to form
large, shiny, black blotches or streaks on the stalk rind. The interior stalk tissue may be
blackened and shredded. Best time to scout: R5 through R6 Scouting tip: Disease may be
more prevalent in fields where previously infected corn residue is present and when
plants are stressed. Split stalks lengthwise to see the extent of infection.
Stalk rot
Ear rot
Fusarium ear rot Description: Symptoms include a white to pink, cottony mold that can
begin anywhere on the ear but often begins with insect damaged or split kernels. Usually
the entire ear is not rotted and affected kernels are scattered across the ear. Infected
kernels are usually tan or brown or have white streaks. The fungus produces the
mycotoxin fumonisin.
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Ear rot
Leaf blight
Description: Lesions are ½ inch wide by up to 1-inch long. They are oblong with
rounded ends that are tan with brown borders. Size and shape of lesions may vary
between inbreeds and hybrids with different genetics. Best time to scout: VT through R4;
earlier in seed production fields Scouting tip: Southern leaf blight is rare in hybrid corn in
Iowa, occurring predominantly in seed corn fields. Extended periods of cloudy weather
with frequent rains increase disease.
Leaf blight
Stem borer
Description: Maize stem borer is most destructive one. In sever infestation at
seedling stage it causes loss upto 75%. Damage is caused by caterpillars, which
first feed on young leaves but then later enter into the stem during first instar
larvae feed in young terminal leave producing characteristics pattern of small
Description: Larvae have dull orange stripes along each side of the body. Fleshy prolegs
on the abdomen have dark bands along their sides. Damage: Armyworms feed on the
leaves of both seedlings and mature plants and can cause severe defoliation. They
consume the softer leaf tissue, leaving the tougher midribs and stalk. Larvae typically
start feeding on the lower leaves before moving to the upper leaves. The head is brown
with a network of dark lines.
Corn earworm
Description: Larval color is extremely variable; they can be dark brown, green, light
purple, or yellow. Alternating dark and light stripes run the length of the body. The skin
has numerous tubercles (bumps), each with an erect hair. The head is mostly orange, or
occasionally green, and freckled. Damage: Larvae feed in the whorl, on silks, or inside
developing ears. Larvae that tunnel through the developing silks may interfere with
pollination and destroy kernels at the tip.
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Herbicide injury
Pigment inhibitors (bleachers)
Description: The predominant symptoms are leaf yellowing and bleaching (whitening) of
tissue. Injury typically develops on leaves emerging shortly after exposure to the
Nitrogen deficiency
Description: Nitrogen deficiency causes pale, yellowish-green plants with spindly stalks.
Because nitrogen is mobile in the plant, symptoms begin on the older leaves and progress
up the plant if the deficiency persists. Deficiency appears on leaves as V-shaped
yellowing starting at the tip and progressing down the midrib toward the leaf base.
Nitrogen deficiency
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Phosphorus deficiency
Description: Symptoms usually are visible on young plants. Plants are dark green with
reddish-purple leaf tips and margins on older leaves. Newly emerging leaves will not
show the coloration. Phosphorus-deficient plants are smaller and grow slower than plants
with adequate phosphorus. Deficiency symptoms nearly always disappear by the time
plants reach three feet tall.
Phosphorus deficiency
Potassium deficiency
Description: Symptoms first appear as yellowing and dying of lower leaf margins.
Plants with impaired root systems are most likely to show symptoms after about V6
when plant potassium uptake increases. Potassium is mobile in the plant. If the
deficiency persists, symptoms develop on higher leaves. Potassium-deficient corn tends
to lodge late in the season.
Potassium deficiency
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Magnesium deficiency
Description: Initial symptoms are yellow to white interveinal stripes on the lower
leaves. Dead, round spots sometimes follow, which look like beaded streaking. Older
leaves become reddish-purple and the tips and edges may die if the deficiency is severe.
Magnesium is mobile in the plant.
Magnesium deficiency
Zinc deficiency
Description: Symptoms appear as interveinal, light striping or a bleached band
beginning at the base of the leaf and extending toward the tip. The margins of the leaf,
the midrib area, and the leaf tip usually remain green. Internodes may be shortened. Zinc
is relatively immobile in the plant. Severe zinc deficiency may result in new leaves that
are nearly white, an effect called “white bud.
Zinc deficiency
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Fertilizer injury
Anhydrous ammonia (NH3)
Vapor damage can occur when ammonia escapes during sidedressing. Tissue that
contacts the ammonia is scorched and dies, but plants usually survive if only a portion of
the leaves is damaged. Anhydrous ammonia injury to roots results in uneven seedling
emergence, slow growth, plants with a spiked and blue-green appearance, and wilting of
seedlings. Injury causes brown roots and if severely injured, roots die and turn black back
to the seed. Ammonia injury is seen more frequently in dry weather because roots are
slow growing and water uptake is limited.
Anhydrous ammonia
Broadcast urea
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Granular urea broadcast across the top of growing corn results in some granules falling
in the whorl and lodging in leaf axils. Tan to white burn spots appear on leaves where
granules lodge. Leaf margins also may be burned. Plants outgrow this injury unless a
large amount of material lodges in the whorl, severely damaging leaves or injuring the
growing point. Urea-containing fertilizers banded with or near the seed can result in
uneven seedling emergence, stand loss, slow growth, and damaged roots as free
ammonia is released during its conversion to ammonium.
Root lodging
Root lodging occurs when a plant with a shallow or small root system leans from wind,
especially in saturated soils. Shallow root systems are associated with poor seed
placement and cool, wet soils during vegetative stages. Small root systems are associated
with corn rootworm larvae feeding, root rots, compacted soils, and overall poor root
development. Root lodging may be partially compensated if the plant resumes vertical
growth (goosenecking).
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Root logging
This center has the area of round about 2.5 acres. In this area, the offices and field area is included.
Hybrid maize is grown on larger psrt and hybrid vegetables are grown on smaller part.
Main objectives of Monsanto Learning Centre, Faisalabad are following:
Learning Centre for farmers.
Learning Centre for students.
Visiting and business place for stakeholders.
Visiting and observing as well as learning place for foreign delegates.
Current Status
Today, this Centre is headed by Mr. Kamran Ashraf. He joined this Centre on April, 2015. Mr. Faisal
Hameed regulates all activities of Seminas and Mr. Nadeem manages all the maize trial.
This plateform offers two internship programs for students, and different classes are invited here
at maturity stage of trial for purpose of learning.
Center has the area of round about 2.5 acres.
Trials planted at farm were planted in RCBD design, it is mostly used for planting in field
where conditions are not homogeneous.
Total of 6 trials were planted in the field were planted, i.e.
Hybrid Evaluation Trial.
Herbicide Evaluation Trial.
Seed Treatment Trial.
Insecticide Evaluation Trial.
GMO Seed Trial.
NYUT Trial.
Insecticide Trial
To check the more efficient against stem boror.
Total three treatments are planted in this trial, each with three replications. Each treatment of
every replication is planted in one plot. These plots are coded as 101…...103, 201…...203 and
The treatments used in this trial are:
1) Regent @ 30g/ acre.
2) Check (Furadon) @ 4 and 8 kg/ acre.
3) Control (untreated)
Dimension 5m x 6 rows
Farmer Practice:
In this plot we can treat the plants as farmer treat in the field.
Pre-emergence, post emergence use of herbicide and pesticide use against different pests.
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Farmer practice
Pheromone trap
Pheromone trap to capture fall army worms was set up in the field for further studies on insect
resistance in GMO maize. Fall Armyworms are now found as a major threat to maize crop. The
traps to be checked every alternate day and the insects found in it have to be reported in the
IIRM lab, Lahore.
Spring Hybrids:
1) DK-6103
2) DK-6724
3) DK-9108
4) DK-6317
Import from USA
Medium height
Short duration
Heat tolerant
Imported from Turkey
early maturity
Medium height
Short duration
Heat tolerant
Good stand ability
Import from India and Thailand.
late season.
High silage.
Max yield.
Greenish color.
Medium height
Short duration
Good stand ability
Imported from USA
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Visit to labs
Different steps are involved when seed is sent to lab for sampling. Seed is imported from other
countries like Europe, Mexico, Africa etc. Scanning of bar code is done. Seed is counted
effectively in seed counter & sets are prepared for each replication. Seed is treated with fungicide
(confidor = 7g/kg) and finally packing of seed is done with specific sample no. & seeds per
Then basic introduction on technology development was also given. It was told that plant
population vary plant to plant.
Seed Phyisology lab
In seed physiology lab we can learn how the germination test is perform.
Scientists work to identify genes that have the potential to benefit a plant grown by farmers.
When they identify a potentially beneficial gene, plant scientists make a copy of the desired
gene, and insert it into another plant. Each new GMO undergoes years of testing to ensure that it
brings value to farmers and is as safe as the non-GMO counterpart—on average, it takes 13 years
and costs $130 million to bring a GMO to market.
Step 2
A copy of the gene for the trait is transferred into a plant.
Step 3
The plant is tested to ensure that it is safe for people, animals, and the environment.
Step 4
After years of additional testing and reviews by government regulators around the world, the
new seeds are approved to be made available to farmers.
What is NK603?
NK603, is a technology with brand name Roundup Ready®. Corn NK603, is a genetically
modified (GM) maize producing a glyphosate-tolerant EPSPS enzyme (CP4 EPSPS) derived
from the CP4 strain of the common soil bacterium Agrobacterium sp. The glyphosate-tolerant
EPSPS enzyme ensures the continued function of the aromatic amino acid pathway, even in the
presence of the glyphosate herbicide. As a result of this genetic modification, NK603 is tolerant
to glyphosate, allowing its over-the-top use for selective weed control in the crop.
Glyphosate: mode of action
Glyphosate, the active substance in Roundup® branded formulations, is a broad-spectrum
herbicide that acts by inhibiting the enzyme (protein) “5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate
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synthase” (EPSPS). This enzyme, found naturally in all plants, fungi and bacteria, is important in
the production of the essential aromatic amino acids through a metabolic pathway that does not
exist in animals. Inhibition of EPSPS by glyphosate blocks the production of these amino acids,
interfering with the plant’s growth and ultimately leading to plant death (Alibhai and Stallings,
2001). When applied to weeds, glyphosate is taken up by the green leaves and is translocated to
the growth points (meristems), present mainly in young shoots and root tips, where it blocks
meristem development. Glyphosate is non-persistent and has limited mobility because it binds
tightly to soil. It does not bioaccumulate and presents minimal risk to terrestrial and aquatic
species including fish, birds, mammals and invertebrates. In addition, the compound presents
very low toxicity to humans. Glyphosate has been on the market for more than three decades and
is registered in most countries around the world.
The benefits of NK603
Control of a wide spectrum of weeds using a smaller number of herbicides. Glyphosate
has already been approved under this directive and can provide an environmentally
sustainable, flexible, and profitable alternative to existing weed control programs.
Flexible broad-spectrum weed control options that allows over-the-top applications of
glyphosate in maize on an “as needed” basis.
Contribution to achieve more consistency in the weed control results combined with the
full and superior selectivity of Roundup® on NK603 hybrids to protect the yield potential
of those hybrids.
An excellent fit with reduced tillage systems, which are linked to many environmental
advantages including improved soil and water quality, reduced soil erosion and runoff,
improved wildlife habitat and reduced fuel use and CO2 emissions.
The opportunity to replace several selective herbicides by a single broad-spectrum
herbicide with a favorable human health and environmental profile. The active ingredient
glyphosate is nonpersistent and has limited mobility as it binds tightly to soil. The
compound presents very low toxicity to humans. Furthermore, it does not bioaccumulate
and presents minimal risk to terrestrial and aquatic species including fish, birds,
An additional mode of action within the weed control in maize contributes to proactive
and sustainable weed resistance management in the crop rotation.
The practical use of NK603 systems in several world areas has proven cost-effective
weed control.
including the corn borer. However, by 2011, pests evolved resistance to Bt. Bt corn and
genetically modified organisms are controversial around the world.
Monsanto has developed MON 89034 as a second-generation insect protection corn
product to provide enhanced benefits for the control of lepidopteran insect pests. MON
89034 produces the Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2 proteins derived from Bacillus thuringiensis,
which are active against lepidopteran insect pests. MON 89034 serves corn growers’ need
for controlling a wider spectrum of lepidopteran pests and help assure the durability of Bt
corn. MON 89034 provides outstanding control of Ostrinia species such as European corn
borer and Asian corn borer, and Diatraea species such as southwestern corn borer and
sugarcane borer. Control of these insects provided by MON 89034 is comparable to MON
810. MON 89034 also provides a high-level control of fall armyworm throughout the
season, whereas MON 810 principally controls fall armyworm larvae during vegetative
growth stage. Furthermore, MON 89034 provides significantly improved protection from
damage caused by corn earworm than MON 810.
In addition to the wider spectrum of insect control, the combination of the Cry1A.105 and
Cry2Ab2 insecticidal proteins in a single plant, MON 89034, provides a much more
effective insect resistance management (IRM) tool. Comparative biophysical studies
indicate that the Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2 proteins have important differences in their
mode of action, specifically in the way in which they bind to the lepidopteran midgut.
Therefore, the probability of cross-resistance between these two proteins is low.
The data and information generated through multi-year tests and trials demonstrate that
MON89034 is safe as conventional corn as food and feed and safe to the environment.
This conclusion is based on multiple lines of evidence. The results demonstrate with
reasonable certainty that the Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2 proteins are unlikely to be allergens
or toxins.
The fourth line of evidence is the compositional and nutritional assessment which
confirms that MON 89034 grain and forage are compositionally equivalent to and as safe
as those of conventional corn. The stability of the integrated DNA was demonstrated by
the fact that the Southern blot fingerprint of MON 89034 was maintained for seven
generations tested in the breeding history.
The stability was further confirmed by the fact that the inheritance of the lepidopteran
protection trait in MON 89034 follows Mendelian segregation principles. The history of
safe use and data from multiple studies support the safety of MON 89034 and the
Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2 proteins. The two proteins belong to a family of Cry proteins
from Bacillus thuringiensis, an organism which has been used commercially in the U.S.
for over four decades to produce microbial pesticides. Bt corn expressing several Cry1
proteins and Bt cotton expressing both Cry1 and Cry2Ab2 proteins have been cultivated in
large areas in the U.S. and other countries for over a decade. The extremely low
mammalian toxicity of Bt-based microbial insecticides and Cry proteins has been
demonstrated in numerous safety studies, and there are no confirmed cases of allergic
reactions to Cry proteins. Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2 proteins do not share any amino acid
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sequence similarities with known allergens, gliadins, glutenin, or protein toxins which
have adverse effects to mammals.
Syngenta hybrids: OH-152, OH-597 and OH-2324
A pack of 1 kg is being sold with price range of 3800 Rs/- to 4000 Rs/- per pack.
Syngenta: Sahel
10 g seeds for 3300 Rs/-
Fito: Sandhiya
10 g pack for 700 Rs/-
Kalash: Chanak
10 g for 400 Rs/-
ICI Pakistan: Advanta 205, Advanta 206, Advanta 207
50 g for 525 Rs/-
ICI Pakistan: Advanta 110
50 g for 900 Rs/-
Fito: Golu
10 g for 250 Rs/-
CKD: Shmaila
ICI Pakistan: Advanta 406
10 g for 1200 Rs/-
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CKD: Skyland, Golden heart
10 g for 1800 Rs/-
Siddiq Sons: Malbec F1
Seed Rate: 1 kg per acre
Season: Oct - Nov
Siddiq Sons: Parthenocarpic Ramzan and Hashim
Seed Rate: 1800 – 2000 seeds per Acre
CKD: Turbo
Seed Rate: 8 kg per Acre
Season: Feb - Mar
Production Technology:
Plant grows best in warm season because frost causes damage. Optimum temperature for growth
is 21°- 25° C and optimum humidity is 60%. To determine the conditions in MLC
thermometer and hygrometer are attached in
the tunnels. To control the conditions the
number of polyethene sheets layering
the tunnels were removed or added as
per the requirement.
It grows well in all kinds of soil. Well
drained light soils are good for early crop,
whereas, high yields are obtained when grown in silt loam or clay loam. The pH should be 7-8.
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Seed Rate:
80g -100g per acre
Time of Planting:
Tomato can be grown in any season as it is a day neutral plant. Three crops are taken in areas
which are not affected by frost.
Kharif crop, transplanted in July
Rabi crop transplanted in October-November.
Zaid crop transplanted in February.
At MLC tomato was sown in Rabi season,
Date of sowing: 15th October’ 2019
Seed Treatment:
Seed is treated with carbendazim at the rate of 2g per kg of seeds.
Nursery Bed Preparation:
The seed bed should be 60-120 cm wide and 20-25 cm high. The length depends on number of
seedlings wanted. Cover the seeds with fine sand and straw. Water the seedbeds twice a day to
ensure sufficient moisture for germination.
Raising Seedlings:
Seeds are sown one month before transplanting time. After the seeds are sown mulching should
be done with green leaves. Mulch should be removed immediately after transplanting.
Land preparation:
2-4 ploughings are done for preparing the land with sufficient interval between two consecutive
ploughings along with the incorporation of sufficient quantity of FYM. Along with that we used
12 kg of DAP and 12 kg. of SOP for one canal
Methods of Transplanting:
In light soils seedlings are transplanted in furrows and in case of heavy soils in ridges. In MLC
the seedlings were transplanted on beds for tunnels.
PxP =45-50 cm RxR = 75-100 cm
Date of Transplanting: 1st November’ 2019
After 8-10 days of transplanting gap filling is necessary.
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SV 8552
The varieties sown in an open field are:
Alpha Prime
From all the varieties sown in the tunnel the test varieties were:
CV 5555, PS 64, SV 8047, SV 0684, SV 85552. While the other varieties were competitors.
From open varieties Suman and alpha prime were checks while other hybrids were test
Production Technology:
Cucumber crop is best suited for warm season regions and thrives best between 20°- 26° C
and the humidity of about 60%. Cucumber crop is very sensitive to frost, good yield can be
obtained in moderate temperature conditions.
Cucumber is cultivated in wide range of soils from sandy loam to heavy. Sandy loam soils,
clay loam soils rich in organic matter with good drainage are best for its cultivation. Soil pH
between 6.0-7.0 is good for better yield.
Seed Rate:
1.5 kg seeds per acre, sown through direct seeding method.
Seed Treatment:
It is rerecommended to treat cucumber seeds with Thiophanate methyl @ 2g/kg of seeds before
sowing in the prepared field.
Land Preparation:
Land should be prepared well enough to remove any weeds from previous crops. Giving 3-4
ploughings will get the soil to fine tilth stage. To make the soil rich in organic matter garden
manure or well decomposed farm yard manure is recommended.
Bed size used was: 0.6 m width x 27 m length.
Sowing Time:
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Cucumbers can be grown as both summer and monsoon crop. Summer crops are sown from
Jan-Feb whereas, rainy season crop are sown from June to July. Seeds are sown at:
PxP = 60-90 cm RxR = 1.5-2.5 m
Sowing date: 22nd October’ 2019 (for tunnel)
2nd April’ 2019 (for open varieties)
Training in Cucumber cultivation:
As the vines creep on ground, supporting the vines vertically will give more yield. Nylon wire
nets were used at MLC to support the plants. Timely rolling of the plants was done to keep
plant standing. Damaged fruits were removed in order to protect the healthy fruits from mal
Fertilizers and Chemicals:
Apart from the FYM, 50 kg of N and 25 kg of P should be given. Half dose of N and full dose of
P should be given at the time of sowing. Remaining half dose of nitrogen should be given one
month after the sowing. Recommended for one hectare of the land.
For 1 kanal, 12 kg DAP, 12 kg SOP, 0.5.57 Potash (at flowering) and 20 20 TE (after 1 month)
with first irrigation should be given. Spraying the crop with Izabian, hyphos and HK gold will
help produce better yield.
Picking and Data Recording:
22 pickings were done in total. First picking was done on 22 nd February’ 2019. Different
parameters including total weight, length and width of cucumbers were measured.
Cucumber Insects:
Insects Damage Control
Cutworm Cuts the stems near roots, Chlorpyriphos and phapranil
preventing nutrients to go to
other parts of plants.
Cucumber Diseases:
Diseases Damage Control
Anthracnose Grey spots appear on leaves Thiophanate methyl +
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These hybrids were planted in a tunnel and among all the three varieties, Anisha was planted
as a competitor.
Production Technology:
Capsicum requires same temperature conditions as the chilies. The best temperature for
capsicum is 22°-25° C. capsicum is very sensitive to frost conditions. High temperatures can
also result in flower/fruit drop, resulting in lower yield.
Well drained clay loam soils rich in organic matter are best for capsicum production. Suitable
pH range of soil for capsicum is 6-7.0
Seed Treatment:
Seed treatment should be done to avoid any seeded borne disease or pathogen from damaging
the plant. Treat with Thiram or Captan at the rate of 2g per kg. of seed.
Raising Seedlings:
Seedlings should be first raised in the nursery bed and then transplanted in the main field.
Seeds should be sown in rows and at 8-10 cm distance apart to get healthy germination.
Seedling area should be covered with a layer of soil manure mixture and the beds should be
irrigated to the optimum moisture level.
Date of sowing: 22th October’ 2019 for tunnel
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45-50 days old seedlings with 4-5 leaves should be transplanted to the main field. irrigate the
field before transplanting. Transplant in rows and irrigate the field after transplanting.
Date of transplanting: 9th November’ 2019
Spacing: PxP = 30-45 cm RxR = 90 cm
20-25 tone of well decomposed FYM per hectare of land is recommended. 1.5 kg of Urea per
kanal and NPK is needed in a ratio of 40:60:30 kg. per ha.
Picking and Data Recording:
Total of six pickings were done with 600 mounds per acre, in total. Different parameters were
measured and recorded after every picking.
Capsicum Insects:
Insects Damage Control
Thrips Sucks the cell sap and Radiant (sponotrosm)
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damage plats
Aphids Sucks the cell sap and Acetameprot
damage plats
Spider Mites Sucks the cell sap and Hexithiyazox
damage plats
The whole experience of working at Monsanto Learning Centre, University of Agriculture
Faisalabad was great. The Centre has a superb work culture, great minds and very high quality of
work. The environment is so friendly that work stress never comes in way. I learned a lot during
this period and acquired many professional skills. I hope my work on this station was satisfactory
and appreciable.