Goodsomnia AB - Investor Deck - 2023-04-20 HJH

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Our mission

«Our mission is to help people around the globe who snore

and have related health problems, by launching a game-
changing, preventive solution, which will help them stay
healthy longer and their partners/family to stay happy».
Snoring is a hidden dangerous mass health risk problem.
1.5 B people worldwide snore - 40% of adult men and 24% of adult women 40+ (increasing)

Affects relationship
with life partner
Age issues (soft palate Increases healthcare
loses its muscle tonus expenses (insurance costs)
and cause snoring)
Problem in details

Ineffective sleep Provoke dangerous

affects personal health
performance complications

Lack of awareness Reduces body's ability to

how to solve and withstand external risks
control snoring (pandemics, stress)

Wasting time for

uncomfortable and not
effective solutions
With Goodsomnia it is nothing to wear
or use during the night

Already after 2 minute a day for 3

weeks our medical validation show
50% - 65% reduction in snoring.

Goodsomnia reduce snoring and not

just mask it!

Goodsomnia Lab offers a deep snoring

analysis with an easy to use treatment
progress tracking powered by AI.

Goodsomnia Lab app also offer an

optional in app ECG analyses through our
Scientific proof
International patent
Patents granted in Sweden, EU, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea
and Australia so far. Patent pending for USA, Canada, India
Bio-mechanical muscle stimulation strengtens muscles
Biologic-free mechanically induced muscle regeneration.
Christine A. Cezar et al. PNAS February 9, 2016 113 (6) 1534-
A systematic review article in 2018 concluded that “Most of the
studies reported significant improvements in muscle strength
after the application of local vibration.”
Effect of localized vibration on muscle strength in healthy
adults: a systematic review. A.H.Alghadira et al, Physiotherapy
Volume 104, Issue 1, March 2018, 18-24.

Strengthening soft palate muscle reduces snoring

Effects of Oropharyngeal Exercises on Snoring: A Randomized
Trial. Ieto V et al. Chest. 2015 Sep;148(3):683-691.

Oropharyngeal and tongue exercises (myofunctional therapy)

for snoring: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Macario
C, et al. Sleep 2015; 38(5): 669-675.
Technology validation proof
New clinical studies conducted between Nov 2021–Feb 2022 including 12 new participants
showed a 50-65 % reduction in snoring after using the device for 2 minutes a day for just 21
days. Additional daily use will most probably increase the effect further.

All participants also reported that they felt better and more thoroughly rested.

Performed at ENT Clinic in Kharkiv, by D.M. Sc, ENT Prof. Grygoriy Garyuk, PhD in
Medical Science ENT, Associate Prof. Oleg Garyuk and ENT Doctor Igor Palevich.
The appropriate ENT scientific representative committee approved the project
design and qualification parameters
All the participants went initially through
• Professional assessment and anamnesis investigation with ENT doctor
• Active anterior rhinomanometry to be sure no physiopathology that can affect the results
• A sleep study using portable polysomnography equipment to evaluate chronic snoring
After 21 days of the snoring treatment program, the validation results were
checked for each participant, using portable polysomnography equipment
Detailed documentation of each participants data including sleep disordered
breathing and cardiovascular risks

A problem investigation tool for

customers, based on the qualitative
and quantitative snoring analysis (AI).

A brand-new, patented internationally,

biomechanical muscle stimulator for
snoring prevention and elimination.

Potential health complications screening

Hardware (cardiovascular diseases risk assessment)
and treatment progress tracking.

Subscription / Hardware
Products to launch

Hardware products Software products

Goodsomnia Stop- Goodsomnia Goodsomnia Lab app /

snoring device Replaceable head Premium subscription
€ 199 (excl. VAT) € 15 (excl. VAT) € 4.99 \ mo (excl. VAT)

Goodsomnia Goodsomnia Goodsomnia Lab app /

Sleep sensor ECG Pocket ECG ECG Health check add-on
€ 249 (excl. VAT) € 149 (excl. VAT) € 9.99 \ mo (excl. VAT)
Business model
• Consumer Hardware
• Software Subscription
Revenue streams 4%
Hardware (Biomechanical muscle stimulator)
Hardware (ECG and Sp02 sensors)

Acc (BMS-heads, Electrodes etc)

Monthly recurring
revenue (MRR) Subscription (Premium snoring analysis app) 15%

Business goals Subscription (Health check ECG add-on)

• To succeed in the local

Distribution model
market (Sweden)
• To scale the successful
model on the International
Direct sales Indirect sales Value-added resellers
• E-Commerce / • Retail pharmacies • Health Insurance
Sales agents companies
• Distributors
• Clinics, Hospitals (incl.
• Health App outpatient doctors)
• Dentists
Total addressable markets

Source - Frost & Sullivan

Competitors: Anti snoring solutions
Long-term Long-term Comfortable Proven clinical Software as a A complex Distribution Preventative Complications
Solution Price range Market segment Use case
results side-effects to sleep results Service support approach model tool screening
Biomechanical Hospitals, Clinics,
muscle stimulator Insurance Home Dentists,
or Advanced 4 months - \ Retail Pharmacies,
€ 199- 425 Clinic E-Commerce,
Sales agents

Surgery or implants
Inflammat Hospitals,
or High-end 4-5 years Clinic
ion, pain - - - -
€ 1K - 10K Clinics

CPAP machines
Insurance Only Inflammat Home Clinics,
or High-end during ion, dry - \ - E-Commerce, -
€ 1K - 4K use throat Clinic Sales agents

Electro muscle
stimulator Only
€ 79-95 Commodity during - - Home - - E-Commerce - -

€ 30-150 Dentists,
advancement Commodity Only
€ 500-1K Inflammat Retail
\ during - Home - - - -
(if made by ion Pharmacies,
Advanced use E-Commerce

Nose vents plugs

Only Retail
€ 5-15 Law-end during - - Home - - - Pharmacies, - -
use E-Commerce

Smart pillows Commodity Only Retail

€ 39-359 \ during - Home - - Pharmacies, - -
Advanced use E-Commerce
Total addressable market

First non-invasive solution which can control snoring Goodsomnia will use its mobile app as a marketing tool
problems. Nothing to wear at night. for faster and more effective markets penetration:
Easy-to-use wellbeing product to support and save the • We are doing a step by step app localisation, opening
lifestyle for aged people. Mass-market consumer and testing new geo markets, gathering data.

Patents in • We are testing the product portfolio and key

• Sweden, EU, Russia, China, Japan, Australia so far. messages using our app, using marketing
• Scientific and medical proof. automation.
• 15K app users
• 20K web visitors/month • We are prototyping omnichannel approach to support
our go-to-market strategy.
Source - Frost & Sullivan
Financial projection
Forecast € 2024-2027

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Revenues € Expenditures Net

Forecast € 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Revenues € 0 1 393 000 2 388 000 3 980 000 4 378 000 7 442 600 12 477 300 13 930 000 23 681 000 39 700 500 31 840 000 54 128 000 90 744 000
Amount sold 0 7 000 12 000 20 000 22 000 37 400 62 700 70 000 119 000 199 500 160 000 272 000 456 000

Expenditures 200 000 1 050 000 1 800 000 3 000 000 3 300 000 5 610 000 9 405 000 10 500 000 17 850 000 29 925 000 24 000 000 40 800 000 68 400 000
Net -200 000 343 000 588 000 980 000 1 078 000 1 832 600 3 072 300 3 430 000 5 831 000 9 775 500 7 840 000 13 328 000 22 344 000
A= Conservative volume, B= Target volume, C= High volume

Main markets: EU, CN, USA, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, India, Australia, Canada
*Market entry region can vary depending on financing.
Total addressable market

Source - Frost & Sullivan


What we are looking for?

Investment: +€200-500K for preparation and
production, launch and sales.
Almi Företagspartner will support us with €50K.

The money will be used for:

R&D, Final consumer design, Moulds, IT-systems,

Regulatory, Production line preparation, Commercial
production, Staff & Travel cost.
Networking with - Retail pharmacies, Health insurance
companies, Distributors, Dentists network, Corporates,
Health and Sleep disorder organisations and App’s etc.

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