Introduction To Computer

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is called the father of modern digital programble computer
and why?

The title "father of the modern digital programmable computer" is often attributed to Alan Turing.
Turing was a British mathematician, logician, and computer scientist who made significant
contributions to the field of theoretical computer science.

b.briefly discuss the genaration of computer

e development of computers is often categorized into different generations

based on significant advancements in technology and design. These
generations provide a historical perspective on the evolution of computers:
1. First Generation (1940s-1950s):
• Key Technology: Vacuum tubes were used as electronic switches.
• Characteristics: Large, expensive, and unreliable machines.
• Examples: ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer),
2. Second Generation (1950s-1960s):
• Key Technology: Transistors replaced vacuum tubes, leading to
smaller, more reliable, and efficient computers.
• Characteristics: Smaller in size, faster, and more reliable than first-
generation computers.
• Examples: IBM 1401, IBM 7090.
3. Third Generation (1960s-1970s):
• Key Technology: Integrated circuits (ICs) were introduced,
combining multiple transistors on a single chip.
• Characteristics: Smaller, more powerful, and energy-efficient
computers with improved performance.
• Examples: IBM System/360, DEC PDP-11.
4. Fourth Generation (1970s-1980s):
• Key Technology: Microprocessors emerged, placing entire CPU on
a single chip.
• Characteristics: Smaller, more affordable, and accessible to
individuals; personal computers (PCs) became popular.
• Examples: Intel 4004, Apple II, IBM PC.
5. Fifth Generation (1980s-Present):
• Key Technology: VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) technology,
parallel processing, artificial intelligence, and advanced software.
• Characteristics: Advancements in parallel processing, AI, and
integration of multiple technologies.
• Examples: Modern personal computers, smartphones,


a. explain non-positional and positional number system with


Non-positional and positional number systems are two ways to

represent numbers, and they differ in how the value of a digit
depends on its position within the number.
1. Positional Number System:
• In a positional number system, the value of a digit is
dependent on its position or place value within the
• The base or radix of the number system determines the
number of digits and their values.
• Common positional number systems include the decimal
system (base-10), binary system (base-2), octal system
(base-8), and hexadecimal system (base-16).
Example (Decimal System - Base 10):
• The number 325 can be broken down as follows:
• 5×1005×100 (units place)
• 2×1012×101 (tens place)
• 3×1023×102 (hundreds place)
Example (Binary System - Base 2):
• The binary number 1011 can be broken down as follows:
• 1×201×20 (rightmost bit)
• 1×211×21
• 0×220×22
• 1×231×23 (leftmost bit)
2. Non-Positional Number System:
• In a non-positional number system, the value of a digit is
independent of its position.
• Each digit carries a fixed value, and the order of the digits
doesn't affect the overall value of the number.
Example (Roman Numerals):
• In Roman numerals, each symbol represents a fixed value.
• Example: ��IX represents 9, where �I is 1 and �X is
10. The order doesn't matter; it's the combination of
symbols that determines the value.
Example (Tally Marks):
• Tally marks are a non-positional system where each mark
represents a fixed value (e.g., 1). The order of the marks
doesn't affect the total count.

b. what characteristics does value and base number system


1. Value:
• Characteristics: The numerical quantity a digit
represents within a number.
• Significance: Depends on the digit's position,
especially in positional number systems.
2. Base (Radix):
• Characteristics: The number of unique digits or
symbols in a number system.
• Significance: Determines the counting scheme and
the value associated with each position in a
a. briefly explain the processor and memory architecture of
computer system

The processor and memory architecture of a computer

system work together to execute programs and store data.
Here's a brief overview:
Processor (CPU - Central Processing Unit):
• Function: The CPU is the brain of the computer,
responsible for executing instructions of a program.
• Components: The CPU consists of an arithmetic logic
unit (ALU) for mathematical and logical operations,
control unit for managing instruction execution, and
registers for temporary data storage.
• Execution Cycle: The CPU fetches instructions from
memory, decodes them, executes the operations, and
stores the results.
• Primary Memory (RAM - Random Access Memory):
• Function: Stores data and instructions that the CPU
is actively using or processing.
• Characteristics: Volatile (loses data when power is
off), faster access times.
• Usage: Running applications, current workspaces,
actively used data.
• Secondary Memory (Storage Devices - HDD, SSD, etc.):
• Function: Stores data persistently for the long
• Characteristics: Non-volatile (retains data even
when power is off), slower access times compared
to RAM.
• Usage: Operating system, applications, files, and
user data.
• Cache Memory (L1, L2, L3 Cache):
• Function: Provides high-speed access to frequently
used instructions and data, bridging the speed gap
between CPU and RAM.
• Characteristics: Faster than RAM, smaller in size.
• Usage: Storing copies of frequently accessed data
to reduce CPU waiting time.
Architecture Interaction:
• Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle: The CPU fetches
instructions from RAM, decodes them to understand the
operation, executes the operation, and stores the result
back in memory.
• Cache Hierarchy: Caches store copies of frequently
accessed data to reduce the time the CPU spends
waiting for data from slower main memory.
b. describe the role of decoder of a CPU

The CPU decoder translates binary instructions into signals that

control the execution of operations within the processor,
coordinating the activities of different components.

a. What is instruction set? When do we say that a computer
is backward compatible with another?

Instruction Set:
• Definition: A set of commands that a computer's CPU
can understand and execute.
• Role: It defines the operations a processor can perform,
including arithmetic, logical, and data transfer
b) Backward Compatibility:
• Definition: A computer is backward compatible with
another if it can run software or instructions designed
for the older system.
• Significance: Allows new systems to use software and
programs developed for previous generations, ensuring
a smooth transition and support for older applications.
b. What is clock speed of a computer system? How does it
influence the overall computer system?

Clock Speed:
• Definition: Clock speed is the rate at which a computer's
central processing unit (CPU) executes instructions,
measured in Hertz (Hz) or Gigahertz (GHz).
Influence on Overall Computer System:
• Speed of Operations: Higher clock speed means the CPU
can execute more instructions per second.
• Performance Boost: Faster clock speed generally leads
to quicker task completion and improved overall system

c. Differentiate CISC and RISC Processor

CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing) and RISC
(Reduced Instruction Set Computing) processors differ in
their design philosophies:
CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing):
• Complexity: Supports a large set of instructions, some of
which may perform very complex operations.
• Instructions: Single instructions can perform multiple
low-level operations.
• Memory Access: More frequent memory access directly
from memory.
• Advantage: Potentially fewer instructions needed to
perform a task.
• Examples: x86 architecture (e.g., Intel and AMD
RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing):
• Simplicity: Emphasizes a smaller, simpler set of
• Instructions: Single instructions typically perform one
low-level operation.
• Memory Access: More reliance on register-based
operations, reducing memory access.
• Advantage: Streamlined, efficient, and often faster
execution of individual instructions.
• Examples: ARM, MIPS.

a.Registers processes the ability to receive
information, hold it temporally and it on as directed by
the control unit"- explain

Registers are like the computer's short-term memory. They can take in
information, hold it temporarily, and then pass it on as directed by the
control unit, which is like the manager telling them what to do.
b. Describe the functions of various registers briefly.

1. Program Counter (PC):

• Function: Keeps track of the memory address of the next instruction to be fetched.

2. Instruction Register (IR):

• Function: Holds the current instruction being executed.

3. Memory Address Register (MAR):

• Function: Stores the memory address for data or instructions to be fetched or


4. Memory Buffer Register (MBR):

• Function: Temporarily holds data fetched from or sent to memory.

5. Accumulator (ACC):

• Function: Used for intermediate storage of arithmetic and logic operation results.

6. General-Purpose Registers (GPR):

• Function: Hold data for general use during program execution.

7. Stack Pointer (SP):

• Function: Manages the address of the top of the stack in memory.

8. Index Register:

• Function: Helps in addressing specific locations in memory by holding an offset


9. Flag Register:

• Function: Stores flags indicating the status of the CPU after arithmetic or logic

Registers play crucial roles in the execution of instructions, managing memory addresses, storing
intermediate results, and facilitating efficient data manipulation within the CPU.
A . The storage is evaluated on what criteria? Explain in very

Storage is evaluated based on capacity (amount of data), speed

(read/write rate), volatility (data retention), cost, reliability,
access method, form factor (physical size), and durability. These
criteria help determine the suitability of storage for specific

b. Discuss various types of memory and show in diagram

1. Primary Memory (Volatile):

• RAM (Random Access Memory):

• Fast, volatile memory used for active programs and

• Divided into SRAM (Static RAM) and DRAM

(Dynamic RAM).
2. Secondary Memory (Non-Volatile):
• HDD (Hard Disk Drive):

• Traditional, high-capacity, slower storage.

• SSD (Solid State Drive):

• Faster, more durable, non-mechanical storage.

• Flash Memory:

• Used in USB drives, memory cards; non-volatile and

3. Cache Memory:
• L1, L2, L3 Cache:

• Small, high-speed memory close to the CPU.

• Stores frequently used data for quick access.

4. Register:
• Registers in CPU:

• Ultra-fast, small-capacity storage.

• Holds data being actively processed by the CPU.

(a) Middleware File transfer Protocol

(a) Middleware File Transfer Protocol (FTP):

• Middleware: Software that acts as an intermediary between
different applications or systems.
• FTP: Protocol for transferring files between computers on a
• Purpose: Facilitates file sharing and management in a
networked environment.

(b) World Wide Web (WWW):

• Definition: A system of interlinked hypertext documents

accessed via the internet.
• Components: Web pages, websites, and hyperlinks.
• Purpose: Enables information sharing, communication, and
multimedia content delivery.
(c) Internet Search Engines:

• Definition: Web-based tools that index and retrieve

information from the internet.
• Examples: Google, Bing, Yahoo.
• Purpose: Helps users find relevant information on the web.

(D) File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Power-Efficient Processors:

• FTP: Standard network protocol for file transfer.

• Power-Efficient Processors: CPUs designed to optimize energy
• Purpose: Enhances energy efficiency in file transfer operations,
reducing overall power consumption
• .

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