Project Risk Management Plan

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Risk analysis

Once risks have been identified, the risks are evaluated on a two dimensional matrix using a qualitative rating of the (i) impact of the risk and (ii) likelihood of the risk occurring to produce an overall level of risk indicator.

(i) Likelihood
Level Descriptor Description
1 Rare May occur in exceptional circumstances
2 Unlikely Could occur at some time
3 Possible Might occur at some time
4 Likely Will probably occur in most circumstances
5 Almost certain Is expected to occur in most circumstances

(ii) Impact
Level Descriptor Financial Safety Business activities Social impacts Reputation
1 Insignificant E.g. Less than $10,000 No injuries No disruption to the function No social impacts No significant adverse impact on organisation's reputation
2 Minor E.g. $10,001 - $100,000 First aid treatment Minimal disruption to the function Minimal social impacts Adverse impacts on the organisation's reputation
3 Moderate E.g $100,001 - $1M Medical treatment Significant disruption to the function Significant social impacts Direct adverse impact on the organisation's reputation
4 Major E.g $1M - $10M Extensive Major disruption to the function Major social impacts Direct adverse impact on the organisation's reputation
5 Catastrophic E.g. Greater than $10M injuries
Death Severe disruption to the function Severe ongoing impacts Extensive damage to organisation's reputation

(iii) Overall level of risk

Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
1 (rare) 1 Low Low Medium High High
2 (unlikely) 2 Low Low Medium High Extreme
3 (moderate) 3 Low Medium High Extreme Extreme
4 (likely) 4 Medium High High Extreme Extreme
5 (almost certain) 5 Medium High Extreme Extreme Extreme

Risks identified as extreme, and in some cases high, should be addressed immediately and a risk action plan completed.
All risks should be assessed in terms of their priority and those with the highest priority should be addressed first, followed by lower priority risks.
NOTE: This template has been prepopulated with a range of samples. When preparing the risk management plan, consider all risks relevant to your event and assess the risk level, response and control measures as appropriate.

Step 1. Identify Risk Responsibility Step 2. Assess Risk without controls Step 3. Control Measure Step 4. Implement Controls Step 5. Assess Risk

External Risk rating Action Plan Responsibility

Risk Internal Likelihood Impact Mitigation Plan Description Likelihood Impact What will we do if it happens?
Consequences (Outside of Pre-control risk rating with <insert title / name /
What can go wrong? (1-5) (1-5) What will we do to prevent it? (1-5) (1-5)
Organisation) controls initials>
Administration Administration
Complaint made by general public in relation Adverse publicity for <Organisation>. - Complaint management process in place and communicated. - Collect all details of the complaint and ensure the complaint is <Insert name, title or
General public finds the event offensive - Ensure responses to potential complaints have been prepared in consultation dealt with, followed up and a response is issued, if required. initials of responsible
to an event. and writes a letter to <Organisation>. - Record information in event report. people>
with media agency / <Organisation> management.
Event Venue, Suppliers
Coordinator and Contractors 2 2 Low Administrative - Ensure clear communication to mitigate complaints from disappointment.
- Event programming to be in line with objectives.
4 1 Medium

- Adequate management and security in place at the Event

Low number of nominations received. Insufficient nominations to judge or -Evaluate previous success rate and nomination numbers and develop a - Extend nomination period. <Insert name, title or
inappropriate nominations to award. targeted marketing database. - Implement new marketing techniques. initials of responsible
-Monitor nomination numbers in each category during the nominations period. - Request advice from judging panel for ideas on a way people>
-Review communication plan and implement new marketing activities as forward.
required. - Encourage nominations through targeted marketing phone
Coordinator 2 2 Low Administrative 2 3 Medium calls.
-Extend nomination period at discretion of Event Coordinators.

Contracted performance group only has $5 If there is a large incident caused by the -Ensure the contractual agreement has the level of insurance required. -Source options for one-off insurance coverage at the cost to <Insert name, title or
performance group, there may be a either the contractor, or the organisation. initials of responsible
million public liability insurance, not $20
million as requested.
shortfall which the <Organisation> will be
3 4 Extreme Administrative 1 3 Medium
-Request legal advise on how to proceed people>
liable to pay. -Withhold payment
Planning and Approvals Planning and Approvals
E.g. Director / board / upper management
2 5 Extreme #N/A
change program or run order prior to event.
E.g. Permit/s not approved. #N/A #N/A

Programming and Production

E.g. Hazardous substances used on stage or
during the event phase. (Examples: gas, #N/A #N/A
helium, fire, pyrotechnics, CO2 blowers etc)
E.g. Patron or participant are injured during
pre or post event production bump in or out #N/A #N/A
E.g. Budget overspend. #N/A #N/A
E.g. Suppliers not paid on time. #N/A #N/A
E.g. Sponsor fails to pay. #N/A #N/A
E.g. Breach of contract - services. #N/A #N/A
Public Relations and Marketing
E.g. Misinformation published/distributed to #N/A #N/A
E.g. Media not able to access event site. #N/A #N/A
E.g. Negative media. #N/A #N/A
E.g. Event website crashes. #N/A #N/A
Human Resources
E.g. Key staff sick or has to take unplanned #N/A #N/A
leave in lead up to project.
E.g. Available onsite staff / volunteers #N/A #N/A
E.g. Staff resources insufficient for size of #N/A #N/A
project and project delivery is compromised.
E.g. Key event staff do not show due to #N/A #N/A
illness etc.
E.g. External staff required onsite do not #N/A #N/A
show up for their role.
E.g. Failure to share pertinent information
between stakeholders, venue and suppliers #N/A #N/A
results in miscommunication.
E.g. Two way radios - handset and #N/A #N/A
accessories fail.
Environment and Climate
E.g. Inclement weather requiring event
cancellation. #N/A #N/A
Heavy rain or strong winds or extreme heat.

E.g. Damage caused to event site. #N/A #N/A

Health and Safety

E.g Staff or contractors untrained or #N/A #N/A
E.g A member of the general public is injured
during the bump in or bump out phase. #N/A #N/A

Entertainment and Programming

E.g Entertainment or artists not suited for #N/A #N/A
intended audience.
E.g Master of Ceremonies (MC) late or unable #N/A #N/A
to attend.
Safety and Security
Step 1. Identify Risk Responsibility Step 2. Assess Risk without controls Step 3. Control Measure Step 4. Implement Controls Step 5. Assess Risk

External Risk rating Action Plan Responsibility

Risk Internal Likelihood Impact Mitigation Plan Description Likelihood Impact What will we do if it happens?
Consequences (Outside of Pre-control risk rating with <insert title / name /
What can go wrong? (1-5) (1-5) What will we do to prevent it? (1-5) (1-5)
Organisation) controls initials>
E.g Alcohol fuelled violence. #N/A #N/A
E.g Patrons do not adhere to evacuation. #N/A #N/A
Crowd Management
E.g Patrons access stage or breach #N/A #N/A
backstage areas.
E.g Inappropriate/inadequate #N/A #N/A
barricades/fencing installed.
Traffic and Transport
E.g Accident/incident involving vehicle #N/A #N/A
movement inside within the event site.
E.g Closure of venue car park results in #N/A #N/A
Risk management plan
This risk assessment covers <Event name> delivered by the <Organisation> at <Venue> on <Date>.

Risk assessment compiled by: <INSERT NAME>

Date: <DATE>


Date of event: <EVENT


Event assumptions: All stakeholders to review this risk assessment to ascertain their responsibility and ability to
implement treatment options.

All documents, plans, policies, procedures, staffing levels, training and support referred to and
or required to ensure the treatments are effective as intended, will be in place.
All persons working to implement the proposed treatments will do so to the best of their ability
and as well as can be reasonably expected.

Insert detail on any other assumptions

Event exclusions: This risk assessment does not cover the risks associated with the following:
list any elements included in your event (for example: activation sites, media sites, markets,
fireworks) that are not directly controlled or managed by your Events team (if any)

Risk Assessment reviewed by: <INSERT NAME>

Date: <DATE>

Risk level Risk Description

EXTREME RISKS <List overview of notable extreme risks here>

HIGH RISKS <List overview of notable high risks here>

MEDIUM RISKS <List overview of notable medium risks here>

LOW RISKS <List overview of notable low risks here>

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