Final Demo Lesson Plaaannnnnn

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I.OBJECTIVES: At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to:
K: Describe DNA Replication.
S: Identify the key players in DNA replication and;
A: Appreciate the importance of DNA replication.
II. TOPIC : DNA replication
Reference : Department of Education, Philippines. Senior High School Self Learning Kit for
Organization and Management.

Materials : Activity sheet, sticker paper, PPT, laptop and TV.

Strategies Used : integrating, facilitating and inferring
Values Integration :Cultivates knowledge, responsibility, and appreciation for the
intricate processes driving genetic inheritance and sustaining


Preliminary Activities:

Everybody stand and let us pray.
Jemimah, please lead the prayer. Classmates, let us pray. In the name of the father
and of the son and of the holy spirit. Our Father,
Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, On earth as it
is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive
those who trespass against us. And lead us not
into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Students: Good Morning and Mabuhay! Ma’am

Good Morning, Class! Minguita, Good morning classmates.

Fixing Classroom (the students arrange their chairs and pick up dirt
Please arrange your chairs and pick up the on the floor)
pieces of dirt on the floor.

Students: Thank you, Ma’am.

Okay that’s enough, you may now sit.

Checking of the Attendance

Let’s check your attendance. Leaders of the
Benders, kindly check your members if
there are absents.
Ma. Licka: All are present Ma’am
Okay, Airbenders?
Jerome: All are here Ma’am.
Good, how about the Firebenders?
Jenepe; No one is absent Ma’am
Nice, Earthbenders?
Nealyn: No absent Ma’am.
Lastly, Waterbenders

Wow, all are present.

Review of the Lesson

Okay, before we proceed to our new lesson lets
have first a quick review with our previous

Last meeting, we discussed about DNA and RNA.

Now, what is DNA again?


Very good, how about RNA? Students: RIBONUCLIEC ACID Ma’am.

That’s right. And what is the structure of DNA?

Students: Double helix Ma’am.
Correct! DNA has four nucleotide those are,
Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosine.

Adenine bonds with?

Students: Thymine Ma’am!
That’s right. How about Guanine. What
nucleotide bonds with Guanine?

So, when we say that DNA strands are Anti- Students: Cytosine Ma’am!
parallel. What do you mean by that?
Yes, Jerrylyn? (Jerrylyn raise her hand)
Jerrylyn; this means they run in opposite
That’s right! So, from left to right, one of the direction ma’am.
strands run in the five to three direction.

And the other one goes in the three to five direction

from left to right.

Its nice to know that you familiarize and

understand our topic yesterday well. So, much for
that, today, we have new lesson.
Are you ready to listen?
Again, louder!
Students: Yes, we’re ready!

Students: Yes, we’re ready!

Development of the Lesson

But before that, let me ask you a question.
When you hear the word REPLICATION, what
comes into your mind? What do you know about

I have here a pentel pen, using a semantic map.

Write terms/phrases that have something to do

about replication. Now, who wants to start? Yes,

Bryan: I want to try Ma’am. (Bryan write the
word COPY)
Thank you, Bryan. Next?

Alright, let’s have first Jenepe, next is Nealyn and (Jenepe, Nealyn, Jerome, raises their hands)
Jerome. (Jenepe write the word PROCESS, Nealyn
DUPLICATE, while Jerome write

Thank you, students. Now, using the given words

in the diagram try to describe what is replication. (Maria Licka raise her hand)
Yes, Maria Licka?
Maria Licka: I think replication is the process of
making copies Ma’am.

That’s right, Maria Licka! When DNA replicates,

two identical copies of DNA molecules are
produced, which are exactly the same as the

Okay now, let’s play a Game called “4 Pics 1

word” are you familiar with this game?
Students: Yes, Ma’am!
Good, I will present to you four pictures and you’re
going to guess what specific words fits with the
photos presented. You should raise your hand first
before answering, okay? I will give you 5 seconds
to answer. Is that clear?

Let’s start. Students: Very clear Ma’am.

Yes, John Carl you are recognize. (John Carl raise his hand first)

Correct! Very Good John Carl. Next photo, John Carl: I think its DNA Ma’am.

ahead Christian. (Christian raise his hand)

Excellent! Christian. Let’s give them a BAGTIK Christian: I guess its REPLICATE Ma’am.
(Students do the BAGTIK clap)
Okay, what do you think is the idea behind the
pictures I flashed earlier?
Yes, Rey-Nel? (Rey-Nel raise his hand)

Rey-Nel: The idea behind the pictures that you

have flashed earlier Ma’am is related to our
topic which is DNA REPLICATION.
Absolutely! Thank you Rey-Nel. This Afternoon
we will explore hoe DNA replicates. Are you
familiar with the topic?

Great, let’s refresh your knowledge then. After Students: Familiar Ma’am.
hearing the topic what do you feel in this lesson?
Yes, Glenjie?

Good to hear that Glenjie, later we will feed that Glenjie: the topic seem interesting Ma’am, I feel
curiosity of yours. curious about what is the process of DNA
Okay. For you to fully understand our discussion,
kindly read the objectives of our lesson.

Students: Objectives: 1. Describe DNA

Thank you, so are the objectives clear? Replication. 2. Identify the key players in DNA
replication. 3. Appreciate DNA Replication.
Alright. Now Since you said you’re familiar with
the topic. We will explore the lesson through an Students: Very clear Ma’am!

Presentation of the Lesson

 Activity

In this activity we only need two groups, so

Earthbenders will Collab with Firebenders and
Waterbenders will collab with Airbenders, are you

With your benders family you will perform the

activity entitled “DNA MAKES DNA”. Students: Yes, Ma’am.

Each family will perform the activity and answer

the guide questions. After that, one representative
of each family will present their work to the class.
Now, go to your family and make a circle. Do it in
silence. Is that clear?

Okay, you have 10 seconds to do it.

…………….After 10 seconds……………… Students: Very clear Ma’am.

Okay, is everyone ready?
(Students go to their family silently)
That’s what I like! This time, kindly read the
Students: Born to be ready Ma’am!

I have here the materials that you needed. Each Students: Make a model of a DNA template to
family will have sticker shapes, and ¼ size determine the sequence of bases in the new
illustration board. Now, leaders come here in front DNA strand.
and get you materials.

Now, read the procedure please.

(leaders get the materials)

Task 1.
1. The teacher will provide a pattern of the
components that you will use as the backbone of
your DNA, which will serve you as guide for
your DNA strand.
Color code representation:
Phosphate = Blue
Deoxyribonucleic sugar = Green
Nitrogenous bases as follows:
Adenine = Yellow
Thymine = Pink
Guanine = Violet
Cytosine = Red

2. Paste all the cutout shapes according to its

representation color and start making a pattern
of the components of DNA given by your

3. after that, make a complementary strand for

the first strand that you made in step 2.

Students: very clear Ma’am!

Okay, is the procedure clear?

Good, but before we start please recite the rules for

me first.

W – orks quietly
A – lways cooperate with your group.
T – hink and give ideas
Just to remind you again that Adenine and Thymine E – njoy
are always paired together, and Cytosine and R – view your works.
Guanine are always paired.
You will be given 10 minutes to do the activity.
And here are the components of the backbone of
your DNA.



Start now.

…………………After 9 minutes………………
Benders you only have 1-minute remaining to
polish your work. (The students quietly start working together on
…………………After 1 minute……………… the task.)
Okay, time is up. Stop working now and focus on
me. Again, focus on me!
Students: Copy Ma’am.
Alright, this time let’s have Airbenders group to
present their work. Give them a hand please.
Students: Focus on you Ma’am!

Airbenders presenter: Good afternoon everyone,

we are the Airbenders presenter and here is our
output in task 1. So, let’s start here in the upper
part, what you see are the components of
Phosphate which is the Blue one and this green
here is Deoxyribonucleic sugar. Beside them are
the nitrogenous bases which are the Adenine,
Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine, Guanine, Adenine
and Thymine. Beside theme are their
complimentary strand which are Thymine,
Cytosine, Guanine, Adenine, Cytosine, Thymine
and Adenine. And on the other side is the same.
Here are the phosphate group and
Deoxyribonucleic sugar with the nitrogenous
bases and their complementary strand. That’s all
Wow, Great Job Airbenders! Let’s give them an thank you.
AYOS clap!
Students: 1,2,3…1,2,3, AYOS!

Alright, now without a further ado lets welcome the

Firebenders presenter!
Firebenders Presenter: Hi everyone! We're the
Airbenders, and we're excited to show you what
we've found for Task 1. Let's start at the top.
The blue stuff is called Phosphate, and the green
stuff is Deoxyribonucleic sugar. Next to them
are some important parts called Adenine,
Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine. They're like
the building blocks of DNA. And next to them
are their partners: Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine,
and Adenine. It's like they're best friends! This
pattern repeats on the other side too. So,
basically, we're showing you the different pieces
that make up DNA. Thanks for listening!

Excellent! Firebenders, let’s give them a BAGTIK Students: 1,2,3…1,2,3..BAGTIK!


Very good, students you did the task perfectly

 Analysis
This time, regarding to the task you’ve just done.
With the same group, I want you to answer the
guide Questions.
Please read the questions for me Airbenders. Airbenders: Task 2.
Guide Questions for the Airbenders.
Q1: Compare the two new strands of DNA. Are
they the same of different? Why?

Q2: How do the nucleotides in DNA pair?

Thank you! Next slide, please read it aloud

Firebenders. Firebenders: Task 2.
Guide Questions for the Firebenders.
Q3. How do you compare a DNA molecule to a

Q4: How does the structure of a DNA molecule

help account for the great variety of life that
exist on earth?

Thank you. So, I have here a ½ sheet of paper.

Write your answer there and choose 2
representatives to share your answer. You only
have 7 minutes to answer the question. Is that
enough? Students: Yes, Ma’am.

Great! Start now. (the students answer the task collaboratively)

………………..After 6 minutes…………………
Benders you only have 1 minute to finalize your
………………After 1 minute……………………
Okay! Time is up! Now, it’s time to share your
answers. Let’s start with the Firebenders! Let’s give Firebenders: Thank you classmates. Good
them a hand please. afternoon everyone, our answer in question 1 is
we think that if we compare the base pairing
with the original strand we can see that they are
just the same.

On the other hand in our answer in question 2 is

that Nucleotides in DNA pair up in a specific
way: Adenine always pairs with Thymine, and
Cytosine always pairs with Guanine. It's like a
puzzle where only certain pieces fit together.
That’s all thank you!

(Students give a round of applause)

Superb answer Firebenders! Give them another
round of applause please. Airbenders presenter: Hello everyone. So, our
answer in question 3 is that you can compare a
Alright, it’s time now Airbenders. Give them a DNA molecule to a zipper because, just like
hand please. how a zipper's teeth interlock to close, the
nucleotides in DNA strands pair up in a specific
sequence to form a double helix structure.

And in question 4, yes, the structure of a DNA

molecule allows for a great variety of life on
Earth because it carries the genetic information
that determines the traits of living organisms.
Through processes like replication and mutation,
DNA can create new combinations of genetic
material, leading to the diversity of life we see

Impressive Airbenders! Give them a round of

applause please. Thank you everyone for your
Students: Okay, Ma’am.
 Abstraction

This time, I want you to be all ears and listen to me.

Is that okay?

Great, let us come now to the discussion of our

(Ma. Licka raise her hand)
As you can see on this picture it is the summary of
what happens in DNA Replication. Ma. Licka: In DNA replication, two identical
DNA molecules are produced.
What do we need to remember for DNA
replication? Any idea? (Jerome raise his hand)
Yes, Ma. Licka?
Jerome: It means that from one strand of DNA it
would become two strands which are identical to
That’s right! Replication is similar to duplication. another.
What does it mean?
You’re recognize Jerome.

Very good! (Lexter raise his hand)

However, the process is semi-conservative.

Lexter: These molecules that speed up the rate
In this process we have what we called key players. of chemical reaction.
When we say enzymes what is it? Who have idea?
Yes, Lexter?

Correct. You need this enzymes in order to do Students: Yes Ma’am.

something to DNA. (Renchelle raise her hand)

Remember in our discussion of the difference Renchelle: The nitrogenous bases in DNA are
between DNA and RNA? glued together using what we call hydrogen
Who can recall? bonds and it is nearly impossible for hydrogen
Yes, Renchelle? bonds to be cut or to be separated from one
another without using this enzyme.



That’s right! now, what are those key players in

DNA Replication?

Again, for DNA Replication you start with a parent

strand and you come up with two daughters strand
which are identical to each other. Students: Helicase “the unzipping enzyme”.

Now I will introduce to you the key players of

DNA Replication so that you can get some
background. First is the?

If you recall that DNA has 2 strands, you can think

of Helicase unzipping the two strands of DNA.
Helicase doesn’t have a hard time doing that.

When unzipping, it breaks through the hydrogen

bonds that hold the DNA bases together.
Students: This enzymes replicates DNA
Now, the DNA POLYMERASE - the builder. molecules to actually build a new strand of
Students please read. DNA.

After that, is the Primase - the initializer. With as

great as DNA polymerase is, DNA polymerase
can’t figure out where to get started without
something called a Primer. Primase makes the
primer, so that DNA polymerase can figure out
where to go to start to work. Students: It is the initializer that give or serves
Again, what is Primase? the starting point for DNA Replication.

Students: It helps glue DNA fragments together,

it is an enzyme which connects two strands of
Next, Ligase - the gluer. Please read. DNA together.

Here I have a short DNA strand which we’ll be

using as an example for DNA Replication.

Again, DNA is double stranded.

What will happen during DNA replication? Students: During DNA Replication the DNA
unzips so what happens is that new nitrogenous
bases would attach to the strands that unzipped.
What do you think would be the nitrogenous bases
that will appear here? (Roselyn raise her hand)
Go ahead Roselyn.

Very Good! Now after DNA replication we have

two daughter strands.


And just like what the Firebenders answered in task

1, if we compare the base pairing with the original
strand we can see that they are just the same.

The only difference is that one part of each

daughters strand would be coming from the old or
the original strand and another part would be a new

This is what we meant by saying semi-conservative

during the start of our discussion.

Again class, what is DNA Replication? (Jomyca raise her hand)

Yes, Jomyca? Jomyca: It is the process of making copies of

That’s right! Is there have other idea? (Charlene raise her hand)
Yes, Charlene? Charlene: It ensures that all body cell must carry
the same genetic material and that instructions
are copied exactly for the next generation.

Very good. When DNA replicates, two identical

copies of DNA molecules are produced, which are
exactly the same as the original.

 Application
Now, after learning all that, let me ask you a
question. What is the importance of DNA (Gelie raised her hand)
replication? Yes, Gelie?
Gelie: For me Ma’am, DNA is important
because it insures that all body cell must carry
the same genetic material and that instructions
are copied exactly for the next generation.

Very good, Gelie. Thank you! Any other idea? (Vince raise his hand)
Okay, go ahead Vince. Vince: DNA replication is important since it
creates a next copy of DNA that have to go into
one of the two daughter cells when a cell
That’s right! Thank you Gelie.

 Assessment
Now, I will give you 5 minutes to have a review
about what we discuss today because later on we
will have an evaluation test. (Students start to study)
………………..After 5 minutes…………………
Time is up. Please keep your notes, books and other
unrelated materials on your desk. Only your pen
and paper needed. To assess your learning lets have
an evaluation test. Kindly read the instruction
Students: Identify the following statement. Write
your answers on a ½ sheet of paper.
In test one there will be 5 items identification and
in test 2 there will be 2 explanatory question. In test
1 the question will flash on the screen, you only
have 10 seconds to answer and we will move on to
the next question. While in test 2, you will be given
5 minutes to answer. Is the instruction clear?

Students: Very clear Ma’am.

Good, let’s start now.

1. It is a piece of making copies of DNA.

2. These are molecules that speed up the
rate of chemical reaction.
3. The unzipping enzymes hydrogen bonds
in between the nitrogenous base.
4. It is the initials that gives or serves the
starting point for DNA Replication.
5. It is an enzyme that replicate DNA to
build a new strand.

Now, its time for test 2. 1. What is DNA Replication?

2. Explain how DNA Replication works.

………………After 4 minutes……………..
Class, you only have 1 minute to answer.
………………After 1 minute……………….
Students, raise you pen and stop writing.
Exchange your papers and let’s check your answer
in test 1.
What’s your answer in number1. Students: DNA Replication Ma’am.

Correct! Next, number 2. Students: Enzymes Ma’am.

Correct! Next, number 3. Students: Helicase Ma’am.

Correct! Next, number 4. Students: Origin of Replication Ma’am.

Correct! Lastly, number 5. Students: DNA Polymerase Ma’am.

Correct! Very good class, seems like most of you

got perfect score today. Okay, give the paper to the

Now, who got perfect? Students: Me, Ma’am.

Wow! okay, pass your paper.

Now, who got 4 points? Students: Me, Ma’am.
Very good! Pass your paper.
Okay, to those who got 3 and less please pass your
paper. (Students pass their paper)

 Assignment
Alright class, since you can identify now the key
players in DNA replication I want you to have an
advance learning about the Process of DNA
Students: okay, Ma’am!
Good! And that ends our discussion today.
Goodbye class.
Students: Good bye and thank you Ma’am
Minguita, goodbye classmates.
Prepared by:
Submitted to: Student-Teacher Noted by:


Cooperating Teacher Head Teacher III

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