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ISSN (Online): 2455-3662

EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal

Volume: 9| Issue: 7| July 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2023: 8.224 || ISI Value: 1.188



Janice S. Capuyan1, Elizabeth D. Dioso, EdD.2

1Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Administration, Assumption College of Nabunturan,
2Doctor of Education, Professor, Assumption College of Nabunturan, Philippines

Children who do not consume enough of the essential nutrients in their diets are severely wasted. These people might not be able to do well in
school. In Proculo Fuentes Sr. Elementary School, there are five students identified as severely wasted for the past three consecutive school years.
A qualitative phenomenological study was conducted to explore the experiences, challenges, and the effects of malnutrition, and the
recommendations that the five severely wasted elementary students. Using the In-depth Interview (IDI), the data were collected from students and
it was revealed that malnutrition has affected the health of the participants which contributed to their low academic performance. They were already
aware at a young age that their height and weight set apart from others. They still want to learn in school, despite everything. However, they found
it challenging to study at school, particularly when it came to understanding lessons due to poor nutrition. They also recommended that their
parents should cook nutritious food for their children and that the Joint School Feeding Program should be conducted. Therefore, the school,
parents, and community need to work together to find a solution for the identified malnourished students.
KEYWORDS: Severely wasted elementary students, Malnutrition, In-depth interview (IDI), Qualitative-phenomenological, Proculo Fuentes
Sr. Elementary School

INTRODUCTION Their parents could not also provide them with a proper diet due
Severely wasted children are those who do not get enough of to the poverty situation. Most of these children have been
the essential nutrients in their diets. They are those who may observed that they have low performance academically.
not be able to perform well in school (Nabarro et al. 2012).
These are the kids who are malnourished. Ecker and Nene Moreover, based on the school’s data 18 pupils on average are
(2012) claim that malnutrition is a chronic condition that results wasted and 5 are severely wasted from the School Year 2017 -
from consuming too many or too few essential macro or 2018 to School Year 2019 – 2020 on an average population of
micronutrients in comparison to a person's physiological and 245. I observed that these 5 severely wasted pupils are
pathological needs. This condition is prevalent throughout the consistently on the list for consecutive three school years and
world's developing nations. do not perform well more specifically in their academics. Anent
to it, I would like to validate my observation in terms of their
Studies from all over the world have demonstrated that young experiences, challenges, effects of malnutrition and their
children who experience severe acute malnutrition have a poor recommendations to lessen the negative effects of malnutrition.
cognitive function, poor academic achievement, and behavioral
issues. Realities of Malnutrition. A vital component of health and
development is nutrition. Stronger immune systems, safer
In Proculo Fuentes Sr. Elementary School, School Division of pregnancies and deliveries, a decreased risk of non-
Davao De Oro where the researcher is currently teaching communicable illnesses (including diabetes and cardiovascular
consistently implemented the school-based feeding program. disease), and longer life spans are all associated with better
The primary recipients of the program are the wasted and nutrition. Kids that are healthy learn better. People who are well
severely wasted pupils across elementary levels of basic nourished are more productive and can open doors to
education. Despite the continuous implementation of the progressively end the cycles of hunger and poverty (WHO,
School Feeding Program, the trend of severely wasted learners 2023). However, malnutrition, in every form, presents
is increasing every school year. One of the root causes identified significant threats to human health. Today the world faces a
by the school is the lack of proper nutrition for these children. double burden of malnutrition that includes both undernutrition
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ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 9| Issue: 7| July 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2023: 8.224 || ISI Value: 1.188

and overweight, especially in low- and middle-income Interventions for Malnourished Children. UNICEF (2016)
countries. Malnutrition is one of the worst problems in the reported that across South Asia, government statistics indicate
world. Let us explore the real score of this health issue to be that less than five percent of severely wasted children are
Enlighted to cope and help mitigate its impact. According to receiving appropriate care and treatment. This unacceptable
the World Health Organization (2020), malnutrition occurs situation stems from several reasons. First, there is a perception
when the body lacks the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that the treatment of severe wasting is only relevant in an
necessary to sustain healthy tissues and organ function. It emergency or humanitarian contexts, while prevention is only
affects persons who are either underfed or overfed. In the applicable in stable or development settings. This is not true –
United States, dietary imbalances cause more malnutrition than every country in South Asia needs systems in place to both
nutritional deficiencies. Undernutrition occurs when not prevent and treat severe wasting in both crisis and stable
enough essential nutrients are consumed or when they are settings. Second, families often do not realise that their severely
excreted more rapidly than they can be replaced. Globally in wasted children need urgent medical assistance, and do not seek
2020, 149 million children under 5 were estimated to be stunted treatment until very late when the condition is more difficult to
(too short for age), 45 million were estimated to be wasted (too treat – if at all. Third, there is a belief among some medical
thin for height), and 38.9 million were overweight or obese. professionals that children with severe wasting need to be
Around 45% of deaths among children under 5 years of age are treated in a hospital or health facility. In the past, hospital
linked to undernutrition. admission was the only option available. However, we now
know that children can be safely treated in their homes and
Based on the definitions provided by the World Health communities provided they have no medical complications.
Organization (2010), as cited by Ghosh (2020) undernutrition
can be one of two types: protein-energy malnutrition or OBJECTIVES
micronutrient deficiency. Protein-energy malnutrition This research aims to explore the experiences, challenges,
manifests early during the ages of 6 months–2 years, resulting effects, and the recommendations of the five severely wasted
from irregular or no breastfeeding, introduction to low-protein students at Proculo Fuentes Sr. Elementary School.
food, and different types of infections (FAO, 2004). It is
measured by indicators such as wasting, stunting, being METHOD
underweight, or obesity. This study employed the qualitative phenomenological research
design that was used in exploring the experience, challenges,
Children of all ages can suffer from malnutrition, but young effects and the recommendations of the five severely wasted
children are the most susceptible. According to the World students at Proculo Fuentes Sr. Elementary School. Qualitative
Health Organization, malnutrition poses the single greatest risk research is a type of research that explores and provides deeper
to public health worldwide. Malnutrition is thought to be the insights into real-world problems (Tenny et al., 2022).
primary factor in the deaths of 3.1 million children worldwide Phenomenology (Giorgi, 2012) is a qualitative research tool for
each year and is the cause of long-term harm for millions more. describing how people respond to a particular phenomenon.
Children who are malnourished are more susceptible to serious Phenomenological research tries to put aside predudices and
illnesses. Chronic malnutrition or stunting, which occurs when preconceived notions about human perceptions, emotions, and
children are under weight for their age due to inadequate reactions to a situation. It enables the researchers to look into
nutrition, care, or living condition, can have a devastating and the experiences, understandings, and emotions of others who
long-lasting effect on a child’s physical and mental have observed or lived through the phenomenon or
development. circumstance of interest (McMillan & Schumacher 2010). The
researcher used the in-depth interview (IDI) in gathering data
Effects of Malnutrition on Children. Every country in the from the five participants who were selected purposively. The
world is affected by one or more forms of malnutrition. sample size of the participants satisfied the requirement in the
Combating malnutrition in all its forms is one of the greatest qualitative study using phenomenology (Creswell, 2007).
global health challenges. Women, infants, children, and
adolescents are at particular risk of malnutrition. Optimizing This study was conducted in Proculo Fuentes Sr. Elementary
nutrition early in life—including the 1000 days from School. It is in Fuentes, Pantukan, Davao De Oro. Pantukan is
conception to a child’s second birthday—ensures the best a coastal municipality in the province of Davao de Oro. The
possible start in life, with long-term benefits. Poverty amplifies municipality has a land area of 533.11 square kilometers or
the risk of and risks from, malnutrition. Poor people are more 205.83 square miles which constitutes 11.69% of Davao de
likely to be affected by different forms of malnutrition. Also, Oro's total area. Its population as determined by the 2020 Census
malnutrition increases healthcare costs, reduces productivity, was 90,786. This municipality is politically subdivided into 13
and slows economic growth, which can perpetuate a cycle of barangays with a density of 170 inhabitants per square
poverty and ill health (WHO, 2021). kilometer or 440 inhabitants per square mile. The municipality
is primarily dependent on mining but agriculture thrives in
2023 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013------------------------------------------------------------------- 377
ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 9| Issue: 7| July 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2023: 8.224 || ISI Value: 1.188

communities within its boundary. While small-scale mining transcribing, analyzing through thematic analysis, coding, and
operates in the town, a large mining operator has been granted interpreting the findings were done.
a permit to explore gold in the area. Gold deposits in Barangay During the data collection period, the analysis also began. The
Kingking alone are estimated to be at 10.3 million ounces with newly collected data were reviewed, synthesized, and recorded
copper deposits of 5.4 billion pounds. Nationwide Development to keep absolute, careful, and detailed records useful to the
Corporation (Nadecor) holds the Mineral Production Sharing study. After gathering a sufficient amount of data through the
Agreement (MPSA) for the Kingking mine site. conduct of IDI, thematic analysis is used to analyze further the
The researcher preferred to conduct the study in Proculo results and to check the disparities and similarities of all
Fuentes Elementary School, Pantukan Davao de Oro. The data responses gathered. This is the time wherein responses are
were collected from the identified severely wasted pupils and categorized and organized into themes.
their parents. Proper orientation was given to each of the
participants and made sure that personal views were set aside to Trustworthiness and Credibility
avoid biases, assumptions, and expectations which would affect Addressing the trustworthiness of a study is always been one of
the results of the study. The selection of the participants was the major concerns that most researchers are confronted with.
based on the school records that they have severely wasted There are a lot of questions that arise about the credibility of
pupils for three consecutive years. This was done to source qualitative research which is always compared to quantitative
comprehensive information that pertains to the concerns of the research. To address this issue, the researcher employed
study. significant viewpoints about the credibility and trustworthiness
Moreover, the researcher structured an interview guide with of the study by highlighting the following criteria by Shenton
open-ended questions utilized during the interview. The (2004) which were credibility, transferability, dependability,
research questions stipulated in the interview guide were and confirmability.
validated by a group of experts identified by the dean of the
graduate school. The said interview guide was utilized for the Credibility. It involved establishing that the results of the
actual in-depth interviews. But before conducting the interview, research are believable from the perspectives of the participants
a letter of permission was served first to the school principal to (Burton, 2013). Hence, several useful data-gathering
ask for his consent and to inform him about the research procedures and analyses were undertaken to ensure credible
endeavor. results. For generating rich information needed for the study,
IDI was done by utilizing an interview guide containing open-
Before the data were analyzed, it was transcribed in a verbatim ended questions. Responses of the participants underwent a
fashion for more comprehensible and organized output. To thematic analyst’s expertise to generate themes that served as
determine answers to the research questions, data interpretation the foundation and core ideas of the findings.
Transferability. Through illuminating key issues and seeking
A set of steps were followed in conducting the study. The a greater understanding of the phenomenon being studied,
researcher sought permission from the Division Superintendent useful information on the experiences of the severely wasted
of Davao de Oro through a letter conveying the reasons to pupils was generated from the study. Other researchers used
conduct the study. Upon the approval of the superintendent, this study as the baseline for the investigation and exploration
another letter was prepared for the principal of Proculo Fuentes of relevant ideas about the challenges they encountered.
Sr. Elementary School to allow her to conduct the study at the
same time the parents of the five severely wasted students were Dependability. Data gathered were coded in detail to ensure
also informed that their children were the participants of this the dependability of the study. Through the help of an audio
study. device which was supplemented by archival notes, everything
was carefully done. Coding and transcribing responses were
The data were collected through IDI which was the only method done in Bisaya or Filipino languages and were transcribed into
of gathering data from the participants to provide a more English to make them comprehensible for the readers.
profound understanding of specific viewpoints. The said
interview utilized the interview guide prepared by the Confirmability. To be able to achieve confirmability, results
researcher. A free-flowing discussion with the participants as from the study were substantiated by others specifically the
well as a non-threatening environment was assured during the parents of the severely wasted pupils, and not by my
interview. The identified participants were informed personally predisposition. To avoid biased results, the researcher’s
ahead of time about the discussion so they would not be taken engagement in the processes was done. With this,
by surprise. Upon the conduct of the interview, it was ensured confirmability is promoted and emphasized ensuring that the
that health protocols were applied to maintain safety for both responses were coming from the direct experiences of the
the researcher and the participants. After the data collection, participants.

2023 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013------------------------------------------------------------------- 378

ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 9| Issue: 7| July 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2023: 8.224 || ISI Value: 1.188

Ethical Considerations participants’ experiences of having difficulty learning could be

It was always emphasized that to achieve factual and desirable attributed to having not eaten healthy food and due to the effects
results in every study, ethical considerations were greatly of being severely wasted at an early age as gleaned from the
considered. According to Gilbert (2008), whatever research data in the first structured themes. Because of such
undertaking was to be employed, the study must always have to circumstances, missing classes is another effect on their studies.
be guided by the following ethical principles: informed consent, Chinyoka (2014) as cited by Shabbir et al. (2019) found that
respect for privacy and confidentiality, and no harm and malnutrition affects academic performance. The results of the
deception to research participants. To avoid ethical study demonstrate that undernourished and hungry children are
complications in the research process, the researcher made use less capable to attend school and if attend they face problems in
of the informed consent form. Consent to administer the concentrating and learning, and also have no interest to take part
research was asked from the school head. in physical activities like sports events. However, despite the
challenges faced by these pupils, they still have the opportunity
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION to be able to know how to read. Clearly, the results show that
The structured themes and the emerging therein were made as hunger has a negative impact on students' academic
bases for broadening the discussion of the findings in this study. performance.
As each theme was linked to related literature and studies, a
substantial discussion was made to find their alignment with the To further revealed their experiences, let us explore the third
theme. structure theme of their experiences as severely wasted pupils
which is the description of the informants learn in school. This
Experiences of the Severely Wasted Pupils The structured is derived from the following emerging themes: (a) Listen to
themes generated in this aspect are, (a) Considering Themselves Teachers; (b) Finding Learning Easy; (c) Find Ways Know
Malnourished At An Early Age; (b)Having Difficulty Learning; How To Read. These emerging themes show the positive side
(c) Having Desire To Learn In School, and (d) Having A Family of being severely wasted pupils in terms of their experience in
With Low-income Status. Based on those themes, the school as they study. These experiences could be affected by
experiences of the severely wasted pupils are coated with external factors. The severely wasted pupils still see the beauty
challenges and effects on their health and studies. It is a sad of studying due to the help of their teachers, and parents, as they
reality that at an early age they realized that they belonged to are also motivated by the fire of passion deep in their hearts to
the severely wasted pupils. According to the World Health finish their studies amidst their situation. On the other hand,
Organization (2011), malnutrition can occur in children of all despite the difficulties that hungry children face, it is clear that
ages, but young children are the most vulnerable. The first they remain hopeful about their academics.
structured theme is supported by the following emerging
themes: (a) Started Early being Severely Wasted; (b) Do Not Lastly, economic status at home is one of the structured themes
Eat Healthy Foods, and (c) Body and Height Are Different under the experiences of the severely wasted pupils which come
From Other Learners. One of the reasons for their being from the following emerging themes: (a) Parents with unstable
severely wasted is that they do not eat healthy foods. income; (b) Father or mother Being Sole breadwinner; (c)
Malnutrition occurs when the body lacks the vitamins, Financially hard-up after the parents’ separation. These
minerals, and other nutrients necessary to sustain healthy experiences are ultimately the reason why they became severely
tissues and organ function. It affects persons who are either wasted. It was also revealed in the emerging themes that they
underfed or overfed (John Hopkins Medicine, n.d.). have parents with an unstable income, the father being the sole
breadwinner, financially hard-up after the parents’ separation,
Another experience that the severely wasted pupils realized is and the mother sole breadwinner. Poverty amplifies the risk of
that they observed that their bodies and height are different from and risks from, malnutrition. Poor people are more likely to be
other pupils. According to Briet et al. (2003), the consequences affected by different forms of malnutrition. Also, malnutrition
of prolonged malnutrition are sequentially altered cellular increases healthcare costs, reduces productivity, and slows
metabolism, impaired function, and finally, loss of body tissues. economic growth, which can perpetuate a cycle of poverty and
Thus, the findings show that malnourished children are aware ill health (WHO, 2021). According to Aceron and Aceron
of the type of food they eat at a young age, which they feel is (2019) students are suffering from malnutrition, and its
one of the contributing elements to their severely depleted prevalence was high. The income of families was not sufficient
physical looks. This awareness of the youngster must be to support the education of their children since other basic needs
handled quickly since it may have an impact on their education would be primarily their priority.
and personality.
Challenges encountered by the Severely Wasted in
The second structure theme emerged from the following sub- Learning at home and in school
themes: (a) Having difficulty learning (b) Missing classes due Three themes were generated related to this area which are
to health reasons, and (c) Able to know how to read. The challenges encountered in learning at home, academic
2023 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013------------------------------------------------------------------- 379
ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 9| Issue: 7| July 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2023: 8.224 || ISI Value: 1.188

challenges encountered, and problems related to health. development. Undernutrition also harms academic performance
Because of being severely wasted, they found it hard to learn (Asmare et al. (2018). Therefore, poor nutrition has negative
even at home. impact on the studies of the pupils.

The first theme under this section focuses on the challenges Implications for Practice
encountered in learning at home. This theme emerged from the Based on the findings, the following implications for practice
following sub-themes: (a) Nobody to guide learning; (b) are offered.
Uninterested to learn at home; and (c) Many modules to answer. On Experiences of the Severely Wasted Pupils. After being
One of the reasons for having such experiences is that their enlightened by the severely wasted pupils’ dramatic experience,
parents could no longer guide theme in the lessons because they it is realized that malnutrition poses challenging effects on
are busy looking for livelihood. When no one could guide them children’s health and leads to poor academic performance.
at school especially when they have to answer many modules Hence, the school, parents, and the community should work
lead to a poor interest in learning at home. These experiences hand in hand to provide a remedy for the identified
added to the clouded situation of the severely wasted pupils as malnourished children in school.
they are trapped in their nutritional status
On Challenges encountered by the Severely Wasted in
Aside from the challenges they experience in learning at home Learning. Difficulty in learning is the number challenge of
they also faced other challenges in their pursuit of academic severely wasted children. After providing them with a remedy
achievement in school which is reflected in the second theme, for proper nutrition intake, academic remediation should also
the academic challenges encountered. This theme is also the be done by the teachers with the support of their families.
product of combining the following emerging themes: (a)
Problems with comprehension; (b) Experiencing difficulty in On Effects of poor nutrition on the performance of severely
class; (c) Problems with Math subject. Another challenge that wasted pupils. It is the primary role of the teachers to augment
they faced as severely wasted pupils is that they are slow to and bridge the learning gaps of the pupils. In the case of
learn in class. severely wasted learners, it is quite challenging for the teachers
Lastly, problems related to health status is another theme under since their performance is affected by their poor nutrition.
the participants’ experiences encountered in learning at home However, the teachers must be very patient and passionate in
and in school. This theme comes from the following emerging uplifting the morale of these learners. They must help them.
themes: (a) Eating only a small amount of food, and (b) No
vitamin intake. These severely wasted pupils have faced the On Recommendations to lessen the negative impact of poor
challenge of not being provided with proper nutrition by their nutrition on the severely wasted pupils. Those
parents. One of the reasons could be due to poverty. Poverty is recommendations are coming from the mind and hearts of the
the number one cause of malnutrition in developing countries. severely wasted pupils themselves. They are expressing a
Often, families living in poverty lack access to fresh fruits and genuine call for help. Therefore, their recommendations should
vegetables. Many communities do not have full-service grocery be provided by the school, their respective family, and any right
stores that regularly stock fresh produce. Even if they do, fresh individuals concerned. They must also be replicated in other
fruits and vegetables can be expensive. When fresh fruits and schools with a similar case.
vegetables are out of reach for children, they can fill up on less
expensive, less healthy foods (Global Childhood Report, 2018). CONCLUSION
The case of the five severely wasted pupils in Proculo Fuentes
Effects of poor nutrition on the performance of severely Sr. Elementary School shed light that their lived experiences are
wasted pupils. There is only one theme generated in this part very challenging. At an early age, they have to realize that they
which is the effect of poor nutrition. This is derived from the are different from others in terms of height and body weight.
following emerging themes: Affecting Learning and Despite that, they still have the desire to learn in school.
Comprehension, Uninterested listening in Class, and Missing However, they found it hard to learn in school especially in
Some Classes. Generally, the direct effect of being severely lesson comprehension as affected by poor nutrition. Thus, they
wasted is having difficulty in learning as a by-product of poor should be provided with good nutrition by their family and
comprehension. Chinyoka (2014) as cited by Shabbir et al. supported by the school in terms of the feeding program.
(2019) found that malnutrition affects academic performance.
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ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 9| Issue: 7| July 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2023: 8.224 || ISI Value: 1.188

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